furiouslywriting · 2 years
Mentor prompts
Mentor is younger than the MC
Mentor is Chosen's long lost mother
Mentor is Chosen's best friend
M: "good, now duck!" A: "why?" *Thwack* A: "owwww!" M: "What's rule number 1?" A: "...always listen to Mentor"
Chosen murders mentor
A: I never had a father, but you're the closest I've ever had. M: I think of you as a daughter too. Even if you are a pain in butt.
The evil villain is mentor
A: "why did you do this?" M: "did you really think I wanted to spend the last of my life training an idiot like you?"
A: *cradling a dying M*: no! Why did you do that? It should have been me." M: it was always going to be like this. It happens all the time. This is the fifth time I've died for an apprentice"
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