furiouslywriting · 2 years
Retelling prompts
Snow White- she can literally talk to animals and the Evil Queen literally has magic
Robin Hood- fantasy setting
Cinderella- she and the prince were childhood friends
Peter Pan - Wendy is Hook's daughter (interesting enough, in nearly every movie and stage adaptation the same actor has played Hook and the father)
Sleeping beauty- except time travel instead of sleeping curse
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furiouslywriting · 2 years
Squad prompts #2
"I didn't have anyone before I had all of you"
The leader is the youngest by several years
"you've become like-" "please don't say like a brother that's just awkward"
Everyone has a different power and they all wish they had someone else's
A: "will you shut up?" B: "no! You need to shut up" C: "I will come over there and make you both shut up in a minute!!"
After two members kiss, one of them calls out "looks like mum and dad finally kissed!"
"do you think- do you think I could join this family you've made?"
"look around you, we're all a little odd, all a little different. No one wanted us but us. We made it work. Maybe you can find a place here too"
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furiouslywriting · 2 years
A whole mix of prompts
I've been in love with Jaren Ashton since I was 8 years old. Problem is... He doesn't remember me
MC is a werewolf who hunts other monsters
Every person under the age of 18 suddenly disappears. What happened to them?
Enemies to lovers to enemies where one dies in the others arms
Villain origin story but you don't realise they'll be a villain until the end
Dragons in modern day
You reunite with your childhood best friend only to realise they're not who you remember
You have a magic sword... Only you're not sure what it does
Banter between friends with the most ridiculous and long insults
Your cat is a shapeshifter
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furiouslywriting · 2 years
Writing prompts #44
A group of superheros must reunite thirty years later to try and save the world.
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furiouslywriting · 2 years
Writing prompts #39
Mythical creatures are real. And you are a hunter
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furiouslywriting · 2 years
Trope subversion prompts part 2
A wolf becomes human on the full moon
The chosen one is the old one, the mentor is the young one
It's prophesied that the MC will die and save the world, but they refuse and the world ends
Villain isn't really evil, there's just been a series of really unfortunate events
Enemies to lovers only one dies the night they finally confess their feelings
Time travel but they can only travel within their lifetime and will arrive as the age they would be at the time
The evil lord is a child
The knight in shining armour is a warrior princess rescuing her prince fiance
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furiouslywriting · 2 years
Dragon prompts
The knight in shining armour is the dragon
Dragons the size of small dogs
Dragons hoarding anything that shines, not just gold. Aluminium wrapping, glass fragments, it's all fair game
Dragons are so rare because they shapeshift... Sparrows are so common because they're really dragons
There are many species of dragon, defined by what element they breathe.
Dragon fire is cold
Dragon riders are named because of their immunity to dragonfire
A dragon has lost her fire, a child must help it find it
A mother dragon who lost her clutch takes in and raises an orphaned child
Dragons are the colour of gems
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furiouslywriting · 2 years
Masterlist of prompts (31/1/22)
Chosen one
Chosen one 2
Trope subversion
Trope subversion 2
Heroes and villains:
Heroes and villains
Hero and villains 2
Hero and villains 3
Fantasy 2
Fantasy 3
Time travel:
Time travel
Last words:
Last words
Last words 2
Banter 2
Banter 3
I also have a writing prompt series of just one random one each time, but I haven't linked those as I think I'm up to about 30? But you can find those under #writingprompts
I'm also taking suggestions! But I'll only do ones I'm comfortable with 🙂
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furiouslywriting · 2 years
Masterlist of masterlists!
It's finally here! I hope you love it 😃
(Most up to date as of 31/1/22)
Updated character masterlist
Updated writing process masterlist
Updated worldbuilding masterlist
Fight scene masterlist
Alphabet of names
Updated prompts
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furiouslywriting · 2 years
Time travel prompts
Past and present MC have to work together. But they can't stand themself
Timeloop enemies-to-lovers
Time traveler with a samurai obsession. He dresses and acts exactly like one, even though he's from 2231
The farthest you can time travel is one year
Kid MC, teen MC, adult MC and old MC have to all work together. The same person, but at different life stages
Because of time travel there are infinite realities. You've just traveled into a new one
Everyone thinks you have super speed or teleportation. But your super power is actually pausing time. It automatically restarts after 2 minutes though, if you don't set it going first.
Time travel is now illegal
A race of beings that time travel arrive on your doorstep to recruit you
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furiouslywriting · 2 years
Mentor prompts
Mentor is younger than the MC
Mentor is Chosen's long lost mother
Mentor is Chosen's best friend
M: "good, now duck!" A: "why?" *Thwack* A: "owwww!" M: "What's rule number 1?" A: "...always listen to Mentor"
Chosen murders mentor
A: I never had a father, but you're the closest I've ever had. M: I think of you as a daughter too. Even if you are a pain in butt.
The evil villain is mentor
A: "why did you do this?" M: "did you really think I wanted to spend the last of my life training an idiot like you?"
A: *cradling a dying M*: no! Why did you do that? It should have been me." M: it was always going to be like this. It happens all the time. This is the fifth time I've died for an apprentice"
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