#mercie lilisa
ask-the-hue-crew · 5 years
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Welcome to the world of Ask-the-hue-crew. I know what you’re thinking, another new fantroll blog in this the year of our lord, 2019? You fucking bet, cringe culture is finally dead babey!! I just need help reaching an audience that wants to see the Content I spit up.
As well as answering asks, this blog will probably revolve around doodles, RP, comics and other OC content! I have nothing better to do! Please bother my children.
((Mun is 20 years old at the time of post, however I have no intention of this blog to ever contain content unsafe for minors, follow at your own discretion/comfort! Main is @canned-rainbows !))
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canaries-in-dungeon · 5 years
OCtober day 6: Late edition
oopsie I lost track of time. F in the chat.
The sun had only just begun to rise. Birds were chirping as the dim light began to creep through the forest. Over a fire, a human woman in druidic garb was half minding a small kettle of boiling water, though most of her attention is on the coffee beans she’s grinding with a mortar and pestle. Around her sleep a teifling man with olive green skin and long dark hair and a little white Kobold cuddling a very large black dog. An elk grazes at the edge of the clearing, keeping an eye out for anything that might harm the party. She dumps the finished grounds into a small bag and places the bag in the kettle. After a few minutes, the smell of fresh coffee begins to float over the campsite.
“Lilisa, you made coffee” said the teifling, sitting up sleepily “I love you.”
“It’s not done yet” said Lilisa “Can you mind it for me? I was going to get something extra for breakfast. If I have to eat just travel rations one more time I am going to scream.”
“I’ll take care of it” Said the teifling, getting out of his bedroll “Should I wake Gaby?”
“You may as well” Said Lilisa, getting up from the fire to collect her things “she might not be happy about it, but give her some coffee if she’s grouchy.”
“Can kobolds drink coffee?” said the teifling “I didn’t think they could.”
“It shouldn’t cause any problems.” Said Lilisa, making her way over to her elk companion “aside from maybe making her more hyper than usual.”
“Well alright” Said the teifling “if you say so. I don’t think she can physically become more hyper than she is now though.”
“We’ll see” said Lilisa as she hopped onto the elk “I’ll be back soon, hopefully with something.” She steered her elk into the woods and trotted away.
The teifling made his way over to the sleeping kobold.
“Hey Gaby.” He said “Gaby wake up.”
Gaby made some sleepy kobold noises, but did not wake up.
“Gaby!” he said, gently shaking her “It’s time to wake up.”
“mmm… I don’t wanna.” said Gaby
“Too bad.” He replied “wake up.”
“Woofwoof is comfy though…” said Gaby, clinging more tightly to the dog
“It’s almost breakfast time.” he said coaxingly “You get to eat.”
“Alright Mercy…” Said Gaby, sleepily sitting up
“The coffee should be almost done, want some?” said Mercy, walking back to the fire
“What’s a coffee.” Said Gaby “Is it like ham?”
“No, no it is not.” Said Mercy with a chuckle “It’s a drink, like tea or juice. It makes you more awake.”
“I think I will have some then” said Gaby, following Mercy “I am very sleepy.”
Mercy took the coffee pot off the fire, pouring a little bit into a cup for Gaby to drink.
“Here.” He said, handing her the cup “Give it a try.”
Gaby took the cup, took a sip, and immediately pulled a face.
“Is… it supposed to taste like that?” she said, crinkling her nose “It tastes… bad.”
“Yeah, you get used to it.” Said Mercy, pouring himself a cup “It’s worth it for the extra energy you get.”
“Is it?” she said, taking another sip and pulling an equally disgusted face. “It doesn’t seem like it.”
“Well, some people flavor it, but we didn’t really have the space for that stuff in our bags.” He replied, “Once we’re in the city, I’ll take you to a coffee house, then you can get something really nice.”
“Really? Sweet!” said Gaby “I can’t wait!”
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ask-the-hue-crew · 5 years
((Get to know my fantrolls!))
Name: Malley Trytho
Pronouns: she/her
Blood: Burgundy
Screen name: criminalGrifter
Typing style: obey the law orrrr face the consequences.
if you thought I was in yourrrr corrrrnerrrr you werrrre sorrrrely mistaken.
Strife specibus: whipkind (bladed whip)
Lusus: German Shepherd/Ram hybrid
Hive: Built on top of a defunct prison
Powers: Telekinesis/commune with dead
Lunar Sway: Prospit
God Tier: Page of Blood
Name: Anisza Ronamy
Pronouns: she/her
Blood: Bronze
Screen name: giftedAffront
Typing style: Cônsider the fôllôwing; yôu are stupid.
Strife specibus: Fistkind (Brass knuckles)
Lusus: Scottish highland cow
Hive: Standard hive, not much to see here
Powers: Commune with beasts
Lunar Sway: Derse
God Tier: Seer of Space
Name: Erdija Oprium
Pronouns: she/they
Blood: Gold
Screen name: apexApostate
Typing style: >>lmao ï bet you maïn ghenjï on trollverwatch>>
Strife specibus: Batkind (Nail bat)
Lusus: Bone wasp
Hive: Communal hive stem
Powers: Psiionics
Lunar Sway: Prospit
God Tier: Heir of Time
Name: Felisi ??????
Pronouns: they/them
Blood: Lime (shhh)
Screen name: altruisticTwister
Typing style: All my friendS are here, thiS iS the beSt!!
Strife specibus: 2x bladekind (Dual knives)
Lusus: Shrimp! Kitty! Now!
Hive: Taken over most of an abandoned subgrub
Powers: Quelling highblood rage
Lunar Sway: Prospit
God Tier: Witch of Breath
Name: Lepana Beuxan
Pronouns: they/them
Blood: Olive
Screen name: cordialCottontail
Typing style: [O]h n[o], I left the thermal meal preparati[o]n b[o]x [o]n!
Strife specibus: Clubkind
Lusus: Miniature Wolpertinger
Hive: Out of the way, with lots of garden space
Powers: Pryrokenesis
Lunar Sway: Derse
God Tier: Rogue of Life
Name: Darroy Sancto
Pronouns: He/him
Blood: Jade
Screen name: critterTheorist
Typing style: /(And just what is THAT supposed to mean?)\
Strife specibus: Dartkind
Lusus: giant butterfly snail
Hive: Treehouse within alternias first (unofficial) wildlife preserve
Powers: None, yet
Lunar Sway: Prospit
God Tier: Knight of Void
Name: Tyrone Lazryk
Pronouns: He/him
Blood: Teal
Screen name: teeteringCalamity
Typing style: Hah, quirks are for babies!
Strife specibus: Javelinkind
Lusus: Spleenfowl, whatever that is
Hive: Modern style piece of ugly expensive architecture
Powers: None
Lunar Sway: Prospit
God Tier: Mage of Rage
Name: Dravan Edecca
Pronouns: He/him
Blood: Cerulean
Screen Name: gracelessCalculator
Quirk: 4get 4bout the ple4s4ntries, i’m busy.
Strife Specibus: Potionkind (its chemic4ls!!!!)
Lusus: surprisingly placid giant harvestman
Hive: A poorly kept mansion with a very large basement
Powers: 4-sight, (foresight) manipul8tion 1/2
Lunar Sway: Derse
God Tier: Bard of Mind
Name: Rahith Ernexa
Pronouns: He/they
Blood: Indigo
Screen name: techniciansAbsolved
Typing style: Ûh oh.
Strife specibus: Crossbowkind
Lusus: Fluffy pony
Hive: Nice, kind of dusty manor
Powers: Strength
Lunar Sway: Derse
God Tier: Prince of Doom
Name: Giggli Yorick
Pronouns: she/her
Blood: Purple
Screen Name: courtsideApplaudee
Quirk: Lots antd lots of exclamationt!! Always excited, sometimes EVEnt MORE EXCITED THAnt USUAL!!!! :0D
Strife Specibus: staffkind (Marotte)
Lusus: Grinning, many eyed goat
Hive: built into the ruins of an old alternian castle
Powers: Chucklevoodoo(ish)
Lunar Sway: Derse
God Tier: Sylph of Hope
Name: Mercie Lilisa
Pronouns: she/they
Blood: Violet
Screen name: affluentGrammarian
Typing style: This is arguably the wery vorst day of my young life.
Strife specibus: 2x Bladekind (dual rapiers)
Lusus: 100ft sea snake
Hive: Lighthouse/bookhive
Powers: None
Lunar Sway: Derse
God Tier: Maid of Light
Name: Phiata Nautom
Pronouns: she/her
Blood: Fuchsia
Screen name: amicableCenturion
Typing style: W~E ar~E just going to hav~E th~E most fun in th~E world!~
Strife specibus: 2x3 dent
Lusus: Dolphin Pufferfish
Hive: underwater palace
Powers: all, per fuchsia status
Lunar Sway: Prospit
God Tier: Thief of Heart
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