#chiru/rast luxuria
devilcat210 · 3 years
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🎆Happy Polyamory Acceptance Week🎆
In this post, I will give you the list of my polyamory/polygamy OC ship🥰
I hope you can find them in this blog👉👈
List of Polyamorous OCs
Philautia/Maria x Rasiel/Lavena x Satanna/Aria
Lilia x Hannah x Camael
Armagon x Nanurjuk x Asmodeus
Tharina x Kia x Sandra
Anthony x Veronica x Russell
Sophran x Marchell x Rano/Jill
Tari x Nokia x Chiru/Rast
Riley x Eclair x Auslese
Lilia's parents
Lorria x Richard x Salina x Zen
Rustal x Reese x Maggie x Zwei
Tan/Shu x Ro/Red x Kit/Kiito x Chi/Chinatsu
Beanna x Helgen x Nova x Vega
Xiomara x Nuliajuk x Yoshino x Belphegor x Rachel
Xiomara's grandmothers
Sally's harem
That's all what I have now... maybe I will updating this later when I have time.
Please enjoy your time🍀
Special Corner
(Polyamorous Week Special)
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Template Source:
This post by @riessene
They're open for asks🎇
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devilcat210 · 3 years
Happy Pride Month
I hope everyone have a good month and blessed by good times🥰
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From right up to left down:
Kirune (Tsust) Luxuria, She/Them, 17, Lesbian, hybrid kumiho-demon rabbit.
Sonia (Walter) Laddison, She/Her, 18, Polysexual, full cyborg (formerly human).
Urugi (Saust) Luxuria, She/Them, 17, Bisexual, half demon rabbit.
Rodney Milton, He/Him, 18, Asexual, human.
Nirva Margarita, She/Her (Transgender), 35, Demisexual, human.
Giga Charvier, They/them/all pronouns (genderqueer), 34+, Bisexual, special human/cyborg.
Aurelia Winston, She/Her, 17, Heterosexual, human.
Ruichi (Mest) Luxuria, He/Them, 17, Pansexual, hybrid golden ram-chimera-demon rabbit.
Michelango Tari, She/Her, 17, Lesbian, tasmania devil humane (were-tasmania devil).
Nokia Lee, They/Them (Non-binary), 15, Aro-asexual, unidentified being (formely robo-cat from unnamed planet).
Chiru (Rast) Luxuria, She/Them, 17, Demisexual, hybrid golden ram-chimera-demon rabbit.
Viona Margarita, She/Them (demi-girl), 16+, Pansexual, hybrid angel spirit.
Stereo Charvier, She/They/Him (genderfluid), 16+, Asexual, special human/cyborg.
🏳️‍🌈They're open for asks🏳️‍🌈
To my followers and whomever reading this post:
Please Check My Announcement. It's important because this month is special.
I'm sorry if some flags weren't here or in wrong colors😣 I will do better in the next year.
Thank you for @floofcakes and please follow her on tumblr and instagram, @lawiebush, she's great at making pride flags🥰
If you want to hear their stories, ask me right away please. My comments section are for safe zone where no one is in war🙏
I know there is pro and contra in my post, so come to @genkininja21 as I will answer you there😇 Because @devilcat210 is for my OCs and already committed to only post about my OCs in there.
^^ Oh, I have an autopilot mode that if I see some ask all in capital or negative feelings text, I will delete and block whomever sent me that. Please be careful of the way you texting me.
⚠️You have been warned⚠️
In regards,
Zero the storyteller.
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devilcat210 · 2 years
Meme Corner
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When you ask your siblings to pick your clothes for your first date💕
Happy Birthday to my quadruplet OCs (Kirune, Urugi, Ruichi, and Chiru)💝
Facts about them
(More informations about them)
Date of birth: April 12th, Age: 17
Rustal, Reese, Maggie, and Zwei's children.
Their Lovers;
Kirune/Tsust: Sonia/Walter Laddison
Urugi/Saust: Rodney Milton
Ruichi/Mest: Aurelia Winston
Chiru/Rast: Michelango Tari & Nokia Lee
Sometimes they're bickering about almost everything, especially joking about each other flaws.
That's all💞
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devilcat210 · 3 years
I have a question :O (tw bullying) why did Tari bully Chiru??
She's got curious about Chiru's angry issues (jk)
As you can see here, Tari has a crush with Chiru since she was ten years old. She didn't know how to deal with it because her biological parents always fought and abused her.
Her parents are homophobic too. They threatened to kill her if she loves girls. The stress made her to lash out at Chiru who was naive and didn't care at all at her bullying (she's not physically to her). Then, she was bored as she only saw Chiru's optimist attitudes toward her.
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devilcat210 · 3 years
Family's Corner
LGBT+ Pride's Special
⚠️Spoiler and a really long post⚠️
Meet my 87-90th OCs😊
The Luxuria's Childrens
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🎶But even if the stars and moon collide🎶
🎶I never want you back into my life🎶
🎶You can take your words and all your lies🎶
🎶Oh, oh, oh, I really don't care!!🎶
~Chiru is singing "Really Don't Care" by Demi Lovato~
Facts about Them
Urugi and Ruichi used glasses because their eyes are sensitive with light, not because they're near sight☀️
They have good grades, except Chiru who hates studying (especially math) but she still got passed score. Luckily for them, their moms aren't strict with them when it comes to school📚
Each of them has one accessory to keep their human form, except Urugi. She has two because she easily lost her composure and keeps revealing her real form without them🐇
Even though they usually bicker with each other, they can be protective and care in their own way.
All of them have Multiple Personalities Disorder. Kirune and Urugi have two personalities that isn’t visible and appeared when they used their real form. Ruichi and Chiru have three personalities that vividly visible and can suddenly appeared in their human form👥
From the oldest to youngest :
87. Kirune/Tsust Luxuria (Rustal x Reese's)
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She/Them, Lesbian, Taken.
Hybrid Demon Rabbit-Grey Werewolf-Kumiho.
Working as a model and the successor of Rustal. Already graduated from school.
Love to tease people, sometimes a bit flirty, miss popular, somehow can know people's secret, and can be protective to her siblings (trust me... don't made her siblings cry).
People misunderstood her as 'playgirl' but they're wrong. Kirune flirt only for her practice for her future missions. Well, that's made people fall in love for her so she can't denied it.
88. Urugi/Saust Luxuria (Rustal x Maggie's)
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She/Them, Bisexual
Human-Demon Rabbit.
In demon form, Saust can drag people into hole to the hell eventhough she isn't the successor of Rustal. She only use it whenever her siblings, Aurelia, and Rodney is in trouble. Urugi can see invisible supernaturals too.
A little bit nerd, protective friend to Aurelia, surprisingly sporty, sometimes act like a princess, and popular in her school.
Had a crush on her bestfriend, Aurelia. She confessed to her but got rejected, yet they still bestfriends. Then, she met Rodney and progressively falling in love with him.
89. Ruichi/Mest Luxuria (Rustal x Zwei's)
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He/Them, Pansexual.
Hybrid Chimera-Golden Ram-Demon Rabbit.
Loves to wear feminine clothes and make up. Loves cute things and easily forgive people. That doesn't mean he can't fight or not strong, he just has more patience than his siblings.
He loves mathematics and algebra, ambivert, chills, loves fashion, surprisingly awkward, hardly feels lonely, and always be MC when Stellarium Academy (their school) hold events.
He has 3 sides; Keeper (usually), metro boy (If he feels confident for the day), and bad boy (if he feels mad at night (rare thing)).
90. Chiru/Rast Luxuria (Rustal x Zwei's)
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She/Them, Demisexual.
Hybrid Chimera-Golden Ram-Demon Rabbit.
She had an ex-bestfriend/crush who made her cold toward her opponents when playing badminton. That's why she refused to play it again cause she's afraid to traumatized Tari and Nokia (her lovers).
Sporty, has angry issues (she only calm down when Tari and Nokia are beside her), and has clumsy side.
She has 3 sides; tomboy (usually), cutie girl (when she lets off her guard), and girl boss (that's appear if she didn't feel secured).
They're open for asks🏳️‍🌈
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devilcat210 · 3 years
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Happy Birthday to my OCs who born in April!
Love you all🎉
Facts about them
Roxanne knew Ruichi and Chiru because they attend the same school with Sophran as her seniors. Though, she never meet them.
Kirune, Urugi, Ruichi, and Chiru are siblings. They were born at the same time but with different mothers (except, Ruichi and Chiru are heterozigot twin). Each of them have other name that only non-human can say it, thus their mother, Maggie, named them so she can easily pronounce their names.
Kirune attended the same school with Ruichi and Chiru, but she already graduated. She didn't want to talk the reasons because it's embarrassing for her. (Yes, she skipped years and graduated 2 years earlier).
Urugi is the only sibling who attend different school and schoolmates with Aurelia+her brothers and Rodney.
Each of them are in relationship.
They're open for asks💫
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