#💫₊˚. 「 under the nebula 」
vilestar · 1 year
"Ah, the joys of living near Noxus' borders. You can never truly miss the daily clown to clown communication." he proceeds to close his beloved book and shift his attention towards his nearest window. To witness the fiend retaining his composure despite the current circumstances is a shocking sight. Had it not been the case, he would've puffed out his chest and—
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spice2yurlife46 · 6 months
Title: "Monday Musings: Embrace the Magic of New Beginnings 🌙✨"
Hey Tumblr fam! 🌟✨ Another Monday is upon us, and instead of dreading the start of the week, let's turn our focus to the enchanting possibilities it brings. Here's a little Monday magic to brighten your dash:
**1. Cosmic Clean Slate:** Mondays are like the universe handing you a cosmic clean slate. The stars align for you to create, explore, and mold the week into whatever masterpiece you desire.
**2. Celestial Intentions:** Set intentions like you're whispering them to the moon. What do you want to manifest this week? Speak it into the cosmic realm, and let the universe conspire to make it happen.
**3. Stardust Steps:** Break down your goals into stardust steps. Each small action is a shimmering speck contributing to the constellation of your success. Dance through them gracefully.
**4. Lunar Affirmations:** Start your day with lunar affirmations. Channel the energy of the moon and affirm your worth, strength, and ability to navigate the cosmos of challenges.
**5. Galactic Connections:** Connect with kindred souls. Share your dreams, aspirations, and cosmic curiosities. The Tumblr universe is vast, and you never know what constellations of inspiration you might discover.
**6. Nebula of Knowledge:** Mondays are perfect for expanding your cosmic knowledge. Dive into a book, explore a new interest, or wander through the nebula of ideas that spark your curiosity.
**7. Cosmic Celebrations:** Celebrate the cosmic dance of small wins. Whether it's finishing a chapter or conquering a task, every achievement deserves a celestial celebration in the vast expanse of your Tumblr galaxy.
**8. Gratitude Galaxies:** Illuminate your cosmic path with gratitude. Appreciate the starry moments of your journey, and watch how it transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary.
**9. Moonlit Movement:** Energize your body under the moonlit glow. A gentle moonlit walk, yoga flow, or simply basking in the moonbeams can rejuvenate your earthly vessel.
**10. Astrological Reflections:** Before the stars tuck you in, reflect on your cosmic voyage. What constellations shone brightest today? Use these reflections to navigate the celestial expanse of the week ahead.
So, Tumblr friends, let's infuse our Mondays with celestial energy and make this week a tapestry of stardust dreams. 🌌💫 #MondayMagic #CelestialInspiration #StardustDreams
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dreamlandsystem · 2 years
Hi! We’re the Dreamland Collective - collectively we go by Halberd (or Hal!) and use it/its or they/them pronouns.
They headmates who may post/reblog here are:
🦇 - Alucard/Kandi (any goth/dark/scene/emo/cat/canid neopronouns)
🐉 - Gemma and Gerard, aka GiGi (they/them, sharp, pointy, or dragon neos)
👻 - Ghost/Pepper (it/its, he/him, any dog/canid neos)
🛵 - Cecil (he/him)
🐢 - Kip (any ocean or water themed neopronouns)
🐺 - Luke (he/him, moon/moons, howl/howls)
🌸 - Margo (she/her, they/them, fae/faer, cinn/cinna/cinnas)
⚔️ - Meta Knight/MK (he/him, knight/knights)
🤖 - Nebula/Neb (it/its)
💫 - Parker (he/him, they/them, any dog/canid neos)
💚 - Ralsei (they/them, soft/softs)
More info, sideblogs, and main tags we use on this blog under the cut!
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DNI: racists, homophobes, transphobes, ableists, antisemites, islamophobes, conservatives, map/nomap, capitalists, anti-neopronouns/xenogenders, anti-mspec lesbians/gays, anti-vax. There’s probably more that should be here but ya know... if you make us uncomfortable or cause harm to those with good faith identities, we’ll block you.
@faeriethicket Margo’s blog (mostly nature and fairycore reblogs)
@faeriethicket Margo’s blog (mostly nature and fairycore reblogs)
@kipandkandicore Kip and Kandi’s syscourse blog
@multiplicity-positivity our system positivity blog
@pluralpronounz our system pronoun and name help blog
@plural-userboxes our inclusive system userboxes blog
@xx-tr4nsven0m-xx Alucard’s personal blog (mostly scemo stuff)
We are pro-endo! We definitely Don’t believe in the demedicalization of did/osdd/disordered systems, but we do believe that plurality exists outside of that. You can check out this post for a more detailed explanation.
We can be a bit blurry sometimes and it can be hard to determine exactly who’s fronting sometimes, so we apologize in advance for any confusion!
Collective labels/identities: queer, disabled, osdd, transgender, nonbinary, genderfluid, alterhuman (there are a ton of various labels between us all but these apply to everyone just about!)
Our common tags (more for us to keep our tags straight than anything haha):
#critters : animals of all sorts!
#bugs! : specifically bugs, though our idea of what a bug can be is quite loose
#aut tag : autism stuff
#korby : general kirby tag!
#sys.txt : when one or some of us writes a text post
#lesbeon : lesbian tag :3
#pokes : pokemon tag!
#soft friends : plushie tag!
#mochi tag : our tag for our wife, who we call mochi sometimes hehe :)
#burn it down tag : current events, sad life news, revolution fuel, etc
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vilestar · 1 year
“The jesssterrrs are fiiiighhtiiiiinng~!”
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vilestar · 1 year
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Who brought the cat here.
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vilestar · 1 year
❝ Crafting stars is a delicate art only a select few renowned artisans have the skill to perform. After hours of careful assessment, I am proud to announce that you have all...
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This poor... "thing"... won't hold itself together in the foreseeable future! Have you seen the way it's hovering and dripping in... a solution made for redundant mortal pastries?! I don't care if you were STARving, mistakes like these are shameful! Humiliating!
This is why I stray away from humankind mediocrity. Scrutinize the mess you've caused, and pray you NEVER RUN INTO MY ASTRONOMICAL WRATH! Gaaaaaah!! ❞
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vilestar · 1 year
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@mercless: "Do you have a favourite potion colour?"
"Since when did you gain an interest in alchemy?" his reply reeked with snide, raising a brow as he grinned. Perhaps the 'I don't enjoy murdering people with big magical explosions' person WAS intrigued by the magical arts, after all.
"Navy blue never goes wrong. It reminds me of a comforting night sky during summer." Ah? Were you expecting some sort of corrupt allegory behind his preference? Tough luck.
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vilestar · 1 year
Rarely does His Seigneur of Malice turn on his vinyl record player during reading sessions, alas the last few hours have been nothing but insipid talks about ''''''KINDNESS'''''' that it felt mandatory. He would much rather get a warm teacup and engulf himself in dramatic classical melodies than listen to all this gibberish.
As much as he hated admitting it, he was at his weakest this month.
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vilestar · 2 years
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@perfect-fourth​: "I'm flattered that you take interest in my work.  Are you perhaps looking to commission me?"
”I am the Herald of Malevolence, Virtuoso. It’s part of my duty to prowl around the world assessing everyone and everything.” his gaze did not turn to face the other in the slightest, remaining bound to his book while resting comfortably on his throne.
“I do not require another artisan to create crafts I’ve excelled at! Unless...” scratches his chin for a brief moment, then stares at him. “You have a flair for traditional painting, yes? There’s an enemy of mine hailing in the spirit realm who’s been a thorn in my side for decades, I’d love a portrait of myself grinding him under my boot behind a deluge of dark matter...
He wears a typical scout attire, his eyes are perpetually closed, and he is very, very, VERY VERY SHORT, mind you.” must he highlight the shortness any longer? No? No. Good.
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vilestar · 1 year
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@mercless​: ◑? ☆.。.:* ACTUAL LEGITIMATE OFFICIAL good advice (source: yes) ✎✉
“Upon my word, your cape is IMPRACTICAL! I’m all for spikes in wardropes but... what’s with the dangling knives attached to the tips?! You need to prioritise CLASS over these obscure murder methods.
Qualified archfiends love their capes to be spacious, striking, and exceptionally comfortable. You could use some of that.” he was close to bringing up the many benefits of assassination through astral detonations, but they must have gotten the message by now.
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vilestar · 2 years
“It’s not the worst month of the year unless there’s flavourless holiday music playing on... what was it again? Ahhh yes! THE EIGHTH OF DECEMBER.”
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vilestar · 2 years
For their simplistic lifestyles and lack of complex technologies, the countryside sprung with energy and collective dedication for the past few weeks. Carved pumpkins lit with candlelights laid motionless onto stone tiles, papercuts of various creatures haunted the walls of cottages and barns alike, horror stories and urban legends with assorted legitimacy journeyed from one host to another. And who could forget the famed beast that dwells in the confines of his den?
The children calling Boleham their home were not immune to the infectious hustle and bustle of Halloween, pursuing the yearly tradition of knocking on doors and aiming hand-crafted baskets at their festive neighbours. A peculiar trio found themselves having a successful haul, bags enriched with sugary goods from trick-or-treating all day long. Albeit their moderate harvest, they yearned more; and aimed high.
The leader resembled a zombie, the other was tucked in bandages parallel to a mummy, and the shyest of the bunch—who did not agree with the reckless idea from the beginning—had no more than a horns-shaped hair clip on his hair. Together they scaled the endless curved staircases leading to the Great Overlord’s courtyard, winds howling at immense speed as the atmosphere got increasingly sinister the closer they got.
“ I don’t know Clara... I think all of us should just... back off and head home. ” stated the younger one, trailing behind while shaking in his boots. “ What if mum was right? Wh-wh-what if the b-b-b-beast... EATS babies! And simmers them in his cauldron for supper!! And, and— ”
“ Quit bein’ a scaredy cat Sammy! We’re fiiiine! Besides we’re super duper mega strong as a team! We can deal with any big bad monsters and mean wizards! ” she scoffed, unsheathing her wooden sword with courage and pride. “ Imagine the other kids’ reaction when we snatch somethin’ from Mister Veigar! Or beat him in a fight! You’ll thank me when we become celebrities, trust my superhero instincts. ”
Samuel was not convinced at all. Who did she think she was? A knight that smites eldritch monstrosities to save their kingdom? If Bilgewater’s trained beast hunters and the empires’ armed troopsfailed to take down this threat, how could a child that’s recently celebrated her 11th birthday negotiate with him?
And yet, he tried not to crack out of fear, repeating to himself that they’ll somehow get away with their ambitious sidequest, or that Lord Veigar recently had dinner and wouldn’t have a taste for human brains. The architecture and overall ambience of the environment did not help one bit however. The steps were hardy and strong, the walls cold in colouration and to the touch, mauve thundersfissured from the stormcloud-filled skywith one big boom, startling the child in each occasion.
Sneaking through the gates and approaching the giant door, the children’s clumsiness did not go unnoticed from long, concealed yordle ears as Clara proceeds to recklessly slam the door knockers on the wooden entrance. Peeking through the second floor’s window was none other than Lord Veigar himself, pupils glaring around in frustration to identify the source of the noisy mess. With gritted teeth he has located the juvenile group, recognizing their Halloween attire and... merely narrowing his eyes from said discovery.
What a weird tradition, this “Hall-of-ween” thing was. Why are mortals so eager to dress as creatures they swore to destroy on a regular basis?
Minutes had passed, and the two children began to grow impatient, rambling about their plans and questioning where that wretched beast could possibly hide. Samuel on the other hand proceeds to gasp at the sight of a shadowy silhouette brusquely drifting away from the window frame. There’s no doubt now: Mister Veigar was very well here and ready to... CAPTURE THEM ALIVE!
Suddenly, the eerie sound of clanking metal grew louder, followed by what appeared to be a prolonged growl and ghostly hiss. The trio’s chirping stopped; Clara valiantly held her sword’s handle, Oliver kept on chewing his bubblegum, and Samuel was on the verge of crumbling on the floor from terror.
The door creaked ominously and opened halfway, revealing no more than piercing eyes glowing in the dark, starring at them annoyingly. He did not shout, nor did he attack or intimidate as he naturally does. He simply stood motionless, iron claws on the handle, waiting for proper justifications.
The awkward silence carried on until Oliver‘s bubble popped, and Clara blurted out azestful “ TRICK OR TREAT! ” afterwards, aiming her basket of candy at the villain’s figure.
❝ ...That’s... it? ❞ he responds, fueled with rage and utterly baffled. ❝ You flimsy rats have the AUDACITY to penetrate my grounds, RUIN my royal slumber, AND THEN beg for trivial saccharose delicacies?! ❞
“ IT WAS HER IDEA! NOT MI— ” “ BACK OFF, MONSTER! I’M A TRAINED WARRIOR! I’M NOT LETTIN’ YOU HURT MY BEST BUDDIES! ” the little girl interrupts, drawing her sword and pointing it right at the vicious beast‘s chest; who then proceeds to laugh maliciously upon flinching.
❝ OHHH NOOOOO! Woe is Lord Veigar! Bested by a pipsqueak with a toothpick! What shall I dooooo~! ❞ he upped his theatrics at full capacity, evoking crystal clear sarcasm through exaggerated gestures and faking a sorrowful tone. A wicked grin soon emerged on his hidden figure, tilting his head and starring down at the brave child. ❝ Can’t you see you might need MORE than a pointed stick to even remotely ATTEMPT atstriking yours truly? Hmm? ❞
She shrunk for a bit, stuttering and delving in thoughts before facing the mage once more. “ My dad’s a forgemaster! He’s fought many many evil beasts like you before! And he said when I grow up I’m gonna be as strong as him and get a sword bigger than you!! ” she pouts, blowing a raspberry in retaliation.
This shattered Lord Veigar’s unremitting ego like a bullet piercing through glass. Disrespected? By a naive child? AND an accidental short joke to top it all off?! Unacceptable.
❝ Whyyy YOOOUUU LITTLE— ❞ he took a step closer, magic flowing through grasped iron claws threatening to harm the children out of anger, but shook his head and stopped midway. It wasn’t worth it. None of this was worth it. They’re puny babies with no impact on anything and bound under HIS rule. Wasting strength on them wouldn’t be rewarding whatsoever.
Perhaps a lesson would suffice instead.
Standing tall with arms behind his back, Lord Veigar, as anticipated, begins his everlasting monologue. ❝ My powers are boundless. The universe shifts and bends before my might. I hail atop this realm and strike FEAR into its hearts. Those who dare contend against my authority are greeted with death or sentenced to life in my disdainful dungeons. AND YOU... You WILL succumb to my strength in the foreseeable future!!
BUT... Despite your age, you’ve shown boldness and nerve throughout your journey, risking your life demanding justice against my cruelty without hesitation. I respect that... to an extent. While I DESPISE your insolence and ignorance, I believe you deserve a little confectionery for your effort... ❞ and with that, his giant gauntlet offered a nicely-packed bag of licorice; notoriously known for being hated among younger generations. He had one by his side this entire time. How evil.
❝ LICORICE! A favoured treat of mine! Black as my heart, swirled like the arcane barrier that’s trapped your ancestors decades ago. Don’t finish it in one night. ❞
“ Could you say that with less old man words? ” Oliver replies.
❝ It means I like its taste, you complete imbecile. ❞ he huffed.
“ W-w-wait..! Mister Veigar..? ” uttered Samuel with timidity.
❝ MASTER Veigar! ❞ he corrected.
“ R-RIGHT! Sowwy! So uuuhm...mum shares all your stories with me and I was wondering if you could... could uhm... sign this book for me..? It’s about how you like... dropped so many comets from the sky one night and burnt your prisoners to crisp... or something... I, I-I know I’m probably asking too much but!! Ehm... I want to remember the day I got to talk face to face with the almighty Beast of Boleham Miste— MASTER Veigar! ”
The villain‘s eyes briefly widened with surprise, and glanced at the novel between his paws. A novice in the written arts... a rare sight nowadays. Never before has he been asked to dedicate a book before; or any publication, for that matter. Part of him believes he is showing too much kindness to these insufferable mortals and ruining his malicious image as a result... although... how could he not repay an infant for their genuine interest in his work?
Silence loomed once more in their surroundings, and Lord Veigar rolled his eyes and promptly left the scene, delving deeper into the darkness of his tower. The children stood confused, until he returned with a feather dripping in ink on its tip, writing his name in the front page in an elegant, cursive font.
❝ Don’t... thank me. ❞ he murmured to the boy in a displeased tone, returning the book to the rightful owner. ❝ And do NOT presume my generosity is a sign of kindness! I am Lord Veigar! Destroyer of Worlds! Bearer of Corruption! Murderer of Vixis the Cruel! I WILL afflict agony upon your spirits!
And with this out of the way... GET OUT OF MY PROPERTY! LEAVE MY SIGHT! SCRAM TO YOUR HOMES! ❞ the beast’s roar; alongside the tremendous crackling energy discharging from his petite figure, caused the trio to swiftly run for their lives; albeit not too fast to not tumble down the stairs like pebbles on a mountain slope. He could hear their giggles and part of the boy’s scolding at the girl for her recklessness, but also sensed his joy elapsing through his blood after receiving the Master of Evil’s unique dedication.
He shook his head and slammed the door shut with all his might. Implore this never occurs ever again.
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vilestar · 2 years
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vilestar · 2 years
Peeks through window
Sees the Darkin invasion hasn’t stopped one bit
Goes back to nap
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vilestar · 2 years
Each night, a shadowy figure emerges. Akin to a stray spectre it wanders around the silent village all alone, converging with the gaze of curious children peeking out the window of their cottage, unwilling to doze. On rarer occasions it stands on the tower’s balcony, amber flares directly aimed at the sky above. Its allure and bearing were spontaneously elegant, but the sight of an abnormal phenomenon has recently disturbed its performance...
The stars tonight were met with narrowed eyes: why in the world were they always brighter this day of the year? He knew for sure there was nothing tied to this day, not a single eclipse or meteor to surface above, nor a special holiday to embellish it.
Frigid winds waved past the soaring trees and brushed through the overseer’s unseen fur, crossed paws resting on stone railing as he leaned forward. He could command the universe itself to his will, paint the air with implausible darkness, expel magic in rampaging arrays of explosions and patterns in one grand gesture, and yet, the cosmos hid mysteries not even his infinite wisdom could attain.
It felt as if the heavens were mocking him, as if centuries of examining the vastness of space did not yield the results he was yearning for. The thought alone left a sour taste in his mouth, and he was close to groaning in frustration.
Alas, he could not be incessantly upset. Fitting together jigsaw puzzles was the definite appeal of astronomy. There will come a day where he will scour the land to solve this enigma, satisfy his thirst for answers conclusively...
A shame he has yet to realise the answer was under his nose.
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vilestar · 2 years
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@tacetferrum​: "You really survived... 'his' wrath?"
“That’s none of your business.” hesitation took over the mage for a moment, for he was torn between asking where he got that information to begin with, or responding with visceral bitterness. He hated being reminded of this affair; hated every second of it; and finding out random nobodies outside his circle are somehow aware of his imprisonment doesn’t make the situation any better.
Vagueness was his favoured option to save him from opening up and unveiling the weakness he had once experienced, to say the least. Alas, his irritation grew louder. “Who sent you here? I will have a “word” with them, if you will.”
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