#mega man x cinnamon
santurn · 3 months
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I uhh
I made her
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posthumanwanderings · 2 months
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Mega Man X: Command Mission (Capcom - PS2 / GameCube - 2004)
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gay-robot-boyfriends · 10 months
How X feels about Iris? She's dead or someone brought her back to life?
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Zero wasn't in real trouble because X loves him too much. Axl obtained the information by questioning Zero while they were on a mission.
Zero is sheepishly waiting for "the talk," which never comes. Only X has the privilege to handle him this way without having his head blown clean off.
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soulkibbz · 10 days
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The best girls
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deniacp · 5 months
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Well, this is where the Cinnamon special ends, I hope you liked it! I'll consider doing other specials with other characters in the future.
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defygodbegay · 2 years
I wanted to post these all together but image limit decided to fuck my anus
Also tagging these is a nightmare
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robotgirldaily · 2 months
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The robot girl of the day is Cinnamon from Mega Man X: Command Mission!
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dash-n-step · 11 months
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They took the cat maid costume from X Dive an animated alt card and then just
gave it away for free
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vtncomics-art · 2 years
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Oh look, it's a baby.
With a gun.
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Like... Y'know, Nyah.
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santurn · 4 months
cinnamon at cinnabon!
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Cinnamon (シナモン), Mega Man X: Command Mission https://megaman.fandom.com/wiki/Cinnamon
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dingochef · 7 months
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x OFC (Reader)Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Swearing
Written for @sailor-aviator writing challenge. Scrooge was my prompt.
Have a cup of cheer!
You don't hate Christmas exactly, more a high dislike layered over forced tolerance. No appreciation for the holiday. When you think of Christmas, your memory isn't filled with cinnamon scented Hallmark moments like baking cookies or decorating fresh pine trees.
Christmas was the ultimate swap holiday between your not amicably divorced parents. An only child shuffled from coast to coast, neither parent really wanting to invest wholesale for an occasional holiday. Half assed fake trees and takeout Chinese for Christmas dinner was more the norm than big family feasts. Eventually your parents gave up the motions of holiday celebrations and would bring you on a vacation they wanted to go on as a way to supposedly celebrate. You went skiing, a lot.
Which is how you find yourself waiting in line at your favorite coffee shop, grinding your teeth as everyone in front of you orders the most elaborate Christmas flavored mega-multi- gingerbread-peppermint-mocha-latte with almond milk and real whipped cream and all you want is an iced coffee, black. You live in San Diego for Christ's sake, it's 78 degrees outside.
You snort to yourself, you like your coffee black, like your soul. You feel like black cloud on a sunny day, a Scrooge at a Christmas pageant,a turd in the punch bowl as you wait in this excruciatingly slow line as Mariah Carey warbles in the background and you're surrounded by tinsel and fake pine garland.
You have five days left till Christmas, five days till your life goes back to normal and there is no more Santa, no more cinnamon scented gag-inducing pine cones hanging out in the entry of your local grocery store, and blissfully, no more Christmas music.
"Five more days," you breathe in and out, a calming mantra in this melee of forced cheer and commercialism.
"Five more days," breathe in, breathe out.
Finally, you're next in line, so close to getting your caffeine fix and getting out of here.
Finally, you order and wave off the barista's efforts for you to try a holiday themed drink and muffin and scone and bagel bites. Is everything peppermint flavored?
"I'm good, just a large black iced coffee. Thank you," you say through a forced smile. She shrugs and gets your order ready. You tip well and turn to quickly exit.
A blond man in a Navy, you think, uniform is behind you and instantly reads your resting bitch face. He smiles a dazzling grin, so beautiful that if you weren't trying to remember breathing exercises from yoga to keep from losing your shit, it might make you a little weak in the knees at any other time of year. And then he opens his mouth, a Southern lilt wrapped around his words,
"Cheer up, Doll. Christmas is almost here. Have you been a good girl this year for Santa to bring you a nice present?"
This is it, this is the moment you do something that will either get you arrested and on the news or a become a regrettable viral video on the Internet with the title, "ChriSTtmAs FreeK-OUT SouNd on!"
You really don't find it in yourself to care about the results of what's about to happen, this poor unsuspecting schmuck is about to have all your shiny, gift wrapped emotional baggage labeled "Christmas!" unloaded on him while he's probably waiting to get a mega-multi- gingerbread-peppermint-mocha-latte with almond milk and real whipped cream.
"Don't call me doll, dick. And I really don't give a flying fuck about Santa or whatever shitty pick up line you're trying to use. This whole fucking time of year is bullshit and I don't need you telling me to cheer up. I haven't been happy at Christmas for the last 32 years, doubt it's going to change now. So leave me alone and you can enjoy your Christmas sugar bomb and spread your fake cheer somewhere else!"
The rage flows through you making you tremble as you hold back tears.
The man in front of you has lost the smile and is reaching out his hands in what you realize is a feeble attempt to comfort you. Pure concern blankets his face, making your rage fizzle, like a match thrown in water.
"I'm sorry. I was just trying to get you to smile…" he pauses as he retreats hands and runs one through his hair,
"I'm really sorry I caused you pain. Sorry this isn't a good time of year for you."
His sincerity deflates you entirely and the tears you're holding back flood out and flow down your cheeks.
"It's fine, it's fine," you mumble as you frantically search for the exit. Now you're noticing that the entire coffee shop is silent and watching you. You flee out the door, cringing as you hear the jingle bells on the door ring. You walk just far enough to get out of the view of anyone in the coffee shop.
Apparently, this weird moment in time is when you decide to unpack your shitty childhood. Slumping down against the brick wall behind you, you sit down and take a long sip of your iced coffee, your hands shaking as you wipe away the tears.
"You look like you could use something stronger," a now familiar voice says softly.
Looking up you see your unwitting emotional punching bag holding out his hand,
"I know a place close by if you want to take me up on the offer."
"Why are you being nice to me? I called you a dick in front of 50 people," you say, sniffing to keep the snot at bay.
"Call it the Christmas spirit. You seem like you could use someone to talk to and I do feel like a dick for making you cry in a coffee shop. I'm Jake, by the way."
You ponder his offer for a second,
"This isn't one of those self aggrandizing things you're going to brag about on social media later, is it?"
He laughs, a deep and true laugh.
"Nope, I was trying to talk to you to get your number because I think you're beautiful. Plus, who drinks iced coffee black? You're obviously a complex character or a serial killer. Call me curious."
You laugh a small sniffling laugh and take his hand, and say as he helps you up,
"Well, Jake by the way, I'm Y/n, but you can call me Scrooge, I guess, because I feel like I've ruined Christmas."
"Don't give yourself that much credit. There's still five days to make it better. How about that drink? Scroogey?"
"Sure, let's go. But if you try to make me drink a peppermint martini I will lose it….again."
"I wouldn't dream of it. It's the Hard Deck, just down the block. I don't think that's the type of drink that Penny would be any good at it."
Jake leads the way towards the bar. You've seen it as you live in the area, but didn't really think it was your scene.
As you sit in a cozy booth and talk with Jake, you enjoy the atmosphere, simple and unpretentious and blissfully lacking Christmas music you realize it is exactly the kind of place you like to hang out at. You and Jake talk so long about your lives that you eventually order food. One drink turns into several.
You learn he is a fighter pilot for the Navy and is stationed out of North Island, he grew up in Texas, and he absolutely loves Christmas. He learns that you are in marketing, grew up in Connecticut, and why Christmas sucks for you.
When you finally notice the time you realize you've been talking to Jake for three hours.
"Oh crap, I've got to get going. I've got an early morning," you chuckle to yourself thinking about your sunrise yoga class and how you used some of the techniques trying to stay calm in the coffee shop.
Jake stands up with you and waves you off as you try to pull some cash from your wallet for the tab.
"My treat, call it a Christmas gift,' he says, absolutely pushing his luck. For some reason it comes across as charming and makes you laugh.
"Would it be okay if I got your number? I'd like to see you again, Y/N."
You hold yourself together to not let out a girlish giggle of glee,
"I'd like to see you again too, Jake," you readily agree, trying to sound breezy. You quickly exchange phones and send a text to each other. Jake walks you out of the Hard Deck and gives you a chaste peck on the cheek as he hugs you goodbye.
You're getting ready for bed, a giant smile plastered on your face when your phone dings, a new message popping up.
Jake Seresin: 🎄 Merry Christmas, I'm thankful for the gift of meeting you today. I must have a good boy this year for Santa to bring us together. Owe the old man one.
You: Merry Christmas, Jake. 🎅
"Merry Christmas, y/n," Jake hums into your ear curling himself around your back.
One Year and Five Days Later
"Merry? This early? What time is it?" you croak back.
"5 am, my nieces and nephews are going to wake up shortly. "
"Thought I'd let you see what's in Santa's package," he says, trying not to laugh, as he lightly thrusts at you.
"Jacob Thomas Seresin, you got me, the ultimate Scrooge, to come to Texas for Christmas with you, bake cookies, cut down a tree, sing carols, and I'm even wearing Christmas pajamas with fucking elves on them that match your whole family, but I have to, have to draw the line at Christmas themed dirty talk."
You feel Jake's smile on your temple as you talk.
"I think you enjoy it, maybe even love Christmas a little now," Jake teases.
You roll over,
"I love you and you love Christmas, so therefore by transitive properties I should love Christmas."
He laughs,
"I'm glad this Christmas has been your best one yet."
"You're confident, maybe a little cocky, that this is my best Christmas ever," you tease.
"I mean, the bar was so low that I think I've knocked out of the park."
"You have, Jake. Thank you for doing all this for me, I might even be starting to like Christmas," you hold up your fingers, "A little bit."
Jake grins and kisses you as the door bursts open,
"Uncle Jake! Uncle Jake! Santa came last night," his five year old niece, Sophia, screams, knocking the last vestiges of sleep off your brain with her volume. You and Jake sit up as she bolts out the door to wake up the rest of the house.
Jake is looking at you, his heart warm, and it gets even warmer when he thinks of a small velvet box sitting under the tree with your name on it.
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2024 Megaman Valentine’s Day Fanart Contest Rules Thread *CLOSED*
Hiya. Anybody still using social media or drawing and not using AI? OK, cool. Drawing neat Meganman pics contest #17 for Lovey Dovey Day sponsored by me and stuff is go time. After last year was a little different, and went the gift exchange route, it's back to your regularly-scheduled competition this season. The deadline this year will be on Tues., Mar. 12th, 2024. Nearly a month AFTER Valentine's Day? Wh…why? Because I'm tired, and you all are too, that's why. Or, well, read on to find out. XD As is the usual norm, there are two categories this year, one for Talent and one for Humor. You are allowed to submit one entry for each category, if you would like. If you place in one category, you will be automatically disqualified from the other, for reasons of fairness, and to give other people a chance to win a prize.
CATEGORY 1 (Talent): Black and White Day
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This year, good ol' Steamboat Willie, the first Mickey Mouse cartoon, went into public domain and people got somewhat excited about that. On top of games like Cuphead or Bendy and the Ink Machine, the retro look of 'Rubber Hose' animation has had a bit of a revival over recent years. You might even know a fellow Mega Man artist or two who has experimented with that style, or maybe even own a Mega Man shirt that has the pic above on it, as I do. So, for this year's talent category, your goal will be to create a beautiful monochrome piece in a retro Rubber Hose art style celebrating the pseudo-Valentine's holiday known as White Day. What is White Day? How would you draw something for it? If you've played X DiVE, you certainly know about the White Day outfits for characters such as Alia, Cinnamon or Axl. But here is a basic explanation via Wikipedia: "White Day is relatively new, created by the confectionery industry in Japan. White Day was first celebrated in 1978. It is celebrated one month after Valentine's Day, on March 14th. It started as an "answer day" to Valentine's Day on the grounds that men should pay back the women who gave them chocolate and other gifts on Valentine's Day. Men are expected to return gifts that are at least two or three times more valuable than the gifts received in Valentine's Day. The color white was chosen because it's the color of purity, evoking "pure, sweet teen love", and because it's also the color of sugar. Gift exchanges happen between romantic partners, friends, and coworkers. Traditionally, popular White Day gifts include food like white chocolate, marshmallows, candy, cookies, and other "white" accessories like jewelry, bags, lotions, and lingerie."
Content Requirements: * Mega Man characters of your choice celebrating White Day * Mimicking retro "rubber hose" art style (Eg: Steamboat Willie era Mickey Mouse, Betty Boop, Popeye, Cuphead, etc.) * Black and white/monochrome palette. Seeing as this is a Mega Man contest, a retro Game Boy screen-like greenish tint is acceptable. As it is for love, I will also accept a garish Virtual Boy reddish tint, if you are that daring. Otherwise, try to keep your art retro-looking, using black, white and grey. No full-color illustrations for this category. * As this is the talent category, judging will be primarily based on the effort, creativity & overall concept of your piece. How well you pull off the rubber hose style for your characters and how well your picture fits the White Day theme.
CATEGORY 2 (Humor): Showing Some Skins
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If you are like me, you have a favorite skin/outfit in X DiVE and you never end up changing it out. It may not be Christmas or Halloween anymore, but you might be that person who always uses Christmas Ferham or Halloween Vile, regardless of the time of year. So, forget the Cupid costumes or giant teddy bear outfits this Valentine's. Create your own holiday skin/outfit you wish would have been implemented in DiVE, but it's being worn at the wrong time of year. For the humor category this year, I would like you to create a funny Valentine's day pic where some character is wearing the wrong holiday outfit/skin that kinda changes the whole mood of a romantic evening together. Then again, it may or may not kill the romance, and might enhance it. Whether it be St. Patrick's Day Toad Man driving Snake Man and Ophiuchus out of a candle-lit restaurant, Tron Bonne picking up her date on her Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Float Gustaff, Tax Day Armor X crunching numbers with Alia in bed while asking her if she plans to file single or jointly this year, or someone risking themselves for President's Day sexy Mr. Lincoln skin Proto Man, the romantic holiday mismatches are endless!
Content Requirements: * A Megaman character of your choice wearing any holiday-themed skin/outfit that does not really belong for Valentine's Day, in a Valentine's Day setting. * As this is the humor category, judging will be based primarily on how funny your piece is. Creativity, concept and execution may get you some bonus points. But the focus of this category is how well you make us laugh, not how technically skilled you are at art!
The winners for both the Talent and Humor categories will receive the following:
1st Place: $175 USD 2nd Place: $100 USD 3rd Place: $75 USD
When you submit, I would prefer you include the following information in this format, along with your entry:
(Your name/preferred alias) – As much as I usually know who you are, there’s always someone new or somebody who has a different preference from what their email name says. A link to your preferred social media account also works.
(Category this entry is for) – You can either say 1/2, or Talent/Humor
Anything else you feel I need to know about your piece is always welcome.
Only submit your own work, as usual. Any character, major or minor, from any series is allowed. Pairing characters from different series is totally allowed. Same-gender pairings are completely fine. OCs are allowed, as long as your art contains at least one canon Megaman character.
As always, participants are allowed to submit from all over the world.
Paypal is still the preferred method for cash prize payouts. Please have a valid account to receive your winnings.
Youngin’s, get your parents permission before entering.
Entries can either be e-mailed to me at rock2125[at]hotmail[dot]com, or you can just DM/note me a link to your pic.
DO NOT post your pics in this thread, your dA galleries, Twitter, tumblr blogs, other sites, etc. until the contest is over. This is the fairest way for competitive reasons. I prefer to keep them all secret until the deadline has passed. I’ll edit a confirmed entry list in this thread when I receive them. So you won’t be in the dark about whether or not I’ve received your entry.
The deadline for this contest will be Tuesday, March 12th, 2024, by the global end of the day. This gives you nearly 2 months to finish your entries! And if I'm lucky, results can be posted on or near White Day, which is March 14th. A little different this year, both to give people more time, and to fit in with this year's themes mixing it up.
As usual, If you don’t plan to enter, but would like to help me judge, please let me know through DM or mention so here. Never hurts to have extra opinions on all the entries.
Bug me with questions if you have any. Please join in, and good luck to everyone who enters!
Confirmed Entries:
Cat 1 Talent - HikariLux, @eulogysinger, Kaitlin.EXE, @wennastudio, Komito, @sylviidaee,
Cat 2 Humor - AbilityField, @aurantia-ignis, Miralie
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askthealternateakis · 6 months
What Your Favorite MMFC Ship Says About You (Inspired By Eldena Doubleca5t)
Got bored and decide to make this for fun (andtofurtherputoffansweringasks) as I haven’t seen a post like this for any Mega Man iteration fandom, hope you all enjoy!
(Also, just a heads up, this isn’t meant to be an attack on anyone who ships any of the ships mentioned here, this is just meant to be a light-hearted joke, and as long as you don’t ship anything inc*stous, p*dophilic, or anything that romanticizes ab*se, I’m a-okay with it! And if your ship isn’t mentioned here, it’s because I couldn’t think of anything cool or funny to say for it. You’re more than welcome to come up with something for it in the reblogs though! I’d love to see what you all come up with!)
Aki x Ashley: Your ideal relationship dynamic is dumbass x smartass. Alternatively, you really like Spider-Man and/or Danny Phantom.
Suna x Bert: Your ideal relationship dynamic is girlboss x malewife.
Aki x Bert: You saw one of those memes where two bros have really tender homoerotic moments and you were like “yeah, I could probably get a pretty sizable amount of fanwork out of this premise”.
Suna x Ashley: Your ideal relationship dynamic is just girls being friends. Gals being pals.
Aki x Chaotique: Your ideal relationship dynamic is rivals to lovers and you think Chaotique is the best character in the show and possibly even the entire Mega Man franchise.
Suna x Chaotique: You like the dynamic of Aki x Chaotique, but you like Suna even more.
Daini x Chaotique: You’re either really into tsunderes, or really into bickering married couples. Or both. Alternatively, you are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of trolling.
Bert x Chaotique: When you were a kid, your mom told you some kid was being mean to you because they like you and you never let go of that.
Aki x Ice Man: You think Ice Man is a precious cinnamon roll that deserves the world and you feel like the two of them would actually be pretty close once Ice Man manages to get all his issues resolved.
Suna x Ice Man: This is just the same joke as Aki and Ashley, but even more so and with even less screen time.
Daini x Ice Man: Your ideal relationship dynamic is “Beauty and the Beast”, and whenever you see a really long fic tagged “hurt/comfort”, your eyes go wide because you know what you’re going to be doing until 3 am tonight.
Daini x Ashley: You ship Aki and Chaotique, but you also want good things for Daini. And really, who wouldn’t?
Dr. Light x Hypno Woman: You think Dr. Light can fix Hypno Woman and/or you shun “doing your mom” jokes in favor of “doing your dad” jokes. 
Fire Man x Wave Man: Your ideal relationship dynamic is a bickering married couple, and there’s a high chance that you’ve noticed that they seem to be the two nicest members of Night’s army and you’ve never let that go.
Blasto Woman x Mega Mini: You’re always a sucker for height differences and/or you want a partner that not only can kick your ass, but will do so upon request.
Wood Man x Principal 100100: I can’t say for certain if you’re attracted to dads, but you’re definitely attracted to father figures.
Ice Man x Cut Man: You believe every uptight grouch needs a sweet ray of sunshine to balance them out, and/or they’re both your favorite characters so you thought the only logical thing to do was to pair them together. There’s also a possibility that you’ve gotten into at least one heated internet argument over whether the two of them are minors or adults.
Sgt. Night x Dr. Light: You’re obsessed with lore and/or have a crippling addiction to the “friends to enemies to lovers” trope.
Air Man x Drill Man: You believe the two of them are extremely underrated and will forever be bitter about the lack of fanworks about them, you’re a theater kid with family issues that relates to at least one of them, and there’s a possibility that you’ve had a crush on at least one Tumblr Sexyman.
Elec Man x Cut Man: Your ideal relationship dynamic is a vaudeville comedy duo. Alternatively, you like the dynamic of Daini x Chaotique, but thought that they wouldn’t hate each other enough.
Dr. Light x Dr. Wily: You’re obsessed with lore, you think scientists are hot, and/or you will be making divorce jokes about them in every continuity they’re in until you draw your dying breath.
Chemistry Man x Ms. CHO: You’ve never seen an obsessive, heated rivalry that you didn’t think had at least a little bit of romantic tension. Alternatively, if you’re a fan of Man of Action’s other shows, you saw the chance to recreate whatever was going on with Dr. Psychobos and Azmuth in Omniverse and snatched it up as fast as you possibly could.
Dr. Light x Mrs. Light: You think shipping your OC with a canon character is a little too self-indulgent, but you REALLY want to ship your OC with a canon character.
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defygodbegay · 2 years
Only ten images per post??? Damn
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