#lepana beuxan
ask-the-hue-crew · 5 years
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CC: Alright! Let’s get this sh[o]w [o]n the r[o]ad!
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CC: I’ve heard a l[o]t ab[o]ut the [o]ther tr[o]lls ar[o]und here, my friends and I are excited t[o] meet y[o]u all! Th[o]ugh right n[o]w it’s just me.
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CC: My name is Lepana! D[o]n’t be t[o][o] shy t[o] chat, I pr[o]mise I w[o]n’t bite.
((Hey! Brand new fantroll blog here trying to start out. Consider this like a proof of concept/canon post numero uno. Spread them around so they can chat, you can send an ask or reply as another troll if you like, canon or fanmade!))
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whos that neat troll in ur pfp?
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Oh you mean this nifty creachur? This is Lepana Beuxan! As luck would have it, they’re featured on my shiny new ask blog, @ask-the-hue-crew , along with 11 other disasters all scattered around the hemospectrum! Don’t be afraid to pop in and send an ask!
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ask-the-hue-crew · 5 years
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I’m really glad, a l[o]t [o]f pe[o]ple seem excited t[o] meet us! Now that things have sl[o]wed d[o]wn we can start answering things!
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But first, I think it’s time t[o] intr[o]duce a new tr[o]ll t[o] [o]ur little bl[o]g!
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Say hell[o] t[o] Erdija [O]prium! D[o] y[o]u have anything t[o] say t[o] the pe[o]ple at h[o]me, Erdija?
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>>yeah ï guess ï can say something>>
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>>you better be nïce to my moïraïl, or ïll knock your teeth clean the fuck out>>
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... Thank y[o]u Erdija.
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(She uh. She’s just a little defensive. I pr[o]mise she will be nice. I’ll g[o] ahead and get t[o] some replies and asks n[o]w.)
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ask-the-hue-crew · 5 years
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Welcome to the world of Ask-the-hue-crew. I know what you’re thinking, another new fantroll blog in this the year of our lord, 2019? You fucking bet, cringe culture is finally dead babey!! I just need help reaching an audience that wants to see the Content I spit up.
As well as answering asks, this blog will probably revolve around doodles, RP, comics and other OC content! I have nothing better to do! Please bother my children.
((Mun is 20 years old at the time of post, however I have no intention of this blog to ever contain content unsafe for minors, follow at your own discretion/comfort! Main is @canned-rainbows !))
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ask-the-hue-crew · 5 years
((Get to know my fantrolls!))
Name: Malley Trytho
Pronouns: she/her
Blood: Burgundy
Screen name: criminalGrifter
Typing style: obey the law orrrr face the consequences.
if you thought I was in yourrrr corrrrnerrrr you werrrre sorrrrely mistaken.
Strife specibus: whipkind (bladed whip)
Lusus: German Shepherd/Ram hybrid
Hive: Built on top of a defunct prison
Powers: Telekinesis/commune with dead
Lunar Sway: Prospit
God Tier: Page of Blood
Name: Anisza Ronamy
Pronouns: she/her
Blood: Bronze
Screen name: giftedAffront
Typing style: Cônsider the fôllôwing; yôu are stupid.
Strife specibus: Fistkind (Brass knuckles)
Lusus: Scottish highland cow
Hive: Standard hive, not much to see here
Powers: Commune with beasts
Lunar Sway: Derse
God Tier: Seer of Space
Name: Erdija Oprium
Pronouns: she/they
Blood: Gold
Screen name: apexApostate
Typing style: >>lmao ï bet you maïn ghenjï on trollverwatch>>
Strife specibus: Batkind (Nail bat)
Lusus: Bone wasp
Hive: Communal hive stem
Powers: Psiionics
Lunar Sway: Prospit
God Tier: Heir of Time
Name: Felisi ??????
Pronouns: they/them
Blood: Lime (shhh)
Screen name: altruisticTwister
Typing style: All my friendS are here, thiS iS the beSt!!
Strife specibus: 2x bladekind (Dual knives)
Lusus: Shrimp! Kitty! Now!
Hive: Taken over most of an abandoned subgrub
Powers: Quelling highblood rage
Lunar Sway: Prospit
God Tier: Witch of Breath
Name: Lepana Beuxan
Pronouns: they/them
Blood: Olive
Screen name: cordialCottontail
Typing style: [O]h n[o], I left the thermal meal preparati[o]n b[o]x [o]n!
Strife specibus: Clubkind
Lusus: Miniature Wolpertinger
Hive: Out of the way, with lots of garden space
Powers: Pryrokenesis
Lunar Sway: Derse
God Tier: Rogue of Life
Name: Darroy Sancto
Pronouns: He/him
Blood: Jade
Screen name: critterTheorist
Typing style: /(And just what is THAT supposed to mean?)\
Strife specibus: Dartkind
Lusus: giant butterfly snail
Hive: Treehouse within alternias first (unofficial) wildlife preserve
Powers: None, yet
Lunar Sway: Prospit
God Tier: Knight of Void
Name: Tyrone Lazryk
Pronouns: He/him
Blood: Teal
Screen name: teeteringCalamity
Typing style: Hah, quirks are for babies!
Strife specibus: Javelinkind
Lusus: Spleenfowl, whatever that is
Hive: Modern style piece of ugly expensive architecture
Powers: None
Lunar Sway: Prospit
God Tier: Mage of Rage
Name: Dravan Edecca
Pronouns: He/him
Blood: Cerulean
Screen Name: gracelessCalculator
Quirk: 4get 4bout the ple4s4ntries, i’m busy.
Strife Specibus: Potionkind (its chemic4ls!!!!)
Lusus: surprisingly placid giant harvestman
Hive: A poorly kept mansion with a very large basement
Powers: 4-sight, (foresight) manipul8tion 1/2
Lunar Sway: Derse
God Tier: Bard of Mind
Name: Rahith Ernexa
Pronouns: He/they
Blood: Indigo
Screen name: techniciansAbsolved
Typing style: Ûh oh.
Strife specibus: Crossbowkind
Lusus: Fluffy pony
Hive: Nice, kind of dusty manor
Powers: Strength
Lunar Sway: Derse
God Tier: Prince of Doom
Name: Giggli Yorick
Pronouns: she/her
Blood: Purple
Screen Name: courtsideApplaudee
Quirk: Lots antd lots of exclamationt!! Always excited, sometimes EVEnt MORE EXCITED THAnt USUAL!!!! :0D
Strife Specibus: staffkind (Marotte)
Lusus: Grinning, many eyed goat
Hive: built into the ruins of an old alternian castle
Powers: Chucklevoodoo(ish)
Lunar Sway: Derse
God Tier: Sylph of Hope
Name: Mercie Lilisa
Pronouns: she/they
Blood: Violet
Screen name: affluentGrammarian
Typing style: This is arguably the wery vorst day of my young life.
Strife specibus: 2x Bladekind (dual rapiers)
Lusus: 100ft sea snake
Hive: Lighthouse/bookhive
Powers: None
Lunar Sway: Derse
God Tier: Maid of Light
Name: Phiata Nautom
Pronouns: she/her
Blood: Fuchsia
Screen name: amicableCenturion
Typing style: W~E ar~E just going to hav~E th~E most fun in th~E world!~
Strife specibus: 2x3 dent
Lusus: Dolphin Pufferfish
Hive: underwater palace
Powers: all, per fuchsia status
Lunar Sway: Prospit
God Tier: Thief of Heart
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ask-the-hue-crew · 5 years
This isn't an RP thing, but can I just say that the design for Lepana is one of the cutest troll designs I've seen in a while?
((THANK YOU AAAA!! You just gave me such a warm fuzzy feeling you don’t even know, here’s a lil’ ‘pana just for you))
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