#merkel stuff
"Was macht eigentlich der Scholz den ganzen Tag??? Von dem hört man irgendwie nie was!!" factoid is false. German chancellor Olaf Scholz did, in fact, just fall onto his face while jogging
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queerofthedagger · 1 year
the german government is finally passing a resolution to change its laws in regards to changing your name and gender and like. it SHOULDN'T have taken so long to get rid of demanding psychological evaluations and shit to change your NAME but it did and it's finally happening and I'm maybe a tiny little bit overly emotional about all of it jesus fucking christ
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cahirsmommy · 2 months
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die beiden verwaltungsfachangestellten beim standesamt und ich (mitte) nachdem die eine zu mir meinte "so, das macht dann 35€". sie hat nur in ihren computer eingetippt, dass ich gerne aus der kirche austreten würde und dann auf drucken geklickt <3
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clouds-of-wings · 2 years
Me: Being somewhat obsessed with a piece of media no one else you know cares about isn't psychologically unhealthy as long as you have enough other interests.
Me, internally: Seth was also the leader of a united Europe. Oh no, what if Ursula von der Leyen is the Antichrist? That would be the darkest timeline.
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josis-teacup · 1 year
We send in shit entries, we loose. We send in a good entry, we loose. Germany just can't win.
But what we still have is our secured spot in the grand finale due to being a member of the big five, so you know what? We should just start sending in joke entries. The weird and funny shit. Comediens performing songs, bavarian dudes in Lederhosn, an Angela Merkel double presenting a diss track, just a random person they found in the streets singing a folk cover of the national anthem, that kind of stuff.
If we can't win we should at least be entertaining.
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theyeargame · 10 months
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badjokesbyjeff · 2 years
Russian prime minister Medvedev comes to Putin and nervously tells him to abolish time zones.
" I fly to another city, call home and everyone is asleep. I woke you up at 4AM but I thought it was only evening. - I call Angela Merkel to congratulate her on her birthday and she tells me she had it yesterday. - I wish the Chinese President a happy New Year, and he says it will be tomorrow."
"Indeed" Putin replies "but that's only minor stuff. Remember when that Polish plane crashed with their president? I called them to express my condolences, but the plane hadn't taken off yet!!"
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copperbadge · 4 months
Sam, I must know what sort of things Gerald blogs about on his Tumblr. How old or active is his account? Is his identity a secret?
It's actually a reference to an older post where @dignitywhatdignity pointed out there was no way Ger wasn't on Tumblr. :D Reproduced my response below -- first, Photogram:
I can picture Jerry’s Photogram in my head very clearly because I’ve had to research the children of rich people and their fucking obnoxious instas, and Jerry’s is probably equal parts expensive cars, club glam, and scenic vistas, but mainly because that’s like…what you do. It’s just kind of the done thing, like wearing a shirt when you leave the house. 
Update: Gerald's photogram has shifted radically -- he still treats it as a Thing You Do but especially now that he's a dad it's a lot more Parenting Lifestyle stuff. Because a few of my friends have had babies in the last two years and I had to research the babies my fictional characters were having, the algo now thinks I have baby fever, so I get a lot of Parent Influencer content, and I bet Gerald does a lot of sly fun-poking at that stuff. Like, posting a photo of a bottle warmer and a bib-washing tabletop machine with commentary like "You cannot buy any of this in the shop I don't have, but if you're going to buy one stupid thing as a parent, buy the bib washer. Not a single shirt you own will be unstained but the bibs will be immaculate."
They don't post pictures of Serafina, though -- there are a couple of official portraits for PR reasons but day-to-day that shit is locked to friends and family only. (There are special websites for this, I have friends who use them, it's pretty neat.) The only time random candids of her are out there are usually when someone snaps Michaelis toting her around Fons-Askaz with her cousins -- the "King Emeritus and Royal Ducklings" are becoming a very familiar sight. At least once a week Michaelis takes Noah and Joan out for an afternoon in town with Sera in a snugli and the twins in a stroller. Don't ask him about his stepson and grandkids unless you really want to hear about them.
Meanwhile he also definitely has a secret super-weird tumblr and nobody can figure out if he’s roleplaying or shitposting or what when he posts stuff like “The family groupchat is all well and good until it starts heavily impacting local politics.” Are those horses really his or is he just visiting a barn? Is that…a photo of a plate full of appetizers at “My cousin’s latest house party” with Angela Merkel in the background? He certainly has some strong feelings about Princess Diana and equally strong feelings about Tsar Nicholas. Why is he one of only three people the official Eddie Rambler tumblr follows?
Gerald's tumblr has also slowed down since the diagnosis and becoming a dad, but the content is still random as hell and more authentically wild than his photogram. Again, no photos of Serafina, but it's very evident that whoever is running that particular tumblr has had a kid, or is pretending they have. He gets asks accusing him of faking shit for clout and every time he does, his response is simply to write the ask on a sheet of paper in longhand and photograph it in front of a famous European landmark and/or political figure.
Alanna tolerates this because it does keep him out of mischief and sometimes he takes Serafina with him to whatever landmark he's visiting, and she gets to have a quiet apartment to herself for a while.
(”Eddie Rambler’s on tumblr?” someone asks, and someone else replies “Name me one other TV chef brave AND stupid enough to be on tumblr” and then you realize it is in fact the official Eddie Rambler tumblr saying that.)
Eddie doesn't post to his official Tumblr anymore because he rarely has time and doesn't need to do the self-promotion, but Katie in Communications checks his inbox once a week and brings him the most entertaining asks to respond to. He's currently hovering somewhere around the level of Neil Gaiman in terms of "Famous people who are inexplicably on Tumblr."
Ultimately there develops a running joke that Jerry’s tumblr is run by either a) an upper-class vampire (rude) or b) the elected king of a micronation on the Mediterranean coast with a name nobody can spell (super rude!) 
One time Gerald accidentally pocket-posted a blurry selfie to his Tumblr but it was so poorly focused and clearly accidental that a bunch of people got mad at him for violating the privacy of the Duke of Shivadlakia. He had to pretend to have a week-long beef with himself to save face. He eventually got Noah to take a selfie with him, blanked out Noah's face, and then claimed the Duke had forgiven him and here was a selfie with him as proof.
It's a hard old life, being Duke of Shivadlakia, but someone's got to do it.
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tandembicycles · 11 months
Hey so this is really stupid but I follow a blog who used to uhhhhh sort of role play as angela merkel, the fomer german chancellor? But like, as a joke, obv. Anyways when another chancellor was elected that person changed their url to animestan-something-something (I don’t remember), and stopped doing the whole thing, but now they have a profile picture of uhhhh anime merkel? And occasionally they still post, but other stuff
Anyways, that picture looks really similar to your current profile picture of nanami, so I keep seeing your posts on my dash and thinking it’s that merkel role play account
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What do I say to this, man.
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sanitytomychaos · 1 year
So as I’m taking a brake from playing BG3… a thought came to mind
What was are Dark Urge like before the betrayal of there sister? What made them the apple of their fathers eye and why did Gortash like you more than they tolerate Orin?
So me being me I looked up Bhaal and read a little about him.
About dear old Pa….
He’s a neutral evil god. (In 5e)
He’s Lawful evil in BG3
He’s the god murder in BG3
He was a god murder and the hunt (amung other things in D&D)
He’s was that guy in D&D that wanted to murder everything so THE MURDER HOBO
He was petty Because he lost to Bane and a Merkel, and therefore he had to be the god of murder.
From what ever art I’ve seen of him, we did not get are looks from him at all.
He also impregnated many woman as well to carry his seed. So that’s why You and Orin are half siblings (sisters in my case) and then I learned they were wiped out… well clearly the missed some here. So it’s either we are really flipping old.
(Wait does this mean we are demigods???????)
Anyway you were described as the perfect one… why ? Was it because you were not as unhinged as your sister? The one who took pleasure in murdering her victims in a chaotic insanity?
And are you the one that just enjoys the hunt that leads to your murder? And you’re not as unhinged as your sister hens why is easier to talk to you and have a conversation, and not blurt out you want to murder the person who you’re talking to.
You to your father.
Du (calling her Posie, cuz putting Durge is weird…) she was his fine crafted tool, she was perfect one, she didn’t complain and did her work. She was the “point and kill with out questions asked”
She was devoted and not crazy. No crazy makes you miss all the fine detailed of your kill. Makes you miss and appreciate the murder. How it was done, why it was done.
And you know why it was done, and it brakes you. That’s why you are the favorite he wants you to suffer as you do the deed so you know, each soul you take will haunt you and curse and scream your name.
But he forsakes you once your mind is corrupted by the Tav pole, his voice isn’t there any more to keep constantly whispering. The butler is his way of trying to get Posie back. This is the only way he can help to get his daughter back. To give you gifts and rebuild you.
And since you were “perfect” before. The fall you didn’t need the butler…
But never answer your questions.
That’s what I think…
Relationship with Orin..
I wanna think Posie (okay pocket we get it she’s the Du) and Orin were sisters ( well duh pocket) .
Posie tried to be good sister to Orin, cuz she wanted a family or have some sort of family, but Orin made it very had to do so. They were two deferent sides of the same coin.
But there were small moments? Like Orin would listen to Posie as she reads something out loud. And then listen to Posies questions on the “holy” scriptures to Bhaal as alot of it was hogwash.
“He wants blood in his name, nothing more or less. Just that”
Orin complains that Posie is not. Doing things right and she does the same to Orin.
Share a meal together…
( they are both cannables, only fact I will stay with in the game cannon the other stuff is…. I’m sorry I draw the line of necrophilia and incest tendencies, This game has no chill at all man).
It would be a “hey I turned this Drow into a roast what do you think? Too much garlic or its not enough sage?”
Yes full on Hannibal’s here with the cooking…of humanoid meats. There’s even a part in the game were you can eat said meats in the goblin camp and it heals you by a lot…
I can see Posie just be “Orin that hand was in piss, do not- “
“Orin do not put that in your mouth!”
Orin proceeds to eat the hand anyway because she gives no shits and she is chaos energy.
Posie doesn’t talk to Orin for the rest of the day or week Because that’s just vile even for a cannable like her….The rude ones get eaten only, or she stops because people are junk food and she was gaining some weight.
Orin makes fun of Posies name all the time “Sister dear you should change your name”
Posie refuses to do so as it’s the only thing that keeps her human. And reminds her “there are flowers that can grow from blood”
We have Orin “The Red” because blood and gore..
Posie Would have been “The flower of Bones” as when a body decays. Nature takes it for its own. And bones are forever?
Foreshadowing that Posie will be around even after death….(someone’s death! )
Durge had nothing, your Bhaalness awakens when you were a child and you murdered your foster parents.
(Great really make your Durge a tragic character why don’t you Larian. I love it!)
Orin had parents and Posie will forever resent Orin for that.
Orin was the one that betrayed you. I think when Posie gets to that part in the game. And just thinking about it now. With being more human than she ever was before and finaly fighting her father and wanting to be free of all the nightmares and the voices.
She would be heartbroken. Her sister took everything from her and Orin dosnt care, she was watching and waiting for her sister slip up, and she did slip up. She fell for the chosen of Bain.
Why? It could be a lot of things, bust mostly jealousy, why did someone like Posie get all the love and she got nothing? And even when Orin took Posies place she will always still be compared.
Orin and Durge will always be that Back staving jealous, sibling troop. You still get rid of the sibling you hated and wanted to be… but you’re forever compared to them and your forever and their shadow no matter how much you shine in your own, right. That’s Orin in my eyes…
About the DarkUrge…. Posie.
(It’s funny you get murdered or beaten up by an orc with a flower name)
Im doing a Monk play though with this character so really plays well with being the “perfect weapon”. Posie body is the weapon. Everything around her. Is a weapon so when she’s out doing something for Gortash she throws her victims in a false sense of security
“You fool you have nothing to kill me with!” They have a sword.
She then disarms arms then and used that sword agents then “You were saying?”
I’m also multi-classing as a Druid in there too (I love moon Druids) Because… sneaking in as a cat or bird undetected is just funny.
“Oh look a pretty kitty!”
Turns into a half Orc (need more orc love) then proceeds to murder. Then walks away with bloody paws or flys away as a raven…goes and cleans the filth off your paws or preens your feathers for the next 3 hours.
When she’s mad she will throw things. Books, spoons, chairs…people. Has Yeeted a victim in the Gray bay Because that woman was just- let the fish eat her.
Each murder is different and never the same twice back to back.
She doesn’t do senseless murders. That’s not her style. She wants them to mean something. Hens why this. Would make her the favorite.
Posie had more sanity in them than Orin did. You were able to carry out conversation and look like a completely normal person and not go batshit crazy when you were stalking your target.
(Looking at you Orin)
You were a hunter… a well sharpened You didn’t play with your kills- naaah, you like toying with them.
Or you just liked to strike when your pray was at a peaceful state of mind were they think they are safe but not. That’s when you liked to strike.
That’s what Bhaal loved the best…
I’ll have more, maybe just needed to get this out there
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cahirsmommy · 9 months
this is my roman empire
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oh my fucking GAWD
Right-wingers in Germany are complaining about the government putting out advice on how to deal with the heat (like stay hydrated and stuff)
They're LIVID
Claiming the government forces them to do shit, telling them how to live their lives
Like. Just fucking DIE THEN
At least the memes are funny. Germans are posting all kinds of casual hints and advice and acting like the bigots. It's so funny.
This shit started so long ago, too. Like, a German politician, the head of the CDU (Merkel's party) was complaining about coke bottle caps staying attached to the bottle. Some of his supporters were literally saying it's Nazi stuff. Before that, they were complaining about a sign on a paper towel dispenser, asking them to please throw away used towels into the waste bin. Yes, really.
I can't. Just. Get me out of this fucking shithole country.
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the-firebird69 · 7 days
Scorpions - Big City Nights (Official Music Video)
Well we decided that we're huge yeah this is going to be great it's like what is it 34% of the populace yeah okay f*** off Chris since you don't know lady I need to help fight the max yeah that's good news right there that's why it's telling us and I asked why what is he telling us for and it's because of the ride. Now I've seen a lot of people do stuff but this is incredible I'm sitting there saying this is wicked had and it is and it will said before okay the sisters thing and everything in the max look at the stuff and we're behind but now our size we're getting kicked out and that sucks too bad for you don't worry the max come to us they always do
Anne Hathaway
We're going to get out there and populate that place like bunny rabbits yeah I won't have my popsicle that sucks hv to go to the sperm bank. Lol
Megan Merkel
We're going to watch out for these people they might take us to these cities and he said it earlier he said he's going to become big s*** and yeah he's got a bug somewhere okay so the cities are big they're forcing an evacuation everyone has to watch out and we got to get forces out but hey not really sure what I was saying I can tie it up and stuff
Mac Daddy
Yeah I have to do that too
We get our forces out and we watch out for ours and we keep the peace
Olympus and we did say it Thor Freya
We watch out for hours and we watch out for others by accident but yeah we're going to be out there keeping the peace
We have a lot to do but this is very exciting and boy I'm thankful that I revived it and he did say it and this is going to be hell but good and they did this the first time one of these people stupid but we've been doing the job they go down there and they fight them but they don't do well
Shaquille O'Neal
We're All in this together we have to get things done right now but yeah they're leaving and they said he's going to be big
Jet li
I would say we're going to set up and make beer for them but we probably won't have to that's actually a plus we have other beer we have to make and tons of it
Zues Hera
He's right about this so probably start making their own and it won't be that great but that's what they'll do and we really don't want their business they're pigs and assholes and they never do it right and we don't want to talk to them and they're going to diminish quickly
Thor Freya
We are seeing something people don't want to do business with us and we'll have to make stuff on her own and that's the way it is
We won't be able to bring him with us and we're in the west but we're going to be in our cities and we know that it's happening and we're going to have to try and get him somewhere to our areas and to slow the damage
He thinks of attract too much attention
Yeah well that's not what we think
We don't think it either
Terry c
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project1939 · 3 months
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200 Films of 1952
Film number 175: The Merry Widow
Release date: September 5th, 1952 
Studio: MGM 
Genre: musical 
Director: Curtis Bernhardt 
Producer: Joe Pasternak 
Actors: Lana Turner, Fernando Lamas, Una Merkel, Richard Haydn
Plot Summary: The fictional European country of Marshovia will soon go bankrupt, but a miraculous chance to save it presents itself in a rich American widow of a former Monrovian. If the King can lure her to the country, and his nephew Danilo can woo her into marrying him, her $80 million dollar estate will be theirs. 
My Rating (out of five stars): ***¼  
I liked this one more than I expected to. It’s a remake of the classic 1934 Ernst Lubitsch version with Jeanette MacDonald and Maurice Chevalier, but it doesn’t reach that standard. For what it is, though, it's a decent watch- it’s a competent colorful MGM musical with a bubbly little plot. Fernando Lamas was the big highlight for me- his beauty and charisma alone could carry a film. (some spoilers)
The Good: 
Fernando Lamas. Oh. My. God. He is gorgeous! I felt melty every time I looked at him. He was a fine actor and he had a lovely voice as well. He later married my huge crush Esther Williams, and I think I would die if I saw them together. I’d double swoon, not knowing who to look at! They even made a movie together called Dangerous When Wet, which might be too dangerous for me to watch. 
Lana Turner was pretty good acting wise. I think her acting definitely got better as she got older. She looked amazing in some of those costumes, too. 
Turner’s vocal dub was shockingly good. She’s not a singer, but they actually found a dubber who sounded reasonably like her. They didn’t just shove Marni Nixon in there! 
The costumes! They were absolutely stunning. They were gloriously colorful and very flattering. Lamas looked scrumptious in his regal wear, and some of the stuff they put Turner in wowed me as well. I can’t vouch for how authentic they were to the year 1900, though.
The MGM Technicolor looked as beautiful as ever. There’s just something about the way MGM utilized it that tops any other studio. 
Una Merkel and Richard Haydn were both very effective in their supporting roles. Merkel went on to be a standout in 1961’s The Parent Trap as Verbena, and Haydn was just as memorable as Max in The Sound of Music. 
The plot was just good silly fun. 
The Bad: 
The casting of Turner, who is not a singer. I liked Turner in this, but it would have been so much better if they had cast an actual singer in the role. Jeanette freakin’ MacDonald played the role in the 1934 version for god’s sake! 
I wish there had been more music in it. I’m sure some of it was because Turner wasn’t a singer, but it kept wishing for more songs.
The ending was predictable from nearly the beginning. 
It was missing some of the creative spark of better MGM fare. Pasternak films did tend to be more rote than Freed’s, though. 
The musical numbers were also not filmed especially creatively. 
The overly disgusted reaction of Danilo when he thought he had to woo the older Una Merkel was gross. Yes, she was middle aged, but treating her like she was inhumanly ugly was insulting to Markel, but also to women in general. It was very dehumanizing. 
More disgusting East Asian stereotypes. There was a brief scene at the American Chinese embassy as they celebrated the New Year. The less said the better. I just wrote “NO!” in my notes. 
Accents! Why does the King of Marshovia have a totally different accent than his nephew? And a local Baron? And the Ambassador? It seemed like every person in the country spoke in a different way.
The Interesting??: 
Get a load of this quote by a French policeman when Danilo came to the station looking for a woman. When asked to describe her, Danilo can’t give any helpful information until he mentions she’s an American. “So she has long legs?” the policeman asks. “All American women have long legs. From the waist down, an American woman is incomparable. From the waist up, the advantage is with all French women!” 
 I. Can’t. Even. 
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hoghtastic · 5 months
I really have problems with this kind of people.
In August she still was with Mikal. In October/November she started beeing with Alex.
Even if they weren't cheating. It was some how tasteless and respectless towards her ex. Also you breake up you could at least try to show some empathy for your ex and not salt his wounds. But no she had to post Paris and other stuff.
But it also was respectless towards Alex to post all the hints.
Pretty sure Mikal like Justin Timberlakes What comes around goes around.
I hope it will come around for her one day.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this, anon. 😊
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Good Omens using She for God alongside other gender clustery like having Michael played by a woman, really gave me a taste for gendering stuff differently just for Funsies.
You know there is a general rule that "the masculine gender is neutral" in French. Which means masculin overtakes the feminin. It translates into titles and occupations as well.
If a woman acquires a position with a title, the old convention, which is still partially used, is to keep the masculine version of the title. That would create something like "Mister President Merkel."
Nowadays, we can say authoress instead of author, or female President instead of just President, but some elitist pricks still cling to that convention (looking at you Académie Française).
What I'm getting at is that I really want to call Macron La Présidente instead of Le Président (his title).
If you aren't French, you won't melt down seeing this, but believe me, a lot of French people would.
But really, why should "Feminine is Neutral" be any different than "Masculine is Neutral"?
Doing this could really make some French people realize the inherent misogyny perpetuated by the "Masculine is Neutral" rule.
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