exouniverse · 8 months
Not by Happenstance
Pairing: kyungsoo x gn reader
Genre: fluff, angst, established relationship
Warnings: none, but if you find any please let me know.
Summary: Kyungsoo wakes up feeling lonely on his birthday, knowing you were not coming back on time, but well-intentioned friends whisk him away for a day full of surprises. Although the most important one was patiently waiting for him back home.
Word count: 3K+
A/N: I just had to add the angsty feelings, but I hope it stayed balanced. I had the idea after hearing Kyungsoo do the cover of Falling Like the Stars by James Arthur. Another happy late birthday, Kyungsoo!
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The alarm went off, but while Kyungsoo would usually wake up right then and start off his day, this time he remained curled on his side, sighing as he burrowed deeper under the covers.
Gentle rays of sunlight touched his face, yet he kept his eyes closed as the alarm was still going off, wishing for a few more minutes of sleep. It wasn’t exhaustion weighing on him, but an intrusive longing for your warm embrace and smiles that greeted him constantly.
Soo, I’m so sorry. I’m afraid I won’t even make it on time for your birthday.
Your words kept echoing in his head. It’s not like he’s obsessed with birthday celebrations, but you’ve been away for so long already that the holidays were too monotonous for him.
He actually hates being too clingy—he really tries not to be—and he understands more than anyone how patient and considerate you have been before waiting for him when he is the one away. Kyungsoo groaned at his self-pity thoughts, grabbing his phone from the counter to finally turn the alarm off.
It’s his birthday, and while you couldn’t be there quite yet, your return would be all the sweeter for waiting. Belated birthday celebrations are fun too; it’s not the end of the world not having you there on his specific special day.
But he could still see you in every corner of his house. He smiled, noticing your coat and scarf still hanging inside his closet. You never seem to get those back or end up replacing them with other pieces of clothing as the seasons change.
He jumped out of bed, fixed on starting his day right, and tried to ignore his phone, which was already flashing with text notifications from Chanyeol. It had started at midnight, but he had already turned on the do not disturb setting. Chanyeol’s teasing would not be welcomed during his peaceful morning, even though a tinge of curiosity piqued within him to know what his texts could be about.
After showering, Kyungsoo's face lit up with a smile as his lovely dogs, Hoochoo and Meokmul, greeted him upon stepping out of his room with his hair still damp. He kneeled to accept sloppy dog kisses; their affectionate natures never failed to lift his mood. He filled their bowls with fresh water and food, tending to their needs before heading to the kitchen to prepare his own breakfast.
Kyungsoo chuckled softly when he saw your favorite snacks and ramyeon in the cupboards, still untouched. He’d stocked up eagerly for your planned week together, thinking you were coming on the sixth.
It dawned on him why he had been feeling so blue these past few days, since he would be busy with work after his birthday and not be able to see you regularly again.
With a shake of his head, he began to prepare his breakfast. The fresh coffee aroma filled the kitchen, complementing the eggs he was frying along with some savory kimchi. Cooking made him happy; it would’ve been better if someone else were there to share the food with, but so far he was content with how his day was going.
He set his toasts and kimchi eggs, accompanied by some leftover japchae and soy bean sprout soup. As he was about to fill his cup with coffee, the doorbell rang, leaving him puzzled since he was not waiting for anyone to come.
“Kyungsoo-yah! Let me in.” Chanyeol’s voice came through the speaker, and the dogs started barking excitedly.
He wondered if Chanyeol somehow managed to hack his video doorbell and speak through it because he had ignored his texts. Silly Kyungsoo, he knew that Chanyeol wouldn’t ever be clever enough to pull that off. Chanyeol would obviously resort to more annoying methods, like showing up at his house unannounced.
Kyungsoo hesitated, but his friend’s voice kept coming through along with the ring of the doorbell. He made his way to the entrance but only talked to Chanyeol through the speaker. “Why are you here, Chanyeol?”
“Happy birthday, Kyungsoo!” Chanyeol said it in a singsong.
Kyungsoo chuckled. “Thank you, bye!” he joked.
Chanyeol kept ringing to annoy Kyungsoo even more and get him to let him in, but Kyungsoo had opened just at the same time that he rang, so Chanyeol didn’t notice at first. “You’re going to break it; just come in,” Kyungsoo uttered.
“Are you ready?” Chanyeol entered, almost jumping out of his shoes and going straight to the kitchen. He greeted the cheerful little dogs on his way, who were the only ones who seemed truly happy to see him. “Smells pretty nice in here.”
Kyungsoo rushed to close the door and find Chanyeol before he could take anything from your snacks since he also loves the same types of bean chips. Luckily, he was only taking a look at the toasts for his breakfast. “Ready for what?” Kyungsoo finished pouring some coffee into his cup. “Want some breakfast?” he asked as he saw him looking for a bowl.
“I could eat some,” Chanyeol mumbled. “I brought you seaweed soup; my mom made some for you.” He offered a warm smile, winning one back from the lonely birthday boy in front of him.
The container was small but seemed spacious enough to have soup for both of them, so Kyungsoo grabbed two medium-sized bowls from the storage. “Go ahead and eat what’s already served. I can make some more toasts for me.”
Chanyeol rolled his eyes. “I can make toasts, eat your breakfast. I’ll serve the soup; it’s yours. I won’t eat any.”
Kyungsoo settled down at the table with his food and coffee, amused by his friend’s response. From a distance, he could sense the wheels turning in Chanyeol’s mind; whatever scheme he had planned, Kyungsoo was actually grateful for his taller friend’s happy virus energy to accompany him during the day.
Chanyeol sat in front of Kyungsoo, flashing him a small, mischievous smile before he dug into the delightful breakfast. Kyungsoo missed that gesture as he stopped Meokmul from climbing onto his lap.
As they ate and chatted, Kyungsoo seemed more and more at ease. Chanyeol caught him cracking a genuine grin at one of his silly jokes. “There’s that smile!” He teased. “Now finish that toast—we’ve got a full day ahead of us.”
Kyungsoo squinted at him suspiciously. “You still haven’t told me what you’ve got planned.”
The laugh that escaped Chanyeol was not at all convincing for Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo felt uneasy about Chanyeol's hidden secret, as he didn't want to be left in the dark. However, his patience hadn’t yet run out, so he decided to wait just long enough to get at least a clue before Chanyeol could drag him out of his house.
“You just trust me; you’re gonna love it.” Chanyeol stood up and took Kyungsoo’s emptied dishes. “I’ll clean this; you go put on a coat or something.”
Kyungsoo was hesitant at first, but he made sure to watch from afar for any hint that his friend could let slip while he was busy with the dishes.
His phone was still flashing with texts from his friends, so he checked all of their messages. He laughed silently as he saw the insistent ones from Chanyeol to let him in, as well as the funny birthday wish at midnight. His smile grew as he saw texts from fellow actors and idols, but his heart fluttered once he saw yours.
You: Happy birthday 🥳😘 wishing you all the fun and love you deserve on this day. I know I’m away, but I’ll be with you in spirit no matter what you do 😌 you are in my heart always. I love you so much, see you in a bit 😉🫰
Kyungsoo glanced up, a tenderness in his look that only the sun could witness. Your words warmed him up even more than the cozy clothes that he changed into, anticipating any activity that his friend could have planned.
Thrilled, he made his way back to the kitchen. He had almost forgotten about his friend’s suspicion, but his whispering on the phone served as a reminder. “What was that?” Kyungsoo asked, “are we meeting someone? Why—“
“Kyungsoo! Why are you—“ Chanyeol was a little startled because of his sneaky friend. “Hey, just wait there,” he said as he ended the mysterious call. “Baek will join us, and that’s all I’ll say.” He chuckled tauntingly.
So the two menaces were accompanying him. Kyungsoo just laughed softly, letting things flow their course. For a second, he considered texting Junmyeon back on his offer for lunch, but somehow, Chanyeol’s plans seemed interesting.
It was satisfying to see the white blanket of snow covering the streets while the sun battled to defrost the glistening icicles on top of the bare tree branches. At least the weather was nice and managed to cheer him up even more, somehow matching his friends antics and the eagerness of their dogs.
The park came into view as they drove along the bridge, and Kyungsoo smiled, knowing that Chanyeol was taking them to a park for their dogs to have some fun too. He will take care of making a snowman out of Baekhyun as payback for all the teasing he’s been doing during the car ride.
The dogs were eager to get out of the car once they managed to get a spot in the parking lot. Baekhyun’s corgi, Mongryong, even let out a joyous howl, asking to be let out.
Kyungsoo’s mood lifted even further with their enthusiasm. The park wasn’t crowded since it was quite early, so he released their leashes, giving the dogs permission to romp.
After some time playing with their pets, Kyungsoo heard a notification ding. He briefly excused himself for a little privacy, as he wished it was you, but it had been a message from Woobin.
“Hey, birthday boy!” Baekhyun’s voice distracted him, but he looked back at his phone to answer his hyung’s message.
He opened your text again, intending to reply when you were back online. Unfortunately, despite your lovely birthday wishes, you still didn’t seem to be around. He decided to simply send his reply for you to check later, along with some pictures of the dogs playing with his friends.
Soo: Thank you baby! ❤️😊 you won’t believe how your wishes came true 😆Yeol and Baek dragged me out to Seoul Forest with our pups. I’m having fun tho
Baekhyun playfully shook Kyungsoo’s shoulders, trying to make him go back. “Come, Soo! Don’t get lost, little penguin.”
Kyungsoo turned to level him with his most lethal glare. Though not the tallest among them, Kyungsoo possessed a presence that commanded respect, making Baekhyun shrink back instinctively and realize it was time to flee. Kyungsoo ran around trying to catch him to finally turn him into a snowman.
The dogs followed them, with Chanyeol on tow, trying to make them all stop since snow was starting to fall quite heavily. Baekhyun stopped first, making Kyungsoo bump into him. Kyungsoo was breathless from running and laughing, but he managed to get Baekhyun on the ground.
Baekhyun and Kyungsoo moved the snow around them, making snow angels as Chanyeol laughed. “Guys! Look up; we might need to go find shelter or go back—“ The ringing of his phone stopped him.
Chanyeol looked at the caller’s name and excused himself for a minute. He was almost whispering to the person on the other end, but Kyungsoo managed to listen to one sentence before Chanyeol walked farther away. “We’re going now then!”
Kyungsoo was truly enjoying Chanyeol’s plans, but he was too curious about who he was talking to on the phone so much. He unmistakably guessed it was Baekhyun earlier, but he is now right in front of him, playing along with their dogs.
The flakes started to whirl downward in swift blizzards, making the wind pick up pitch. They knew there was no stopping the snowstorm, so Chanyeol called out that it was time to get back home and stay safe before it would be too dangerous to drive.
Surely enough, after a quick stop at Baekhyun’s house, traffic began to slow down as it became harder to mobilize because of the snowfall.
“Are you sure you’ll be okay out there?” Kyungsoo asked before he got out of Chanyeol’s car. “You can stay until it’s clear.”
Chanyeol managed to contain his laugh and only pulled off a warm smile at his friend. “Nah, I’ll be okay. And perhaps, you know how much I love your dogs but the allergies might kick in and I need my meds.”
Kyungsoo nodded, understanding. They could also go and buy some, but it did seem like there was no stopping the snowstorm, and Chanyeol would be a lot safer in his own house.
“Hope I managed to lift your spirits for a bit. Y/N will come back soon; cheer up!” He winked and put his thumb up.
Kyungsoo seemed to not catch the clue, but as they reached his apartment, his dogs had a surge of energy. Hoochoo sniffed below the door while Meokmul barked up at him, as if trying to let him know something.
He only grew worried, thinking they were hungry because he hadn’t taken enough treats to the park, so he hurriedly entered his house as the dogs pulled on their leashes. He swiftly removed their gear as he hung his winter coat and beanie to leave them to dry.
The dogs kept barking and whimpering, but it took on a happy tone; soft shushing and whispers accompanied them, along with Kyungsoo’s hopeful racing heartbeat.
You were back.
You were here.
Kyungsoo stared in awe, stopping for a second to check if it could be his hopeful mind playing tricks on him. But as his watery eyes focused and took you all in, his lips curled into the widest of smiles.
He walked over slowly, taken by a rush of emotions. Your heart almost broke at the sight, but he reassured you that he was okay, chuckling between a couple of sobs.
The embrace didn’t take you by surprise, but he almost made you both fall to the ground. In that perfect moment, with you cradled safely in his arms, Kyungsoo found he had no words. All the lonely nights spent yearning for this very feeling evaporated as a warm and overwhelming emotion rose within his chest.
He buried his face deeper into your comforting scent, his fingers clinging onto you with a tighter hold than intended, but you made no attempt to break free from his trembling embrace. Your own hands stroked his back tenderly, soothingly, as if to say, “I'm here; it's really me. I've returned to you.”
After what felt like an eternity, Kyungsoo finally found the strength to pull back, his glistening eyes hungrily scanning your face, re-memorizing each cherished feature. His lips parted, but his thoughts eluded him; the snowstorm outside served as an illustration of the swirling emotions of gratitude, disbelief, and joy within him.
Sensing his struggle, you graced him with a tender yet radiant smile, one hand rising to cradle his cheek. "I've missed you too," you breathed, the simple words conveying so much.
At the sound of your voice, Kyungsoo's hesitancy crumbled, and he claimed your lips in a kiss that poured forth every unspoken emotion.
Breathless, you parted, but hesitant small kisses lingered upon your lips. You laughed as you gently kissed his chin, tracing over his lovely beauty marks, while Hoochoo playfully tugged at your pants.
“How are you here?” He finally asked, taking your hand and leading you to the sofa, where you cuddled with the two adorable poodles.
You continued to laugh, and he cupped your cheeks. His hands felt a little cold, so you covered them with yours. He lovingly pushed your cheeks up and down, as if he were still trying to convince himself that you were really there. His five senses were now aware of your return, but it still felt like a dream in his heart. It was only when he felt your fingertips dry a couple of tears that he fully assimilated your presence.
“I might need a couple or more cups of coffee to stay awake, but I managed to come back sooner.”
He pulled off a shy smile. “Oh, baby. You didn’t have to…”
You still felt his hands being cold, so you softly grabbed both of them and tried to wrap them in your warm ones. “No, I needed to. I wanted your birthday to be perfect.” You kissed each of his hands. “I wish you could’ve gone to all the places I had in mind for you and your friends, but the snow was pretty heavy.”
Kyungsoo shook his head, trying to comprehend your words. “Wait, wait… you planned-you asked Chanyeol to come and all—“
“Yes, kinda! He was visiting you, so I asked him if he could help, and he accepted quite easily.”
He gazed at you, filled with wonder and affection. “So Junmyeon hyung’s lunch invite, and Minseok hyung wishing we could’ve gone bowling, and Jongdae saying he’d stopped by to bring me a gift—“
“And all of the people who sent you any text other than to just wish you a happy birthday. I was planning on throwing you a small party when you came home, but the snowstorm happened and everyone got stuck, so I had to cancel.”
“Wow! How? Did you know you’re amazing?” He chuckled and tenderly kissed your jaw. “I think this is better though. Having you back and everyone else here… you would have been distracting.”
Curling into your embrace, he rested his head on your chest, listening to the sweet sound of your heartbeat. The furry little ones nestled around the two of you, sighing contentedly.
“This is all I need. Just being with you… you were my birthday wish.” Smiling softly, he tilted his face up for a tender kiss. At last, all he yearned for was no longer far away from him. His smiles were easier to pull off now that he got you back just in time.
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aphrodite1288 · 11 months
I thought that Kaisoo spent indeed Chuseok together because his brother (Ksoo’s) posted photos of the dogs and there’s been another one too and it looked like Jongin’s one. The light brown one … forgot his name. But maybe I’m wrong. 😬
Yeah the photos of the three dogs Ksoo's brother shares on his Instagram story. The white dog and Ksoo's dog and a brown dog that looks like Jonggu or Monsieur Sehun's dog 😂 tbh I don't know because these poodle dogs are very famous in Korea everyone has them also Vivi's type is very famous among Koreans, so maybe that brown dog was Jongin's Jail took it with him since Ji maybe wasn't going to be home and didn't have time to drop him at his mother's or maybe it's Seungsoo's Girlfriend's Dog or his cousin's dog she always brings her dogs to play with Ksoo's! Actually meokmul and Hoochu aren't Ksoo's dogs anymore they're his family's dogs. Just like Byul Suho's dog and Jonggu is no longer Jongin's only, and also Toben Chanyeol's dog he became his mom's! Only Zzar is living with Chanyeol.
So yeah Many suppositions. What is said is they only saw Ksoo's car and he didn't go back home that night he spent it at his family's house. Their family house is big it has a garden it's so pretty. I've seen the old admins sharing the photos here.
For example this is Monsieur Sehun's dog with his daughter Jena: literally all Koreans have these poodle dogs
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psychopomping · 1 year
with kyungsoo having an instagram account will we finally have content from the true stars: meokmul and hoochoo?
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mzlova · 3 years
Happy 추석!
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baekwin · 3 years
The SM thing is an album and a concert! The album is to be released on the 27th, and the concert is on January 1st. There's another thing on the 30th too, but I don't really understand what it is.
oooh okay so it's both!! yeah i don't really understand what's happening either hdjskfhkj but thank you for clarifying!!!
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soointense · 6 years
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1st look magazine :
kyungsoo started raising puppies 2 years ago, he thought for a long time before deciding to adopt one. when visiting the pet adoption place, he recalls “I looked at every puppies in that place, usually when a human is looking at them they’d be playful ~
~ or pretend to not knowing while lying around. But meongmool was special, she was sitting and keep looking back at me so i thought ‘why is she keep looking at me?’ she doesn’t avoid my eye contact and it was like an eye stare battle ~
After looking at each other for a while I think somethjng connected between us, it’s like a fate. That’s how meongmool came to us”
cr: dyororo
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lq-ksoo · 6 years
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kaionlydo · 6 years
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Meokmul is a born model
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dyonutsoo · 6 years
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190115. 1st Look (Vol. 169)!
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exokmplanet · 6 years
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long-ass-rider · 6 years
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Kyungsoo x Sodam x Pets
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kyungstars · 6 years
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—먹물 🧸
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misskpopforever · 6 years
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D.O and his baby...For the first time...
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imjhatake · 6 years
Meokmul (먹물) our little princess with his big brother. What a lucky girl!!! #먹물 #meokmul #1stlook #doglover #dog #actor #singer #도경수 #디오 #DOHKYUNGSOO #DO (D.O.) @weareone.exo https://www.instagram.com/p/BszfuqIhwhr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wu9ho2irnjvi
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bbororo-soo · 6 years
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Doesn’t even look like Kyungsoo =(
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soointense · 6 years
190111 stylist_kk_h IG update with Kyungsoo's special pictorial for Underdog with precious Meokmul. Meokmul honey, you're so lucky.
The stylist that posted this wrote that "the dog is very kind just like the owner."
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