#metamoro reverse
avenger-hawk · 5 years
What other minor and/or major fandoms are you in? (Or what other shows/series do you keep track of?)
This might be boring to read because there are people who are up to date with manga/anime/tv shows/movies while I’m the opposite xD I’m the type of person who sticks with something they love to the point of obsession for a very long time.
Other than the Naruto one, the last fandom I joined was the MetaMoro fandom (italian singers and beautiful couple), last year. I never shipped real people in my whole life cause I don’t care about real people enough, and cause found it kinda creepy (btw I bet tumblr police has something to say about this as well) but things happen and you can’t control what you like (hi again tumblr morality police), besides, there is no fanservice in Italy for this kind of things, it’s not like idols or kpop bands or US celebrities, so..I didn’t even want to be active in the fandom tbh, but I just happened to write some comments in my tags and then I received asks and suddenly people were interested in my opinion, then in my ideas so they suggested prompts and before I knew it I was posting angsty darkfics lol ( so this is the fandom that steals my time from naruto fic writing)
I’m not in other fandoms, these 2 take too much time already, and most of the anime/shows I like are either quite old or over since a while. I don’t know most of the shows people talk about, and when I stumble on their gifs/images I just don’t feel interested.
I am a Game of Thrones fan, I sometimes wrote a few comments on episodes and with my personal blog I follow GoT blogs with gifs and edits, but I don’t read fics and I never read fan theories though.
Before Naruto my favourite manga/anime were Gensoumaden Saiyuki (I wasn’t into it anymore but they published the Gaiden prequel volumes in my country and I almost cried reading the end for how beautiful and sad it was) and most of it all Bleach…I loved it so much, I read fics, searched for doujinshi and fanarts, saved screenshots. It was in my heart for years, and it still is even though I didn’t follow it that much, so when it ended I wasn’t as angry as for Naruto, for example. But I periodically think (more like obsess) about it again, when I stumble on stuff online. And I do periodically think, more like, replay, the scenarios I would think about, my ‘bedtime stories’ lol, as back then I didn’t even consider writing a fic.
I recently read the Psycho Pass manga for the first time, as I had watched the anime already. Then I rewatched the anime and I liked it even more than the first time, so much that I obsessively sought fanarts and fics, too bad that my fave ship is popular only in the reverse top/bottom dynamic compared to the one I like
I’m deeply into Noragami which is the latest manga I’ve been reading, I want to watch the anime but I haven’t yet. Also I haven’t looked for fanarts/fics, even though I really love Yato, and I am very intrigued by the angsty parts like when he cried getting to know his shinki’s past, or when he’s stung and blighted when his shinki has bad thoughts &co. Or the way his father manipulated him, or when he was bitten by Hiyori gone ayakashi…This kind of things is my kind of things, so I’m all in for the dark side of it, but I’m afraid I’m a minority so I don’t even bother looking for stuff. (maybe this was better in the other ask about crack ships lol)
Also because I often drop shows/anime when I disagree with the plot, and especially with tv series this happens a lot cause they keep them going on and on season after season and annoying shit happens, like, I was a fan of The 100 (and I shipped Claire/Lexa and Lincoln/Octavia) but after Lexa died and there was the season finale/cliffhanger for the next one I stopped watching cause I disliked it. Or Vikings but same, I didn’t like it anymore after the first series, it’s like certain stories go out of hand and become ‘too big’ and I can’t put up with that kind of absurdity. And I have an open mind, my favourite stories are those that question reality, so my concept of absurdity is related to unbelievable because it’s badly written imo. Same for Mr Robot, I watched it all but I didn’t like certain things and I’m afraid I’m gonna hate the next season. Or Sense 8, but that was canceled and I even managed to quit it before the forced ending lol. I’m a huge fan of Star Trek The Next Generation and BattleStar Galactica, I bingewatched the latter on a summer, like when I bingewatched LOST with my ex, who was addicted on series more than I. He was an ass*ole but he made me watch good stuff lol. Like cute Pushing Daisies. Older series are more interesting imo. It’s like the popular ones are like videogames, each season with a bigger ‘aim’, while others are canceled without even trying to continue and see if people get to like them. Some stories grow on people more slowly, but they don’t get it. The latest show I tried to watch was American Gods, its concept seemed interesting and I like the many different cultures and mythologies it refers to, but I found certain things disturbing/triggering so I stopped.
I also liked Death Note but for the story more than the characters. I was reading Tomodachi Game cause it’s quite similar for certain things but I have to catch up. Oh and I never finished Nabari No Ou, even though I liked it. Why didn’t I finish? I forgot. Same for Gintama. Like pretty much anyone else I read manga with an app and I watch anime/shows on my laptop and I decided to read more paper books instead, and use devices less, so I follow my favourite musicians/bands, and ofc my 2 fandoms and mostly I write my fics. Or, well, I try to.
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I'll ask here so maybe more people will read: can you PLEASE avoid tagging other ship in metamoro tag? Like I get that we all ship what we like but it's kinda awful browsing the tag and find, i don't know, metanari stuff. Tags exists for a reason, that's all, and I like to maintain the peace at least in Tumblr
My dear anon I understand why you are asking this I do understand why you are annoyed and I promise you that speaking about my headcanon there’s a specific reason why I tagged Metamoro in my Metanari stuff. I can’t talk for other people, but I’ll try to explain at least myself (and my chat is always open if you want to talk about it)My English is a bit rusty so I’m sorry if this is going to be a bit confusing.Anyway:
Honestly, I sometimes tag Metamoro in my Metanari hc (or viceversa) for a reason : I do like angst and I do like mixing ship, so I have fun in putting them all together and see what happens if the poor Marco believes that Ermal is in love with Fabrizio or stuff like that. When it’s about Au, especially teen!au, I see them almost as an inseparable entity: ermal is what connects Fabrizio and Marco, but due to the fact that Marco is his best friend, it’s easy for me to think that he’s always pretty much around. Not that they have to be together as in a romantic relationship, but they are best friends.They are there to support each other and even if we left aside the fact that Marco (in my headcanon) has a huuuuge crush for Ermal, he will always be there for him, so in this context we can also consider Metanari not only as a ship but also as a brotp. My entire fanfiction for example revolves around the fact that Marco has a crush for Ermal but keeps hiding his feelings to be the friends Ermal deserves to have, while Ermal is slowly falling in love with Bizio.
In this specific case (if you are referring to my Metanari stuff and i think you might since I’ve posted just that headcanon about them) I’ve tagged Metamoro because I’m planning to add Fabrizio, and for once in a reverse situation: Ermal being so in love with Marco and Fabrizio being the friend who gives him really shitty advice but he’s supportive with Ermal because he has such a soft spot for that boy. part 3 is going to be a flashback situation in which we’ll see what ermal did before their date which surprisingly is: texting Fabrizio. I’ve tagged it before because I knew what I was going to do: I wanted Metamoro to be in there, but just in a friendship form.
So this are my reasons for that particular choice. In other cases, I’m sorry if I did that: I wasn’t trying to fight or something like that Maybe I was distracted (maybe because I’m used to tag them both) but I didn’t do that for specifically making someone uncomfortable
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a---fire---inside · 4 years
Hi, please write your thoughts on that dilf twitt from Ermal. What do you think of their dinamic there? Do you think it's more like a joke or Ermal might actually have a bit of a daddy kink? Or anything in between those two options? I really miss your analizes girl and I hope you are doing good and staying safe.
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Ok first of all thanks for your good wishes (I too hope you’re safe and doing good Anon!) and for sending this ask, it that made me laugh. Then let me write some disclaimer like: we’re having some fun talk about headcanons, no need to start shit over this~
Now, on to the *serious* stuff lol. I think that in every joke there is a bit of reality, cause you don’t mention things you don’t think even just a little, even subconsciously…so it is a joke but it’s like the jokes Ermal made in 2018 about how he is the most handsome man in ESC (and he knows cause he chose well), what a hunk Fabri is, but of course, like women say huh, or, as he wrote in this tweet, at least it’s what he heard, not because he says so lol
As for daddy kink headcanons I’m probably gonna disappoint you cause the way I see it has nothing to do with daddy kink at all, it’s more a literal reading of the word dilf, so since it’s ‘dad I’d like to f*ck’, that is what I see😏Which is basically the reverse dynamic🤪
Oh and btw speaking of reverse dynamic, it’s funny cause everyone is focused on the dilf thing (well ofc) and no one is mentioning how he’s playfully playing ‘victim’ again as if Bizio doesn’t pay attention to him, as if he doesn’t answer his calls which is said already…and to me it’s funny cause he’s a proud person who would never say something like this, if it was true, because ofc it would be private and he wouldn’t even write anything publicly (I mean, no one would actually, we’d just be privately offended lol) …soo when he writes things like these to me they mean that he feels so ‘safe’ and so confident in their *relationship*  (even friendship I mean) that he can joke about something totally opposite. And it was funny how he ‘threatened’ Fabri in this context, kind of like not just playing ‘poor Ermal who calls Fab who doesn’t reply’ in all its different shapes (like ‘io ti voglio bene tu puoi anche non volermene’) but also acting possessive like ‘if you don’t call me I’m gonna wreck you’….that’s why I find this a funny ‘bitchy Ermal’ thing.
Btw I’m joking, not insulting, but ofc in jokes there is a little truth cause you know my opinion of real Ermal as a person, outside the metamoro context so 😂😂
If you want something more similar to an analysis, in 2018 I could see him having something like a daddy kink (=him being ‘dominated’ by ‘daddy’ older and powerful Fab) or enjoying some kind of kink for Fab-controlling-anything (lol look at me avoiding words like power dynamics or sub/dom). I could imagine it from his behavior, letting Fab ‘guide’ him, showing him his vulnerable side (which is different from him being vulnerable lol) and allowing him to protect him inside a hug, but it felt a little stretched, cause one thing is to let Fab protect him inside a hug, and another is leave him all control in a kinkier situation…but ofc I like kinky stuff so I kinda wanted to imagine this because all the fandom was into it so how could I not, right? But tbh for me it was easier to imagine the reverse, like, him trying dominant stuff on Fab who is more relaxed and more willing to let Ermal do anything with and to him (being inspired by real life things like how he let Ermal make fun of him, how he always checked how Ermal was, and his words when they won Sanremo), and who seems to have more experience in life and in…uhm…interesting things. Also because, instinctively, I thought that for Ermal it seemed more cathartic imo to be the one in control, if we speak of kinkier (or darker lol) stuff I mean, but we were all into ‘bottomErmal’ things so I kinda twisted things and imagined Ermal trying daddy kink stuffs &co once only😏😂
Aaaand, looking at real life stuff from, say, October 2018 on (BUT! I still mean HEADCANONS looking at real life stuff) my impression got only stronger and I saw things totally differently, as if all the protection and care Fab gave him made him feel safer and also stronger, so much that he took control of everything, including their *relationship* (reminder: I’m speaking of headcanons!!!!!) and dynamics. Which means Ermal having a dominating/controlling attitude (lol little shit if you like this expression) and Fab letting him do anything, not because he’s *weak* or smth but because he likes his *little brother* to be ok and if being happy means acting like a little possessive controlling bitch so be it😂
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