dave88photography · 2 years
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Merkato 2 #streestorytelling #streetphotography #streetsofaddis #addisababa #Ethiopia #Merkato (at Merkato) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkF0HHvINIQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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seymourmusicclub · 2 years
Kibrom Birhane - Merkato
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tarajinews · 2 years
اخبار الترجي taraji news
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cptmzkqka · 9 days
manila illustration fair 2024
went to manila illustration fair with sam! i haven't seen her in forever! will never stop bringing up the fact that we've been friends since we were in kindergarten!
we met at gyud fud. can't believe i was literally there studying for the bar a year ago! malayo pa pero malayo na or something! i had siam thai vegetarian pad thai while sam had green chicken curry. i also had a melon shake from one of the stalls. i've turned into such a drink girlie lately and probably need to turn it down a notch.
we went to the college of fine arts and got lost for a bit before eventually making it to manila illustration fair 2024. we had rose tea from saglit café and it tastes like what it says it is! their stall was filled with flowers and coffee paraphernalia. added to my list of cafés to visit.
we were definitely impressed by all the artwork. would have bought from all the stalls, if i could! also bumped into so many familiar faces. the kuya from everything's fine, nikki bonuel, tala, and jill! was thinking of yuji the entire time. i miss him! i'm sure he would have loved the pieces.
exhausted from the walking and buying, we went to UPTC for red mango. i had blueberry and fruity pebbles. i kind of miss eating cereal. i know it's sugary and probably bad for me, but i remember eating that everyday until college. i've been wanting to buy lucky charms for a while now, but it's just a bit too expensive right now.
sam watched me at yayoi. chicken namban craving finally satisfied. i accompanied sam to merkato and there's just something so fun about doing errands with your friends. i didn't even need to buy anything but just being with sam was so fun. it takes me back to buying probably too much alcohol and chips and going to someone's house and playing music loud enough to wake everyone. maybe i'm still her and growing up doesn't have to be boring.
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xhemilbeharaj · 24 days
Ku lëvizën Broja, Bajrami, Seferi
Tratativat mes Ipswich dhe Chelsea nuk u konkretizuan, por Armando Broja kurrsesi nuk mbeti pa ekip, me sulmuesin shqiptar që gjeti strehën e re, Everton. Në minutat e fundit të merkatos 22-vjecari u prezantua si afrimi më i ri i Everton, skuadër e cila gjatë 3 sezoneve të fundit ka qenë shumë pranë rënies nga kategoria. Një lëvizje e cila pritet ti shërbejë të dyja palëve, sidomos futbollistit…
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Discover Ethiopia’s Capital: Your Private Guided City Tour in Addis Ababa
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Are you ready to for Addis Discovery? Our private guided city tour offers a unique and personalized experience that will immerse you in the very essence of Addis Ababa – ‘the NEW FLOWER’. This tour is crafted to cater interests and passions first-time visitors to Addis Ababa.
Why Choose Our Private City Tour?
✨ Explore Historical Sites in Addis Ababa
Step back in time and uncover the fascinating history of Addis Ababa, a city that has witnessed centuries of change and growth. Your private guide will take you to iconic historical sites like the National Museum of Ethiopia, where you’ll meet the world-famous fossil, Lucy. Wander through the Holy Trinity Cathedral, a magnificent church that houses the tomb of Emperor Haile Selassie. Each site you visit is steeped in history, offering a glimpse into Ethiopia's rich past. Check Details of our Full-day City Tour in Addis Ababa
✨ Immerse Yourself in Cultural Experiences in Ethiopia
Addis Ababa is a melting pot of cultures, and our tour ensures you experience this diversity firsthand. Participate in an authentic Ethiopian coffee ceremony, a ritual that is both a cultural staple and a symbol of hospitality. As you sip freshly brewed coffee, your guide will share stories of Ethiopian traditions and customs, giving you deeper insight into the local way of life.
If you have short time, our half-day private Addis Ababa city tour is perfect for you.
✨ Savor Local Food on Our Addis Ababa Food Tour
No visit to Addis Ababa is complete without indulging in the city’s vibrant culinary scene. Our tour includes stops at traditional restaurants where you’ll taste Ethiopia’s most beloved dishes, such as injera, doro wat, and tibs. Your guide will introduce you to the unique flavors and ingredients that make Ethiopian cuisine so special. This food tour is a feast for both the stomach and the soul!
✨ Enjoy a Tailored Experience with Private City Tours
One of the best aspects of our private city tour is its flexibility. Whether you want to spend more time exploring historical sites, indulging in local food, or shopping for handicrafts at the bustling Merkato Market, your itinerary is entirely up to you. With a private guide by your side, you’ll get insider access and personalized recommendations, ensuring a truly unforgettable experience.
See what you can do in Addis Ababa on our private city tours
Book Your Private Addis Ababa Tour Today!
Don’t miss the chance to explore the beauty and richness of Addis Ababa through a tour designed just for you by Merit Ethiopian Experience Tours. Our private guided city tour promises a deep dive into the cultural, historical, and culinary wonders of Ethiopia’s capital. Whether you're here for a day or a week, this tour will leave you with lasting memories and a newfound appreciation for Addis Ababa.
Ready to explore? Book your private city tour with Merit Ethiopian Experience Tours!
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gastronominho · 6 months
Cervejaria Maralto estreia em espaço gastronômico 
Com nove rótulos de linha, marca inaugura loja conceito no Eats Merkato
Com nove rótulos de linha, marca inaugura loja conceito no Eats Merkato A Cervejaria Maralto vem navegando por uma rota consistente, há cinco anos  no mercado, aposta em receitas bem executadas, atentas às novidades e convidativas ao público recém chegado às cervejas artesanais. A partir de agora, além de ocupar geladeiras e taps de 35 estabelecimentos parceiros, a Maralto tem sua loja conceito,…
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wikimediauncommons · 8 months
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file: Merkato Vernissage (Erevano) 03.jpg
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svyat0s · 2 years
257. Ĉu vi sciis ke hodiaŭ estas la naskiĝtago de Beulah Louise Henry? Nun vi scias. Kial mi markis ĝin? Ĉar ŝi estas aŭtoro de proksimume 110 inventoj.
Kaj la letero "I' elfalis. Invento. Hodiaŭ mi proponas revi/aŭ rememori de infanaĝo, ĉar tie ni ĝenerale faras neregeble/kaj proponas/donu ideon, kiu ŝanĝus vian vivon aŭ ni ĉiujn. Aŭ igis ĝin pli facila/pli komforta.
#Mi_ĉi tie_eterneco
Anaso, ĉi tiu. Jam ekzistas tia ideo, komunismo.
Ĝenerale, ideoj kiuj plibonigas vivon, pli ol maro. Sed feŭdismo ne permesas ilin efektivigi. Ne, ne kapitalismo, kapitalismo estas same kiel sistemo, por la enkorpiĝo de ĉiuj ideoj, nur ne por homoj, sed por gajni monon. Sed feŭdismo estas konservativa sistemo, legu la difinon, ne temas nur pri tero. Vi estas simple malklera se vi pensas tiel. Unu el la samaj seriozaj signoj de feŭdismo estas la laborrenkontiĝoj. Fikaj kohortoj, kiuj ne enlasas novajn ideojn kaj novajn ludantojn eniri, ĉi tio estas dividita merkato, ĉi tiuj estas monopoloj, ĉi tiuj estas kontraktoj. Kapitalismo batalis kontraŭ ĝi. Ni kutimas riproĉi lin, kaj certe pro la afero, sed sciu, kapitalismo, kiu venkis la nunan feŭdismon, multe pli facilas la vivon al la homoj. Kapitalismo ĉiam estas malamiko de la homaro, sed ĝenerale mi kredas, ke kapitalismo ne estas sistemo, sed ĉiam nur meza etapo. Longa vivo estas neebla sub kapitalismo, ĝi aŭ evoluos al socialismo, aŭ glitos malsupren, degradis, sin defendante, al feŭdismo.
Do jes, socia socio multe plibonigus la vivon de homoj.
257. Do you know Beulah Louise Henry's birthday is today? Now you know. Why did I mark it? Because she is the author of approximately 110 inventions.
And the letter "I". That same invention. Today I propose to dream / or remember from childhood, because there we generally do it uncontrollably / and offer / give an idea that would change your life or all of us. Or made it easier / more comfortable.
Uh well... There is such an idea already, communism.
In general, ideas that improve life more than cosmos. But feudalism does not allow them to be implemented. No, not capitalism, capitalism is just like a system, for the embodiment of all ideas, only not for people, but for making money. But feudalism is a conservative system, no, damn it, read the definition, it's not just about land. You are simply ignorant if you think so. One of the same serious signs of feudalism is the work strict groups. Fucking cohorts that do not let new ideas and new players in, this is a divided market, these are monopolies, these are contracts. Capitalism fought against it. We are accustomed to scolding him, and certainly for the cause, but you know, capitalism that has defeated the current feudalism would have made life much easier for people. Capitalism is always an enemy to mankind, but in general I believe that capitalism is not a system, but only an intermediate stage. A long life is impossible under capitalism, it will either develop into socialism, or slide down, degrade, defending itself, into feudalism.
So, yes, a social society would greatly improve people's lives.
257.  Сегодня день рождения Бьюлы Луизы Генри? Теперь знаешь. Почему я отметила именно её? Потому что она автор приблизительно 110 изобретений.
А выпала буква И. То самое изобретение. Сегодня предлагаю пофантазировать /или вспомнить из детства, потому что там мы вообще безудержно это делаем/ и предложить/дать идею, которая изменила бы твою или всех нас жизнь. Либо сделала легче/комфортнее.
Дак, эта. Есть такая идея уже, коммунизм же.
Вообще, идей, улучшающих жизнь, ну просто море. Но феодализм не дает их воплощать. Нет, не капитализм, капитализм-то как раз, как строй, за воплощение всех идей, только не ради людей, а ради заработка. А вот феодализм - это консервативный строй, нет, блин, читайте определение, это не только про землю. Вы просто невежи, если так считаете. Один из таких же серьезных признаков феодализма - это цеха. Сраные когорты, которые не пускают новые идеи и новых игроков, это поделенный рыночек, это монополии, это договоры. С этим боролся капитализм. Мы привыкли его ругать, и безусловно за дело, но знаете, победивший теперешний феодализм капитализм и то бы сильно облегчил жизнь людям. Капитализм все враг человечеству, но я вообще считаю, что капитализм не строй а всегда только промежуточный этап. Невозможна долгая жизнь при капитализме, он либо разовьется в социализм, либо скатится, деградирует, защищаясь, в феодализм.
Так что да, социальный социум бы сильно улучшил жизнь людей. 
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dave88photography · 2 years
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Merkato #streestorytelling #streetphotography #streetsofaddis #addisababa #Ethiopia (at Merkato) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj5tLR6I_U-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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davetada · 4 years
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Los Angeles, CA
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alfsanpol · 2 years
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Merkato 55
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acmilanspot · 6 years
After the injury which saw Lucas Biglia out of the field for at least 4 months, AC Milan management is urgently looking for his replacement.
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xhemilbeharaj · 1 month
Agon Rexhaj, 17-vjeçari shqiptar po “çmend” Juventusin dhe Interin në merkato
Agon Rexhaj është vetëm 17-vjeç, por ka arritur që të spikas të te rinjtë e Baselit.  Klube si Interi, Juventusi, Barcelona dhe Bayerni, kanë shprehur interesim për ta pasur në ekipin e të rinjve. “Calciomercato” raporton se Interi është ekipi më i interesuar për momentin. Rexhaj ka kontratë me Baselin deri në verën e vitit të ardhshëm. Mediat italiane ka shkruar se skuadra e Serie A ka arritur…
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Visit Merkato Market in Addis Ababa
With a half-day city tour in Addis Ababa, discover the hidden life of locals at the biggest outdoor market in Africa - Merkato Market in Africa.
Other interesting places to visit with the short tour of Addis Ababa are Holy Trinity Cathedral, Entoto Mountain, and National Museum of Ethiopia.
Contact Muluken Girma for a half day city tour of Addis Ababa.
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imacaligirl4life · 7 years
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Ethiopian Food will Blow your Mind... Trout Fish, Greens, Curry Cabbage, Red Lentils and Corn, everything seasoned very Nice... You eat with Injera Bread... #yumilashes #ethiopianfood #ethiopian #foodpic #merkato #healthyfood #healthierchoices #eathealthy #vegancommunity #blackvegan #blackvegansofig #vegan #eatlikeyougiveafuck #eatlikeyouloveyourself
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