#mexican beatiful
fitnessandgirls · 3 years
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Dalyla Robles🇲🇽 #goddess #fitgoddess #mexican #mexico #latina #gym #gymbabe #fitbabe #glutes #girlwithmuscles #thicklegs #fitness #bodybuilder #bodybuilding #brunettes #beaty #фитоняшка https://www.instagram.com/p/CU6MktLqrrj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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La Catrina
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persephoens · 6 years
I went on my first date with a girl today!
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kai-sam · 7 years
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So i was looking at some very old newspapers from Mexico, November 1959 and found a very good looking beer advertisement (Carta Blanca beer) and decided to edit it into this poster... what do you think? (Model name: Lorena Velazquez)
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Reforma CDMX
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nm-autumn-vibes · 4 years
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A New Mexican in New England, 5: We visited Salem twice. The first day, it was raining. Niether of us had remembered to bring an umbrella, so we toughed out the rain until we could make it to the Army Surplus store. Sa;em is beatiful in the rain. The grey sky leeches color from above but richly saturates the trees and buildings.
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hopewelivetoshout · 4 years
tag meme
i was tagged by @itsme-imhere thanks for this :))
rules: bold everything that applies to you and tag five people you’d like to get to know better.  
i’m over 5’5” (I’m 5′7″, close to 5′8″ - this sistem is so confusing) // i wear glasses or contacts (i should but i haven’t done the exams yet)  // i have blonde hair //  i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing (actually it deppends on my mood, I enjoy both but lately I’ve been a fan of more tight clothing - and less too, is so freaking hot in this freaking country) // i have one or more piercings   // i have at least one tattoo  // i have blue eyes  // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces (four years of pain, three years of freedom)  // i sunburn easily  // i have freckles  // i paint my nails // i typically wear makeup  // i don’t often smile (I’m more serious when needed, in public, when I’m concentrated, but if I have a good relashionship wuth you I’ll be a less serious goof) // i am pleased with how i look (uhh, it deppends) // i prefer nike to adidas  // i wear baseball hats backwards (my hair is curly - I’m black with native and a bit of european descendence -, I usually use black power - i don’t know is the term is right, but that’s how we say it in Brasil, so no)
hobbies & talents
i play a sport (like, any sport, i love sports, and i should go back into playing soccer)  // i can play an instrument (accustic guitar) // i am artistic (art in general, photography, literature, music) // i know more than one language (brazilian portuguese is my first language, english can be considered my second, I can understand a lot of spanish and italian, and I'm into french and latim latetly)  // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition (school competitons, a medal on Muay Thai and i’ve graduated multiple times in Capoeira)  // i can cook or bake without a recipe (not a lot of foods, but enough) // i know how to swim  // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to t.v shows (yes, but my main focus is the story telling, so it’ll depend on it) // i can execute a perfect somersault (thanks to, mainly, Muay Thai) // i enjoy singing (wich does not mean that i can sing well) // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year (well, I’m nearly finishing the third book out of seven - it is Sherlock Holmes) // i enjoy spending time with friends (surprisingly, specially to me, i do have friends, and a lot of them live in a different state so we’ve been playing and sending love to each other on a weekly basis) // i travel during school or work breaks  // i can do a handstand (I’ve been out of physical practice but yes)
i am in a relationship // i have been single for over a year (...my entire life) // i have a crush (... I don’t think so) // i have a best friend i have known for ten years (we’re not friends anymore :/) // my parents are together  // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted  // my crush has confessed to me (happened once, but I did not know how to react and was confused, so I’ve rejected him) // i have had a long-distance relationship  // i am an only child  // i give advice to my friends (pretty neat and awesome advice if you ask me) // i have made an online friend (oh, multiple idiots that i love) // i met up with someone i have met online (I will)
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell  // i have watched the sunrise  // i enjoy rainy days  // i have slept under the stars  // i meditate outside (I can’t stay long without being out, in touch with nature, it balances me) // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach (I never have been in one) // i know what snow tastes like (I live in a tropical country and never left my state, so, saddly, no) // i listen to music to fall asleep (rarelly) // i enjoy thunderstorms (I don’t enjoy them that much, it is kinda scary, but beatiful to watch) // i enjoy cloud watching (I wish that I could do so more frequently, but I live in a place without big, open spaces) // i have attended a bonfire (once, for Festa Junina, aka São João, the BEST date, the absolute best party ever) // i pay close attention to colors (I’ve never thought about it) // i find mystery in the ocean (I’ll only get close to large bodys of water when I finally learn how to swim) // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season (I prefer winter)
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle (not a freaking chance) // i am the mom friend (yep, that’s me, the only one with a rational brain that can tell stupid shit will finish in bad situations and overcare) // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies (nem sei o que é) // i am involved in extracurricular activities (if the activities I propose to myself count, then yes, I quite enjoy learning new things and developing projects alone) // i enjoy mexican food (I have never had mexican food before) // i can drive a stick-shift (I haven’t started to studie to get my license yet, but I believe so) // i believe in true love (I think I do, yes, at least) // i make up scenarios to fall asleep (oh please, I make up scenarios in any situation, I’m an anxious overthinker that porbably has adhd) // i sing in the shower (I can’t  shower without music, even if I’m not listening to the song, I’ll sing one that reflects my feelings or that is in my head) // i wish i lived in a video game (nah, I’m good here) // i have a canopy above my bed (not yet, but I plan doing) // i am multiracial  (I guess I can say so, I’m not very educated on racial descendence and bellonging matters) // i am a redhead // i own at least three dogs (I only had a dog, that died when I was very young, maybe before my five years of life :/ I really want to adopt one now) // i have a cat (I’ve had like, at least seven cats at this point. In the moment I have one black cat, pretty petty, his name is Fumaça - it’s a refference t an old cartoon that my godmother used to watch as a kid)
tagging @its-really-all-about-perspective @bettylove @gayzor-el-primary
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woodsveil · 5 years
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Jellybean, level 2 type of kid Daughter of a inhuman being Jellybean claims that her mother is a beatiful tall,gracious mexican lady, pale as snow with red eyes ,called Alessa or "la catrina" and that her mother have tentacles and aapparently of a single mother since jellybean never mentioned anything about a father Can control her hair diferent of her mother ,jellybean don't have any tentacles that come out from her body but have something similar ,she can control her hair like any other member of her body using it to reach places ,self defense or even to attack ,sometimes it can be dangerous play with it because that thing is Strong and can hurt without even notice
 Friendly and playful she don't look evil ,jellybean is a nice and communicative child with a happy spirit but some crisis can happen,she don't seem get over or even accept the truth that her mother left her and sometimes miss her a lot by doing small things
 jellybean was found at age 5 when walking with her mother at night and her mom said needed do something but would come back to her quickly but was necessary she stay there, Jellybean waited for two days and then start look around for her mother everywhere for days but without sucess ,after 8 days looking for her mother ,some people found her walking around dirty ,crying and starving because 10 days without properly eat like she should and tried bring her to the orphanage but she insisted and asked for help to find her mother ,after they feed her they waited one day or two and asked everyone if had seen Alessa but she was nowhere to be found,so they conviced to jellybean to at least wait for her mother in the orphanage while they try find what happened to Alessasome months later while looking around for her ,a nice experimente,jonas ,found her and told her about jellybean then it confirmed the worst,she didn't get lost or anything,Alessa didn't want responsabilities and just abandoned jellybean in the forest and left her to keep living her old carefree life but she was surprised that she survived alone ,they didn't knew how to tell jellybean,they tried their best ,after 3 years jellybean still having some difficult to accept the truth but she tries,she sometimes Wonders what she did wrong to desserve be abandoned on the woods but the caretakers Always try calm her 
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confundida25 · 5 years
Like they didnt need to go that far in Botw, i mean i alredy love Zelda, but come on!!!! they have and entire region of beatiful charming brown hylians who are fishers and wear manta, and you can buy the secret Gerudo armor that look like a mexican wrestler suit and glow in the dark like a calaverita, like... i feel so godam validate.
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frenchrccstyle · 6 years
Some alive Georgie headcannons + a shipp for him because he deserve it
[Sorry for the trash english]
• First of all, he didn’t die (oh really?) but that doesn’t mean that Pennywise don’t exist so yeah all the shit happen
• Of course that Bill told to Georgie not get envolved and thanks god worth it
• But Georgie had to see (and hear) it all his brother wake up in the middle of night crying and in really bad days, screaming
• And he had nightmares too, and when he wake up after sleeping a little bit he just can’t sleep again
• When Bill told him that Bev was going to live with her aunt he was sad too, so he just ask it (maybe crying) to his parents let Bev stay in their house and after asking A LOT, they accepted. BEV WILL STAY HERE YOU BITCHES
• And they become brother and sister like really quick, they’re adorable. and beverly and Bill are who make cookies for Georgie when he’s sad
• And finally your little baby has 10 years old and in his birthday the Losers take him to the Quarry
• In this fucking day everybody discover that Stan, Richie and Georgie are the best together
• and in this day after YEARS being idiots who can’t see that they love eachother, Richie and Eddie finally kiss
• Georgie yelled “FINALLY” and everyone laughed. You can fight me on this.
• After speeding the day in the Quarry they all go to Richie’s (Maggie and Wentworth aren’t house) to make a movie night with junk food and pillows
• Stan and Bill were sitting next to each other cuddling and Bill kissing softly Stan’s forehead during the film
• Beverly was sleeping between Ben and Mike and she’s smiling, because she love her boys :D
• Richie and Eddie are sleeping together because being so fucking gay is exausting
• And Georgie it’s sitting in the ground watching the movie drinking hot chocolate and eating cookies. He’s really happy like A LOT
• YAY HE’S 12 :D (i’m doing some time skip because Yes)
• When he’s 12 all the Losers are 17 and wow Stan and Beverly are GOURGEOUS (and Stan is dating Bill THANKS)
• And Georgie is confuse, like “i like boys? But i like girls?? BUT I LIKE EVERYBODY?!”
• So he go talk to Bill, his best fucking friend, about it
• “how do you know you like boys?”
• “…ilinksta”
• “What?”
• “…i like Stan…”
• Bill just tried to not laugh at his shame, but he fail and your little baby it’s just blushing and slaping his brother with his pilow screaming at him “STOP LAUGHING AND FUCKING HELP ME”
• And when Beverly heard the screams she ran to the Bill’s room and just saw a little boy hitting an almost adult with a pilow
• After everybody just calm down they explain everything to Bev (including the part that says that Georgie likes her too) she just say that he is probally pan or bi (spoiler: he’s Pan)
• And of course that all the Losers wanted to show to their little brother (FIGHT ME ON THIS BITCHES) how they acepetted him, and all them helped him to came out for his parents and thanks god they acepetted pretty fine
• He was happy really happy.
• Now a very long time skip, OUR BABY IS 17 AND IN HIGH SCHOOL YAY
• And if you want a base to know how he is. Thomas Brodie-Sagster, thank you very much
• The Losers aren’t living in Derry anymore, they’re in college but one time in the year they come to visit Georgie (and everybody else) but all the rest of the year the Denbrough’s house is pretty quiet and solitary so as Georgie
• So when he has his nightmares it’s very very very bad, they happen almost everyday.
• BUT AT LEAST he has two new best friends two girls called Dany and Valky (my Oc’s too thanks)
• Dany is a smal bean filled with hate, angry and sometimes sadness. She has red, curly and long hair, green eyes, some freckles and a really really pale skin. Valky call her ghost and she’s Bi (pastel goth style)
• Talking about the devil. Valky is a little bit tallest than Dany and she is a little brat who cares about everyone besides her. She is mexican, her hair is black and short and she’s really skinny. She’s Asexual and Pan (punk as a fuck)
• The Quarry belong to them now. You can’t fight me on this
• I talked about my girls style right? Ok, Georgie’s is just love his pastel sweaters and flannels shirts, he’s adorable
• Was everything in the major peace until the day that one new guy came to Derry and eventually to Georgie’s school
• His name is Harry, and want a base for him? Young Jake Gyllenhaal (Young = Jake Gyllenhaal in Donnie Darko) and for Georgie’s luck he’s just a little bit tallest than him and he doesn’t have a style but he wears a lot of blue clothes, band shirts and he sometimes wears glasses (just to read)
• And damn, he’s smile is beautiful
• So yeah ya boy Georgie (Gie how he is called by the girls) has big a crush
• He and Harry have English, Math and Chemistry together and in Chemistry they’re a duo
• Btw Georgie is horrible in Chemistry and Harry is great
• But Georgie is great in English and Harry is like trash
• both are good in Math, thanks god
• So they started to help eachother, and Georgie discover that Harry is actually really funny and a real dork and that he’s a really cute person, and he eventually discover that Harry is gay
• And Harry discover that Gie is a really innocent and a precious child
• So they become friends, like best friends and they’re like a dinamic duo
• another Time Skip, sorry The crush that Gie have in Harry (and Harry have in Gie) is so fucking big that everyone could see, beside this two idiots
• So one day Dany and Valky asked to Georgie “when the fuck are you going to tell Harry that you like him?!”
• “I don’t like him! I mean, not as you… You know! But I like him as a friend! Why? You like him? I mean, it’s not a problem because ya know he’s really cute, and has a beatiful smile a-a-and… Ok, fuck I like him”
• “Well Dany, my darling I told ya so give me my five dolars”
• Then the plan to the two blind idiots started and he only worth it when the Losers came back to the city (next to Christmas)
• And only worth it because Bill inveted Harry to the Christmas party and he went because his parents really don’t cared about Xmas
• Maybe Bill get a little bit of regret because shit Harry and Richie has the same fucking sense of humor
• And still yet, Georgie loves Harry’s jokes because he knows that Harry love making jokes
• And Harry love making jokes because when Georgie laugh his heart just melt
• And noticing that the Losers make a emergency reunion
• Beverly and Mike call Georgie to help them with the dinner
• And Eddie and Richie call Harry to talk
• Meanwhile Bill and Ben prepare the mistletoe
• After everything is ready they call Harry and Georgie to the trap
• And they kissed, F U C K Y E A H
• So they had an amazing christmas party and the Losers stayed wake up watching films
• And Harry and Georgie went to Georgie’s bedroom to sleep but they just sit on the bed looking for eachother
• Both are blushing and smiling a little bit
• And Georgie’s just goes “So we… we just kissed”
• “…I know”
• “I wanted to… told you… that… that… I…”
• “Yeah, I know, me too”
• “…Wait what?!”
• “I love you too, idiot” Harry it’s just smiling as a fuck
• And Georgie is just BITCH I’M SHOOK
• And than Harry just kiss him, and is soft and lovely
• Georgie wanted that kiss to last forever but sadly human being need oxygen so they separate and both are smiling so much because they’re so fucking happy then both start giggling and laughing softly
• Then after they stop laughing they lie in the bed (in the same bad)
• “So… now we are dating?” - Georgie
• “If you want too, yes” - Harry says kissing Georgie’s cheek
• Then they sleep just like that
• But how i’m an evil person - by @mayumimad
• Georgie has a nightmare, a really bad one and he wake up in middle of the night with all the house in silence
• But for his luck Harry wake up and hugged him asking if he was fine, telling him that was just a bad dream and that he loved him
• After Georgie calm down he hugged Harry too and hide it his face on Harry’s shoulder
• And Harry stayed wake cuddling Gie until he sleep
• And in this night was the first time that Georgie could finally sleep in peace after a fucking nightmare with that fucking clown
• because he was finally feeling protected like nothing could ever touch him.
+ add more if you want.
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@noxatn @mayumimad
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Mexican pink, New York pink
Mexican pink = What is your favorite lyric from your favorite album?Okay, can I give multiple answers from different albums? Because I love all of these:Album = Love Yourself: TearMagic Shop: "You gave me the best of me, so you'll give you the best of you"Paradise (낙원): "It's okay not to have a dream (꿈이 없어도 괜찮아)"Stop running for nothing, my friend" (I'm so cool and have so much time on my hands, I'm even including the hangul B)Album = Love Yourself: Answer (my fave!! ♡~♡)Epiphany: "I'm the one I should love in this world. Shining me, precious soul of mine. I finally realized so I love me. Not so perfect, but so beatiful (I'm the one I should love in this world 빛나는 나를 소중한 내 영혼을 이제야 깨달아 So I love me 좀 부족해도 너무 아름다운 걸)"Answer: Love Myself: "You've shown me I have reasons I should love myself"And the entirety of I'm Fine. Now I know I shouldn't write all the lyrics, but I love them so much I can't not put them here, so enjoy (do note that the song makes even more sense if you listen to Save Me first): "Open your eyes under the cold blue sky. The pouring sun makes me dizzy. My breath is quickening, my heart is racing. I can feel it so easily that I'm alive. It's alright, even if it's not us, even if sadness erases me, even if there are clouds, even if I'm in an endless dream, even if I'm endlessly crumpled, even if my wings are torn, even if some day, I'm not me anymore, it's alright, only I am my own salvation. I won't ever die on this walk. How you doin'? I'm fine. My sky is clear. All pain, say goodbye, goodbye. My cold heart has forgotten how to call you. But I'm not lonely, I'm fine, I'm fine. The darkness of the night shakes away my sleeping dreams. But I'm not afraid, I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm feeling just fine, fine, fine, I'll let go of your hand now. I know I'm all mine, mine, mine, 'cuz I'm just fine. I'm feeling just fine, fine, fine, I don't want to be sad anymore. I could see the sunshine shine, shine, 'cuz I'm just fine, just fine. I'm just fine, all of my pain, I can overcome without you. I'm just fine, don't worry, I can smile now, because everyone knows your voice. I'm so fine, you so fine, all of the sadness and scars became an old memory now, so let's smile and go, we so fine. I'm so fine, you so fine, our future will only have happiness, so put away your fear. Enjoy it, you worked hard, we so fine. My cold heart has forgotten how to call you. But I'm not lonely, I'm fine, I'm fine. The darkness of the night shakes away my sleeping dreams. But I'm not afraid, I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm feeling just fine, fine, fine, I'll let go of your hand now. I know I'm all mine, mine, mine, 'cuz I'm just fine. I'm feeling just fine, fine, fine, I don't want to be sad anymore. I could see the sunshine shine, shine, 'cuz I'm just fine, just fine. Can you see it too? The dim moonlight? Can you hear it too? That faint echo? I'm feeling just fine, fine, fine, I'll yell it out myself, casting a spell on this repeating nightmare. I'm feeling just fine, fine, fine, I'll keep telling myself again. Even if I fall down again, I'm fine. I'm feeling just fine, fine, fine, I'll yell it out myself, casting a spell on this repeating nightmare. I'm feeling just fine, fine, fine, I'll keep telling myself again. Even if I fall down again, I'm fine, I'm fine. (시리도록 푸른 하늘 아래 눈 떠 흠뻑 쏟아지는 햇살이 날 어지럽게 해 한껏 숨이 차오르고 심장은 뛰어 느껴져 너무 쉽게 나 살아있다는 걸. 괜찮아 우리가 아니어도 슬픔이 날 지워도 먹구름은 또 끼고 나 끝없는 꿈 속이어도 한없이 구겨지고 날개는 찢겨지고 언젠가 내가 내가 아니게 된달지어도 괜찮아 오직 나만이 나의 구원이잖아 못된 걸음걸이로 절대 죽지 않고 살아 How you doin'? I'm fine 내 하늘은 맑아 모든 아픔들이여 say goodbye 잘 가. 차가운 내 심장은 널 부르는 법을 잊었지만 외롭지 않은 걸 괜찮아 괜찮아 깜깜한 밤 어둠은 잠든 꿈을 흔들어 놓지만 두렵지 않은 걸 괜찮아 괜찮아. I'm feeling just fine, fine, fine, 이젠 너의 손을 놓을게 I know I'm all mine, mine, mine, 'cuz I'm just fine. I'm feeling just fine, fine, fine 더 이상은 슬프지 않을래. I could see the sunshine, shine, shine, 'cuz I'm just fine, just fine. I’m just fine 내 아픔 다 이겨낼 수 있어 너 없이 나. I’m just fine 걱정 마 이젠 웃을 수 있고 네 목소린 모두 알아 주니까. I'm so fine, you so fine, 슬픔과 상처는 모두 다 이미 지나간 추억이 됐으니 웃으며 보내주자고 we so fine. I'm so fine, you so fine, 우리들 미래는 기쁨만 가득할 테니 걱정은 접어둔 채 이젠 즐겨 수고했어 we so fine. 차가운 내 심장은널 부르는 법을 잊었지만 외롭지 않은 걸 괜찮아 괜찮아 깜깜한 밤 어둠은 잠든 꿈을 흔들어 놓지만 두렵지 않은 걸 괜찮아 괜찮아. I'm feeling just fine, fine, fine, 이젠 너의 손을 놓을게. I know I'm all mine, mine, mine, 'cuz I'm just fine. I'm feeling just fine, fine, fine, 더 이상은 슬프지 않을래. I could see the sunshine, shine, shine, 'cuz I'm just fine, just fine. 혹시 너에게도 보일까 이 스산한 달빛이 너에게도 들릴까 이 희미한 메아리가. I’m feeling just fine, fine, fine, 혼자서라도 외쳐보겠어 되풀이될 이 악몽에 주문을 걸어. I’m feeling just fine, fine, fine, 몇 번이라도 되뇌보겠어 또 다시 쓰러진대도 난 괜찮아. I’m feeling just fine, fine, fine, 혼자서라도 외쳐보겠어 되풀이될 이 악몽에 주문을 걸어. I’m feeling just fine, fine, fine, 몇 번이라도 되뇌보겠어또 다시 쓰러진대도 난 괜찮아, I'm fine.)"New York pink = Is there a book or film that's your guilty pleasure?Not that come up to my mind immediately, but I guess children's movies, I know it's kinda silly for those to be guilty pleasures, but I can't help it.
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healthcarenewsme · 3 years
Getting Creative To Reach Unvaccinated Latinos in Denver : Shots - Health News - NPR
Getting Creative To Reach Unvaccinated Latinos in Denver : Shots – Health News – NPR
Enlarge this image Raul Gomez sells Mexican flags Tuesday before the U.S. and Mexico national teams face off in the CONCACAF Nations League finals at Mile High Stadium. Kevin J. Beaty/Denverite Kevin J. Beaty/Denverite Horns blared, and drums pounded a constant beat as fans of the Mexican national soccer team gathered recently at Empower Field at Mile High in Denver for a high-profile,…
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writemarcus · 3 years
Sibling Rivalries by Marcus Scott becomes semi-finalist for 2021 Blue Ink Playwriting Award
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2021 Blue Ink Playwriting Award Winner Announced
by Blues | Mar 10, 2021 | Blue Ink Playwriting Award
Congratulations to Yussef EI Guindi the winner of the 2021 Blue Ink Playwriting Award. El Guindi’s play, Refugee Rhapsody, was selected from a pool 820 submissions. As part of the award, El Guindi receives a $2,000 cash prize and virtual reading with American Blues Theater.
“I’m thrilled to have won this award,” said El Guindi. “I’m grateful for the support of American Blues Theater and look forward to working with them on the upcoming reading.”
“We’re so excited to announce Yussef El Guindi’s script Refugee Rhapsody as the 2021 winner,” notes Artistic Director Gwendolyn Whiteside. “Yussef is an important voice in theater. We are honored to share this powerful and unforgettable story.”
Sakinah, an Arab American woman, undergoes a mental health evaluation to determine what led to the violent crime she committed against Emily, a rich heiress. The play explores race, class, privilege, and how those factors collide and play out in today’s culture.
About Yussef El Guindi
Born in Egypt, raised in London and now based in Seattle, Yussef El Guindi’s work frequently examines the collision of ethnicities, cultures, and politics that face Arab-Americans and Muslim Americans. El Guindi holds an MFA in playwriting from Carnegie-Mellon University, and has worked as a playwright at Silk Road Rising; literary manager for Golden Thread Productions; and playwright-in-residence at Duke University.
He is the recipient of many honors, including the Steinberg/ATCA New Play Award and the 2010 Middle East America Distinguished Playwright Award. El Guindi’s most recent productions include “People of the Book” at ACT in Seattle; “Language Rooms” (Edgerton Foundation New American Play Award) at Pony World Theatre in Seattle, and Broken Nose Theatre in Chicago; “Hostages” at Radial Theater Project in Seattle; “The Talented Ones” at Artists Repertory Theatre in Portland ( Santa Barbara Independent Indy Awards); “Threesome” at Portland Center Stage, ACT, and at 59E59 (winner of a Portland Drammy for Best Original Script); “Pilgrims Musa and Sheri in the New World” (winner of the Steinberg/ American Theater Critics Association’s New Play Award in 2012; and the 2011 Gregory Award) also at ACT, Center Repertory Company (Walnut Creek, CA), and at Mosaic Theater Company (DC). Other productions: “Our Enemies: Lively Scenes of Love and Combat” was produced by Silk Road Rising and won the M. Elizabeth Osborn award. His play “Back of the Throat” (winner of L.A. Weekly’s Excellence in Playwriting Award for 2006), “Pilgrims Musa and Sheri in the New World”, “Jihad Jones and the Kalashnikov Babes”, “Such a Beautiful Voice is Sayeda and Karima’s City” have been published by Dramatists Play Service. “Ten Acrobats in an Amazing Leap of Faith”, “Collaborator”, “Threesome”, “The Talented Ones” and “Hostages” have been published by Broadway Play Publishing Inc. In January, 2019, Bloomsbury/ Methuen Drama published “Selected Works by Yussef El Guindi”. Currently a Core Company playwright member at ACT in Seattle, and a Resident Artist at Golden Thread Production.
Other 2021 Blue Ink Playwriting Award winners
Featured Finalists: Juan Alfonso (An Educated Guess), Matthew Libby (The Machine), Wendy MacLeod (The Good Samaritan), chandra thomas (The Buzzer).
Finalists: Jaisey Bates (When We Breathe), Mardee Bennett (CANE), Xavier Clark (backstroke boys), Gina Femia (the thing about air), Nancy Garcia Loza (RUST), Keiko Green (wad), Zora Howard (Hang Time), Kristin Idaszak (Tidy), Sam Kebede (Jericho), Matthew Paul Olmos (that drive through monterey), Audley Puglisi (the salt women), Caridad Svich (Albemarle).
Semi-finalists: Ian August (Everything You Can Do [To Make the World a Better Place]), Melda Beaty (Coconut Cake), Brysen Boyd (RD/Suite Meeting RM, 204), Toccara Castleman (Maybe a Mexican), Harold Ellis Clark (Back in the Day), Greg Congleton (High Ground), Messiah Cristine (The Topography of Dreams of Where Wolves Go to Whisper), Angela J. Davis (AGATHA), Spenser Davis (Underdogz), Raul Garza (Running Bear), Patty Kim Hamilton (Peeling Oranges), Amina Henry (Burned), Michele Kushner (Somewhere in My Sunset), Rachel Lynett (Apologies to Lorraine Hansberry [You Too August Wilson]), Rajendra Ramoon Maharaj ([Un]Documented), Madeline Mahrer (Arcade), Eric Marlin (Denial), Katarzyna Muller (American Monster), Karissa Murrell Myers (On the Greenbelt), Paloma Nozicka (Enough to Let the Light In), Daniel Olivas (Waiting for Godinez), Zack Peercy (Essential Starlite), Kira Rockwell (The Tragic Ecstasy of Girlhood), Lia Romeo (The Agency), Andrew Rosendorf (One-Shot), Marcus Scott (Sibling Rivalries), Scott Sickles (Pangea), Kristen Spencer (Dutch Kings), Nathan Yungerberg (THEA), Emily Zemba (But if the Train Comes to Her).
About the Blue Ink Playwriting Award
The annual Blue Ink Playwriting Award was created in 2010 to support new work. Since inception, American Blues Theater has named 11 Award winners, 95 finalists, and 139 semi-finalists. American Blues will award more than $9,000 in cash and prizes in 2021.
Each year American Blues Theater accepts worldwide submissions of original, unpublished full-length plays. The winning play is selected by Artistic Director Gwendolyn Whiteside and the theater’s Ensemble. The playwright receives a monetary prize and reading at American Blues Theater in Chicago.  Finalists and semi-finalists are also awarded a cash prize.
Submissions for the 2022 Blue Ink Playwriting Award open July 1, 2021. All submissions must be received by American Blues Theater by August 31, 2021 at 11:59 PM Central. Playwrights may only submit one (1) manuscript each year for consideration.
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kensukeamari · 4 years
November 14th, 2020 at KOARA
Alright (Karizma Kaytronik Movementz Part 2) / Urban Soul / Juno
Koro Koro (Ian Tregoning Rewire) / No Smoke / Warriors Dance
Transitions (Original Mix) / Dennis Ferrer / King Street Sounds
One Desire (Original Mix) / Barbara Tucker & Tuccillo / King Street Sounds
A Black Man In Space (Sax Mix) / Son Of Raw / Objektivity
Lonely Disco Dancer (Chris Simmonds Original) / House Proud People / Cross Section
Trouble / Roach Motel Presents 2 Stupid Dogs / Junior Boy's Own
I Like It Funky (Derrick Carter's B.H.Q. Re-Rub) / Angry Mexican DJ's / Defected
Passing Time (Dub) / Mood II Swing Featuring Tara J / Strictly Rhythm
(You're My One And Only) True Love (New York House Mix) / Seduction / Back In The Box
What A Sensation (Sensational Beats) / Kenlou / MAW
Rise (Main Club Vocal Mix) / Steve Crawford aka DJ ENERGY feat. Lachi / Beaty Boy
G's Riddem (Original Mix) / Mr. G / Phoenix G
Mine To Give (David Morales Happy Mix) / Photek / Virgin
Rise / Mark Brickman feat. Venessa Jackson / Midnight Riot
Shimmering Stars (Joey Negro Re Edit) / Jakatta / Z
Lonely People / DR PACKER / Disco Dat
The Cure & The Cause (Dr Packer Extended Remix) / Fish Go Deep feat. Tracey K / Glitterbox
Right On, Right On (2020 Glowcast Remaster) / Silicone Soul / Darkroom Dubs
Don't Know How to Love (David Alvarado Remix) / GusGus / oroom
なぜかの連続 KOARA です。
ニューパーティーとして始めた Groove’s 第1回、王道に行こうと思ったけどやっぱりそんなの無理だし、自分なりのハウス感。
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masterofmunson · 6 years
i decided that im gonna learn romainian bc its a beatiful language ( & sebastian stan is a beautiful romainian god ) and tbh its been easier than learning spanish AND IM HALF MEXICAN my dad is literally from mexico and so far romainian has been easier to learn BUT DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD THE WORD 'BREAD' IS TO PRONOUNCE ITS SPELT PÂINE BUT I CANT FUCKING SAY IT. YOU COULD HOLD A GUN TO MY HEAD AND I STILL WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO FUCKING SAY IT!! ugh the things i do for sebastian stan...
this is so fucking cute oh my god. when u meet him tell him u learned how to say the word bread for him. on a different not, i’m learning spanish and writing/reading it is so much easier than speaking it rip
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confundida25 · 6 years
Witch one is the real “Dia de muertos” movie?
I had seen a lot of post about dia de los muertos movies, especialy before the premier of Coco, a lot of people speak about how they stole the tunder of the book of life and that it was imposible for a corporation like disney to imitate the amazing and beatiful spirit of the Mexican traditions, or after the premier of Coco, someone praying about how it was better than the book of life and a most powerful emotional journey, it seen like it was imposible to think that two movies about the same holidays could co exist. 
Well the millions of movies about christmast could disagree but thats not my point, my point is that none of these movies are “the movie” about el dia de muertos. 
Both of them are beatiful and emotional and in some points really really accurate but both of them are, how to said? Gringo production, MADE IN THE USA  movies, one in a complete other level than the other, i remember a special video about the made of coco in witch the animators take a two week trip to some towns in Mexico to see the celebration, and that  is not bad enought but... eh.... 
And yea i know that guillermo del toro produce the book of life and that a lot of mexican talent and love is behind it but, still... there is something really romantic about it, not in like romantic love tone, but in the  real tone of the movie, every time i watch the book of life i see a romantic version of mexico, like a fairy tale about Mexico, i don´t know how to explain it. 
My point, because of course i have a point, these are not our only two options, they are movies, complete mexican animated movies that are about El dia de muertos and is make me crazy that aparently no one knows about them, but how could you? 
These are Las Leyendas 
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Is a little movie about a boy, Leo San Juan that lives in Puebla and can see sobrenaturals creatures, so he get a few ghost friends, calaveritas and alebrijes, and has adventures fighting agains some the most iconic Mexican monsters,  is produce by Anima studios and i m not gonna lied the first movie is not even close to pixar  quality, no... o boy not even close. But is the first one , they made FIVE OF THESE. 
La leyenda de la nahuala is follow by La leyenda de la llorona, la leyenda de las momias de guanajuato, la leyenda del chupacabras and finally la leyenda del charro negro. 
Each one of these move is better than last, and i mean it, this morning i watch la leyenda del charro Negro and it was amazing, really really great. 
Not of them are adulcorate version of mexican leyends, some of these monsters really scare the kids, because i must said, and is something that its really bothers me about Coco and not so much about the Book of life (because chivalva) there has no scary feel. 
And you must think “ooooo dia de muertos is not halloween is not supose to be scary” and i could laught in your face. Dia de muertos is not a scary holiday but Mexico legends are some really mess up tails, a big part of our culture is about a deep deep respect for the death and the things we dont understeand, and im speaking like an exceptical atheist, i don´t believe on ghost but i would never never in my life put my feet on a grave because they deserv my respect, las catrinas en el panteon el 2 de noviembre are there because they are gorgeous but also the little kids are afraid of them, and the little “cameo” of la catrina in coco is play for laughts and its feel... im sorry its feel gringo, it has the Made in the USA print right there, is a love letter for mexico yes, but is for Mexico not By Mexico. 
I saw La leyenda del Charro Negro today, but whait... Why? La Nahuala premier was 1 of november 2007, La leyenda de la llorona opens on october 23 2011,  Las momias october 31 2004 and El chupacabras october 2016, why El charro whaits until january? it doesnt make sense, is a dia de muertos movie¡ 
Well they are not stupid, realese a dia de muertos movie on Mexico on november of 2017 would be a suicide ...you know why 
So all these rant make some sense? i just so sad that aparentely El charro is the last one of the pentalogy or werever, so si puedes ve a verla, if you can go and whach it, and if you dont live on Mexico and dont understeand spanish (i dont know if they are sub or dub for any of these movies) go and watch the cartoon on Netflix, because of course that it has a Netflix cartoon, and watch the real mexican cartoon about mexico, by mexico, for Mexico .  
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