#mention : maggie luxuria
devilcat210 · 3 years
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Happy Birthday to my OCs who born in April!
Love you all🎉
Facts about them
Roxanne knew Ruichi and Chiru because they attend the same school with Sophran as her seniors. Though, she never meet them.
Kirune, Urugi, Ruichi, and Chiru are siblings. They were born at the same time but with different mothers (except, Ruichi and Chiru are heterozigot twin). Each of them have other name that only non-human can say it, thus their mother, Maggie, named them so she can easily pronounce their names.
Kirune attended the same school with Ruichi and Chiru, but she already graduated. She didn't want to talk the reasons because it's embarrassing for her. (Yes, she skipped years and graduated 2 years earlier).
Urugi is the only sibling who attend different school and schoolmates with Aurelia+her brothers and Rodney.
Each of them are in relationship.
They're open for asks💫
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