indentedheartner · 7 months
"Wormmon, I told you to shut the fuck up and stop squirming."
Of all the partners in the digital world, he'd been burdened with the stupidest one. That was his only thought as he jostled his backpack in a pointed warning, no regard given to the passerby who might hear the small squeak come from within. Obviously Wormmon couldn't be out in plain sight, but odd behaviour from a random child's backpack wouldn't get anyone's attention.
"Why should I ever allow you to come to the human world if you're not going to listen to me? This place isn't a mostly safe place like your world, if you don't obey me you'll end up dead."
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glassesandpassion · 2 years
‘Another’s Mask’
  “ Through a fresh wind… This digivice will purify you into a beautiful and just soul! Digicode scan! ”
The unlucky troublemaker's Digicode unwrapped from its body, the strings following Fairymon's D-Scanner. What was left was a confused digimon, probably manipulated by the many Dark Area demons into causing havoc. Maybe it'd become a kinder creature this time.
Mission accomplished, it was time to rest. The Digicode now dissipating Fairymon's form, revealing a golden-haired girl, who giggled and clapped her hands.
" Commozione!! And I didn't even need to make all the mess the boys make! With a bit of strategy and care, any villain can be defeated without destroying the village they're attacking. "
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" Aah... ", she sighed wistfully, " Now I just need a good serving of gelato to end the day... "
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cpirits · 10 months
(( @fallingdarknesswarrior || moved
Kouichi was out of practice. His usual 'exercise' was in the form of cardio running through hospital hallways and sometimes helping transfer patients in and out of beds or wheelchairs. So, after a warmup and only ten or fifteen minutes of spear and sword spinning, Kouichi had run out of breath. Spirit evolving would have been helpful in order to utilize the warrior of darkness' expertise, but that would have also defeated the point of learning on his own. So Kouichi sucked up his pride in a breath and accepted the towel from Kouji as Wolfmon, taking the moment to rehydrate and stretch. At least he liked stretching.
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"So...! How long should we break?" Kouichi suspected Kouji was only stopping for the elder twin's sake.
Setling on the rocks around them, Wolfmon's knees were as tall as his brother. The Warrior of Light leaned forward, making sure to keep his weapon hilts safe from hitting Kouichi. "Kou," He said again, smiling as the other asked about the downtime.
It was one thing to help him practice his form, but Wolfmon was often worried about his twin's stamina (maybe he should have brought more water?) "We can rest for as long as you want to."
Wolfmon's scarf hovered over his back as he shifted his head, red eyes glancing at Kouichi as he drank and dried his sweat. Was it still okay that Kouji kept Wolfmon's form? He wasn't sure about de-evolution, though it could be beneficial for some hands-on experience rather than just watching the whole time.
"Would you want to spar after we start again? I think you're warmed up enough, but we can go slow."
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"Happy would be no worrying about whether or not society would accept the truth that I care for multiple people."
Ken nudged Kouichi’s side gently.
"Happy would also be... knowing if you're ready to be a little less private about us."
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digitalworid · 7 months
TRY + Kouichi ?
SEND  TRY + A CHARACTER  YOU’D LIKE TO SEE ME ( ATTEMPT ) TO WRITE ! [oh god i haven't been subjected to frontier in four years]
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In truth, he'd thought very little of the other children to start. His terribly awkward reunion with Kouji was the only thing on his mind - Kouji's friends were set dressing.
It wasn't that he thoughtfully or consciously disregarded them, no. It was more like he didn't really register them. White noise, irrelevant - he found his brother, Kouji was here.
But after one of the pieces of furniture spoke to him, he figured that utter ambivalence would need to change.
It was already so hard to talk to his sibling, but further awkwardness would be injected still.
"...Kouji? Uh. What are the other's names? I don't. Know any of them." Well, he'd picked up 'Takuya' from context clues, he...had that going for him. He smiled awkwardly. "Just between you and me?"
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lirurunofficial · 1 year
"Ah, excuse me..."
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After what felt like ages of searching, she finally found the book Angoramon wanted... only for someone else to be standing in front of the shelf. She tapped on his shoulder to get his attention, too impatient to wait.
"I need one of the books in front of you. Do you mind?"
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blightts · 2 years
@fallingdarknesswarrior​ // liked for a starter
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“Oh. Are you sure you’re alright? That looked like a pretty bad fall...”
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konekuto-janpu · 4 years
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“You need a nap, sir. I’m putting you on timeout until you get a couple hours.”
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ancientgreymon · 4 years
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undermebius · 5 years
“Hello, Doctor Kimura.” She doesn’t look sick despite being here for a doctor’s appointment. Unless you count a lack of distinct facial expressions as a symptom of something.
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“I have inquiries in relation to your field of study. What illnesses are human beings most often overcome by, and what is the average rate per year that a human would contract one?”
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indentedheartner · 2 months
[ 🧱 ] how would you describe your muses’ morality? what are their core values?
Ken himself does not in particular prescribe morality to his actions, and would be unable to draw a proper distinction between his own behaviour and the way he imagines everyone to behave. People are fundamentally uncaring towards each other. They act only for their own benefit, and don't care about hurting each other.
These ideas are instinctive and never reflected upon; Ken would not for example be able to rationalize objective samaritans or acts of good - or articulate what evidence he sees for a cold and loveless world. As a fundamental perspective, it doesn't even occur to him that he would ever need to explain it. Children especially see their instilled beliefs and surroundings as objective, inerrant reality, and universally understood by everyone as the true world.
Of course, a simple and underdeveloped view of life means that there's no way his brain would just normalize the idea of murder or something. That's not an instinct being undercut by his surroundings like love or concern for others are.
Episode Nine would be the only point of contention with this reading strictly speaking to the wills of characters as stated out loud, but I really don't think Ken had any intention of letting Deltamon kill Daisuke. It's a bit of a losing game trying to imagine what he had intended for had the others not interrupted, but probably just a lot more pigtail pulling. Like, ad infinitum until someone stopped him.
If the oil rig came to mind - Ken actually never knew that that happened, he doesn't appear after telling Megaseadramon to handle it how it saw fit. So that murdery malice was all the fish.
Generally I don't think Ken has moral values one way or the other, though obviously he likes playing at villainy and bullying people. The notions just don't come up in his decision-making process.
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glassesandpassion · 2 years
✘ How was it growing up with so many siblings?
My muse has to tell nothing but the truth for 10 asks. (2/10)
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- I'm the youngest of four, right? And Mom and dad are always away busy with the store, right?! Do you have any idea what that means?!
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- Hand-me-downs! Siblings wanting to boss me around thinking they're my parents!! Having to share the TV and never having time to watch my favorite drama!! Sharing all the desserts and sweets at home and always having someone to steal your share!! Chizuru-onee-chan messing with my stuff because she thinks it's fun!! Mom and dad only giving attention to onii-chan because he's going to "take on the I-Mart business and they need to walk him through the basics"!! Momoe-onee-chan practicing her theater roles out loud!! I HATE IT, I HATE IT, I HATE IT!!!
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...but even I will admit that it's nice to have more company besides Poromon. They know about many things that I'm going through, so they always give me some advice, even when they make fun of me because of it.
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- I love my siblings. It's just not easy being a little sister.
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cpirits · 1 year
// listening to Pandora and these songs came on, not in succession, but they remind me of @fallingdarknesswarrior and their muse (I care jun) //
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✘ do you still miss Osamu?
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"I think about him all the time, in the back of my head."
"I'll wonder what he would be doing, I'll wonder why he seemed so insistent that day on getting ice cream, I'll wonder all sorts of things."
"It's a quiet voice in the back of my head going What Would Osamu do."
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digitalworid · 2 years
💬 Takeru sleeps with a night light
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"A few months too late on that one, I can sleep fine if Patamon is with me. Though I wonder who your informant is..."
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cxruscare · 5 years
fallingdarknesswarrior replied to your post “I never asked Lady Ophanimon this… but when I Spirit Evolve can I...”
"But we don't turn into normal digimon."
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“I know we don’t turn into normal Digimon. But we still are Digimon which is why I asked the question.”
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