rbeljedi · 6 years
STARTER || @mendshope
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“Master Yoda told me to pass on what I’ve learned.  He was talking about you, Leia.” 
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jedie · 5 years
❝I heard my brother crying out❞ / from leia (@mendshope)
        𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓  𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐌𝐒  &  𝐒𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐒  𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒  &  𝐁𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐒  ,  𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄   𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍  ,  𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒.  a  variety  that  weakens  him  ,  reminiscent  of  a  vulnerability  belonging  to  a  man  once  called  anakin  skywalker              (  filling  his  lungs  with  mustafarian  ash  ,  breaking  his  monotonous  breaths  &  reigniting  what  embers  are  left  in  the  imitation  of  his  heart.  they  are   desperate  ,  primal  &  suffocating.  they  are  cruel  ;  allowing  him  the  hope  that  he  can  control  them  ,  guide  them  to  a  purpose  of  his  design.  guide  them  to  save  the  ones  he  loves.  ) 
      there  is  a  moment  of  dread  where  he  cannot  differentiate  whether  that  anger  isn’t  enough  or  that  he  never  will  be.  he  wasn’t  enough  for  padmé.  when  he  calls  upon  his  buried  memories  his  endurance  for  them  waivers  …  hesitant  breaths  fill  with  searing  charcoal  with  which  to  cast  out  a  fiery  curse  !   but  the  force  is  reluctant  to  indulge  his  sanguinary  impulses  against  his  insecurities.  no  …  skywalker’s  insecurities.  the  resolve  he  often  draws  from  that  fated  day  caresses  the  hand  that  reaches  out  to  luke  &  guides  it  back  to  its  master.
      his  emperor’s  doctrine  demands  the  eradication  of  his  connection  to  the  light  in  his  children.  ❝  it  is  𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄  ,  ❞   …  the  viscid  commands  of  his  master  drip  into  his  ears  &  coat  his  thoughts  in  ROT.  but  for  a  moment  he  waits  ;  to  receive  that  torrent  of  fury  to  pool  in  that  empty  chest  &  make  him  breath  fire  :  that  which  has  kept  him  alive  &  that  which  takes  life  away          𝐖𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐇.       …   the  clash  of  his  frenzied  thoughts  do  not  come  into  fruition.  he  is  left  with  nowhere  to  direct  his  grip.  far  more  lethal  than  either  institute  of  the  force  would  ever  admit  ,  apathy  ,  returns  to  embrace  him.  colder  than  the  machine  ,  it  swallows  him  whole  &  he  becomes  ,  once  again  ,  darkness.
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     ❝  he  has  already  made  his  choice.  ❞   if  one  were  to  remember  anakin  skywalker   ,  one  could  mistake  his  tongue  to  be  awash  in  shameful  melancholy.  ❝  the  teachings  of  that  old  fool  have  corrupted  him  beyond  help.  if  he  wishes  to  live  as  a  jedi  ,  then  he  will  die  like  one.  ❞
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starsandthedyad · 6 years
Leia -- @mendshope
“You have the look of a woman in love. Who are they? Who has stolen my daughter’s heart?”
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morekills-moved · 5 years
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it was strange to be back. yavin four    ——    the jedi academy    ——    that was home and so familiar. coruscant? it felt like a distant memory, so foreign to existence. it’s where she was raised, where her family resided, but it did not feel like hers anymore. even after all the challenges they faced like being kidnapped and manipulated by brakiss, it still felt better than being here.    “    the shadow academy,    ”    putting up a strong front, pretending like the events had no effect,    “    nothing happened. i’m fine.    ”    (    @mendshope    /    starter call.    )
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thedoctornumber11 · 5 years
Starter for mendshope
((OOC: @mendshope))
The Doctor walked out of his TARDIS and onto the space ship.  He was in a new part of space that he hadn’t been to often, in a very far away galaxy and he was fairly unfamilar with their ships, so he wanted to explore.  He found a vessel with one passenger and figured it would be worth exploring.  He could probably explore the ship without it ever being known he was there.  He wouldn’t interfere, just observe, or so he thought.  
However, almost as soon as he walked out, he turned a corner and a woman was there, staring at him, and pointing a gun or some kind of blaster at him.  “Why hello there,” the Doctor grinned as he raised his hands in surrender.  It wasn’t the first time he started an adventure by getting captured and probably wouldn’t be the last.
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becamealegend-a · 6 years
Sister -- @mendshope
“I was informed if I wanted to join the Resistance I had to see the General first.” Luke said as he moved to stand before her. “I can’t say I’m as good of a pilot as I use to be, but I’m not washed up just yet.”
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prodigalsolo · 5 years
Anakin want’s his mothers to know he loves them very much & he’s very sorry for all the worry he puts them through
@mendshope  @rbelhope     @huttslays   @huttslaying    
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 but  from what i’m reading uncle luke is an enabler @rbeljedi  @firstofnew @hopegave @likemyfatherbeforeme  @newxhope
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rbeljedi · 6 years
‘  i  feel  like  we  should  stop  him ,  but  then  again  i  also  just  kinda  wanna  see  what  happens .  ’ / from leia ( @mendshope )
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“I’m not sure we could stop him in the first place.  C’mon, we better at least keep up for when this turns into a disaster.” 
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jedie · 6 years
                                             far  from  human  ,  further  still  from  a  monster  as  purported  by  a  naive  child  as  anakin  was  once  fought  for  by  obi-wan.  fools  sentencing  themselves  to  the  fictitious  mercy  of  the  force  by  fighting  against  its  will.  they  know  nothing  of  its  power  ,  what  its  meant  for.  certainly  not  for  using  it  to  promote  the  lies  of  hearts  bleeding  through  chests  ,  cascading  down  forked-tongues  &  reducing  to  sand  to  be  carried  off  by  the  wind.  no  such  miracles  of  hope  will  be  found  while  he  drags  his  chain  adorned  self  (  a  lord  in  his  finest  threads  !  )  around  in  his  sepulcher  ,  cursing  all  those  who  toe  the  threshold  to  catch  a  glimpse  of  the  incubus  inside.  what  does  the  rebel  saboteur  expect  but  a  demon  ?  in  his  domain  he  EXTRACTS  the  rebellion’s  greatest  sins  ;  their  arrogance  etched  into  the  walls  of  his  skull  &  stars  alike.
              you  will  not  achieve  what  they’ve  tricked  you  into  doing.
      cybernetic  fingers  curl  as  if  to  grasp  what  the  force  is  keeping  from  him.  there  is  movement  in  the  depths  of  the  great  force  maelstrom  ,  fathoms  below  his  greatest  efforts.  secrets  awakening.  (  &  lies  he  tells  himself  crying  out  ,  born  to  bury  what  was  there  first  :  heirs  ...  to  darkness.  )  it  shifts  with  unconstrained  ,  ragged  momentum       the  darkness  swallows  it  again  before  he  can  will  it  to  level  above  the  foundation.  it  must  be  her.  her  potential.  sheltered  beneath  years  of  filters  &  self-taught  lies.  what  awaits  her  ,  what  the  force  ORDAINS  it  to  be  ,  is  glory  /  death  for  the  dark  side.  her  corruption  may  surpass  that  of  the  boy  luke. 
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    ❝  you  may  yet  prove  useful  if  you  SURRENDER  yourself.  ❞
one-liner / @mendshope
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starsandthedyad · 5 years
Padme:  All Skywalker children are grounded! Including Anakin!
Kylo: You can’t ground me, Nana! I’m 29 and living on my own!
Rey: I have a galaxy to save because someone *glares at Kylo* had to run off to the dark side to be like his grandfather!
Leia: I have a Resistance to lead!
Han: ... Am I still alive or what?
Luke: But!
Mara: *too busy sharpening knives at 3:00 AM*
Finn: Don’t be angry at me, please!
Poe: Can I have permission to go in an x-wing and blow something up?
Artoo: *droidspeak cursing*
Threepio: I’m sorry, my lady. I’ll power down now.
Ahsoka: Why am I included in this?
Anakin: What in the galaxy did I do?! *turns to Obi-Wan* Do something about this!
Obi-Wan: Oh no. I’m enjoying this far too much.
Qui-Gon: I love it when the family gets together.
@wiltedliberty, @beautiful-kind-but-sad, @padmexamidala, @eversolo, @cracked-kyber-crystal, @forceunbalanced, @classifiedxrey, @yourdxwnfall, @desertraiised, @amyriadofmuses, @lcstjedii, @rebellionxprincess, @mendshope, @tofeelthecold, @cxrellian, @emporxrshand, @redfirejedi, @jadedhands, @bigdealeightseven, @twentyoneeightyseven, @notthistime, @iamnojedi, @formerpadawan, @sxnofthesuns, @sinsof-ourfathers, @skywalker-anakinaskblog, @thoughtsbetray, @thesarcasmofasoldier, @soulscatter, @negotiator-kenobi, @newxhope, @bencannolikenobi, @masterofthelivingforce, @forcebornpcssibleodds, @impcssibleodds, @afaroffadventure, @pilothearted, @general-kalani, @ofnegotiatcr
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neverturned · 6 years
some hcs for the twins being raised together on tatooine and/or alderaan / from @mendshope
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▸▸ I love anything to do with the twins being raised together. My favourite is probably when the two of them are moved from place to place, never getting to settle in a single place. But I love the other ideas too.
Leia and Luke dividing up chores on the farm in order to sneak into town. They can work so efficiently together when they try, Owen’s not sure how they manage to get everything done so quickly
The two of them being taught about other planets by Beru, making bets with each other about how many planets they’re going to visit someday. Who’s going to manage to get off Tatooine first
Leia is the one to tell Luke off when he gets involved in yet another dangerous race, then he gets told off by Owen too
Leia standing up for Luke when he’s bullied, she’s the intimidating sister
It’s rare to see one without the other, they’re pretty much regarded as a ‘unit’. You can’t invite Leia somewhere without Luke tagging along and vice-versa
The two of them provide such balance when it comes to their political training. Bail’s not sure if Luke or Leia will become the senator, it feels like you can’t just have one
The two of them sharing stories and keeping promises they would never trust anybody else with: anything bad they’re done, their first crushes, everything. There are very few secrets kept between them
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becamealegend-a · 6 years
Because I’m in love with this fanart and the idea of Luke and Leia being raised together. I’m really digging them both being raised on the Lars moisture farm together on Tatooine. Here are my headcanons/thread wish list for this verse (which I’m calling v: new hopes on tatooine):
Leia never conformed to gender norms and pretty much does as much farm work as she does cooking. Luke does the same.
Luke and Leia both played with the toy ships Obi-Wan left for them at Shmi’s grave that Beru found
While unaware of their Force sensitivity, they had a natural Force Bond that formed in the womb and so without a full understanding they grew up being able to talk to each other telepathically
I see Leia sneaking out more to find Old Ben Kenobi
Both the twins wanted to leave Tatooine somehow
Leia was upset that Luke applied for the imperial academy because she was always more of a passionate rebel than Luke was
Artoo and Threepio become their droids after fleeing a rebel ship that was overtaken by the Empire above Tatooine. Artoo has the plans for the Death Star that were shoved into him by Bail Organa with instructions for Obi-Wan to deliver them to Brehe Organa
The twins are both upset when they learn their aunt and uncle died and they both decide to train under Obi-Wan to become Jedi like their father. 
Luke doesn’t trust Han when they first meet, probably because he’s going into slight protective older twin brother mode.
They temporarily shared their father’s lightsaber. After Obi-Wan is killed by Vader, Leia inherits Obi-Wan’s lightsaber.
Lets just face it. I see Luke being captured after getting somehow separated from the group by Vader. Vader senses that their is something about this boy, not only in how similar he looked to how Anakin did at around 19, but also how their Force signatures are basically the same since they are blood relatives. Luke doesn’t say anything about the Death Star plans and say he can tell Vader all about moisture farming, though.
Leia saves Luke from their father on the Death Star.
They both continue their training under Yoda.
Luke still loses his hand. Leia manages to make it out of Cloud City from the joint duel against her father in one piece, though.
They both take the news of Vader being their father differently. Luke shuts down, but I imagine Leia still powering on with the Rebellion.
Leia and Han still share love sparks.
@alderaanihope, @mendshope, @amyriadofmuses, @spacebabeswithguns, @sinsof-ourfathers, @hero-with-fear, @tofeelthecold, @forcesensitiveflyboy, @afaroffadventure, @thesarcasmofasoldier
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rbeljedi · 6 years
❛ was it my fault that i got out of hand? ❜ / from leia ( @mendshope )
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“We all control only our own actions, Leia– but if it helps, I do think they were provoking you intentionally.” 
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starsandthedyad · 5 years
I need more of an au where Anakin and Palpatine are resurrected and running around the time of episodes VII to IX. But like it sets off a chain resurrections so Obi-Wan comes back along with Padme and Qui-Gon and Yoda and others (Tarkin, etc.). Ani and Obi have forgiven each other and have gone back into being best bros and fighting together. Qui-Gon is following the beat of his own drum, as per usual, but is extremely helpful to the Resistance. Ani also keeps trying to find a time to challenge Poe to a race to see whose the better pilot. But then he also has to be serious and is nervous to talk to Leia. Meanwhile someone has to get Luke off that island. While Snoke and Kylo are just like “Jedi everywhere!” And Padme appears to drag her grandson back by his ears.
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@newxhope, @thesarcasmofasoldier, @masterofthelivingforce, @cracked-kyber-crystal, @amyriadofmuses, @usemyknowledge, @mendshope / @wiltedliberty, @forceunbalanced, @beautiful-kind-but-sad, @tofeelthecold, @impcssibleodds / @afaroffadventure, @pilothearted, @bencannolikenobi, @classifiedxrey, @yourdxwnfall, @palpatinetm, @general-kalani, @chromecaptain, @chromium-siren, @conformisms, @ anyone else
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starsandthedyad · 5 years
Force ghost!Anakin doesn’t know his children’s full names so whenever he has a need to use them, he just shouts all of the full names that he thinks Padme gave Luke and Leia. These names are Luke Qui-Gon Amidala Skywalker and Leia Shmi Amidala Skywalker.
@newxhope, @heartsurpluss, @firstofnew, @mendshope / @wiltedliberty, @spacebabeswithguns, @alderaanihope, @beautiful-kind-but-sad, @padmexamidala, @amyriadofmuses, @wehavehxpe
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rbeljedi · 5 years
‘  get  up .  we’re  going  to  save  the  world .  ’ / from leia (@mendshope)
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Luke pulled his arm off his face.  His eyes were still bleary from sleep, and he blinked a few times to try to wake up enough to understand what was going on.  “The world?  Which one?”
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