random-ykw-facts · 2 years
Fact #6
In the entirety of the Yo-kai Watch anime's English run, the only episodes ever skipped were episode 82's first segment, Nate's Magnificent Dream, which was for unknown reasons skipped and replaced with Let's Go To Work! Yo-kai Firefighters, and episode 91, Let's Sing Together! Yo-kai Red and White Song Battle!, which was completely skipped over, likely due to its inclusion of song medals.
Additionally, episode 63 was delayed due to its second segment, Yo-kai April Fools; it was made the 67th of the episode of the dub in order to air on April 1st.
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kara-arts · 6 years
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(=`ω´=) he is very coooool
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weavilemeinfep · 7 years
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My contribution to the yokai watch fandom
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diamond-dusted · 7 years
If do don't mind do you think you could draw Blazion? I'm just curious on how he'd look in your style.
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here ya go~!
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yokaiwatchmedia · 3 years
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Yo-kai Watch ♪ Christmas Cakes Designs
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scarabeeart · 7 years
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you can’t tell me he wouldn’t own both of these shirts
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lemonoptimizer · 8 years
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Look at my son taking notes in classroom
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art-of-the-harp · 8 years
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Yo-kai Watch 30 Day Challenge Day 17: FAVORITE SINGLE-STAGE YO-KAI
Blazion | Merameraion (メラメライオン)
"The king of beasts with a mane of fire! This hot-blooded Yo-kai fills folks with fiery enthusiasm."
I know technically Blazion has evolutions, but they’re fusion evolutions so I don’t think that counts???
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kaialone · 6 years
Yokai Watch Corocoro Leaks (September 2018)
Corocoro leaks have been coming out, so I will translate under the readmore.
Beware of spoilers, naturally!
This month’s issue has some neat new yokai revealed.
It contains information about:
5th Yokai Watch Movie
Yokai Arks & Merchandise (revealing some new yokai)
Some Yokai Watch World stuff (mostly won’t translate that part)
As always, I will do my best to translate any new information I can make out.
Before we start the actual translations, let me mention the Yokai Watch World stuff in this issue.
It probably won’t help anyone who reads this, but it had a map of were in Japan certain yokai are going to appear, from what I understand.
It also showed off a new special dark version of Nyan-kishi (Sir Nyancelot) called Kuro Nyan-shiki. From what I understand, you need a code from Corocoro to get him?
And lastly, there will be autumn-themed variants of various yokai. It’s been a very common thing for the game to feature new variants for any sort of occasion so far.
First we have these pages:
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They introduce and talk about new “Godside Forms” and the new Watch that can make yokai transform into them.
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ともだち妖怪たちが 最強の姿へ!! ゴッドサイド妖怪に 神变化!! Yokai friends turn into Godsides, their strongest forms!! Divine Transformations!
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映画第5弾の超目玉情報! 妖怪たちの究極サイドを目撃せ!! Super special information about the 5th movie! Witness the ultimate Side of the yokai!!
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妖怪ウォッチエルダ神の力で 妖怪が”神”になる!! With the power of the Yokai Watch Eruda Jin, yokai turn into 'gods'!!
(Note: The kanji 神 in the name of this Watch means “God”, and is specifically pronounced as “Jin” here.)
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シンとともに活躍するイツキが使う「妖怪ウォッチエルダ神」。 この新ウォッチによって、 かわいい姿のともだち妖怪たちが、 神々しい最強の姿へ变化するぞ!! 神の力を得たゴッドサイド妖怪が くり広げる衝撃のバトルに期待せよ!! The "Yokai Watch Eruda Jin" is used by Itsuki, who plays an active role alongside Shin. With this new Watch, the yokai friends turn from their cute forms into their strongest forms!! Expect for shocking battles to unfold with the divine powers of the Godside yokai!!
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主人公シンは 妖怪ウォッチエルダ零で ともだち妖怪を召喚!! The protagonist Shin summons yokai friends with the Yokai Watch Eruda Zero!!
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ゴッドサイドに变化する妖怪を召喚するのは、 「エルダ零」を使うシンの役目!! シンとイツキの親友コンビが協力して、 妖魔界でくり広げられるバトル大会を戦うことに!! Shin's role is to use the Yokai Watch Eruda Zero to summon the yokai that transform into Godside!! With Shin and Itsuki's best friend combo, they fight in the battles that unfold in the Yomakai's tournament!!
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神の力をコントロールできる妖怪ウォッチ。 カバーに描かれたオオカミの姿に秘密!?
This is the Yokai Watch Eruda Jin!!!
A Yokai Watch that can control the power of gods. The appearance of the wolves on the cover hides a secret?!
(Note: This is just me speculating, but I can’t help but notice that the two wolves seems to resemble the Koma brothers?)
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猫王 バステト
古代エジプト王族のような姿の、 偉大な猫妖怪!! Nekomata transforms!
The Cat King Bastet
A great cat yokai, resembling the ancient royal families of egypt!!
(Note: Name and inspiration seem clearly taken from the Egyptian goddess Bastet)
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河童王 サゴジョウ
頼りない河童が、 究極の戦闘力を手に入れた姿だ!! Kappa transforms!!
The Kappa King Sagojō
The unreliable Kappa has obtained the ultimate fighting power!!
(Note: Name and inspiration likely taken from the Japanese name of the Journey to the West character Shā Wùjìng, who is often depicted as a kappa in Japanese.)
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天狗王 クラマ
ナルシストな美少年妖怪が、 風をあやつる天狗に!! Zashikiwarashi transforms!
The Tengu King Kurama
The narcissistic pretty boy yokai turns into a tengu that commands the winds!!
(Note: Name and inspiration likely taken from Mount Kurama, said to have been the home of Sōjōbō, the mythical king of the tengu.)
And now we have these pages:
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(image source)
These pages introduce a whole bunch of Arks, which will be included with the 3rd Yokai Ark set.
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First we go over the upper right, focusing on the Arc of Zashiki-warashi.
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お宝ぞろいの第3弾の中でも注目なのが この2本!! どちらもただ事ではない輝きだ!!
Don't miss out on the Golden and Legendary Yokai Arks!!
Even among the 3rd set that's full of treasures, these two are especially notable!! Both of them are nothing ordinary, they are shining!!
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ついに発覚!! ”最後”の黄金妖怪アーク!! 4本存在する黄金の妖怪アーク1つ。「妖怪ウォッチ4」で詠みこむと、スゴいことが起こるとのウワサが?! Discovered at last!! The 'final' Golden Yokai Ark!! This is one of the four Golden Yokai Arks that exist. Supposedly something great will happen when you use it in Yokai Watch 4?!
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座敷童子 古い家に住む子ども妖怪と思いきや、 実は美少年!! Zashiki-warashi (Gnomey) Thought to be a child yokai living in old houses, but is actually a pretty boy!!
(Note: Zashiki-warashi is the same kind of yokai that was called “Gnomey” in English. This specific Zashiki-warashi was previously shown off in other pre-release materials.)
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Next I’ll go over the upper left side, showing off Bushinyan’s Ark.
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伝説再び!! レジェンド妖怪アーク発見参!!
あのブシニャンが妖怪アークになって帰ってきた!! 黄金の妖怪アークとは、 またひと味ちがった輝きを放つ、 超激レアランクの1本だ!!
The legend returns!! Take part in the discovery of a Legendary Yokai Ark!!
Bushinyan himself returns as a Yokai Ark!! It is slightly different from Golden Yokai Arks, it shines and is of the Super Extreme Rare Rank!!
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ブシニャン 伝説の刀で的を 一刀両断するレジェンド武士妖怪!! Bushinyan (Shogunyan) A Legendary samurai yokai who cuts his enemies in two with a single stroke of his legendary katana!!
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剣と斧の2つのモードを持つ、 玄武の妖聖剣!! 魁メラメライオンのアークも付属だ。
New DX Genbu Hōtenfu & Yokai Ark Set!!
Genbu's Yōseiken, which has a sword and an axe mode!! Sakigake Merameraion's Ark is included as well.
ゲンブ法天斧/Genbu Hōtenfu means something like “Genbu Lawful Heaven Axe”. Genbu is the Japanese name of Xuánwǔ.
This is the third Yōseiken toy to be released. You can see the images showing off how you can turn the sword into an axe by pushing up the hilt.
Like the Yokai Ark Holder and the Suzaku Sōtenzan, it comes with an Ark that is the special form of a pre-existing yokai.
From what I understand, 魁/Sakigake refers to something like leading, being a leader, charging ahead, etc.
The set will appearently be released around November, for 1382 Yen.)
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はるか昔から活躍する 由緒正しい伝統妖怪。
Tsuchigumo (Arachnus)
A traditional yokai of honorable origins, who has been active for a very long time.
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滅多に姿を現さない 幸運を呼びよせる妖怪。
Tsuchinoko (Noko)
A yokai that rarely reveals itself, and brings about good luck.
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イケメン犬が年を重ね シブメン犬に変身!?
Over the years, Ikemenken (Dandoodle) transformed into Shibumenken?!
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A stockpot yokai who's a boastful macho.
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カメレオンのように 姿を変える!!
Can change his appearance like a chameleon!!
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数百年生きたガマガエル が変異した大妖怪。
Ōgama (Toadal Dude)
A great yokai, who is a transformed toad that has lived for hundreds of years.
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コマさんの弟。 口ぐせは「もんゲーロー!」。
Komasan's younger brother. His catchphrase is "Mongero!"
(Note: “Mongero!” is a combination of “gero”, which refers to a frogs croaking, and “monge!” meaning something like “amazin’“, which is the catchphrase of the Koma brothers in the original Yokai Watch.)
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Rai-oton (Papa Bolt)
A stubborn dad yokai who drops lightning when he's angry.
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映画館に潜む 観客を閉じこめた!!
Lurks in movie theaters and traps the audience!!
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海で泳ぐ人々を 守る妖怪!!
A yokai who protects humans who swim in the ocean!!
That’s it for this month’s issue of the main Corocoro, but I also saw some interesting bits from the most recent issue of Corocoro Ichiban.
You can see them right here, it bascially shows off most of the Arks from the now released 2nd Ark set.
I don’t have the time to translate all of this, it’s mostly old information anyway, so I will just go over points of interest.
Most notably this seems to confirm that some of the previously unseen symbols are indeed meant for tribes.
Shuten-dōji and Dōketsu are both of the “Oni Tribe”, represented by this symbol:
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In the past, the term Oni Tribe had been used to refer to oni yokai in general, without it being an actual tribe. But this time around it really seems to be one.
And Kaira is of the “Izana Tribe”, represented by this symbol:
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The Onimaro Trio is still classified as being of the “Kaima Tribe”, called “Wicked Tribe” in English. The Onimaro were also called Kaima in the movie and classified as such in Puni Puni.
In this case, this is the symbol used for them:
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I think it’s still possible these are going to be “special” tribes with only a few Yokai in them, like the Wicked, Enma and Hagure tribes were in the past.
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ロボニャン00 Robonyan 00 (read: Robonyan Double O)
ツクモノ族 Tsukumono Tribe
ロボット掃除機 から生まれた妖怪。 A yokai born from a robot vacuum cleaner.
(Note: It could also be seen on the merchandise website, but this Ark reveals that Robonyan 00′s Lightside is indeed another Robonyan 00, instead of Almighty-kun from the episode. Though the robot is alluded to in the description.)
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オロチ Orochi (Venoct)
ゴーリキ族 Gōriki Tribe
強敵を求めさすらう エリート妖怪。 A wandering elite yokai, seeking powerful enemies.
(Note: This one could also be seen on the website, but here we get an actual description, plus we get a bit of a closer look.)
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メラメライオン Merameraion (Blazion)
ゴーリキ族 Gōriki Tribe
炎と闘志を激しく 燃やす獅子妖怪。 A burning lion yokai, with fierce flames and fighting spirit.
And that’s it for this month.
As always, I hope you’ve found this useful and/or interesting!
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asktheyoukai · 3 years
(to Merameraion/Blazion) Heads up!
He throws a ball fast to him.
Blazion catches the ball rather quickly.
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random-ykw-facts · 2 years
Fact #16
Due to the anime simply reusing the summoning animation, in Yo-kai Negatibuzz, Nate's tooth injury, which is outwardly visible throughout the rest of the episode, is not visible while he summons Blazion.
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Lined and colored an old sketch.
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agenderkirino-blog · 8 years
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silverstarsheep · 8 years
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Commission Information  ||  Redbubble
I’m late to the party, but I was really fired up to draw Blazion for @yokaiwatch60min!!!
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scarabeeart · 8 years
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i’ve been in an art slump lately which is why i haven’t been posting much sorry! and out of all things i didn’t think yokai watch would be the one thing to get me out of a slump
blazion is one of my favs he’s my boy
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asimplechaos · 9 years
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so it’s pretty much @toripocalypse‘s fault i got into yokai watch so what better thank-you gift than a precious Merameraion
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