#mentioned!ticklish alastor
switchypanic · 4 months
One Last Trust Exercise || A 'Hazbin Hotel' Tickle Fic
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Summary: The night before The Extermination, the hotel crew decides to play a game of truth or dare. After all, what do they have to lose? They'll probably all be dead the next day anyways. However, a few interesting secrets come to light, and the evening takes a surprising turn.
Content Warnings: Canon-typical language and MINOR spoilers for the beginning of episode eight.
Word Count: 2,475 words.
Nobody was excited for what tomorrow would bring. The threat of imminent, painful failure loomed over their heads, unable to be masked by alcoholic beverages or (attempts at) rousing speeches. For them to survive, it was going to take a miracle, and Heaven had not been too keen on giving those out up to that point. However, there was a small bright side to the situation, as hard as it is to believe.
With little left to lose, the hotel staff were oddly relaxed with each other, showing the most affection and open comradery towards one another that Charlie had ever seen from the group. Husk and Angel were sharing drinks and snickering softly to each other at the bar, the former overlord absentmindedly cleaning a few shot glasses as the spider demon watched, barely muffling snickers behind one of his many hands. Whatever the two were joking about was lost on the princess, not that she minded in the slightest.
Nifty was rambling to Cherri Bomb about her newest creation, a morbid adaptation of 'Romeo and Juliet' which utilized the many roaches she had exterminated as puppets, garnering looks of concern and feigned smiles of encouragement from her captive audience. From a few meters away, Alastor listened in silently, his ever present smile somehow even wider than usual, betraying his clear amusement at the situation before him.
And then there was Vaggie, mumbling quiet words of encouragement to Sir Pentious in the far corner of the room, away from any prying ears. The snake demon fiddled with his hat, eyes flickering over to Cherri Bomb, causing his hood to flare open for a moment before he forced it back down with his hands. Charlie couldn't help but giggle; Vaggie wasn't the best at flirting herself, yet she was still trying her best to be a good wingman. If Charlie had thought she couldn't possibly be any more in love with the woman, she was being proven wrong yet again.
Charlie felt a pang of anxious sadness in her heart, knowing that all of the progress they had made could be undone in a single instant tomorrow morning. A single pierce from an exorcist's blade could mean the end, the final end, for any one of them. It could mean the sudden and cruel end of everything they had been working so hard to achieve.
The princess wrung her hands, blinking back tears as she attempted to calm herself down. Getting all worked up in front of everyone wouldn't help matters. No, she needed to do something to get her mind off of tomorrow. Scouring her mind for any ideas, one suddenly came to her, and her usual smile returned in a flash.
Clearing her throat, Charlie climbed atop of the nearby coffee table, careful not to accidentally knock over one of the many whisky glasses left strewn about. "Um, excuse me everyone! Can I have your attempt for a moment?" She yelled.
The various conversations paused, heads turning expectantly towards her.
"I had an idea for one final trust exercise for us to do before tomorrow; truth or dare! Anyone who wants to play is welcome to, but it's totally not mandatory!" Charlie announced. "Like I said, spend tonight however you guys want! I just thought it might be fun for us to-"
"Sounds fun to me!" Angel Dust interrupted, a playful smirk plastered to his face as he got to his feet. "Haven't played that since before I bit the bullet back on Earth. What do you say, Husk? You in too?" The actor asked, glancing over his shoulder at the cat demon.
Husk hummed, seemingly thinking it over. "Aah, what the hell? Why not? Not like I've got much else to do tonight." The bartender replied, shrugging.
Charlie turned her attempt to Nifty, who was bouncing on her toes with excitement. "Oh, I love that game! I love that game!" The short sinner squealed.
Cherri Bomb couldn't help but snort with laughter. "Fuck yeah, I'm in too! Last time I played that, I got to spend ten minutes in a closet with some super hot hellhound!"
From across the room, Charlie noticed Pentious' face go bright red. "I'm afraid I'm not familiar with such a game...but I would be willing to learn!" The snake demon pipped in. "This...Truth Or Dare, as you called it, does sound quite intriguing. How about you, Vagatha? Shall you be joining in as well?"
Vaggie rolled her eyes. "NOT my name, dude. We've been over this. But...yeah, why not?" The former Exorcist shot her girlfriend a gentle smile, and Charlie felt like her heart was going to beat right out of her chest.
Now, it seemed the only one left to answer was...
Charlie turned her attention to Alastor. The overlord hadn't moved from his previous position, though his expression had changed ever so slightly, bearing an emotion that Charlie couldn't quite discern. "Al? What about you?" The princess asked, offering an encouraging smile. "You want to play? No pressure, of course!" She half expected him to say no. Alastor was a private man, and while he often enjoyed messing with others, he didn't seem the type to play a game which could leave him vulnerable in some capacity.
However, to her surprise, the radio host let out a small laugh and quickly strode over to her. "Why not? I'm afraid I'm also unfamiliar with such a game, though I have been told I'm a fast learner!" Alastor replied.
Charlie squealed with excitement, jumping off of the table and ushering everyone forwards. "Great! Alright, everybody get into a circle on the floor!" She instructed, plopping down on the carpet with a soft thud. Vaggie took the seat to her right, as expected, and Nifty to her left. Alastor positioned himself between Nifty and Sir Pentious, the later of which had strategically made sure to claim a seat next to Cherri. Finally, Angel and Husk finished out the circle (were Charlie's eyes deceiving her, or was Husk ever so slightly wrapping a wing around the actor).
The princess clapped her hands with excitement. "Okay, since some of you haven't played before, I'll explain the rules! When the game starts, I'll ask one of you to pick truth or dare. If you pick truth, you have to answer whatever question I ask honestly. If you pick dare, you have to do whatever I dare you to. Once you've done either of those things, it's your turn to ask somebody else!"
Sir Pentious raised a hand. "ANYTHING you ask or dare? What if you wanted me to sign over my soul?" He asked, shooting a distrusting look at Alastor.
Charlie hummed, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. "Good point! I guess it would be a good idea to put some rules in place, just for safe keeping. If there is a truth or dare you really aren't comfortable with doing, use the safeword...apple!"
"And how do we know if somebody is telling the truth?" The snake demon continued, head cocked to the side with curiousity.
"That's the thing, we're working on the honor system! It's up to you guys to stay truthful with us. Remember all of our previous exercises; you can trust everyone here!"
Husk snorted. "Suuure..." He grumbled, also shooting Alastor a nasty look. If the deer demon was bothered by the group's apparent distrust in him, he didn't show it.
"Alright, I'll go first! Hm....Vaggie, truth or dare?" Charlie asked, beaming from ear to ear as she turned towards her girlfriend. The former Exorcist chuckled, shaking her head.
"Okay then, what's your favorite food?" Angel could be heard snickering from across the circle; of course Charlie would pick such a vanilla question.
"See?" Charlie squealed with delight. "It's super easy! You'll all get the hang of it in no time! Okay, Vaggie, it's your turn to ask someone!"
"Oookay..." Vaggie slowly glanced around the circle, taking a moment to think before selecting her target. "Cherri, truth or dare?"
The bomb expert grinned impishly. "You kiddin' me? Dare, mate!"
"Then I dare you to...do a cartwheel."
Cherri Bomb scoffed, getting to her feet. "For real? I can do that in my sleep!" She retorted, easily demonstrating her point as she completed the dare with ease. Nifty clapped excitedly, letting out a maniacal giggle.
"Bravo, bravo!"
Cherri looked over to the shorter demoness, chuckling as she sat back down. "Alright, pipsqueak, your turn! Truth or dare?"
The janitor was practically vibrating with excitement. "Oooh, dare! Dare!"
"Then I dare you to give ol' Angie here a taste of the tickle monster treatment, yeah?" Cherri replied, sending a knowing smirk to her friend.
Angel, who had been preoccupied whispering something to Husk, sputtered in shock. "What the fuck? Cherri!" The actor cried out, a look of betrayal on his face. "Did you have to throw me under the bus?!"
The other shrugged. "Sorry, mate! I'm kinda limited on the kinds of dares I'm allowed to give at this bloody place."
Angel's head snapped in Nifty's direction, his heart racing as the tiny cyclops scuttled over to him, giggling with excited glee. "N-Now Nif, we can talk about this, yeah?" A grin was already starting to tug at Angel's lips, and while he leaned back slightly, he made no real effort to get away.
"Sorry, a dare's a dare!" Nifty launched herself forward, nearly knocking the actor onto his back with the force of her movement. The smaller sinner's fingers immediately found their way to Angel's sides, digging in with chaotic zeal. Angel let out a surprised yelp, biting down on his lip in a vain attempt to contain his chuckles.
"Nohoho! Nifty, cohohome on! Lemme gohohohoho!"
"Ah, he doesn't mean that! Just look at him; he's barely fighting back!" Cherri replied, grinning deviously. "Wait, not barely fighting back, more like not fighting back AT ALL."
From across the rug, Charlie was cooing at the endearing sight, and even Vaggie was starting to smile a little.
"Aaw, this is so cute!" The princess gushed.
"You think this is cute? Lil' gremlin ain't even gettin' one of his really good spots. You latch onto one of those, he's DONE FOR." Cherri was determined to fluster the shit out of him, wasn't she?"
Angel's face turned a brilliant shade of pink, his face burrowing into his hands in an attempt to hide itself. "Cheheherri, shuhuhuhuhut uhuhuhup!" He whined. Next to him, Husk couldn't contain the teasing grin tugging at his own lips.
"Well, well. Never would have pegged you as the ticklish type, considering your line of work."
Angel collapsed backwards onto the carpet as Nifty was gently pried off of him by Cherri, supporting his upper body on his elbows. It seemed the brief attack had been enough to satisfy his companion's mischievous streak, though Nifty herself was protesting over her fun being cut short. "Oho, cohohome off it. Everybody's a bit ticklish, ain't they?" He retorted.
"Not me." Husk replied smugly. A burst of laughter rang out from across the circle; it seemed Alastor was finally ready to speak up.
"Now Husker, it's not very nice to lie to one's friends, is it?" The Radio Demon chided, shaking his head in disapproval. The cat demon shot him a glare, wings puffing up slightly.
"I ain't lying!"
Alastor hummed, grin sharpening as a devious glint entered his eyes. "Funny, I seem to remember you rolling on the round, wheezing with laughter during your last shedding season. If I recall correctly, Nifty had decided to take a grooming brush to your wings. Ringing any bells?"
While not especially evident because of his fur, Husk knew that he was blushing up a storm. "You shut it!" He growled, tail flicking back and forth in flustered irritation.
"There's nothing to be embarrased about, Husk! I'm ticklish, and as we all just saw, so is Angel! It's completely normal!" Charlie chimed in, attempting to offer reassurance. "It wouldn't surprise me if everyone here was to some degree!"
"Hey, stop draggin' me into this!" Angel groaned. "Though I suppose she does have a point; I ain't never met somebody who ain't ticklish SOMEWHERE!"
"I'm not!" Nifty said, beaming with pride.
"Yeah, suuure." Cherri chuckled in response, shaking her head.
"I'm afraid little Nifty is quite right; both Husker and I have attempted to tickle her on multiple occasions, to no success." Alastor said, sharing a sharp-toothed smile with the little cyclops. "She seems to be indestructible when it comes to tickling."
Happy to have the conversation directed away from his own sensitivity, Husk nodded. "As much as I hate to say it, Smiles is right on that front. The girl's a walking fortress; no cracks in the foundation."
Noticing that Sir Pentious had been oddly quiet, Vaggie gave him a gentle nudge. "How about you?" She asked, wanting to ensure the snake demon felt included.
Pentious flinched, hood flaring out slightly. "Who, me?" He chuckled nervously. "Why, the great Sir Pentious isn't ticklish! It would be rather unbecoming of a villain such as I, would it not?"
"Not necessarily. Anyone can be ticklish, even villains." Charlie said gently.
Angel Dust snorted with laughter. "You say that, but somehow I have a hard time picture Al rolling on his ass and laughin' up a storm!" The actor butted in, pointing an accusatory finger at the overlord. "What IS the deal with YOU, huh? You got anything your wanna admit to the group?"
The faint sound of buzzing radio static could be heard lingering in the air. "Me? Why, I don't see how that's any of your business, is it?" Alastor replied, head cocking to the side as if to challenge the other demon.
"That ain't a no." Angel retorted with a small smirk.
Nifty jumped to her feet, waving her arms about excitedly. "Oh, oh! He is! He is! This one time, I-" The little demoness was cut off as Alastor scooped her up, pressing a palm against her mouth.
"Now, now, my dear! Some things are best left a secret, hm?"
"No fuckin' way, I wanna hear it!" Angel leaned forward, eyes narrowing playfully. "Go on, Nif! Tell us aaall about it!" As Nifty squirmed in Alastor's hold, frantic talking could be heard muffled behind his hand. A moment later, Alastor suddenly released his grip, lip curling as he recoiled in disgust.
"Did you just LICK my hand?!"
Charlie knew she should probably put a stop to things before they got too crazy; that she should redirect the group back to the game. However, seeing the pure, silly interactions they were having, she just couldn't bring herself to do it. After all, why not let them have their silly little squabble?
After tomorrow, it could be a good, long while before any of them could relax again.
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anzynai · 4 months
Husk x Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)
a/n: helloooo, so someone requested a part 2 (and i enjoyed writing huskerdust) so of course, part 2!! this is a sequel to my first fic only you, which you can check out first if you’d like, but this can also be read as a standalone. ignore the fact that i accidentally switched povs about halfway😭😭 hope this isnt ooc LOL and enjoy!!
summary: another night of husk and angel existing together. of course, things are bound to happen.
word count: 1.1k
“I swear to fuck, I’m going to die if I have to work another eighteen hour shift again.” Angel moaned, leaning his head back on the headrest of the sofa as he stretched his legs on Husk’s thighs. Husk sat on the sofa beside him.
Angel had come back to the Hotel about an hour ago and as usual, Husk and Angel went to talking. Though, after finishing their drinks, they didn’t simply retire to their rooms for the night. Instead, the conversation had shifted from the barstools to the couches in the living room.
“Sounds like you had it rough today.” Husk sympathizes, because he really does.
“Tell me about it.” Angel rolls his eyes. He shifts his legs again and it becomes increasingly more difficult for Husk to ignore their closeness. Somehow, during their talk, they had gotten closer and closer and if one of the other hotel patrons had walked on them at this moment, Husk was afraid they would think they were.. interrupting something.
The last time they were this close was.. yeah, when Husk tickled Angel. They hadn’t mentioned it since, which Husk was a bit shocked about. He was sure Angel would be all over teasing him about his hands being alllll over him, or even when he discovered that the bartender was also ticklish. But alas, that hadn’t happened. That’s not to say Husk didn’t want to talk about it, don’t get him wrong, but how was he going to say that he enjoyed tickling Angel?!
“How’s it with Al, anyway?” Angel cuts through his thoughts, suddenly. Husk clears his throat.
“Same old. The fucker only calls for me when he needs me to run his errands. Leaves me alone most of the time, though.” Husk grumbled, recalling a time that Alastor had ordered him to fetch some sinner who had apparently tried to run away after their deal with Alastor didn’t work in their favor. What made it all the more infuriating is that Alastor could’ve easily snapped the sinner in front of him in the blink of an eye.
“Huh.” Was all Angel said, in response, but he moved closer to the bartender, eyes blinking blearily and yawning.
“Tired?” Husk asked, yawning himself.
“Mmm.. maybe a little.” Angel mumbled. Husk readjusted his hands, his claws grazing slightly against Angel’s legs. The spider giggled sleepily, causing the cat to chuckle.
“Ticklish too.”
“Don’t act like you aren’t either.”
“Not more than you.” Husk grumbled, his face heating up. It wasn’t as though he could deny it— Angel had figured it out when he decided to tickle him back.
“That may be so..” Angel began, sitting up, looking too smug compared to how exhausted he seemed seconds earlier. “But I’m sure I can still make a kitty purr~”
Suddenly, Husk didn’t like where this was going.
Talk about a cringy line. Purr? “Don’t even think about it.”
“Whaaaat? I’ll be gentle~” Angel traced his finger under Husk’s chin. It was slow and light and unbearingly evil.
“Hhmmp..!” Husk pursed his lips. Angel took this as a sign to keep going as he crept closer to the bartender.
“Sensitive, are we?” Angel smiled, amused. One of his hands went to Husk’s shoulder, almost as though he was interrogating him.
“Shut it, Legs.” Husk grumbled, embarrassed.
“Not denying it, huh?” Angel muttered, chuckling to himself. One of his arms reached over to Husk’s sides, squeezing lightly as the soft fur spread between his fingers. Husk turned away, a crooked smile on his lips, yet no sound came out. Feeling a bit bolder, Angel sat over Husk, so that the bartender’s legs were between his knees. Husk didn’t say anything, though it was likely because he was too busy concealing his reactions.
Angel smirked.
“You are a tough cookie to crack, Kitty. Good thing I like a challenge.” Angel teased, taking his other hand to Husk’s other side, kneading softly. Only a few muffled giggles made it past Husk’s lips. Angel used his third arm, determined to make Husk break, and traced along his neck. He couldn’t deny that the way Husk’s neck clamped down on his fingers was adorable. Husk would probably die if he told him that. So he did. And while he didn’t die, the blush on Husk’s face was more than enough to make up for it.
“S-stohop talking..” Husk groaned, eyes squeezed shut.
“Hm.” Was all Angel said in response, scanning for Husk’s body. It was true Husk seemed pretty sensitive, considering how hard it looked for him to resist laughing, but nowhere he had tried had been enough to break his defenses. So where…
And then, he looked up at Husk’s ears, an idea popping into his head. No way. It couldn’t be.
He took his arms away from Husk’s sides, which had still been methodically tickling him, offering Husk a small chance at relief. Not that it lasted long because a second later, his hands were scritching on Husk’s ears.. similar to how one would pet a cat.
“Hhk!” Was the beginning of it as Husk gave one last effort to resist. Futile, of course. Then, a moment later: “SHIHIHIT!”
“No fuckin’ way! Your ears!?” Angel exclaimed, laughing at the irony and reeling over the fact his idea had worked so much better than he had thought.
“FUHUHUCK OHOFF!” Husk shrieked, flustered out of his mind.
“Just like a kitten! So adorable~ Our one and only bartender taken down by just a few ear scratches.” Angel beamed, very invested in this display. Angel, still scratching his ears, scratched at his tummy. Did cats like belly rubs? One way to find out, he supposed.
Apparently, they do? If Husk’s laughter increasing tenfold was anything to go by. It was sounding a little hysterical, though, and Angel wanted to treat him with the same gentleness that he had received a few nights ago. He eased up on the tickling, only scribbling on one of Husk’s ears. Husk was still ticklish there, but at least he could breathe.
“Youhuhu suhuhuck..” Angel laughed.
“You bet I do.” It was then that Husk realized his words and even while being tickled, the disappointment on his face was clear.
“Nohoho mohohore!” Husk giggled, minutes later, his exhaustion at its peak. The moment he said that, Angel relented, but not before giving him a quick poke to the side. Angel snickered when he jolted.
“Been waiting for this, have you?” Husk grumbled. Angel got off of him, but sat close to him. Their legs were touching.
“Yep. Since you were oh-so kind to grace me with some tickling, shouldn’t you have a taste of it, too?” Angel said, easily.
“Not at all.” Husk rolled his eyes, but he didn’t look nearly as annoyed as he tried to act like. “Next time, it’s going to be you. Again.”
“Next time?” Angel covered his mouth with his hand, chuckling. He assumed Husk was going to backtrack his words because he had just indirectly told him that he was expecting there to be a next time.
Instead, Husk smirked, a sneaky look in his eyes. “Yep. Next time.”
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hazbin-hotlee37 · 2 months
please lee lucifer i want a cute, ticklish lucifer!
These people could be Alastor and Charlie, and I think the reason for the tickling might be because Charlie sees his father a little sad. Lucifer was in a bad mood that day. Anyway, Charlie is upset because he hates it when his father is sad, and seeing Charlie upset, Alastor wants to know why, and Charlie asks Alastor for help to make his father happy! I would be very happy if you write, thank you!
Hmmmmm, love the depressed, autistic dads lmao
I gotchu
Lee!Lucifer, Ler!Charlie & Ler!Alastor. (Mentioned AdamsApple)
Light of My Life
Lucifer laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling. Everything had been going great, so why was he feeling so… so numb? He hated days like this, especially since he had promised to hang out with Charlie! Since Adam was busy trying to reconnect with his own kids, which of course Lucifer supported! 100%! But… He wished his lover was here… God, that’s selfish isn’t it? 
Luci sighed and found the energy to pick up his phone and text his daughter, telling her that he couldn’t hang out. He didn’t really say why, and he knew it would make Charlie curious. That’s… Kinda what he was hoping for…
Charlie felt her phone vibrate and looked at the text, she got concerned instantly. Her dad canceled? That was rare nowadays, before he did it more times than she could count but now? He never, and I mean Never, canceled. For the reason of wanting to repair their relationship. So, this was concerning.
“Is everything alright, dear?” The Radio Demon asked, his head tilted curiously.
“O-Oh! Al, hey, I didn’t see you there! I’m doing fine, it’s just my dad-..” She paused upon seeing the deer demon's ears twitch curiously.
“Whatever could be the problem with the King of Hell himself?” Alastor asks with a slightly more sinister smirk.
“I’m not sure, he just canceled our hang out though. Which is so unlike him nowadays…” The Princess of Hell says with a sigh, putting her phone away. “I’m gonna go check on him…”
“Well, let me join you! I’ve been in need of some new entertainment” Alastor says with a smirk, his hands behind his back.
“*Sigh* Fine, but don’t mess with him, okay?”
“Well… That’s a lot less Fun, but fine.”
The two walked over to Lucifer’s quarters of the hotel, knocking on the door. There was a soft groan and response and the door opened magically, so they entered. Charlie let out a soft gasp at her fathers current condition.
Lucifer was curled up in bed, his hair a mess, wearing ducky pajamas. His room was messed up as well, lots of rubber ducks scattered around as well as random little notes, since he wasn’t the best at remembering things.
“Oh gosh, dad… I didn’t think things got this bad… What happened..?” Charlie asks, sitting on the bed by her father.
“Heyy, Char…. I’m just… Having one of those days… Sorry, I-I canceled on ya… I-I-I-... I just can’t today…” Luci mutters with a shaky sigh, not able to look his daughter in the eye.
Alastor remained silent, he felt… Conflicted. Concerned even… He’s never seen the King of Hell himself so low, it just reminded him that anyone could be vulnerable, no matter how powerful.
“Dad, it’s fine, trust me. I just wanna make sure you’re okay… I-I know you said things were bad when you were alone, so…- I’m here, Dad” The princess of hell says as she pulls her dad into a hug, who gratefully hugs back. Though, she accidentally squeezed Lucifer’s sides, who in response, let out a squeak (That sounded similar to a rubber duck). 
Both Alastor and Charlie perked up a little and shared a softer smile as they looked at each other then back to a now nervously-giggling king.
“W-Wahait-.. Charlie. Charlie, no… No….. NO- Chaharlie!” The fallen angel burst into bright, bubbly giggles as he felt his daughter’s fingers scribble over his sides.
“Maybe this will cheer you up!” Charlie says with a smile.
“While normally, I may not be the biggest fan of yourself, your highness, I do have to say… This is quite the adorable sight.” Alastor says with a smirk as he gently takes hold of Lucifer’s wrist and starts tracing his claw over his hand and palm.
“Ehehehe! Ohoho gohosh! C-Chahar, EEP! Ahalastor!” The fallen angel squeaked and giggled but didn’t pull away, because it was actually working. It was helping…
“Tickle tickle, dad! Aww, your laugh is actually really cute!”
“I must agree with you, Charlie! It's not something I would’ve expected from the King of Hell himself!”
“Ohoho gohoodness mehe! Ihihi- Ehehehahaha! *Hic!* O-Okahay- Okahay, Chahaharlie! Naha- Nononono NOhoho”
Suddenly both Charlie and Alastor got a face full of feathers, it even knocked Alastor over onto the floor. Lucifer quickly folded up his wings, feeling slightly bad but also giggling slightly.
“Oof-! My goodness-... That was quite rude, if I do say so myself” Alastor says sarcastically, standing up and dusting himself off.
“Ah! I’m sorry-” Luci says with a soft smile.
“It’s alright, dad. Are you feeling better..?” The Princess of Hell asks with a slight smile.
“Yeah, yeah… Thanks, Char. You’re the best” The King of Hell says as he hugs his daughter, who happily hugs back.
“But… This doesn’t mean you’re off the hook” 
“Ohh… no” 
“Welp, that’s my que to leav-”
Let’s just say, revenge was happily served.
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Lucifer and Alastor are bickering and singing as usual at the Hazbin Hotel (you know how to sing while bickering like in episode 5) and what stops the song is when one of Alastor's fingers accidentally touches Lucifer's side, resulting in a loud squeal from Lucifer. (he is very sensitive, I think it tickles even if you don't touch it properly). And Alastor has an excuse to beat Lucifer at something. I hope you write, thank yoouuuu dear.
Alrighty then, this one will be fun!
So sorry if I got your request wrong I did my best 😓
Winning at Best
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Summary: During one of their usual fights Alastor finds out that Lucifer is ticklish, chaos ensues
(Cue the end of Mimzy’s part in Hell’s Greatest Dad)
“Who?” Lucifer asked, a little confused at the sudden entrance by this random lady.
Alastor shot him a look, “You know it’s not very nice to just ask someone that Your Highness.” Alastor told the King, elbowing him in the side but what he didn’t expect was for Lucifer to let out a loud squeal at the contact.
Lucifer quickly slapped both hands over his mouth, looking around to make sure nobody heard him aside but everyone seemed to be doing their own thing until he looked up and made eye contact with Alastor.
Alastor was staring at him with a shocked expression, not entirely sure if he hurt him or not, not helping his curiosity when Lucifer quickly summoned one of his portals and disappeared through it leaving Alastor to his thoughts.
What the hell, what the hell!
Alastor could not figure out he was ticklish! That would be absolute hell for him! Luckily Alastor looked rather confused when he touched his side but still that didn’t guarantee he was safe, the stag was very curious and would very likely be trying to figure out what harbored that reaction.
Back in his room Lucifer sat on his bed with his hat beside him and his red face in his hands praying to whatever up above that Alastor did not figure out about his little secret.
Lucifer raised his head from his hands and summoned his wings, staring at them in horror. “What would happen if he tried these, I’d be screwed from the start!” Lucifer exclaimed to himself, giving them a soft flap.
“No im overreacting, there’s no way that stupid Bellhop will find out.” Lucifer muttered to himself before drawing his wings closer and beginning to preen them.
Back in the parlor Alastor stood there, still staring at the spot where Lucifer once stood before shaking his head, snapping him out of his trance sort of thing.
“I know that was something, I’ll have to ask Charlie about that later.” Alastor talked to himself and wandered over to the bar where Mimzy sat chatting with Husk.
“Hello Mimzy my dear!” Alastor called, catching the woman’s attention, “Alastor!” Mimzy exclaimed, jumping up and rushing over to hug the other demon. “How’ve you been?” Mimzy asked him, pulling away and looking up to meet his gaze.
“Quite well I must say the new renovations on the hotel have been splendid.” Alastor replied, “And what about you my dear? How have you been?” He asked her and she smiled, “I’ve been well, the club’s been busy as always.” Mimzy replied, laughing as Alastor’s ears bent back a little.
“I don’t understand how you demons can enjoy something such as that.” Alastor snarked at the mere mention of a club making Mimzy laugh.
“Oh no, alcohol and other demons in hell, how terrifying~” Mimzy teased Alastor, making a show of it with her hands while Alastor’s ears lifted and his aura lightened a bit.
“Such a comedy gal you.” Alastor grinned, waving his hand in Mimzy’s direction as the woman turned back towards Husk to order a drink.
Seeing that Mimzy was doing something different now striking up a conversation with the cat demon Alastor looked around for a certain little maid, pleased radio static escaping him when he spotted her chasing a roach with her dagger.
Alastor walked over and picked up Niffty in the middle of her roach chasing session. Not knowing who it was Niffty was about to turn around and stab whoever was holding her thinking it was an angel but one glimpse of the gloved hands holding her and she quickly wriggled out of her captor’s grip and scurried down his arm to stand on his shoulder.
“Hi Mr.Alastor!” Niffty chirped, putting her dagger away so she wouldn’t harm the other demon. “Hello Niffty dear.” Alastor smiled at the little maid, sauntering over to the bar counter where a cup of tea he’d ordered from Husk was sitting there which he picked up and walked over to the parlor, sitting down in a chair still with Niffty on his shoulder and taking a drink of his tea.
“What have you been up to Niffty?” Alastor asked her, attempting to make conversation with her. When she started bouncing excitedly on his shoulder he knew he was about to be told a story, she always did that when she got excited.
“Oooohh okay okay so first I went roach hunting like you saw a little while ago and I caught a lot!” Niffty exclaimed causing Alastor to chuckle a little.
“And then I used those roaches to put on a puppet show for Ms.Vaggie and Ms.Charlie, and then I was hanging out with Mr.Husk while he talked with Mr.Angel and I got to help him clean!” Niffty told him, “Sounds like quite the eventful day my dear, and we’re barely at lunchtime.” Alastor replied as Niffty nodded her head.
“What did you do today Mr.Alastor?” Niffty asked him, playing with his ears. “Oh not much, talking with Mimzy and His Majesty is about it.” Alastor replied, humoring the little maid and allowing her to play with his ears which flicked at the touch.
That’s when Charlie wandered over with Vaggie to talk which caught his attention. He magicked the cup out of his hands and at that moment Niffty spotted a bug scuttling across the floor so she grabbed her dagger and jumped off Alastor to go catch it.
“Hello my dear.” Alastor spoke as Charlie sat down next to him. “Hi Al how’ve you been?” Charlie asked him, “Up to any new tricks of yours?” Vaggie also asked him but he waved them off.
“Unfortunately nothing new, business has been rather slow lately.” Alastor replied and Charlie nodded, “It has I wonder why.” The princess replied, staring off into the distance.
“Oh yeah, I noticed what happened between you and Lucifer, what did you do.” Vaggie asked him, crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes in accusation.
“Wait what happened?” Charlie spoke up, turning to look at Alastor questioningly, “What did you do now Al.” Charlie also spoke to him with accusation and he waved them both off again.
“To answer your question Charlie dear, after Mimzy had arrived your father was being sort of rude so I simply elbowed him in the side and that harbored a reaction that you two are harassing me over, I’m not sure what happened.” Alastor answered and Vaggie’s expression lightened up and Charlie started thinking again for a moment.
“Do you have any idea what happened based on his explanation?” Vaggie asked Charlie, turning to the princess who seemed deep in thought. “Al what did you say happened when you elbowed my dad?” Charlie asked the deer and he smiled.
“When I touched him he seemed to jump with a noise and disappeared a few moments later.” He explained and very quickly Charlie grinned wide, “I know what happened.” Charlie concluded and the other two looked at her curiously.
“Well don’t leave us hangin babe.” Vaggie told her and Charlie snapped her fingers together, “It’s really quite simple. My dad is ticklish.” Charlie grinned as Vaggie’s expression lightened immediately and Alastor’s expression changed to a shocked one.
The King of Hell, feared and respected all across Hell, nobody ever dares mess with him due to fear of what he could do…is ticklish. What would he do with this information?
“Thank you my dear for solving this little mystery.” Alastor smiled, standing up and brushing himself off before turning towards the staircase. “Where are you going Al? Please don’t tell me you’re going to torment my dad…” Charlie groaned and Alastor waved her off.
“I assure you that is not where I’m going my dear, I am simply returning to my room for some rest.” Alastor explained and she brightened again, “Alright then! Have fun!” Charlie called after him as he began walking away, time for some planning.
Alastor then scaled the large staircase and turned down the hall that would lead him to his room. “How am I going to pull this off? It’s not like Lucifer would just let me do this, his ego was way too big for that, so how?” Alastor thought to himself as he reached his room and stepped in, shutting the door behind him.
The demon then wandered over to his desk and sat down, beginning to brainstorm ideas, “I could do this…but that would cause him to do that..” Alastor muttered to himself, beginning to clean his microphone staff as he thought to himself.
There’s no way he wasn’t exploiting this information he’s literally the damn King of Hell, when are you going to get another opportunity like this? But how would he do it?
After about 15 minutes more of thinking and muttering to himself he finally got it. Finally figured out how to be able to take down Lucifer without getting his ass handed to him, now all he needed to do was execute the plan.
Alastor stood with a confident grin and made his way to the door, let’s see how this goes…
Back with Lucifer he’d already long finished with his wings and had put them away and was by now, pacing around trying to figure out what to do if that stupid Bellhop found out about his secret, it wouldn’t be good that’s for sure.
Lucifer knew that because Alastor is Charlie’s business partner he couldn’t harm him in any way but he was also the King of Hell, he could just order Alastor to stay away from him, yeah that would work!
But at that moment a knock came from his door and he stumbled, pausing his pacing and snapping him out of his thoughts. Shit, what if this was Alastor? He couldn’t just order the deer to go away without a reason and if he didn’t provide said reason Alastor would get suspicious!
Another knock from the door snapped him out of his thoughts for the second time, “C-Coming!” Lucifer called, walking over to the door and steadily opening it. He looked up at who was visiting him and yep. Just his luck. Alastor stood there, ever prominent grin on his face with his hands behind his back.
Lucifer felt his face heat up but he forced an indifferent look on his face. “What do you want Bambi?” Lucifer snapped at him with more attitude than he intended, “You seem to be in quite the bad mood~” Alastor identified, shit. He noticed.
“May I come in?” Alastor asked him, and Lucifer started internally panicking. “Shit shit shit! What now? That look on his face is going to be the damn death of me…” Lucifer thought, and opened the door wider, “Y-Yeah sure.” Lucifer replied, allowing the deer in and watching as he took in his surroundings.
“You have quite a nice room Your Highness.” Alastor told him, clearly mocking the King due to the look on his face. “Thanks I guess.” Lucifer replied feigning indifference once more as he checked his nails, doing what he could to avoid eye contact with the other.
“Something wrong?” Alastor asked him, this time disappearing and re-appearing right next to Lucifer making the King jump. “Someone seems awfully jumpy today~” Alastor taunted him, “Why are you here.” Lucifer snapped at the other demon but Alastor waved him off.
“What? Am I not allowed to visit my leader?” Alastor spoke ‘innocently’ noting the way Lucifer’s face pulled into a sneer. “I know you don’t care about my position, why are you really here.” Lucifer growled at Alastor and he grinned back.
“Oh fine, you caught me. I’m here to propose something to you.” Alastor told him and Lucifer raised a brow, “Yeah? And just what would that be?” The king snapped at him. “I know your secret.” The second those words left Alastor’s mouth Lucifer felt his face heat up like an oven.
“Shit.” Lucifer whispered, covering his face with one hand and protecting himself with the other. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Lucifer stammered.
“Do you now? Well for someone that doesn’t know what I’m talking about you seem-“ Alastor stated, fake lunging forward and nearly laughing as Lucifer yelped and jumped back, “Awfully jumpy~” Alastor finished, slowly advancing towards Lucifer who only backed away.
“A-Al..” Lucifer began, moving his hand down to hide his steady growing grin. “Yes Your Highness?” Alastor replied, grinning wider when Lucifer’s back hit the wall. Lucifer looked back at the wall in a betrayed way like the wall was at fault before shifting his gaze back to Alastor, nearly jumping when Alastor’s face was a mere breath away from his.
“Something wrong Your Highness?” Alastor taunted Lucifer who only bared his teeth in a sneer, “Go to hell.” Lucifer snapped at him, “Little late for that.” Alastor shot back and in that moment shot his hands down to scribble and claw over Lucifer’s stomach.
The King let out a yelp before practically curling into Alastor and bursting out laughing, unable to hold it in after all that anticipation. “My seems like someone’s a little ticklish~” Alastor taunted and laughed along with Lucifer when he felt the King’s fist playfully punch him on his back.
“Shuhuhuhut uhuhup Ahahahal!” Lucifer snapped at Alastor through his giggles, “Well that’s not very nice, you are at my mercy after all~” Alastor teased, moving up to rake over Lucifer’s ribs causing him to jolt. “Fuhuhuhuck ohohoff!!” Lucifer snapped at Alastor who laughed and amplified the pressure causing the King to convulse with laughter.
“Dohohohon’t!” Lucifer whined, hearing Alastor’s laughter through his own. “Dohohohon’t lahaugh at me ahahasshohole!” The King gripped onto Alastor’s arm with one hand and smacked him on the back with the other.
Deciding to be a little nicer Alastor left that spot alone and reached up to trace along Lucifer’s hairline where his horns met his head, what the hell? Only Charlie knew about that spot! “Whehere the hehell..dihid you lehehearn about thihis spohohot?” Lucifer mumbled, unbeknownst to Alastor he’d just stumbled across his melt spot.
“Charlie.” Alastor shrugged, relishing in the way Lucifer’s face quickly turned betrayed. “Hohohow dahahare shehehe!” Lucifer’s laughter picked up as Alastor shifted down again to prod and scratch at his upper ribs.
“Ahahahal dohohohon’t!” Lucifer whined and Alastor grinned, “Don’t what Your Highness? I’m afraid you’re going to have to elaborate.” Alastor replied, “Tihihihickle mehehehe! WAHAHAIT NOHOHO!” Lucifer quickly realized his mistake and held his hands out in front of him.
“Oldest trick in the book, but if you say so!” Alastor laughed and snaked his hands behind Lucifer, scratching over his back and grinning when Lucifer jerked and his wings flared out.
“AHAHAL WAHAHAHAIT!!” Lucifer screeched, quickly being overtaken by the sensations. “Wait for what?” Alastor told him and Lucifer snorted and shook his head which gave the deer the okay to continue.
“You seem awfully ticklish Your Highness, I wonder why~” Alastor taunted, moving his hands to the King’s wings and digging his claws into the feathery flesh making Lucifer jolt and buck, laughing harder.
“AHAHAHAL!!” Lucifer cackled, “Yes~?” Alastor crooned, pleased radio static escaping him at the reactions. His face quickly lit up when he saw Lucifer start smacking the wall with his hand, he was giving up.
With a pleased grin he slowed his fingers to a stop and backed off, giving the King space to catch his breath. “Fuhuhuhuck…yohohou!” Lucifer pressed out through his titters, giving his wings a soft flap to rid them of the phantom tickles.
“Mmm you can’t say you didn’t enjoy it~” Alastor remarked and immediately Lucifer’s face heated up into a bright flush, “Whahat the hell! I did not enjoy that!” Lucifer snapped, going on the defensive, clearly embarrassed.
“Deny it if you wish but you never asked me to stop.” Alastor taunted and merged with the shadows, leaving Lucifer standing there dumbfounded with his thoughts.
When he finally recollected himself he figured out what Alastor was talking about his expression turned horrified and slightly proud. “Wait a minute!” Lucifer called but he was already gone.
He would get him back eventually.
(Sorry if this was late or bad, I tried I’ve been real backed up but I hope you enjoyed!)
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moose-muffin · 4 months
im new here (hiya from the hazbin tag lol) but if you do character + character requests than please PLEASE gimmie a lee!vox with ler!alastor 🙏🙏🙏hear me out... the two are fighting and al (sHocKINglY) wins out, and vox expects to like.. be beaten into the ground as a result, but nope!! he gets tickled!!! to tears!!!! smthn smthn he wasnt smilin and, yk, youre never fully dressed w/o a smile!!!
/nf to do tho ty for reading!!! <3<3
I DONT WRITE GOOD ROMANCE BUT LIKE UGH IMAGINE IT NOW. Alastor definitely just got himself to the V’s tower and was planning on fucking with Vox only to see he had already been kinda pissed off. Alastor wouldn’t be as satisfied if he knew he didn’t cause the frustration. He realized he could just stir the pot again. Problem solved, and what better way to solve it than using his weakness against him.. being tickled.
I’m being a little silly but genuinely Vox is so ticklish. Like most ticklish person in hell would go to him if it were an official title. That’s what I’m thinking. That being said, Alastor also knows how quickly he could get him to crumble… but wouldn’t it be more fun to take it slow.
Vox notices his presence almost immediately. He tried to ignore it as he feels his face get warm. He can’t fuck this up. He takes a deep breath and turns around. “Why hello, Alastor! What brings you to our building this evening?” He said in a semi newcaster voice. He wasn’t ready to drop the act
“Well Vox, I came here for a reason of my own but then I walked by your office and you looked so sad!” He began to walk closer to Vox. “You know, t they say you’re never fully dressed without a smile!”
Vox let out a laugh that was quite clearly untruthful. “Yes Alastor I am aware! I was alone in here and so I figured I’d just save up some energy. I’m sure you understand.”
“Quite frankly I don’t,” Alastor paused, “I think maybe I could help you get that smile back.”
Vox didn’t even have to think. He knew Alastor meant he was going to tickle him. You could ask Velvette. She’s seen those two in tickle fights that lasted for DAYS. she knows what they’re capable of, or more so what Alastor is capable of.
Vox puts up a fight for maybe a couple seconds but he just loves tickles more than he can play pretend that he doesn’t <3
It works out well for them both, Alastor gets to fuck around with Vox and well, Vox gets his shit rocked!!! And he loves that more than a lot of things.
apologies if anything is ooc, i just do this for funsies <3
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kaerichan-yatta · 2 months
Prohibite no longer.
(Alastor & Rosie)
Summary: Not only he teases, not only he constantly smiles, not only he hates technology, not only he loves his mother. Oh no, he has much bigger reactions, when he's in the specific mood... A/N: first Hazbin Hotel fic!! Don't hate, just correct in case<3 Enjoy!
"My, God must've had a ton of fun in making you so sensitive, darling..."
Gosh, how much he was feeling stupid. The Radio Demon himself, Alastor, one of the most powerful and dangerous beings in hell...now reduced to a fit of giggles and, surprising his friend as well, with a good layer blush on his cheeks.
"D-Don't say thahahat...it's even more e-embarassing..."
"Oh! Embarassing...why dear, you look like you're enjoying yourself quite a bit, no?"
Well, in a way or another, deep inside, he was.
"There you go! It's always music to my ears to hear you giggle!"
The deer demon scrunched up his nose and his usual grin extended to his, well...where human ears would be. Rosie beamed, keeping her playful assault. Her nails skittered along his ribs, up and down his sides, eventually reaching his upper ribs close to his armpits. And that was the absolute worst for him, but being honest-
"Just remember you asked for it, dear..."
Exactly. Alastor had been in a mood for way too long, and of course the way he had decided to write down his own destiny was by taking off his coat and sitting on the sofa beside Rosie with the arm on the headrest, leaving his torso unprotected.
"I- gah! I knohohow..."
"Oh? Would it tickle you more if I were to pinch here? Or give it a small squeeze there? Ah, who am I kidding...of course it does!"
Alastor's body gently squirmed side to side. Rosie's touch being so delicate, her tickling feeling so soft and slow, not to mention the teasing...if that would've driven someone up the wall, he was already at the ceiling this time.
It was actually pretty frequent for them to have this kind of activity. Basically Alastor being bratty enough to doom himself for the following minutes...or hours, sometimes. Soon finding himself on his back, laying horizontally on the sofa, his torso staying right in Rosie's lap where she could easily reach, where her fingers and nails could go down town on his most sensitive spots.
But obviously, just with Rosie.
And when her fingers found a small opening through his shirt, where they reached his skin, he was done for.
"Gh-! R-Rohohosie! You- hahaha! You know i-it's so bahahahad here!"
Rosie knew he wasn't the type who giggled often, but that cackle he just let out was enough to statisfy and encourage her even more.
"Oh, I do know, Alastor, and I-" she stopped mid-sentence as she noticed his little deer tail wagging happily, as well as his legs kicking a bit, and she smiled even more, softly yet teasingly.
"And I don't plan on leaving your tummy untouched, especially after noticing the cutest details about your reactions..."
Alastor mentally cursed himself and his deer-like behavior that showed up whenever he had his stomach tickled. But well...if that was making Rosie happy, in a way...maybe asking for it hadn't been that much of a bad idea.
"I really don't see the point of prohibiting the others to tickle you silly, dear...you're basically hiding such endearing reactions to your beloved ones..."
She let a giggle escape, which went completely unheard since she had moved her fingers to the side of his stomach, making his laughter raise even more.
"Y-You knohohow how to be geheheHEHEntle!..."
Rosie blinked twice, that soft smile still stuck on her lips.
"Gentle? From my point of view, it doesn't seem like this is gentle at all...or could it be that you're too sensitive and ticklish around your little tummy?"
Bingo. Alastor threw his head back on the sofa, bright laughter coming from him, his knees bending in an attempt to curl up as Rosie's fingers sped up the tickly torment.
"Come now Alastor, dear..."
"Maybe what, mhh?"
Now these were cackles: Rosie knew he was close to his breaking point.
"Maybe you're what? I don't remember...would you be so kind to refresh my memory?"
And here Alastor thought she was so gentle...but the exact moment he formed his answer, Rosie's fingernails found the back of his ribs on his left side, and a radio static-like screech came from him.
"Oh stars! So this is the spot indeed?"
The deer overlord started squirming around more, desperately trying to curl up, but soon giving up in doing so as he noticed it was only encouraging the cannibal overlord to dig deeper in the ticklish spot.
His hands went up to cover his flushed face, eventually muffling his cackles and squeals, which led Rosie to sneak a finger under his armpit for a quick scribble, making the smiling laughing demon suddenly arch his body to the side, squealing again, lowering his arm.
"Uh-uh, don't hide that smile! By the way, you're always smiling...what's the sudden need of hiding it? Hmm? Could it be I'm tickle, tickle, tickling you a bit too much?"
"Y-YES! Y-Yes it's- AHAHAH! St-stohohop!"
Rosie held in the urge to just chuckle upon hearing all that radio static in his voice, between his laughter, almost close to wheezing, his head was now shaking and his ears were adorably folded back flat in his hair.
"Alright, dear..I feel like your little itch has been scratched enough, am I right?"
Her tickling came to and end, slowly so that he could catch his breath back better, her hand resting on his stomach now.
Alastor nodded his head, quickly recovering, his usual smile now back on his face, though it certainly looked more happy now.
"Consider yourself quite lucky, darling..." he said, regaining his composure back and sitting up on the sofa, at her side "you're the only one allowed to do this, so far, as I told you the other times as well"
Rosie softened her expression, though a question couldn't help but come to her mind.
"But why might that be, I wonder?"
Alastor fixed his monocle, sighing a little.
"Others tend to...let's say, overboard" he confessed.
Rosie frowned a bit. Well, being honest, she could understand. Some people he stayed with at the hotel could get a bit...energetic, sometimes. Especially a certain spider, or a princess. But her frown got quickly replaced by a relaxed expression, as a silly tease popped into her head.
"Well..." she said "you could always stabilish boundaries"
Alastor thought for a moment. He could, for when he'll be feeling in a mood again.
"Doesn't sound too bad, honestly..."
"So that means you actually enjoyed our little playful time earlier?" Rosie giggled, hearing his breath get disturbed by radio static once again.
He shook his head slowly, chuckling at her phrase.
"Well, you got me there. Quite a good one, darling"
Maybe, he was really going to give up his thing of prohibiting the others to tickle him in the future. Maybe...asking for it really hadn't been a bad idea at all.
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ticklishprincey · 10 days
Ler!Alastor and Ler!Rosie + Lee!Vox fic plz plz, I need to see them gang up on the poor TV man 😭🙏
✿.。.:* ☆:**:. Your wish is my command, lovely anon! I need a name for you guys, I get a lot of them. For now, my creativity is saved for these fics. (suggestions are welcome) ✿.。.:* ☆:**:. Warnings: Tickling (obv), mentions of Valentino being an asshole, lmk if there's any more I should add ✿.。.:* ☆:**:. Pairings: Ler!Alastor and Ler!Rosie + Lee!Vox (platonic) ✿.。.:* ☆:**:. Notes: I headcannon the Overlords/Sins to have a throne room. Sue me. (please don't) Also, if your ask doesn't get answered, don't get upset please, sometimes I don't feel up to doing a certain request, so it goes bye bye. Feel free to send as many requests as your heart desires, just keep in mind I have limits and the creativity of a squirrel sometimes. ✰✰✰ A tense silence hung heavy in the obsidian throne room. Alastor tapped his microphone impatiently against the polished flagstone floor. Opposite him, Rosie, the cannibalistic overlord, maintained an equally stoic expression, sipping her tea silently. Their attention was fixed on the lone figure sprawled across the central throne, Vox, the flamboyant overlord of entertainment. Vox, usually a whirlwind of neon lights and booming laughter, was currently draped dramatically across the throne, clutching a fluffy, heart-shaped pillow. "Still sulking about the whole Valentino fiasco, Vox?" Alastor's voice crackled with its usual radio filter, his microphone giving static feedback as a response. Vox and Valentino were an off and off thing. It was usual for one of them to break the relationship off after an argument or mishap, only for Valentino to come crawling back at the first sign of trouble. It was also normal for the television demon to be upset when this happened. Every. Single. Time. Vox peeked out from behind the pillow. "A minor setback, Alastor. Merely a bump in my glorious path!" His voice, however, lacked its usual bravado. Rosie leaned forward, a sly smile playing on her lips. "Seems the great Vox is a little... touchy about losing his bug." Alastor chuckled, a sound that could send shivers down even the strongest being in Hell's spine. "Perhaps a change in perspective is needed." Before Vox could react, Alastor and Rosie launched into a coordinated assault. Alastor, with surprising agility for his imposing frame, circled behind the throne. Rosie, nimble as a hummingbird, darted to the front. Vox, realizing his predicament, yelped. "Wait! This is unbecoming of overlords! We have dignity to uphold!" His protests were cut short as Alastor's fingers tickled his exposed ribs with an almost casual cruelty. Rosie, meanwhile, launched a surprise attack on his ankles. Vox erupted into a torrent of high-pitched giggles, all pretense of dignity forgotten. He thrashed on the throne, the giant heart-shaped pillow tumbling to the floor. Alastor, merciless in his amusement, upped the ante, sending shivers down Vox's spine with a particularly well-placed squeeze to his hip. "Okay, okay, okay!" Vox wheezed, tears welling up in his eyes. "Yohou win! You wihihin! Juhuhust stahahap!" Alastor and Rosie finally relented, collapsing onto their respective thrones, gasping for breath through their own laughter from the uncharacteristic scene. Vox, a blushing mess on his throne, glared at them playfully. "That," he sniffled, wiping his eyes, "was a declaration of war!" Alastor, wiping a tear from his own eye, boomed with laughter. "More like a declaration of ticklishness, wouldn't you say, Rosie?" Rosie, her smile the brightest thing in Hell, nodded. "Indeed, Alastor. Indeed." Despite the playful jabs and the tickle attack, a newfound sense of camaraderie filled the throne room. The tension had dissipated, replaced by the easy banter of old rivals who, deep down, rather enjoyed each other's company. As they settled back into their thrones, a comfortable silence descended, punctuated only by the occasional snort of leftover laughter. The balance of power, for now, remained thankfully untouched.
✰✰✰ ✿.。.:* ☆:**:. OH MY GOSHNESS THAT WAS ONE OF MY BEST ONES SO FARRRRRR I LOVE IT SO MUCH THANK YOU FOR YOUR ASK MY DEAR! My ask box is always open for lovely requests like these!
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hheartlee · 4 days
hazbin hotel oc’s pt 1
tw: mention of being ticklish‼️
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name: rory
age(died at): 35
species: dragon
rank: overlord
personality: quiet, introvert, mean, threatening
sexuality: lesbian
ticklish?: very much so
tickle type: lee
friends in hell: alastor, husk, velvette, valentino, vaggie
(that’s it😋)
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happyandticklish · 3 years
Tell Me The Truth
Notes: For the request by @milly23. Happy birthday!! <3 
Summary: Angel Dust notices something about Alastor and tries to make the other admit it for himself. 
Maybe Alastor had it coming with the way he had been provoking the other every other moment for the past week. Maybe he should have seen it coming when Angel sidled up to him one day, teasing curiosity ringing in his eyes. Maybe in hindsight, the question was a completely normal thing for anyone to ask. However, Alastor found himself dumbfounded by the words that left Angel’s lips next.
“Do you like to be tickled?” he asked, the bluntness of the question almost more shocking than the words itself. Angel rested against the back of the couch, peering over the other’s shoulder to look at his face. Alastor stiffened at the proximity, before his lip curled up into a superior grin.
“I have no idea what you are talking about, my dear,” Alastor replied simply, turning a page in his book. “Why would you ask such a ridiculous thing?”
Angel narrowed his eyes. He had gotten better at telling when the other was bullshitting over their time together in the hotel. Based off the way Alastor refused to meet his eyes, his gaze trained firmly on the book in front of him, he decided there was a fairly high chance that the radio demon wasn’t being entirely truthful.
“Well, I’ve just noticed,” Angel drawled. “That you never seem to protest all that much when I tickle you. Not to mention, you seem to be awfully provocative lately, which is usually my specialty. Do you have any idea why that might be?”
“None whatsoever,” Alastor snipped, his grip tightening on the edges of his book. He had genuinely intended on reading it earlier, but by this point he was finding the task to be quite difficult. “What you call provocative, I call annoyance with the ridiculous antics you put on every day. And I’m sure I’ve asked you to stop many times; it’s not my fault if you haven’t noticed.”
“Really?” Angel walked around the couch, coming to take a seat besides the other. Alastor forced himself to hold his position, even though the way the other was suddenly sidled up next to him was making him want to do anything but. “Is that so?”
“Because I can’t recall you saying it once.”
Alastor paused. In hindsight, he really should have said something in protest, just to throw off suspicion. However, it was increasingly difficult to convince himself of that when the threat that the other might actually stop loomed threateningly over him. For now, he settled on pressing his lips together in noncommittal silence.
Angel grinned. Bingo. “What’s wrong, Al? You seem so quiet suddenly.”
A smile was fighting its way onto Al’s features, his lips turning up against his will.
Angel walked his fingers up his arm slowly, each step foretelling Alastor’s doom. “I think that I’m right. And if I am, that means you would put up absolutely no resistance if I tried to tickle you, oh… now, for instance?”
Alastor’s heart leapt in his chest, his pulse racing about a mile a minute. Angel’s fingers had reached his shoulder and were now tracing light circles over the area, sweeping teasingly close to his neck. “A-Angel,” he said weakly, wishing he didn’t so desperately want this so that he could do something, anything, to stop it.
“Hmm?~” Angel inquired with a wonderfully smug grin. “Is something the matter?”
“T-This is quite ridiculous,” Alastor tried, his shoulders scrunching up involuntarily against the touches which danced on the edge of his nerves.
“Consider me a comedian.”
Alastor’s arms trembled where they held his book, and he felt frozen in the moment, unable to move away from the strangely addicting sensations and yet incapable of giving into his desire for more. Nails descended slowly towards his neck at last, softly tracing the skin, and Alastor’s grin widened as he shrunk lower into the couch.
“Do you want me to stop?” Angel asked as shudders zipped down Alastor’s spine. “All you have to do is say the word and this can all end.”
“P-Plehease, Angel!”
“Not please,” Angel corrected. “There’s a different word isn’t there? Do you remember what it was?”
Alastor shook his head, unable to say anything in retribution when everything in him pleaded for this to never end. He bit his lip, fighting back the soft giggles escaping him.
“Oh that’s right!” Angel exclaimed, reaching out and poking Alastor’s sides suddenly. “ ‘Stop!’ That’s all you have to say if you want this to end.”
Alastor yelped as Angel tossed a leg over his lap suddenly, pressing him down into the couch. With two of his hands he pinned Alastor’s wrists over his head, wiggling the other two teasingly above him. “How about this,” Angel proposed, grinning in devilish delight. “You admit you like being tickled, and I’ll keep you here like this until you can’t breathe anymore. What do you say?”
Alastor’s face was flushed, his eyes wide as he took the other in. He opened his mouth to reply, but in that exact moment Angel’s hands descended, ten fingers scribbling teasingly over his sides with reckless abandon. Any words he had planned to say were quickly lost to him as he dissolved into manic laughter, squirming as much as he could in his position.
“Aw, you’re so cute like this,” Angel cooed, his nails trailing devastatingly over his skin. “Not a big bad demon at all. What would all of Hell say if they could see you like this?”
“T-Thehehey nehehever wihihill!” Alastor spluttered, tugging at his trapped arms. “A-Ahahaha, Ahahahangel, plehehehease!”
“You know, you keep saying that,” Angel said. “But what exactly do you mean by that? Please what? Please stop? Please keep going?” He pinched his hips experimentally and Alastor spasmed, squeezing his eyes shut. “You’re going to have to be more specific.”
Alastor kicked his legs out uselessly. Sensation whizzed through him, making him brain fuzzy as attempted to focus. “N-Nahahaha, ihihihit tihihihihickles!”
“That is the point,” Angel agreed.
He continued to tweak and poke his hips until Alastor was practically writhing on the upholstery. The latter’s face screwed up, his nerves flaring at each and every touch. “A-Ahahahangel! Thihihihis ihihihisn’t fahahahahahir!”
“No?” Angel reached back, grabbing onto his knees along with his hips, and Alastor screeched, nearly jumping out of his skin. “Then why aren’t you stopping me? I know you’re more than capable of doing so.”
It was true. Alastor knew that, technically speaking, he could stop this if he wanted to. In a one-on-one fight between the two of them, Alastor would always win. And yet, the demon was held by a far greater force than physical strength—the need to lose himself. He needed the feeling of fingers wiggling over his skin, to drown in a sea of laughter, to feel the desperation rising to his throat.
“Hmm?” Angel mused, a teasing lilt to his voice. “I haven’t received an answer. Maybe I should go somewhere else. Maybe upwards?” He eyed his ears with a smirk and Alastor yelped, shrinking back into the couch.
“N-No, wait! Nahahat thehehere!” Alastor crowed quickly. “Ihihihi, ahaha, uhuhum—”
Angel lightened up the tickling, so that his fingers merely traced and swirled over his stomach; it was still unfairly ticklish, but not as much as before. Alastor swallowed, averting his eyes with a slight flush to his cheeks. “M-Maybe I don’t mind it as much as I might have claimed.”
Angel’s smile softened a little at the stammered admission, and he leaned down suddenly, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. Alastor froze, his heart fluttering wildly in his chest. “W-What was that?”
“That was your reward. And this—” Angel vibrated his hands over his ribs suddenly, making Alastor burst into hysterical giggling—“is your punishment. After all, I made you a promise, didn’t I?”
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switchypanic · 4 months
So do you have hcs for how everyone’s ticklishness was discovered? I mean besides your amazing Vox & Alastor fic. Damn that was good
I have some ideas, yeah!
Charlie just OPENLY admits to being ticklish when trying to convince the others that a tickle fight would be a good way to bond with one another, ending up mentioning Vaggie's ticklishness too, flustering the former Exorcist to no end.
Angel's ticklishness was revealed to the group the night before the Extermination (see the fic I wrote for more details on that), as was Husk's, Alastor's, and Sir Pentious.'
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amazingmsme · 4 years
Lets See A Smile
AN: My first Hazbin fic! There’s not nearly enough fics for it so here I am! Had a blast writing it, hope y’all enjoy! Angel and Alastor have such a fun dynamic!
Angel sighed in relief as his shift finally came to an end. You'd think a hotel with virtually no patrons would make for an easy work day, but when one of those guests was none other than fucking Sir Pentious of all people, you might as well jump off the highest cliff in hell. He kicked open the door to the break room, eager to vent to his friends.
"You would not BELIEVE the day I had! Next time you need someone to deal with Sir Penis get someone else to do it 'cause there's no way I'm going back up there to pick up eggshells and 20 feet of snake skin," he exclaimed dramatically, eyes closed with an arm thrown over his face like a damsel. Alastor popped his head up from where he was laying on the couch.
"I will be sure to let Charlie know of your complaint," he said. Angel's eyes flew open as he pushed himself away from the wall. 
"What, you? Where's Charlie? Or Vaggie?" he asked, not too pleased to see the radio demon when he was expecting his gal pals.
"Don't you remember? Tonight is their anniversary!" Alastor said in a cheery tone. Angel crossed his first pair of arms and rested another hand on his hip.
"Oh yeah, forgot about that," he said dismissively. Alastor sat up fully now, resting his feet on the floor instead of taking up the whole couch. He tilted his head quizzically, taking in the other demon.
"What, you got some fuckin' problem?" Angel asked, noticing his intense stare. Alastor shook his head, looking away.
"Not at all Angel, but from the sounds of it, you do." Angel rolled his eyes.
"Yeah and he's on the third floor," he said with a huff. Alastor scooted over and patted the cushion next to him invitingly.
"Why don't you sit?" Angel's face lit up as he strolled over.
"Hey don't mind if I do," he said before plopping right in Alastor's lap. He blushed and faltered.
"Wha- Not on me!" he exclaimed and shoved him off. Angel Dust chuckled, settling into a proper seat.
"Sorry, you didn't specify," he smirked. Alastor glared at him with a small growl.
"You know damn well that's not what I meant." They fell into a slightly awkward silence. Alastor sat stiffly while Angel sprawled across the sofa, taking up most of the room and not seeming to care. Alastor liked to pride himself in his ability to read other people, and right now it was obvious that Angel was not himself. Oh sure he would try and act like his usual flamboyant and snarky self, but apparently their customer had really gotten under his skin. He didn't like seeing the other demon so upset. He tapped his fingers on his knees, letting out a low whistle that mixed with the smallest whine of microphone feedback.
"Soooo..." he started. Angel only raised a brow. "Would you care to talk about it?"
"Eh, not really. That slithery prick's already eaten up too much of my time," he dismissed. After a brief pause he let out a long suffering sigh, arching his back over the arm of the couch and just let himself hang there. This caused Alastor himself to sigh.
"Well you're obviously upset about it, and normally I'd dump you off on Charlie but she's not here right now, so you're stuck with me. And while I may not be very good at this, I would like to cheer you up. Is there, um, anything I could do to maybe help?" Angel raised himself up, a little skeptical.
"You serious?"
"Yes! After all you're never fully dressed without a smile! And you sir are lacking the appropriate attire," he justified.
"Yeah well, I'm a slut, so what do you expect?" he asked, though he allowed himself to relax a bit. "Can you, no ya know what, never mind," Angel stopped himself mid sentence. And was that a blush creeping up his face? Needless to say Alastor was intrigued.
"No do go on!" he encouraged. Angel waved a hand as if to brush him off.
"Naw you wouldn't like it."
"Nonsense! And if I don't like it, I'll just talk about it behind your back to Husk like a normal person," he admitted. Angel considered this and shrugged.
"Well at least you're honest. So, what I was gonna say was, uh, can I have a hug?" he asked sheepishly. He reached up and rubbed a hand behind his neck, "It's just I'm a little tired and upset, and I'm kinda used to it with Charlie around. Hehe, look at me, goin' soft..." he trailed off. Alastor- didn't really know what to say. So instead he just leaned back into the sofa and held out his arms. Angel broke into a shy grin and cuddled against him. Alastor rested his arms around him, not allowing himself to fully relax into the hug. Not yet at least. Affectionate touch was still kinda new for him. But he had to admit, it did feel nice. It gave him a warm kind of comfort he hadn't felt in forever, and he let himself sink into the feeling.
"Ya know what Al? You actually give pretty good hugs. Heh, better not let Charlie know, am I right?" he joked with a poke to his side. Alastor went completely rigid, his hold on Angel tightened ever so slightly. This didn't go unnoticed.
"Al, you okay there buddy? Didn't hurt ya, did I?" he asked. He doubted he could even hurt him if he tried, but he wanted to make sure.
"W-what? You hurt me? Oh please," he tried to play it off, hoping he would just drop it. But this is Angel Dust we're talking about, he's not one to simply "drop" things. Not to mention, he's had years of experience in his old line of work. He's learned all there is to know about the body and it's various reactions to touch. Which is why it only took him a second to figure out what had happened.
"If you're ticklish you coulda just said so, I woulda left you alone," he said casually. Alastor's jaw dropped in mild horror and shock, pushing the other demon away.
"I am no such thing!" he adamantly denied. Angel raised a brow, a sly smirk creeping onto his face.
"Oh please, big scary tough guy like you? Definitely ticklish," he said, watching Alastor's reactions from the corner of his eye. Despite his best efforts to keep it at bay, a blush rose to his cheeks. As Angel spoke, he let one of his hands wander closer to Alastor's side.
He was just about to snap at him, a sharp retort on the tip on his tongue, when Angel's hand connected with his side. He let out a startled noise, jerking away and snapped his head to look at Angel. The smile he gave the radio demon was completely predatory and feral. Alastor found himself scooting away.
"Now Angel, don't do anything you'll regret," he warned, but his voice wavered with nerves.
"Trust me, I ain't gonna regret this," he said, lunging forth and straddling a very shocked Alastor. He wasn't used to people not taking his threats seriously and was a bit stunned. He tried to grab Angel's hands to block him, but he countered by pinning his wrists with his first set of arms. He chuckled, wiggling his fingers above his stomach. Alastor struggled, trying to free himself.
"What's the matter? Forget I had these?" Angel asked. He emphasized his point by skittering his fingers all along his belly, making him burst into staticky giggles.
"Stohohop this ihihinstant!" Alastor demanded through his laughter. Angel Dust leaned forward, grinning widely. Alastor could see his own hysterical reflection shinning in Angel's eyes, so he looked away, too embarrassed to see the giggly mess he'd become.
"Nah, I don't really feel like it. Besides, I think this is the first time I've heard you laugh! I'm having way too much fun to stop!"
"Thahahat's nohot true! Ihihi laugh ahahall the time," he tried to speak through his manic giggles.
Angel shrugged, "Yeah but laughing at your own lame jokes don't count. Kinda pathetic actually." He added another pair of arms to the mix, reaching behind him to squeeze and scratch at his knees. Alastor drummed his legs on the couch, his laughter increasing in volume and pitch. Radio static mixed more frequently with his laugh, making Angel coo.
Dohohon't patronize mehehe!" Alastor cried.
"I'm not! But you gotta admit Al, your laugh is adorable," he teased, making his voice a higher pitch and using the same tone that he normally talks to Fat Nuggets with. He brought his third pair of arms up to squeeze at his sides, the second pair starting to crawl up his ribs as he sang.
"The itsy bitsy spider crawled up the water spout." Though he thought it to be impossible, Alastor's laughter increased even more. "Down, came the rain and washed the spider out." He raked his knuckles down his ribs, making him arch his back with a cackle. As he finished the nursery rhyme, he let his fingers walk back up his ribs before attacking his exposed underarms.
Alastor squealed before his voice faded into the high pitched screech of a microphone. Angel jerked back in shock at the loud noise, covering his ears as he fell back on the couch. His eyes were squeezed shut as he fell into a giggle fit, clutching his stomach with his many arms. He brought a hand up to wipe away a few tears as Alastor recovered.
His breathing was already beginning to return to normal, but his face was still a burning crimson. Angel patted his leg comfortingly before he rose from the couch, stretching as he spoke.
"Oh man, that was fun. Never knew ya could laugh like that Smiles," he said, settling back onto the cushions. Because he was so tall, Alastor was taking up most of the space, causing Angel to huff and kick his legs with his boot. "Skooch over, you're takin' up the whole damn couch," he grumbled. Alastor finally sat up, seemingly recovered. His cheeks were still sporting a decent flush and he brushed himself off, trying to scrap together his remaining dignity by straightening his crumpled clothes. He cleared his throat before speaking.
"You have ten seconds," he stated calmly. Angel raised a brow.
"Ten seconds to do what?" he asked.
"Why, to run of course," Alastor stated as though it were obvious.
"Hell no, I ain't runnin'! I just got comfy," he said, gesturing to his already lounging position. Alastor shrugged, his residual smile widening into something more sinister.
"Very well, it is your funeral after all." Angel's eyebrows furrowed together, beginning to connect the dots. He opened his mouth to protest, only to be cut off.
Angel's eyes widened and he scrambled to get as far away from the radio demon as possible. In such a rush, his legs got tangled and he stumbled over himself before rushing out the door. Alastor was already down to six. He rushed down the hall and into the lobby, looking for cover. There was no way he could out run him, so his only chance was to hide. He only hesitated for a second before his eyes landed on the bar and he sprinted towards it.
Husk saw him coming and shook his head. "Oh hell no, you already used up all your points," he said casually. He jumped back with a hiss, fur standing on end when Angel made a move to dive over the bar.
"This ain't about that, you gotta hide me!" he pleaded, gripping onto his shirt. Husk shoved him off.
"What the hell did you get into now?" he asked, running a hand down his tired face.
"No time to explain, just go on about your business and act like I ain't here," he said, crouching down underneath the bar. "Oh and if Al asks, say you haven't seen me."
Husker's eyes widened, shaking his head. "Sorry, but I'm not covering for you. This is your mess, you deal with it. I don't wanna get caught in the cross hairs of whatever you did to piss him off," he said, trying to drag Angel Dust out from underneath the countertop. Angel cursed as he struggled to stay put, already forced halfway out. It was then that Alastor himself leisurely strolled into the lobby. His eyes fell on Angel, and he twirled his microphone stand gleefully.
"Oh Angel there you are!" he exclaimed. Angel let out a small scream before leaping back over the bar, much to Husk's annoyance. As he ran out of the room, he used two hands to flip Husk off.
"Wow thanks for bein' fucking useless!"
Husk cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled after him. "I'll be sure to remember that next time you ask for a drink!" He sighed in defeat, bending down to arrange the various glasses and bottles he had knocked over. Alastor came up and leaned against the bar.
"I'll take a glass of water real quick, if you don't mind," he said. Husk complied, filling it up with tap before sliding it over to him.
"The hell he do to you? Kid was so desperate to get away you'd think he was fleeing for his life." Upon hearing the question, Al's ear twitched, another blush dusting his cheeks as he looked away. Husk looked him up and down and spoke once more. "Then again maybe he is."
"Mm. If you'll excuse me Husker, I believe I must enact some well deserved revenge." The bar tender chuckled.
"Alright, but don't rough him up too much. Charlie'll have your head if you hurt him."
Alastor waved a hand lazily as he made his way in the direction that Angel ran off. "No need to worry, our friend shall be in good hands." He sent his shadow in search of the fleeing man, rolling up his sleeves in preparation. In his time alive, one of the things he adored most was the thrill of the chase. The adrenaline rush that came with hunting down his prey was nearly more enjoyable than the act of killing. Almost. But oh how he relished in the fear glistening in their eyes and their labored breath as they were inevitably trapped, watching as he closed in. He found he was eager to see that look in Angel's eyes, though for a completely different reason.
Angel was close to his room now. He had had a few close calls, turning down halls that suddenly lead to nowhere, catching the glimpse of a dark shadow from the corner of his eye. He knew Al was fucking with him, but he was determined to make it to safety. He was almost there; he could see his door at the end of the hall. He ran that much harder, only to find he wasn't getting any closer. He looked down at his legs that were running in place and felt dread sink to the bottom of his stomach. He heard a deep, staticky chuckle from behind and gasped, trying with all his might to get to his room.
"Oh c'mon!" he yelled out in an exasperated tone, looking over his shoulder only to see the grinning deer. He gave a small wave, tilting his head to the side. Whatever magic Alastor had him trapped with vanished, and he let out a victory cry as he threw himself at his door, opening it before slamming it shut and locking it behind him. He let out a deep sigh of relief, shoulders slacking as he leaned against the door. The wood felt cool against his cheek, and he smiled to himself, finally knowing he was safe.
A slow clap sounded from behind him, and his breath hitched and caught in his throat. He whirled around to see Alastor, sitting on his bed with a stupidly smug grin as he applauded.
"Splendid! You put on quite a good show I must say, but I'm afraid the previews are over." Angel reached for the knob, only it was locked by his own doing. He pressed his back against the wall, smiling sheepishly as the man stood and slowly made his way closer to him.
"Look, A-Al, no hard feelings, right? I won't tell a soul I swear! You got my word, I'm sorry," he tried to plead.
"Did you really think I'd let you get away without having my revenge?" he asked calmly. Angel shrugged.
"Well I mean, yeah. I mean- I was hoping for it," he corrected himself, rubbing a hand behind his neck with a chuckle. Alastor snapped his fingers, opening a portal in the floor. All of a sudden, tentacles reached out and grabbed Angel and forced him onto the bed, pinning all of his limbs.
He blinked in shock before smirking. "Can't say this isn't what I'm used to. Been in worse bondage situations than this, let me tell ya," he mused, trying to mask his growing fear with his usual flirtations. Alastor sat next to him on the bed and he tried to squirm away, not getting very far. Angel shrunk in on himself, feeling very exposed underneath Alastor's gaze, and not in the way he would've liked. He gulped and spoke. "So uh, I normally ask this question with a lot more enthusiasm, but- what are you gonna do to me?" he ventured to question.
Alastor answered gladly. "I would've thought you were smart enough to know but clearly I overestimated you." Angel let out a cry of protest only to be cut off.
"I'm sure you know the phrase "an eye for an eye,"" he said, casting a sly look his way. That alone made Angel's chest shake as he fought to force down his chuckles. He tugged at his bonds but they held strong, not allowing any leeway.
"Ahahal I'm sorry! I won't do it again, promise!" Alastor smirked and rested a hand on his stomach. Angel jerked at the touch, barely holding back a squeal.
"Oh I know you won't, but I have to make sure the lesson is ingrained in your thick skull so you won't even think about trying it again." He looked down at him, smirk growing as he drummed his fingers along his stomach.
"Nohohooo," Angel whined through his giggles, trying to suck in his stomach to get away from the touch.
"Laughing so soon? Oh this is going to be fun," Alastor practically growled through static. "So, are you willing to speed things along and tell me your worst spots? Or are you going to do this the hard way?"
Angel was already in deep, he knew he shouldn't say it but the guy gift wrapped a perfect chance for a dirty joke and gave it to him on a silver platter. He couldn't help himself. "Oh you know I like it hard," he all but purred. Alastor's eye twitched and he flicked an ear. Angel's flirtatious smirk quickly fell flat as he saw his life flash before his eyes.
"Nonono wait I take it back-"
"Too late Angel. I'm delighted to say that you just dug your second grave." He dug his claws into his stomach, grin growing as he watched him writhe underneath his touch. Angel bit his lip, trying to contain his titters. Maybe if he held out long enough, Alastor would grow bored and give up. Angel always was a dreamer.
"Hm, I wouldn't have thought you of all people would play hard to get," Alastor mused. Angel screwed his eyes shut biting his lip so hard he began to taste blood. "But you'll crack sooner or later," he said. Angel was wearing a loose t-shirt, so it was easy for him to slip his hand underneath. The reaction was instantaneous; he burst into frantic cackles, tugging on his wrists weakly. Alastor gave him a lazy, nonchalant smile. "See, I knew you'd come around!"
"Nohoho you cahahan't do this to mehehe," he cried out.
"Oh but I can! In fact, I'm doing it right now!" he said with a flourish, followed by a laugh track that could barely be heard over Angel's mirth. He let out an annoyed huff when the baggy shirt slid back down over his stomach due to his squirming. "Why don't we get this out of the way?" he asked. Before Angel could question him, he snapped his fingers leaving Angel's chest bare.
"Hey that was my favorite shirt you asshole!" Alastor didn't dignify that with a response. Well, not a verbal one anyways. The thin pink line trailing the middle of his stomach caught his eye, placing a single finger on the pattern. "Whoa hey, if ya wanted me to take my shihirt off all ya hahad to do was ask nicelyyyy," his voice raised in pitch when Alastor pressed down ever so slightly. Fuck this wasn't good, his pattern was way more sensitive and he really didn't need Al of all people to figure that out.
"By now you should know that I don't ask nicely," he said, a completely sinister look in his eyes. He drug his finger up along the pink line, making Angel arch his back with a squeal, much to his delight. His finger made its way back down the same path, and Angel shook his head back and forth, squirming in the tentacles' hold.
"Nohohot thehehere," he pleaded. Alastor hummed in thought.
"You see, when you say that it really makes me want to focus all my efforts on this exact spot," he teased.
"Bihihite mehehe!" They both froze, Alastor's grin stretching across his entire face. Angel realized his mistake and even though he knew it was futile, he kicked his legs out for purchase so he could scoot away. Alastor moved to straddle his waist, leaning in closer as sharp teeth glistened. "A-Al Ihihi didn't mean it like that! Oh shit, you're not gonna eat me, are ya?" Nervousness gave way to fear as he had no chance to escape.
"Why, what an excellent idea Angel Dust! I am a cannibal after all." He lunged forth, head diving towards his stomach. Angel screamed in terror which soon gave way to hysterical screams of laughter as Alastor nibbled and nuzzled against his stomach.
"Fuhuhuhuck it tihihickles so damn muhuhuch!" he yelled, trying to curl in on himself, but Alastor's magic held firm. He rose his head back up from the fluff, sputtering before picking a few hairs from his mouth. Angel gasped for breath during the break he knew wouldn't last long.
Alastor wiped his tongue on his sleeve to rid his mouth of any excess fluff. "Suddenly I've lost my appetite!"
"Greheat, so can you lehehet me gohoho?" Angel asked, fearing the answer. Alastor tapped his chin in thought, studying his form before answering.
"I suppose I could, but there's one spot left I want to try," Alastor said, eyes falling on his exposed hollows. Angel followed his gaze, eyes going wide with realization as an excited sort of panic flooded his body. Giggles bubbled out of his mouth that was stretched in an anxious smile, gold tooth gleaming.
"No please, anywhere but there," Angel begged, his efforts to escape doubling but still yielding the same results. Alastor smirked as he rested his hands right below his second pair of arms. Just doing that made him jerk and let out a small squeal. Alastor tilted his head, a devious look on his face.
"Oh Angel, you don't really get a say in the matter," he said, and then he attacked. He was completely lost to his laughter as Alastor scratched and skittered in his underarms, switching rapidly between them all to keep him a jumpy hysterical mess. He drilled his thumbs into the fur and kneaded around the sensitive area. He had to hold back his own chuckles once Angel started hiccuping amongst his cries of laughter. He finally granted him mercy, snapping his fingers and releasing his hold on the other demon. He sat beside him as Angel's giggles trailed off, interrupted every once in a while by another hiccup. Alastor notes that he hadn't moved at all, arms still raised and laying on the bed.
Angel glared up at him. "Damn you, you fuckin' prick. You're a fucki- fucking monster," he said, having to restart the word when another embarrassing hiccup broke up his speech. Alastor just smirked, narrowing his eyes.
"A tickle monster," he felt the need to correct. Angel groaned, a bright blush growing on his face. He covered his face with his lower set of hands, hoping that Alastor would at least be nice enough not to comment on it. "I hope it goes without saying that none of what happened is to leave this room," he threatened in a nicer tone, though it was a threat none the less. Angel sat up, waving a hand at him.
"Yeah yeah, trust me I don't want anyone else to know." Angel perked up, head snapping to look at Alastor. "Hey what'd you do with my shirt?" Alastor pointed around a pile of clothes in the corner, the soft pink shirt laying on top. He walked over, slipping it over his head. He noticed him staring at him, a smug, knowing look on his face. Angel narrowed his eyes.
Alastor glanced down at his nails nonchalantly. "Nothing, just noticed something rather peculiar."  Angel flopped onto his bed, making him bounce with the mattress.
"Mind sharin' with the class?" he asked, even though he had a feeling he would regret it.
"I don't recall hearing you tell me to stop," he said with a sly smile. The curious grin on Angel's face immediately disappeared, cheeks heating up. He refused to meet his eyes as he struggled for a comeback.
"I- you- well- how could I, I was laughin' too hard!" he justified.
"You didn't seem to have any trouble saying other things," he beamed, holding up a hand when Angel grabbed a pillow and started beating him with it.
"Shut the hell up!"
"You like it!"
Alastor's static filled chuckles rang through the air. He even had the audacity to pinch his cheek before standing. "Glad to see you're feeling better. Laughter is the best medicine after all," he said.
Angel crossed his lower pair of arms, trying to hide his smile behind his hand. "Heh, I guess so."
Alastor was at the door, hand on the knob before he looked over his shoulder at Angel Dust. "Don't be shy to come find me if you ever need any more cheering up," he teased with a wink. Angel's face was practically on fire, and for once he didn't have a witty comeback. Alastor gave an amused huff before closing the door, leaving Angel alone to think about all that just happened.
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cawhawhaw · 4 years
Hello, I'm a stupidly shy fan. You're hella talented. I love your work, especially the facial expressions. If you're taking requests, could we please see Vaggie tickling a squirmy Alastor? Thanks.
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Sorry it took so long! I had trouble figuring out how Vaggie would tickle him, since they honestly...don’t really like eachother.
But then I remembered Vivzie mention that Al is a nasty boi and would most likely have like...half of his room as a nasty, muddy bayou so he’s a nasty boi.
So he’d like...track mud everywhere and stuff.
I imagine they’d have a chore list “Wash Alastor” like they’d do with a pet 😂 and since Al has ticklish ears? It works.
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imaheckinlee · 4 years
I saw your tickling headcanons on Angel Dust and Alastor and they're so cute! Do you have anymore, by chance?
I'll take any excuse I can get to talk about my favorite boys.
Fucking run
If you get easily flustered you are going to Die by his hands
When he kills people and broadcasts it, its basically like an interview, where he asks them questions such as how painful things are and if they can described how it feels to have your bones crunched.
Now take that, and imagine alastor wrecking you all while asking which spot tickles the most, whats your favorite place, can you describe /exactly/ how maddening this sensation is?
Not to mention, his Powers and Shadows basically just count as a dozen extra hands if he wants to get really mean
He'll do it playfully around people he cares about, but its also a method of "Look, im not hurting anyone! I just wanna teach them a lesson"
Laughs along with you
Consider yourself extremely lucky if you are favorable enough to him where he actually lets this happen
If a stranger even attempts to touch him, much less tickle, they get yeeted a few hundred feet away and probably end up with a broken arm
That being said, Alastor isnt extremely ticklish. Mostly soft traces get him giggling, aggressive movements just cause him pain like you're trying to scratch out his insides
He's got some death spots that work but like hell is he ever going to let people find out what they are, because when that happens all that you hear is A. Static screeching or B. His unfiltered, natural laugh
Worst spots: hands, back, ears, and (death spot) knees and upper ribs
Ya better watch out
What are you expecting, he has six arms and hes a cocky, confident little shit.
He'll quickly try every spot he can think of and hone in on the worst ones, obviously being able to get way more than most people would at once (Alastor has him best because of his eldritch powers, but hes a close second)
An Actively teasy shit, you want baby talk? You wanna be told how adorable and helpless you are? Here's your guy for it
Lee! Angel:
The poor man can't take what he dishes out
Poke him and he'll jump ten feet in the air and grab onto the light fixture
He squirms a lot and if hes not actively allowing you to do it, its really easy for him to turn the tables on you. If he is, he just can't help but flinch and move constantly because it drives him insane
When people hire him for this purpose, tying him back is a necessity or else he might accidentally punch and/or kick you and then he doesnt get the cash
Worst spots: Underarms and calves, mostly, but honestly anything could be considered a death spot on him
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