silvermoonartworks · 2 years
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Another Merciedue Button!
I will work on the mini button ater this before opening the pre order 🥳🥳🥳
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omgkalyppso · 5 months
sylvix 8 14 and 16 bc the ship meme popped up on my dash again :)
\( ̄︶ ̄*\) I appreciate you! Thank you for the ask.
8. Do they have any children? If so, do these children predate the relationship or are they a result of the relationship (whether through birth or adoption or otherwise)? Does any partner excel in their child-rearing? If so, is this because of education, experience or instinct?
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Picrew 1. Picrew 2. Picrew 3.
I never really explored a lot of my oc Fae's post-canon world publicly, but Sylvix are together there and it was my headcanon that trans Felix would not be comfortable carrying a child to term, and so they adopt Elspeth. There were already so many Faerghan redheads, that I didn't feel bad about going that route with her design.
I've seen a few people headcanon Miklan a child that they adopt, and have sometimes played with the idea that she's that, but otherwise her origin isn't angsty. Happily chosen by her parents in an orphanage because she was scrappy and because her hair reminded Felix of Sylvain's. A brighter, quieter swordsman than Felix was in his youth, who still manages to remind people of him somehow. A Fraldarius in every way.
She's adopted between five and seven, so they miss some of the younger years and milestones, but are around for her to be young enough that she still mimics some of Sylvain's exaggerated / flirtatious smiles, that she still requires a basic education besides one that would be specifically required for people of their rank, that other discoveries and heartbreaks and illnesses are still a new and delicate thing.
Felix is better with making Elspeth feel better after an injury, or handling colds and impatience and distraction. Sylvain is more approachable with emotional conversations, but I don't think he's the best at them or that he'd want to have them without Felix present so Elspeth has to deal with both of her parents talking about her insecurities and desires almost like strategy. Ultimately it works because Felix and Sylvain are mature and kind-hearted and attentive to their daughter, but it's definitely unconventional.
They're always trying to pull each other closer. A whole family with a concern of living up to deserving one another.
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Picrews 4&5. Other ot5 kids here.
I also want to add that she's at the Officer's Academy at the same time as two of my ot5 kids: (Hilda and Lorenz's youngest) Baldovin or Vinnie, and (Fae and Claude's only daughter) Sadaf. Vinnie and Sadaf, despite having different birth parents, near consider each other twins. Born only a few months apart and raised together by parents who were involved with one another, they're very familial at least, and the best of friends.
I wouldn't say I ship any of my next gen (with the specific exception of a merciedue fankid and an ot5 child), because I've not really invested in them as teens / adults the way that I've invested in them being children, but I like Elspeth developing a crush on Vinnie, and friends with both of them.
Baldovin is nothing like very little like Lorenz in temperament, unlike his elder siblings. He's loud. He's boistrous. He's short as a Goneril. Here's another paragraph about him from this post:
Baldovin (minor Crest of Goneril: Sometimes allows combat arts to prevent enemy counterattacks.) is a fortress knight. A slow, sturdy wall of armor. Lives to defend, and tries to incapacitate. Sympathy for his enemies. Feels like attacking marching units while mounted on either wyvern or horseback is unfair to man and animal, and thus only uses mounts to get from point A to point B. Crest nonsense: WILL wrestle your wyvern for fun, and enjoys the shock in how their necks rear back when his Crest allows him to pin their chin down while their wings struggle (squish that cat).
I also feel obligated to mention that in Fae's canon / post-canon, Sylvain joined the Golden Deer, and Dimitri survived Gronder but did not end up ruling as king. I have a few dimimari fics about where that left him, but they aren't fully transparent that Felix also remains his best friend.
14. How often does each partner cry? How do their partners engage or react to the differences in emotion between themselves and their partner(s)?
I think that while Felix did grow out of crying as often as he did as a child, that Sylvain cries a lot and unfortunately for Felix, it becomes more and more likely that seeing Sylvain in tears makes him cry also. Felix puts in so much effort post-canon in his relationship to Sylvain (among his platonic relationships to others), so that they can have harder conversations and feel better — and not simply awkward, after vulnerabilities are shared. It surprises Sylvain how bad he, himself, is at communicating, but it becomes more obvious through Felix's growth and efforts. They still have time to be young men together, and Sylvain also improves at giving tears their space, whether from sadness or otherwise.
16. If prompted to describe what love and / or acceptance feels like in their relationship, what sort of answer would each partner give? If this is not their honest answer, what would be the true answer for them?
Felix would say it feels like coming home. Like having a place to rest and not have to worry about being anything but you are.
Sylvain would say it feels like a warm fire after ages in the cold, like something you want to throw yourself into to recover from the chill, but that you have to wait for and tend and appreciate for it to steadily warm you.
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valla · 4 months
IDK, give me a Mercedes ship you like?
i picked merciedue 🥰🥰🥰
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wild-moss-art · 2 years
ship bingo: merciedue, caspashe, cysithea and dimiclaude
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I love them they are perfect for each other
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Babies 🥺 and by “more funny than romantic” I mean “comedy is the highest form of romance”
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I think that the concept of “the two young characters of course must be shipped together” is a little boring but their supports are sooo sweet and won me over
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I love my crackship and again comedy is the highest form of romance
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indigowallbreaker · 3 years
Here's a fic idea I'll never write! For Mega Deduesday! (:
Dedue and Mercedes have opened their school, and Mercedes hears a usual sound of scattered pencils or the like. Upon investigating, she finds Dedue and a child with a pile of bones at their feet. The child looks shocked and embarrassed and asks Mercedes not to touch them. Dedue collects the pieces and later explains they were from the child's mother, a gift meant for him to craft a necklace for Mercedes. He explains that normally when such a gift is exchanged, if she were to accept, she would place a bead or decoration that indicated her own family line as a manner of accepting his proposal. She asks how soon she can expect her necklace.
I'll only never write it because if I wrote merciedue now I'd write merciesyldue ... but I love thinking about cultural exchanges. Also, I love trans woman Mercedes and nonbinary trans masc Dedue.
Cultural exchanges! Mercedes' little tease! Duscur traditions! I love everything about this!! I can understand being distracted by other ships lol (and merciesyldue is a Good Distraction). Thanks for sharing the idea anyway. Bet it felt good to get that out :)
Transwoman Mercedes is one of my FAVORITE trans HCs! And heck yes to nonbinary trans masc Dedue! The more I think on nb Dedue the bigger my smile.
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grimalkenkid · 3 years
“A Sunless Dawn”
Chapter 5: Unlikely Allies
The Black Eagles do their best to make up for their sins.
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sevarix-blogs · 3 years
wait i just saw that you like merciedue, so if you want, maybe some headcanons on what they're like after the war? :0
i am indeed a merciedue fan!! i think they’re really cute together 😭
As we know from their paired ending, they open a Duscur school in Fhirdiad after the war
Both Mercie and Dedue teach, though Dedue gets nervous around smaller children (he’s afraid he’ll scare them)
Mercedes made it a point to study as much of Duscur’s history as possible so that she could teach it to the displaced Duscur children (and her own children, eventually)
(not merciedue exactly but sometimes annette comes to help at the school)
While maintaining the school, they also work with Dimitri to rebuild Duscur itself
Mercedes learns all she can about the cuisine of Duscur (with the help of Ashe, who is also interested in it) and often brings dishes to serve to the school children
when the flowers are in bloom in Duscur, Dedue takes Mercie there to see them. They built a small ‘vacation’ house there to help preserve local plants and such (also to just escape their busy lives in the city)
they were able to get the history of duscur added to fhaerghus history books (with the truth about what actually happened during the tragedy -  not blaming duscur but corneila/slithers instead)
eventually their school turns into one of the best in fhirdiad. they keep it free (thanks to dimitri) and welcome everyone who wants to learn
this becomes one reason why the people of Faerghus lose their prejudice against Duscur
after several years of teaching in fhirdiad, Duscur is re-built enough for people to start living there again, so they move back there and open more schools in Duscur
although Duscur maintains its culture, its people still welcome other people from around Fodlan to visit or even live there
Mercie and Dedue named their first kid after whatever the name of that flower is that Dedue talks about
because of their teachings and leadership, the people of Fodlan come to recognize the people of Duscur as kind and welcoming
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emblematicemblazer · 3 years
Everyone loves
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gascon-en-exil · 2 years
Mercedes X Dedue? I know Dedue also leaves Dimitri’s side in this ending but I feel it’s pretty amazing that together they rebuild Duscur and preserve its culture, so I have rather mixed feelings toward this one
Their ending doesn't say anything about Dedue leaving Dimitri. The two of them open a school in Fhirdiad which I assume is similar to the Ashedue ending where Dedue helps out at Ashe's restaurant but is still in regular contact with Dimitri. Merciedue is fine enough, and their support line is just about the biggest source of worldbuildling on Duscur culture in the entire game, but it still rates as low as M/F usually does for me.
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youngerfrankenstein · 2 years
Top Ships Dedue
This one is a bit easier!
Dimidue, it’s given a bit of a leg up in that I tend to be a sucker for lord/retainer ships in FE (and given I really like Edelbert, Hilclaude and Cathrhea that still seems to be the case) but even without that, they’re just very sweet and devoted, and they both have some major hangups they start to work through. And Dedue is the one person who even at his lowest Dimitri never snaps at! Also they‘re both strong enough they can pick up and carry each other, and that’s adorable.
Merciedue. I’ve seen some complaints that this has become a “default” for the two but I love it. They have Team Mom and Team Dad energy, it’s great. I also really enjoy their supports, with the two of them talking about faith and travelling. Their ending is really nice too.
Byleth(either one)/Dedue. This is, surprisingly, one of very few Byleth ships I quite like. The two of them being stoic and gardening together branching into deeper understanding is well done, I think. And Dedue’s S support is easily one of the best in the game (In my opinion).
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silvermoonartworks · 2 years
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Another Couple Button for Mercie and Dedue ^^
I will finish my Dimileth one and then open my pre order~ I actually have hard time to choose color for Dedue because I dont know which blue he is in hahaha. But i hope you looking forward to it~
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silvermoonartworks · 2 years
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Mercidue Digital Emoji product can be purchase on my Ko-Fi!
Merciedue Emoji - Contain 4 emoji of Merciedue in Fire Emblem Three Hope  version. Can be use for your Discord server! If something happen to the  file please let me know.
For Edelbert can be purchase here :  ko-fi.com/s/09b8e9c18e   For Dimileth can be purchase here : https://ko-fi.com/s/7e3f712688 For Netteflix can be purchase here : https://ko-fi.com/s/cd14425120
More to come! Feel free to share!
Yeah i know its different than other three who use House version. I didn’t realize i draw them in wrong time skip design and because I already color them and finish them I decided to make them Hopes instead ehhehe.
I hope you like it!
(P.S I also have bonus one Emoji there :’D)
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silvermoonartworks · 2 years
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Merciedue On Spring with flowers 🥰🥰🥰
Im plan them as stciker for my next pre order! I will make for Dimileth ASAP ehehhee
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silvermoonartworks · 2 years
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My first Digital Emoji product can be purchase on my Ko-Fi!
Edelbert Emoji - Contain 4 emoji of Edelbert in Fire Emblem Three House version. Can be use for your Discord server! If something happen to the file please let me know. 
More to come! Currently in my list I wanted to work on Dimileth, Netteflix, Hilspar, Merciedue and lastly my guilty pleasure Ferdibernie
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omgkalyppso · 2 years
i'm back can you tell us about your merciedue fankids too? :D
Thank you for the ask!
When I ship Merciedue, the fankid I have for them is Fernan. He has pale hair like his parents, and purple eyes like his mother. He grows up the child of teachers and leaders in his community, and inherits the sort of demeanor that expresses gentleness but demands respect. I can picture him at five years old feeling chuffed over already knowing the rules of the classroom, and both helping his peers and enforcing them - you can't wear your boots inside! - to children his same age who wonder about listening or rebelling. He's embarrassed by the tales in his teenage years, more soft spoken and unsure as he comes to understand the great holds and responsibilities of what he feels are true leaders.
He'd be overwhelmed by the academy, but very composed so it would be hard to tell. He goes at the same time as Nader and Geralt (Fae and Claude's twins) however, and is able to re-evaluate what he thinks of royalty and nobility quite quickly as they fight and learn together. I like the idea of Fernan and Geralt also dating, at least for a little while, with Fernan being the first person Geralt discusses his gender feelings with.
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silvermoonartworks · 2 years
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Dimileth Digital Emoji product can be purchase on my Ko-Fi!
Dimileth Emoji - Contain 4 emoji of Dimileth in Fire Emblem Three House  version. Can be use for your Discord server! If something happen to the  file please let me know.
For Edelbert can be purchase here : ko-fi.com/s/09b8e9c18e
More to come! On my way for Netteflix, Hilspar, Merciedue, Yuridetta (yay I also including them as well!) and lastly my guilty pleasure Ferdibernie.
I wish I can finish this project this week. So I can feel calm down a bit.
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