#mercedes diagnostic near me
topmotor · 2 years
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Mercedes Car Repair Shop
Looking for a team of qualified and skilled mechanics to take care of your Mercedes-Benz? Look no further than Top Motor. We are a team of certified and experienced mechanics who know exactly how to work on Mercedes models. We use the latest diagnostic tools and techniques to ensure that each repair is done correctly, resulting in a higher-performance vehicle. Call now!
Website: https://topmotor.ie/
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h-c-u · 1 year
Summary: You're a 3rd driver for the Mercedes team, in a secret relationship with the team principal and you fill in for Lewis during the race. The car malfunctions, you completely lose control over the steering and can't avoid crashing. And it's bad. 
Pairing: Toto Wolff x fem!driver!reader
W/C: 6.1k
Rating: M. Car crash, talk about injuries and surgeries.
TWs: Car crash, near death injuries
A/N: I swear to gods, my mood when it comes to writing changes so quickly -,- It's dark, sad, and heavy. Also - like 90% of the fic is happening when the reader is in surgery, but the idea just dug it's claws into my brain and didn't want to let go.
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- Bono, something's wrong with the steering, there is a slight delay in response, and I'm unable to predict how much I should correct. - you were honestly getting scared. You didn't want to lose the 5th position, especially this late in the race. You knew yourself well enough that you could get at least 3rd before the end, but not with a car that behaved like that. 
- I'm running the diagnostic now to see if we'll be able to do something about it remo... FUCK. CRASH. Be careful. - you instantly felt cold, but it wasn't your first time in a dangerous situation. When Bono told you about the crash, you hadn't seen it just yet, because it was hidden behind a turn, and as soon as you turned...
- Breaks are not working. And I completely lost control over the steering. - everything was happening in slow motion, and you couldn't do anything. There was no fancy "eject" button like in a James Bond movie; you were able to just watch and brace for impact. - Bono. I'm going to crash into them. Don't let me die. - you whispered, tears very slowly gathering in your eyes under the helmet. 
You didn't say another word. You didn't swear, you didn't scream. You knew what was about to happen and somehow you managed to remain calm. You just fastened the straps holding you to the seat even more and held your arms close to your chest. 
You heard people screaming over the comms, familiar voices full of panic and desperation but the one voice you were hoping to hear... wasn't there. So whatever others were saying didn't matter. 
And then you were flying. The nose of your car wedged under someone else, and it sent you into a barrel on the track. You closed your eyes, not to get nauseous, but it was a small comfort, especially when the car turned to its side and continued to barrel toward the wall. How you were able to stay conscious for so long - you weren't sure, but then suddenly... there was nothing. 
- FUCK PROTOCOL!!! - he was trying his best to get from Bono's and Ricardo's strong arms, but they held him steady and didn't let him run out of the garage.
- Medics and the crew are already at the scene. She will be in the ambulance before you get to that part of the track. - James stepped in front of the man, blocking his way, and put his hand on his boss's chest stopping him from moving any further. No one ever saw Toto this distressed. Sure, he could get angry, but this... This was different. - Calm down and think. 
- I... I can't. - his shoulders slumped and even though he wasn't trashing and trying to get out anymore, his thoughts were galloping at the speed of light, running through every possible scenario. - I just can't... - Bono and Ric loosened their grip on his body and exchanged a worried look with the technical director. - I don't know what to do... - he admitted, his voice completely broken. 
- We're gonna get to the hospital and we'll go from there. - James realized it was his turn to think about everything, and even though he didn't completely understand why Toto reacted this way - he wanted to help in whatever way he could. All of the people in the garage were shaken up, but this... This was new. Toto was oozing fear and desperation from everywhere. His posture, his voice, the frantic look in his eyes... - Toto. - the technical director wasn't sure if his words even reached his friend, but Wolff finally nodded slowly. - Yeah...? - he made sure. 
- Yeah. Hospital. Let's go. - he whispered eventually. He was in no condition to drive, so he let his friend do that. He didn't take his eyes from the view behind the window once, even though he was seeing none of what they were passing. He dug his nails into his knees, bit his lower lip until he drew blood, and tried his best not to break down completely. Not before he knew if you were dead or alive. 
When they arrived at the hospital, Toto didn't even wait for James to park properly, he was out of the car as soon as they reached the entrance. He run into the emergency room and quickly located the admission desk, but before he said anything, he took one last, deep breath. 
- Hello, my name is Toto Wolff. I'm the emergency contact for Y/n Y/l/n. I would like to know in what condition she's in. - his voice was surprisingly calm. Even in such a state, he knew that whatever happened wasn't the nurses' fault and he didn't want to take out whatever he felt on them. 
- I have to confirm your identity first. Can I see your ID? - the old nurse asked, but she was already typing something on the keyboard. Toto frantically patted his pockets in search of a wallet, momentarily mortified, because he got afraid that he left it in his bag, in the garage, but James came to his rescue with said wallet. He quickly fished out his ID and presented it to the nurse. 
- She was admitted about 10 minutes ago and is being prepped for the surgery. She already had a head CT, but there are no results yet. There is also no information about planned procedures. - she explained with a soft tone, even though the news she was sharing wasn't exactly... good. 
- What does it mean...? - Toto asked, fearing the worst. 
- It means there was a head injury and she's unconscious. They don't know exactly what's wrong, but it's serious enough for emergency surgery with neuro, orthopedic and cardiothoracic surgeons. - she added, quieter. Sure, she could have omitted a few facts, but something told her that it would have the opposite effect on the man in front of her. 
- Her... Her heart...? - if he weren’t holding the high counter in front of the admission desk, he would have slumped to the floor. 
- Or lungs. - she clarified. - I'm sorry I can't give you better news... But she's in the best hands in the country. I will ask one of our interns to take you to a waiting room... - she waved at one of the young men, who was currently filling out papers, and quickly told him what to do. - And sir... - she added, just when they were about to leave the area. - It will be a long surgery, but the longer the wait, the better. It means that she's still fighting. - that was the first thing that gave him hope... You were still alive. Still fighting. And you weren't the type of person who easily gave up. 
Toto Wolff was not a religious man. He honestly couldn't remember when was the last time he visited any place of worship, but now... Now he was going through every prayer he knew. He begged every god, every angel, every demon, every saint he could think of, not to let you die, and if that's necessary - to take him instead. Logically he knew that wasn't possible, but he was willing to try everything, no matter how stupid it seemed at the moment.
James left his side only once, to get some shitty coffee from the machine, but it was left untouched in between Toto's feet. He didn't know what to say, what to do... Other people came and went. The pit crew, engineers, other team principals, drivers... A few stayed. Mostly other drivers, and from the closer circle - James, Bono, George... And Lewis - without even saying a word was on a video call with Bono, feeling extremely guilty. 
- Did... - George finally broke the silence. - Did anyone call her family? - he asked, and Toto just clenched his fists. 
- She doesn't have one. - he whispered eventually. - She's an only child and went no-contact with her parents just as she started racing. - he added and the others looked at him trying to hide the surprise. - She will kill anyone who’ll let them know about anything even remotely connected to her life. So as far as things go... she doesn't have a family. - he ended in a harsher tone than he intended and almost immediately sighed. 
He was still in the clothes he was wearing during the race... The track pass was tucked in the pocket on his chest, and the headphones were still around his neck, but he didn't even notice them, and no one in the room dared to say a word. 
Just as three hours passed since they arrived, a young-looking woman called out your last name, and the four men immediately stood up, three with hope, one in fear, because it was much too quick for the surgery to end. 
- Hello, my name is Alex and I'm one of the residents helping with your... - she stuttered for a second, realizing she didn't know the relationship between her patient and the men in the waiting room. - With Y/n's surgery. We were able to stop the bleeding in her brain and remove all the debris lodged there without major issues. The head of neurosurgery is currently reversing all four of the aneurysms, but compared to what we already did - it's the easiest thing. - she started explaining and everyone except Toto sighed with relief. 
- What else...? - he asked, afraid of the further news. - Please tell us everything, no matter how small or ugly. I need to know... - he pleaded, and James put his hand on his boss’s shoulder. There was some hesitation on the young doctor’s face, but eventually, she continued. 
- Eight of her ribs are broken... Two of them were lodged in her right lung and the cardiothoracic surgeon was able to remove one and is working on the second. One pierced her kidney, but due to the positioning... The lungs take priority. Her spinal cord is intact, but three of the lumbar vertebrae are fractured and we will have to realign them later. Her right femur is broken in six places, left in two and our head of ortho is currently working on that. Both of her tibias and feet are by some miracle intact. All the bones in her shoulders, arms, forearms, wrists, and hands are also free of any injuries. She didn't sustain any burns or lacerations because of the suit, which will help during her recovery. - with every word the relief disappeared more and more from the men's faces, and Toto's lips became almost invisible. 
- Her heart...? - he asked eventually. 
- Intact and strong. She's not on any assistance during the surgery, although we're ready for that if the need arises. She's a fighter. - the young doctor added with a gentle smile. 
- You've mentioned her recovery... Does that mean...? - he was afraid to finish the question, especially when he saw Alex's face drop just a little.
- I... I shouldn't have said that. I can't promise you any type of outcome, especially with such severe injuries. - her voice softened. - We know what's wrong. We know how to fix it. And we will do our best to do so. Three of the best surgeons in the country are currently working together to keep her alive, so objectively - the chances of success are high. But I can't promise you that everything will be perfect. – Toto nodded, acknowledging the situation. 
- Thank you for taking the time to explain everything to us. - he whispered, suddenly feeling weak in the knees. - Would it be too much if I asked for an update after every major stage? Doesn't matter if good or bad... I just need to know... - George was the one to notice how shaky Toto truly was, so he helped him sit down, so the man wouldn't fall over. 
- It wouldn't be too much at all. I was planning to do so anyway... But it... - she started, but Wolff cut her off.
- It's gonna be a long surgery, I was told. I will be here. - his voice was stronger than his body, and the young doctor gave him one last smile before she turned around and went back to the operating block. 
None of the men knew what to say, so they just sat in silence, trying to process what has happened. 
There was a moment when George started quietly sobbing, and without even thinking, Toto put his arm around him and pulled him into a hug, trying to give him the comfort he so desperately needed himself. But the only person who could give it to him was currently lying cut open on the operating table. 
- George, you officially got second place with 18 points... - James eventually broke the silence, but none of them were able to say after how long, because time had become something immeasurable. - Congratulations... - he added, but that was the last thing on young driver's mind. Few other drivers in the waiting room took out their phones to check the results, but in the end - there were more important things than that. 
- Holly shit. - someone whispered and almost immediately added. - Y/n crashed after the red flag. She got 5th. With the fastest lap. - all heads turned to Carlos, who was sitting on the floor. Even Toto couldn't believe what he just heard. He knew you were good, damn... He believed in you since day one, that's why he was so quick to sign you. And now... Now Y/n Y/l/n was officially the first woman since 1975 who scored points in F1, which was a historical achievement. 
- She got 11 points... - James confirmed after checking his email once again. And then there was silence again. There should be a celebration, all of them knew that. And even though someone will contest that, because technically you wouldn't be able to finish the race if it were resumed, and your team would fight tooth and nail for that not to be taken away... But for now, in the official FIA statement, you finished in 5th place. 
There were some murmurs and whispers, but none of it mattered to Toto more than you actually living, so when he saw the familiar face of a young doctor again, he almost jumped from his seat. 
- Hello again... - she smiled, which he took as a good sign. - The orthopedic surgeon finished working on her legs and we were able to close them. There was no additional damage to the thigh muscles, so we didn't have to take any part of them, which means that she will be able to regain a full range of movements, in time of course. The neurosurgeon just finished reversing the aneurysms, and the new head CT didn't show any additional injuries, so we will be able to slowly close her skull as well. We were also able to remove the other rib from her lung, and the head of cardio is currently working on repairing her right lung, but we don't know for sure if it is viable, which means... - she stopped for a moment, not sure how the man in front of her would react to such news. 
- That there is a chance you will have to remove it. But she could live with just one lung, right? - he made sure.
- With some restrictions, but yes. 
- Then in the end it doesn't matter. How about her kidney and spine? - he asked, eager to know more. 
- The kidney is being worked on as we speak, but the spine... - she stopped for a moment, trying to find the best words to explain the situation to someone unfamiliar with medical jargon. - The best way to get to the lumbar vertebrae would be from the back, which would require a change of position. And since the injuries on the front of her body are so extensive, the new position might be dangerous for her, so there will be benefits to closing her up, letting the body rest and regenerate for a few days, and proceeding with second surgery later in a week. 
- Wouldn't leaving it as it is, be dangerous as well? I mean - is there a chance of the fragments moving and injuring her spinal cord?
- That's exactly why we haven't decided on the best course of action just yet. We still have to finish working on her kidney, lung, and ribs, while the neurosurgeon assesses which option would be the safest and does more scans to see if going from the front would be possible. It's unconventional, but it has been successfully done. - she explained and Toto nodded. 
- Thank you for explaining that to me... - she just smiled gently and walked away. 
It was the first time he looked at the clock, and it was almost midnight, but he didn't feel that at all. Time was weird, because he felt like the crash had happened just a few seconds ago, and at the same time as if centuries passed since he saw your car barreling down the track. And then he heard an unfamiliar voice calling out your name. He instantly turned around in that direction and saw a medical responder in full gear. She repeated your name once again and Toto finally put his hand up. 
She quickly came closer and sat in front of him.
- Good evening, sir... I was one of the first responders to the crash, and I was responsible for intubating Y/n. - she started explaining, and Toto was too exhausted to ask what it was about, or even to introduce himself. - But before I did that... She was awake for just a moment. And she asked me to pass the message, the problem is... I don't know to whom. - it was like he caught a second wind because he instantly focused on the woman in front of him. 
- What did she say...? - he asked, leaning forward. He knew everyone was listening, but he didn't care. 
- She said... "Why didn't I say it back... Please tell him that I love him." - Toto blinked a few times as if the words had trouble reaching him, but when they finally did... He started to laugh like a maniac, and everyone looked at him in worry that he actually snapped or went crazy.
Earlier today, when you were both just waking up with the first rays of sunshine peeking over the horizon, he said those three magic words for the first time... Three words, eight letters... He didn't expect anything in return, because he knew how hard expressing any emotions came to you, but it was important to him to assure you that he, indeed, loved you and wasn't planning to go anywhere. He also knew that you loved him, because you had your own way of showing that to him... 
So, to hear that when you were convinced you were dying, the last thought in your mind was telling him something he already knew for a while was... a bit absurd. But then it hit him... You did that because you thought that he didn't know you loved him. And your possible last thought was letting him know that you weren't in it just for fun, that you were serious about your relationship. And that made him freeze. 
- Sir...? - the lady in front of him reached to touch him but stopped last second. 
- I'm sorry... I know who that message was for... Thank you for passing it on. - he gave her a weak smile, and she just nodded. - And thank you for what you did for her... It means a lot to me. - he added quieter, and just like that, she was gone. 
The atmosphere in the waiting room was still extremely tense, but that didn't stop a few of the drivers from dozing off. Someone even ordered pizzas, but Toto didn't move... He didn't eat, didn't drink, didn't say anything... He was a shell of himself while his heart was being cut open, stabbed, prodded, and stitched back up on the operating table just a few meters away. 
And while at first people were brushing it off as a team principal caring for his driver, the few closest to him realized that there was more. Finally, Bono had enough and sat right next to him.
- How long...? - he whispered quietly enough that no one else was able to hear. 
- I don't know what... - Toto immediately wanted to deny everything and play stupid, but one look from his friend and he folded. - 5 months... - he said, barely any sound leaving his lips. 
- And the thing the paramedic said...? - he asked, but only got a nod in reply. - Shiiiiiiit... - this time Toto looked at him confused. - I lost the betting pool.
- What? 
- We have... Well, now had... A betting pool because we noticed that you were much happier for quite some time. The most popular option was antidepressants, and I bet on that, not gonna lie. - Toto just blinked a few times, still trying to process what was being said. - There was also a winning streak, therapy, someone you hated dying, that you got laid, but Lewis was the only one that bet on a new relationship. I mean - there were a few more people who bet on the relationship, but Lewis nailed the 5 months. - Toto still couldn't believe what he was hearing, but somehow, the absurdity of the situation helped him relax just a little.
- You make bets... about my private life? - he was genuinely curious if it was the first time. 
- Well... Yeah. Because you're all mysterious and shit. It's easy to make up some crazy stories just for fun. - Bono just shrugged. - None of us suspected that you and her... I mean, in public, you were equally close with... - he stopped and pointed with his chin in the direction of the familiar face in blue scrubs. 
- We were able to save the lung and a kidney. All ribs are secured in their places. - Toto sighed with relief for the first time since he saw the car tumbling on the tracks. - The head of neuro managed to find a way to repair the vertebrae from the front, but it will be a long procedure. The angle he has to go in from is very unusual and taxing, but we will be able to do everything today. Her vitals are stable, her heart is strong... She's doing well, sir. We still don't know the extent of her brain injury, which will have to wait till she wakes up, but we are optimistic that she will. - she smiled softly and gently squeezed his arm. 
- Thank you... - and with that, she was gone again, and Toto looked around the waiting room... It was almost 3 AM, and the surgery started... around 10 hours ago. And yet the whole younger generation of drivers was here, most of them still in gear... Some were on the uncomfortable chairs, some quietly talking, and few even fell asleep on the floor. Even though you were all competitors, and you weren't even a full-seat driver yet, they still respected you and your skills a lot. - Guys, I think you should go back to your hotels and get some sleep... Or just rest... I'll let you know in the morning how the surgery went. - few heads turned in his direction, but no one moved. Lando finally broke the silence. 
- With all due respect sir, she wouldn't leave any of us... - Toto couldn't help but feel... pride. Not just for you, but for them. Just 10 years ago this type of situation wouldn't be possible... After the crash, maybe one or two drivers, who were the closest to the injured one, would be in the hospital, but never for this long... And never this many... They were good kids, and it meant that the times were changing. 
- I can't disagree with that... - he smiled. - Thank you all. - he added and sat right back. Now, that most of your injuries were under control, he let himself think of anything else, and that turned out to be those boys behind him. He quickly wrote a few messages to the other team principals, letting them know where most of their drivers were and asking them to arrange at least a change of clothes, because the majority of them still had sensors under their gear, and that must have been uncomfortable. He also took time to bring every single one of them a cup of that awfully sweet hot chocolate and spent a few minutes talking with them one on one about whatever they needed to get off their chests. And next to being worried about you, most of them were scared... 
It took a while, but he finally came back to his original chair and for the first time - leaned back in it and stretched, but that wasn't near enough for him to release all the tension collected in his body. But now... Now he allowed himself to hope. 
The next time he saw Alex, she was with another doctor, and it was already getting bright outside. All of the drivers - now in regular clothing - were sleeping on each other in different combinations, and only George was awake beside himself. 
- The operation was a success... - she started, and Toto felt as if someone finally took the weight of the whole world from his shoulders, the relief of it forcing tears out of his eyes. - She's already stitched up, and soon we will move her to a recovery room, where you will be able to see her - for the first few hours, just through the glass and then in person. - you lived. That's all that mattered. - She will be in a medically induced coma for at least a few days to prevent her brain from swelling more. We will continue monitoring her, and based on the results we will decide when will be the best time to wake her up. - the young doctor explained and when she looked over the waiting room, she added. - She... She's stable, but she doesn't look well... - the tone of her voice was enough to convey what she really wanted to say. 
- They won't take no for an answer... They will want to see her. - he quietly said. - They look young, well, they are young... It's hard to explain, but they need to see her. They need to see for themselves that she's alive... - Alex looked at the older doctor who gave silent permission. - Thank you for all you did... For saving her...
- I can take you to see her now, but the rest... Groups of 3 the most. - Toto nodded and another sigh of relief escaped his chest. He still couldn't believe what happened. When he saw the crash, he was mentally preparing for the funeral, but now... Now you were alive. Still extremely injured and with months if not years of therapy in front of you, but you were alive. Fuck everything else. 
- Can you give me a minute...? I'd like to tell them myself. - he explained and after getting a quiet “sure”, he went first to Bono and James, who were sleeping in the chairs next to each other, and very quickly explained what he just heard. After that, he went around the room and quietly told everyone else. Some of the younger ones immediately started crying from relief, and he couldn't blame them, because he did the exact same, so he just pulled them into a wordless hug until they calmed down. It definitely took more than a minute, and he felt a bit bad for keeping the young doctor awake, but when he took a quick look in her direction, she smiled at him, letting him know that he can take as long as he needs. This was definitely an unusual situation. 
But eventually, everyone was up to speed, and the atmosphere in the room relaxed a bit. There were even a few awkward laughs, but Toto wasn't there to hear them. He was walking a couple of steps behind the young doctor who was kind enough to update him over the last fifteen hours, and he tried to mentally prepare himself for what he was about to see. You were alive. That's all that mattered. 
It wouldn't be the first time he saw someone after the crash, hell - he was in one himself. Albeit not such a serious one... He was around the track long enough to know that even the nonlethal injuries weren't pretty, he saw what could happen to drivers who either weren't careful, skillful, or lucky enough. But you were definitely careful and skillful enough. But today, well... yesterday. You didn't have enough luck. A mechanical failure. Two of the things that had so many fail-safes, he wasn't sure he could count that high. But somehow all of them failed... He knew there would be an investigation, but that didn't matter. Because you were alive. 
So, when he finally saw you through the thick glass... He broke. He had to hold himself on the metal barrier in front of the window just not to fall over, and the young doctor put his arm under his, trying to assist him until he'd be able to stand straight. You looked so small connected to all the heavy machinery in the room. A thick tube down your throat, a bag of full blood connected to the IV port in your arm, all the cables coming from under the bandages on your chest... The draining tubes coming from under the bandages on your thighs... Your face was swollen, with bruises in multiple places, and your head was shaved and covered in bandages. He couldn't help but laugh at that one detail... You wanted to shave your head for ages but never found the right moment with all the press and photoshoots. 
And your hands... Somehow, they didn't fit the picture... They were pristine, not counting the IVs... No bruises, no bandages, no anything... Your long fingers looked exactly the same as they did this morning when you intertwined them with his, just as he was about to tell you he loves you.
- I'm sorry, it's just... - he started, but he couldn't finish, so he just rested his forehead on the cold glass in front of him, trying so hard not to let tears into his eyes.
- It can be a lot, seeing a loved one like this... I understand... 
- She's alive... - he failed. He tried to convince himself that it was enough, but seeing you like that... So small, so... weak. It hit him. He wouldn't be able to live without seeing you wildly dance on the roof of one of the many hotels you stayed in during the racing season... Without hearing your broken singing from under the shower in the morning... Without your contagious laughter at something stupid, he said... He needed you more than he needed to breathe, and it scared him. 
He wiped the tears with the back of his hand, straighten his posture, and did his best to compose himself. Not for himself, but for the people who were about to see you like that. You lived... and for now that had to be enough. 
He didn't leave your room since he was allowed to enter it for the first time... Sitting at your bed, holding your hand, putting on the music he knew you'd like, reading aloud... And with every passing day, you started looking... stronger. The color started returning to your skin, and the bruising and swelling on your face slowly started healing. The drivers kept visiting you, and when they had to leave to prepare for the next race - they kept sending you gifts. 
Lewis stayed the longest after he finally got well enough to leave his room... He spent the entire day at your side, holding your hand, apologizing profusely, and praying... And after he didn't have any more tears left in him, he started telling you stories he knew you'd love. He was also the one to bring that perfume you bought in Egypt and which you absolutely adored; he put a drop of it behind your ears and on your wrists and left the bottle on the nightstand. 
George was the one to take it the hardest... Even though he tried his best not to show it when he was visiting, Toto knew. He knew how close the two of you were, and all the crazy adventures you shared. You were like siblings on crack and the things you could get into when let out of the bullpen... He honestly couldn't believe that you haven't been arrested yet for some of the stuff you pulled... That's why the last time he visited before leaving the UK, Toto suggested talking to a therapist and George agreed.
It took more than the few days Alex mentioned after the surgery, but the decision to wake you up was finally made a bit over two weeks after the crash. And he felt like a babe in the woods the whole morning; happy that the medication will be out of your system, but afraid of what would happen if you didn't wake up.
Alex was the one who sat with the both of you in the room, watching your vitals like a hawk, and as soon as she saw any change, she explained to Toto what exactly it meant. Around noon, she made the decision to stop intubating you, because it looked like your brain took over that function. She of course was ready with a new tube, just in case, but it ended up not being necessary; even though one of your lungs wasn't fully healed, enough oxygen was getting to your brain. 
Around noon he started to get antsy, but Alex quickly calmed him down and explained again that it might take even a few days because there is no way to tell how your brain would react. It didn't help much, but having someone to answer his every question was a godsend because he wasn't able to think about worst-case scenarios when there was a professional who said otherwise. 
He wasn't able to eat, but he didn't care... He didn't want to miss the moment when you woke up. But the day ended and nothing changed. In the evening one of the other residents took over for Alex, but Toto still didn't move and didn't let go of your hand. Not even when he rested his head on the bed next to your legs for just a moment. But the moment became a bit longer when he closed his eyes...
A familiar sensation woke him up... Long, cold fingers running through his hair, and he couldn't help but smile, at first - not realizing what it meant. But then it hit him. His eyes shot open, and he immediately sat up. 
Your beautiful eyes were open and full of tears, while your hand found his, and squeezed it tightly. 
- You're awake... - he whispered the obvious... - She's awake! Get a doctor here! - he shouted when he realized you two were alone in the room.
You tried to say something, but the words stuck in your throat due to pain.
- Shhh... Don't say anything just yet... You were intubated and the doctors said it might take some time for it to heal... - he said, without even noticing he started crying, but you decided to ignore him; your determination was much stronger than a little bit of pain. Well, ok... More than a little bit. 
- I... - you started, but the rest of the sentence didn't want to come out...
- I love you... And I know you love me too... I have known it for a while now. You never had to say it... I knew... - he said, brought your hand to his lips, and started pressing soft kisses to the back of it. You extended your finger to wipe one of the tears from his cheek, and his other hand quickly followed, wiping the rest. You looked around the room and noticed all the flowers, the teddy bears, the toys... There was even a... Tamagotchi...? And a brand-new Nintendo Switch...? 
You looked back at Toto with a question painted on your face. 
- The other drivers brought most of this stuff... They still keep sending things even though... - you nudged your head forward, urging him to continue. - Even though they had to leave for the next race. The accident was over two weeks ago, I'll explain everything later, I promise... But now the doctors will have to run some tests, ok...? - you nodded in response and shifted your gaze to the doctors that came into the room just a moment ago. They started simple, asking you to follow the light with your eyes and look in certain directions. And you did whatever they asked, not letting go of Toto's hand. 
You were scared and in pain... But somehow you knew everything will be all right, because despite everything - you weren't alone. And that was certain. 
A/N 2: Please don’t feel obligated/pressured to reblog, because I write mostly for myself. A comment would be appreciated though :) Love, G.
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digitalsonam · 7 hours
Why Choose Autocrest for Certified Used and Premium Car Workshop in Gurgaon?
Owning a luxury car is not just about prestige—it’s about ensuring that your vehicle receives the best care, maintenance, and repair services to maintain its superior performance and appearance. When it comes to servicing premium vehicles, every car owner needs a workshop that not only provides reliable solutions but also understands the intricacies of high-end cars. This is where Autocrest, the leading premium car workshop in Gurgaon, comes into the picture.
Whether you drive a Mercedes, BMW, Audi, or any other premium brand, Autocrest offers certified used car services and premium car workshop expertise that sets them apart in the competitive car repair market in Gurgaon.
Why Choose Autocrest?
Here’s why Autocrest stands as the best premium car workshop in Gurgaon:
1. Expertise with Premium and Luxury Cars
At Autocrest, we understand that luxury cars are engineered differently and require specialized attention. We have a team of the best car mechanics in Gurgaon who are trained to handle the technicalities of premium cars. From engine diagnostics to detailed inspections, our certified experts ensure that your vehicle runs like new after every visit.
Many luxury car owners search for a "premium car workshop near me" to avoid traveling long distances for repairs or maintenance. Autocrest, conveniently located in Gurgaon, provides easy access to top-notch services for premium cars without compromising on quality.
2. Certified Used Car Services
Buying a certified used luxury car can be an excellent way to enjoy a high-end vehicle without the new-car price tag. However, ensuring the car has been thoroughly inspected, maintained, and serviced is crucial. Autocrest specializes in certified used car servicing, guaranteeing that every car undergoes a comprehensive check and repair before it’s back on the road.
Our dedication to transparency and quality service has earned us the title of the best premium car workshop in Gurgaon. Whether you're looking to maintain your certified used car or ensure it's in top condition after purchase, Autocrest is your go-to partner.
3. Comprehensive Range of Services
From regular maintenance to complex engine repairs, Autocrest offers a complete suite of services tailored for luxury vehicles. Whether you're looking for routine oil changes, tire replacements, or advanced car repair in Gurgaon, we’ve got you covered.
Our range of services includes:
Engine Diagnostics
Brake Services
Suspension Checks
Transmission Repair
AC Repair
Detailing and Polishing
Premium Car Wash Services
We also provide specialized services for older luxury models, ensuring every vehicle receives the best possible care.
4. Trusted Customer Reviews
The trust our clients place in us is reflected in our glowing premium car workshop in Gurgaon reviews. Our reputation is built on providing consistent, high-quality service, ensuring that every customer drives away satisfied. From the moment you book an appointment with us, our expert team takes care of every detail—making us the preferred choice for luxury car owners across Gurgaon.
Our clients often praise us for our quick turnaround time, professional mechanics, and the use of genuine parts. Our goal is not just to meet your expectations but to exceed them with every service.
5. Best Car Service in Gurgaon
If you’re looking for the best car service in Gurgaon, Autocrest should be your first choice. We combine the expertise of our skilled mechanics with the latest diagnostic tools and equipment to ensure your car gets the best care possible. Regular servicing of a luxury car is essential to maintain its performance and longevity, and at Autocrest, we make sure your vehicle is always in peak condition.
Whether it’s a routine service or an emergency repair, our team ensures that your car receives top-tier attention every time.
6. Competitive Pricing Without Compromise
One of the concerns of luxury car owners is the high cost of maintenance and repairs at authorized service centers. At Autocrest, we offer a no-compromise solution—our services are on par with authorized workshops but without inflated pricing. Our transparency in pricing and commitment to using only genuine parts sets us apart in the car repair market in Gurgaon.
You can rest easy knowing your car is in expert hands without breaking the bank.
7. Convenient Location and Free Pick-Up/Drop Service
Situated in the heart of Gurgaon, Autocrest is easily accessible to customers across the city. Additionally, for those who lead busy lives, we offer free pick-up and drop-off services, making car maintenance and repairs as hassle-free as possible. With Autocrest, luxury car servicing is no longer an inconvenience but a seamless experience.
8. State-of-the-Art Equipment and Facilities
At Autocrest, we use cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art equipment to diagnose, repair, and service your luxury car. Whether a minor repair or a complete overhaul, our workshop is equipped to handle the most demanding jobs with precision and efficiency. This focus on advanced equipment ensures your vehicle receives the best care in Gurgaon.
9. Personalized Attention and Custom Solutions
Every car and every driver is unique. At Autocrest, we offer personalized attention to each vehicle that comes through our doors. Our mechanics take the time to understand your concerns and provide custom solutions to meet your specific needs. This tailored approach ensures that every service is done with your vehicle's long-term health in mind.
Choosing the right workshop can make all the difference when it comes to maintaining and repairing luxury cars. Autocrest provides the best of both worlds—a certified premium car workshop in Gurgaon with expert technicians, state-of-the-art facilities, and a commitment to customer satisfaction. Whether you need routine maintenance or specialized repairs, our workshop offers unparalleled service at competitive prices.
For luxury car owners in Gurgaon, Autocrest is the ultimate destination for premium car care. Book your appointment today and experience the best in automotive services.
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audibodyshop · 27 days
Mercedes Repair & Maintenance Services | Car Geeks Collision
At Car Geeks Collision, we understand the importance of maintaining your Mercedes in top condition. Our specialized Mercedes Repair & Maintenance Services are designed to keep your luxury vehicle running smoothly and efficiently. Whether you need routine maintenance or more extensive repairs, our team of experts is here to provide the highest quality service.
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Mercedes Repair Services
Your Mercedes deserves the best care, and our Mercedes Repair Services are tailored to meet the unique needs of your vehicle. From engine diagnostics to brake repairs, our certified technicians use state-of-the-art equipment and genuine parts to ensure your Mercedes performs at its best. Trust us for all your auto body repair needs, as we are dedicated to delivering exceptional results.
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Mercedes Maintenance Services
Regular maintenance is key to extending the life of your vehicle. Our Mercedes Maintenance Services include oil changes, tire rotations, brake inspections, and more, all performed by our skilled professionals. By keeping up with routine maintenance, you can avoid unexpected breakdowns and costly repairs in the future.
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Mercedes Body Shop
If your Mercedes has been involved in an accident, our Mercedes body shop is here to restore it to its original condition. As a leading Mercedes Benz body shop, we specialize in collision repair and car body repair. Our team uses advanced technology to ensure precise repairs, so your Mercedes looks and drives like new again.
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Convenient Location
Looking for a Mercedes body shop near me? Car Geeks Collision is conveniently located to serve all your needs. Whether you require auto body repair near me, auto collision repair near me, or general body repair, we’ve got you covered. Our body repair shop is equipped to handle everything from minor dents to major collision repairs.
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Affordable and Reliable Services
We understand that finding a cheap auto body shop near me that offers quality service can be challenging. At Car Geeks Collision, we provide affordable auto body work without compromising on quality. Our autobody repair shop near me offers comprehensive services, ensuring your Mercedes receives the care it deserves.
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When you need reliable car body shop services, trust Car Geeks Collision. Our reputation as the best auto body shop near me is built on delivering outstanding service and customer satisfaction. Whether it’s car collision repair, routine maintenance, or any other collision services, we’re here to help you get back on the road with confidence.
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varcrowsnes · 2 months
European Car Specialists Sydney: Finding the Best European Car Mechanic Near You
When it comes to maintaining and repairing European cars, finding a specialized mechanic is crucial for ensuring the highest quality of service. European cars, such as those from BMW, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, and Volkswagen, are known for their advanced engineering and high-performance standards. Therefore, having a knowledgeable and experienced European car specialist is essential for preserving the vehicle's integrity and performance.
Why Choose a European Car Specialist?
Expertise in European Engineering: European cars often have unique engineering and technology compared to domestic or other international models. A European car specialist in Sydney is trained specifically to handle these complexities, ensuring that your vehicle receives the correct diagnostics and repairs.
Access to Specialized Tools and Equipment: European car mechanics invest in specialized tools and diagnostic equipment designed to work with the intricate systems of European vehicles. This investment ensures accurate repairs and maintenance, reducing the risk of errors that could arise from using generic tools.
In-Depth Knowledge of Manufacturer Specifications: European car specialists Sydney stay updated with the latest manufacturer specifications and repair techniques. This knowledge ensures that any service performed adheres to the manufacturer's standards, maintaining your car’s warranty and longevity.
High-Quality Parts: A reputable European car mechanic in Sydney sources high-quality, OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) parts or approved alternatives. Using quality parts is crucial for the performance and durability of your vehicle.
How to Find a Reliable European Car Mechanic Near Me
Online Reviews and Ratings: Checking online reviews and ratings can provide insight into the experiences of other customers. Look for reviews specifically mentioning European car services to gauge the specialist's reputation.
Word of Mouth: Ask friends, family, or colleagues who own European cars for recommendations. Personal experiences often lead to discovering trustworthy mechanics.
Certifications and Affiliations: Look for mechanics who are certified by relevant automotive bodies or affiliated with European car manufacturers. Certifications indicate a higher level of expertise and adherence to industry standards.
Experience and Specialization: Ensure the mechanic has extensive experience working with European cars and specializes in your vehicle's particular make and model. Experience is a good indicator of the mechanic’s ability to handle complex repairs and maintenance.
Customer Service: A reliable European car specialist should offer excellent customer service, including clear communication, transparent pricing, and a thorough explanation of the work required.
Top European Car Specialists in Sydney
Sydney European Automotive: Known for its comprehensive range of services and highly skilled technicians, Sydney European Automotive specializes in all European car brands.
European Car Specialists Sydney: This service provider offers expert repairs and maintenance for various European vehicles, focusing on high-quality parts and personalized service.
Eurocar Service: With a reputation for exceptional customer service and technical expertise, Eurocar Service is a top choice for European car owners.
Choosing a dedicated European car specialist near me in Sydney ensures that your vehicle receives the best possible care. Whether you need routine maintenance or complex repairs, these experts have the skills and resources to keep your European car running smoothly. Visit us for more information- https://www.varcrowsnest.com.au/
Original source- https://justpaste.me/cJaj3
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intownautocare · 1 year
Do you want your prized vehicle to receive top-notch care and maintenance? Look no further than Intown Auto Care, the premier choice for all your needs for car repair in Moorestown. With over 50 years of experience, we specialize in servicing foreign automobiles, including Audi, Mercedes, Porsche, BMW, Volkswagen, Land Rover, and Mini. Our dedicated team of expert technicians and auto mechanic near me is committed to keeping your vehicle in peak condition.
Comprehensive Auto Repair Services
We understand that your car requires various services over its lifetime to maintain its optimal performance. That's why we offer a wide range of comprehensive auto repair near me services, all under one roof. Whether it's routine maintenance, major repairs, or specialized services, Intown Auto Care has you covered. Here are some of the services we provide:
Air Conditioning Services: Don't suffer through hot summers or chilly winters with a malfunctioning AC system. Our experts will ensure your vehicle's climate control is in perfect working condition.
Tire Services: From tire rotations and balancing to tire replacements, we have a solution for all your tire-related needs.
Computer Diagnostics: Modern cars rely heavily on advanced computer systems. Our diagnostic tools can quickly identify issues and ensure your car's systems are running smoothly.
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Our team of highly skilled ASE-certified technicians is the backbone of our success. ASE certification represents a high level of expertise and commitment to excellence in the automotive industry. When you come to Intown Auto Care for car repair near me, you can be confident that it will be serviced by professionals who know what they are doing. Your safety and satisfaction are our top priorities.
Cutting-Edge Equipment and Genuine Parts
To ensure the highest quality repairs and maintenance, we invest in cutting-edge diagnostic tools and equipment. We also use genuine manufacturer's parts and reliable car care products. These premium components ensure that your vehicle runs smoothly and performs at its best for thousands of miles to come. We spare no effort in providing the best for your car.
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Quality auto repair in Moorestown doesn't have to come with a hefty price tag. At Intown Auto Care, we believe in offering competitive pricing without compromising on the quality of service. We understand that car maintenance and repairs can be a financial concern, and we strive to provide affordable solutions that fit your budget. Our honest estimates ensure you know exactly what to expect, with no hidden fees or surprises.
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Visit us today
When you choose us as your trusted Moorestown mechanic and auto repair partner, you're making an investment in the longevity and performance of your vehicle. Visit us today, and experience the difference that our expertise, comprehensive services, and genuine care can make for your car. Join the Intown Auto Care family, where your automotive needs are our top priority.
InTown Auto Care 309 Mill Street Moorestown, NJ 08057 (856) 234-1868
Visit Our Website: https://www.intownautocare.net/
Find Us On The Map: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=1524154417497252677
Business Profile: https://intown-auto-care.business.site/
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About.me: https://about.me/intownautocare
Angel.co: https://angel.co/intownautocare
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jadgarageseo · 1 year
mercedes specialist near me
Looking for a Mercedes specialist near me? Our certified expert at jadgarage technicians provides high-quality maintenance and repair services for all Mercedes models.With our commitment to customer satisfaction and competitive pricing, you can trust us to provide you with the highest quality service. We use the latest diagnostic technology and genuine parts to ensure that your car is running smoothly and safely. For more info contact us or visit our website.
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challengeau45 · 3 years
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Car Repairs
A car breakdown can be really stressful, since your everyday life revolves around commuting and running errands. Challenge Automotive Ltd can get you back on road by providing fast, reliable and affordable repairs. We specialise in all kinds of mechanical and electronic breakdowns and also provide dealership-level logbook service to keep your vehicle in great shape. Visit us today.
Visit : https://www.challengeautomotiveltd.co.uk
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houseisekai · 3 years
House Isekai: A Realm Reborn - Part 5, Steel and Steam (Prologue)
House Isekai ARR Masterlist Here
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After the battle with the Crimson Weapon, the staff of House Isekai take their time to recuperate.
Meanwhile, an arrival long overdue sets to appear...
[Evening Moments - The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel]
(Rean) "Ow!"
Rean grabbed his arm and made Towa recoil, almost making her drop the bandages.
(Towa) "S-Sorry! Did I wrap it too tight?"
Rean shook his head.
(Rean) "No, you're fine, Towa. It's just kind of sensitive."
Rean and Aigis went to the staff room to check on any injuries they sustained Crimson.
They were shortly joined by Towa, Kazuma, and Mercedes.
Towa attended to Rean while Aigis ran diagnostics on herself, leaving Kazuma and Mercedes free to chat and catch up.
Rean sat on the chair near their meeting table while Towa attempted to patch up any of the cuts from being shaken around.
(Kazuma) "I still can't believe Edelgard made goddamn superweapons...Well, actually yeah I can, cause I've met her but still..."
(Towa) "I can only imagine how Sitri feels."
(Mercedes) "Poor thing has been working herself to the bone these past 2 years. I don't think anyones been told what Edelgard was up to."
(Kazuma) "And because of that we gotta clean up the mess as usual. Fantastic."
(Aigis) "I am more concerned with how the Separatists got a hold of these weapons. If they were in the Adrestian military, there's no telling if the Kingdom or Alliance has the same level of security breach..."
(Rean) "There's no use overthinking on it for now, not when we still don't know anything of the state of Fodlan. Heck, a week ago we didn't even know they even had tech similar to ours to begin with."
(Towa)  "Makes you wonder what else they're keeping from us."
(Everyone) "..."
No one said anything until they heard a knock at the door.
(Tear) "Excuse us, is now a bad time?"
(Mercedes) "Not at all, please come in!"
Tear floated in next to Recette as they entered the room.
(Recette) "Hey guys! I heard you went to fight something really scary, I'm glad you guys are alright!"
(Aigis) "Thank you for your concern, Recette. Actually, what are you doing here?"
(Recette) "We were gonna go out into town today, right?"
(Kazuma) "...Oh yeah!"
Kazuma's mood immediately lifted.
(Kazuma) "We've yet to do anything official to solidify us as teachers!"
(Towa) "So does our last trips out to Edmund territory not count?"
(Kazuma) "Bah, you know what I mean! You guys used to go out drinking and crap in the old House!"
(Mercedes) "I believe that was just Professor Sara and Byleth though."
(Rean) "I've never seen Sharon or Doomguy drink. And eat or sleep now that I think on it-."
(Towa) "Angie and I always stuck with Megunee to get paperwork done-"
(Kazuma) "Shut up everyone. We can just say this is to celebrate us becoming teachers, or something like that."
(Aigis) "Well...I have heard worse ideas from Junpei for celebrations."
(Kazuma) "Then its settled! Everyone get your a-...Butts moving! Mercedes lead the way to the best Tavern!"
Mercedes giggled.
(Mercedes) "Right this way."
(Recette) "Um...What should I drink? I think I'm underage."
(Tear) "We will get you some water while us adults can drink."
(Recette) "Wha- But you're so much smaller than me!"
The staff of House Isekai went into the residential district of Garreg Mach to enjoy a drink together.
They tried to find Sitri first, but she was nowhere to be found.
Kazuma, Rean, Tear, and Mercedes got a large mug of ale, while Towa had and Recette got themselves water.
Kazuma looked over to Aigis and noticed she had nothing in her hands.
(Kazuma) "Aigis, why aren't you getting anything? The treasury's gonna pay for this, live a little!"
(Aigis) "I cannot drink, Kazuma."
(Kazuma) "...Oh, right. I keep forgetting."
(Towa) "Hah, it's pretty easy to, considering how human she is."
(Rean) "Yeah, she's definitely come a long way since we first met her."
Aigis began blushing.
(Aigis) "W-Well..."
(Recette) "How did you guys first meet anyway?"
(Tear) "I am quite curious as well. We have always been told about what House Isekai was, but never how they were formed in the beginning."
Kazuma gulped down his mug before responding.
(Kazuma) "Let's see, the first to arrive was my group. Myself, Megumin, Darkness, and Aqua. We sorta just crashed into Fodlan out of nowhere. Ended up meeting Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude, and Byleth."
(Mercedes) "It feels like such a lifetime ago when we first met! Heh, you four caused so much trouble before the others arrived!"
(Kazuma) "Me? No, that's the others who are freaks, I'm perfectly normal!"
(Rean) "Riiiiight.-"
(Kazuma) "Shut up, Schwarzer."
(Towa) "But our stories are kind of similar, we just ended up being teleported from our worlds to here, a group at a time."
(Aigis) "It was always chaotic when a new group arrived...Come to think of it-"
Aigis turned to Recette and Tear.
(Aigis) "You two were present during our final assault on the Zanado Tower, weren't you?"
(Recette) "Hm...Oh, yeah! That was a really scary day."
(Tear) "That is when we technically first met, but you all were obviously busy."
Aigis furrowed her brow.
That day she had been able to record everything, and she definitely remembered seeing the new Class VII.
Yet they don't seem to remember House Isekai. In fact, they didn't even remember the Tower showing up.
Neither did anyone in her world.
(Rean) "Aigis? Is everything okay?"
(Aigis) "Ah, pay me no mind. I simply remembered something but I will tell you all later. We are supposed to be celebrating, aren't we?"
(Kazuma) "Damn right! Let's enjoy this night before we get back to teaching those brats!"
Kazuma raised his mug to the air and everyone followed suit with what drink they had in hand.
(Kazuma) "To us teachers!"
(Towa) "Here, here!"
(Rean) "Hah, cheers."
(Aigis) "To us!"
(Mercedes) "To House Isekai!"
(Recette) "Erm, do we count?"
Tear shrugged.
Everyone clanked their drinks together and drank away.
After spending the evening in the tavern, everyone went to their respective rooms.
[Troubled - Persona 3 OST]
Aigis remained awake, replaying the sentence Recette said in her head.
She walked towards the training hall to where Valimar was, slowly opening the door and found him remaining in place.
As she approached, his eyes suddenly flickered to life.
(Valimar) "Aigis. How may I be of assistance?"
(Aigis) "Do you recall the day when we made our final assault on the Zanado Tower, Valimar?"
(Valimar) "Indeed. I have it stored in my data banks, as I am assuming you have as well."
(Aigis) "I would like for us to compare notes. The people we encountered on the way to the Tower, do they not seem familiar?"
(Valimar) "...Multiple reports match."
The first images Valimar projected was of Recette and Tear.
(Valimar) "Recette had provided the School-Living Club with weapons. And shortly after:-"
The next images displayed soldiers in various colors of red and blue, and the ODST's.
(Valimar) "While their armors do not match, their weapons do."
Both groups weapons ranging from the assault rifles to pistols were exactly the same.
Aigis put her finger to her chin.
(Aigis) "And there was the Space Marine: Raelyn."
(Valimar) "Correct. Others wielding his same power armor, albeit a different color, were encountered on the way."
(Aigis) "Hm...I may have a theory on why the newcomers were brought here."
(Valimar) "What of the others encountered, such as the farmer?"
Aigis took a moment to figure out who he was talking about.
(Aigis) "Ah, the small blonde one."
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(Aigis) "...We do not have enough data. In fact, we are unsure as to why the Knights of Favonius are present at all. Tomorrow I will share my findings with the staff. We will not disclose this to the students since something with Class VII is bothering me."
(Valimar) "...You are referring to our first meeting with them."
(Aigis) "They should be able to remember us. Would you please project that moment?"
Valimar did as he was asked, and replayed the moment House Isekai and the new Class VII met.
(Juna) “Instructor?!”
The group jumped through the portal and saw a massive tower in the field, the giant suits engaging the targets as students ran around with their weapons opening fire. The skies were the same pale white color.
(Kurt) “Instructor Rean? Why…are you so young looking?”
(Altina) “This is not an appropiate time to be asking.”
(Musse) “Oooh, he was so handsome when he was our age~”
(Ash) “Knock it off will ya?!”
Ash used his scythe to slice apart a Phantom that got too close to the group.
(Ash) “You gonna sit there or get your ass moving?!”
(Aigis) "Surely they would've mentioned the fact they've seen us before to Rean, right?"
(Valimar) "They have made no mention of House Isekai while we were in our world."
(Aigis) "So why is it that people like Recette and Tear know who we are, yet the worlds we've inhabited don't?"
Aigis shook her head in mild frustration.
(Aigis) "I suppose we will find out in due time. I only pray that the answer is something troubling..."
Aigis turned to Valimar and gave a slight bow.
(Aigis) "Thank you for confirming this with me, Valimar."
(Valimar) "A pleasure to assist as always, Aigis. Entering low power mode."
Valimar's eyes flickered off as Aigis walked out the training hall.
[Full Fathom Five - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
Sitri stood silently as she watched the memories play out in front of her again.
Well, it was technically Sothis' memories.
Sitri had said rewatching what happened might give them a clue on how to lead this new Garreg Mach, though she'd be lying if she said it was solely for that reason.
Half of why she wanted to watch these memories was to see what happened while she was dead.
Though there was a moment Sitri always watched without fail everytime she was here.
Byleth and the original House Isekai was fighting in Abyss against a horrific creature that used to be her friend.
He had fused with Sitri's body in order for her to come back to life, though the process went terribly wrong.
Byleth landed the final blow on him, reverting their bodies back to normal.
Sitri couldn't help but stare at her body again.
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To think, she would outlive her son and husband when she was a walking corpse.
She stared at her own hand, still not knowing why she was alive instead of Byleth.
If he were in her shoes, he might have known what to do.
Sothis appeared next to Sitri, the memory slowly fading out of existence and leaving them in an empty room surrounded by crystals.
(Sitri) "I still can't believe Aelfric did all of that just to have me return."
(Sothis) "I guess it must run in my family to have someone try raise you from the dead."
Sitri sighed. She wasn't amused by Sothis' attempt to lighten the mood.
(Sothis) "I know what you're thinking, and honestly I'm not sure how Byleth managed to keep up either. Our situation is far more gray than what it used to be."
Sothis floated towards the front of Sitri.
(Sothis) "And thinking about the what ifs aren't going to help us in the present."
(Sitri) "Well how else can I lead Garreg Mach? It's been House Isekai taking the lead, and I'm the headmaster! If I can't even do my job, then what am I here for? My son was able to save everyone and unite them! I don't even know why I'm here!"
Sitri slumped down against the wall looking down.
(Sitri) "2 years and we haven't been able to find out a single thing about me. My power and even my life came from someone else..."
(Sothis) "..."
She floated next to Sothis and her memories began materializing once more.
(Sothis) "Do you know who else Byleth had?"
Sitri looked up and saw an image of her son, figures slowly appearing next to him.
(Sothis) "Me, the staff, all of old House Isekai, the three houses of Garreg Mach."
Sothis floated slowly back to Sitri's line of sight.
(Sothis) "He didn't do it alone. And neither will you."
(Sitri) "...Thank you, Sothis."
Sothis nodded as Sitri stood up.
Her doubts weren't entirely cast aside, but she would at least begin to reflect a bit more positively.
(Sothis) "Besides, its only been a week since House Isekai has arrived, you've got plenty of more times to have a breakdown when the others get here."
Sothis immediately looked exhausted.
(Sothis) "I know I'm definitely not looking forward to Aqua's boasting again. Even Venti seems to have better self restraint..."
(Sitri) "Er, I know Aqua is a goddess, but Venti?"
(Sothis) "He seems to be using that appearance for some reason, but I can clearly tell he's far more powerful than he lets on."
Sitri sighed again, but less out of frustration and more confusion.
(Sitri) "The fact I know even a single god is insane, but now knowing three..."
(Sothis) "I have taken a glimpse at other gods from the newcomer's worlds. You should be glad they will never appear here."
Sothis began floating out, motioning Sitri to follow.
She had enough of brooding for now.
(Sitri) "Such as?"
(Sothis) "Well...-"
The two continued to make small talk as they went outside of the room and down a flight of stairs.
Echoes of both their memories played in the background, of both House Isekai's and the times well before their appearance.
They were about to summon a portal back to Garreg Mach before they heard a loud crashing noise, pieces falling everywhere.
(Sitri) "What was that?"
(Sothis) "Was that from one of the memories?"
They both looked around before stopping at a phantom of Aqua near a bookshelf.
(Aqua) "Bookshelf, why do you do this to me?!"
(Sothis) "Oh, that explains it."
(Sitri) "How does a book falling on her head sound like that?!"
(Sothis) "Oh, that wasn't from the book, the idiot actually damaged the shelf and the entire thing fell on her."
Sothis and Sitri continued and teleported out of the Zanado Tower.
Another crashing noise came from within the Tower and a voice eventually ringing out.
(Ryuji's voice) "...Ow!"
House Isekai: A Realm Reborn - Part 5
Steel and Steam
[Raise Your Flag - MAN WITH A MISSION]
Raise your flag
With all your voice
With all your voice
Shout it out loud with all your voice
One day
Someday somewhere
Dream on as we wander
Under pressure, you are waiting for direction
Going on the road without your mind
All misleads they give ignoring our decisions
Killing yourself your soul we have inside
Continue the struggle and feel like you’re discouraged
Rise up again to run to the end
In between the never-ending dream
We can struggle and muzzle the world before it fades away
Raise your flag
With all your voice
With all your voice
Shout it out loud with all your voice
One day
Someday somewhere
Believing that we will reach that goal
Come on and Raise your flag
So just Raise your flag
No matter how many times we feel defeated or lost
As long as we breathe
As long as we carry on
Dream on as we wander
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mobilemechanicsabq · 3 years
Best Mobile Car Repair Service and Cost in Albuquerque NM | Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque
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Are you looking for Mobile Car Repair service near Albuquerque NM? Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque,We are able to provide an incredibly wide variety of services from reparative to emergencies at any location. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. BestMobile Car Repair Service around Albuquerque NM. We serve Albuquerque NMand other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
 Top Mobile Car Repair in Albuquerque NM
Mobile Car Repair service near Albuquerque NM: Car owners struggling with a broken down vehicle in Albuquerque NMor the surrounding counties can now receive the most convenient auto repair services from Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque's highly trained mobile mechanics. We bring the shop to you so you can save time, money, and even stress! To book your appointment with one of our mobile mechanics, you will need to get in contact with us so we can ask you a couple questions about your vehicle. Once we have all the information we need, we will give your our affordable auto repair quote with absolutely no hidden fees! We are able to provide an incredibly wide variety of services from reparative to emergencies at any location. So don't miss out on your just because your car isn't running correctly, give Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque a call and you'll be back on the road before you know it.
 Why Choose a Mobile Mechanic
Mobile Car Repair service near Albuquerque NM: Mobile mechanics are successfully transforming the auto repair industry from something that once was a huge inconvenience to something that is as easy as ordering a pizza for delivery. Not only will we save you unnecessary stress, but we will also save you time and money. Since we bring our services to a location of your choosing, you won't have to deal with a tow truck or pay those avoidable expenses. Also, while our mobile mechanic is servicing your vehicle, you will have the freedom to do whatever you want with your time. You are more than welcome to watch our mechanic and ask all of your burning auto repair questions, but we also understand that people have busy lives. That's why you will also have the option of leaving and spending your time elsewhere. If you choose to leave during your appointment, you can be confident that our mechanic will be able to efficiently resolve any issue that occurs because, at Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque, we carefully select each mechanic in our team through our intensive hiring process. That process includes multiple background checks so we can ensure that our customers will be receiving the highest quality service possible. Book your appointment with us today!
How to Schedule an Appointment with Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque
To schedule your appointment, you will need to get in contact with us. You can either call us or fill out the short form on our website. When you do that, we will ask you to give us the year, make, and model of your vehicle as well as describe the problems you are experiencing. If you don't know what's wrong with your vehicle, no problem! We also offer diagnostic services where our mechanic would come out and take a quick look at your vehicle. Once they find the issue, they will figure out the best way to fix it! After we know what kind of car you have and what the problem is, we will calculate your auto repair quote. We will stand by our quote so the quote we give you will be completely accurate! Then you will be able to choose a good date and location for your appointment and our mechanic will meet you there on-time and fully prepared. Our convenient auto repair services are only one call away, so book your appointment today!
What to Expect From a Service Appointment
The service appointment will be super simple for you because the only thing we ask is that you make sure you are available during the start of the service so you can give our mobile mechanic the keys to your car. After that, you will be able to stay or go, whatever you prefer! All of our mobile mechanics have plenty of experience in the auto repair industry so you can rest assured that your vehicle will be in very good hands. If you do wish to spend your time elsewhere, we will be sure to send you a quick text when our service has been completed. Then our mechanic will clean up the area and you will be able to take your vehicle out for a cruise once again!
​Our Services
Our experience will keep your vehicle in top condition. We use the latest diagnostic technology to provide high-quality service and quick turnaround. We are highly skilled and have several years of experience working on foreign & domestic vehicles.
Foreign & Domestic Repairs
●      Complete Computer Diagnostics
●      ABS, Traction, SRS, ESP, Etc.
●      Starting and Charging Systems
●      Drivability Problems
●      Tune-ups
●      Oil Changes & Scheduled Services
●      Brake system repair, brake pads/rotors calipers, lines, shoes, ABS sensors
●      Mercedes Benz systems (90-2010)
●      Steering and Suspension
●      Drive belt, tensioners, pulleys
●      Fuel System Services, pumps, injectors, filters & cleaning
●      Coolant System leaks and repair
●      CV Axle & Hub bearing service
●      Air Conditioning Service
●      Electrical Systems
●      Fleet Maintenance E150 - E350 vans
 Mobile Car Repair Service – The Pros and Cons
Mobile Car Repair service near Albuquerque NM: Not too long ago, I was testing a car down Berger Road when I saw a man working under a school bus! He was changing the oil on the street! This got me thinking about mobile vehicle services. Some mobile automotive services are already common, such as mobile detailing and mobile windshield and glass repair; but what about mobile mechanics?
Mobile mechanics have increased in popularity over the last 8-10 years. This trend has likely been influenced by economic necessity stemming from the recession as well as the shift towards customer convenience.
A few companies in Albuquerque NM and throughout offer mobile mechanics. It’s easy to see what attracts people to this service, but how do the pros weigh against the cons?
Let’s take a look.
1. Price: Mobile mechanics do not have the added overhead of a facility and associated equipment. The resulting lower costs can save customers 20-30%.
2. Convenience: Mobile mechanics come to you at home or at work. This eliminates the need to take time from work, school, or other responsibilities in order to service your car, and can save you a significant amount of money.
3. It makes sense: This mobile option is ideal for certain preventive maintenance jobs that don’t take too long.
1. Limited access to the larger equipment needed to service vehicles:
Lifts: Mobile mechanics may not have access to the lifts that allow for inspection of a car’s underside.  This step is very important, so ask if they have a professional quality lift rather than a jack and stands as with the mobile mechanic featured in the photo below. A jack and stands  can be dangerous on uneven surfaces especially on the side of a road.
2. Fewer resources: There is no one around to provide help if the mechanic needs a second hand or a second opinion. (Though with smartphones this is not such an issue now.)
3. Lack of more complex tools: Some factory equivalent scan tools cost so much they are out of reach for mobile mechanics.
4. Limitations based on job size: Larger jobs- those that require removing the interior of a car, for example- would be impossible to do in a driveway.
5. Limitations due to weather: Limitations in emergency situations.
6. In general, mobile mechanics are a good option for consumers who are looking for convenient and affordable car servicing rather than repairs.
When searching for a mobile mechanic, remember to:
●      Check for certifications like ASE.
●      Read reviews on Google, Angie’s List, and Consumer Report.
●      Ask for references.
●      Confirm that the parts and labor have a warranty.
Create a full-service online auto repair shop for your loyal customers
Mobile Car Repair service near Albuquerque NM: There are hardly any apps that provide all-in-one vehicle servicing. Apps like Filld, Yoshi, Spiffy, Washe are refueling and car wash apps. The genre for fully-fledged mobile mechanics service is yet to be explored. With an app like Uber for car repair, you can offer everything from oil changes to tune-ups to brake jobs and no-starts.
Being an owner of a car repair business, your app for mobile mechanics should provide your user with a fixed quote, depending on their maintenance & service, with special requirements. With app development, you as a repair agent can easily streamline the job process, and can also allow other agents to take on the work.
Professional platform in the form of app for automotive technicians
There are many car repair experts and garage owners who are looking for new customers, so an online platform is the best solution to earn some extra income. With a mobile app for car repair service can be a platform that can bridge the gap between the customers and mechanics who need jobs to do.
Provide seamless feature integration for a successful user experience
The first thing that you should consider after deciding a car repair app idea is its features. To improve user experience for better mobile design, features play a major role. Consider features which are easy to understand and are user intuitive
How Much Is the Average Mobile Car Repair
Mobile Car Repair service near Albuquerque NM: They say if you have to ask, you probably can’t afford it. That means tens of millions of Americans must be asking that question every year. According to a just-released study by travel-services giant AAA, the average auto repair bill comes to between $500 and $600 and 1 in 3 motorists can’t pay it without incurring debt.
Moreover, car owners are procrastinating on routine maintenance activities, which could lead to problems down the line that send repair costs even higher. A separate AAA study found that a third of U.S. drivers defer or neglect recommended service and repairs. Not only does this threaten to ratchet up repair costs later on, it also puts people at increased risk of a vehicle breakdown.
While it may seem that skipping maintenance and repairs can save money in the short term, staying on top of car care can save drivers hundreds of dollars in the long run, said John Nielsen, AAA’s managing director of Automotive Engineering and Repair.
The average cost of owning and operating a vehicle, AAA said, is about $8,500 and includes monthly payments, insurance and gas. But the cost, for example, of a new timing belt on average is between $400 and $900, an alternator or starter replacement is $400 to $600, and brakes are around $500.
Here’s what AAA recommends to keep your car and your bank account in good health:
●      Set aside $50 a month for emergency auto repairs.
●      Follow the automaker’s recommended maintenance schedule, which can be found in your owner’s manual or often online.
●      Get cozy with a mechanic you trust before you find yourself in need of one.
●      Get a written estimate for unanticipated repairs and confirm which repairs need to be done with the mechanic.
●      Get a second opinion if you can.
●      Take advantage of shop discounts or payment plans that help reduce out-of-pocket expenses, and see if there’s room to negotiate those costs.
How much should a mobile mechanic charge?
The mobile mechanic I use typically charges $70 an hour. Simple repairs can be done at my house but he usually takes it to his workshop where it can be hoisted etc. when it is serviced, pretty handy.
What do mobile mechanics do?
Mobile Car Repair service near Albuquerque NM: Both mobile mechanic services do dozens of maintenance and repair jobs, such as oil changes, batteries, timing belt replacement, brakes and air conditioning repairs, but they don't do internal engine or transmission repair or other jobs that require specialized eq
Most independent repair shops charge between $70-$90 per hour and most dealerships charge between $80-$125 per hour. If you find a good repair shop that you can trust to do great work and give you excellent service, then be happy to pay them their rate and take your cars to them whenever you need them serviced.
what is the average hourly rate for auto repair? Average hourly rate is $80 to $100 an hour. The going average hourly rate for a mechanic ranges from $80 to $100 an hour. After analyzing a bill that could also include expensive parts, many auto repair shop customers are left scratching their heads and wondering if they are being ripped off.
Will I know how much the car service or car repair will end up or will I get a big surprise?
After an initial inspection the mechanic will show you a written estimate of work required and associated costs - you are always in control of the cost and will not get a nasty surprise. If the job looks like it will go over our original estimate we will contact you first before proceeding, that's all part of our no surprise guarantee.
 How does your pricing work?
We have fixed price servicing and for any additional work we make a point of providing written estimates before work commences on your vehicle. If you know what is wrong with your car, we can give you an estimate over the phone - or you can contact us to see just how good our prices are.
This depends upon what you need. We always strive to give you a fixed price up front and let you be in control of costs. If you are unsure what is wrong, and need a mechanic to check, we have a Repair Call Out of  $80.50 (including GST) which includes 30 minutes of labor. After this, we then charge a reasonable hourly rate in 15 Minute increments. You won't pay any more unless you agree to our price estimate. (The Repair Call Out Fee doesn't apply to services or repairs with a service.)
 Do I have to pay on the day of the job?
Yes. Payment needs to be made at the completion of the job. We accept EFTPOS and all major Credit Cards, except for American Express.
 What is the warranty on your work?
Our services and repairs are fully guaranteed and covered by our 12 month / 20,000km warranty on all parts and workmanship, not just a patch up to get you going.
 Can Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque do all routine car maintenance repairs?
Yes we can and have the back up of our own central workshop for major repairs.
 Can Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque do all car repairs?
Yes ? we have fully equipped mobile workshops and only employ fully qualified and highly trained technicians who are equipped and ready to perform almost any car repair & car servicing on site.
 Are your mechanics all qualified?
Yes all our technicians are Trade Qualified to Albuquerque NM standards and have been in the trade for more than six years.
 Are your workers contractors?
All our technicians are employees, not contractors.They operate company vans to meet and provide the high customer standards of Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque.
 Do you need to be a member?
No - we're not an automotive club. We're mobile mechanics. All you pay for is the work we do on your car.
 How soon can a technician come to me?
We endeavor to offer a same day or next business day service. The earlier you call or email, the better!
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digitalsonam · 2 days
Experience Premium Car Care at Autocrest: The Best Luxury Car Workshop in Gurgaon
When it comes to servicing your luxury vehicle, only the best will do. At Autocrest, we understand that a premium car deserves premium care. As the leading luxury car workshop in Gurgaon, we offer top-notch services designed to keep your vehicle performing at its best. Whether you own a high-end sedan, a sports car, or a luxury SUV, our expert team is ready to deliver world-class service.
At Autocrest, our goal is to provide the highest level of car care for premium vehicles. If you're looking for the best car service in Gurgaon, look no further. Here's why Autocrest is the top choice for luxury car owners in the region.
Why Choose Autocrest: Best Premium Car Workshop in Gurgaon
Owning a luxury car is a statement of style, comfort, and engineering excellence. But maintaining these vehicles requires specialized knowledge and experience, which is where Autocrest excels. Our premium car workshop offers a range of services designed specifically for high-performance and luxury cars.
Key Reasons to Choose Autocrest:
Expert Technicians: We have some of the best car mechanics in Gurgaon with years of experience servicing luxury and high-performance vehicles. They are trained to handle even the most sophisticated systems in premium cars.
State-of-the-Art Equipment: As the best premium car workshop in Gurgaon, we use cutting-edge diagnostic tools and equipment to provide accurate repairs and maintenance, ensuring your vehicle runs smoothly.
Comprehensive Services: From routine maintenance to complex repairs, our services cover everything your luxury car may need. Whether it's engine tuning, brake servicing, or electrical repairs, Autocrest has you covered.
Genuine Parts: We use only genuine parts, ensuring that your vehicle retains its performance and value over time.
Customer-Centric Approach: We understand that premium cars deserve premium service. That’s why we focus on providing a seamless customer experience, from the moment you book your appointment to the completion of your service.
Autocrest: Your Local Premium Car Workshop Near Me
If you're searching for a premium car workshop near me, Autocrest is conveniently located in the heart of Gurgaon. Our location is easy to access for residents across the city and even for those traveling from nearby areas.
We pride ourselves on being the go-to solution for luxury car owners in the region. Our customer reviews speak volumes about the quality of our service. If you're looking for a premium car workshop in Gurgaon review, you'll find that our customers consistently rate us highly for our professionalism, expertise, and customer service.
The Car Repair Market in Gurgaon: Why Autocrest Stands Out
The car repair market in Gurgaon is vast, but not all workshops are created equal. Many local garages may offer basic services, but few are equipped to handle the complexities of luxury cars. At Autocrest, we set ourselves apart by specializing in high-end vehicles, offering the kind of attention to detail and quality that luxury car owners expect.
Here’s what makes Autocrest a standout in the Gurgaon car repair scene:
Specialized Knowledge: Our mechanics are experts in luxury brands like Mercedes, BMW, Audi, and Jaguar, among others. They understand the unique needs of these vehicles and provide tailored services.
Fast Turnaround Times: We know your time is valuable, so we ensure quick service without compromising on quality.
Affordable Luxury Care: While we provide premium services, we ensure they remain competitively priced, offering great value for your investment.
What Services Does Autocrest Offer?
At Autocrest, we offer a wide array of services to cater to every aspect of your luxury car's maintenance and repair needs. Whether you're dealing with a minor issue or need extensive repairs, we're here to help.
Our Key Services Include:
Routine Maintenance: Regular check-ups, oil changes, and tire rotations are essential for keeping your car in top shape. We provide scheduled maintenance that aligns with your vehicle’s manufacturer recommendations.
Engine Diagnostics and Repairs: We use advanced diagnostic tools to identify and fix engine issues, ensuring your vehicle runs smoothly.
Transmission and Brake Services: The performance of your transmission and brakes is critical for safety and smooth driving. We specialize in maintaining and repairing these key components.
Electrical System Repairs: From sensors to onboard computers, modern luxury cars have complex electrical systems. Our team is equipped to handle any electrical repairs your vehicle may need.
Bodywork and Paint: Whether it’s a small scratch or significant body damage, we provide professional repair and paint services to restore your car to its original condition.
Interior Detailing: Luxury cars deserve luxury care inside and out. We offer premium interior detailing to keep your vehicle’s cabin looking and feeling like new.
Autocrest: The Best Car Mechanic in Gurgaon for Luxury Cars
Finding the best car mechanic in Gurgaon for luxury cars can be challenging. At Autocrest, our highly trained mechanics have extensive experience with premium car brands, making us the ideal choice for luxury car owners.
Our team is dedicated to providing excellent service, ensuring that every detail is checked and every repair is done with precision. With a strong focus on quality, our mechanics are recognized as the best in the industry for luxury car repairs and maintenance.
Customer Reviews: Why Our Clients Trust Autocrest
Customer satisfaction is at the core of everything we do. If you're curious about what others have to say about our services, our glowing premium car workshop in Gurgaon reviews will tell you all you need to know.
Our clients consistently praise us for our:
Expertise: Many customers mention the skill and knowledge of our mechanics, which gives them peace of mind that their vehicle is in good hands.
Professionalism: From our front desk staff to our mechanics, our entire team is dedicated to providing the highest level of customer service.
Transparency: We believe in transparent pricing and communication. You’ll never have to worry about hidden charges or unnecessary repairs at Autocrest.
Book Your Appointment Today with Autocrest: The Best Premium Car Workshop in Gurgaon
If you're looking for a luxury car workshop in Gurgaon that offers exceptional service and expertise, Autocrest is the perfect choice. From routine maintenance to advanced repairs, we provide everything your premium car needs to stay in top condition.
Contact Us Now!
At Autocrest, we make it easy for you to get the care your vehicle deserves. Whether you need an oil change, engine repair, or a complete vehicle overhaul, our team is ready to help. Book your appointment today and experience why we’re considered the best premium car workshop in Gurgaon.
Don't settle for less when it comes to your luxury car. Choose Autocrest, where we combine expertise, technology, and customer service to provide the best car care in Gurgaon.
Your luxury vehicle deserves the best—choose Autocrest and experience premium car care at its finest!
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Chap. 2: “First Impressions”
A.N: Here is the awaited and fixed second chapter of OH AU 1. Let me know what do you think. Because when it comes to me… I don’t like it that simple.
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While he was driving on his car, listening to the opera (as always), Ethan Ramsey knew that had just escaped for the first time in his whole career the most awful and irresistible thing- interns. He thanked the travel agency for changing the plane landing from Miami to Boston with plus three hours; just the perfect justification for his lateness.
Well that’s what he thought until he came to the hospital unknown what was about to happen later.
His phone had several missed calls from Harper, Simon and Naveen during his arrival in Boston Logan International Airport but decided not to respond them because he knew that they would start with their provocative questions. And for an important reason he didn’t want to answer Harper.
Ethan knew that he had ups and downs with his relationship (or a mutual thing) with her and it wasn’t going so well by far. They needed to talk but he still wasn’t ready. Of course that their intimacy wasn’t a problem between them but there was something that he couldn’t explain what was missing and it referred to emotional intimacy. Everything went according to their logic reasoning and both of them weren’t aware of this fact.
Naveen had noticed it but decided not to interfere between them because it wasn’t useful. He believed that one day Ethan would understand the true and the beautiful meaning of being in love with someone. He really was praying for that day to come as near as possible just like his father Alan Ramsey. Simon was their best friend but he was smart enough to know Ethan’s and Harper’s egos when it came to real and deep conversations and he had always tried to ease the tension whenever it was needed. In the eyes of the other colleagues they were the power couple; both surgeons but with a little exception- Ethan left it after two years to dedicate himself into Diagnostics.
Simon was sipping his cup of coffee in the Diagnostics Office when he saw through the window that a black Mercedes Benz SUV parked outside of the hospital and beamed when he recognised the number of the plate.
“The Lion King is back to its cave!”
“Ethan is here?” Harper stood up from her chair with an amusement to peak at the window.
“Do you want to put the picture in a frame Harper?”
Harper rolled her eyes while smacking lightly on his arm. “I’m going to meet him now. See you later!”
With confident steps Harper made her way to the door when she met Dr. June Hirata and Dr. Baz Mirani with a nod and left the office. June raised a skeptic eyebrow to the other colleague.
“What was that?”
“What do you mean June?” Baz asked in confusion and she fought so hard not to roll her eyes with his innocence.
“Ethan has came. That’s why.” Simon replied with a smile but June was much more observant and could see the uneasiness on his face.
“Finally! One more day and I couldn’t imagine what would we do without him in our team.”
June chuckled. “It’s not the end of the world Baz. We have Naveen as our chief and as long as he is here the team will be always on track of time. By the way- should’ve Ethan been at the interns presentations?”
“Yes but it looks like this time-” Simon admitted thoughtfully. “- he’s been really lucky to avoid them.” The three of them shared a laugh while sitting on their positions, waiting for the chief and the other colleagues. But in all of his honesty, Simon was thinking about a certain surgical intern who was just as stubborn as his friend and if they would interact- only God knew what was written for them.
The colorectomy was the first kind of operation that Klaw (together with Bryce) had done in her first day while leaving a great impression in Dr. Aaron Tanaka’s eyes whereas the other surgical interns were already starting to feel envious of her. Bryce winked at her in encouragement and both of them left the O.R.
“So Dr. Craig how do you feel after your first surgery?”
“Well technically it’s not my first surgery and yours too because we had done it in med school right?”
“True and I’m feeling like we’re going to be the double trouble here.” Both of them shared a chuckle. Despite their previous interaction at the closet room they brushed it off and Klaw felt that it was an awkward thing because her clouds of doubt and skepticism were still present. “So, see you later?” He asked her with his megawatt smile which was obviously a flirt and she kept it together to not get flustered in front him.
“Yeah, see you later.”
They parted ways to go to the next scheduled surgeries. Little did she know that Bryce had still eyes on her back while trailing off to the elevator. He was going to ask her out for sure. He couldn’t bare the fact of losing such a girl like her and smiled to himself.
If she wants to play... then I’ll play too.
But there was something that might stop him and that was Dan. Bryce couldn’t decipher his hardened gaze to him while he was chatting with Klaw back at the atrium. They were best friends and that shouldn’t mind him what Klaw does. Right? He shook his head.
C’mon Bryce don’t overthink things dude. Tell me one girl who can resist you.
He gave a flirty wink to a nurse while they crossed paths making the latter flushed and stopped in her tracks to see him properly from head to toe. Attraction that led to lust. That was the power of Bryce Lahela.
But could that power affect Klaw Craig too?
Klaw paced the corridor of the first floor to take the other assignment in the reception room. Many people were waiting to get their consultations with their doctors and could hear the complaints about the slow system that worked in this hospital. She felt sad seeing many elders to wait so long just for a quick visit and felt mad at doctors who didn't take their responsibilities by leaving or by not showing without any reason.
Before she could step out of the room, she heard a loud gasp of a woman who just collapsed. Her eyes widened as everyone were gathering around her and were blocking her way. Her instincts came quickly as she dispersed through the crowd.
“Everyone step back! I’m a doctor!”
Her loud voice rang in their ears as they let her space to do the job. Right in that moment Danny approached too while she was checking the woman’s heartbeats.
“Danny what happened? Do you know something about this woman?”
“No Klaw she’s just walked and-”
“Just bring the barrel now, her pulse is weakening ealayk allaena [damn it]!” She didn’t think she would say the last words in Arabian. Well specifically when she was angry or frustrated, couldn’t contain it.
Instead of Danny coming back, a higher figure came with strong and quick steps that everyone stopped talking immediately which Klaw didn’t mind it at all as she was focused on the woman’s shallow breath and tried to find out what was wrong with her. But her thoughts were interrupted by a snarky and a baritone voice.
“What the hell is going on?”
Klaw flickered her eyes to the man while frowning in frustration. Once he was hovering over her, now was knelt opposite as if he was asking the same question again. Fiery brown eyes met icy blues that seemed everything stopped for a moment. Klaw didn’t know why she was feeling weak when they made eye contact. It seemed like he had paralyzed her in flash and wasn’t blind to see that he was so handsome. Whereas he saw the green scrubs and one thing came to his mind.
He looked at her features and the only thing that came to his mind was how gorgeous she looked. Surely he had seen interns before but this young woman in front of him had something hypnotizing that made him feel sweat on his back. She saw his dark blue tux and his face was somehow recognisable with the man she had a fight when she was a student in London. And the annoying memory didn’t betray her. It was indeed him. But did he remember her too?
Blue jerk.
“We have an emergency case, you have to step away Sir.” She said courtly without even blinking. But something strange was going on since this man had came and couldn’t explain the atmosphere around her.
“I beg your pardon?” He asked incredulously while narrowing his eyes. Didn’t she know who was referring to? And also he thought- that annoying British accent.
“You heard me already. Step. Away. And let me do my job.” Danny and the other nurse brought the barrel when she caught the woman in her arms pulling up to it.
“You think I’m going to let this on your hands Rookie?”
Did he call me Rookie? Who the hell think he is?
“Thankfully I’ve done six years of med school to reach for this day so if you have at least just this tiny thing called respect then you will let me do what is necessary, so move!” She said it so quickly that made the other man flinch a bit, but not succeeding in making him calm. He was even more angry than a few minutes ago.
Klaw started to examine her skin and her hands in which she saw blue fingertips and bruised elbows altogether with shallow breath. It meant that she was haemophiliac judging by low saturation of her skin. She was going to suffocate but not if Klaw did something.
“Danny we’ll do a surgery and we don’t have time. Bring me a scalpel, a chest tube and a B.P machine.”
“But-” his eyes were frantically looking at the glared man as if was asking for permission to do it but she cut him off annoyed.
“Now Danny!”
He scurried off while the man or the blue jerk as she called was eyeing her curiously and intentionally. “Do you know what’s going on with this woman?”
“Of course I do! I’m a surgeon for god’s sakes and she needs a thoracotomy.” She rolled her eyes annoyingly.
“What is she suffering and why does she need thoracotomy?”
“I don’t know.” She said mockingly and tried her best not to punch him right now for being so nosy. Why was he interested in something like this especially a surgery? “Maybe because she has blood in her lungs and I have to cut through the pleural cavity so she can breathe again and this what’s going on is hem thorax, where the blood vessel is blocking her lungs from expanding. Are you happy now with my explanation?”
Indeed hem thorax.
Not long after that Danny came with another nurse whom if Klaw recognised well, was Sarah. They put the B.P machine on, revealing to her that the rates were low. Just what she expected.
“Do you know or do you think Rookie?”
Again that damn nickname she thought. Wasn’t he over with just tiny moron three years ago that now he had to call her like this? Not only he was being an intruder but he was asking her as if he was the expert of this job. She gave a quick thought if the icy blue eyed man was a doctor, but his outfit left to her no impression of being like that. And there was no I.D badge hanging on his neck which was another evidence.
“I know and right after I finish this, I’ll show to you what I’m capable of doing old jerk."
Everyone in the room gasped in shock by what a young doctor admitted to someone who might’ve been important as him. Still she didn’t get a clue but she had a bad feeling that something wasn’t right and her heart started to race thanks to the panicking.
Klaw started to cut the woman’s shirt quickly, then she wore the green gloves altogether with the mask. Also she put the wet cloth on cage between the ribs where she was going to do the incision. Everything was settled. Before cutting she did an uncharacteristic thing that maybe a few surgeons would’ve done- she flipped the scalpel through her fingers as a toy and immediately the man’s eyes widened and wanted to scowl at her for this reckless move but she didn’t let him as he saw how perpendicularly did the incision.
She is great at this. Impressive. Not the even a single flinch. This Rookie is better than I thought.
“Defribilator.” She demanded and unexpectedly the man was helping her too with his gloves on and eyed to him in question.
“It’s a delicate tube and it would be risky for her lungs if you put it alone.”
Klaw only nodded in acknowledgement and that’s when things got even worse. She saw how he inserted it such carefully that almost he knew what was doing as if had years of experience.
Oh god he could be a doctor ‘cause a normal man isn’t capable of doing that! Jesus, Allah whatever you call yourselves as Gods please don’t let me down. Please let my prayers hear you. I’m going to be very screwed.
“Why isn’t it working?”
“Relax, we have to wait. Don’t be such impatient.”
She huffed. “Alright.”
They both sighed in relief when the blood was getting away from her chest and the woman started to breathe again.
“She made it!” Klaw exclaimed.
“Nurse, get her to the operation room number 36 and page a general surgeon.”
Before Klaw would volunteer along she was cut off with three simple words. “Yes Dr. Ramsey.”
Dr. Ramsey?! As if in- ETHAN RAMSEY?!!! No no no no no no no it can’t be! IT CAN'T BE! This is an asshole! It can’t be HIM!
As her mouth was staying agape, her eyes widened in horror and her breath hitched. Every cell of her body was screaming internally. She wanted to scream in that moment. Her shoulders slumped and the sound of airplane landing on earth came to her ears. That sound in television series (especially comic) was the indication that everything was screwed up. That everything was messed up because of her. How was she going to face him now? She must find an excuse to leave, but what? Klaw snapped her head to the file she had before the woman collapsed.
Surgery assignment. That’s it!
“I have to attend another surgery. Have a nice day!” Without giving him a second glance she started to leave. But who was she kidding to?
“Stop where you are Rookie!”
Klaw gulped so hard that she felt almost choking on her throat. That was it. That was the end of her career she thought. Goodbye medicine and hello to the early retirement.
She turned around slowly while managing to keep her smile to the attending as if nothing else happened but clearly that didn’t work as she saw how hardened was his gaze. Another gulp.
Great. So fucking great Klaw. Now you have made the best impression for today.
Ethan had never seen an intern such reckless and irresponsible like her. Yes- he had passed almost ten generations but none of them were like this one. This strange, fiery, mysterious woman in front of him that was about to punch him three years ago in London. And also how she raised her middle fingers to him while escaping to the metro line. The memory was so vivid in Ethan’s mind as if happened yesterday and made his blood boiled. But now she looked different; so fragile and afraid of him that was keeping a distance and he had to bite his tongue, suppressing a chuckle.
“Come here.” He motioned with his fingers courtly and again he reminded himself to not chuckle by how slowly she was taking her steps towards him.
“Y-yes... Dr. Ramsey?”
He scoffed while crossing arms to his chest. “Oh, am I Dr. Ramsey now?” His mocking voice was a different level apart from the glaring which meant everything was going worse. “Because correct me if I’m wrong: first I was a Sir, second I was an old jerk and what are you going to call me after this Rookie? An asshole?"
Well if that’s what you want.
“I didn’t-”
“Yes you did call me these names and don’t you dare cut me off when I’m speaking!” She only nodded. “You’re lucky that you didn’t almost kill your patient.”
She narrowed her eyebrows in disbelief. “Excuse me?! I did 99% of my work there whereas you helped only 1%.”
“Really? With that slow and superficial incision? Especially from a surgeon? I would advise you to think very carefully Rookie.”
She huffed and crossed her arms. “Otherwise?”
“Otherwise... with a word of mine to the Board you can forget about your internship here and you can say goodbye to your career.”
“Oooo, so scary that I’m about to crawl down the hospital until I reach the door just to escape from you.” She let out a laugh while shaking her head in disbelief. “Is this how you treat every intern when they come for the first time here? No doubt why you’re called as Dr. Grumpy.”
The nerves this woman was giving to him and to make it more convenient, he lunged forward- their faces a mere inch apart. “I’ll show you grumpy when your butt will be kicked out in a minute and no one will show mercy to you.”
“Try me. Still I’m not going anywhere because you need me.” She smiled confidently at him and it was such infectious and devilishly that made him ask himself: how could she be so sure about it? It was her first day after all and she still had a lot to work on. Her manners firstly.
“How old are you?” He heard himself ask.
Klaw frowned in confusion by this sudden change of topic. “25. Why?”
“Because to me it seems like you are a 5 year old girl who doesn’t know how to behave and to take responsibilities. Haven’t your parents taught you how to talk to other people?”
This was the last straw. Her smile faltered slowly and was ready to pin this man down and punch him until his blood was shown up. How could someone as successful doctor as him to be such rude and disrespectful? Did he know what actually this intern (she) might have experienced before graduation? Did he know how many times she had to suppress her pain and move forward like nothing happened? Or more specifically- did he know what was to grieve for almost a decade for 5 people who were in graves now with nothing left but only skeletons? She hated her parents of course for many strong reasons but still they were those who gave her birth and shaped her the woman she is now. Klaw bit her lower lip while reminding herself to stay calm.
He doesn’t know Klaw, okay? He has no idea so move on. You can’t blame him.
“Why don’t you give me some private lectures so I can learn something valuable?” She brushed it off with a tight smile. Ethan let a small smile aback while inching closer again. “Ha! I just might Dr.-” He grabbed the I.D badge on her neck to read her name.
Dr. Klaudia H. Craig
“- Craig. But I sincerely doubt you could afford my salary.” He tossed it back and went off and with that Klaw said something she would always regret or maybe not at all.
“Vaffanculo.” [Fuck you.]
She was about to leave like him but broad shoulders (now she saw how big they were) turned around curiously if what he had heard was misunderstood or not.
“Did you say something?”
Poor him she thought. If only he knew what she had said. “Nothing, just calculating the minutes before I go to the other surgery.”
“Hm.” Ethan scratched his stubble in thought. “Why do I have a feeling like you said something to me?”
“Maybe you should clean your ears better so next time you won’t have complaints about not listening properly or even worse- deafening.”
“I don’t think so.” Said in a hushed tone and leaned over her ear while he felt her sweet perfume. “Mi hai detto di fottermi, vero? Attenzione, forse ci sono altre persone che conoscono questa parola- come me.” [You said to me to fuck off, right? Be careful, there may be other people who know this word- like me.]
The realisation dawned upon Klaw as a thunder when he replied in his perfect Italian lines. She only stared at him in awe while trying to comprehend again what was happening right now. And goddamn... he had a strong perfume.
“Benvenuto all’inferno, Recluta.” [Welcome to hell, Rookie.]
The tall figure left with an amusement that sensed victory over the shorter one who was still staring at his back while shrugging off the jacket tux probably to change into his white coat. Klaw heard some whispers behind her which were clearly the nurses who were marvelling with dreamy eyes.
“Ohh isn’t he such adorable?”
"Hell I would do everything to make that ass mine."
Klaw rolled her eyes in disgust. “Asshole.” She shook her head and went off to the operation room no.34 for a thoracic surgery of Ms. Whitaker.
Ethan had changed to his office and prepared himself to go to Naveen’s office but was stopped at the door when Harper appeared.
“Ethan!” She came closer to him with arms widened to embrace but he took a step back.
She got the message and slowly she lowered her hands into her pockets. “Well you can say hi too you know? Or maybe ‘sorry Harper for not responding your calls'’?”
He chuckled and she always loved that smile of his. “You’re right, I’m sorry but I was driving and I was only a week away.”
“But for me it seemed a month.” She admitted because it was truthful to her. He knew it too.
“Don’t overreact.”
“I’m not.” Then she whispered. “Didn’t you miss me at all?”
“I did.” He really did. But he didn’t know why it was only a half truth to him. They needed to talk surely. “But you know that we shouldn’t do things here publicly hm?”
“Yeah I know, sorry. I can’t wait to finish for today so I can have a moment with you.”
“Me too. But now I have to go Naveen.”
“Is something wrong? You seem a bit nervous.”
“No nothing at all.” He shook his head. “Talk to you later?”
“Alright.” Harper sighed as he left for the elevator while thinking of what was worrying him. If only she knew there was not even a slight nervousness in Ethan’s face- only furious was the best adjective to describe him right now for a certain fiery dark browns.
The door was slammed forcefully that made Dr. Naveen Banerji to jolt from his seat and papers to fly from the desk as if the mercenary came into his office only to see a tall doctor with a glared gaze to him.
“Ethan! Do you know you just gave me a heart attack?”
But that didn’t seem to affect Ethan as he added. “I don’t want to work with Dr. Klaudia Craig. I don’t want to see that irresponsible, impatient, stubborn and crazy intern especially with the worst behaviour I’ve ever seen in these entire ten years of my work here in this hospital! She will be fired. Now.”
The older man saw the panting breath of the younger one formed by his anger etched in his face like never before. “Excuse me?”
“As you’ve heard me already. She will be gone.”
“Are you finished?”
“Ethan Jonah Ramsey,” oh boy he thought. “Just who do you think you are?”
“When I speak there’s only silence from you.” Naveen said courtly and Ethan lowered his head while digging his toes. “I’ll remind you who you are... you’re a damn doctor and a successful attending who has ten years of experience in the field of medicine while passing ten generations in your tutoring. And you come here to your mentor to fire an intern who had just arrived into her first day and the only thing you do as an attending is- complaining. Is this how I taught you? No. I taught you to be patient and to understand the mistakes and the struggles of every intern who pass this building. When I said to you that there was an intern that applied just three days ago, you didn’t bother to check her CV and how many recommendations came to me by her teachers at her university praising her. But no again,” he mocked his voice. “Dr. Ramsey says: ‘I don’t check the interns who are less interested for this hospital because the application should be two months prior’.” Ethan clenched his teeth because what his mentor said was the truth. But still he didn’t know her.
“And also... why are you so angry at that poor girl? Try to give her a chance to show herself better if she has done any mistakes.” He emphasised the word if because Naveen knew what happened between them. It was clear that Dr. Craig didn’t recognise Ethan from the first sight and the latter had stepped in without even telling her he was a doctor and the rest was known.
“I know her and she doesn’t need to show herself.” He muttered but was loud enough for Naveen to hear it.
“Hold on... do you guys know each other?” The flushed cheeks in Ethan was the confirmation. He gasped in exclamation. “That’s why you’re acting like this my old friend!”
“I’m not!”
Naveen only smiled widely. “And to know her more properly I’ve sent you her CV in your e-mail to check it.” Ethan rolled his eyes. “Now you’re free to go.”
“Gee thanks.”
But before opening the door he was stopped. “Oh and- Ethan!” He turned around. “Please remind me later... I would like very much to hear your first interaction story with Dr. Craig. Maybe you can send her into my office one day for more details!” Naveen let a wide smile again while the mentee was clenching his jaw and slammed the door. “This is going to be very interesting.”
While Ethan was strolling down to the Diagnostics Office laughters were heard in the other corner and it belonged to two people whom he didn’t expect- Simon and... the Rookie.
“Or when the Ms. Whitaker said: ‘I’m young enough to do those things my boy! I think you should progress with yourself first!’.” Simon was clutching his stomach from laughter by how accurate Klaw made an impression of her.
“Oh God I’ve never laughed so much in my life.” He wiped the tears off his cheeks. “It’s a good thing she survived the operation.” She nodded in agreement. “Keep up the good work Dr. Craig.”
“Thank you Dr. Tennant. I appreciate it.”
“Please, that’s the only thing I can say. Let me think... you saved three people’s lives today, didn’t you?”
“Yeah... but I don’t think I did something that big... just did my job as anyone else would’ve.”
A small smile appeared in Ethan’s face at her sincerity but that quickly disappeared when Simon started talking again. He didn’t know why he felt an uncomfortable pit in stomach while he was smiling at her.
“No I don’t think so,” he shook his head in dismissal. “I have a feeling that you’re going to be the change of this year’s generation and I believe that you’re going to do great things here.”
Maybe it was sugarcoated a bit but those were the words Klaw felt comfortable and safe because that was the power of Simon Tennant- giving people the encouragement they needed in their difficult days. He knew she had met Ethan and from what he had heard she didn’t do any mistakes to the thoracotomy. Just another of so many things when you meet Ethan Ramsey for the first time and felt guilty for not showing her at least his face in a photo. She smiled in gratitude. “If you say so, I hope to do my best.”
“I have no doubt.” He put his hand in her arm squeezing it gently and Ethan felt his eyes narrowed at this brief interaction.
“Well have a nice day Dr. Tennant!”
“You too Dr. Craig.”
They both separated their ways with Simon coming opposite to Ethan and the latter was lucky to enter quickly the Diagnostics Office without being noticed.
While Klaw was going to the surgeon’s lounge for a break she saw a pair of eyes watching her curiously since she was talking to Simon. The same ones which were at the atrium. And she immediately recognised her- Dr. Aurora Emery. Thanks to Jackie’s brief information about her she knew now what a big obstacle Aurora was. Being the niece of Harper Emery surely had the perks of authority and only God knew what this girl would be capable of. But their interaction wasn’t anything to sound suspicious or manipulated so she just brushed it off by opening a message from her phone that made her smile again.
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The best godfather she thought. But little did she know that troubles weren’t about to end yet.
Chapter 3: “Born to be a Rebel”
28 notes · View notes
commander-rahrah · 5 years
Pairing: MC (Jordynne Holland) X Ethan Ramsey X Bryce Lahela; MC X Bryce; MC X Ethan
Masterlist: Click Here
Chapter Rating: T (Swearing)
Word Count: 5600+
Description: Dr. Holland loses her first patient, and Ethan loses a friend. Dolores’ Chapter in mostly Ethan’s point of view. 
Disclaimer: Characters, storyline, and parts of the dialogue are taken from Pixelberry’s Choices. They fully own the characters, dialogue, backgrounds, etc. MC Jordynne’s background is my own creation, based loosely off of MC in-game’s personality and provided with more details.
Author’s Note: This part is about the devastating chapter on Dolores. I actually cried when first reading it, but I wanted to think about it in Ethan’s point of view. It is a long one, but I didn’t really want to break it up. As always, if you wish to be tagged in future updates you can reply or DM me! Thank you so much to everyone for the likes, reblogs and replies <3
Taglist: @drakewalkerfantasy @owleyes374 @professorortegasstudent@mindlessdreaminxo @mayar-mahdy @paisleylovergirl @nicquix 
Previous Updates: Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four 
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“So, what’s up with you and Dr. Emery?”
Ethan’s blue eyes darted to hers —  a sharp look on his face. He didn’t answer her, looking back to the road in front of him.
Jordynne chewed her lip, “I saw you together earlier. It looked… intimate.”
Ethan let out a loud sigh. Of course, someone saw him and Harper when she had pulled him into room 515. He cut off his thought process, realizing he still hadn’t spoken. “I don’t like advertising my private life at work.”
She shrugged, glancing over at him, “I’m just trying to figure out the politics of this place if I’m gonna survive here.”
He stared at her out of the corner of his eye -- he believed her. “In that case… we were an item. And then only on again, off again.”
“Oh,” Jordynne said, tugging her cardigan sleeves over her wrists. “And now?”
“Off.” He blurted out, a bit more aggressively than he wanted. Her eyes widened at his tone. He spoke more gently this time, “As of last year, she’s my boss. Not that my personal life is any of your business.”
She gave him a sheepish smile. “My lips are sealed.”
He looked at her, their eyes meeting. He really believed her — Why? He had no idea. “Good.”
“ So you broke up because she became your boss? That’s it?”
Ethan licked his lips, thinking. “Yes. And no. It was complicated.”
A laugh escaped her lips, “I think most break-ups are complicated. At least mine was.” She knitted her fingers together. She seemed a little nervous all the sudden.
Curiosity took Ramsey over, “Recent?”
“Yeah,” She nodded, “Right before a moved here.” Her eyebrows furrowed.
He jumped to the conclusion, “Didn’t want to do the distance?”
She bit her lip, “More like didn’t want to be the boyfriend of the busy, ambitious doctor.”
Know you’re better than that idiot, Jordynne. He thought.
She readjusted in her seat, “Not that my personal life is any of your business.” She repeated him from earlier, causing Ramsey to flash a smile.
“My lips are sealed.” He winked, before looking back to the road.
She started playing with her fingers again, “So, did Dr. Banerji really quit?”
Ethan’s lids lowered a bit, his heart sinking. This is what he hadn’t wanted to talk about. “I was wondering when you’d get around to asking that.”
Her green eyes were big as she stared at him, “And? Did he?”
Ethan felt his heart go up into his throat about, as he thought about Naveen. “Yes,” was all he could muster.
Jordynne twisted in her seat, holding onto her seat belt so she could look at him better, “But that’s huge! Did he say why he was leaving?”
To go die on some damn island. He thought. But he swallowed, “That’s between him and the chief.”
“So you’re in charge of the diagnostics team now. That’s gotta be a lot of pressure.”
Could she read his mind? Did she know every single topic that would cause his mind to go berserk?
Licking his lips, he decided to be honest with her. “More than you can imagine. Naveen built that team from his own blood, sweat, and tears. I can’t let him down now that he’s moved on.”
“Is that what you want?”
It was such a simple question — but it wasn’t one he had been asked in years. Nothing that was happening was what he wanted. Just what he had to do.
He licked his lips again, “What I want is to confront the impossible mysteries of the human body and understand them.”
She stared at him with bewildered eyes, “Okay, but back here on Earth… Did you always want to lead a diagnostician team?”
He let out a breath, “The team gives me the opportunity to face the questions no one has answered, so in that respect, I suppose the answer is yes.”
Her green eyes studied him, analyzing him like one of her patients. “You know I’m actually surprised you were up for this rescue mission.”
A smile spread across his face, relieved at the change of topic away from Naveen. “You don’t think I want to spend my time searching for stuffed animals?”
She twisted her mouth, looking guilty, “I thought you’d think it was pointless. I mean it’s just a stuffed frog right?”
His eyebrows furrowed and lips turned into a frown, “You think I’m just some emotionless machine, don’t you?”
She bit her lip, “Not entirely machine. Cyborg maybe? Dr. Terminator?”
Ethan barked out a laugh, “In that case, even a cyborg would cite the studies show how emotional attachment can play statistically significant roles in patient recovery.” He glanced over her, a smirk on his face, “So not even I, ‘Dr. Terminator’ think it’s just a toy.”
“And Dolores is a friend.” She smiled knowingly.
“She’s a patient first, while in our care. But yes,” He nodded, “She’s also a friend. If a stuffed animal will help her get through this, I’ll find her that damn frog.”
“I think you may be a softie at heart, Dr. Ramsey.”
Ethan scoffed, “Far from it. I’m practical.” Pulling over onto the side of the road, he turned off the engine. “And that’s enough prying for now. We’re here.”
Opening up the car door, Ethan stepped around the front of his Mercedes and grabbed the passenger door.
“Oh,” Jordynne said in surprise, ducking out from inside the car, “Thanks.”
The pair turned around together — taking in the orange flames burning the office complex. The rancid smell of burning plastic and plaster filled the air. Fire engines were parked in front, hoses spun out and water rushing out of them — trying to beat back the flames.
Ethan’s eyes widened as the sight — the flames reflecting back in his pupils, “We can search the perimeter, but if it fell from her purse in there…”
She grabbed onto his elbow, “Let’s hope it didn’t.”
The pair started searching side by side, looking around on the street — imagining where Rafael would have pulled up with the ambulance. Jordynne pulled out her iPhone, turning on the flashlight and scanning the dark road.
“Look, there in the storm drain.” Ethan pointed to it, bending over to get a better look.
Jordynne’s pink mouth opened in fear, “Oh, hell no! I am not going down there! Haven’t you seen ‘It’?
Ethan’s dark brows furrowed in confusion, “Seen what?”
“Never mind...,” She shook her head, her voice exasperated. “Well, you better lower me in. I’ll fall in headfirst if I try to reach it on my own, but not if you hang onto my hand.”
Ethan shrugged, “Sounds like it’s worth a shot.”
Handing her phone over to him, she knelt down onto the cold pavement. She started wriggling her top half into the storm drain, holding her hand out in the air for him. Standing over her, Ethan grabbed onto her fingers — they were warm and soft. She started rolling further into the dark storm gate, he bent down closer to her so she could see better.
Glancing down, he noticed her tan, bare legs peeking out from underneath her skirt and long cardigan — pressing down against the pavement. Gulping, he averted his gaze and tightened his hold on her hand, “Can you reach?”
“Al…most…,” He heard her voice strain, as she stretched a bit further. “Got it!”
At her words, Ethan used his strength to pull her back out effortlessly. She kneeled on the ground, pulling her skirt down before grabbing his outstretched hand again. He lifted her up back, brushing off her grey cardigan. She glanced down at his fingers wiping off the dirt on his shoulders, and he coughed awkwardly as he stopped.
“Well,” She showed him the wet stuffed frog, waving it in front of him. “Mission accomplished.”
Ramsey nodded sternly, “Excellent work. You can give Dolores the good news when we get back.”
The pair started heading back to his car, and Jordynne crinkled her nose at the stuffed animal. “After we sterilize this, of course. We wouldn’t want it anywhere near a pregnant woman, otherwise.”
He grimaced as the dirty stuffed animal made its way into his Mercedes. “My thoughts precisely. Come on, we still have some work to do.”
The flashing lights on the television screen were making Ethan’s eyes tired. He wasn’t really watching, but the show was making Dolores laugh. He was sitting on a chair he had dragged in from the hall, his elbows resting on his knees.
Dolores’ head was resting on her pillow, laying on her side as she stroked her belly.
“Why do you like this garbage?” Ethan asked, taking another sip of his coffee.
“It makes me laugh. It’s a feel-good show, Ethan.” She said, turning down the volume a bit, glancing over to him. “She’s good.”
The Rookie. Fiddling with his leather watch strap, he didn’t move his eyes away from it, “Who?”
She gave him a knowing look, “Doctor Holland. She’s pretty too.”
His blue eyes flashed to her, “Dolores.”
“What? She is.” A cheeky grin spread across her face, before turning into a line. “Besides, it’s been a year since Harper.”
He let out a breath, “I like being alone.”
“No, you don’t Ethan. I know I’m your patient, but you’re also my friend.” She met his eyes, her stare unwavering. “You wouldn’t be in here with me if you liked being alone.”
He gulped, “I—,”
A light knock on the window interrupted him. Jordynne had moved up some of the blinds, peeking through to get his attention. Ethan excused himself, going out into the hallway to meet her.
“Jordynne,” He greeted her, noticing the folder in her hands. “You get the labs?”
She didn’t say anything to him, her mouth in a hard line — she held the labs out for him.
Ethan’s eyebrows furrowed at her silence, and he grabbed the file from her. His blue eyes dashed over the results, and he felt his face fall. No, no, no…
Jordynne finally speaks, “She has serious preeclampsia.” Her eyes moved to his, filled with worry. "Her baby’s in trouble, isn’t it?”
Ethan rubbed the lines in his forehead, “Yes. Let’s go tell her.”
Turning on his heel, he headed back towards the door. When he didn’t hear footsteps following him, he turned back around to Holland. She was hesitating, biting her pink lip. “This is the job, Rookie. Come on.”
He held the door open for her before they shuffled in together. Dolores smiled at the pair, but it faded as she noticed how serious they both looked. “What is it? Ethan?”
Ethan didn’t look at her, instead turning to Jordynne. He nodded at her, trying to be encouraging.
He watched as she took a deep breath through her nose, before speaking, “Dolores, I don’t want you to worry —”
Her eyes flashed to Ethan, “That’s what people say when you should be worried.”
“Have you ever heard of preeclampsia?” She asked, but Dolores shook her head. “It’s a serious condition that affects up to one in ten pregnant women. In many cases, it’s manageable if monitored, but I’m afraid yours is quite serious.”
Dolores’ hands wrapped around her swollen belly protectively, “How serious?”
“The blood flow to the placenta is slowing. It could soon deprive your baby of vital nutrients and oxygen. “ Jordynne’s voice remained professional, unwavering. But Ethan could see her fingers trembling at her side.
Ethan stepped forward, grabbing onto the railings of the bed, “Your baby is at risk.”
Her eyes filled with panic, “But… everything feels fine! I can still feel the baby kicking!”
“Dolores,” He kept his voice soft, "This just means we’re going to have to deliver the baby early.”
Anger flared on her face, “No! It’s too soon!”
Jordynne stepped up next to Ethan, their shoulders almost touching, “Babies delivered at twenty-six weeks have a good chance of survival.”
The pregnant woman’s mouth opened in horror, “A… a chance?!”
Jordynne found her voice again, speaking up, “He’ll have to spend some time in the NICU, and yes, there’s a risk of post-birth complications—“
“And some don’t make it at all!” She moved her legs up, pulling herself into her swollen stomach — trying to protect her belly more. “Is my baby in danger now?”
“Not immediately, no. But —“ She cut Ethan off.
Her mouth set in a hard line, “Then my little tadpole is staying put.”
His blue eyes went big, he was pleading with her, “Dolores —“
“No, Ethan!” She shouted, tears welling in her eyes, “Just… give me a week. Give me as long as you can. Please.”
All emotion wiped from Ethan’s face, he crossed his arms over his chest, “I’ll give you tonight. To come to your senses.” He shook his head, disappointed. Stalking out of the room, he waited in the hallway for Jordynne to join him.
She closed the door softly behind them before she started playing with her blonde ponytail nervously — tightening and swirling it through her fingers. Finally, she let her green eyes meet Ramsey’s blue ones — both of their faces were filled with worry.
Jordynne broke the silence first, “I’ll keep checking on her. Maybe we can talk her around.”
Ethan croaked out, his voice low, “No. Just go home. Your shift’s been over for hours already.”
He knew she was studying the worry lines on his face, the dark circles that were starting to form under his eyes, “But…”
Shaking his head, he cut her off, “I’m taking over this case. You’re… not ready for it.”
The hurt that flashed across her face made his stomach twist. But Ethan needed to do this — this was his friend, this was his responsibility now. He wasn’t going to let it fall to her. Before she had time to talk back, he stalked away — his dress shoes sending echoing clicks down the silent hallway.
The sky had long gone dark outside, the city lights ablaze in downtown Boston. Ethan stood in front of the large window on the fifth floor, chewing absent-mindedly on a dry, leftover sandwich from the cafeteria. A typical dinner for him once he realized he would be at the hospital all night. His leather couch in his office called for him, but he wanted to be available if Dolores’ changed her mind and she wanted to see him.
He had tried a couple hours after the Rookie and he had given her the diagnosis. But she had laid on her side — ignoring him completely. A nurse was giving him updates — she had started complaining about a headache and some nausea — but it could just be from the stress of her diagnosis. Or, even worse, her preeclampsia was already getting worse.
Rubbing his forward again, Ethan tried to massage the tension out of his forehead when he heard yelling from the down the hall. Without even thinking, his dinner dropped out of his hands and he began sprinting down the hallway. He watched as a nurse and Doctor Neilson ran into Dolores’ room — shouts echoing down the hall.
Ethan’s dress shoes slid on the white tiled floor as he turned into the room. The doctor and nurses were turning Dolores onto her side gently — speaking to her in low, calm voices. He didn’t say anything — his breathing hard as they watched them.
The attending finally spoke up, noticing Ethan. Her voice was fast but coherent. “Patient had a seizure… She started convulsing — I think she was trying to hide that her symptoms were getting worse — to put off delivery.”
Ethan’s heart started pounding in his ears, “We need to get her into the OR, right now for cesarean delivery.”
“Already on the way,” The attending placed her hand on his shoulder, backing him out of the room. “Dr. Ramsey, I know you know the patient, but you need to let us do this.”
Anger flared in him, “This is mine and Dr. Holland’s patient,” But he found himself pushed out of the room, making way for Dolores’ bed to be wheeled out into the hallway.
“I am not doing this with you. We are running out of time, Ramsey!” The attending mirrored his anger, grabbing onto the side of the bed — rushing her down the hall.
Rushing down the hall with him, his blue eyes were trained on Dolores. She was blinking lazily, obviously confused as she was hurled down the bright hallway. “Dolores,” Ethan spoke to her, trying to get her focus.
“Ethan…”, Her voice was a murmur in the hustle in the hallway — but he heard it.
“It’s going to be okay, Dolores.”
Dr. Neilson moved down to talk to her — speaking too low for Ethan to hear. They neared the swinging OR doors.
The on-call surgical team appeared through the doors, grabbing onto Dolores’ and ushering her inside. As he went to follow them through the doors, Doctor Neilson moved her hands up to block him. “No, you are not going anywhere near that OR.”
“Like hell I’m not,” He snarled, going to move past her.
“Dr. Ramsey! We have done what we can.” Her eyes softened at his, understanding his frustration. “Let the surgeons do their job now.”
Tightening his hands into a fist, Ethan’s knuckles turned white as he stalked away from her. He could feel his heart hammering through his chest now, his jaw clenched into a hard line. He stood for a moment, his eyes closed. Let her be okay. Not her too. Please.
“You’ve been here all day, Dr. Ramsey. If you’re going to wait, go find a seat. I’ll update your intern.”
My intern? My intern. Rookie. Ethan gulped — he didn’t think he could face her.
He wasn’t sure how long he sat in that waiting room for. It wasn’t very often he was sitting on the opposite side of the doors — waiting for someone to walk out of the room. If he had been a better friend, called her more, seen her more often — he could have diagnosed her earlier, noticed the symptoms. It shouldn’t have come to this.
The sound of a door swinging open caused Ethan to flick his eye up from the white tiles to Dr. Neilson. He knew — from the moment he saw her face, he knew. His stomach dropped, his face immediately turning hot.
She gave him a sad look, standing over him with her arms at her sides. “Placental abruption,” She spoke to him scientifically — distancing herself from him. “There was too much bleeding to save the mother. The baby survived, for now, he’s in the NICU. Fifty percent chance he will make it through the night.”
“I know the odds.” He said coldly, not looking up to the attending.  
She chewed her lip, “I’m sorry Dr. Ramsey.” Turning on her heel, she stopped for a moment, “Go home. Sleep.” He heard the sound of her footsteps as she walked away from him — leaving him alone in the waiting room.
Putting his head in his hands, Ethan closed his eyes as he felt water starting to fill them. World-class diagnostician but can’t save your own friend. He ground his teeth together, angry at himself. First, Dolores. Next will be Naveen.
The clicking of high heels echoed throughout the empty room, but Ethan did not look up at the sound.
“Doctor Ramsey?” Jordynne’s voice was soft as she walked towards him. He didn’t look up. Why? Why did she have to come? She would make it so much harder.
“What happened? Where’s Dolores?” Her voice started wavering at his silence.
He didn’t answer for so long, that by the time he finally looked up at her, she had opened her pink mouth to speak again. But when they locked eyes, she closed her mouth — she knew. He didn’t have to really say.
Furrowing his brows, he finally spoke, “Dolores had a seizure. Full eclampsia.” Wringing his hands together, he swallowed hard, “We had no choice but to deliver the baby. It’s fifty-fifty he’ll survive the night."
Her green eyes were wide — her long lashes blinking fast. “And Dolores?”
“She died.” He croaked.
Jordynne’s eyes filled with tears. She seemed to lose her balance in her high-heeled boots as she stumbled back. Grabbing onto a chair, she steadied herself, “Dr. Ramsey, I’m so…”
Shaking his head, he cut her off, “I’m fine.” Standing up, he brushed the wrinkles out of his trousers before rolling his shoulders back — standing up straighter. He dropped the emotion from his face, before striding away — leaving Jordynne standing alone in the middle of the empty waiting room.
Closing her locker, Jordynne placed her head on the cool metal and let out a sigh.
It felt better being in her scrubs. She had raced to change out of her ridiculous mini dress and boots the second Doctor Ramsey had raced away from her. Heading to the mirror, she scrubbed off the makeup she had put on just a few hours before — her mascara running under her eyes with the tears she had been shedding. Her face was red from crying, and she had thrown her hair into a fast ponytail — she didn’t look like the professional doctor she was trying to become, but tonight she didn’t really care.
She checked her phone, realizing how many missed texts she had from her roommates and Bryce. She had left Bryce high and dry — running in her heels to the nearest subway to get to the hospital as fast as possible. Her thumbs quickly typed up a text, before she slipped it in her pocket and headed towards the NICU.
Jordynne carried the stuffed green frog in her hands as she walked, swinging it lightly. She had stopped in Dolores’ room on her way to the locker room — still empty of her bed. It sat on the side table, discarded in the chaos.
Entering the NICU, she weaved through a couple incubators until she same the familiar surname. New tears welled in her eyes and her chest tightened as she looked at the name tag — Ethan Hudson. A sob escaped Jordynne’s mouth, which she quickly covered.
“Can I help you?” An attending approached her, looking Jordynne up and down.
“This baby’s mother is my patient.” She grimaced — Was her patient. Past tense.
The attending nodded at her, realizing who she was.
Jordynne pointed at the name tag, a small smile forming on her face, “She got to name him?”
She pursed her lips, “She told me just as she was rushed to the OR.” The pair stared at the infant in silence for a moment, “The poor thing. We’ll know more in the morning.”
Eyeing the couch nearby, Jordynne asked, “Do you mind if I sit with him tonight?”
The attending eye’s filled with understanding, “Feel free.”
Holding up the stuffed frog, she chewed her lip,  “Can I give him this? His mother wanted him to have it. It’s been sterilized.”
“Go ahead.” The attending gave her a sad smile, before turning on her heel and leaving the room.
Finding a box of gloves, Jordynne pulled them on quickly before placing the frog softly next to the baby, “Here you are, tadpole. Mommy’s still with you.” She smiled as he snuggled weakly next to it. Softly, she ran a finger over the baby’s tiny fist.
“What are you still doing here?”
Ethan’s voice was softer than usual — he sounded exhausted.  Jordynne looked up, her eyes meeting his blue ones. They were red and blurry, his coat and collar askew, arms hanging at his sides.
She swallowed, returning to stroking the tiny baby’s hand. "I’m going to stay with him tonight. I hate the idea of him having to fight for his life alone.”
Putting his hands in his pockets, he stepped forward — his eyes still locked on her, not looking at the baby. “There are plenty of doctors working overnight. If something happens, they’ll be here.”
She bit her pink lip, forcing back more tears, “I know.”
He nodded at her, understanding. Finally, he looked down at the baby, his expression gentler then Jordynne had ever seen it.
“Would you mind if I joined you?” He asked sheepishly, his eyes big.
She stepped away from the incubator, pulling the gloves off. “Not at all.” She moved over to the love seat nearby, patting the spot next to her. “Plenty of room here.”
Ethan sat beside her on the couch, their knees almost touching in the close space. Jordynne breathed in at their touch — smelling his cologne -- sandalwood, and leather. Together, they sat in silence for a moment, listening to the gentle whoosh of the ventilator.
He broke the silence first, shifting his focus from the incubator to her. “You gave him the frog. Dolores would have been…,” His voice broke. “She would have been pleased.”
Jordynne blinked away tears, but a few slipped passed running down her tan cheek. She turned her face away from Ethan, trying to wipe them away quickly so he wouldn’t see.
But he still noticed. “Don’t Jordynne. I think we’re past hiding our tears from each other.” He croaked, tear stains visible on his cheeks in the bright light.
Her lip quivered, and she closed her eyes — relieved he hadn’t called her Rookie.
He knitted his fingers together on his lap, leaning back into the couch before speaking, “My first patient I lost… was in my fourth week. I didn’t make any mistakes. He had stage four metazoic melanoma. He just… fought like hell and lost. I liked him. He wasn’t much older than I am now. I knew he didn’t have long to live, but it still hit me hard.”  He glanced over at her, swallowing.
Her blurry green eyes stared at him, “Does it ever get easier?”
“Grieving a lost patient isn’t a weakness. Good doctors should value life. For itself.” His pupils shifted as he studied her face, “I’d be more concerned if you weren’t upset.”
She let out a breath, nodding at him. “You didn’t answer my question though.”
His eyes betrayed him, looking down for a moment. “No, I didn’t.” He took a deep breath before speaking again, “Just know… this wasn’t your fault. Or mine. Or Dolores’. We all made the best decisions we could with the information we had.”
Jordynne’s eyebrows furrowed, her voice wavering again. “But she trusted us. She was my patient. She put her life in my hands.” Water formed in her eyes, and she didn’t wipe them away this time. She felt the hot tears roll down her cheek.
“You’re right. Remember this, even when the patient is mean or stubborn. Their life is in your hands. That responsibility has to come first. Always.” His voice was serious but gentle.
Pulling at the seam in her scrubs nervously, Jordynne asked, “Why are you being so nice to me? You’re usually so…”
“Demanding?” Ethan finished for her, before starring into space. He couldn’t give her a straight answer to why. They had been through the whole day with Dolores together maybe. But it could be something more than that. “There are doctors with unlimited patience. I’m not one of them. Energy I could use socializing or making someone’s day better, I put towards my patients. They’re who I’m here for.”
“But you’re a teacher too.” She said honestly.
He raised his eyebrows in agreement, “One of many, and you shouldn’t model yourself after any of us.” Pinching the bridge of his nose he continued, “Idolatry among physicians is absurd. We’re here to teach you practical medicine. You need to find your own way of being a doctor.”
“But…,” She hesitated, swallowing hard, “How do I do that?”
A small, but genuine smile spread across Ethan’s face, “You already are.”
Suddenly, the baby made a small sound — stretching his tiny hands open and close. Standing up, Ethan grabbed some gloves, before offering his finger to the infant. As he grabbed onto his finger, a smile spread across Ethan’s face — his eyes shining with water again.
“She named him after you,” Jordynne said softly, gesturing to the name on the incubator.
His eyes flashed with surprise as he looked below him, to the name tag. She watched as he swallowed hard, chewing on his lip. “I… see she did.”
The stood together, hovering over the incubator — standing shoulder to shoulder. “You must have known Dolores a long time.”
“Over ten years. When I first emailed her I only meant to check in. But she was recently divorced, feeling alone, so she insisted on coffee. And then it turned into more emails and meeting once every couple months for Sunday roast.” He smiled, thinking about past dinners.
“She sounds like a good friend.”
He nodded in agreement, “I didn’t make friends easily when I started here, so I was always grateful to her for that.” He swallowed again, falling silent as he stared at Dolores’ baby.
Instinctually Jordynne reached over the incubator, putting her hand over his — still holding onto the baby. “I’m sorry this happened.”
Ethan looked up at her, his blue eyes shining. He held her gaze for a long moment, searching her green eyes. Their hands turning warm as they touched. “Me too.” He said his voice earnest.  
Jordynne felt her chest tighten for a moment, and she gulped.
Suddenly he cleared his throat, moving his hand out from underneath hers. “I think we need coffee.”
She shoved her hands into her scrubs pockets, “I can get some.”
He shook his head, putting out his hands, “No, I’ll go.” He gave her a half-smile, before leaving the NICU.
Returning to the leather love seat, Jordynne curled up into the corner of it — angling herself so she could watch the baby’s little chest. “That’s it, little tadpole. In and out.” She whispered to herself.
Ethan returned with two mugs of steaming coffee, handing one to Jordynne before sitting next to her. Her knee resting against his thigh, but he didn’t seem to mind. She took a careful sip, before grinning, “This doesn’t taste like cafeteria coffee!” She whispered excitedly.
He grinned at her reaction, showing his perfect white teeth. “This is from my private coffee machine. As soon as I got an office, I vowed never to drink that caffeinated dishwater again. Nobody knows I have it, so…”
Smiling, she took another sip from the coffee, “I won’t tell a soul.”
His eyes crinkled, “I know.” He took another sig, before speaking again, “What was with your get up earlier?”
Jordynne flushed with embarrassment, “I went to a concert after my shift. To try and keep my mind off of here. I guess it was pretty different from my scrubs.”
Ethan licked his lips, eyeing her, “A little. Not that you don’t look good now.”
She raised an eyebrow at him.
“I just meant,” He waved at himself — his coat and trouser long disheveled, his hair tousled from running his fingers throughout it nervously all night. “All things considered.”
She chuckled, self-consciously rubbing her tired skin and trying to flatten her ponytail. “You really need to work on your compliments there, Ramsey.”
A snicker escaped him, “I gotta work on a lot of things Jordynne.”
Ethan woke with a stir, his eyes flashing open in confusion at his surroundings. He was still in the NICU, the bright fluorescent lights causing him to blink. He went to move his right arm but he felt resistance. Glancing over, he saw Jordynne’s blonde head leaning against it — her eyes closed as she slept.
Darting his eyes around, he realized they were alone. He looked at the incubator, noticing the rise and fall of the infant’s chest. His heart swelled — he made it. Risking another glance, Ethan gulped as he studied her face. She looked so peaceful — her full lips pursed together, long lashes casting a shadow on her cheeks, her ponytail coming undone sending pieces falling wildly around her face.
A big part of him wanted to stay like this — let her use him as a pillow, keep leaning on each other like they had the night before. But he couldn’t, he shouldn’t.
Clearing his throat, he softly shook her arm with his other hand, “Jordynne… Jordynne, wake up.”
“Hmmm,” She blinked herself awake, before snapping her eyes open. “Uh, sorry!” She moved off of Ethan’s arm, smiling sheepishly.
She immediately stared at the incubator. As soon as she woke up, her eyes went to the incubator. “He made it!”
Ethan nodded, “He’s getting stronger.” She beamed at him, her eyes twinkling at the good news.
She glanced at her watch, before jumping up quickly, “Oh crap, I have rounds in twenty minutes. I need to get a shower.” Checking her pockets, she looked longingly at the incubator.
“I’ll sit with him a bit longer.” Ethan comforted her.
Jordynne nodded at him, pursing her lips. She grabbed onto the edge of the incubator, peering in on more time, “Hang in there little one.” She whispered to him, before turning on her heel.
He swallowed as she watched her leave, Do it. Do it now. “Jordynne?”
Her head whipped around her blonde ponytail swinging. She paused in the doorframe, holding onto it.
He rubbed his rough stubble, “Thank you.” His voice was sincere.
She met his eye, a small smile stretching her pink lips, “Of course.”
Ethan breathed in deeply, closing his eyes for a moment. He could smell her, her scent lingering on his coat from where she had slept on him. He chewed his lip, stopping himself from letting the pleasant noise out of his mouth. God, what had he gotten himself into.
Part Six
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varcrowsnes · 2 months
Comprehensive Guide to Car Servicing and Repair in Sydney
Maintaining your vehicle's performance and longevity requires regular servicing and prompt repairs. Whether you own a reliable daily driver or a high-performance European car, finding a trustworthy mechanic is crucial. If you’re searching for car servicing and repair, a car mechanic in Sydney, or European car mechanics near me, this guide will help you make informed decisions and keep your vehicle in peak condition.
Importance of Regular Car Servicing and Repair
Regular car servicing and timely repairs are essential for several reasons:
Safety: Regular maintenance checks ensure that your vehicle’s critical systems, like brakes and suspension, are functioning correctly, reducing the risk of accidents.
Performance: Routine servicing keeps your engine running smoothly, improving fuel efficiency and overall performance.
Longevity: Consistent care helps prevent major breakdowns and extends the life of your vehicle.
Resale Value: Well-maintained cars retain their value better, making them more attractive to potential buyers.
Finding the Best Car Mechanic in Sydney
Sydney offers a wide range of car servicing and repair options, making it essential to choose the right mechanic for your needs. Here’s how to find the best car mechanic in Sydney:
Local Recommendations: Start by asking friends, family, or colleagues for recommendations. Personal experiences can provide valuable insights into a mechanic’s reliability and quality of service.
Online Reviews: Check online reviews and ratings on platforms like Google, Yelp, and automotive forums. Look for mechanics with consistently positive feedback and high ratings.
Certifications: Ensure the mechanic is certified and has the necessary qualifications. Certifications from recognized automotive organizations indicate a high level of expertise.
Specializations: If you own a European car, look for mechanics who specialize in European models. These specialists will have the specific knowledge and tools required to service and repair European vehicles effectively.
European Car Mechanics Near Me
European cars, such as BMW, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, and Volkswagen, often require specialized care due to their advanced engineering and unique components. Finding a mechanic who is experienced with European vehicles is crucial for maintaining their performance and reliability. Here are some tips for locating European car mechanics near me:
Expertise in European Models: Choose a mechanic with a proven track record of working on European cars. They should be familiar with the intricacies of these vehicles and have access to specialized diagnostic tools and genuine parts.
Customer Reviews: Look for reviews from other European car owners. Positive feedback from fellow European car enthusiasts can be a strong indicator of the mechanic’s expertise and reliability.
Service Range: Ensure the mechanic offers a comprehensive range of services, from routine maintenance to complex repairs. This ensures that all your car’s needs can be met under one roof.
Warranty and Guarantees: A reputable European car mechanic will stand by their work, offering warranties and guarantees on parts and labor. This provides peace of mind and confidence in the quality of service.
Top Car Mechanics in Sydney
Here are a few renowned car mechanics in Sydney known for their expertise and excellent customer service:
Sydney Auto Care: Offering comprehensive car servicing and repair, Sydney Auto Care is known for its skilled technicians and exceptional customer service.
Euro Car Specialists: As the name suggests, Euro Car Specialists focus on European models, providing expert care and using genuine parts to ensure top performance.
Precision Auto: With a team of highly trained mechanics, Precision Auto offers reliable and efficient services for all types of vehicles, including European cars.
City Car Repairs: Conveniently located in the heart of Sydney, City Car Repairs provides a wide range of services, from routine maintenance to major repairs, ensuring your car runs smoothly.
Keeping your vehicle in excellent condition requires regular servicing and expert repairs. By choosing a reputable car mechanic in Sydney, especially one experienced with European cars, you can ensure your vehicle remains safe, efficient, and reliable. Whether you're searching for car servicing and repair, car mechanic Sydney, or European car mechanics near me, use this guide to find the best professionals to meet your automotive needs.
Visit us for more information- https://www.varcrowsnest.com.au/
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intownautocare · 1 year
 When it comes to taking care of your cherished European automobile, finding a reliable auto mechanic in Moorestown, NJ, can be a daunting task. You want someone with experience, expertise, and a commitment to excellence in auto repair. Look no further than InTown Auto Care, your premier choice for all your automotive needs.
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InTown Auto Care 309 Mill Street Moorestown, NJ 08057 (856) 234-1868
Visit Our Website: https://www.intownautocare.net/
Find Us On The Map: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=1524154417497252677
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About.me: https://about.me/intownautocare
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