#megumi and his sister are up to something and that's making the world upset but it's not actually them it's sukuna and someone else
3-aem · 2 years
Being on jjk twt even by proxy is a lot like watching a war unfold miles away in the distance with big explosions and fire. Meanwhile ur just like...trying to tend to ur flower bed and grow ur tomato plants but every now and then someone will come and try to conscript u into whatever is going on and ur just like I'm gonna shoot myself in front of u if u don't leave
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augustinewrites · 2 months
Ooh shit I had the worlds worst thought— Megumi snapping at Fushigojo mom OF ALL PEOPLE in the heat of some kind or argument or bad day or something and blurting out “you’re not my mom” and then just AAAH IT WOULD BE SO SAD ALL FOUR OF THEM WOULD BE HEARTBROKEN AND MEGUMI WOULD BE SO UPSET WITH HIMSELF 😭😭😭🕳️🚶‍♀️
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things have been difficult since tsumiki had fallen into a coma.
it's hard not to feel her absence at home. the empty seat at the dining table, the untouched laundry left folded in the hamper. somehow she's everywhere and nowhere, and it hurts.
you and satoru are heartbroken of course, but you can't begin to imagine how megumi feels.
at first he'd been quiet. megumi had always been quiet, but this was different. the two of you used to sit in comfortable silence, content to read quietly in each other's presence. now he shuffles to and from his bedroom barely uttering a word, silence hanging heavy as you try to coax him into staying.
then his grades had started slipping. you weren't awfully concerned. his teachers had been sympathetic enough to exempt him from final exams, and excuse any late or incomplete papers. despite his record of delinquency, he's always gotten high marks.
you could excuse these things. the silence, the grades. he's a little brother missing his big sister, and he's hurting.
but now he was starting to act out.
picking fights at school, talking back to faculty, giving attitude.
you startle where you stand in the kitchen when the front door suddenly slams shut, revealing a grumpy looking megumi. he kicks his shoes off, making a beeline for his room without stopping to greet you.
satoru holds a hand up before you can ask, walking over to the genkan to fix the sneakers.
"what now?" you ask, wiping your hands on your apron when your husband returns, kissing your forehead.
"suspended indefinitely for fighting," he sighs, running a hand through his hair. "he has to write an apology letter to everyone involved, and the headmaster said that next is expulsion."
"he can't keep doing this," you frown. "one of us needs to talk to him."
satoru is quick to touch the tip of his nose. "not it."
you roll your eyes (like megumi would, is that where he got it?) "yeah, it's probably best that you don't. he'd bite your head off."
he leans back against the counter, relieved. "yeah, i'd just— wait. you're doing that reverse psychology stuff on me again!"
feigning cluelessness is easy. "what are you talking about?"
"when you tell me i shouldn't do something and it makes me want to prove myself!"
"not my fault you're an incredibly prideful man."
"and just this once, i'll actually admit that talking to moody teens is not one of my many skills," he says. "this is your territory. you're the only one he might listen to. you've always been his favourite."
deep down, you know that he's right. you're the first one megumi goes to for everything. the first one he comes to with a new bump or scrape. the one whose side of the bed he squeezes into when he has a nightmare. the first one he talks to when he has a fight with a friend, or his sister...
you learned pretty quickly that megumi hated when people fussed over him (it came with his lone wolf tendencies) but he always let you.
so you steel yourself with a deep breath before knocking on his bedroom door.
"megumi?" you call gently. "can i come in?"
you decide to take his muffled response as permission, twisting the knob and slowly pushing the door open.
megumi's sat on the floor with his back pressed against the bed and his knees drawn up to his chest.
you close the door behind you. "thank you for letting me in."
he hums, peeking at you over his knees.
you sit on the floor across from him, rubbing your palms against your thighs. "i know that whatever we're feeling can't compare to how bad you're hurting, but we're worried about you."
"i'm fine."
"you're not, and you can't keep acting out at school."
"okay, i'll stop," he shrugs.
you should stop here. but you know megumi. he's only saying it because he knows that's what you want to hear.
you reach out, gently grasping his hand. "megumi, please. you can't keep this all in anymore. you always talk to me—"
"i don't want to talk about it," he snaps, jerking away from your touch. "can you just leave me alone?"
you flinch a little, surprised by the slight raise in his voice. he's never yelled at you. never snapped at you like that.
you're pushing too much, you realize. he's not ready to talk yet, you have to apologize.
"megumi, i'm—"
"just— just stop!" he shouts, expression stormy. "stop fussing over me, you're not my mom!"
to his credit, megumi looks like he regrets the words immediately, lips already shooting off an apology you can't seem to hear.
it does nothing to soothe the way your chest aches, full of hurt and a touch of betrayal. those words shouldn't hurt you as much as they do. he's right, you're not his mother.
but you don't even get to utter a word before the door swings open, a pissed off looking satoru striding into the room. shit. so he had been listening. "listen here you little shit—"
you stagger to your feet, stepping between your boys. "satoru, don't. don't! he's just upset."
"he can't talk to you like that!"
"let it go," you plead. "fighting is the last thing the three of us should be doing right now, okay?"
the three of you stand there for what seems like a lifetime, letting all the pain, frustration, and heartache fill the quiet apartment.
satoru shoots one last stern look around you before drawing a deep breath and focusing on you. you do the same as his hands come up to cup your cheeks, thumb swiping a stray tear away.
"we're just gonna give you some space, megs."
"he didn't mean it," you remind satoru again that night, when sleep seems to be avoiding the both of you.
"i know. he still hurt your feelings though."
"well, he was right. i'm not his mom."
your husband tuts softly, reaching across the mattress and pulling you into his chest. "so what if you didn't give birth to them? you're something better because you chose them. you chose to love them and raise them when you didn't have to."
"of course i had to. they wouldn't have lasted a week in your care."
"oh? now who's being a little shit? i see where megumi gets his attitude from."
foreheads pressed together, the two of you laugh quietly. you feel light for the first time in weeks. the man holding you close, the boy sulking in his room, and the girl laying in the hospital.
they're your family, and you know they'll always love you as much as you love them.
waking up in the middle of the night to megumi squishing between you both (and satoru actually letting him) is as good a sign as any.
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neonscandal · 8 months
I saw a video these days about jujutsu and I saw something that I never realized that Megumi is not a good person because he is willing to do anything for his sister, which makes him selfish and that he only saves those who he "deems" to be a good person and who qualify as a good person for him. his morality is very black and white just like geto. There's a line from him that is very realistic, especially today in the manga, that sorcerers are not heroes, an example saturo gojo.
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Just Megumi dodging these harsh allegations.
You mean Megumi Fushiguro, son of Toji Fushiguro Satoru Gojo?? Character alignment wise, I oscillate between considering Megumi a True Neutral or more of a Lawful Neutral where "Lawful" is being applied generously.
Megumi is incredibly principled. The baseline for his evaluation of a person is distilled down to an observation that "I won't kill you so, in return, you shouldn't kill me." In a lookback at his days before Jujutsu High, we see that he is more than comfortable beating the brakes off of people who violate this basic tenet, even if they don't infringe upon it with him directly. Despite the rule as he lectures the delinquents, his application of it is very in line with Geto's ideology that the strong should protect the weak and keep the strong in check.
Geto considered all non-sorcerers to be weak against curses thus it was sorcerers' responsibilities to mind the herd. Megumi is a bit more discerning which is a reflection of his strength and perceived weakness compared to his peers. It also factors the flaws and inherent ability to be evil into his consideration. What set Geto astray was the fact that, as the strongest, he couldn't fathom the weak to be a threat. Based on Megumi's actions, those that deserve protection, like Tsumiki and Yuji, are those who are selfless and act on others' behalfs even to their own detriment. So, doing anything for Tsumiki, not even his blood relative, is a reflection of her purity of character. He's not one to cause harm to innocent people but does consider past harm as damnable offenses (like the truck driver who struck a kid in the juvenile detention center... who may or may not have been the driver who killed Rika Orimoto).
I think the big difference here is the fact that... Geto was a part of "The Strongest". Megumi is not. While he was great against non-powered up delinquents, people within jujutsu society remark that he's not good at hand to hand combat. Further, at this point in the anime, we now see that Megumi, at any indication that a fight was going poorly, either had a death wish or didn't see a way out that didn't involve summoning Mahoraga... even against Todo. EVEN AGAINST HARUTA. One could argue his morality is less to do with the idea of omnipotence as was the case with Geto and more to do with the fact that... he's not out here trying to die for someone who will later cause more harm to the world than he can cause good.
It's true, Megumi is aware that sorcerers are not heroes. In fact, he probably thinks those who are foolhardy and believing that they're helping people are especially laughable. Consider the fact that Megumi Fushiguro is a person who was bought and sold... twice... by sorcerers. He's got no choice in the matter as to the path he's on but he's got a tempered sense of reality that is informed by the fact that sorcerers die all the time, students and adults alike. He's just trying to make it out alive and with as much autonomy as he can and that informs an illusion of choice as to who is worth potentially dying for.
While his ideals definitely seem like they could lead him down a similar path to Geto, I think his motivation informed by a sense of self-preservation that he's willing to forego on principle differs greatly from Geto's perception that no harm would ever come to him at all. Geto experienced a foundational upset that altered his brain chemistry but Megumi is aware of his own weakness all the while and will still choose to fight. Please also remember the whole reason he even agreed to go with Gojo in the first place was to make sure Tsumiki wouldn't have a shitty life. He blindly chose a life fraught with peril so she wouldn't suffer at the hands of the Zenin. He, a child, essentially agreed to indentured servitude to protect her because, alone, he could not fend for her.
RE: Gojo as a hero... I am not so foolish as to say he is, but I am not uninformed to say he isn't either. He is simply flawed. Both in essence as a character and in the execution of his ideals. But consider the fact that, as The Strongest:
Gojo doesn't have to bend to the will of the elders that he disagrees with, he could simply kill them.
Gojo doesn't have to take missions just as Yuki Tsukumo refuses, he could let others continue to die in vain.
Gojo doesn't have to stick his neck out for Megumi, Yuta or Yuji, what matter are they to him when he has godlike strength?
None of the above would make him a villain to simply.. not participate in the rigamarole of jujutsu society because, with his strength, it's not like anyone could force him to. Doing the above also doesn't make him a hero; however, knowing that he could just go off and do whatever but he chooses the path of great resistance to cultivate abilities in others so as to better prepare them to be sorcerers and, as much as he can, protect them from the burden of their responsibilities. He's earnestly trying to improve facets of jujutsu society that he doesn't necessarily have to suffer because it's the right thing to do and it benefits kids who come up after him. In comparison to what he could be doing, he's trying to make a difference so the world doesn't lose another person like Geto to the reality of what it means to be a sorcerer.
In a broader sense, Gojo also meets the literal requirements of a hero as a literary device as he is a legendary figure seemingly born of divine descent and endowed with great strength and ability. This is just offset by him being canonically grating to like... everyone around him but Geto and just, generally, a silly, goofy lil guy 🤪✨
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mana-jjk · 7 months
I’m interested in your Genshin X JJK thoughts? 👀
anon, full disclaimer, i might kiss you
jjk manga and some genshin game spoilers !!
i’ll try to explain for anyone who hasn’t played genshin, but i have assigned a lot of roles mentally !!
so how i’ll explain this is the character, vision, weapon type, and region of origin with explanations on what they are at the end !
sukuna - king of the eclipse dynasty of khaenri’ah
the last ruler of the fallen kingdom of khaenri’ah, corrupted by the abyss but retaining his sanity. he wants revenge on the gods that destroyed the kingdom, somewhere along the line he started to enjoy bloodshed too much.
kenjaku - fatui
creates and distributes delusions and experiments on both humans and monsters. he holds influence in the nation of snezhaya, enough so where the gods are weary of him
vision users:
maki - pyro, polearm - inazuma
disowned by her clan, she inherited her vision from her deceased sister only recently. freelance adventurer that used to take every commissions on her own, but has settled with grief to remain with her friends. hasn’t been able to step foot on inazuma since she exposed corruption of her clan, leading to their downfall. she’s has a grudge against the gods for only deeming her worthy after she lost her sister.
panda - geo, claymore - liyue
one of the last remaining guardian yaksha to remain. his siblings were corrupted by karmic debt, and transferred their last remaining in order to save panda from a similar fate. he’s on a new mission to explore the world for his siblings and himself. he expects to live longer than his companions, and it’s only been recently that he’s discovered how upset he is by the idea.
toge - cryo, catalyst - snezhaya
born under a military dominant clan that he ran away from when he was still a child. he got his vision early and was unable to properly control it, something his family wanted to exploit. he escaped overseas and wandered the nations alone until he met maki and panda. they travel together, accepting commissions on his behalf to avoid detection.
yuuta - attached to a delusion and collects dead visions, sword - wanderer
has no memories before he fell into the abyss as a child with his childhood friend, rika. she was fatally injured early, and to protect her, he accepted an offer from a stranger in the abyss who promised power. he was given a delusion, but the very proximity sapped rika’s remaining life and killed her. he thinks her energy is trapped in the delusion and carries it with him. later, he discovers the ability to briefly awaken dead visions. he carries them on his back, intent on protecting his friends.
yuuji - pyro, catalyst - mondstat, descendant of khaenri'ah
believes he was born and raised in mondstat, but is one of the last citizens of the fallen kingdom. the abyss appears to make him stronger, and he chases the voice that taunts him. he’s only started to understand the voices of monsters and it leaves him conflicted. he continues to help his friends fight against the abyss order.
nobara - electro, claymore - liyue
one of the strongest blacksmiths who has a desire to the see the world. she doesn’t particularly care about the gods affairs, but she grew up in a tiny village. she accepts commissions only when they require travel, forever inquiring about her childhood friend who disappeared.
megumi - hydro, sword - inazuma
powerful with his vision, he relies on hydro animals for company and protection. after maki completely tarnished their family name, he took care of the affairs so that neither of them had to call it home ever again. he believes the gods are hiding powerful secrets that he’s intent to uncover. his sister has been missing for a while now, he believes she fell into the abyss. he plans on jumping into the first opening he can find.
gojo - anemo, catalyst, god of freedom in mondstat
a god who goes and comes as he pleases, resurfaced recently and has been forming contact with various vision users.
yaga - geo, sword, god of contracts in liyue
one of the oldest gods who specializes in creation of rock formations. they protect the land, especially as he takes steps back from being involved.
utahime - electro, catalyst, god of eternity in inazuma
keeps relatively to herself, believes in giving the people independence. recently became aware of the corruption within clans and has stepped in again.
tengen - dendro, bow, god of wisdom in sumeru
the oldest god of them all, has been losing awareness and is expected to fade sometime soon. all eyes are waiting for the emergence of their successor, especially after the last died an untimely death
higurama - hydro, claymore, god of justice in fontaine
the youngest and most recent archon, still trying to figure out his scrambled memories.
yuki - pyro, claymore, god of war in natlan
a hands-off god who hasn’t been seen in years, some say she’s wandering the nations searching for something or someone
getou - cryo, polearm, god of love in snezhaya
feels betrayed by celestia and the gods around him. waging a war against the divine to completely change the world, even if it means delving into horrible things.
• yuuta learns how to use the visions through the friends he meets. toge is the first to teach him how to wield cyro, it’s his favorite to use. the memories of toge surrounded by frost, teaching him to control with no regard for himself, is what he channels every time he uses the vision
• nobara and maki visions work off each other explosively, it’s invigorating for both of them, and it’s the first time maki smiled after everything that happened
• gojo and getou were once close friends and confidants in the days before the war, neither of them have connected with the other gods following everything that happened.
• choso was a part of the abyss order until he found yuuji, now he follows him and his friends to keep them safe
• unknown to toge, when he was a child, getou helped him escape. he never was able to turn a blind eye to a suffering child, he nearly took him in, he still doesn’t know why he helped him onto the boat.
• usually delusions sap the life of their users, for some reason it seems yuuta is immune to this effect. the people in range when it’s activated, however, are not.
• yuuji hasn’t felt himself since he found the upside down archon statue beneath the city. it’s almost like something is poisoning him, or calling him. megumi doesn’t seem immune either.
• they’re all employed by the adventurers guild, and regularly meet in different taverns and restaurants, even if they eventually split off.
• maki hears her sister’s voice every time she activates her vision
• yuuta doesn’t care about politics or divine beings, all he cares about is staying with his friends. he fights gods, not for their agendas, but because they are in the way of their happiness.
there are seven types of visions in different elements, think of geo as earth, pyro as fire, anemo as air, cryo as ice, electro as voltage, dendro as plants, and hydro as water. visions are given to those with powerful ambition who had the capability of standing on even footing with archons.
the different regions are based on actual countries/architecture, and each of these regions has an archon (the essential god of the region and element assigned to a vision. ex. mondstat has the god of freedom, anemo)
the abyss is a different realm that houses corruption and monsters that leaks through the cracks into the human world
i hope that explains everything !! thank you again for asking anon, i always have so many thoughts !! 👉👈 💞✨
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heejayy · 2 years
Hi🌹 I was wondering if I can request megumi and his reaction to a sensitive, innocent and easily flustered s/o. Thank u🌹
Megumi F. ||sensitive/ flustered reader
Warning •none
Genres • fluff
Pairing • Megumi x black Reader
Given Megumi’s childhood and how he grew up, there was no room to be sensitive.
When his parents passed he was only left with his sister so he grew colder and quieter.
That’s until he met you, you were overly optimistic and wanted to see the best in everyone.
It disgusted him.
To him, the world is full of scams and bullshitting liars. There was no happy ending like in the fairytales.
To you, there was always good in everyone you just have to find it. Hince why he disliked you.
“Megumi you could’ve given him a chance before you beat him to a pulp, there was probably a reason he stole” you said grabbing your bag off the bench following the lanky boy down the side walk.
“He’s a theif y/n, a theif is a theif” you shook your head walking in front of him so he’d stop.
“Maybe he-“ he swiftly turned bending down to your level holding eye contact with you.
“Stop being naive and grow up, he was a theif there are no if ands or buts he just liked to steal and today he stole from the wrong person” he grunted gripping the wallet he just retrieved from said theif.
He scanned your features quickly, your wide eyes, slightly parted lips, and your weak stance made him realize the close proximity of you two made you flustered. He slightly smirked at the thought of you being nervous because of him
“Do I make you nervous y/n?” he asked calling you by your nickname which made you knees buckle.
“No” you scoffed crossing your arms, he smirked and walked around you.
You followed him still shocked at the moment, he’s never gotten that close to you before…it made your chest tingle.
From that point on he noticed how easy it was to make you nervous/ flustered.
Brushing hands, shoulders, making eye contact, anything slightly intimate had you gasping for air.
He’d sometimes just stare at you on purpose just to see you squirm.
He liked seeing you squirm…
And sometimes he used your kindness to his advantage.
For example he’s prone to getting my hurt on missions he comes back- or mainly carried back to the his dorm with busted knuckles, bloodied head, concussions, and fractured ribs…Ya know the usual
And he guilt trips you into nurturing him back to health.
You always checked him like clockwork to see if the idiot was breathing…you might dislike him, but you don’t want him dead
“You’re not going to help me change my bandage? I thought you were a good person? I’m in so much pain I really could use your help” You rolled your eyes upset that you got caught. You walked into his shoulders slump dragging your feet.
He watched you as you got on your knees, you peeled back the blood soiled bandage off his side replacing it with a new one after cleaning the wound.
Staring at you made him feel something, maybe you weren’t so bad.
Maybe you were what the world needed, a good caring person.
Yes, you could be very ditzy and gullible, but you were determined and wasn’t afraid to give your opinion
“Thanks” he whispered wincing. You looked up and realized you two were very close…again.
This time you studied his features, furrowed eyebrows, slightly chapped lips, and rosy cheeks?
“Do I make you nervous Megumi?” You asked a little cocky staring into his eyes. Hearing his name come from you was like listening to an angel speak.
He cleared his throat looking away “n-no, now get out.”
You shrugged standing up leaving his room but not before kissing him on the cheek.
“What ever, feel better idiot.” You smiled leaving watching his whole face turn red.
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JJK Masterlist
©heejayy 2022 — any reposts or translations of my works are strictly prohibited unless granted permission
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chuuyrr · 3 years
1st years + sukuna babysits scarlet witch! baby fushiguro! reader
jujutsu kaisen x reader
masterlist of the series
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warning(s): none
i thought of another one lmao + i also think that sukuna would be a big softie for scarlet witch, baby fushiguro reader, he's definitely not canonically but in my works, he is a softie.
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you don't usually stay with your older, half-brother megumi, but he'd be happy to look after you when gojo can't.
gojo had to go somewhere again so he left you in your half older brother's care and of course, nobara at yuji comes along with that.
"i will be away for a couple of days, look after kikufuku over here okay?"
gojo kissed your mochi-like cheeks, watching you giggle and smile in delight. "don't give your brother and his friends too much trouble now!"
"we'll watch [name]-chan, don't you worry bout' a thing gojo-sensei!" chimed yuji and nobara as megumi took you from gojo's arms after you had kissed his cheek goodbye and that's when the chaos began.
"gumi-nii!" you squealed, snuggling up in his arms like the bundle of sunshine you were.
"that's so cute!"
"he just called fushiguro 'gumi-nii'!"
this caused yuji and nobara to coo and gawk at your cuteness. megumi, on the other hand, buried his face in your hair. he did not want to be seen blushing from your cuteness. 
"hello [name]." he lifted his head to smile at you. 
nobara asked in a baby-like voice. "you are such a cutiepatootie! what do you wanna do [name]-chan?~" 
"oh! do you guys wanna take [name] out?" yuji suggested, "we can go out to eat and walk."
"i wanna go out!" your eyes practically had stars in them as they lit up with excitement.
as much as megumi wanted to stay in with you today, he couldn't resist you. so he agreed to yuji's suggestion and brought you outside of jujutsu high along with yuji and nobara.
what they didn't know was that little [name]-chan can sometimes be a cat with zoomies. you were always bouncing and running up and about whenever something piques your interests.
you might have tiny legs, but those legs can freaking run a mile if you wanted. luckily, yuji was fast as you are—meaning he was the only who could run and catch you whenever you've ran off too far or to a not-so-safe place like in the middle of a freaking road, chasing after a dog leashed by its owner with cars zooming by left and right.
he'd always be there to swoop you in his arms which would always make you giggle and bubble with laughter, naively thinking you were now playing a game of tag or chase with yuji.
megumi, nobara and yuji took you to a restaurant and got you your favorite katsudon dish. you happily ate your food. after eating lunch, they took you to your favorite pokemon stores and your brother got you a pikachu stuffed that was twice your size just because. 
megumi is your brother. it may not look like it, but he really cares for you and your happiness means the world to him.
megumi was upset to find out that his little sister was going to be exploited to the zenin just like him, which confused him since you had no cursed energy of sort.
he figured they would just train you to become like his and your father. he was glad that gojo took you in and raised you in his care but god, gojo should have really told him about your 'cursed energy' and exceptional capabilities from the start. 
after spending the entire day with them, you got tired and yuji offered to carry you since megumi had already been doing that since earlier.
you were cuddled up to his chest, your tiny arms wrapped around his neck securely along with the pikachu stuffed toy that megumi bought you. you snored peacefully in your sleep. you were absolutely tired from the zoomies you had.
"look, [name]-chan fell asleep."
nobara whispered and whipped out her phone to take a picture of you. "she's so cute! how the hell is she related to you fushiguro?"
yuji nervously laughed upon recalling the memory that occurred earlier wherein you literally disappeared from their sight when a pokemon mascot outside the store caught your interest. "she ran so much earlier. we even lost track of her for a second." 
megumi assured his friend. "don't worry, i won't tell gojo-sensei."
sukuna took form on yuji's cheek and spotted your peacefully sleeping figure. "what is this brat doing?" 
yuji yelled in a whisper at the king of curses, not wanting to wake you up. "oi, don't call her that sukuna and shut up! can't you see she's sleeping?" 
"this one's weak, i don't sense any cursed energy from her." sukuna claimed, earning an irk on yuji's temple.
yuji retorted. "she's a child, you dumbass." 
apparently, little did you know that as yuji and sukuna bickered in the physical world, you had somehow astral projected into sukuna's domain without his or any of their notice. 
ryomen sukuna
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sukuna was sitting on his throne with eyes closed when he suddenly heard pitter patters. your footsteps to be exact. opening one eye, he found you looking at the place in complete awe.
well that was quite the first impression of a four year old, normally kids like you would cower in fear from the hazy red environment that was filled with bones and malice.
how are you not scared or creeped out even the slightest? but most importantly, he couldn't help wonder at how you got here without him noticing.
he did not feel a single ounce of cursed energy from you, let alone any connection with you. you didn't eat one of his fingers now, did you now? sukuna knew how irresponsible his vessel can be at times but, surely not? right?
"oi, how did you get here?" sukuna called your attention.
"yuji-nii?" you squeaked out, tilting your head at him like a confused puppy. 
"i'm not that brat." sukuna furrowed his brows at you. "i asked you a question first."
you ran up to his throne with a smile on your face, you looked at him with those sweet and naive eyes of yours.
"then, who are you? this place is so cool, you have pretty clothes too!"
sukuna blinked at you. how were you not afraid of him? or this place in general? were you that oblivious?
"sukuna." he told you, his eyes still expressing confusion. "you still haven't answered my question. how did you get in here?" 
"i dunno." you giggled in response, "but i like it here! i love the color red." 
what the hell did you mean by that? sukuna raised a brow at you and straightened his back. he watched as you crept closer to him, your arms resting on his knees as you looked at him with a smile and star-lit eyes.
he peered at you. "you're not supposed to be here brat."
sukuna raised his hand, ready to bring you back to the physical world with a flick of his hand, but his breathing hitched when you still remained. there was a strong force that appeared to be stopping him. 
"what the fuck? how are you doing that?"
you blinked, clearly oblivious "do what?"
sukuna sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. his cursed energy and even techniques were useless against you. it left him stunned, but mostly confused. he still couldn't understand why and how you were doing that when he couldn't feel a single drop of cursed energy from your soul.
you suddenly decided to tap his knee which caught his attention. "hey!"
withdrawing his hand, he looked at you with a questioning look. "what do you want now, brat?" 
"up up." you made grabby hands towards him, wanting sukuna to pick you up and snuggle with you just like how yuji did when you fell asleep.
sukuna clicked his tongue. he felt like he was being bewitched by your cuteness and your mysterious presence. he would most likely choose to yell no at you and leave you to cry, but something compelled him not to do that.
could it be a brother-instinct? was that even a thing? it better be because there was no way that he was going to be a father to you. whatever the hell this human emotion he was feeling, it felt so foreign.
after a couple of seconds, he reached out to you and picked you up just like you had wanted. sukuna lifted you in the air, making you giggle and laugh. it made him scoff and smile at the same time. some troublesome brat you were. 
"tell me, how did you do it? what is your secret brat?" sukuna pressed, continued to pry. "you know, you look just like that fushiguro brat. you're not his child are you?"
you shook your head, still smiling. "gojo is my dad! megumi is my brother."
sukuna raised a brow at you, clearly piqued with interest. he was quick to assume that gojo was the one taking care of you as your father figure whilest being related to that fushiguro but, if you're related to him, it could mean you're just as talented as he was. you literally just entered his domain without his notice. that's literally talent.
"what cursed technique did you do to get here? come on, tell me." sukuna pinched your mochi-like cheeks, discreetly admiring how squishy and kissable they were.
"i still don't get what you're saying." you furrowed your brows together, pouting.
you really did not understand what sukuna was trying to tell you. gojo still hasn't taught you anything about cursed energy and techniques, and it was probably because he believes that it isn't what you have.
sukuna sighed in defeat, finally getting the message that you really didn't know how. he sat you on his lap, staring at you intently. you looked just your brother, you got his eyelashes and gaze whenever you were curious or thinking. but you had [color] hair and [color] eyes, he assumed you got it from your mother.
"you comfortable brat?"
sukuna asked you, gently pulling your hair back from your shoulders as he combed his fingers through your hair. he watched you nod and hum in content. 
sukuna eventually cradled you in his arms until you began to close your eyes. perhaps staying in here with him was draining you out in a way. he may not exactly know the answer, but something told him that you had a special kind of 'cursed energy'. one that you can conceal involuntarily.
but right before you fell asleep, you opened your eyes, half-lidded from drowsiness. you called out to him, "kuna?" 
"what do you want this time?" he swallowed thickly.
you let out a small yet tired yawn. "can i call you kuna-nii?" 
sukuna brushed the loose strands of your hair, allowing your head to rest on his arms and flicked your forehead. his actions might have said no, but that didn't stop you. you smiled as your eyes finally gave in, but not before you whispered. "goodnight, kuna-nii." 
yuji finally felt your presence enter his conscience and was left stunned how you were able to do that. he heard your voice inside his head just like he had heard sukuna's. paled, he looked at megumi. 
"[name] just entered sukuna's domain. i heard her voice." megumi and nobara panicked. 
immediately, you were woken up by your brother.
"[name]! wake up!"
you opened your eyes with a yawn, confused at the panicked expressions they each held. "huh?"
"gumi-nii?" you rubbed your eyes. "is daddy here already?" 
"are you okay? did.. did you have a good dream?" megumi swallowed thickly, carefully wording his question. he didn't want to worry you or make you panic.
you perked up at his question. the drowsiness you had subsided instantly. "yeah! i was in a pretty red place and there was this man who looked like yuji-nii." 
"did he hurt you?" megumi asked in concern, taking you from yuji's arms in a panic to inspect any injuries, which you shook your head to that in response. 
you smiled gleefully, "he made up-up with me just like yuji." 
the three of them glanced at each other in disbelief at how you were able to do that and looks like gojo would need to hear a thing or two from them, and maybe finally explain your cursed energy to them.
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roscgcld · 4 years
HEADCANON + VARIOUS || when their siblings are evil
request: Hello, I was kinda wondering how would Gojo, Itadori and megumi react to a their younger sibling being evil but she has a reason to being that way. [Headcanon] -
note: hmm - this one is really interesting! honestly i had never thought about their reactions if their younger siblings are evil! this was an entirely new idea to me, so i definitely enjoyed writing something like this
characters: gojo satoru, itadori yuji, fushiguro megumi
pronouns: she/her
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in this sense, I feel it’s not that shocking that if his younger sister joined forces with geto
if you weren’t born with the Six Eyes like your older brother, your clan will just treat you like a slave - like maki was treated when she was in the zen’in clan 
after years of abuse and being told that you were a mistake, and that you shouldn’t have been born, and that you were a waste of space - that might crack you and made you go insane
gojo might have known this might happen, and had tried to move you away from the path of evil - because i feel like he would be a good older brother and shower you in all the love you deserve
he’d shower you in love and respect, getting you new clothes even if your parents tell him not to, spoil you rotten and even training you to use your powers under the cover of darkness
but sometimes it just isn’t enough though, and the emotional wounds are just too deep to heal - and he gets that
feel like he might end up blaming himself - what kind of older brother can’t protect his own baby sister? how can he call himself ‘the strongest’ when he can’t even protect the one person that he was born to protect?
screw the world - he’s your older brother. he should have seen the signs and stopped you from doing what you do
at the same time, he knows the reason why you left - you were sick and tired of the higher ups and their backwards thinking
the elders of your clan, the elders of other clans, the higher ups who control the jujutsu world - you hate them all, and you strive for the change that gojo wants to do as well. but with how you’ve been put down your entire life, and how underdeveloped your skills are, you went the only route you know - a route that strays you away from all you’ve ever known
if anything, he’s sort of proud - since along the way, geto definitely takes you under his wing and teaches you to unlock all the potential of your power - which will be a huge slap to the face for the rest of the clan and the higher ups
feel like he doesn’t have it in him to really take you down if he needs to, since he can see through you no matter what - how you’re scared to be on the run, how you hate being away from your older brother, how you know that you have innocent blood on your hands
yet you can’t leave, you’re in too deep now. and if you return, who exactly is there to stop the higher ups from killing you like they so desperate want to for so long?  
he’d probably spare you out of all the sorcerers that the higher-ups have branded as traitors, because at the end of the day you’re still his baby sister
and no matter how twisted your views of getting to your goal has become, you two still strive for the same thing - and that is to rid the jujutsu world of people like them
plus, if he was being honest, he’d want to keep you around as a slap to the higher ups still lol; the biggest middle finger he can give to them is by keeping you alive for as long as possible
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yuji, being the sunshine he is, would not have known why you decided to leave for the other side of the war
it wasn’t his fault - if anything, he was the best older brother to be around. he’s what people dreamed of when they think of having an older brother
he took care of you, make sure you and your grandfather was fed, made sure you didn’t need to worry about trivial things like money or when the pay the bills - you just focus on being happy and that’s all that he needs in return
feel like the reason why you left was more because of manipulation - if you can just grow stronger, you can protect yuji from getting executed. that you can make a better world for the both of you, that you two can one day live in a happy world where curses and sorcerers were far behind you
of course yuji will be upset - he doesn’t see the appeal of the other side, and always advocates for you to realise how geto and the other curses are using you for their own benefit 
why would you give up your freedom to fight on the other side?
he’d be conflicted - this was the little girl who he used to braid her hair and cook for every day, the girl who he brought up from young to become the headstrong woman you are today. his best friend and the only person he can truly rely on during the darkest of times
how can he put that aside and hunt you down like you’re a prized animal in a hunting competition?
he’d wonder if he was a good brother to you too as well - wondering if he wasn’t giving you enough attention growing up, not as good as he thought he was at splitting his time for you
it’d take a lot of convincing from his friends that it wasn’t his fault, that you were being manipulated into thinking that this was the only way you can turn to in order to help him
since neither of you were really sorcerers to begin with - being thrown into a world where power dictates how you are treated would push anyone into a corner 
he’d use that to probably train harder - to show you that you didn’t need to do the things you are doing to make sure he’s safe, that he can protect both you and him with ease
that you two can go back to how things were before all this
if you two ever meet in battle, i don’t think he’d be able to handle it - he’d be hesitate when it comes to hitting you with full power, since he didn’t want to kill you by accident
the last he needs is to have your death on his conscience
throughout the entire battle he might still try to convince you that it isn’t too late, that you can return back to jujutsu tech and learn from the best of the best, with a warm roof over your heads and friends you can really rely on 
he’d stand in the way between you and any curse that tries to take you out, making sure that if either of you are to continue living, it’d be you
he’d lay his life down for you, even though he knows you’ve taken many innocent ones while getting to where you are today 
he still has all the love of an older brother, and nothing people say or do will waiver the vow he took when he first held you in his arms - that he was going to protect you no matter what
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with megumi, i can see why as well - you were abandoned at a young age, growing up watching your father working with all kinds of shady people
so it was natural for you to fall down the same path; since no one was really there to teach you right from wrong 
i feel like megumi might have tried, and he really did try to show you that going down the path your father did was not the best idea - but how much can he do as a young child?
he probably feels more guilty as time goes by - child or not, he was your older brother, he should have tried harder to show you where you could have put that skill
wouldn’t breath a word about your existence to anyone, not because he doesn’t want to be associated with you. it’s more so your name will not be as well known as geto suguru - that maybe, there was a chance that the higher-ups might overlook you and you can sneak back in without causing too much waves
but the entire time, he might harbour all the guilt from not trying hard enough as a child to convince you that going to jujutsu tech was the best way to get stronger and show the zen’in clan that your father wasn’t a ‘waste of an heir’
the first time his friends will even find out you were an actual person is when you would run into them whilst you’re on a job - kill a target your client gave to steal some documents that they view as valuable
you didn’t notice them until you felt someone staring at you, to which you turn to face the person - ready to threaten to scoop their eyeballs out
“oh, hi nii-chan.” you’d greet with a casual grin as he stared at you in shock, nobara and yuji looking between the both of you curiously. “didn’t think i’d see you ever again.”
yuji and nobara might talk to you like you’re a normal person, but they kept their guards up still - something you found amusing, but still answering their question truthfully 
megumi knew better - unfortunately you’re branded as an underground criminal, and if possible, any available sorcerer that bumps into you is to kill you before you accidentally reveal the existence of sorcerers and curses
however, no matter how hard he wills himself, he can’t do it - you’re still his flesh and blood. you may have chosen a path that’s different from his, but deep down you’re still living true to yourself
you’d glance over and see the conflict brewing in his eyes, to which you’d give him a soft smile before you lean over to grab his hand in his, causing him to snap his eyes up at you
“do what you think is right.”
with that you pulled away, and with another wave to the group, you melted into the crowd; somehow managing to disappear before their eyes
both his friends will be confused, looking around for you while he stared down at the hand you had grabbed, a slightly faraway look on his face
he’d probably realise that if anything, you’re living true to yourself and allowing yourself to fly so far ahead that you’ve slowly started to outshine any of them prior to this
and he’d feel weirdly proud, because you were still his baby sister, and you still achieved things that are worth being proud of 
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform
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violettelueur · 4 years
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↳ featuring : fushiguro megumi from jujutsu kaisen
↳ warnings : grammar issues
↳ form : headcanons
↳ published : 27 january
↳ pronouns : non specified in headcanon (but mostly relates to she/her)
↳ request : (aged-up!AU) Hey there !! Is your request box still open? If it is, may I order a classic black coffee with megumi where the reader gives birth and him as a dad. Thank you so much<3
↳ barista’s notes : hi everyone~ barista violettelueur is back at the cafe making your orders and i just counted them.....i didn’t realise there were 40 coffees i needed to make in total ʕ ㅇ ᴥ ㅇʔ well....better get working violettelueur! moving on from that, i hope you enjoy your cup of classic black coffee (jujutsu kaisen request!) and please come again to the cafe soon ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡
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↳ During your pregnancy:
When you got pregnant with Fushiguro, just know that it was on the borderline of being planned but sort of not planned.
What I mean by this is he was probably getting a new book from your local bookstore and saw the ‘self-care for up and coming mothers’ book to which he brought out the whim leading you to find it on the coffee table later - and if that ain’t a secret message then what is it?
Of course, you are wary of the situation since Fushiguro didn’t really have a stable household since he doesn’t remember his father but you knew that he was going to be an amazing father never-the-less.
When you revealed to him that you were pregnant, you probably told him to sit down as you informed him. He will have a shocked face for quite some time - and this face of his will probably make you nervous as hell - but he will have a soft look instantly before pulling you close to him while gently resting your head on his stomach.
Please know that there will be tears threatening to leave his precious green eyes, so please comfort him.
Remember that book I mentioned, he will go back to the bookstore and buy more for you and himself so you both can be prepared - to be honest, it’s cute to imagine you between his legs while you and him are reading.
If you need anything, just know Fushiguro is on it right away. Need tea? It’s already brewing. Feeling tired/fatigued? Fushiguro has already got his hands on your shoulders and has a bath prepared for you. If you want ice cream at 2:30 am? Fushiguro will groan but he will bring you ice cream since he always had some of your favourite stocked up in the freezer.
Fushiguro will become extremely protective of you, so if Itadori, Kugisaki and Gojo become a bit too irritating for his liking, he will move you away from them - Gojo will beg to be the child’s grandfather but Fushiguro will flat out refuse because he knows what’s going to happen to his child if he does agree to it.
Like when you are sick, Fushiguro will summon his divine dog to keep an eye on you when he needs to go somewhere (other than missions) and it will follow you everywhere but it will also rest his head on your bump.
When it comes to the labour, Fushiguro will become extremely worried and will have your hand in his the entire time he is at the hospital - he looks tense I tell you.
When it’s time for the child to appear into the world, just know Fushiguro will probably be the one holding your hand tightly rather than you - he is that worried - and will try his best to comfort you as best as he could - will accept any abuse from you at this point because you are in extreme pain.
At the end of it, he would comfort you and hold you really tight in his arms - he doesn’t care about the sweat - and comfort you while thanking you for giving him a family.
When the baby is born, he probably has tears in his eyes when he sees you and the child together - like he really has a family now.
Fushiguro is nervous holding the child - no matter how many books he has read, it will never prepare him for the real thing - but on the low looks like an expert while doing so because he is probably recalling the information from one of his books in his head.
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↳ Fushiguro as a father :
Fushiguro as a father, he still has difficulty expressing his emotions but he will try his best for his child since he wants them to have a better childhood than he did.
If his child has a bad day or for some reason is upset, he would carry them in his arms and rub their back as a way to calm them down - to be honest, it’s an adorable sight because the child is looking at you over Fushiguro’s shoulder probably demanding a kiss from you.
Fushiguro is like the child’s shadow - haha get it? - because when they start walking, best know that he is slowly walking behind them in case they drop before carefully lifting them up again on their feet.
I don’t think he will spoil his child, he probably wants them to appreciate everything they have but once it’s their birthday or a holiday has arrived, best know Fushiguro will buy something his child has been wanting for a long time - he remembers small details.
When you wake up in the middle of the night and don’t find him next to you, you know that you’ll find him in the child’s nursery leaning over the crib while stroking the baby’s cheek with his finger.
Just like how you and Fushiguro link your pinky fingers together, Fushiguro really adores it when the baby wraps his hold hand on his pinky - sort of reminds him of you.
When you have to do something, Fushiguro will offer to babysit while you are away but just know when you arrive home, his divine dog has taken over the job while he is either sleeping on the couch or the floor.
Known fact, wherever the child goes, his shikigami’s will follow - protective squad.
When the baby meets Itadori, Kugisaki and Gojo, best know the baby will cling onto you but will slowly warm up to them - just with a straight face like his father and they will tell you this resemblance.
“Y/N, why does the baby act like Fushiguro? They were supposed to be cute and nice as you!”
The only person he will trust with his child other than you is his sister - and she adores the baby so much that she will ask to babysit almost every day.
Overall, Fushiguro as a father is someone that is extremely protective of his family since he doesn’t want to lose this happiness that he has right now and sometimes he feels like he’s not the best father figure to his child - so please slap his head and tell him that he is wrong.
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© violettelueur 2021 : written and published by violettelueur - do not steal or repost
739 notes · View notes
alicemitch09writes · 3 years
star starry night eyes
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pairing: Gojo!reader x Fushiguro Megumi, Gojo!Reader and Gojo Satoru, Gojo!reader and Itadori Yuuji
summary: With eyes that know what the future holds, what awaits for them, it still didn't stop her from being a trophy to many, her friends from being prey, and her beloved brother sealed away.
And yet, she clings on to hope.
Unfortunately, hope is a dangerous thing for her to have in these dark times.
author’s notes: so, this sequel wasn't supposed to happen but i couldn't help it because the shibuya arc was giving me a lotta feels and i wanted to write more on reader's relationship with gojo and yuta. yuta, WHO'S FINALLY HOME AND I HONESTLY CRIED WHEN I SAW HIM. aaaand, just a head's up, if you've noticed this is part of a series and there's Sukuna chapter already up and maybe another of these? hehe who knows ;D
AAAAAAAAAAAAAANd, yes, we're here because things got exciting in the manga and I thought of reader and Gojo having a reunion  (ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣ ہ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ✿)
this is a sequel to ‘written in the stars’ please read that first to avoid confusion.
WARNING! There are major spoilers for Shibuya Arc, Itadori's Execution Arc, and Culling Game Arc. Please read at your own risk.
Also, trigger warning: there are mentions of panic attack and vomiting, I'm just not sure if I did it right.
also available on ao3.
disclaimer: i own nothing but the plot.
After Shibuya, (Y/N) was heartbroken. It was, without a doubt, the biggest upset in the jujutsu society. A great travesty.
Kento-san had been killed, as she had seen. Her brother was kept away, as she had seen. Principal Yaga was to be executed, as she had seen. Also, with her brother sealed, there was no one to protect her from the higher-ups.
And now, Yuta-senpai was out to execute Yuuji, just as she had just seen.
Thus, aside from being an executioner, he was also a captor. Her captor.
She was beside herself over the whole thing. For without her brother, there was no one to protect her from the dangers of the jujutsu world.
She was vulnerable.
Or so she thinks.
People tend to cast her as the weak Gojo without her brother to protect her only to forget that because she is half a Gojo, she’s just as strong as her brother. Not to mention, she was a clairvoyant. Even without her brother, she can make things work.
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Shouko Ieiri, despite being seen as an accomplice for Principa Yaga's supposed scheme, was left to care for one Gojo (Y/N) being her next caretaker since her brother's capture. She was one of the few people he'd entrust his sister with, the one who knew her best. 
Things would act up soon, would set into motion, every step was taken carefully, cautiously.
Knowing something was up, Shouko kept a neutral expression on, depending on her smarts to keep the young Gojo safe.
Two days since Shibuya, (Y/N) woke up with a gasp, cold sweat dripping off her. Immediately, Shouko was by her side.
"Are you alright, (Y/N)?"
Shakily holding her head, (Y/N) slowly tried to make sense of everything.
"It is a vision?" Shouko asked knowingly, gentle hands caressing the girl's hair. The younger girl nodded, leaning against the older woman.
"Y-Yaga-san?" at Shouko's darkened expression, she swallowed down a whimper. "K-Ken-" she bit her tongue, swallowing down an incoming whimper.
She saw it coming.
Nanami Kento's death.
Yaga Masamichi's persecution.
"S-Shouko-san, I-I have to go..."
"Go where?"
"Away. Far." She tried to pull out the tubes sticking to her, but the older woman stopped her.
"(Y/N), I know you at least know the gist of what's happening, but you must know that right now it's not a good situation for you."
With her clairvoyance limiting her of her future, she only has but a clear cut of the basics but its context is muddled and riddled with many other things.
She nods, feeling her chest heavy.
The older woman sighed heavily, feeling sorry for the younger girl.
She knew it was coming, had even seen it coming. But it doesn't mean it hurt any less. To know what happened to her brother, to feel him far from her reach.
Instead of replying, she pulled the girl close to a hug, allowing her to cry silently. “I’m so sorry, (Y/N).”
That was enough confirmation, shoulders shaking.
She saw her brother captured as well.
He was a man so powerful and feared that they knew that the best way to deal with him was to take him away, sealing him by someone who knows how to deal with him.
"I'll help you escape. But you have to promise me to stay safe and stay in touch."
Nodding weakly, she replied. "W-Will do, Shouko-san."
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Her brother taught her that if anything, 'the best offense is defense' and it worked especially well for her clairvoyance. Her brother's Limitless ability was for offense, hers was for defense. A complicated and intensely intricate thing it was - the Gojo clan's infamous Limitless ability, to fully understand it, hone it and master it. Yet Gojo Satoru saw to it that his sister was capable of Limitless, focusing more on defense. He trained her well, drilling into her that overdependency on her foresight can be taken to her advantage but it can also hinder her from the present, especially when it limits her own future to a week's worth only.
But a week's worth was plenty, enough for her to know what the Jujutsu higher-ups had planned among others.
Among them was forcibly taking her – Gojo (Y/N) with them, to work for them as the diviner she was supposed to be, something her brother had avoided when he was still here.
With the help of Ieiri Shouko, she was able to escape the hospital with no problem. Despite it being heavily guarded, it was nothing when you have one Gojo Satoru train you. And with the help of her clairvoyance, and a few of her spell cards, she was able to retrieve some items to help her quest.
Ducking into a wall, she kept her guard up as she wandered around Tokyo, feeling the thrumming energy from her crystal pendant, keeping her head low, hood up. Dimly lit, the crystal lifted slowly in midair towards west, a small chain wrapped delicately around her wrist. Lifting her wrist up, she walked westward, her wrist raised as to avoid suspicion. 
It was inevitable that everyone in the jujutsu society was on high alert, she couldn’t keep her guard down for one second.
With her Gojo genes, she could still keep out for cursed energies belonging to either curses or sorcerers with her Six Eyes, use her Infinity to be invincible to ward off any potential danger. However, she was half a Gojo and it was taxing dividing her tasks.
She might have an infinite pool of cursed energy, her Six Eyes can reduce her cursed energy consumption, but only to an extent. A clairvoyant she was first, half a Gojo she was second.
It ached her having to remind herself of that: she was half a Gojo.
But her brother assured her time and time again, half or not, she was family. 
No matter what, she was going to find him.
So deep in thought, she failed to realize shadows dancing beneath her feet, figures falling in step with her.
The crystal pendant fell limply, much to her confusion. When she tried to reach for it, something - or someone, reached out for her hand.
Lifting her head, mismatched eyes widening, she didn't expect Fushiguro Megumi to appear before her.
He stared, green eyes betraying nothing.
“That was so weird. Don’t do that again, okay?”
She can't see anywhere in his future other than a week's worth, like her. Their contract has been made.
Before she could finish, he takes her hand and away from the crowd, into a narrow alleyway.
Taking a good look at her dear friend, he looked better, cleaner, healthier - a clear recovery. Then his green eyes pierced into hers, voice almost a whisper. "You're looking for Itadori, aren't you?"
"I am."
His jaw tenses, eyes unwavering. "Then why didn't you come to me for help?"
She swallows thickly, ducking her head, thoughts swimming. 
Megumi watched as she shut her eyes, creasing from how hard she had them shut. Her thoughts were probably running wild, darkening with the weight of what happened in Shibuya.
"I don't want you involved," she says, finally, quietly, guiltily.
He releases a breath, tickling her skin, almost akin to a scoff.
"Well, that's unlikely since it's that guy." She had to smile at that, her expression easing.
"How's Nobara-chan?"
Megumi's face hardens, brows furrowing together. However, he grounds out, "Still unconscious."
But she'll be fine, she saw her future. Only, it won't be easy once she wakes up.
Peeking from her lashes, Megumi's gaze was still on her, softened, worried, concerned, waiting.
Surrendering, she leaned her head against his shoulder and sighs. "A lot of things are happening, Megumi."
"I know." He wraps an arm around her waist, in comfort, nosing into the material of her hood. With his other hand, he circles them on her wrist, lowering gently until his thumbs slip into her palms, caressing gently.
"...and nii-sama-"
"I know," he squeezes her hands, his large hands swallowing hers. "but we'll get him back."
"But it's Suguru-nii-"
Megumi frowns, unsure how to answer that since he’s personally never met the man let alone hear about him from the Gojo siblings. "One problem at a time, (Y/N)."
In the darkened corner of a street in Akibahara were two teens, holding on to each other while the world threatened to swallow them whole.
At that moment, they had each other, and that was all that matters.
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"You know where Itadori is, right?"
She hums with a nod, eyeing the crystal on her bracelet. "He's with someone, but I can't make out who, which is strange..." The crystal stops - they, too - and turns to the left - they quickly follow. 
Megumi frowns at that. "Who?"
"I..." her voice quiets, the two still following after the raised crystal. "...I don't know."
"You can't see who it is?" The surprise was clear in his tone.
She shakes her head. "I know he's with someone, but in my vision, he's blurry. I don't know who he is," a frown marred her face. "let alone what he is."
Megumi's eyes narrow, (Y/N) continues to worry, and the two quicken their pace, unsure if Yuuji's companion was friend or foe.
"Are we close?"
"I can't tell," the sad thing about divination was it could show you, but it couldn't tell you exactly. Everything was up to interpretation.
Unable to help himself, Megumi curses under his breath. Not at (Y/N), but of the circumstance.
Who knows who could be following after Yuuji's trail? (Y/N)'s? Or worse, both?
As much as he wanted to bring out his divine dog, he didn't want to risk exhausting his cursed energy. (Y/N) was doing plenty to cover both their trails, thanks to her infinite pool of energy, but there was a limit to it.
They had only to depend on smart hunches in getting to Itadori first and keeping (Y/N) safe.
"My, oh my," a voice cut through behind them, much to both their surprise.
A light-haired man appeared before them, dressed in the finest kimono, piercings on his left ear, and an eerie sense of air upon him.
Immediately, she knew who he was, having heard about him from her brother, from Maki-san.
Naoya Zenin has joined in the fray.
Smirking, he slowly walks towards the two teens, his eyes shined a dangerous gleam against the light. The air around him was different, almost...mischievous, to a dangerous extent, and malicious.
An impassive look filled his face, cold indifference and disgust at the messy-haired boy. "Toji's little bastard." Lazily, his eyes slid to her, giving a good head to toe, those eyes lighting up. "Ah, and of course, the fabled, great diviner - the Gojo girl."
At that, she clings only to Megumi closer, Megumi's eyes narrowing as he shields her from him.
It all happens at once.
She meets his cold gaze, that malicious grin spreading across his lips to his eyes before she sees everything.
It hits her literally and figuratively like a whiplash, staggering from the impact of her visions - many, many visions of how his future will go. Mainly, she focuses on the default one, catching her breath as Megumi catches her in his arms, helps steady her breathing. "(Y/N)?"
"Oho," there was excitement in his voice, rubbing his hands together in delight. "did you see something, little girl?"
Helping her stand, Megumi never lets his guard down.
"Megumi," she holds onto his arm, squeezing hard. Megumi's expression immediately changes, sensing from her tone, confirmed only by her squeeze.
This man is dangerous.
"You know, you are a pretty little something," and then he was in front of her, that same smile on his lips. "mind being my bitch of a wife?"
In her visions, she sees herself taken away by him - through force, through incapacitating her, through knocking her out, using distractions, but in default, he doesn't.
For she feels her body sinking to the ground as Megumi safely tucks her away in the shadows, sending her far away. She lands elsewhere, further than where Megumi originally was. Although worried, she had no choice but to trust him and pray for his safety.
For now, she had to find Itadori.
It was only to her luck, as she rounds a corner that she runs into him. The two teens immediately stopped and stared at each other, shock written on both their faces.
"Yuuji-kun!" she cries, wrapping him into a hug. "You're alright!"
"A-Ah, yeah, I am." But the look in his eyes, the once bright and joy-filled brown hues were gone, it made her heart ache.
Letting go, she grabs hold of his hands, giving them a gentle squeeze. "It's not your fault, Yuuji-kun."
He doesn't say anything, stares glumly only at their hands – her small warm hands holding on to his large, cold ones.
“It’s not your fault, okay?” she reiteriterates, emphasizing each word. “If anything,” she bows her head, shameful. “It’s ours.”
It took a while for her words to sink in, to realize what she meant. She misses the way his eyes widen slightly, taking her in. “(Y/N)…”
"It's a cruel twist of fate, isn't it? But that's why we keep going," she squeezes again, raising their hands, mismatched eyes meeting browns. "to live for the ones we lost, to justify their influence on you!"
Something ignites in him. It may not be much, but it was enough.
"Thanks, (Y/N)."
Her heart continues to ache for the boy in front of her, knowing of the many horrors to still come his way. But if anything, she has faith in his heart.
Suddenly, her hold loosens, Yuuji picks up her neutral cursed energy, the look in her eyes.
"Itadori Yuji."
Turning around, she meets her senior, after months overseas. The bags under his eyes are darker, deeper, but the look in his eyes are what scares her.
Steeling herself, she holds a protective stance before Itadori, casting a few spells in case.
At the sound of his name, Itadori's takes a good look at the teen before them.
Only to feel the weight of his presence, his cursed energy-
It’s almost like Gojo-sensei’s…
“Yuuji…” a figure appeared from the side, a someone she had missed out as she as too focused on the teen before her. He was dressed in light and dark garbs, heavy bags under his tired eyes, thick messy hair tied into high buns, and an air to him that felt different. So different.
Realization fell upon her. “You’re the one from my vision…”
“I’m sorry, this is not the time for it-“
“Oi, oi, oi,” another voice chimed in, one that sends shivers down her spine. "this is quite the bunch."
Panicked, she saw Naoya Zenin walking towards them.
What happened to Megumi? She thought in panic.
“Who’s this?” Itadori asked beside her.
“B-Bad news,” she murmured, feeling her heart ready jump up to her chest. Where’s Megumi? What happened to him!?
Okkotsu jumped down from the ledge he was on, the ground crumbling underneath him. Both Yuuji and his companion were awestruck by his power, but (Y/N) paid little attention, mind thinking back to Megumi.
She was aware that two strong men had appeared, rendering the chances of Itadori Yuuji’s survival thin, but she was too focused on her now quickening heartbeat, the shortening of her breath.
Mismatched eyes caught sight of her crystal pendant, pointing directly at Itadori. She could always use it to try and detect for Megumi’s, to make sure he was still…he was still…that Megumi was still...
“You gotta run, Yuuji. Both of you.”
“Blondie over there is a speed type, I caught a quick glimpse earlier and could deal with him well. He looks tricky, but I can take him.”
“Will you be alright?”
“Just think about getting away from Okkotsu, the dark-haired one.” He directs his eyes to the girl, paralyzed suddenly. “I’m guessing he’s the same with her brother. If you fight him, you die. Also, they want to capture her with or without her consent.”
Itadori’s eyes widened, turning to the girl. “I got it.”
“Let’s meet at yesterday’s spot.”
Nodding, he quickly gets down to pick (Y/N).
Just as soon as the fight was over, then came chaos.
In a flash, Naoya Zenin was before Choso, hefting (Y/N) over his shoulder, Itadori Yuuji made a mad dash just as Okkotsu Yuuta reached for them both.
Snapping out of her daze, (Y/N) watched in fear the look in her senior’s eyes, the blankness in those usually kind eyes.
“Yuuji-kun,” she tapped on the boy’s shoulders. “I’m sorry about earlier. But now, I’ll give us a little boost.” Without waiting for his reply, she flourished a card from her stack and threw it at her senpai – the card burst into an invincible wall, which he cut easily with his blade.
Cursing under her breath, which the younger boy noticed, she then flourished another card, “Just keep running, Yuuji-kun, I’ll take care of Yuuta-senpai!”
Taking out a few paper cranes from one of her pouches, she quickly infused the card and the cranes together, breathing life into them, before watching them fly off. One by one, they multiplied, rapidly, then circled Yuuta into a vortex, trapping him.
In anticipation, she held tight to Yuuji as he jumped over a swept car in their path. When he landed, she felt him duck, a blade just missing the top of her head.
“You’re fast, kinda like Maki.”
Even with (Y/N) on his shoulders, it didn't hinder Yuuji’s movements, nor did it slow him down as he easily kicked the car towards him.
Following her vision, a downturned alley came to view.
Using the momentum, Yuuji turned to the alley, bent on darting inside when-
“Yuuji-kun, stop!” she yelled, just in time for the same car he kicked earlier to crash in front of them, blocking their exit.
Surprise was written all over her friend’s face, clearly seeing the true strength of the special grade sorcerer in front of them.
“I may not look like the power type, but I’m plenty strong.”
Approaching the two, with his cursed energy continuing to spike up, seeing the usually kind eyes of his void of any emotion sent a shiver down her spine. Something inside her was hurting, this was not the senior she and Megumi respected. What happened to him?!
“Sorry,” she felt his hold on her tightened, seeing his resolve shining through his eyes. “I can’t die just yet.” Thick was the determination in his voice, to keep living and keep her safe. Swallowing down her fear, she patted the teen's shoulder as thanks.
It then became a game of cat and mouse.
Miraculously, as she was tossed around in Yuuji’s shoulders as he dodged and attacked her senior, absolutely refusing to put her down and risk her safety. A moment’s worth of putting her down could lead them both in jeopardy. She aided as much as she could, using her Infinity to keep her senior away.
Yet he managed to cut through the invisible force keeping him off.
Eventually, he had to set her down, much to her insistency to help out. It then became a two-against-one, (Y/N) on the defense with Itadori on the offense. 
"Cursed Technique Resisting Force: White."
Just as Yuuta's feet hit the ground, he slips and slides without control. Yuuji uses the opportunity to attack, but her senior easily slips through him, parrying blow by blow.
Each time he tries to set his foot down, it slips off and he's scrambling off. Even planting a hand to the ground proved to be difficult, as thought gravity negated him.
Without a stable footing, he couldn't land a hit on her friend.
But he didn't spend his time overseas for leisure, no.
Stabbing his sword in the ground, he imbues his cursed energy to his feet, stabilizing himself.
"I forgot just how tricky it is to go against you, (Y/N)."
She never forgot, just how powerful her senior was.
Leaping off towards her, the ground beneath him quakes, leaving a mass of devastation.
Luckily, Yuuji appears with a blade in hand - a survival blade. Following into her vision, she regarded the four-wheel SUV behind them. 
Despite losing his capability to stand on solid ground, Yuuta was proving himself capable of adapting to the situation, seeing as he was meeting Yuuji's imbued slashes.
Letting go of white, she focuses her energy on her next attack. When red paint her vision.
But it was too late, his knife was sliced, a tear through his shirt, blood spurting.
However, it didn't stop Yuuji from kicking his feet to the ground, breaking it with a swift kick. 
Making a dash for him, she flourished one of her bomb cards, attempting to distract her senior. However, he seemed to see it coming as he produced a hauntingly similar card to hers. Her vision didn't make it in time for her to brace herself.
Knocked back by her own power, she watched to her horror as her senior stabbed Itadori in the chest, Rika holding on to the younger boy.
"N-No..." stumbling on her feet, her limbs wobbled under the weight of her body. "Yuuji-kun..." or was she shaking out of fear? "No, Yuuji-kun!"
“Now, (Y/N)…” Okkotsu turned to her, her breathing shortening once again, blood running cold, unable to move a muscle.
Something lodged in her throat, an erratic beating against her chest. Fear ate her nerves, freezing her, losing sense of everything and anything-
"You are not laying a finger on (Y/N)," a voice drawls, suddenly something was hovering her frame protectively.
She recognized this voice!
Out from the shadows was Megumi, a little worse for wear, but alive. Alive!
Her heart sang with praise, her lips opening to release a shaky breath of relief she had been holding since. Megumi was alive!
Gone was the polite tone he usually saved for one of his most respected seniors, replaced only with betrayal, anger. "Not now. Not ever."
"Move, Fushiguro-kun."
His eyes hardened. "Make me."
Thing was, Okkotsu Yuuta was a special-grade jujutsu sorcerer, well-renowned, high-revered, highly favored, and the best of his class for a reason.
Megumi may have developed thanks to training with his seniors and her brother, but it was still nowhere near his unpredictability and mastery of hand-to-hand combat and jujutsu.
He could dodge and attack for as much as he can handle, but it will never hold a candle against his most respected senior.
Not to mention, he was multi-tasking at keeping (Y/N) by his side, making sure his senior doesn't touch even a single strand of her hair. She had her Infinity ability on, but it was hard to keep in on together with her clairvoyance especially in something as fast-paced as this battle. But she was helping plenty on her own, supporting him with flash bombs, attacks like white and another technique - silver, reducing any attack from their senior, even yelling out when to dodge or duck against his senior's attacks.
Despite the advantage of two-against-one, especially with her being a clairvoyant, Okkotsu Yuuta proved that he was a special-grade jujutsu sorcerer for a reason.
Tripping Fushiguro’s feet, he sent the boy flying and away, finally separating him from (Y/N), mismatched eyes widening.
"Just as I thought, you can see all, but you tend to focus on one thing and one thing only. Your clairvoyance may be flawless, but it’s not without its limitations. To have an ability that’s constantly active and uses a great amount of cursed energy should be taxing. But you are a Gojo, after all." There was a glint in his eyes, a vision suddenly came to her. "What’s more,” Suddenly, he dropped his cursed energy and easily slipped through her Infinity, closing in “Gojo-sensei's thought you well, (Y/N)."
Just when Yuuta-senpai was close, she felt herself slipping into the ground, into the shadows. Before fully sinking in, she met familiar green eyes, a handsome bruised face.
Releasing a breath, Megumi struggled to stand, standing before his senior.
"Impressive," Yuuta-senpai commented, watching their shadows dance. "You've learned to finally make use of your shadows to store things, (Y/N)-kun, included."
There was no point in asking why his senior, someone he respected so much would turn on him, on Gojo-sensei, on them.
"The only way to retrieve (Y/N)-kun back is by killing the sorcerer."
Still, there was no way he’d ever let him lay a single hand on (Y/N).
His heart was hammering wildly against his chest, some parts of him were still freshly bruised from his fight with Naoya Zenin. The more he moved, the more his body screamed in pain. But he had to make a stand, he had to protect the people he cared about.
Even if it means-
“Fushiguro-kun, listen to me carefully.”
Suddenly, Okkotsu’s stance eased, as did his expression, reverting back to that senior he and (Y/N) knew and respected.
Although confused, he still kept his guard up, feeling his shikigami prowling in warning, keeping (Y/N) nestled protectively amongst the shadows.
“Gojo-sensei has a plan.”
And just like that, seeing the sincerity in his senior’s eyes, Fushiguro felt himself rest easy.
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After Yuuta's revelation about how her brother had planned to save Itadori from the beginning, she felt calm. It was the same contingency plan for her, should anything happen to him. 
Cautious as her brother was, she just didn't predict it to be this grand of an extent. Not even she could see it coming!
With the aid of Tsukumo Yuki, they had also come up with a plan to free her brother.
Choso and Maki were in on the plan, with the former readily sharing how he could get them all in despite the barrier thanks to his connection with his siblings inside the storehouse.
When Yuuji emphasized that he greatly wanted to save her brother, she was at ease.
Still, now that her brother was gone and she was a target for the higher-ups scared her. It was now that she realized how sheltered she was because of her brother, how protected she was, how weak she was without him. What kind of Gojo was she?
Tsukumo had a plan set in motion, but seeing how everyone’s come to, they needed to at least take a day’s rest before they act. Readily, (Y/N) suggested they use the Gojo manor – a place that wasn’t easy to locate and access to unless you were granted permission by the family – she or her brother.
Her brother.
Just the thought of it saddened her.
For without him, she was nothing - Gojo only by name, a meaningful instrument to many.
In his absence, was an empty house without him in it - cold, empty, lonely.
"What's wrong, (Y/N)?" Megumi asked, voice soft.
Swallowing, she wanted to shake it off, but she had everyone's attention now. How embarrassing.
Here they were, planning on getting to Master Tengen, figuring out a way to get through his infinite doors, and then there was she brooding over her loneliness. How selfish.
Avoiding their gaze, lest she embarrasses herself even more, her voice was soft. "Um, I was just thinking..." she fiddled with her skirt. "how lonely the house is now."
That caught everyone's attention, Megumi's eyes never left her.
Reading the mood, Tsukumo was quick to offer. "Hey, how about we have a sleepover then?"
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It was clear that it was Yuuji’s first time in the Gojo manor, the rest have already been here once or twice. Megumi, being a regular visitor. Yuuta, being his second time. Tsukumo looked around the infamous manor, curiosity piquing as her eyes took in every grand detail of the manor.
“…i-it’s huge!!” Yuuji commented, relapsing back to his usual self, much to her relief. Choso just stared, sticking close to his ‘little brother’.
“I see nothing’s changed much here.” Maki commented with complete nonchalance.
“But it’s nice that you kept my souvenirs, (Y/N)!” Yuuta-senpai cheered at the display in the living room, tone light. “You even have some of Miguel’s, too!”
“How is Miguel-san?”
“Mysteriously jolly and cryptic as always,” and the two shared a laugh, however, her laugh wasn’t as joyful and full of energy as it used to. The senior took note of that, watching the younger girl in worry.
As her home filled with companions anew, giving a semblance of liveliness. Just, it didn't match up to that of her brother's.
Beside her, a presence made itself known, pinky finger linking with her own, bringing a smile to her face, curling her pinky back in turn.
She stuck close to Megumi throughout, her heart warmed at the sight of her dear friends and new acquaintances inside her home. Yuuji was making himself comfortable, despite being surrounded by her senior, who almost killed him, a half-cursed spirit and half-human, who claims to be his big brother, Tsukumo Yuki, a strange new ally (or foe, who knows), Maki, brooding into nothing, Megumi, and her. Yuuta and Maki were making small talk, catching up most probably.
Except, something was missing. Someone. The longing in her heart ached by the second. By the minute, she was hoping to find a familiar head of silver that wasn’t from her own, a tall frame looming over – but all she found were her guests.
"Excuse me," she stood up from her spot, head lowered, not wanting to see the worry in their eyes directed at her.
With her back against the door, she slumped against it, until hearing it click close.
Deep breath in, slow breath out.
Another deep breath in, slow, staggering breath out.
Pulling her head up to the ceiling, she put a hand over her mouth when a whimper came out. Her hands began to shake, she had to squeeze her eyes shut, pretending not to see when she could feel it through her bones, rattling at her nerves.
This was her fault! Everything was her fault!
She wretched, hunching over weakly against the toilet clutching against the wall and smooth porcelain.
Head spinning, drenched in a cold sweat, she felt traitorous tears on the corners of her eyes, threatening to slip like the voices in her head.
Her fault! Her fault! Her fault!
Spitting in the toilet, her breathing heavy from all the heaving, fingers blindly searching for the flush before pressing it. Pushing herself off, she heard the toilet flush.
Calming her breathing, she settled her gaze on the gray tiles, feeling her legs carry her to the sink.
Turning the tap, she watched the water flow, its noise echoing into the room. 
Grabbing hold of the sink, as her world wobbled, she allowed herself a moment of calming, grounding. 
The water continued to flow before her, she tried to focus on the sound of gushing water, trying to silence out the voices, tried to calm herself to the sound of it.
Slowly peeling her eyes open, was met by a frazzled (h/c) haired girl, the silver on her right sticking to her cheek, mismatched eyes weak and dull - like a dead fish from the fish market, staring back at her. Reflecting the image of despair and loneliness with eyes knowing one too many truths.
The water continued to flow, her focus divided on the sight of her reflection in the mirror and its flow.
Slowly, her heart slowed, returning to its usual rhythm. 
The voices were still there, but it was quieter, a lingering whisper. It was enough.
Letting go of the sink, she scooped water into her hands before splashing it to her face, the coolness of it evening her body temperature. She then washed her hands thoroughly, almost roughly, as though ridding it of blood that was in her hands.
She could still feel her heart pounding wildly against her chest, not showing a chance of slowing.
Exiting the toilet, her ears slowly attuned themselves to the distant voices in her home - reminding her that she had guests and that she had probably been in there for a while. To her left were doors leading to their grand courtyard.
As it was fall, it was sure to be warm tones of reds and browns, leaves ready to fall. But the doors were closed, the leaves lay waiting. Maybe they will remain to wait until they fall off, without anyone to admire them. Maybe they will remain to wait for another time, a time when people could gather around and appreciate them. Maybe another time, but that time is not now.
Sighing, she moved, feeling her feet pad against the tatami floors. Time to face the music.
However, a certain hallway and she halted, following a path she was staring at a door in the far corner. Everything fell quiet.
Without even knowing, her padded foot found themselves walking towards it, past the pillars with markings and names on each side.
And then she was in front of a familiar door.
Suddenly, it felt like she was a child again.
Just a brush of her fingers on the fine wood, spreading her whole palm into it, and it all came to her.
Three gentle knocks at the door.
It opened.
'Hmm? What's wrong, (Y/N)?'
Little her kept her head down low, staring at her brother's feet - larger and paler than hers.
Tiny hands fisting against her pajama shirt, tiny frame quaking, her lower lip wobbled, words stuck in her throat, but nothing came out.
'Hey,' came a gentle voice, a finger gently lifting to meet soft crystal blues - warmth and kindness radiating in them 'hey, there, (Y/N).' his thumb wiped the tear from her cheeks, cupping her face in his large hands. Tears wouldn't stop falling, a whimper lodged in her throat. '(Y/N),' he tries again, voice softer than earlier. 'use your words, okay? Let your brother help you.'
Nodding, ever so slowly, she opens her mouth and says, ‘S-Scary dream...’
Without a word, the silver-haired man's face softened, gently he scooped the little girl off the ground and into his arms, letting her wrap herself around him.
Pulling her hand away from the door, as though it burned her, she turned to meet soft green hues. Unmistakable kind, beautiful, worried, soft green-hues.
"Me-Megumi..." something wet slipped down her eyes, she touched her face, realizing they were tears. Laughing, embarrassed, she rubbed at her cheeks, tears still slipping down her cheeks. "I'm...I-I..."
'I will never let anything bad happen to you,'
Several feet away, Megumi could see her carefully structured walls, her facade, the heartbreak, to start and crumble.
She sucks in a whimper, fingers folding into fists on each side of her head. "…I-I'm trying, Megumi.” She hiccupped, tears falling freely. “S-Sorry..."
Before her next tears fell, Megumi quickly but ever so gently scooped the back of her head and pressed it against her shoulder, wrapping his other hand around her, allowing her to cry.
How long she must've burdened herself for the future, for a cursed technique out of her control, for a fate so cruel to a gentle soul like her. "Don’t be sorry for crying." The hand around her hand balled into fists as she began sobbing. "Don't be sorry for something out of your control." fingers grabbed hold of his shirt, as though to ground herself "It's okay, (Y/N), it's okay. We'll get him back."
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(Y/N) had shared with him how much she hated crying a lot, of how much of her time was spent worrying and crying over a lot of things that were either a side effect of her curse, or of just empathetic she can be. He can’t fault her for that, she just had a big heart.
In a sense, she was like Itadori. They both felt for things around them, empathized too much, and poured their hearts easily into things.
Compared to him, however, (Y/N) torments herself too much, given her clairvoyance. Sure, she can see people’s future. But at times, her emotions tend to go haywire that it ends up rattling her brain. Add the fact that because she decided not to intervene at major points in life, and whatever happens will be on her for it. 
It was easy to exploit and hurt people like them.
However, it doesn’t mean that they will allow it to happen.
At the end of the day, they fight back with twice the pain they receive, each attack fueled only by the determination to keep their loved ones safe from harm. They channeled all their frustrations and pain through their attacks, carrying with them the weight of their burdens that fuels them to do more.
She was Gojo by name, was born with the all-seeing eye, but half of that was a woman bred for battle.
Meeting Itadori’s attacks blow by blow, she was quick to block and parry. With the special help of her clairvoyance, she easily predicted and saw his attacks coming, not once did the other boy land a hit on her.
Toudou said he had flimsy and shallow tastes in women. But he looks at (Y/N), working one-on-one with Itadori with a smile as she effortlessly dodges and parries his attacks, sending him flying once his guard completely drops.
His lips quirk.
Nothing about (Y/N) was weak.
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Their plan was grand, its execution being the tricky part of it all with the many intricacies that their society held - the many traps that awaited them. Ready or not, they were all at least capable to some degree (the first years, especially, who were fresh out of a promotion).
Master Tengen said many things – many confusing, complicating things.
Then again, to live as a jujutsu sorcerer meant that you are faced to deal, settle, or forced to live by such complications that thrive in the world and make means by it all.
When asked, the immortal would answer. (Even Yuuji's absurdly, rude, and flabbergasted question, to which the immortal easily answered to)
When he spoke, it was an echo of the thousands of years of experience he held and carried for so long. Such wisdom that was not to be underestimated or questioned.
A presence he was to behold, being the all-knowing and all-powerful leader of the jujutsu society.
Most of the time, his words tend to be confusing, facts mixing riddling with many other truths, tales that weaved on and on, even a clairvoyant like her couldn't get a read on him.
Honoring them with just his presence was enough to appease their curious young minds of who sat atop of their society, who was at the very foundation of the world they lived in. As an Immortal, he held many answers they wished to know.
...to which he gave easily.
Like it was mentioned earlier, when asked, he would answer.
No questions asked, asking only two of the strongest in their group to remain as his guard while they remain vulnerable to becoming a tool, just plain and simple truth to their questions on a silver platter.
"We have been satiated for a guest," they said, a menial smile looming over their lips.
And yet, her compatriots didn't let down their guard, still in a readying stance.
"Just like that?" Maki said, not once dropping her gaurd.
The immortal nodded, smile still in place. "Just like that."
"How are we sure that this is not a trap?" Choso asked, despite standing by his side with Yuki Tsukumo across him.
With a turn of their head, their eyes found (Y/N), lazily lifting an open hand to her. "Ask your seer," she jumped at the mention of her. "she can testify to my claims."
Everyone's eyes turned to her, just as she saw through their shared future, mismatched eyes widening. "He's right." She eased her stance, looking at her companions. "It's okay, we're safe." And that was all the confirmation they needed.
"Please leave the same way you entered," says the Immortal, directing them to the passage behind them. "You have all the answers, have staved off my boredom. Now leave me be."
And just like that, they all left the empty space one by one.
(Y/N) was the last to leave, curiously looking back at the immortal watching them - Yuki Tsukumo and Choso standing by his side, almost dutifuly.
Their eyes met.
Such beguiling eyes, almost like stars. No, like a galaxy - more stars and more planets in them. Lived lives.
"My child, there's nothing for you to see." They tell her. "Do so and you may drown."
Shaken, mismatched eyes blinked, but the immortal had their back to her.
"Farewell and good luck."
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19 days of the Culling Game went on filled with madness, bloodshed, and mayhem.
It took nearly all of their strengths to power through the hellish 19 days, as friends, foes, and allies clashed. Forcing their hand to participate and invoke their own set of rules to keep particular people in their lives safe from being a target.
Both Itadori Yuuji and Gojo (Y/N) quickly became the center of attention - prizes and trophies to many, sorcerers just dying to get their hands on Ryoumen Sukuna's vessel and the Gojo clairvoyant. They especially were more or less the main event for everyone around.
And to their luck, Noritoshi Kamo, in the body of Getou Suguru made his appearance. As did the being that possessed both Kamo and Getou - Kenjaku.
How he toyed through the minds, played and manipulated sorcerers into the madness he created all for the sake of glorious chaos. His hundred-year-old self had anticipated such bloodbath through the means of turning sorcerers against each other, humanity be damned if they were caught in the middle.
Cursed spirits were cast in the games, to amp up the fun.
To make matters worst was a being that was just threatened to level out the playing field, a being of a thousand years of experience who had no qualms whatsoever - Hana Kurusu. The angel jujutsu sorcerer.
Truly, it was a game fitting for the best and strongest in jujutsu society.
Many were the times when their group was separated into groups, then pairs, some venturing off by themselves. It only made things easier to find the weakest link and get rid of them, to settle for their own sick lust for blood, to appease their mania instilled by the games, or just for the sheer heck of the madness and mayhem.
With the world against their group, their plans cast into the wind.
(Y/N) was forced to come to a decision.
Gifted and cursed with the all-seeing eye, after years of casting it off, she decided, just this once, fate be damned, she would cheat the system.
"J-Just this once..." she heaved, leaning against Yuuji's outstretched arm, body before hers protectively.
Looking over his shoulder, he found that he was unable to look away.
For in those mismatched eyes of hers was a fire burning, an inferno almost, crystal blue and glittering (e/c) flames clashing, ready to burst. And yet, those same eyes were kind to him. Don't worry, Yuuji-kun.
He was reminded of the first time he felt a silence, everything around him stilled, he and the cursed spirit, Jougou, his domain, everything was subdued, caught in the fray, the first time he was witness to greatness - as he watched her fingers fall into a familiar position he's seen his teacher do before, as the next few same words were uttered.
"Domain Expansion,"
A burst of neutral energy, stretching, swallowing, gathering anyone who was anyone within her domain.
"Infinite Doors Paradox."
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"I hope you know that you can use your Domain Expansion even as a triumph card."
"Yes, I do, nii-sama. But I don't want to."
"You're such a pacifist, (Y/N), that's no good."
"I know the world's not all sunshine and rainbows, it's more than black and white, but more than anything, it deserves a chance."
"That kind of thinking will be your downfall, y'know."
"...I know."
"One way or another, as much as you hate it, you can't avoid needing to use it."
"...I know."
"Then let's make a promise,"
"A promise?"
"Yup, yup! See here, let's say something bad happens to me, or Megumi, or Tsumiki, Nanami, Yuuta, or anyone you love-"
"Yes, hypothetically - don't rush me - if anything were to happen to any of us, it's okay to be selfish, to be at the end of your rope, don't hesitate to use your Domain Expansion."
"...okay, I promise, nii-sama."
"Pinky promise?"
A laugh. "Pinky promise!"
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With the help of Master Tengen, Gojo was finally freed, the cube realm he'd been imprisoned in practically spitting him out. (Y/N), who was leaning against an equally bruised and injured Itadori Yuuji, broke off and made a mad dash towards him.
"Nii-sama!" she yelled, using probably all the air in her lungs, seeing his familiar silver head. Remembering the same man who appeared before her as a child, warm crystal blue eyes taking her in.
Clumsily, hastily, she ran faster, tears flying in the wind. "Nii-sama, Nii-sama!"
She practically tackled him to the ground, but Gojo was already sitting up, letting out an 'oof' once his sister landed on top of him. Right then and there, (Y/N) began sobbing into her brother's chest. Crying tears of relief that she's holding on to for so long.
The rest of their allies approached, watching from afar with tired, weary smiles, letting the siblings have their moment. One particular teen was just about ready to jump after her only to stop, a weary and glad smile on his face instead as he followed the girl's figure.
In Gojo Satoru's head, he could see that little girl again - one who couldn't explain the strange nightmares she had on her first night in the Gojo manor. And right now, he could still that little girl, his little girl, his precious little girl.
Wrapping his arms around her - gripping onto the upper back and the back of her head, he buried his nose against her hair, releasing a breath he didn't know he was holding.
"I'm back, (Y/N)."
one week before tragedy struck…
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sharuruwrites · 3 years
Something “small” Pt. 1
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Timeline: Gojo - 25 Shion - 24
A/N: As for this chapter, this one is based on one of Kenshi Yonezu’s song, Eine Kleine which translates to “a small” in German. Or at least this is the attempt. 
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
"Ew!" Gojo made a disgusted look on his face. "This coffee tastes gross!"
"Why did you-Just forget it."
How exactly did Nanami, someone who doesn't respect Gojo, ended up hanging out with him at a coffee shop? His senior invited himself over to have a coffee break with him. The 7:3 sorcerer had a feeling that Gojo isn't here to annoy him. Still, it has something to do about a certain ravenette.
"I think Shion is mad at me." It caused the blonde to raise his eyebrow at him.
Gojo begins to explain his current dilemma about the particular grade sorcerer. Since the beginning of April, the two barely interact with each other. Before he could even talk to her, she would quickly excuse herself then leave. He always looks forward to sleeping on their shared bed. But it feels cold whenever he woke up. Her replies to his texts used to be on time; now, it's hours after he sent it.
'It doesn't explain why she's mad at him.' Nanami thought. Despite getting annoyed at Gojo's antics, her tolerance levels are pretty high. There are two ways to make her mad; disturbed sleep or something terrible happens to her family. If someone dared to do it, there's a higher chance they'll lose a limb the next day. Only Gojo has the guts to wake up a sleep-deprived Shion.
"I may or may not missed our wedding anniversary by three weeks."
How did he find out about this? He may have taken a peek into her planner that is on their nightstand. The man was checking if she's been that busy with work. Then his expression changed when he saw a red line encircled March 14. It immediately made him remembered. That marks their fifth wedding anniversary.
Gojo's answer should expect someone to stare at him in disbelief. However, the white-haired man did not expect a quick response from his junior.
"You don't have to worried about that." Nanami flipped another page of his newspaper. "If I were you, I would start writing those reports before Shion nags you for it."
"How did you know she's not mad?"
"That's how Shion is, Gojo." He stated. "She doesn't get upset easily."
Instead of feeling relief, he felt annoyed and angry at him. Shion and Nanami are still close friends even after the man left the cursed world. It didn't bother him initially, but now it felt bitter whenever he thinks how close the two are.
Before Nanami could say anything, Gojo bid his junior a farewell as he left, leaving him in his thoughts. Like Shoko, he would never see the white-haired sorcerer confused about Shion. The man kept denying the truth that is in front of him.
  'He will be the second biggest idiot if that didn't make him realize what he feels for her.'
"I understand if you cheat on me, Gojo."  
"Me?! Cheat on someone like you?!" He immediately put down the manga he's been reading. "I would never-"
"You hate something that holds back your true potential." She interrupted him. "Our marriage will become your weakness."  
  "That's why you have to get stronger, Shion." He flipped another page of Shounen Jump. "But.. I have a feeling you'll do it regardless of what I say."  
  "It's the one thing I can do." Her eyes are full of sadness and guilt. "After you risk your name and your clan, for my sake."  
'Out of all the memories I have, it had to be that.' Gojo thought. He took a glance at the clock and realized he slept through dinner again. Megumi and his sister should be asleep by then.
It's been five years ever since they talked about it. The white-haired man holds on to his side of the bargain. He occasionally flirts with other women, but never did he give them ideas or do anything more than that. His wife deserves better than that. But with the way things are right now, there's one thought that came to his mind.
What if she finds someone better than him? If she did, what would he do? The man doesn't see himself puts up a strong facade and pretends to be okay with it. Of course, knowing how much of a selfish man he is, he'd kill them without a second thought. But that will make her despise him and maybe curse his name just like he always wanted to. Somehow, that doesn't sit very well with him.
Maybe, their missed anniversary could be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Shion not talking to him is her doing a favour for them. Not only for him but also the children they look after.
"I'm home..."
The sound of Shion's tired voice disrupted his train of thoughts. For the second time in his life, he's nervous. Not by the curses, the higher-ups, or the attempted assassinations on his life. He doesn't know how to bring up the sudden distance of his wife.
"Welcome home~" He lazily greets her.
"You're home early for once," She took off her glasses and blazer before she took a seat next to Gojo.
"I skipped writing reports today!" In exchange for his bright smile, he received a deadpanned look from his wife. He had plans to do it, but he wants to talk to her.
There's something off about her husband today. He goes for a hug or something that will make her face go red. But this is the first time they talked after three weeks of not seeing each other. It may look like she's avoiding him, but she's not.
"Is something bothering you, Satoru?"
It took a while for Gojo to answer her question, causing his wife to be concerned. Should he answer truthfully? Lie through his teeth? Or respond with a question of his?
"Are you mad?"
"This must be serious," She looks at him with her golden hues. "You rarely ask that question."
"You should be," He's currently preparing for her incoming wrath. "For forgetting our wedding anniversary after three weeks."
He was expecting her to shout curses at him. However, he did not expect a horrified look on the woman's face. The last time he had seen that face is when she accidentally left the Fushiguro siblings at Disneyland.
A mantra of 'sorry' spilled from her lips. Shame and guilt filled her chest when she realized how much of a dumb bitch she is. She should have listened to her gut to double-check her calendar.
"I-I'm s-so sorry!" She stuttered. "I've been busy with missions and writing reports!"
Before Gojo could tell his wife, he got bombarded with questions from her. Ranging from; desserts, designer brands, vacation spots, or dates. She's spouting anything she can think of her husband's interests and likes.
There's only one thing he wants from her, and she's the only person who can give it to him.
"Stay with me, forever." The brilliant blue clear hues of his starts to get glassy, making him look down to avoid her gaze. "If..that's alright with you..."
He bet he looks so fucking pathetic in her eyes. Thus, destroying the strong image of his in her mind. He shouldn't even feel this way towards her. Her role was supposed to be one of his strongest allies in fighting against the higher-ups and curses. Not someone who makes him feel weak or strong.
He snapped back to reality when he felt something warm on his hand. That's strange; his infinity should be up. It made him look up and saw something that made him flabbergasted.
Not only Shion's hand on top of his but her fingers interlaced with his. He was surprised as his wife doesn't do skinship. He felt small and lost when he saw her smile and her gaze. If his eyes are the sky, then hers is the sea itself. How can she look at him as if he is her everything?
"Sure," She answered softly. "As long as you want, Satoru. I'll be here."
Those words alone made his fears, insecurities, and worries disappear. He felt the weight on his chest lifted. A smile crept on his lips before he envelops his wife in a tight hug.
"You're so cheesy, Shi0-chan!" He hugs her tight and rubs his cheek against her neck. "Don't worry; you're still adorable!"
"S-Satoru!" What's with the sudden burst of affection from him? It's making her skin crawl in embarrassment. "Let me go this instant!"
"No!" He pouts at her. "If I do, you'll get away from me, Shio-chan!"
His once-bright world came back to life from the colours she brought. If days like this moment could be so vivid and bright, he would never let her go, even if he has to face death itself.
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sou-ver-2-0 · 4 years
Writing Master List
I love writing analysis and fanfiction for Your Turn to Die. Here, you can find links to all my writing. Spoilers abound!
Meta I’m Proudest Of
Why Calling It “Logic Versus Emotion” Makes Sense
Sou Hiyori and Kanna’s Sister Parallels
I was wondering why Sou had a zero percent survival rate…
What is Sou proudest of?
What is Kanna proudest of?
What is Keiji proudest of?
Unpopular opinion about Keiji
What are your thoughts on Nao as a character?
Why pushing Fake Reko is logical and sparing her is emotional
Shin vs. Kanna choice: each “valid in its own way”
That was a real comedy of errors on your part, Shin
What “Things” did Shin learn at Sou’s House?
If I could kill Keiji to save both Kanna and Shin...
Thoughts on queer-coded villains and Shin
I make Shin say five nice things about Keiji (not meta, but important)
Some jumbled thoughts about Redemption, and Part 2
How different do you think the story would be if Shin were a girl?
“Midori is Meister’s son,” and other Sou theories <- my favorite theory!
The Hades Incident, the Present Death Game, and the Role of the Man from the Memorandum
Rambling about Meister Family Theory
A Quick Keiji Theory
I’m staking my pride on this one: Keiji won’t die in the coffin. Part 1 and Part 2
Implications of Kanna being Original Sou’s blood relative
The Mystery of Anzu’s High Survival Rate
My username is Florencetheflowerfairy on Ao3! Any fanfiction I write will be tagged “my fanfiction” on here.
I haven’t yet posted this to Ao3.
My fanart
Soup Hiyori
Happy birthday Kanna!
All of my meta
How does Sou deal with pain?
When does Sou feel safest? What would others change about him?
What would the others change about Sara?
What do I wish to see happen with Sou?
Chapter 3 Prediction: Sara will lose Keiji
Sou & Keiji’s relationship thoughts; and Personal Headcanons
Opinion on Midori / Original Sou; and Opinion on YTTS
Thoughts on Kurumada’s Partnership with Sou and Kanna
What calms Sou when he’s upset?
What does Sou wish he could change about himself?
Who would be Sou’s favorite fictional character?
What would EVERYONE change about Sou?
How did both Sous do in school?
Who does Sou want to please the most?
How would Kanna spend her money?
What calms Kai when he’s upset? How does Kai deal with pain?
How does Kanna do in school? What’s something Original Sou lost that he would love to have back?
What’s something I wish had happened with Joe?
Unpopular opinion about Q-Taro
What’s something I wish had happened with the Yabusame siblings?
Unpopular opinion about Kai
Unpopular opinion about Original Sou
Who would I vote for in the Second Main Game?
Laughing at Q-Taro in Russian Roulette
Speaking of “I laugh at inappropriate moments in YTTD”
Math Saga (Collection of Theorizing Posts about the Percentage Papers)
Why Kanna can’t take the scarf
More Scarf Meta
I think Shin should fake amnesia in the zaniest way possible, please
Thoughts on Mr. Policeman is Joe’s Dad Theory, Parts 1 and 2 (Some of these thoughts are outdated because I don’t think Keiji knew Joe’s last name in the beginning.)
If I ever seem too harsh on Keiji, please keep in mind
We can hear Joe’s music theme in Midori’s music theme
Thoughts on the Floor Masters
Did Shin send the Sacrifice Card to Joe?
What if Joe had one month to live?
What is Original Sou proud of?
Reading Shin as Queer
Alice and Pain
What would other people change about Kai?
Could Shin and Keiji’s roles switch?
What was Keiji like before the shooting?
I encouraged Sister to vote for Kai in Practice Round
How does Original Sou/Midori sleep?
Who do you think Keiji would bond with the most?
Analysis of Sara’s vote in the Practice Vote
Massacre Ending Thoughts
Thoughts on Naosara?
Dummy Bullet Saga (How did Shin know about dummy bullets??)
Keiji is my Confront Character
What will the fallout with the dummies look like?
Keiji seeing the percentage papers is the simplest answer IMO
Thoughts on Keialice
Thoughts on Joesara
Shin Tsukimi could have DIED ON HIS BIRTHDAY?!
Shin is Poor! Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3
One more funny story, on a walk with Sister...
How would Shin have fared in the Death Game without the Sou persona?
Is Shin too good for this world? (Reaction to above meta)
How would Joe, Kai, and Mishima approach the Second Main Game vote?
What do you think would be Shin’s partnership ability?
Thoughts on AI personalities
Reaction to ‘Sara gets the Sage Card’ Theory
Have you considered the implications of 0.0% vs. 0%?
Foolish Sara AU
When does the Death Game take place, and how long are they there?
Shin’s relationships with Reko and Gin
“When you drink, you gotta be careful not to get swallowed up yourself.”
Judge Keiji by the fact that he’s acting like a cop
I’ve switched to calling him Shin! 
What was Shin like in the years after Original Sou died, but before the Death Game?
Headcanons and Shin, Kanna, and trading tokens
Analyzing Shin and Sara’s doll placements in Safalin’s lab
Shin’s reaction to Sara’s “Haven’t we always been the bestest of friends?”
Scenario: Keymaster Kanna takes Shin’s key necklace instead of his scarf
Artists should draw Kanna grieving Shin however they like
Nao and Shin’s friendship
“I happen to like people with nice personalities”
I’m just putting these here so I can find them if necessary: 1, 2, 3
What if Shin thinks Sara is an adult?
Shrodinger’s Lock Saga (Many theories came from speculating about Asu-Naro’s weird locks in Sara’s first trial!)
Shin emulating Sou, oh no
Some thoughts on Shin and Alice, and the darker side to their relationship
A Serious Analysis of the Collarbone Sprites (& other Shin sprites)
Midori and Joe Sprite Parallels
Do you think Ranmaru is more or less reliable than Keiji?
Ranmaru and Keiji Parallels and Thoughts on Keiji flirting
Ranmaru and Keiji reacting to Joe
Out of the cast, who do you think is most likely to be the mastermind?
Miley vs. Gashu thoughts
Megumi Sasahara theories and headcanons
I love that this game’s heart is so earnest
AU where Shin has the Sacrifice, and he can’t pick Kanna
Theory/Headcanon: Sou-Shin-Sara-Kanna three year age gaps
Scenery Paintings in the Gallery
Kanna and Original Sou Parallel - “creepy smiles”
Undertale Parallels, and making Original Sou sympathetic
Kai and Original Sou Parallels
Fic ideas: Green-haired characters, and Shin + Sara Friendship
I love Fake Reko so much!
What if the decision to push Fake Reko affects what happens with the dummies?
Follow-up to above meta about Fake Reko
What if Joe died in his First Trial?
Reaction to Keiji Discourse about flirting, Part 2
Reactions to Fem!Shin:
Kanna’s perspective, Bath Scene Shin, More Bath Scene, Keiji flirting with Shin, I DON’T CARE HOW SEXY HE IS, Am I a lesbian
Will the dummies want to fill in for their counterparts’ lives?
Q-Taro Pacman Sister Theory
Poison Stinger analysis and Rio Ranger’s characterization
Megumi returns as a doll theory
More thoughts on “Back Up Candidates” Theory
Thoughts on AIs representing younger personalities
What if the current Death Game is another simulation?
Shin and Q-Taro ages musings
Shin and Sara ages musings
Honorifics Analysis: Part 1 and Part 2
Everyone’s music preferences headcanons
Shin’s thoughts on Gin in Logic Route
What if Shin died and Kai survived in the Second Main Game?
Imagine Trans Kanna
Thoughts on the names Sara “suspects” when learning that there is a human from Asu-Naro among us
Why doesn’t Shin challenge Keiji for lying that he’s a detective at the start?
Which death hurt you the most?
Who do you think is overrated? Who do you think is suspicious?
Shin-Sou roleswap AU
Did you ever notice how Shin is crying during the First Main Game?
How do you think the characters sleep?
What if Shin became Sara’s ally instead of Keiji?
Seven Deadly Sins in YTTD
Song Analyses
“Rat” by Penelope Scott
“Villainous Thing” by Shayfer James
“Nearly Witches (Ever Since We Met)” by Panic! at the Disco
“Butterflies and Hurricanes” by Muse
"House of memories" by Panic! at the Disco
More fun posts
Sister tag (All submissions by my sister)
Sometimes I get self-conscious for loving Sou Hiyori so much
Thinking about how our Sou Hiyori is a queer-coded villainous type
Picrew of the Greenblings
Fannish ramblings and Speculation about Voting for Keiji in 2nd Main Game
Sou has a halo in the manga
Sprite Parallels between Kanna, Sara, and Sou
Confession: Character development is more important than plot twists
Star Wars KOTOR musings
My Favorite Thing about Sou and Sara meeting
Another Greenblings Picrew
How to roast my fave
Are the greenblings next to each other??
Me feeling soft about Sou x Alice and Sou x Kai in spite of myself
I’m too much of a nerd for tumblr
Picrew of Green-haired characters and Sara
Cute Kurumada and Kanna headcanons
Do it for Nao
Happy birthday Keiji, from Sou
Danganronpa Thoughts as of 10/22/20
Top 3 emotional moments
Comparing Eye Sizes
I’m all caught up with 3-1A as of 10/24/20
Link to my “Shin attacking Inbox” edit
I am my PFP
“Disclosure” apparently means “Coming Out”
What did you name your Midori?
Do you think Shin was a gamer?
PMMM Thoughts: Logic vs Emotion
Why would you make Shin a tank?!
Dracula is Sou and Shin is Renfield
Among Us Headcanon
I just think Kanna having the Keymaster first is good drama
So long you fucking fascist (posted on 11/7/20)
Please don’t send me leaks!
Also how are we going to tag spoilers...? (11/12/20)
oh no I’m getting sentimental
Shin and Sara’s confrontation over the smartphone remains my favorite thing ever
Reactions to “I make Shin say five nice things about Keiji”: 1, 2, 3
A Rewarding part of my blog
My undying love for Britney Spears
“Ahaha, I’m glad you remembered my name.”
I love this picrew for the Greenblings
“Saw” and “Cage” on Google Translate
What if there were two Gonbee Yamadas?
Put them in meme boxes
Keiji’s emo eyeliner
Shin can smash something! and part 2
Acrostic Poem for Sou Hiyori
Midori’s canon voice
“Sou” puns
Time sensitive questions!! 1 and 2
All the characters’ ages
Do you think Shin swears?
Let’s not pit bears and twinks against each other!
Here’s how Shindemption can still win
tfw you draw fanart in time for Kanna’s birthday
Keiji accuses Shin of breaking Mishima’s monitor even though he KNOWS Shin is innocent
Q-Taro and Shin college AU
Kugie’s ghost haunting Keiji
Christmas 2020: Part 1 and Part 2
Picrew of Shin and Sou, High School Days~
I struggle to write villains
I play Villains Bingo with Shin
This list will be updated sporadically as I write more! You can always use the “mine” tag to find any worthwhile original post I make.
Please feel free to talk to me about YTTD anytime! I love hearing from you all! It keeps me motivated and makes me happy to meet people!
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polar-stars · 7 years
Ryoalice, Sorina, Isamegu, Yuki x Zenji and Ryoko x Shun for the kids thing, please?
Yes !!! Thanks for asking !!
(Original Meme)
Ryo Kurokiba x Alice Nakiri
their child’s name and why they were given that name: They have twins and their names are Lola & Mona. It was Leonora’s idea (who really likes these names) and Alice loved it. She asked Ryo about it and received a nod. Ryo got to decide who would be named Lola and who would be named Mona by the way. one thing their child always begs for in the store: Mona doesn’t really begs for anything. Sometimes she would hold some toy or something into her parent’s face (and would immediately get it), but it does not happen really often. She most of the time just gets gifts without asking. However when she gets older she does shyly ask for certain things a little more often. Lola is a little bit different. She often wants stuff and doesn’t even considers hesitating asking for it. Most of the time she asks for CDs which Ryo most of the time gladly buys her. Unless he does not approve the band/muisc, then a discussion begins. their child’s favorite toy and why: Right on their birthday, Leonora got into the hospitals with two plush wolves. One was white and one was black. The black one was gifted to Lola and the white one to Mona. They treasure these wolves immensely. Lola does also own a plush fox, that she got her father to buy her. It’s name is “Shimo” (Frost), while Mona has a collection of porcelain dolls, that Leonora highly encourages, with who she loved to play. their child’s first word: Mona’s was “Mom” and Lola’s was “Dad”. Mona spoke first by the way. Actually Alice was right in-between telling Lola to say “Mom”, but she just remained silent as Mona suddenly spoke “Mom”. Later as Ryo came in, Lola suddenly exclaimed “Dad!”. their child’s least favorite food: The two refuse to eat dishes that lack an “idea”. Put short, if you just cooked after a recipe and followed it strictly, they immediately think of the dish as boring. No matter how good it might be. the thing they brag about whenever they talk about their child: Ryo loves to ramble about his childs. Like oh my god. Want to get him to finally talk? Just mention his daughter’s names and he won’t shut up for ages. His favorite topic are his daughter’s great skills and their great inner strength. Alice mostly brags about her children’s intellect and creative minds. the most likely reason their child is having a meltdown: I will not reveal that yetwhether they’re a strict, overbearing parent or a laidback parent: Ryo and Alice both try to be strict time to times, but they do end up being more laid-back parents. something their child does that they find youtube-worthy: Everything. how their child would react if they told them they ate all of their Halloween candy: Mona would refuse to talk to anyone and walk around with a straight death-glare to anyone, while Lola would throw the greatest fit ever. 
Soma Yukihira x Erina Nakiri
Since I have already done Kimiko Yukihira, we’ll now go for Kimiko’s older brother Hiraku instead.
>their child’s name and why they were given that name: Hiraku Yukihira. I hope I am correct on this, but Hiraku means something in the way of “pioneer” and it’s a name that Erina and Soma chose together with the idea behind it that Hiraku will bring a complete new form of cooking into the world and they want to wish him luck on this long path. one thing their child always begs for in the store: Squid. Always. And Soma gladly takes out his wallet, while Erina shakes her head. their child’s favorite toy and why: A plush dog that Jouichiro won on an amusement park for his grandson. Hiraku, who admires his grandfather a great deal, treasured it immediately and wouldn’t let go of it for the entire day. their child’s first word: “Disgusting”, followed by a laughter. It showed two things: Hiraku inherited the God Tongue and also his father’s strange humor. their child’s least favorite food: Everything that is plain and boring and makes his tongue feel numb. the thing they brag about whenever they talk about their child: Soma loves to say over and over how, despite his critical taste sense, Hiraku is not in the least afraid to go the disgusting-road time to time. He always stresses what a great guy Hiraku grows into. Erina mostly brags about Hiraku’s skills and how more detailed his critics get by each day. the most likely reason their child is having a meltdown: I’ll leave that out for nowwhether they’re a strict, overbearing parent or a laidback parent: Soma is more laid-back and Erina is a bit more strict (especially when it comes to those straight creations)something their child does that they find youtube-worthy: His early judging-sessions. how their child would react if they told them they ate all of their Halloween candy: He would gasp and be like. “How dare.” Afterwards he would ask for a detailed description on how they tasted. 
Rest is under the cut
Isami x Megumi
their child’s name and why they were given that name: Hiroshi Aldini-Tadokoro. Trusting the internet, it means something in the way of “tolerant, generous” and was chosen by Megumi, who really likes the name and always wanted to name her child that way. Isami found it really fitting and agreed to it. one thing their child always begs for in the store: Stuffed Animals are the one thing that can make Hiroshi weak. He doesn’t voices it a lot of time though, since he doesn’t wants to annoy his parents. However, Isami knows that one look he casts to the plush animals. their child’s favorite toy and why: A blue, plush rabbit who is named “Yuki” (not the Yuki, as in Yuki Yoshino (her name means princess) but in the way of the Yuki that means snow). It was the first plush ever given to him and used to be Megumi’s who gifted it to her child after he was born. He holds it very dear. their child’s first word: “Mommy”. Megumi was having a quite rough day and looked awfully tired as she sat down next to Hiroshi in his child-seat. As she didn’t looked all too happy, he called out his first word and made this one of the best days of her life. their child’s least favorite food: He does not like incredibly spicy things that do nothing other than burn his tongue. the thing they brag about whenever they talk about their child: Isami often proudly talks about how much Hiroshi grows each day, how he inherited his mother’s good soul and how helpful he is. Megumi often dubs him “the light of her life”, is mostly in awe with the little things he’s doing and she greatly appreciates his hard work. the most likely reason their child is having a meltdown: Gosh…The list is endlesswhether they’re a strict, overbearing parent or a laidback parent: They are both both somehow. Megumi is a little, little bit stricter though. something their child does that they find youtube-worthy: Learning every vegetable’s and fish’s name in the fastest amount of time. As well how often he approaches Megumi’s mother in the Ryokan and asks: “Can I help you?”how their child would react if they told them they ate all of their Halloween candy: He would be paralyzed for a good portion of time. 
Zenji Marui x Yuki Yoshino
as Chieko was already done. We’ll go for her little brother Takahiro for this one. 
their child’s name and why they were given that name: Takahiro Marui. His name means something in the way of “big great valuable” (I hope) and chosen by Zenji (Yuki gave him this one as she already named Chieko). Zenji’s idea behind the name is that his son should never feel like he isn’t of any matter, other than he did sometimes. one thing their child always begs for in the store: Takahiro begs for all sorts of things, to Zenji’s dismay it’s most of the time novelties (Takahiro loves playing pranks) and Yuki doesn’t even hesitates to buy them most of the time. A second thing Takahiro often begs for is a new pet. He does not beg for books or stuffed animals, as he does know that his father will gift him book after book none or less, while Yuki continues her tradition of handing out millions of stuffed animals to her kids. their child’s favorite toy and why: A plush duck named Ren (which means Lotus). As Takahiro was born he got tons of plush animals from the people visiting. However his grandmother, who had taken care of Chieko, brought this duck. This duck was bought on the way to the hospital and was chosen by Chieko. their child’s first word: “Nee-Chan”. Yuki and Zenji were both trying to get the baby to say either “Mommy” or “Daddy”, while Chieko was just quietly reading on the coach. At some point Takahiro just turned to her and called out “Nee-Chan.”their child’s least favorite food: He completely agrees to his sister that Fast-Food is the worst. the thing they brag about whenever they talk about their child: Yuki is mostly excited about Takahiro’s Wild Game skills, since he hones that a little more than Chieko does. She will brag about his dedication when going hunting with her. Zenji mostly talks about his son’s cheerful and bubbly attitude that fills the whole house with light, as well as his intellect (Takahiro does more than fine in school as well). the most likely reason their child is having a meltdown: If his family would break apart. He really shakes when any of them is having an argument. whether they’re a strict, overbearing parent or a laidback parent: Yuki is still the laid-back one, while Zenji is more stricter. In Takahiro’s case he has to be, as he’s much more hard to tame than the law-obeying Chieko. something their child does that they find youtube-worthy: The way he bonds with Yuki’s  animals from a very young age on. He talks to them and they start to trust him. how their child would react if they told them they ate all of their Halloween candy: This is unacceptable. Takahiro would be upset for days and never hesitate to call his parents out on it. 
Shun Ibusaki x Ryoko Sakaki
their child’s name and why they were given that name: Yasu Ibusaki. If I am not mistaken, Yasu means something in the way of “piece” or “quiet”. And was given by Ryoko, who like Megumi, always wanted to name her child that way, since she really liked the name and thought of it as a way of wishing good fortune to her child. one thing their child always begs for in the store: Yasu shakes his head at kids who get all tear-eyed and scream through the entire store that “they need this”. He does never ask for a lot of things. The only thing that can make him weak are wooden ornaments or toys made out of wood (like building blocks). However, he asks for them with dignity.their child’s favorite toy and why: Of all the plush animals aunt Yuki already gifted him, he likes the deer the most. Other than that, Shun one time carved him an entire zoo out of wood and boy does he love playing with it. their child’s first word: It took an eternity by the way and was “quiet”. Shun and Ryoko were having a small argument about something and he wanted to sleep and they were disturbing him. their child’s least favorite food: As soon as you used poor fermentation products or clearly have no idea about smoking but doing it anyway, you will get a death glare from him and he will gladly point out all your mistakes. the thing they brag about whenever they talk about their child: Ryoko goes on and on about the fact how patient her son is and how useful it is for fermentation. She also will gladly remind you how polite he is and what a great help in the kitchen he is. Shun most of the times talks about all the traits Yasu inherited from his mother and his dedication he shows when asking his father to teach him something new about smoking. the most likely reason their child is having a meltdown: Bringing dishonor to his family is Yasu’s biggest nightmare. whether they’re a strict, overbearing parent or a laidback parent: Ryoko and Shun can certainly be both. Each of them is laid-back or strict in a different fashion. However Ryoko is a little bit stricter with Kasumi (Yasu’s little sister) and more laid-back with Yasu, while Shun is the other way around. something their child does that they find youtube-worthy: Sometimes popping up beside his mother and exclaiming “It’s going to ferment!”how their child would react if they told them they ate all of their Halloween candy: Stoic expression, a sharp “I am disappointed.” and going up into his room afterwards. 
Thank you so much for asking again!
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recentanimenews · 7 years
Sagrada Reset – 20
Urachi strikes the first blow, and as soon as Kei commits to preserving the abilities in Sakurada, all the abilities in Sakurada go bye-bye in an instant. After some momentary disorientation from the memories clashing in his head, Kei finds himself in a new world.
But from the moment this world “begins”, Kei doesn’t seem comfortable in it. How can he, when he has all his memories from the previous one? And how can he live life here knowing there’s a chance he can reverse Urachi’s handiwork and bring abilities back? If he can make it so Haruki’s last text to him isn’t an unnecessary apology?
In this world, Souma Sumire attends his high school and is an ordinary girl who likes him. But she notices something’s ‘off’ about him and through some discussions about the fallacy of memory, the five-minute hypothesis and being happy with the simple, unflashy life one has been given, Souma can help but feel rejected.
But it’s not just her: it’s this entire world. Kei can’t stay; not as long as he has those memories. And due to his ability, his memories will never go away.
In this world, Kei was born in Sakurada, while in reality he was born elsewhere and only moved to Sakurada in the sixth grade. In this world, his parents are dead and he is adopted. But he remembers the apartment he grew up in, and also remembers the taste of his mother’s curry. So he pays a visit to that hometown.
What I didn’t expect was that he would meet his mother, and the sister he never knew he had, whose name, Megumi, shares the same kanji has his name, Kei: both represent deep love, as their mother says to them; since names are what others use to call you.
Of course, Kei’s mother has no idea Kei is her son, so when he brings up something horrible he did to his parents and doesn’t think he has the right to seek forgiveness, she firmly corrects him. She may not know who his parents are, but they surely love him, even if they can’t forgive him, so he should apologize.
Of course, he can’t. Leaving his family was the price of remaining in Sakurada.
Little did I know (and possible little did Kei know himself) that his visit with his mother and sister would be crucial in his plans to undo what Urachi has done. When he visits Haruki, she’s back to her robotic, emotionless self of two years ago, and does not remember or trust him.
What she does do is humor Kei quite a bit, coming along on a bus ride, conceding a text was sent from her phone, proving they are acquaintances, than helping him hold a Polaroid of the cherry tree they’re standing in front of.
That photo, which was in Haruki’s hidden diary, turns out to be Kei’s key to getting back in the fight, as it transports him and Haruki to the time the photo was taken, back when she had the reset ability. All her memories rush back, but they’re a jumble, and she struggles to stand from the stress.
For whatever reason, she still can’t quite remember him, and when he tells her she should Reset, she tells him she can’t, because it “doesn’t feel like the right time.” That time comes almost immediately, however, thanks, again, to Kei’s experiences earlier in the day.
He thinks about the home and family he can never go back to, and the true meaning of his name, and dearly wishes for one last chance to undo some of the things he’s done. He didn’t cry over his past experiences on this day, but he does cry here, and Haruki remembers that that is her cue to Reset: when she sees someone crying. So she Resets.
And what do you know, Sumire Souma is also crying, by the water, in that very moment, upset that even after everything that happened, she’s not the one.
Back on the evening of October 22nd, Kei and Haruki are outside her house, and he can’t help but steal a big hug, so happy he is that his Haruki is ‘back.’ She can tell a lot has happened, and is worried about him. Kei tells her what’s going to happen the night after tomorrow unless they do something…they, not just him.
Haruki asks if abilities are really necessary, and Kei says no…the town would be fine without them, but he likes them, so he’ll do everything he can to protect them. With her help, he’ll attain the MacGuffin.
By: magicalchurlsukui
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