@kisekidaisuke replied to your post “OOC …………….. I accidentally started shipping Ryo/Sora”
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@fallingdarknesswarrior​ replied to your post “OOC …………….. I accidentally started shipping Ryo/Sora”
w h a t
i   c a n    e x p l a i n
okay so, warnings for referenced tri spoilers in this OOC post that I would prefer non-rp blogs not reblog because this is a crack theory and crack ship and I know I vaguely mentioned it to @its-your-light and @meimeiko-chan already
first off, when I say Triser, I mean the guy doing all the creepy stuff in Tri, a’ight?
So we know how Triser has looked, and we know what digis he has at his beck and call and honestly the only reason I never suggested this before was because of how anti this theory I am but it makes sense in it’s own wacky way
but for a while I thought “haha wouldn’t it be funny if ryo was the villain?” You know, that brown haired dork that’s always wearing a dorky sweater and tends to arrive at the end of a battle with starbucks only for himself not even for anyone else but still expects to have a slice of cake at the party? 
yeah, that guy
now the theory i hate is that gennai and ryo are one and the same, I absolutely loathe that theory because there’s so many points proving it wrong but we’re not here to talk about that today
we’re here to talk about Creepy McCreeperson possibly being an E.V.I.L. Akiyama Ryo, possibly after Cyberdramon evolved without him, thereby leading to Milleniummon, who more than likely would want to go back to the Adv world because hey, he got kicked out before but that’s his home and he was trying to take it over and actually succeeded if it weren’t for Ryo
But now Mille’s got Ryo already and could idk, pull them back to the Adv world and immediately destroy his own body to create more Dark Spores which would immediately infect Ryo and turn him evil, into what I like to call, the Tzar. 
Then our Tzar goes and uses all of Mille’s knowledge, creates a few digi clones because hey, Mille’s done it before, close off the digiworld from the human world, also done before, and a bunch of other things like silencing the good guys and capturing/killing them too. which has also been done before by Mille (and to a smaller extent, by Ryo)
Then Tri happens
And the creeptastic stuff too in Loss/Shoushitsu
and now here’s a crack ship of Ryo/Sora based on the fact that canon itty bitty Ryo ignored Mimi’s advances...but maybe because he’s more into redheads? And apparently a kinky mofo judging by what happens with Sora and Meiko. Oh and cosplay ;)
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