#melty creachers
kartsstuffig · 1 year
ough fakey headcanons get yourselves ready boys /lh whole ass essay worth of silliness under the cut i thought i'd save you the space
so first of all i don't really know what i imagine him to be made of but it probably isn't exactly dough. he's definitely consistent in form but he still a little bit of a goopy boy ❤️ he will also lose form in different ways depending on how strong a certain emotion is. sadness, he becomes drastically more gooey and melty and could just fucking puddle. things like that. for anger he would probably not be as MELTY per se as much as he is just kind of gooey but it kind of hardens in a way?? also kind of sticky.
he also cannot produce any sort of hair. he has stripes on his arms in place of arm hair and all his clothes are parts of his body. everything is made of the same goo, in the end.
he's super silly and oddly social and is kind of like a child in the sense that he defaults to viewing people as friends :] but he's still pretty creacher and will growl and shit.
definitely speaks backwards but can repeat forward speech, be it somewhat garbled and genuinely terrifying at times.
he can also make sounds kind of like a goddamn splatoon inkling except different. i'm not sure how to describe it but you get what i mean.
probably is oblivious to the fact that he's a clone too.
this bitch tall btw his ass is like 6'10 or some shit.
also definitely knows italian by default and is confused as to why he can fucking understand it because he doesn't know WHY he knows italian he never learned it
will post more hcs at some point h i just don't want to type essays
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twowink · 2 years
toya is kohanecore...?
OH NOT KOHANE . KOHAKU !! wrong creacher shaped pink guy . hes basically um . theres no better way to put this other than "16 yo assassin" basically his family is a branch of another characters (tsukasa suou) family and tends to do the . um . 'dirty work' i suppose . kohaku was raised into it and also the first son of the family and kind of a secret bc if his grandfather knew that he existed then his life would be hell. so he had to be basically shut away from the outside world for most of his life !! (he had online access tho which led to him making one (1) friend named aira who is also a character)
he has two older sisters also ! (if youve seen her momoko is meltys version of the middle one) they were raised to be able to imitate him in order to be able to take his place in case of danger but they also used this to pretend to be him so he could leave and go outside . they also sometimes take his place when hes committing murder with a cowboy (dont worry about double face nothing ever happens in double face)
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shyghosties · 2 years
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arcadequeerz · 3 years
My sona IS JUST a weird, creacher.
I am just spitballing design ideas for them here but:
They are a weird, plant monster who speaks with bits and parts of song lyrics. And other random musical sounds(like instrument noises or distorted vocals n noises.)
Their head is like, a marimo that is very fluffy and has- curly tendrils coming off the top and back of their head. Looks like Zhe has a head of short, curly hair. The tendrils can be moved, and shift and uncurled, n zie can pick things up in em if toon wants.
Toon has a sort of? Muzzle to their face- vaguely rabbit like? Toons mouth is not visible unless its opened. Mouth full of very teeth and fangs, and has a longish tongue tht is melty n forked. Teeth glow white in the dark! Bun has like, several eyes on buns face- the amount of eyes kind of changes every time people see them, n isn’t consistent. Eyes sort of shift around on his face too. Eyes are varying shades of Magenta n Purple with star shaped pupils. Sort of looks like they have facial hair??? Like the moss along their chin is kind of longer, and darker, and makes it look like they have facial hair/a beard.
They have two longish ‘furred’ ears on either side of his head- towards the ends the moss on them turns black. Towards the ends of the tendrils on zhes head they turn a lighter shade of green. 
Head isn’t attached to a neck, just sort of floats between their shoulders.
Body is human like- in the sense it isn’t really covered in moss, instead is covered in smooth- black material. But they have thick, soft moss that is on their: shoulders, down the back of their neck and along their spine, down their arms, n go down their chest to their stomach. Fur along his spine trails down a thin, long tail that ends in a fluffy curl of fur/moss.
Hands have short, sharp claws on the ends of each finger. Lil below the knee is more of the mossy fur, and their legs/feet r kind of rabbit like? Rabbit paws but have sharp claws.
Body Wise?? Fat, Not flat chested and is short! is 5′2. I rly suck at describing body types but aka my body type. 
Again they wear: the wackiest patterned clothing, and bright colors.  Kinda moves like a toon- exaggerated movements and gestures, Is really quite expressive even if they’re mouth isn’t visible when it isn’t open! Glitches sometimes, where its like they stutter and move like a glitched npc. Things around them will kind of glitch and be distorted when this happens. Voice sort of messes up too when this happens.
This is all I got. funfact this is reusing some old design stuff from a v old sona of mine.
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