yuichiroswife · 4 years
Friendly remimder that you are a cutie and Ily (◡‿◡✿)
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{ Aaaaah, how are you so sweet and precious, Serin?! I do not understand! I love you too sooo sooo much, but please remember that you’re the cutie here~! Both you and Crystal. }
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shiningstages · 4 years
@mercifuldexth​ liked for a starter!
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Surviving this night was going to be one of the greatest accomplishments of his life. He had chosen to be assigned to Raccoon City because of the death in the Arklay Mountains, hoping to help solve everything and stop this violence from arising in the city again. But then they immediately told him not to come just after he had signed on. He had assumed it was to get his stuff ready or that they thought the situation in the mountains would be too much for him...But nothing could’ve prepared him for what actually occurred.
Now what he hoped to accomplish most was to help Claire when he found her, and make Marvin proud by finding out exactly what happened to the city he was going to call his home. Though, first he did have to survive, which was...Difficult. Especially with the zombie dogs. Which he now just discovered as well, in a dark parking garage that was starting to feel more like a dog cage than a brief haven.
A noise made him jerk his gaze from the dead dog to the figure near him, pointing his gun their way. It didn’t wobble like one of those things, walking perfectly in what sounded like high heels, but he was too on edge to trust just that. “Stop! Identify yourself!”
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storyteller-prince · 4 years
Christmas/Winter Starters!
@mercifuldexth​ said:🎄 from Lyria!! ☆ ( Our muses decorate a Christmas tree together! )
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“Pass me that one over there?” The captain pointed at the candy cane as she hanged up another ornament for their tree. Who knew how this tree got on the ship-- wait, she knew. It was her bugging Rackam and the rest of the crew to do so so they can celebrate Christmas on the Grandcypher. Was it the greatest idea? No, but it made her happy for the time being. 
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cadcnce-archived · 4 years
@mercifuldexth [ Futaba ]
Wylan would be hesitant to say that there was ever a visit to Tokyo that could be defined as normal. This was mostly thanks in part to his own antics and mannerisms, true. There were a number of occassions where he nearly got himself arrested in the pursuits of amusement to offset the weight and impact of his work otherwise. His work of course being what made the rest of his visits that weren’t for some kind of pleasure abnormal.
Yet even if Wylan took every one of those visits together they wouldn’t come close to how bizarre and unnatural this visit was. What had begun as a post to oversee a joint meeting between Yakuza and Bratva turned into something otherworldly. Literally. As in Wylan literally found himself pulled into another world where the inner machinations of the Russian pakhan who had done a great deal of manipulation to his life were made manifest.
Since that moment of his awakening he’d set out to do a few things. First of all was to figure out why he had these abilities and who else may know about it. It wouldn’t take long before that question was answered, the muttering of Phantom Thieves and mental shutdown cases being prevalent on the news. Wylan knew of the shutdowns, whenever he removed a shadow form of someone inside a Palace the real world counterpart would suffer something similar.
Perhaps it wasn’t surprising that the deaths of prevalent crime administrations weren’t included in the news reports. That wouldn’t play well at all with the narrative the people were seeking at the time. What was getting reported however Wylan found very interesting. Changes of heart, over the top confessions. If these things were all connected, there was more to this otherworld that he didn’t know.
Finding research or any information at all was difficult. Everyone and their mother was hitting google and what was coming up might as well be propaganda and hearsay for both sides of the argument. Righteous. Villainous. Wylan can’t help but crack a bit of a smile. Whoever these Phantom Thieves were, they might be in a similar boat as him. Maybe.
His searching for information and answers takes him to some darker networks and areas of the web. Places where prevalent hackers spent a great deal of their time spinning webs and gleaning their data. His own contact back in the states, a younger male who lived with his grandmother, affectionately referred to as Nerdlord had always cautioned him about how and when he accessed these things. And that if he wanted to use those channels, well, maybe it’d be better to have him do it?
Sometimes Wylan wondered if that advice was something he should have taken. Even in the past he had run ins and information taken from him. Some of his phones that he liked and computers that he liked having to be burnt up and thrown into a pit. When you have folks like Alibaba and then the various companies with their own cyber jackasses. Well, some of these run-ins had been better than others such as the former.
Perhaps it was an irony then that after searching for information into the mental shutdown cases, and using words such as Metaverse in his searches gained their attention. A day or so after doing some random attempts at research (which were, as expected, fruitless) he finds his tablet becoming unresponsive. Programs aren’t opening and pages aren’t loading. He curses himself, already lamenting having to purchase another tablet because some script kiddy caught his connection info and was going to slave his device.
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“Aw man... c’moooon...” He attempts the usual things. A ctrl alt delete. Smashing buttons, blowing on a usb port. Tried and true methods! Alas nothing seems to be helping, and he ends up force shutting down the system for a reboot. The email he’d been writing to his sister probably not saved but... he could write it again. The device doesn’t boot up to the usual product logo however, but a familiar grin on an eyeless Cheshire cat.
[ Hello there ]
The words appear on the screen and Wylan wonders if a maid cafe is the right place to have this conversation. The waitresses weren’t around, and his omurice with ketchup insignia was already half eaten. Maybe this can be wrapped up before they come back around about another coffee or the check. Wylan stares at the screen pondering how the fuck to respond to this. Or if he just throws out the tablet and decides not to deal with the prevalent hacker. Again.
The previous run in hadn’t gone too poorly. So. Maybe... He sighs. Why not see what happens? They already know it’s him.
>oh hi, havent seen you in awhile!
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idelvanstrategist · 4 years
Lyria gives Cain a box full of gummy bears. She ran out of chocolates. Probably next time, but hey; it's gummy bears.
Cain laughs, amused by the sudden gift. He’s gonna thank her, but instead, acts as though he’s seen something extremely shocking within the box. Eyes widen to comedic levels as he picks up a single bear from the container.
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The bear in question was a soft, light blue color. “Psst, hey. I didn’t know that you made a gummy version of yourself? How’d you manage to do that? Tell me your secrets!”
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sunlethvanille · 5 years
┊✰ @mercifuldexth​​ ( ʟɪɢʜᴛɴɪɴɢ ) starter┊
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In the sky that day Vanille could see a neverending ocean of clouds hovering above ― her favorite kind;  ❛ Big, white, and fluffy as a herd of wild sheep! ❜ she said out loud, swinging her arms about happily. They reminded her of the days she spent with Fang as a child, watching them race by and imagining them as all sorts of funny things together. Fang was always the creative one. Not every cloud looks like a chocobo chick or a flower, ‘Nille, she would say. Where’s your sense of adventure? Those memories seemed forever ago, now.
Finally she dragged her eyes away from the endless sky to look at the beautiful world around her. She was comfortable here in the untamed land of Gran Pulse; on Cocoon, she couldn’t shake the feeling of being cramped into one small space. Here, she could spread her arms and feel the unknown... But she wasn’t sure the others felt the same. Must be a lot at once, I guess, she thought.
Her gaze finally landed on a figure some feet away, and she recognized the outline of none other than Lightning. Underneath the expanseful blue patterned by white, a wave of nostalgia hit Vanille, and she yearned for a friend to admire and debate the shape of clouds with. Although Lightning could be no fun at times, she knew there was a softness underneath... perhaps even enough to play with her. Vanille wasn’t sure, and the guilt she felt about Serah lingered like a bad taste in her mouth, keeping her from spending time with the distant girl she had traveled alongside for a while now. Maybe now’s the time to be brave! You can do it, Vanille!
With a deep breath, she desperately pushed her worries aside with the sunniest of smiles, and began to make her way forward ― calling out through the fresh Pulsian air toward unsuspecting ears.
❛ Heeeey! Lightning! Over here...! ❜
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promiscxous · 4 years
@mercifuldexth​ replied to your post “@mercifuldexth replied to your post “{ You know who I’m going to ask...”
;; Mmm... Edelina sounds good. Maybe Ellen fits her too... a lot of names to choose ��
{ Maybe Edelina could be her name? And then Ellen is a nickname... or like something like that? }
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montaguesoath · 4 years
@mercifuldexth ( lyria ) / s.c.
          It’d been another exhausting night for Romeo, between the little hours of sleep he managed to rack up and the countless hours spent searching out the next Escalus backer that walks the streets. By now, with the string of murders happening, what brought the victims together became clear to the ones involved. For the sake of public opinion, any news about the deaths were kept as tightly lipped as possible, but both Escalus and whomever were on their side rarely showed their faces.
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          Good, Romeo thinks, settling in his seat, the less that Juliet and Paris needn’t worry about, the better. That only meant he had to stay ever vigilant, since he’s beginning to suspect from the long ring of silence that Escalus had something else planned. However, he couldn’t ponder over what that could be, if he’s over thinking it all or how to find any information that could help with the feeling that he’s correct, his gaze turned in time to catch a girl with long, blue hair running by on the other side of the window.
          Lyria. What is she doing here, by herself? Without a moment’s notice, Romeo stood up silently, striding over to the entrance to exclaim “Lyria!” and hurry to where she is. No Vyrn around or even Captain left Romeo feeling distressed for the girl’s sudden appearance. “Are you okay? Why are you here all alone at night like this?”
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queensconquest · 5 years
﴾ ANY MUSE STARTER CALL -  @mercifuldexth ﴿
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   “  Up  to  trouble,  Shinoa  ?  “  
   Shinya’s  demon  sat  sprawled  on  the  roof  of  the  building  she  was  sneaking  out  of,  blue  eyes  focused  on  the  girl  as  a  tail  flicked.  Byakkomaru  hadn’t  expected  this  particular  sight  when  he’d  gone  to  keep  guard  of  the  area.  A  demon  fiercely  loyal  to  his  wielder,  Shinya.
   However  this  was  something  interesting  and  slightly  amusing.  “  Not  going  to  do  something  stupid,  are  you  ?  Don’t  worry,  I  won’t  tell.  Unless  there’s  a  risk  of  someone  getting  hurt  because  of  it.  “  Byakkomaru  commented,  disappearing  in  a  surge  of  blue  flames  only  to  reappear  a  few  feet  from  her.  
   “  What  ARE  you  doing  ?  “  Even  if  she  walked  away,  he’d  simply  follow  her.
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friendsinthefrost · 4 years
“Lunch is being bought, what do you want?” // from lyria to percival or lucio!
Fluff Starters
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“Hmm? Are you buying, then?” Percival’s words are short and straight to the point. Lyria had asked his order, but... It wasn’t usual for her to pay for anything alone. The captain was nowhere nearby, as far as Percival could tell, and so it perplexed him as to why Lyria was offering him some lunch. 
If it were in fact Lyria’s ‘turn’ to pay, then Percival would certainly order something small so as not to burden her. Though he’d never admit to it, he of course did want to look out for the girl in blue in his own ‘subtle’ ways.
“A single meat skewer. Make sure it remains hot by the time you deliver it to me. I won’t stand for cold meat.”
He glares at the girl in blue with an intense yet unintentional stare. Realizing he might have come off a little too intense, he whispers his thanks to Lyria quickly. 
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reginrokkr · 4 years
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✩ @mercifuldexth​ wished upon a star: “I don’t want to be alone.” [ Seven → Ace ]
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When blessed by superb effectives within the entirety of an army, logic dictates to send those individuals to the forefront as many times as possible–– always, should the opportunity arise. An understandable reasoning at best, albeit the gears start rotating towards a different direction when said effectives are treated as weapons rather than cadets like everyone else. Special in a sense given most of their resistance to Crystal jammers–– but still cadets, regardless.
Long has it been since Ace was cognisant to this reality that nobody dares to complain against for fear to bringing Mother down. As an objective to have in other higher-ups’ crosshairs that noticed the power she has over the Consortium of Eight, she’s undoubtedly apt to be under constant scrutiny. No one wants to give her more trouble than she’s already facing, despite her insistence that she has grown accustomed to this behaviour since before she decided to make their inscription to the Akademeia.
Alas, Class Zero ceased being treated as any other class within the Akademeia institution to be used as Rubrum’s weapon. It wasn’t long until the entirety of Orience started to fear Class Zero not as the legendary class that only few records deigned to speak of, but as massive destruction ammunition.
That is a fact. As Commander Kurasame would say, no matter how different the reality may be, Orience believing so is a ineffaceable fact. Plain to see, the difference shows in the way a wounded Ace carries Seven on his back after performing as expected in a mission that fortunately has reached its conclusion. Each step, everything he hears is but a distorted reality byproduct of blood loss that he isn’t exempt from–– much like Seven. The sound of sobbing and weeping drags the blond from whatever trance his mind was sent into in order to make the physical pain more bearable, causing him to tense. Logic tells him it must’ve been product of his imagination, something that is immediately discarded by the sound of her voice.
I don’t want to be alone.
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“Seven...?” He calls for her softly, only after a few groans in pain abandoned his lips. Dizzy as he may feel, the only thing he could sense is the attempt to mute her sorrowful sounds alongside a slight squeeze of her arms around his neck. Truth to be said, surprise clouds his mind to see the older sister figure she is to the whole Class Zero in such vulnerable moment. Except he is not all that surprised.
The more the war advanced, he has heard from his siblings subtle comments out of concern about deaths–– casualties that have befallen lately. Small, shushed conversations bleeding into what would occur to them should they keep it up like this. To Ace, all of them have always been fearless to the premise of death granted that Mother would always be there for them to resuscitate them. However... what if there is nobody to bring them to her? Nobody is exempt to the Crystal Memory Lapse and the subsequent loneliness that would suppose. Should they perish, even if Mother would promptly revive them... would the others forget them?
Just the thought of it suffices to shake his body.
Without anything he can do to avoid it, he bites down a few more groans as he channels what little magic remains in that moment within his being into white magic that envelops both of them in a relieving veil. “You are not alone.” He reassures her, firm in his words as he redistributes her weight properly in a better position to continue. “Everyone is waiting back home, Seven. We will make it.”
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verumking · 4 years
⚔️ *:・゚✧┆machines of a feather flock together. ❪ angst starter call. ❫
       For the first time in THIRTEEN YEARS... Yozora’s core was FAILING HIM. Was it the sustained absence of LIGHT, that drained all colour from his FLESH, hollowing out his CHEEKS and staining his eyes BLOODSHOT? Or was it the abuse of his celestial power: harnessed DIRECTLY from his lifeforce, TRAVERSING between dimensions with LITTLE REGARD to his dwindling physical condition? 
       Whatever PAIN Yozora was ignoring prior, he was definitely feeling it NOW: as it shattered through his LIMBS with every rugged sprint. The CORRIDORS of this military stronghold was undeniably REMINISCENT of the Gigas Corp laboratories back in his HOME REALM. Alas, he was not the KING of this CASTLE: a bullet-punctured shoulder evidence of an ACTIVE HOSTILITY against him. Granted, the CYBORG had broke into the research facility: but ONLY for a means of WARDING his half-mechanical body from disrepair.  
       BLOOD and disarmed bodies peppered the CORRIDORS Yozora trespassed, the rogue experiment entrenching GLASS THRESHOLDS to reach what appeared to be a FUTURISTIC HOSPITAL WARD. Heterochromatic hues squinted at the PALLID OPERATING LIGHTS dotting the theaters, BILE quickly hitting the back of his THROAT as the nightmares begun to RESURFACE. ( You lay before us, Verum Rex, shy of adolescence. We whisked you to your death... and your rebirth. )
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       Yozora STAGGERED through the laboratory, arms RAKING over countertops and CABINETS of nano-machinery: ichor RAPIDLY DEPARTING from his semi-corporeal form. The stumble of FEET not belonging to HIM caused the cyborg to FREEZE in his tracks: CYBERNETIC RECEPTORS tuning into the innominate presence in the DOORWAY. For certain, the woman was an ANDROID-- but the technology was UNFAMILIAR. Was she from GIGAS CORPORATION? 
       With his malfunctioning receptors and WEAKENED STATE, he could not afford to take the RISK. The king summoned his CROSSBOW in his right hand, superlunary tip BURNING as rubescent as the VITAL FLUIDS pouring from his reanimated cadaver. A LOW, yet strained growl.  ❛  Who... sent you...?  ❜
❪ @mercifuldexth​​ / alisa ❫
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shiningstages · 4 years
mercifuldexth replied to your post: Me: Okay, outside of my school and work, most of...
;; that sounds great so i send u the best of my luck from here!!
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Thank you bunches hun!! Gonna hold all the luck close to my heart~
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storyteller-prince · 4 years
Detailed Pre-Established Relationship Meme
@mercifuldexth said:♡ !!
( I assume this is for Lyria & Djeeta! )
I want our muses to be: friends | ex-friends | rivals | rivals with sexual/romantic tension | enemies | enemies with sexual/romantic tension | lovers | ex-lovers | partners/coworkers | pen pals/internet friends | friends with benefits | soulmates
Our muses met: as children | as teenagers | as adults | just recently
(for romance) Our muses’ relationship is: still exciting and lively | stable | starting to feel awkward | in jeopardy | romantic, but the sexual attraction is fading | sexual, but the romantic attraction is fading | toxic and self-destructive | unrequited, with my muse pining after yours | unrequited, with your muse pining after mine | determined by fate 
(for rivals) Our muses’ relationship is: awkward | fiery | friendly | petty | mostly for show | losing its spark | starting to develop into something more | one-sided, with my muse considering yours a rival | one-sided, with your muse considering mine a rival | determined by fate
(for enemies) Our muses’ relationship is: dangerous to themselves | dangerous to others | based on family matters | based on professional matters | based on lies/misunderstandings | unpredictable | passionate | nothing personal at first, but changes with time | determined by fate
(for friends) Our muses’ relationship is: stable | sickeningly sweet | the kind of close friendship that makes others jealous | falling apart | based on shared interests | based on circumstance (like school or work) | based on family ties | developing into something more (romantic/sexual) | developing into something more (antagonistic) | determined by fate
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cadcnce-archived · 4 years
♥ // eyo i don't know if i can throw my url here but u rad ✯
send a doki and get smoki || [ open ]
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and HEY, you’re rad too! we haven’t talked much but I’m really looking forward to our threads with Futaba and Edelgard.
I’ll be up front and say that Wylan’s persona verse is probably one of my favorite AUs that has had extensive development. So I’m always happy for the chance to use it!
Stay frosty.
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shymaidxn · 4 years
“I’ve known you for five minutes and I think we’re already friends.” // from Lyria!! uwu
intriguing impression starters | accepting!
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          Well, that was very…Optimistic to say. Diantha couldn’t really hide her surprise at the sudden sentence well, the blue-haired girl making the maiden tense faster than her first time seeing Bishop. But this encounter wasn’t quite as alarming. Rather…Embarrassing, Diantha’s cheeks blushing bright red while she gave Lyria a sheepish smile. “O-Oh…Really?” She questioned, but then immediately regretted the tone, quickly adding, “W-Well, I think it would be better if we talked more first at least, you know? To get to know each other better.” All Diantha knew about Lyria was that she was part of the skyfarer group protecting her, and she was pretty sure all Lyria knew was that she was a part of the maidens she was protecting. You couldn’t just look at a distant relationship like that and then instantly be friends…But that thought was obviously wrong in this sweet girl’s eyes, and Diantha knew she was going to have to face that fact until she graduated from maidenhood.
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