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flotillaiot · 4 years
Evolution of Fleet Management Systems
A few decades back, no one could have imagined a mechanism that can offer real-time monitoring of vehicles. It seemed to be a farfetched idea until GPS trackers came along. The GPS tracking revolutionized the operations of various fleet businesses including logistics, supply chain and delivery etc. and their productivity skyrocketed.
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When the conventional mechanism proved to be insufficient for the growing demands of the market, an innovative mechanism was introduced called Fleet Management System. This technology provided a GPS tracking software where all operations of fleet-related businesses can be managed and monitored. The businesses welcomed this innovative system with open arms as it offered them both convenience and efficiency. With time, new advancements have been made to the technology to meet the changing market requirements, and this blog will cater to them. The History of Fleet Management Systems: Concept of fleet management has been around for over fifty years now. The businesses used to employ conventional technologies like relying on fleet managers to perform all the tasks back in the day. Let us have a detailed look at the embryonic stages of the fleet telematics technology. Inception: The idea of managing fleets was conceived by the U.S. automobile industry before the invention of GPS back in 1974. It employed the basic functionalities of fleet telematics like order processing, status reporting, and automated communication etc. The mega automobile manufacturers like Ford, General Motors and Chrysler made use of the electronically processed management mechanism for their fleets. At that time, mainframe computers were used to manage fleet operations. In the latter half of the 1970s, the concept of telematics was introduced to the world. Alain Minc and Simon Nora of France defined it using telecommunications to transfer information. After this groundbreaking discovery, more research was conducted to ensure that this technology is made eco-friendly and viable for businesses. Introduction of GPS: In 1978, an experimental satellite Block-I GPS manufactured by Rockwell International was sent into space. Following the footsteps of this launch, another ten Block-I satellites were sent into space in 1985 to enhance the validity of GPS technology. As the number of satellites orbiting the earth increased, the probability of GPS tracking becoming functional also rose. Finally, on Jan 17 1994, a total of 24 satellites were launched in space, making the GPS technology fully operational. Post Fully Functional GPS Technology: The invention of GPS Technology brought a revolution in the scope of fleet telematics with infinite possibilities ahead. It not only changed the method of leading organizations to manage their fleet but also provided researchers with a defining stepping stone to produce clutter-breaking ideas. Addition of New Features: Once GPS technology became functional, many other features were also included in the telematics systems to enhance their efficiency. For example, staff performance management and weather forecast systems were integrated with the fleet telematics technology in a few years after GPS was made functional. One of the most significant benefits of GPS technology was accuracy which became better with time. With the use of GPS, businesses can strictly monitor every vehicle in their fleet resulting in more efficiency and productivity. Automation: Post GPS vehicle tracking, the main emphasis of research has been on making the mechanism more seamless. The integration of different apps and systems with a centralized telematics system allowed businesses to get better automation during daily operations. Various features like fleet maintenance, notification alerts and reporting were introduced to broaden the scope of the telematics system and make it potentially viable for businesses. Geofencing: Geo-fencing is a revolutionary technique introduced using GPS technology as its basis. It has served the purpose of businesses around the world in many ways by strengthening security, preventing route deviation, enhancing productivity etc. With geofencing, companies can strictly monitor the activity of every vehicle in their fleet and take quick measures in case of an emergency. Future Potential: The fleet telematics is a booming industry with constant induction of new functionalities in the technology. Limitless possibilities are lying ahead for the researchers and innovators related to this field. Induction of AR (Augmented Reality) Technology: When AR first appeared to the scene, everyone was amazed by it. It provided a more optimized and refined appearance of reality to the viewers. Keeping its visual benefits in mind, the fleet telematics industry is looking to use it to improve the safety of the drivers. The modern research shows prospects of AR’s assistance in identifying the presence of obstacles in the path while driving. The idea of using the windshield as a screen to detect hurdles is in the pipeline, whereas AR’s integration with a telematics system is also probable. The goal is to assist the drivers in the best possible way by using AR technology. Self-Driving Vehicles: The concept of self-drive is not new anymore as it is under process from quite some time now. Many giant car producers have worked on this technology and provided some features that fall under this category. However, the goal of achieving a fully autonomous vehicle is on the cards and soon to be achieved. Once autonomous vehicles are designed, the telematics systems will be reshaped. The self-driving vehicles will open up many possibilities for AI(Artificial intelligence) that can add to the efficiency and interactivity of the telematics systems. Keeping the start of fleet management in view, it is evident that this technology has come a long way. Despite all the advancements, still, there is a lot of room for improvement and innovation. The research and development process of the telematics seems to be on the right track to becoming more efficient and convenient.
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filtration-products · 6 years
Clarifying the Data Stream | Water & Wastes Digest
When the Brazos Regional Public Utility Agency in Texas wanted to improve and expand its systems for supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and human-machine interface (HMI), it could have stuck with its familiar vendor. But switching to a different software package is paying off for the agency, which is based in Granbury, Texas, about 70 miles west of Dallas.
In 2016, the agency wanted to upgrade its SCADA system, but the cost of adding more tags would have been prohibitive. So the agency chose to replace the old system with Ignition by Inductive Automation. Ignition is an industrial application platform with tools for building solutions in SCADA, HMI, and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Agency managers said the new software, the agency gets better control of its systems, improved reporting capabilities, greater data integrity, simplified training and lower costs.
“It’s probably the best move we’ve made so far,” said Alain Richard, operations manager for the agency. “It’s going to give us more flexibility, as far as our operations are concerned. It’s going to make it a lot easier for monitoring, and for our training.” 
Ignition uses an unlimited licensing model, enabling industrial organizations to expand their systems with no additional costs for adding tags, devices, clients or projects. With the new software, the agency went from 30,000 tags to 55,000, and has the ability to add many more without additional cost.
“The main thing was the unlimited number of tags,” Richard said. “As we move forward, we’re looking at automating a lot of our systems, so we need a lot of room for more tags. The price from [the previous provider] was way out there; it was a lot of money.” 
The change to Ignition is part of a larger effort by the agency to automate more processes and leverage technology to improve efficiency.
Expansion Mode
The Brazos Regional Public Utility Agency was created in 2012 to achieve economies of scale in providing water systems to the public through ownership and operation of a water treatment plant and related facilities. It is a joint venture between Acton Municipal Utility District and Johnson County Special Utility District. The two districts serve 22,000 customers and provide wholesale water to other municipalities. 
The agency has one water treatment facility with a production capacity of 13.5 million gal per day. The plant consists of a traditional filtered water operation and an ultrafiltration (UF) and reverse osmosis (RO) operation. It was built in the late 1980s, and receives raw water through one intake located on Lake Granbury, which is fed by the Brazos River.
In choosing and implementing the new software, the agency was assisted by H2O Innovation, a system integrator with headquarters in Quebec City. H2O Innovation designs and provides state-of-the-art, custom-built water treatment solutions based on membrane filtration technology. 
H2O was awarded the project in August 2016, with a planned timeline of 12 to 16 months. But the project was expanded along the way to include the agency’s RO and UF systems.
“The agency liked what they saw in our preliminary screens,” said Paul Bartlett, manager of automation and controls engineering for H2O Innovation. “They saw value in what we were doing, and they knew there weren’t any limitations or costs beyond the initial cost of the software.” 
That made it easy to expand the scope of the project. The agency began using parts of the system in the summer of 2017, and all facets were installed by the end of May 2018.
With unlimited tags, the Brazos Regional Public Utility Agency in Texas increased from 30,000 tags to 55,000 to better track its systems.
Faster Reporting
The agency had clear objectives for the upgrade. “I wanted to centralize everything,” Richard said. “I wanted the operators to only have to deal with one system. And when H2O told us we could have that and also have all our reports, including our state agency reports, done in that system, that was a big deal to us.”
The new system also gave a greater level of control. “I wanted to have access to all the controls,” Richard said. “For everything at the plant, I wanted us to be able to log into the system and be able to control it. That’s something we didn’t have before. The other system was mostly a view screen, and you couldn’t control everything. None of my ultrafiltration could be controlled. But now with Ignition, I can control everything.”
A much smoother, faster process for reporting has been a key benefit with the new software. This includes critical reports that the Agency must submit to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). 
“The reporting in the new system will probably save us close to eight man-hours per week,” Richard said. “With the old way, the operator would enter the data on a paper spreadsheet. Then we’d have to go in and enter the information on a computer. Then a program from another computer would grab the data off of it and create the report. Now, we just click on the report page and the data is entered right there. No more paper. We’re eliminating all the paper and the double-checks and the triple-checks on the information.”
The new process is much easier for the operators. “They don’t have to look for a form on any computer and wonder which drive it’s on, and which folder,” Richard said. “All the reports are right there in front of them, and they don’t have to chase anything.”
The automated process for reporting to the state, which H2O developed, could have impacts beyond the agency. “This is something we’re pretty excited about,” Bartlett said. “Now that we’ve developed the code, other Texas utilities can benefit from this method of reporting to TCEQ.”
The agency also uses the system to generate several other reports for its own use. Some are for billing purposes, some are for the board of directors, and there are also daily and monthly reports for other uses.
Better Visuals from Anywhere
The time savings will allow operators to focus on big-picture projects for the future. For example, the plant will be expanded, and there will be more membrane sites. Currently, the agency has operators on the conventional side and on the membrane side. Richard said the plan is to combine things so operators can work on both sides. With reporting going faster, conventional operators now have more time to learn the membrane technology. 
Data integrity is another area of improvement with the new system. The previous system would show different values for the same thing, depending on how an operator was looking at it. There were several different versions of the software running within the facility, which led to discrepancies in the data. These issues had to be manually analyzed and fixed. With the new system, everything is on one platform, and it is all on the same version of software because it is web-enabled. There is now one source of data.
Also, remote capabilities have been improved. Operators now have tablets and can monitor the plant from anywhere. They can log in from home and even fix problems from there. And in the near future, alerts will show up on operators’ cell phones. The new software has provided a major step forward for the agency’s remote capabilities. 
The SCADA and HMI screens are more integrated now, too. The screens in the old system “didn’t flow very well,” Richard said. The screens had been developed in a piecemeal fashion over the years, and they lacked a cohesive, consistent look. That meant extra time had to be spent training new employees, because the screens were confusing. Richard said that has all been remedied with the new software. 
The Brazos Public Utility Agency customized its screens to best meet the needs of those using the SCADA system every day.
Collaborative Process
The agency knew what it wanted, and got it from H2O and Ignition. “The agency had a lot of say in the graphical design, and how they wanted it to look and feel,” Bartlett said. “We had a lot of sessions with them where we would get into the details. They provided a lot of feedback, and we were flexible in the design of the screens.”
Richard said the new software also will allow him to give different levels of access to different operators, making it easier to set up the proper security. With this, the phone alerts and a bit more automation, the agency no longer will need to have the facility manned 24 hours per day.
Overall, the new system provides numerous advantages over the previous one. And it will continue to be an improvement for years to come. 
“The big benefit is that the data really is limitless,” Bartlett said. “In the future, if they want to grab more values and monitor them, they have that flexibility for expansion.”
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juliandmouton30 · 7 years
Playster Headquarters by ACDF includes brightly coloured workspaces
Canadian studio ACDF Architecture has used the colours of Playster's logo to create vibrant office spaces at the company's Montreal headquarters.
ACDF revamped a 18,000-square-foot (1,670-square-metre) space in a 1980s tower on Peel Street for subscription-based entertainment service Playster's third office location, after New York and Los Angeles.
"To give their clients an environment suited to the company's high energy and creativity, the architects developed a contemporary, open-concept design highlighted by a clever play of bright colours and white surfaces," said ACDF, which has offices in Montreal and nearby Saint-Hyacinthe.
To keep costs down, existing internal walls were retained but given a technicolour makeover. Matched with colourful carpets, they create a rainbow sequence through the series of meeting rooms, open-plan workspaces, breakout areas and private offices.
"Reminiscent of the company's logo, blocks of colour saturate the walls and carpets, creating a strong visual impact and demarcate different zones in a fluid progression," said the studio, which also used bold colours in the headquarters for software company Lightspeed.
Each team is assigned a different colour, providing Playster employees with a sense of identity within the company.
The colourful spaces around the edges of the plan are connected by an entirely white corridor down the centre. This space provides a stark contrast and "functions as a place of respite from the lively vibe of the offices".
White walls, ceilings and furniture are also used in some of the workspaces to tone down the impact of the bright hues.
Fully coloured areas are reserved for more informal spaces, like the yellow games room with foosball and table-tennis tables, and a blue lounge.
Some areas are partitioned with floor-to-ceiling glazing, while vinyl floor and wall panels provide a glossy finish.
"Playster now enjoys flexible and stimulating offices, where creative work emerges from fruitful social interactions," ACDF said.
The firm's previous work has ranged from a holiday home with a cantilevered living room to an arts centre fronted with chunky steel-clad columns.
Photography is by Adrien Williams.
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Project credits:
Architect: ACDF Architecture Architectural project team: Maxime-Alexis Frappier, Joan Renaud, Veronica Lalli, Martin St-Georges, Alain Larivée, Valérie Soucy Mechanical-electrical engineer: Christian R Roy Project manager: CBRE General contractor: Avicor Furniture: Haworth
The post Playster Headquarters by ACDF includes brightly coloured workspaces appeared first on Dezeen.
from ifttt-furniture https://www.dezeen.com/2017/08/29/playster-headquarters-montreal-acdf-brightly-coloured-workspaces-office-interior-design/
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tektronixtechnology · 11 months
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Meeting Room Booking Software in Dubai
Meeting Room Booking System in Dubai:
An Intelligent Meeting Room Management System is a sophisticated solution designed to streamline and optimize the utilization of meeting spaces within an organization. It leverages various technologies to enhance the booking, monitoring, and overall management of meeting rooms. Here are the key components and features of such a system
Room Booking and Scheduling:
User-friendly interface: A web or mobile application that allows employees to easily reserve meeting rooms based on availability and their specific needs.
Real-time availability: Provides up-to-the-minute information on room availability, preventing double bookings.
Automated scheduling: Allows for recurring meetings and the option to set meeting durations, ensuring efficient use of resources.
Resource Allocation:
Integration with calendars: Syncs with popular calendar platforms like Google Calendar, Outlook, or corporate calendars.
Equipment booking: Allows users to reserve AV equipment, whiteboards, and other resources alongside the meeting room.
Occupancy Monitoring:
IoT sensors: Utilizes occupancy sensors to monitor the number of people in a meeting room, helping to enforce capacity limits and social distancing rules.
Lighting and climate control: Automatically adjusts lighting and temperature settings based on room occupancy to save energy.
Access Control:
RFID or smart card access: Integrates with access control systems to grant authorized personnel access to meeting rooms.
Facial recognition: Advanced systems may incorporate facial recognition technology for a touchless and secure entry.
Notification and Reminders:
Automated reminders: Sends notifications to meeting organizers and participants before the scheduled meeting time.
Room release alerts: If a booked room remains unused, the system can release it for others to use.
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Meeting Room Booking System in Dubai
Meeting Room Booking System in Dubai:
An Intelligent Meeting Room Management System is a sophisticated solution designed to streamline and optimize the utilization of meeting spaces within an organization. It leverages various technologies to enhance the booking, monitoring, and overall management of meeting rooms. Here are the key components and features of such a system:
Room Booking and Scheduling:
User-friendly interface: A web or mobile application that allows employees to easily reserve meeting rooms based on availability and their specific needs.
Real-time availability: Provides up-to-the-minute information on room availability, preventing double bookings.
Automated scheduling: Allows for recurring meetings and the option to set meeting durations, ensuring efficient use of resources.
Resource Allocation:
Integration with calendars: Syncs with popular calendar platforms like Google Calendar, Outlook, or corporate calendars.
Equipment booking: Allows users to reserve AV equipment, whiteboards, and other resources alongside the meeting room.
Occupancy Monitoring:
IoT sensors: Utilizes occupancy sensors to monitor the number of people in a meeting room, helping to enforce capacity limits and social distancing rules.
Lighting and climate control: Automatically adjusts lighting and temperature settings based on room occupancy to save energy.
Access Control:
RFID or smart card access: Integrates with access control systems to grant authorized personnel access to meeting rooms.
Facial recognition: Advanced systems may incorporate facial recognition technology for a touchless and secure entry.
Notification and Reminders:
Automated reminders: Sends notifications to meeting organizers and participants before the scheduled meeting time.
Room release alerts: If a booked room remains unused, the system can release it for others to use.
Analytics and Reporting:
Usage statistics: Provides data on room utilization, popular meeting times, and peak booking periods.
Cost allocation: Helps organizations understand the cost associated with meeting room usage.
Integration and Scalability:
Integration with collaboration tools: Seamless integration with video conferencing and collaboration platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Slack.
Scalability: Easily scales to accommodate additional meeting rooms or locations as an organization grows.
User Feedback and Ratings:
User feedback system: Allows users to rate meeting rooms and provide feedback on the quality of equipment and amenities.
Maintenance and Support:
Automated maintenance alerts: Notifies IT or facility management when equipment or room conditions require attention.
Helpdesk integration: Links to a helpdesk system for quick issue resolution.
Energy Efficiency:
Smart energy management: Monitors and optimizes energy usage in meeting rooms, reducing wastage.
Security and Privacy:
Data protection: Ensures the security and privacy of booking and occupancy data.
Access logs: Maintains logs of room access and usage for security purposes.
Mobile App Integration:
Mobile room booking: Allows users to book and manage meetings on the go.
QR code check-in: Users can check in to meetings using QR codes for touchless entry.
Implementing an Intelligent Meeting Room Management System can lead to improved resource utilization, enhanced employee productivity, and cost savings for organizations. Additionally, it supports the modern workplace's flexibility and adaptability, particularly in a post-pandemic world where remote and hybrid work arrangements are prevalent.
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The Room Manager is a beautiful touchscreen solution for all your meeting rooms. Make sure they’re getting used during a truly effective way. Forget about double bookings, confusion and interrupted meetings. With our room booking system you'll easily book conference rooms then have all information presented on the screen. Integrates seamlessly with the existing e-mail server. Now you’ll get full insight into your organization’s meeting patterns to optimize resources. Get decisions making support that really cuts costs. If you have room for improvement, get in touch with the Room Manager.
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Meeting Room Management Software application offers the following key features:
It helps you track & manage your meeting rooms schedule from anywhere & anytime.
It offers automated workflows to avoid schedule conflicts. It offers better visibility on resource & service requirements during meetings. It offers better insights on utilization, resource usage & user activity. Integration with Touch Display Panels, which makes it easy to use. It allows you to schedule multiple meeting rooms at multiple locations with varied time zones. Notifications and Reminders for meeting bookings and cancellations.
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Access control systems  and  come in different shapes and various sizes. Be it the old school RFID cards, or the new age face recognition panels, be it time attendance systems or gate barriers, be it just integrating new-age software which streamlines your hardware, or our meeting room management device and software, Tektronix Technologies does it all.  access control systems  
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The Visitor’s photo is captured instantly; a unique barcode a mobile soft pass is generated via our multilingual mobile application, using which the visitor will be given access to the limited areas of the premises. The employee, with whom the visitor’s meeting is scheduled, will be informed about the visitor’s arrival via an email along with visitor details and which meeting room has been assigned for their rendezvous.
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Access control systems and solutions come in different shapes and various sizes. Be it the old school RFID cards, or the new age face recognition panels, be it time attendance systems or gate barriers, be it just integrating new-age software which streamlines your hardware, or our meeting room management device and software, Tektronix Technologies does it all. 
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Access control system , Access control system uae , Access control system abu dhabi , Turnstile speed control systems , Turnstile speed gate uae  , Gate barrier system , Gate barrier system uae , Gate barrier system abu dhabi  , Door access control system , Door access control system alain    web based access control system uae , biometric access control system uae , biometric access control system abu dhabi 
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