#merman andor
corvidscreams · 1 month
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Hey. Hey, y’all. Cassian Andor x Karis Nemik. Send tweet.
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After Cassian is sure Nemik is breathing again, he’s gotta make sure Nemik knows to keep his mouth shut.
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milfcutlawquane · 2 years
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He compartido 9911 publicaciones este 2022
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He etiquetado 2518 publicaciones en 2022
#reyaina screams at things: 86 publicaciones
#giant merman rex vs tiny command chain merfolks: 67 publicaciones
#star wars: 65 publicaciones
#digital art: 48 publicaciones
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#perart: 45 publicaciones
#captain rex: 44 publicaciones
#the clone wars: 33 publicaciones
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#pixie hollow au: 28 publicaciones
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#feeling this so much....giants who wouldn't even thought about abusing their power because they know there won't be a turning back point...
Mis publicaciones más populares este 2022:
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@kixthecondomfairy and me made this VERY long post about clones as sweet bread and now I'm ✨inspired✨ and of COURSE I did Cody first because the image of him eating an empanada as soon as he's awake was a mood
126 notas. Fecha de publicación: 1 de enero de 2022
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sw culture week day 2 - food
Loving mexican snacks tbh! These two are just eating some elotes and gordita rellena after a long day, so yeah that's it. These are two of my favorite snacks, so I couldn't miss the opportunity to draw them!
They're both using jarocho clothes, which are typical from Veracruz. Someone on the last post suggested I should draw those next so if you're seeing this, this one is for you!
Image reference:
162 notas. Fecha de publicación: 2 de marzo de 2022
Traditionally, october 28th is the first day of the celebration, the first day most people start doing their ofrendas (not me bc my family does ot the 31st lmao).
October 28th is know as the day of the lonely souls. You're supposed to burn a candle and to put a white flower. Souls start arriving this day, but today is specially for all those souls who have nowhere to go. They have a special day, please don't forget them.
523 notas. Fecha de publicación: 28 de octubre de 2022
672 notas. Fecha de publicación: 2 de agosto de 2022
Mi publicación más popular de 2022
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sw culture week day 1 - fashion
Folkloric dance is something so beautiful! There are many beautiful clothing all around the country, but I really wanted to portray the beauty of these dresses! This one is from Jalisco, and every state has it's own but I think more about these than the others to be honest. If you can, you should see these in action, it's beautiful beyond words!
Image reference:
738 notas. Fecha de publicación: 1 de marzo de 2022
Descubre tu resumen del 2022 en Tumblr →
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awiderangeofgreen · 6 years
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Mer!Bodhi & his Cassian doll
A little contribution for May the Fourth & Mermay
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oh-nostalgiaa · 7 years
Writing Masterlist
random fics
you ain’t alone | henry cavill / you
perfect | sam heughan / you
and i bet that i can make you believe in love and sex and magic | diego luna / you
you make me feel like magic | diego luna / you
rogue one: a star wars story 
 heaven help a fool who falls in love | jyn erso / cassian andor
‘cause honey i’ve been thinking about you | jyn erso / cassian andor
to the ends of the earth would you follow me? | jyn erso / cassian andor
but in between there’s you and me | jyn erso / cassian andor
you’ll bring me home | jyn erso / cassian andor
all i want for christmas is you | jyn erso / cassian andor | (tumblr)
only love can hurt like this | jyn erso / cassian andor | (tumblr)
if you love me, don’t let go | jyn erso / cassian andor | (tumblr)
take me home to your arms | jyn erso / cassian andor | (tumblr)
i found love where it wasn’t supposed to be | jyn erso / cassian andor | (tumblr)
i’m like falling water, set me free | jyn erso / cassian andor | (tumblr)
you make it real for me | jyn erso / cassian andor | (tumblr)
kiss me goodbye and sleep | jyn erso / cassian andor | (tumblr)
like real people do | jyn erso / cassian andor | (tumblr)
how do you fall in love? (harder than a bullet could hit you) | jyn erso / cassian andor | (tumblr)
and give me your electric touch | jyn erso / cassian andor | (tumblr)
come back with the waves | jyn erso / cassian andor | (tumblr)
in this world (it’s just us) | jyn erso / cassian andor | (tumblr)
rogue one: a star wars story au moodboards / drabbles
(written with @diegocassians)
Single Parent Cassian & Neighbor Jyn
Cop Cassian & Criminal Jyn
One Night Stand / The Morning After
Artist Cassian & Model Jyn
Actor Cassian & Makeup Artist Jyn
Mob Wedding
Actor Cassian & Makeup Artist Jyn: The Paparazzi Edition
Actor Cassian & Makeup Artist Jyn - The Jealousy Edition
Actor Cassian & Makeup Artist Jyn - The Birthday Interlude
Merman Cassian & Human Jyn
After the War Jyn & Cassian and tiny baby Essa
i was prompted ...
cheiloproclitic | jyn erso / cassian andor | (TA!Cassian x Student!Jyn) | (tumblr)
i’m not going to apologize for this. not anymore. | jyn erso / cassian andor | (a different college au) | (tumblr)
fate | jyn erso / cassian andor | (a six word story)
if you let me make you mine | jyn erso / cassian andor | (tumblr)
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ours-is-feral-love · 7 years
We Meet at Last
A/N: Jyn x Cassian boarding school AU series. Might be rough, but hopefully enjoyable. Short drabbles taking place in their final semester, starting with their first meeting. Kind of.
She saw him—really, really saw him—for the first time as she walked by the indoor swimming pool. It was late. Two hours past curfew. They were supposed to be in bed. If they got caught, it would be bad for them both. Her original plan had been to jump in the pool herself. She was having trouble sleeping, and when she had lived in England she would often sneak to the indoor pool in her father’s mansion for a quick dip to tire her out. She changed her mind about getting in when she spotted him.
He glided in the water like some majestic fish. A merman, she concluded as she watched him swim three laps without taking a single breath. He was most definitely a merman.
He stopped at the other end of the olympic-sized pool and climbed out, revealing two muscular, tan legs. Not a merman, then. Just a very proficient swimmer. His swim trunks were glued to his body, outlining every curve and muscle. Jyn realised she was staring. Not only staring, but ogling like a creepy stalker. She was about to turn and run away when their eyes locked across the room.
There were no fireworks. She was eighteen, in her last semester of school before leaving for university; she didn’t believe in that gooey, romantic stuff. Besides, she had seen this person before. Cassian Andor. Captain of the Scarif Boarding School swim team. Senior, like herself. Also another international student, though he hailed from Mexico. Their paths had never officially crossed, but the school was small and they were in the same year. She often spotted him sitting with Mr. Kay, the annoying statistics teacher.
There were no fireworks, but there was a clenching inside of her. Like her whole body was tensing uncontrollably. There was also a warmth spreading throughout her blood and an undeniable itch to get closer to him.
He was dripping, the hair covering his broad chest flattened against his skin. He made no move to grab a towel. He was just as enraptured with her as she was with him. In the back of her dazed mind, this was a satisfying detail she would hold on to for the rest of her life.
They stood there like idiots, staring each other down, memorising stilly details like the thin, pale scar on his cheek which she would later learn—when she wasn’t standing 164 feet away from him—wasn’t a scar at all, but rather a few strands of wet hair creating what looked like a groove in his skin.
Jyn hadn’t been this starstruck meeting William and Harry when she was fifteen. Something was clearly wrong with her.
“Shouldn’t you be in bed?” she said eventually when her brain decided to work again, sounding far too breathless for someone who had not swam multiple laps of a ginormous swimming pool.
The boy across the room offered her a half-smile. Annoyingly, she melted a little into the cracks beneath her feet. “Shouldn’t you?”
A combination of his silky voice and gorgeous accent clouded Jyn’s mind even further. She did not have a comeback. She didn’t need one, either. Footsteps echoed outside of the pool. Their eyes widened as mutual panic settled in. They were to be caught very soon if they didn’t vacate the premises immediately. With one last, fleeting look at the soaking wet boy, Jyn took off to the girl’s changing room as Cassian Andor exited the building altogether through the door that led to the hockey field.
She snuck back to her single dorm when the coast was clear several nerve-wracking minutes later. She slept horribly that night, and what little moments of sleep she managed to capture were filled with dreams of a handsome face belonging to a handsome boy.
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Into the Fathoms Below
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2xnymEo
by SleepyKalena
Humans and merfolk never interact with each other. In the rare instance that they do, it always ends in death- a price humans have paid.
And yet, despite these warnings, Cassian was here, on land, in her kingdom, serving in her navy, speaking and finless and with feet. Jyn wanted to tell him that she knew who he really was, where he was from, how she knew he was present in so many chapters of her life, but their difference in rank and his decision to stay entirely silent about his identity created a wall between them. All she wanted to do was get to know more about the man she'd grown attracted to with each passing month, especially now that they're finally able to speak to each other.
This was her chance. And as Steela always said: Walls are meant to be surmounted.
[A sequel AU to Part of Her World, through the eyes of Jyn.]
Words: 6583, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Cassian Andor, Jyn Erso
Relationships: Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso
Additional Tags: The Little Mermaid AU, merman!Cassian - Freeform, (who is currently human in this bit), Human-Merfolk Political Drama, Unresolved Romantic Tension, (but it's also kind of resolved), Pre-Relationship, They both walk a fine line of half-truths, but they so badly want to say more, Slow Build
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2xnymEo
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