#mewnia murps
mewnia · 15 days
thank you! i enjoy tales of sunday but i would love to see more oc stuff esp if that's more fun for you too :3
i'd love to ask you some questions about your ocs if you're willing to answer! i've been through the tags but there's definitely more to know about all the characters. one character i didn't see a lot of info on was selah! what's her background like? how did she grow up? what is she getting up to around the time the main story takes place? what's her relationship to the rest of the cast like? her relationship with abriel? what's her general role in the story? any other cool stuff you wanna spill? you can answer as many or as few of these questions as you like! i'd love to read your ramblings :p
Ahhh I love my girl Selah! She’s one of the more straight-forward characters so I often don’t have to draw concepts for her, if that makes sense? I probably should, it would help me connect with her character more!
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She’s a very silly girl, at heart. A reference that I usually follow is relating her to Jessie from Toy Story but more farmer-ish rather than cowboy. She definitely follows her gut. Selah and Abriel’s family are farmers of medicinal herbs protected by Autumnest’s royal family. These herbs come in extremely handy to both residents of Autumnest and to researchers in Springland. No one knows how they got these herbs. According to Selah, their plants just one day started having healing properties!
To other characters, Selah is a sibling all-around! Her more focused relationships (besides Abriel) are with Ella and Mel. Selah relates to Ella’s predicament with her father, who is ill, and knows one day Ella will need support to deal with what’s coming. Meanwhile, Selah is so energetic and playful, she’s a breath of fresh air for Ella. With Mel, I’m still playing around with, but the main gist is that Abriel seems to have a really close interest in them. Therefore, Selah wants in, too!
Selah is incredibly close with her twin brother Abriel. She loves having someone there by her side, someone who is both a huge, personal part of her and yet their own person. She loves doing the whole twin-matching thing, and Abriel goes along with it to see her smile. Actually, Abriel is sometimes there for her a little too much, if that makes sense. The siblings try to out-do each other in service to one another often. Apparently for their Quinceañera/Quinceañero, both of them made such tall, towering cakes for the other that they ended up feeding their whole village for days! The twins refuse to say who made the tallest… Local villagers will tell you it was a tie ;P
Mel, Ella, Abriel, and Asher, when going unchecked can get very doom and gloom very quickly as characters. So Selah is here to hopefully lift the party’s, an especially the viewer’s, spirits <3
Here are some other drawings of Selah! One of her for MerMay that I plan to finish in October for OC-tober, and the other from an entry in Asher’s journal — 10 years before the main story. This journal hasn’t been posted on my blog, mainly because I’m embarrassed of my writing skills, haha
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Thank you for asking, I don’t mind at all! I meant it when I said I could talk about my OC’s for days. It’s a long post, that’s for sure :P
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mewnia · 4 months
I hope all those who have been tuning in for my Tales Sundays know that a lot of these (not all) images are done on the same file and I will absolutely be creating a Timelapse of all of them once I hit my 1 year goal
(and that yes I’m only doing this for a year haha! Going until September babyyy)
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mewnia · 6 months
Your Sophie and Cheria designs are sooooo cute !! Do you happen to have more design takes of the Graces cast in your mind? I'd love to see more! 🥰
AHH IM GLAD YOU LIKE THEM, they were a lot of fun to play around with my sense of character design. As for others I have in mind of the graces cast, currently I have been STUCK on Asbel lol.
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BECAUSE LIKE get this, I absolutely love each of these designs, specifically the first on the left! Man, not to pat myself on the back but I love this design.
Does it feel like Asbel? No, not really. Not to me. So I’ve been struggling a bit :P Sophie and Cheria came so naturally!
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mewnia · 6 days
hmm debating on like. While I work on my Vesperia stickers, putting up some prints I made for a con I attended forever ago and selling those for the time being 🤔
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mewnia · 18 days
hi there! i was just wondering if you had some place where more info on your original story vctm is stored and if you were willing to share that. i'm super interested in the characters and the world you've shown through your art and id love to know more about the story! no worries if not, i was just curious. thank you for your time and have a wonderful day!
Ahh I’m so glad people are interested in my story! Unfortunately a lot of it is only on my blog in the concept stage. I haven’t really had the time to work on making pages besides the Origin of Continuum (which was done as a school-project so I had an excuse to give time to that :P ).
BUT that is something I plan to do differently. My Tales-of Sunday is slowly coming to a close with only 3 Sundays left before it’s been a year, and let me tell you. I am indeed running out of steam for it haha. It’s been nice having a single day solely dedicated to something, though! I’ve been thinking of turning it into and OC day instead. The only unfortunate part about that is on my follower’s part, where most Sundays you guys won’t really see what I’ve worked on until it’s finished to a certain degree. Or if what I’ve worked on isn’t a spoiler :P
With that said, if you haven’t already, you can find a lot of my VCtM content either by searching the tag #Mewnia’s OC’s or taking any of the characters’ name and putting (Voice Carries the Music) after. For example, #Asher (Voice Carries the Music).
I probably don’t have as much content as you’re probably looking for, but questions are always welcome!! I could talk about my characters for DAYS.
Edit: Oh! Actually, I might as well post these while I’m thinking about it. These two pages are definitely done and take place hundreds of years after Continuum’s Origin. Just to give people some intrigue!
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mewnia · 10 months
Thank you so much to those who boosted my posts, and an extra special thank you to those who made orders!!
I will be ordering what I need to tonight and sending things out as soon as I get them. Hopefully I can figure out the tracking method but I'll get there when I get there haha I believe the earliest I will receive them will be around the beginning of December, so arrival of your orders might not arrive until closer to Christmas.
These ~might~ be available to order again some time in the distant future, but I want to try other things first. Like prints or other stickers for other fandoms. Until then, thank you, again! This was a fun experience!
If you missed the preorders for these stickers but/or still want to support a small artist like me:
I have commissions open here (there's a link to a form to fill out) or I have a Kofi over here!
Currently I am without a job and will be needing to do some car repairs before the winter soon, so anything helps and is appreciated!
Otherwise, and again, thank you! <3
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mewnia · 11 months
Annon-Guy: Yeah, but it's nice to find Marta fans too sense she's unfairy hated on over here in the West, wether it's her character in the begining or dunking on her so fans can ship Emil with Richter.
Oh she’s definitely overly hated. If there’s a few things in the fandom that I think are overly hated to the point where I just block people, it’s the hating of Zestiria, Colette, or Marta :/
Like I get it. Marta is not the best-written character, and doesn’t have an immediately likable personality. Though it’s been a while since I’ve played DotNW, I do recall there being a point where Marta concludes her plot with the Vanguard and her father and takes the backseat and is basically boring for the last chapter of the game. (could be wrong though, it’s been a hot minute) but like. Come on, let girls be passionate about love and whistful about a boy she likes. Emil even confronts her about how unfairly she puts him on a pedestal for something he doesn’t remember. She learns from it, she grows to listen and learn to fall in love with the actual person that Emil is, and comes to peace with her own family and past.
Sure, she’s not my favorite Tales girl (that goes to Colette), but she’s absolutely not the worst, much less the worst character in that game.
ALSO also, I personally don’t care for the Richter x Emil ship, but I don’t care that it’s a ship that exists, if that makes sense? It’s not my cup of tea, I don’t like the mental age gap, I’m… not that crazy about Richter, but Im not going to stop the people that do ship it. Heck, a lot of the people that ship them are fun! (in my experience anyway) I like talking to them and hearing their thoughts on my boy Emil. (Aster x Richter on the other hand is top tier and I wish we got more scenes of them together)
But YES I don’t like the people that bash on Marta just to justify shipping Emil with Richter. It’s so exhausting.. aren’t you tired? They’re characters, at the end of the day. Play with them!
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mewnia · 3 months
graphic design hard and tedious
…but satisfying
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mewnia · 3 months
How many cats do you have? And can we see them?!?!?!
I currently have two! Lemme show you pictures :3c
Here’s Ninja, 15, I love him very much he is my son <3 He’s getting older, so he’s slower and not as playful as he used to be. But he’s still such a sweetie and gets plenty of hugs!
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And then here’s Poppy, she’s 3 now! She’s very rambunctious, constantly being called a gremlin. She also doesn’t have a full grasp on what gravity is..
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I love them both very much. While Ninja was definitely intended to be mine, Poppy has made it clear she likes me a lot more than the others living in my house, so I have two kids <3 Hey, I’m not complaining.
Honorable mentions go to Tommy (16, Dec 17, 2019) and Tigersocks (18, April 11, 2022) who were previous cats we had and were present throughout most of my life. Tommy (the ginger) was a big sweetie pie and a major attention stealer, and Tigersocks (the tabby) was a little skittish but the perfect lap cat you could have a conversation with. I miss them a lot!
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I LOVE MY CATS they are the loves of my life and I will always happily talk about them when someone asks!!
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mewnia · 1 year
seeing yuri and flynn is like what a toxic relationship looks like after they see therapy and get their love life back on track i love vesperia so much thank you for letting me see them again
the first time you see them interact in game you’re like “ah, divorced”
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mewnia · 11 months
Annon-Guy: I asked other DotNW fans this, but what are your thoughts on;
Emil/Ratatosk, Marta, Tenebrae, Richter, Aqua, Alice and Decus as characters?
What do you think of Emil X Marta and Alice X Decus?
Sure thing, dude! I'll make this the last post of tonight's Tales of Sunday, too. Let's set this up the same way I did on this post.
Emil: He's baby boy baby! I know a lot of people who play (and dislike) DotNW can't stand Emil's cowardice and hate towards Lloyd at the beginning. Besides the hating Lloyd part, I always found it very relatable! Admittedly it's still a character flaw for him to get over, but I don't find it as annoying as others do. But I love him, I love his development, and his eventual friendship with Lloyd. I think his character was handled really well. And dude. Especially how he feels responsible for Aster's death and stealing his life? Relatable, I would feel the exact same way 100%.
Ratatosk: Spicy baby! Honestly his character development was a lot of fun to see through the story, especially how it all comes to a head when he fights Emil in the true ending. (I also love the detail that he's just as good a cook as Emil, he just doesn't care about presentation lol). The way he gets soft for Marta is very sweet, too. I have mixed feelings about how his character is handled in the crossover games, though.
Marta: Haha, like I said, she's not my favorite Tales Heroine, but she's not bad. I also loved her as a kid! She was like a silly self-insert for me at the time. Her weapon has always confused me, and her battle combos aren't great, but bringing optimism to contradict Emil's pessimism was always a nice touch. I especially love her relationship with Tenebrae, and her eventual friendship with Colette. I'm not a ~huge~ fan of her reading too much into Emil's interactions with the other female members of the party ("I see you're into older women now" like what the hell), but when she's sincere I really appreciate her.
Tenebrae: love him, snarky doggy boi :3 His clothes are the same as his skin... always bothered me, ha! Besides Repede, I think he's one of the better designs of a dog character in the series. LOVE his tail hand. Iconic design. 10/10.
Richter: He's fine, he serves his purpose. I wish I could love him as much as other fans, but much like Yuan, I never really clicked with him. His motivation and how much he believed in Aster is very moving, though! And his theme? Top tier.
Aqua: she's a character. Love her design!
Alice: a really good character to hate! Her baby voice makes my skin crawl, her malicious innocence is entertaining. All her nicknames for people suck, and I think that just adds to it. To be clear, I don't hate her as a character that exists! I'm glad she exists, she adds to the plot and to fleshing out Marta. It sucks she gets dropped for a good while after the raid on the Vanguard base. But man. I hate her.
Decus: he's fine. I tend to have a bias towards characters that have a lot of jewelry (due to my phobia) in not liking them as much as other people? He's in the story to exist as a Lloyd-framer and a mirror to Emil, but otherwise they don't do much with him that matters. He's comedic. Too much so. You can't take him seriously even when they want you to because he's too goofy.
This next section I assume you mean like, shipping wise?
Emil x Marta: They're cute! I like them a lot, as characters, but not so much as a couple, I guess? They're a cute high school couple in a Christian School setting, but once they head off to college either they're going to need to really make things work or settle with being friends (close friends!). That's the vibe I get from them. I don't see them completely separating, but I also don't see them like. Having kids. At least, not without problems.
Alice x Decus: they're a mirror to Emil and Marta's relationship! That's... about it. I'm going to be completely honest, I don't really have any thoughts about them other than that is a toxic relationship. They're okay!
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mewnia · 9 months
I absolutely adore the way you drew Meredy!! Thank you <3
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Glad you like her!! I've always loved Meredy's design <3
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mewnia · 1 year
Who's your favorite and least favorite characters from every tales of game you played
Oh heck, you gonna make me choose? Okay, here it goes--
Fav: it's a tie between Colette and Emil! As for who I like to draw more, that's definitely Colette :P
Least Fav: Yuan. I dunno man, I just don't click with him. I sincerely wish I could love him as much as so many fans do!
Fav: call me basic but I love Luke so much
Least Fav: Mohs LOL I don't dislike anyone in the main cast! One of the more solid groups, to me. Mohs can die tho (and did)
Fav: Judith! Don't get me wrong, I love Flynn. But they make him so boring in the definitive version, it's very hard to defend his character there.
Least Fav: Zagi.
Fav: Sophie!
Least Fav: ngl, it's been a hot minute since I've played Tales of Graces, and a lot of my memories of it are mucked up due to dealing with a toxic relationship at the time. Atm I'd say mix between Cheria and Malik? But I plan to do a new play through of that game some day soon to get a better, fresher feel, I promise. Carry this opinion with a grain of salt.
Fav: tie between Milla and Gaius! They're both so awesome, and I LOVE drawing Milla when I get the chance! Gaius especially gets up there after playing Xillia 2.
Least Fav: Presa.
Fav: I LOVE LAILAH I love her so much. But call me basic again, cuz I also really like Sorey and how they characterize him. He's still a basic main character, but there's this small twist to him, y'know?
Least Fav: I had to rewrite this because I legitimately forgot Lunarre existed. Haha! I feel like they just kept him in because they liked his design so much.
Fav: why try and put a bunch of bad bitches against each other?
Least Fav: I do, however, have complicated feelings about Kamoana. The role she plays is a good concept, but. That's a child. Put some clothes on her. (also this is a personal thing, but I really can't handle her English voice actor's performance)
Fav: tie between Law and Shionne!
Least Fav: Vholran.
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mewnia · 11 months
Annon-Guy: I remember that Emil X Marta drawing you made. A friend of mine posted it to show me.
Nice to meet another fan 😊!
heck yeah!!!! There are tons of fans, always good to find ones for Emil specifically :P
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mewnia · 11 months
Your art is sooo cute!!! I love the round faces in your style it fills me with joy :)
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mewnia · 1 year
Do you have ethnicity headcanons for some tales of characters?
I'll tell you the ones I'm 100% comfortable with!
In Vesperia, since the design of the world is very Euro-centric with Japanese inspiration, I always see the cast that way, and I think it's also implied? Characters like Yuri, Raven, and Judith I see as Japanese, with Rita as half white/Japanese. The rest of the cast that's wearing more Euro-inspired clothing I've always seen as European. Coming from an American perspective, too, Dahngrest feels like a more romanticized, fantasy-like-beginning of America. I've had this game since I was a kid, so first impressions have kinda stuck!
Besides Vesperia, the only Tales game where I constantly see a character a certain way is Arise. Specifically with Law and Rinwell! I will admit, my head canon of Law being black is a recent thing, but I will hold onto it with my life now that I have it. Rinwell I've always seen as Inuit!
Otherwise, uh, I try to stay away from making ethnic head canons, as a very privileged white person who grew up incredibly sheltered, and is still working on expanding my own knowledge on different ethnicities... I feel it's not my place to do so, but I'm always open to hearing a bipoc's view of the Tales characters!
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