#menjaburo omori
even the MC crew didn't know about this till this moment!!
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Menjaburo gets the message live as they see Asaka!!
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Manabu's reaction is spot on, I will also be furies with them!!
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Yes, they are Yuhi (I have a headcanon that Phas-san is actually doing that for revenge against the one who controlled him for two + years and made Tre-kun into a Kotatsu but not the point)they are using their authority in order to duel and I'm ok with that, it makes more sense than Yudias qualifying for the final after winning one duel when he barely had any points.
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obsessivelooter · 1 year
Go rush Arc 6 thoughts
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Better than the last arc just because we got some more lore even tho the lore was confusing at some point.
But overall it felt very contrived and hard to follow. it had a lot of leaps of logic that turned out true and "I planned around your plan planning around my plan"
IDK didn't get that invested in Kuaidul, his whole plan and motivations didn't feel believable to me. Honestly, I still am not sure what his plan was either way.
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liked Zion and Epoch a lot,
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and the tournament hosts were fantastic! (especially my baby Damamu!!)
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The dulse were cool and the finally was hype! Glad Yuhi got the deserved W!
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nightfurylover31 · 1 year
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What the deck kind of prize is that?!
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violetganache42 · 1 year
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I like this continuity nod to Yuamu taking part in promotional campaigns. It reminds viewers that she takes them seriously and strives to obtain all the collectible stuff they offer, which also doubles as another reminder that she is as goal-driven as Scrooge. …I should really get around to making that post listing all the similarities they have. XD
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moonlightgirl-05 · 2 years
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Menjaburo is Naruto xD
Confirmed! XD
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gem-knight-lady-opal · 11 months
in the ending shots of ep 77, we see some of the "wrongs/mistakes"
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Weirdly we don't see Asaka's "wrongness" or Manjabru's despite them having notable chances in the following episodes... so I wonder if Kuaidul's Spacetime works in waves (?) or if it had a delay cause it affected their everyday outfit..(?) and before you say "We didn't see Nyan☆-chan or Rovian-sama chances" we did see them; Nyan☆-chan is in her human form and we didn't see Rovian-sama guitar.
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this week we have: 1. Menjaburo & Miranda without Ranran nor Damamau. 2. A happy Yuhi & Yudias. 3. A tried Mr. Tell. 4. A surprised/mid-sentence Tre-kun.
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violetganache42 · 1 year
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Okay, I actually did like this moment. Yudias immediately searching for Epoch after hearing her terrified screams and her running behind him for safety shows how close the two are starting to get after the previous episodes.
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violetganache42 · 1 year
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You're telling me that this whole General Study bullshit is your way of saying that you needed to be reprimanded? For WHAT??? It's bad enough training to be the Sogetsu Style heir traumatized you to where you left it behind and joined MIK in hopes of finding Bochi again, but everything that happened since the previous arc? Ohhh, all of that's not on you, Manabu; that's on those miserable excuses that we're forced to call the GO RUSH!! writers. You only did what you had to do because you genuinely did wanted to help your friends out without Phaser knowing, yet those asshats thought it would be fun to punish you for it by having UTS and their allies not listen to reason on why you pretended to be alliegence with MIK, snapped out of stress and exhaustion during your Rush Duel against Zwijo, and forced you into Muda's servitude. Then, they had the fucking nerve to humiliate you even further by writing this disaster of an episode and making you behave uncharacteristically and do things you wouldn't do, and you wanted to be scolded for it? If this is the show's way of making you act out because of all the shit you went through, then they did a terrible job at it! Ugh, did anyone in the crew proofread this mess of a script the writers wrote?!
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violetganache42 · 1 year
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How the fuck is Vocalize Phoenix not your indicator that General Study is Manabu?! That is the biggest hint and you two are seriously not catching on?!
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Sorry for the callout, Yuamu, but what's even more shocking is neither you nor Yuhi made any real effort with telling them his identity! And even when either of you were about to share it, you just had to get interrupted by the plot because the writers thought dumbing everyone else down would be both "a nifty plot detail" and "a funny joke to drag out throughout the entire episode!" Ugh, what the absolute FUCK, GO RUSH!!/Studio Bridge writers?! *Abridged!Piccolo voice* Which concussion did you suffer that made you think any of this was a good idea?!
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violetganache42 · 1 year
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Oh, sure. You three bat an eye at THAT and not his hair or voice? 😒
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violetganache42 · 1 year
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He's not the only one who understands Rovian's poetry, Menjaburo. lol
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violetganache42 · 1 year
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Yuhi and Yuamu FINALLY mention "roads," just like Yuga! And speaking of which…
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…did Asaka figure out that the twins are related to him?!
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violetganache42 · 1 year
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Based on Yuamu's response, it looks like this was exactly what she wanted to hear Asaka say. She, too, is determined to defeat the Ryugu brothers and return home to Mutsuba Town.
Quick side note, but Yuhi's expression makes me laugh. XD He looks so unamused. I think I found myself a new reaction image.
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violetganache42 · 1 year
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Okay, Damamu pouting over Miranda using his camera is funny and adorable. XD Knowing this episode, I expect this pick-me-up to be temporary, but it was still needed all the same.
Also, first Yuna, now Menjaburo? What is it with the Rovian Bandits using Yuga's "That's Luke for you" quote?!
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