stirringwinds · 1 year
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look, the southern cross is bright tonight 
inspired by the idea that while maria (mexico) and alfred have a long, complicated relationship that’s often been difficult (especially after the mexican-american war)—they were young once. in the 18th century, before independence, before alfred became powerful—and their dynamic became more unequal, in a world where both their fathers’ shadows loomed tall—they got to know each other. dissected enlightenment literature, politics and philosophy—and maybe there was a very youthful love, with someone who seemed a kindred spirit. and now, even after things have changed, there are moments when alfred’s at his most relaxed, not commanding attention as a superpower, but just staring up at the stars—and it feels like there’s a glimpse of the boy she once knew. 
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rosethreeart · 6 days
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The tender embrace of a dance
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miss-america-askblog · 3 months
Does Lars get jealous of Alvaro, or vice versa?
Abby: If anything they have a playful and friendly "rivalry" But....
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Abby: Nations don't really conform to typical relationship dynamics *shrugs*
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What do you mean by fucked up relationship?
Mexame? I mean... I guess I mean how this:
When they were barely grown when Alfred was a child of the reformation and she was the golden colony who produced so much silver she destroyed half the world economy, they loved each other. The kind of love that comes as softly as the spring, that crept over them locked together between the sheets, if moonlight could be as warm as the hearth. The kind of love of true heart-holders and kiss-keepers. Two children of the enlightenment, young gods at the dawn of their world. The girl of the south, who sprang to life from the meat grinding meeting of worlds, who kissed a contradiction. The boy, bold until he's in love and feels like he might die because she looked at him but he might live because she loves him as much as he loves her. The girl with her heart and hands full of hope for the future formed from the possibilities she was born of. The boy who can only reconcile his love and his protestantism because that border, that demarcation must be marriage, because it is as close to what their kind can have as he can think of. The kind that survived in letters, endless letters. They created a republic of letters, the two of them, Alfred writing to her every step through his revolution and hers.
became this:
Love that died in expansion and intervention. The excising of her land for his gain. The sun rising on a new empire, manifesting its destiny across the world, at her expense. Denying he is his father, but walking in his father's footsteps. Her decades and decades of cycles of sorrow, half his doing. The violence, the oppression, the break-bones and heart-rendering of have and have not. The love of god that cannot love the saints. The sword and the sin, the blood and the betrayal. Violence he will not call wars, violence she can't call anything else. And yet, and yet. Exchange, her in him and he in her. Tex-mex and trade. People move and passion motivates. Loan words, love and laughter because on the beach, they aren't enough themselves but also are too much themselves when they laugh. Tequila, beer and birria tacos under a night sky under which, sometimes, they can be equal. He has power but oh, she has his heart. A girl in a red dress, a boy in the uniform of the new empire, swaying to music slowed as the rest of the dancefloor drains but they can't let go. Not just yet, because this time world war is the one he will never come back from, not when he'll hold the end of the world when its over. The rush of realizing it is her tongue, her accent, her world in his mouth when he speaks Spanish. The hand she sometimes lets dangle by her side, hoping he'll weave their fingers together the way he wants to weaves fates she forbids, this Icarus who ducked Huitzilopochtli. Marigolds by dawn on his side of the bed after the night when the boy she loved and the girl she was walked the earth with all the rest of the dead once a year.
That kind of fucked up.
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voidarkana · 6 months
✨Welcome to the Mexame region!✨
A place you might have already known before, in a way you had never seen! Discover all the secrets this amazing region, its pokemon and its people have to offer in the amazing journey it has to offer!
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Depicted above is a strange mural found in one of the most ancient ruins of the Mexame region, depicting what appears to be the journey of the mysterious Aztlayan empire of old, who came from the desert only to find to great titans fighting over a sacred land, then settling in the place where the great battle had passed and creating the biggest empire across the neighbouring regions!
The Mexame region is a collaborative project between me and my friends @torusauza and @beeton00/@cherrybee420, and yes this is a revival, I meant to post this like half a year ago but... you already know what's the relationship between me and Tumblr 💀
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myrddin-wylt · 11 months
I need to settle on a name for my Mexico but in any case Alfred and Mexico are genuinely very close friends and are kinda infamous for being on-again off-again lovers. they're also hiking buddies. even when they're mad at each other, they're still good hiking buddies. also they're just incredibly goofy whenever they're in each other's proximity. they find the occasional flare ups of political tension honestly kinda humiliating because for the most part they really do get along very well.
people not from border states dni with this post.
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xicanaroja · 1 year
I keep seeing this discourse on TikTok, so I wanted to put something out here: Your ethnic and/or cultural identity is not invalid simply because you're 3+ generations from your immigrant heritage.
Specifically, I'm talking in the context of the Chicano/a/e debate of who qualifies, but this applies to others with immigrant heritage and whose communities rule them out after X amount of generations, even if they remain involved in said culture. Currently, in some online spaces, I keep seeing some people say that to be Chicano you must be US-born to 2 Mexican-born parents, and that alone is what counts; I've even seen people say that you must also be born and raised in Southern California to count. This is sooo ridiculous to me. The original Chicanos were young, brown, poor and politically active in California, Texas, and Chicago, choosing to embrace what was then something of a slur, and taking it on as an identity in the fight against cultural assimilation, embracing their indigenous heritage over their Spanish ancestry. In fact, most of the early Chicanos were predominantly third gen, meaning their great-grandparents had been the immigrants from Mexico.
There are longstanding Mexican communities in this country, primarily in the states bordering Mexico, with people whose families have been in the US since as long as Mexico and the States have existed. And these people have always been involved in political action, revolution, and the making of our very Chicano history. I don't understand why these young kids are getting on TikTok and acting like you gotta be the first generation of your family born here to be Chicano, when that's got nothing to do with it. Chicanismo is political, it is a culture, it has always been here, and it doesn't stop at one generation. How would you maintain a culture or a movement of any kind that way, if you couldn't pass it down to your kids and grandchildren? My father is a Chicano, my sister is Chicane, I am Xicana, so is my cousin. As Rubén Salazar said, "a Chicano is a Mexican American with a non-Anglo image of himself". As long as you hold to that, remain involved in your community, fight for your people and all other marginalized people as any politically active person should, what Mexican American isn't Chicano?
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naribomnikkis · 2 years
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It's her quinceañera! Yes her tiara should probably be bigger lol
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nightmarefausto · 6 months
❛ you wouldn't understand. ❜
"Eu tenho tempo de sobra para ouvir." Fausto franziu o cenho, mãos na cintura ao olhar para o caos no jardim da Torre, a um ponto de explodir. "O que significa isso?"
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fulane-de-tal · 9 months
this is how i find out tommy chong isn’t chicano???
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suenitos · 1 year
What's a place you want to travel to someday?
if it were up to me and I had all the money time resources no cultural/national baggage ever in the world I would go literally EVERYWHERE every single country in the world . but I don’t so I’d want to go to Mexico first and then probably Japan or Australia actually
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rosethreeart · 5 months
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Takes two to tango.
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miss-america-askblog · 3 months
which one of the boyfriends gives the best hugs 👀
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Abby: Oh that's such a tough question...lets see...Ned gives very enveloping hugs, Romano's is a bit hands-y --not that I mind-- and tight, and Mexico's is very gentle and warm....perhaps I'll hug them each a few more times before I can get a more definitive answer, and who knows how long that will take! *giggles*
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referry · 8 months
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Eu sou meio chata com algumas coisas, principalmente com as minhas coisas. Sim, eu sei que quando morrer, nem o corpo levarei comigo. Mas, eu não gosto que mexam nas minhas coisas, sem me pedir, sem eu ter dado permissão, ainda que seja um pedacinho de papel, se é meu, não gosto que pegue sem me pedir.
Fui criada, respeitando o espaço alheio. Não pegar o que não é meu, pedir antes de pegar, e carreguei isso, para a vida.
Meu diário poderia ficar aberto em cima da mesa, que ninguém lia. Isso é respeito.
Hoje em dia, parece que tudo é meio comunitário. Eu não gosto disso. Gosto do meu espaço, da minha individualidade e saber, que só mexeram no que é meu, se me for pedido antes, permissão.
E esse mesmo respeito, ofereço para qualquer pessoa. Respeito os espaços alheios e antes de mexer no que não é meu, eu peço.
_ Rê Ferry
Código do texto: T7881501
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voidarkana · 2 years
Souptober day 7: Mind
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Now I bring you my first ultrabeast, Hallulah, the confusing pokemon. Scientists aren't quite sure which side is the head and which one is the tail, since every time they think they get it right, Hallullah just switches around and starts walking backwards, even elongating its other tentacles, leaving scientists to believe it's capable of switch sides in an instant and it doesn't have a defined head or tail ends.
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leenamsun · 3 months
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MIN YOONGI? não! é apenas LEE NAMSUN, ele é filho de DEMETER do chalé 4 e tem 30 ANOS. a tv hefesto informa no guia de programação que ele está no NÍVEL 3 por estar no acampamento há 14 anos, sabia? e se lá estiver certo, SUN é bastante CARINHOSO mas também dizem que ele é DESCONFIADO. mas você sabe como hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
Namsun sempre soube que era adotado, mas nem ele e nem seus pais sabiam de sua origem. Ele foi deixado na porta da fazenda de um casal que lutava a anos para ter filhos e depois de algumas perdas, o garoto veio como uma benção e alegria para os fazendeiros. O pai de Namsun era um homem pobre que acabou em uma relação estranha com Deméter e, quando a Deusa engravidou, o pequeno foi deixado para ele cuidar. Desesperado o homem não sabia o que fazer, ele não tinha muito dinheiro e não sabia como iria dar um futuro para essa criança e então em uma medida desesperada, ele deixou o filho na porta de um casal rico de fazendeiros que ele sabia que poderia dar um futuro melhor. Mesmo com o coração apertado ele pegou o pouco que tinha e se mudou da cidade, deixando o filho para trás na esperança que ele crescesse bem. Ele cresceu como uma criança rica normal, sendo mimada pelos pais e tendo tudo que queria, seu interesse pela fazendo e agricultura veio logo cedo, ele gostava de saber como funciona o plantio e cuidado com os animais, mas algo chamava atenção de seus pais: Parecia que tudo que o garoto plantava crescia mais que o normal e até mesmo que estivesse perto de morrer, voltava a florescer. Eles ignoraram a estranheza, colocando a culpa no solo que eles achavam ser bastante fértil. Foi na adolescência que tudo mudou na vida de Namsun, ele teve o primeiro ataque que foi responsável pela cicatriz que ele carrega hoje em dia em seu olho, seguida pela visita de um sátiro que finalmente contou quem realmente era. Foi um choque para o garoto, ele sabia que tinha algo estranho, mas não imaginava que tinha um pai divino e então vendo o perigo que sua família estava passando, ele aceitou se mudar para o acampamento e dar um novo passo em sua vida.
Mimetismo Vegetal:
O usuário é ou possui a capacidade de transformar toda a sua fisiologia em uma forma de vida vegetal, parcial ou totalmente. Geralmente permanecendo humanoide, ele possui, ainda assim, todas as características das plantas, como por exemplo os materiais que compõem seu corpo, podendo ser composto por madeira, folhas e outros tipos de material vegetal. Sendo uma planta senciente, o usuário é capaz de usar as características da vida vegetal a seu favor, como usar o material vegetal de seu corpo para criar novos membros e outras plantas, adquirir resistência maior do que um humano comum e até mesmo se tornar independente de necessidades físicas humanas.
HABILIDADES: Sentidos aguçados, velocidade sobre-humana.
ARMA: Pingente de Foice.
Um colar com um pingente de foice que Namsu consegue transformar em uma foice grande e afiada. HC:
pansexual e solteiro
filho de deméter
tem 1,74 de altura
metido a jardineiro
esporte: esgrima (equipe azul)
toca piano
sonha em morar no meio dos matos
se transforma em planta
fascinado por cogumelos, principalmente os alucinógenos
é safado, mas finge ser santinho
odeia que mexam em suas plantas
cnn - creditos - tag's
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