treason-and-plot · 5 years
RQOTD: Which OC has a terrible sense of direction?
Thanks for the question, Memes! That would be Apollo. He has no sense of direction whatsoever, probably yet another consequence of all the disco biscuits he used to ingest in his heyday as a Studio 54 regular. 
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Bonus pic: Apollo (on motorbike, bottom left) making his usual lowkey entrance to Studio 54, circa 1978.
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sinfulwunders · 5 years
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Cassia Chamomile for @memesplayssims ♡
Bookworm | Family-Oriented | Hopeless Romantic | Loves the Cold | Perfectionist
TOU: Please don't claim her as your own or change her features. When you use her make sure to tag "sinfulwunders" so I can see what she's up to. Thank you!
| Private Download |
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aestheicpixels · 5 years
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dragonplumbobs · 5 years
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nikatyler · 5 years
Kill, betray, or have on your zombie apocalypse team - Regan, Sharon, and Tyler
Oooh, this is a tough one (wait, I say this every time I play this...oh well). I’d say having both Regan and Sharon on the zombie apocalypse team would be great because Regan is a doctor and Sharon can kick ass, but since I can only keep one, I’m gonna say...Regan. 
If I betrayed Sharon, she would come back to kick my ass, so I guess I’ll have to kill try to kill her. Keyword try.
And Tyler, buddy, you know I love you and everything, but I’m sorry, the fact I attempted to murder your girlfriend definitely counts as a betrayal. I’m not sure what would make me wanna do that but...yeah. Sorry buddy.
Thanks for asking! Also, side note, you know what I always do and I hate it? I always reblog an ask game late at night, say I’m bored or can’t sleep or something, but before I get any asks, I fall asleep after all, and then I answer the following day. Why am I like this.
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sourpunchsims · 5 years
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amixofpixels · 5 years
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Citron Bergamot for @memesplayssims
You requested a Yellow male who wasn’t shy, and I present to you Citron. I hope he does wonderfully for whatever you need him for.
TOU: You can change his traits and lifetime wish, which are in his CC info, and his style, but please don’t change his colouration or his facial structure. Tag me if you use him with ‘amixofpixels’, and most importantly, have fun with him.
Download (Private)
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yuulace · 5 years
Happy birthday Yuu! Sending lots of love 💕💕
Thanks Memes ❤️❤️ Lots of love your way, appreciate it 💕
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simlishprincess · 6 years
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i keep saving posts to make palettes and keep forgetting to actually make them.... anyways, today i saw this wonderful pic by my friend @memesplayssims and now we have this palette! 😊
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simpositivitea · 6 years
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@simlovinggirl @memesplayssims @dgksimming
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Guess who finally downloaded some poses & got pose player to work?! 
This girl right here.
So I’d like to introduce you all to some of the lovely Berry Hills locals.
Cerise Grapefruit | Lupin Mach | Citrus Lime Fizz
Lupin Mach has no idea what he has gotten himself into by renting a house with 2 gorgeous women, stay tuned to find out what happens!
Pose credits go to @pixeljackpot 
Lupin Mach was made by my tumblr bestie @memesplayssims
Custom World ‘Berry Hills’ formerly ‘Robin Hills’ was made by @pleyita
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treason-and-plot · 5 years
RQOTD: Has any of your OCs stolen something?
Thank you for the great question, @memesplayssims! Julia has quite a history as a thief and embezzler; the below pic shows her casually stealing a bag from an upmarket IP boutique. She has sworn off embezzling after a sobering stint in jail, but is still someone who enjoys stealing every now and again for the adrenaline-pumping thrill. 
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aestheicpixels · 5 years
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Sorrel: Are you guys ready for the elimination tonight? I wonder who’s going home?
Apollo: I think Clem, I don’t think I’ve seen her interact with Lavender at all this whole time.
Sandia: Who knows, maybe it’ll be Rose, none of us know what their conversation was about so maybe they didn’t end up hitting it off like we all think.
Sorrel: Cyber what do you think?
Cyber: I don’t want to be mean, but I just hope it isn’t me. 
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dragonplumbobs · 5 years
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The second person to get roses is Kit.
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nikatyler · 5 years
11, 16, 20, and 21 for any of your Rose Legacy peeps
Thank you for asking! I am going to do this for the gen 6 siblings, since the spotlight is currently on them most of the time.
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
Sammy is trying to go vegetarian, but she’s not really there yet. Annabeth makes sure she has a healthy diet all the time. She’s never been too crazy about sweets or junk food anyway and she loves vegetables, so eating healthy isn’t hard for her at all. As for the rest of the siblings - no special eating habits or anything.
Also, Lydia is allergic to bees, but I assume the allergies mentioned in this question are supposed to be related to food :D
16.Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it?
Lydia likes bugs. (well, insect in general - except for bees) She doesn’t keep any real living (or dead) bugs, but she likes collecting anything that has bugs on it. She’s not a very organized person, so her collection is all over the place.
Will has a huge collection of things that are supposed to bring good luck. He keeps them in a drawer and never shows them to anyone. When he has to do something important, like pass an exam or something, he usually takes some of the pieces with him to make sure he does well.
I’d say it’s not really a collection in the same sense as the two above, but Regan takes a lot of pictures - whenever she visits a new place, makes a new beautiful memory or just has a good time with her friends, she has to take a photo. Most of them stays on her phone but she prints out the best ones and puts them on a wall in her dormroom.
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
Y E S. Regan, Sammy and Lydia used to watch musicals all the time when they were younger. Out of these three, Sammy is definitely the one most obsessed with musicals, she can remember every song ever, all the lyrics and quite a lot of what’s going on at the stage too.
I’d say everyone loves music, my sims are no exception. Felix even chose to do music as his career, he’s a violinist. So obviously, he likes classic music a lot, but he listens to a lot of modern, new songs as well. He’s the kind of person to sing loud in his car (and even make a little dance) when his favourite song comes. Being in a car next to his in a traffic jam...must be interesting to watch :D
21.Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
You wouldn’t find the word “patient” in Lydia’s vocabulary. Also, she has a pretty bad temper. If you point out one little thing she disagrees with, she’ll immediately want to fight. Sort of.
Speaking of patience, that’s what Regan lacks too. Will can be impatient too, but he hides it well, unlike his older sister - everyone knows when she’s fed up with waiting, but Will keeps it inside. Not all of the six siblings are like that though - Annabeth is very patient.
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sourpunchsims · 5 years
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There’s room for another baby though now soooo....
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