blackrosesmatron · 2 months
"People wants me to be honest. Then they don't like when I'm honest."
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essence-flux-primed · 1 month
"Your vegetarian and lactose-free cheese pizza." The grimace on their face as they held the pizza box out could have been their attempt at a friendly smile, or their opinion on the order. "For the third time this month."
The smell of burnt spinach was already wafting from the box, and there was definitely far more grease than there needed to be warping the carboard already. Talon tries to keep their breaths contained, but the damn apartment security already gave them a stern look when they tried to use the elevator, let alone get into the building. Maybe this pizza will give this guy food poisoning and he'll stop ordering. It'll be better for him in the end, anyway. With eyes trying desperately to roll out of their head, they force the marketing spiel past their lips.
"You'll get a discount with a free side and delivery after a few more orders."
⋆ — Wow, they remembered. A slow grin creeps across Ezreal's face, entirely more pleased with himself than a guy ordering pizza ought to be. For some, ordering pizza is a treat because they don't have to cook, or because they're sharing it with others, but for Ezreal it's a treat because he gets the same pizza guy every. Single. Time. Not only are they easy on the eyes, but they're totally into him. It's obvious.
So, Ezreal leans against his doorframe, taking his time pushing his hair out of his eyes and offering Talon — he asked their name a few visits back — one of his best smiles. "A free delivery, huh? You sure you don't just wanna see more of me?"
Well, anyway, they seem a bit on the shy side (who can blame them?), so Ezreal will put them out of their misery, taking the pizza and paying with a tap of his credit card and a big tip. "Cool," he says, "thanks. Same time next week?" And then his eyes tip upwards a bit, trying to catch Talon's gaze. "... Unless you wanna come in?"
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weldfists · 2 months
Talon was already in the gym before his early start, running the treadmill and beginning at who knows what ungodly hour. The cold sweat drenching their face not helping with their sickly complexion. But after a time their focus breaks, hitting the machine's button and coming to a stop all too quickly. Limbs shaking as they use the arms to stop themself from falling over.
For a while afterwards they hover around the gym, using empty benches to sit and fummble with their belongings or busy themself with looking at other equipment. But eventually Talon approaches the only other person currently working out. Hair wet with exertion and circles beneath their eyes only adding to their disheveled look. "Hey," They begin, voice dry and underutilized as they stand a little too far away. But they press on; doing their best to keep dark irises trained on the other, and force the words out of their teeth.
"Do you have a charger?"
Sett’s usually an early riser anyways after all it’s easier to get through his usual workout when half the world is asleep. He’d grown used to the occasional soul pushing their limit just like him at this time of day, so he doesn’t pay others much mind as he pushes himself with each rep. Today is no different, passing by the cardio area and giving a nod to the person he sees as a polite gesture before striding past towards the free weights. He’d avoided his bench routine long enough (not that he was necessarily *avoiding* it… but it wasn’t his favorite currently anyways) so he settles into the beginning of his reps after a few minutes stretching.
The time passes by quickly, as it always did when Sett found himself at the gym, leading him into his break period before he’d move on to cardio himself. He’s usually so focused on his own thing with his music blasting in his ears he hadn’t factored in he’d be approached today. So yes, when the only other soul in the gym manages to find their way into his sight-line they do manage to startle him enough that he almost drops his protein shake-- ears flaring outwardly as he tries to play it off like he almost didn’t jump to the ceiling.
“Huh?” The truth was he hadn’t heard a damn word they said, freeing an earbud from one of his ears before it flicks gently. A tilt of his head coupled with a small, polite smile is what he offers in return. “Sorry, uh,” Sett points to his earbud sheepishly as he speaks, “Got these things loud as hell so I can focus-- whadya say?”
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noxianflock · 10 months
@mercless —
❝ how fares your exploits , ah ... perhaps i was meant to wait until you were closer to ask such questions. ❞ the faint red glow catches on the parts of clothing that are leather, lining his face in a way that makes the shadows deeper, longer across his face. it is an eerie thing, to not see the white's of the grand general's eyes.
& yet know his gaze is ever fixed on all those who approach him.
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noxianwilled · 1 year
bandage: receiver carefully binds up an injury on sender
scar / injury related prompts
— @mercless
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They do not deserve to be cared for at all. This is a weakness. It's ridiculous that she won't leave Talon to die, when anything they may have done - any relationship they may have had - hardly had any truth to it at all. They had lied to her, effortlessly, for years. There is neither trust nor any true bond there, and yet she refuses to leave them to die.
The work is meticulous; they had both learned to tend to eventual injuries with as much precision as to avoid them. She knows her sibling to be as skilled as she is, and that's a nasty cut. Someone got very close to harming Talon in a way she wouldn't be able to remedy alone.
Katarina hates that she still cares enough the thought of them dying is distressing.
She is gentle, in spite of herself. The cloth, soaked to clean the injury, is dabbed carefully in it, a repetitive motion to rid it of what still lingers of dirt and residues. When it's suitably clean, she starts dressing it, a glance stolen at Talon's face. It betrays little, though she can see exhaustion in their eyes.
"Will you tell me what happened," any softness in her touch does not reach her tone; this truce doesn't mean everything is forgotten. "Or will you just sulk about it?"
"If you care to tell the truth, that is. If it's just more lies you mean to spin, don't waste your breath, Talon."
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umbane · 1 year
(pretend this is from @glamourful )
"Such pretty hair. Oh, do you think it is longer than Neeko's tail?"
He's met plenty of vastaya since coming to Ionia, and had seen a few in Noxus as well. Most he's met since pledging himself to Zed have ended up dead by his hand, but without any specific orders he has no reason to attack. Kayn's dark eyes turn to the stranger's, and there's pride in them when he does. He works hard on his hair, even when it's impractical, even when he has to spend hours detangling it after a mission.
                                                                               Kayn makes a quick assessment, then says, "Your tail, by only a little. My hair's longer when it's wet, though." And he has the impulse to undo his braid to show her, but he resists it for now. It's too much work to rebraid it. Kayn exhales, flipping his hair out of his face. "The braid makes it wavy, so it looks shorter."
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ionianwanderer · 1 year
what would their three wishes be if they found a genie?
Ooohh... There's something so enticing to him to wish for more time before the war, more time to enjoy with his family before through his own foolish actions sent his life spiraling into the hell that it is now. Unfortunately for him, probably can't do that because of genie rules and all that but he thinks really hard about it.
Anyways, wishes that would be a bit more obtainable for himself-- probably the ability to almost go unnoticed wherever he is. As someone who values his solitude just as much as he detests it, there are moments where he gets caught up in things he really would rather have fuck all to deal with. So #1 the ability to just Irish goodbye any situation w/o repercussions.
#2.... would honestly be to stop his night terrors. It's been a long time since he's had a restful nights sleep and god does he want to be able to lay down and just rest for the love of the gods.
And as for #3 it'd be a final little silly thing, probably gold just to top it all off. Though nothing insane riches and all that, just enough to get him by comfortably for a little while and maybe treat himself a lil nicely too.
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@mercless from here The assassin considers the hunted gift placed before them, watching the twitching whiskers with a tilted head. Swooping down into a squat they scoop the rodent up in their hand, letting its hind legs dangle. With their other hand, they point at its exposed stomach.
"Try to get it here, or below its neck next time. Playing with your prey will only work until it's had enough."
Yuumi is confused and a touch upset, “But... is friend. That’s where you bite not friends. Like fishies.” She pauses, “I only caught it because it’s a very fast friend that usually gets away from Yuumi, but not today!”
Yuumi paws at it gently, as though trying her very best to soothe it, and failing, “Now we can share a friend! Except Book. Book sucks.” She says, sitting atop Book.
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vilestar · 2 years
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@mercless: "Do you have a favourite potion colour?"
"Since when did you gain an interest in alchemy?" his reply reeked with snide, raising a brow as he grinned. Perhaps the 'I don't enjoy murdering people with big magical explosions' person WAS intrigued by the magical arts, after all.
"Navy blue never goes wrong. It reminds me of a comforting night sky during summer." Ah? Were you expecting some sort of corrupt allegory behind his preference? Tough luck.
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matrilinear · 2 years
@mercless started following you.
It would have been endearing were it not for those hawkish eyes.
Were they lost, aimless in Marcus' absence? Perhaps, but she wouldn't be the first person to turn to. She hasn't given them the time of day since their informal adoption by her husband.
Were they planning to kill her? Unlikely, or she would have been cold by then.
Alarmingly so, as with most stimuli nowadays, she felt nothing, just the stirring of a headache.
"Why are you following me? Do you require instructions?"
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blackrosesmatron · 10 months
@mercless asked:
"It's just a nosebleed."
From the Blood Meme
"I hope this nosebleed is the result of impure thoughts and not a fight. If it was the latter, then at least reassure me that the other person is no longer breathing."
It was uncommon for the Matron to personally encounter any members of the Black Rose, whether they were directly affiliated with the Cabal or not. However, Talon was an exception, as she had her own reasons for keeping a close eye on them.
"Now, stay still. It won't hurt any more than the punch they laid on you." She applied a red potion to a clean cloth and began gently pressing it under their bleeding nose, both removing the excess blood and facilitating the healing of the wound. It did sting as she told it would.
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essence-flux-primed · 3 months
Resting a masked chin on Ezreal's shoulder, a funny compilation of rabbits on his phone is brought forward to take his attention away, while his free hand flanks his bandmate's other side. The target; his bag of snacks. / @aphellos
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☆ — Luckily for Aphelios, Ezreal is already highly distracted by a video on his own phone, so he neither jumps nor clues in to Aphelios' plan when he's approached. Instead, his bright blue eyes flicker to the other brightly coloured screen, and a smile slowly grows on his face.
"Awww, they're so cute!" He is absolutely fixated on the way the rabbits move — Aphelios knows his target well, to show him something that has animals and is tailored to a short attention span. It's almost like it was on purpose! But it wasn't, of course. It's clear in the unguarded lines of his posture that Ezreal trusts Aphelios completely, despite ample reason not to.
A bit of laughter. "That one looks like Sett!"
Against a mastermind like Aphelios, Ezreal never stood a chance.
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weldfists · 2 months
Seven of Hearts: How does your muse react to having promises broken?
Card Suits Headcanons
I'd say he doesn't react very well that's for sure.
While he can be a shady guy himself in many aspects one thing Sett tends to hold pretty high standards is someone's word. It comes with an honor system and he'll ensure you uphold what you promise to him, one way or another (god speed).
In cases where someone breaks their promise to him, it varies from person to person. Someone within his close circle where he has his walls down will see him genuinely upset depending on what it is they promised him, it comes off almost childish with the way it affects him emotionally. Truly you're still getting frustration behind it along with even explosive anger if it's serious enough to him.
Others who are outside his inner circle tend to receive the same anger, dialed down almost, because what he does then is find ways for them to fulfill the promise they had made to him. There's a touch of manipulation here with some threatening thrown in for good measure, but by the end of this Sett's going to get what he's promised.
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🗣👋 (just remembered they share the high noon line together...)
Plot/AU Ideas
In the course of their duties, Talon comes across a strange statuette; a miniature of the Immortal Bastion, wrought in iron and covered in a strange, unreadable script. Initially passed off as the eccentric bauble of a yet another crazed fool that made the wrong enemies, Talon soon finds themselves encountering the statuette on seemingly every mission since. There are no other anomalies during their missions; all are carried out with the same ways as ever, with the same rate of success. Yet always it is there, as if awaiting their notice. As might be expected, there is more to the miniature Bastion than it would seem. Can Talon unravel the mystery of the iron figure before the darkness they thrive in swallows them whole?
There is a hierarchy even among devils, and few rank as highly within it as Mordekaiser, King of the Sulfur Rail. Ferrying loot and souls from the mortal plain to the depths of Hell, the power and influence he wields is unmatched by any others that wander the West. When a plan begins to form among those that want what is his, Mordekaiser begins some scheming of his own. First recruiting Hecarim and his black riders with promises of spoils and slaughter, the Infernal Lord of the Tracks turns his attention to a rather more subtle asset. After all, only one as powerful as the Mechanical Devil is capable of ridding one of such an angelic affliction...
Once, in times long past, a Star Guardian was murdered by one also blessed by the First Star. As a forlorn familiar was left alone in its grief, a dark and malevolent voice whispered in their ear. It fostered the rage and despair in the familiar's heart until those wretched feelings twisted them into a monster beyond recognition. Even as the familiar found a new partner with which to reek destruction with, that vile voice yet whispers promises of vengeance and annihilation to the familiar, all the while continuing it's own dark designs...
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umbane · 1 year
🌈: rainbow? 🥺
𝐨𝐜 𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐣𝐢 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬
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🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self?
Unfortunately, Kayn doesn't have a lot to offer young Reaper. If he told Reaper not to strive too join the Noxian military, then Kayn would never meet Zed and join the order. He knows that Reaper was always working his hardest, both before and after Epool, and he never strayed from the path that lead him to his dreams, whatever that may be. Kayn values everything his younger self did, from the big things like getting on that boat to all the little drawings he did in the hours he spent by himself. Ever since joining the Order, Kayn has worked hard to repay his debt to Zed, as well as doing what makes him happy in his spare time. Really, Kayn has no notes, so I suppose his advice would be to keep on the path he's on, and know that it'll all work out one day.
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agonizedembrace · 3 months
24: current instaban?
league asks!
depends on what i'm playing. if mid i ban malzahar because nothing pisses me off than his ulti FHJDFK. for jungle it's usually rengar due to him being a difficult counter to eve
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