#mfmm a year in tropes
nerdraging4point0 · 6 months
The Scorpion and the Scales //Chapter One// Poly-AU
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Tropes and Tags: MF, MFM, MFMM, instalove, too much sex, tattooed musicians, polyverse, friends to lovers.
Content warning: 18+ only MDNI, PinV, PinA, oral (f!recieveing, m!recieving), threesomes, light BDSM, voyeurism, exhibitionism, partner sharing, jealousy, angst.
This work below is fictionalized ideas and stories involving real people but does not directly reflect their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. Please keep in mind that this is a work of fiction.
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Active taglist: @ladyveronikawrites @tearfallpixie @beaker1636 @circle-with-me @synthetic-wasp-570 @itsjustemily @thesazzb @vinyardmauro @cookiesupplier @concreteemo @dominuslunae @mountains-to-move @sundamariis @caitcoreeeee @crimson-calligraphyx @letmeadoreyoux @starsomens @artificialbreezy @lma1986 @iknownothingpeople @lilrubles @shilohrosechicken @missduffsblog @jessicafg03 @thatchickwiththecamera @mysticdoodlez @chels3a-smile @sinkingteethinwhitenoise @deathblacksmoke @roley-poley-foley @ravieisunhinged @dethronetheveil @to-be-written @somewhere-diamond @somebodyels3 @sacredthefran
My ears are still ringing from the concert, a lingering reminder of the band's raucous performance that seemed to rattle the very walls. But as I stand outside the venue waiting, the cool Colorado night wraps around me, calming my ringing ears. I take a deep breath, letting the crisp mountain air soothe my senses. Looking up at the starry sky, I can't help but smile, the adrenaline from the show still coursing through my veins. My body may be tired, but my spirit feels alive. This is exactly where I want to be.
I scroll through the photos and videos on my phone, reliving each moment - the crush of the crowd, the first electrifying guitar riff, the encore chant that shook the rafters. I smile as I post clips to Snapchat, the glowing screen casting a soft light on my face. These are memories frozen in time now.
I glance down at my outfit, suddenly self-conscious - dark shorts with fishnets, my favorite Adidas shoes, a cropped long sleeve tee to show off my wrist tattoo. My dark curls bouncing around my shoulders, framing the natural makeup look I had spent so long perfecting. My heart pounds at the thought of meeting the band looking like this.
I can hardly contain my excitement. Getting a photo with the band tonight will be the perfect addition to my prized collection of memories! My scrapbook is absolutely full of photos with bands and celebrities - it's my most prized possession. But the photos themselves are nothing compared to the actual experiences behind them. I smile to myself remembering all the crazy adventures over the years - the VIP access, celebrity run-ins, wild nights out in Vegas and LA. I live for these thrilling moments and have to document every single one. This show tonight will give me yet another trophy photo for my scrapbook of fame.
I can feel the crowd stirring, a buzz of anticipation in the air. Around me, fans jostle for position near the stage door while security guards confer, ready to guide the band through. I'm so tempted to rush the door with some of the other die-hard fans, but I know that's crazy - I'd probably just get trampled. So, I stay put, heart racing, barely able to contain my excitement. 
The crowd roars as Folio and Jolly emerge from backstage, basking in the post-show glow. Folio's got on his favorite tour tee, that vintage New York cap perched just so atop his mop of curls. And Jolly - man, that dude looks like a rockstar with his hoodie and beanie combo, those long brown locks flowing free. They pause to snap a few pics with fans, gracious as ever, before huddling up to recap the epic show.
When I see Noah, my heart stops. His towering, muscular frame moves with a feline grace and his soft brown locks fall perfectly over his chiseled features. This triple-threat talent radiated magnetism, his lethal attractiveness gripping me in its thrall. I was helpless, I was his, utterly and completely.
I see Jolly and Folio sitting off to the side of the fans. They aren't too far away, but I feel the nerves build in my chest, and I gather my courage to call them over.
"Jolly!" I shout, my voice cracking with excitement. He turns, and I start flapping my arms like a madwoman, desperate to catch his eye. This is it. My chance to meet one of my idols in the flesh. I scurry over, my legs jittery and unsteady beneath me. "Can I get a picture with you guys?" I blurt out in a rush, the words tumbling over themselves. I'm practically vibrating now, bouncing on the balls of my feet. Just breathe, I tell myself. Play it cool. But my fangirl glee cannot be contained.
He saunters over, hands in his pockets, with Folio trotting behind him. I fumble a bit with my phone, trying to find a good angle for a selfie.
"Mind if I help?" he asks, reaching out his hand. I hand him the thin device with a shaky hand. Extending his arm, phone in hand, facing the three of us so we were all framed up perfectly. I flash my best smile, leaning on the fence post for support. He snaps a few shots to make sure they came out clear, then hands my phone back.
"Thank you so much!" I squeal excitedly.
"Not a problem at all," he replies with a gentle smile, his accent coming through each word.
Folio turns to me, but he doesn't sound too thrilled - more like he's feigning the enthusiasm. "So, did you have fun?"
"Fun? Are you kidding me? That was amazing!" I gush. "Has anyone actually ever said no?" I quip playfully.
Folio chuckles and Jolly just laughs, making me feel good - at least they get my sense of humor! "I suppose it depends on who you ask," Folio says, chuckling again.
Nick shows up out of nowhere, trying to join our conversation. But his voice is drowned out by the shrieks from Noah's fans at the door. I sneak a peek and see Noah's tall figure in the center of the chaos - signing autographs, snapping selfies. I whip back around to Nick.
"What did you say?" he asks again.
I have to yell over the noise. "We were wondering if anyone's ever told you they didn't like your show!"
He lets out the most dramatic sigh. "No one's ever asked if I enjoy doing the show." I roll my eyes hard.
I roll my eyes as he pouts dramatically. "You're literally the star of the show," I point out, barely holding back my sarcasm.
He shrugs, unaffected. "Still, no one's cared to ask little ol' me about my feelings." He places a hand on his chest, channeling a wounded Victorian damsel.
I have to resist the urge to mimic gagging. "Alright, Your Highness," I say, my voice dripping with fake enthusiasm. "Do you enjoy being on the show or not?"
He taps his chin, pondering with exaggerated thoughtfulness. "Hmm...maybe I don't. Have you considered that?"
"Wow, so brooding and mysterious," I deadpan.
I whip out my phone with a grin, waving it teasingly in front of Nick. "Mind snapping a quick pic for me?" I ask. He's happy to play along. I shuffle as close to him as I can with that barricade wedged between us, and he snaps off a couple shots before handing my phone back.
"Looks like you just need one with Noah now," Nick says, glancing over his shoulder. Noah's still surrounded by screaming fans begging for his attention. I give Nick an appreciative look - he's so chill and down-to-earth.
I sigh, my voice trailing off. "He seems a bit busy." I glance around at the mob of people crowded around Noah. I'm not sure I'll get that photo with him after all.
"Just hang out, we'll make sure he stops by," Jolly says, flashing me a reassuring smile. That makes me feel a little better.
"You local?" Nick asks me, clearly trying to keep the conversation flowing to avoid an awkward silence. I nod, "Yeah, born and raised here."
I cross my arms over my chest, trying to hold onto the warmth from the crowd. The breeze starts cutting through my shirt.
Nick, Jolly, Folio and I are still chatting away while everyone else heads home. Folio's glued to his phone, only half listening. Then security starts shooing people away, saying Noah only has time for a couple more photos. The last of the fans rush to the front for their chance.
When Noah finally makes his escape to the tour bus, Nick isn't having it. He waves Noah over, pleading, "One more, bro. I promise." Noah chuckles and ambles over, his long legs crossing the parking lot in just a few strides. Up close, he's even taller than I thought!
"Hello." His smile makes my heart flutter.
"Hi," I squeak out, unable to summon any other words. Just getting that single syllable out feels like a triumph.
"This is..." Nick hesitates, looking adorably flustered. "You know, with everything we've talked about, I never even asked your name."
"Eve," I manage, though my voice comes out high-pitched and timid. I cringe internally. I should know my own name, at least! But something about him makes me tongue-tied in a way I've never experienced before. Eve. It's not a complicated name. But looking into his eyes, I can barely remember such a simple word.
"Nick mentions something about a picture?" his voice is so low, I almost forget it's me he's talking to. We move against the barricade standing close to one another as Nick takes my phone from my hand to take the picture for us.
When the camera flashes, I blink hard, almost hoping the picture will turn out blurry. Just so we can try again.
"What cha think?" Nick asks, turning my phone screen to show me the photo. I mean, it's cute and all, but mostly I'm hyperaware of how close Noah still is to me.
"Hmm, could be better," Noah's voice is suddenly right by my ear, making chills run down my spine as he hovers behind me.
"Here," he says, stepping back and reaching for my hand. "Step over."
The moment our hands touch, my heart flutters as if a flock of butterflies has just been released inside my chest. I can't take my eyes off him, his warm smile making my knees weak. As I climb over the barricade, my movements awkward and clumsy in my nervous excitement, security rushes over. Noah holds both my hands in his, turning to look over his shoulder at the security guards rushing our way.
"It's cool, I got this," he says, his voice gentle and soothing.
My attention snaps back to him, those kind eyes telling me everything will be okay. I trust him completely. Once on the other side, I straighten my shirt, run my fingers through my hair, hoping I look presentable for this boy who has stolen my heart. Being near him is intoxicating, sparking a giddiness I've never known before. I want this moment to last forever.
His eyes lock onto mine, sending a jolt of excitement through my body. "Nick," he says, gaze never leaving mine. He reaches out his hand to his friend, "Phone."
Nick places it in his open palm, as Noah passes him the energy drink he'd been holding.
As Noah reaches out to me, my heart flutters. His arm finds its way around my waist, pulling me close. I feel the heat rise in my cheeks and chills tingle down my spine at his touch. But I face the camera with him, tossing my dark curls over my shoulder and flashing a peace sign. Noah's smile lights up his whole face. I can't help but mirror it with my own grin. We take a few silly selfies together, giggling and making faces. With his arm wrapped around me, I never want this moment to end. Being this close to Noah makes my pulse race and my stomach fill with butterflies. I am absolutely smitten.
I am so excited that Noah has taken such a nice photo for me. "That should do it!" He jokes as he hands my phone back. "Much better than the others."
Suddenly Nick suggests, "Group photo!" Before I can even reach for my phone, Noah snatches it back and turns to the security guards by the door.
Jolly, Folio, Nick and I all gather together. Nick wraps his arm around my waist and I put mine around his shoulders. Then Noah comes over to fill the space on my other side, putting his arm around me too. I reach around and put my hand on his lower back, laughing.
The security guard takes our photo. I smile big - this will be the main one for my book! A memory I'll never forget. Two quick flashes and we're done.
When Noah helps me over the barricade, I feel a spark as our hands touch. His strong grip lifts me effortlessly over the metal rail, setting me gently on the ground. I turn back, not wanting our moment to end, and see him give me a little wave goodbye before he disappears into the tour bus. My heart flutters as I watch him go.
When I finally get to my car, I slide into the driver's seat with a sigh of relief. As the heater starts blasting warmth into the cold cabin, I pick up my phone and scroll through my photos until I find that selfie of Noah and me. I know I don't look my absolute best in that pic, but none of that matters - it's a photo of the two of us together and that's what's important. I set it as my new screensaver and just gaze at it for a moment, my heart fluttering. Then I open my playlist, queue up some music, and pull out of the parking lot to head home. All I can think about on the drive is how dreamy Noah looks in that photo, and how lucky I was to have met someone so wonderful. I can't wait to get home, crawl under the covers and relive every magical moment we shared today before drifting off to sleep with a smile on my face.
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wah-pah · 4 months
4, 8, 12, and 16 for the fic writer asks?
Thank you so much for asking and always being interested even if our writing fandoms don't overlap much, dear @eroticfriendfictions . :)
4. a story idea you haven’t written yet
Not sure if it will ever see the light of day (probably not) but I have been reminded of a possible sequel to 'Once Upon A Time in Melbourne', my crack fic that drops Justified's Raylan Givens in MFMM's 1920s Melbourne. While still set in the 20s, Phryne and Jack would be the ones in Kentucky this time.
What a scandal Phryne would cause just by showing up. I read about the road-trip Lady Diana Cooper embarked on in America in that same decade and the observations she makes just deepen that.
I have to check the timeline maths and I don't even know why but I think I'd like to write something where The Knick or/and The Alienist collides into The Gilded Age's world.
8.if you had to write a sequel to a fic, you’d write one for
How Beautiful and Free. I have some bits and bobs stored in my brain actually. And have for years. Not sure it would involve Phryne much though.
And apparently to Once Upon a Time in Melbourne, judging by my answer above. Haha.
12.a trope you’re really into right now
I end up writing very slowly so I'm afraid there aren't many repeating tropes but writing fake-married-while-undercover-and-ooops-there-are-feelings was a lot of fun to write in Undercover at The Elvsworth Club, another Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries fic, as it is basically all I write.
Not sure if it is a trope but with 'Homewards' there's a lot of 'you're now back in a place you flew away from and there's memories and what ifs'.
13. favorite place to write
My bedroom, I'd say. It's where I end up doing most of my writing.
Thank you again, Michelle.
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firesign23 · 2 years
Fandom Trumps Hate 2023
I'm participating in Fandom Trumps Hate (@fandomtrumpshate) this year, and like I should probably promote it so y'all are getting a too wordy post on the topic and I apologise for that.
What is FTH?
FTH is a cross-fandom charity auction that has been running since 2016, focused on supporting small-scale non-profits on a series of progressive issues in the US. Why the US? Because the auction began as a direct response to the results of the 2016 elections there. This year's supported organisations cover a variety of issues.
How does it work?
This is not a commission. The FTH tumblr goes into this more in-depth, but in essence: creators such as myself decide which organisations they would like to support, and bidders bid the amount they are willing to donate. The highest bidder at closing donates to one of the chosen causes, then receives a thank you gift for their donation, tailored to their preferences.
Important dates and details?
Auctions are currently open for browsing! This will give you an opportunity to see what fanworks are on offer before bidding opens. The easiest way to do this is by browsing the tagsets for fandoms that interest you.
Bidding opens March 1st (08:00 EST) and closes March 5th (20:00 EST). Proof of donations are due March 12th.
Why are you doing this?
Because I can.
Nah, participating in a fandom auction is one of those things I've said I'd like to do once and never actually managed, and I got sweet talked into it this year.
What are you offering?
Ohhh, this is the fun question, isn't it? I've officially offered a story of up to 5K words in one of three fandoms, but if you are interested in a fandom I've not offered but previously written for that may be negotiable. As for length, I have found that fics will be precisely as long as they want to be--I'd much rather say up to 5K and write 10K than say 5-10K and write 3K.
Examples of my work Game of Thrones and Wheel of Time fic can be found here and my Miss Fisher fic here, but in general my work leans towards character-driven and bittersweet fics, competence kink, and the mortifying ordeal of being known. (Are the cool kids still saying that? Probably not.) My smut leans into soft horny even when kinky, which tends to be either very much someone's tastes or very much not. I love writing so many classic fic tropes and kinks, so if there's something you're interested in but are uncertain, feel free to ask!
Unwilling to address: Scat/watersports, ageplay including usage of daddy/mommy/girl, underage/high school AUs or college AUs where focus is on the college element, casual misogyny or sexual violence (narratively relevant is fine), dubious/non-consensual sex that is not treated as such, revenge porn (literal revenge porn or the "Punish character X" type), power dynamics where there’s a potential abuse of power, humiliation.
Now, onto the fandom specific details:
Game of Thrones: Jaime/Brienne, other pairings with discussion. Prefer to avoid Brienne with major body image issues, ESPECIALLY when phrased about feeling like a “real woman”--insecurities, yes, but not as the driving narrative force. Not interested in Cersei-bashing fics--she's awful, I'm happy to make her awful, but I don't want to make her one dimensional. While happy to incorporate elements of the book canon, this story would be primarily driven by show canon dynamics/characterisation. Happy to write in a canon or AU setting. Into this fandom, but what I offer isn't quite to your taste? Check out other asoiaf/GoT creators here.
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries: TV/film canon. Any pairing, canon or fanon. I primarily write Phrack, but as my ao3 will tell you there's very little I've not dipped my toe into. If you are interested in Dot/Hugh fluff, I'll do it but it's not a strength. I strongly prefer canon set stories for this fandom. Into this fandom, but what I offer isn't quite to your taste? Check out other MFMM creators here.
Wheel of Time: I am offering anything centred around Lan, Nynaeve, and/or Moiraine, whether it's platonic or romantic or pre-romantic. I have read the books many times, but this offer is for TV canon only due to other commitments. If, however, you want something like a missing scene from the first few books, that can be discussed during the bidding process. I strongly prefer canon set stories for this fandom. Into this fandom, but what I offer isn't quite to your taste? Check out other WoT creators here.
Anything else?
Not really! My offerings page can be found here. When auctions go live on March 1st you will be able to access the bidding page from there. If you have any questions, whether that's about how this works or what I am/am not willing to write or something else entirely, my Tumblr inbox is always open and I'm happy to answer publicly or privately. If you prefer the answer be private, please ensure you have not selected to make it anonymous and mention it in the message!
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whopooh · 7 years
Miss Fisher and the Close Quarters – March’s prompt
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Look at you being all captured, Jack.
The March prompt proved to be a slightly different challenge than the earlier prompts. The bottle episode prompt, or Close Quarters, means that there is a limited amount of people and a constricted scenario, but other than that, it’s up to the writers imagination. This means we got lovely fics during March, but less easy to categorise. For the soulmate prompt, I could organise the post after how the writers used the idea of a soulmate; for the miscommunication prompt after the amount of angst the miscom created. Here, I will attempt to do it after the scenarios created.
One thing can be said immediately about the trope – it proved to be the fodder for fun romps and sweet stories, not the trampoline for angst (I know @quiltingmom must be very disappointed about that).
I cannot help but start with the clever fic that takes the designation literally, and actually is about a bottle, @longlineoftvdetectives’s “Bottle of Red”. Here we have the constriction of it all being set in the kitchen, and Jack and Mr Butler the only people there (even if Phryne is very present in their dialogue). It’s a lovely short and intimate moment between the two men, after Jack has just left Phryne’s boudoir, and Mr Butler gives Jack some advice from his own life -- all revolving around that red wine bottle he presents Phryne with at the end of “Murder and Mozzarella”.
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Bottle episode for sure.
Then there are fics with a specifically constricted view or scenario.
@loopyhoopyfrood's, ”There Was A Star Danc’d” (not yet finished) is a modern AU, where Jack (a sports star) and Phryne (a dancer) are participating in a dancing program on tv. The scenario is the constricted space of the training, where Phryne pushes Jack’s abilities and forces him to work very hard, while the tension between them is rather strong. In @missingmissfisher’s “A matter of infinite hope”, Phryne and Jack need to hide in a confessional booth -- “It’s a good thing we’re so well acquainted, Inspector, as it looks like we may be here for a little while!” This proves to be a very intimate matter – both in how close they are, and as they first happen to listen to a confession, and then confess pivotal parts of their lives to each other. The space thus proves to be very inspirational.
@phrynesboudoir​/sassasam deals in “Don't Even Have to Get Out of Bed” with some serious bedside detecting, all done from Phryne’s bedroom. Phryne has been put to rest because of a sprained ankle and Jack tries to cheer her up in two ways simultaneously, first by bringing a case to her so she can solve crime with him without leaving the bed, and second by some action of the more physical variety, though the ankle mustn’t be disturbed. This way, we get the chance to hear Miss Fisher say “Well I’m not just going to lie on my back and think of England” as well as this dialogue:
“Show me, by climbing over me,” she breathed. “And stabbing me.”    Jack shook his head. “Truly, your idea of foreplay is bordering on the macabre.”
Also in @whopooh​‘s “The Learning of Detective Skills”, there is bedide detecting going on, although in a different way. The fic is all set at the hospital, in a sickroom, where Jack and Hugh are laid up after having been hurt on the job. An added constriction is that the whole fic is told through Hugh’s point of view, of what he thinks and notices, as he decides to spend his time as a convalescent training his detective skills on his surroundings -- in this case mostly Phryne and Jack: “There was no way two people could sound like this – like they had taken their thoughts and wrapped them up in words that didn’t really mean anything, to hand over to their conversation partner for careful unwrapping – if they were only casual partners.”
In @flashofthefuse​’s “Best Laid Plans” the constriction is, again, double – both in that Phryne and Dot happen to become locked up in a bank vault for a whole night, and in that the perspective is fully Phryne’s -- not only as point of view, but everything is even narrated in her voice. There are plenty of lovely Phryne and Dot moments, and in the morning the third person coming onto the scene of the vault is an annoyed Jack. The push-and-pull between Phryne and Jack is great fun, and also especially interesting to follow from Phryne’s perspective, with her internal asides. It is fun and teasing, all the way to:
“True.” (Not even I believed that pledge to stay out of trouble.) “Wasn’t it nice to actually be able to come to my rescue for once?”    “Are you trying to say thank you, Miss Fisher? Because if so, you’re rather bad at it.”
But the fic is also a bit angsty as Phryne realises there is a lot at stake if she and Dot would be found out --  both for Dot, Hugh, Jack, and herself.
From @flashofthefuse​’s fic, it’s the perfect transition to go into fics where Phryne and Jack – and sometimes someone else – are actually locked up. While the trope doesn’t explicitly say that people need to be locked in, the Miss Fisher universe obviously fits well with that concept – and this gives rise to much fun.
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A 1920s cellfie.
In @star-l8​‘s “Lock Picking”, Phryne is dared by Jack -- or decides to take it as a dare -- that she cannot pick the locks in the police station’s cell. She decides to take him up in it although it’s late in the evening, which ends with her and Jack locked into the cells as she threw away the keys in her bravado. It is fun and sweet, and Hugh Collins becomes the means of liberation, which is rather mortifying for a Jack still groggy from sleep: "What was Hugh doing in his bedroom? And why was he inquiring about Miss Fisher?” Another take on Phryne and Jack in the cells is @ladyroxie​‘s “We Two Alone”. This time they have been intentionally locked up, having been arrested while undercover. The constriction is double in the sense that they are locked up but also separated, put in adjacent cells. Phryne is very tipsy, and Jack tries to take care of her from his own cell, and the fic is a thorough and emotional exploration into his intense feelings for her, Jack being completely disarmed by her innocence in tipsiness: “He'd mostly mastered the trick of withstanding her proximity when it was a shower of sparks, when she was lit up and glossy and fierce. (...) But seeing her like this, when all of those things had been left behind, was an ambush he hadn't seen coming.”
In @olderbynow​‘s “Back In The Ring” the constriction is a very unexpected one – Phryne and Jack are stuck in a tree, with a bull pacing below them. It is such a fun fic where they banter about how they got into this situation, and Phryne is also riling Jack up with stories about her old friends, in response to him not giving anything away about his own feelings or desires. And also about food: 
“He makes the most delicious Sauce Bourguignonne,” she goes on ruthlessly.    Their eyes meet. Her expression is challenging and it’s obvious that she’s angling for a fight. He blinks slowly.    She huffs, clearly frustrated that he’s not rising to her bait.    There’s silence for a blissful minute and then…    “Now, when I went to Sweden in ‘21 I met this artist who was--”
I will not repeat it here, since I kind of overcrowded the comment section with it already, but I find it such a fun possibility that the bull in this fic can stand for Jack’s repressed desires and emotions, trapping the two of them in one place.
An equally humorous fic is @ollyjayonline’s “Two’s company…” Here Phryne and Jack come to be locked up in a small space, but there is also a third person, the insufferable Miss Sumner. She is both the reason the door became locked and proves a specialist in backing Jack into corners. There is such fun tension in this triangle, as she both grates on Jack’s nerves (while he tries to be a gentleman) and flirts with him, and it’s wonderful to get to follow his reactions and inner snark, like “He thought he did well to keep the sarcasm to merely dripping, as opposed to torrential.” Phryne is mostly following the development from the sideline, a.k.a. the door trying to pick the lock:
"You wanna hand up?"    No, what I want is for you to be anywhere in the world but locked in this small room with me, he thought.    "Jack?" another more welcome voice came from behind him, "Don't you think you're being a tad over dramatic?"    Possibly true, he admitted to himself, but hardly fair coming from the woman who had taken all of sixty minutes from their arrival in New York to put herself in the middle of a murder enquiry.    "I'm almost certain Miss Sumner didn't mean to lock us in the room."
Finally, there are full cases or stand-offs based on the bottle ep idea. In @firesign23​’s “Hotel Homicide” Phryne, Jack and Mac take on an incredibly unlikely and odd murder case – so unlikely even, that it proves to be based on a true case. The killed man was thought to have died of natural causes in an hotel room, “Until they opened him up and found his internal organs were practically liquified,” as Phryne interjects. The three friends have only a limited amount of time and are in one place, the hotel room where the murder took place (Phryne even locks them in for good measure) and Hugh helps them via telephone. They need to find clues to give them a new perspective on the murder in order to save a friend of Mac’s from the accusations. Phryne is glorious in her investigations of the room, and there is wonderful banter and discussion between the three of them:
“Unfortunately that meant the local police decided that it was murder, and I half-expect them to accuse Mary of witchcraft to explain it away.”    “Hmm,” hummed Jack. “Which would be unfortunate, as witchcraft wouldn’t even require her presence in the room.”    “Perhaps she cursed his cow while she was at it,” Phryne retorted.
Last out, @allimariexf, “The Inside Man” is a beautiful and intense fic about a bank robbery. Here a lot of people are involved, but all set in the same place, a bank. Both Phryne and Jack happen to be at the bank on errands, unbeknownst to each other, and suddenly find themself in the middle of a robbery. The two need to first realise that the other is there, and then they, without giving away that they already know each other, need to communicate wordlessly about what is going on – a feat they manage admirable. There is the very real risk that someone might get shot, and they both feel pangs of sadness about how the day could have been if they had just happened to walk into each other without any mayhem happening. Just as there is always a hindrance in the episodes, here Jack’s reverie -- “His heart instantly began to beat faster, and his afternoon’s prospects, which had until this moment seemed drab and tedious, were suddenly suffused with possibility” -- is interrupted by reality: “Oi! This here’s a robbery!”
The way Phryne and Jack communicate, their gazes and understanding of each other, are very intense -- one could say this is rather an anti-thesis to last month’s trope, miscommunication. These are two people who understand each other, know each other inside and out, and trust each other:
And as her gaze alighted on the object of the criminal’s attention, Phryne found herself looking directly into Jack Robinson’s impassioned eyes. (…) Jack! Even without his characteristic composure, his steady gaze supplied the ballast she hadn’t known she needed.  (…) In an instant, Phryne processed Jack’s awareness that she recognized him, and read relief in his gaze and steel in his jaw.
And this joint ability they have is the only reason they actually make it out alive from the bank.
That was all for the March prompt (here is the full fic list). So looking forward to see what fics might emerge from the april challenge, body swap.
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loopyhoopyfrood · 7 years
5 things I learnt from the MFMM Year of Tropes
1. Writing a fic a month is harder than it sounds.
This differs for everyone of course, there are people out there who can write a fic a day, and I have so much respect for them. I, however, cannot, and writing one fic a month this year was incredibly draining. I definitely don't regret joining in, but when thwarted by work, mental health, and general life nonsense this challenge was forced into a back row seat. I'm certainly going to attempt the months I missed, but I'm going into next year's Quotes Challenge with a more relaxed attitude, knowing now just how hard producing regular fic can be.
2. You don't have to write multi-chapter stories to write fanfiction.
Before this year, I had the idea that in order to post fanfiction online, I had to write long, multichapter, novel-esq stories. Essentially, I thought I had to write the kind of stories I was reading outside of fanfiction. I realise now that this misheld belief was what put me off continuing to write fanfiction, as those kind of fics have never been my strength. This Trope Challege meant I couldn't write long, rambling, multichapter fics - I simply didn't have the time!
Yet, to my surprise, people actually seemed to enjoy my short, one chapter, under 1000 words one-shots. I did attempt some multichapter fics, most of which are still awaiting endings, but I finally felt free to write stories that I could write. Knowing that my one-off submissions would still be appreciated, and seeing so many other writers produce the same kind of short fics, was a real eye-opener for me, and truly renewed my love for writing fanfiction.
3. I really, REALLY, love AUs.
Out of the 11 fics I managed to submit for the Trope Challenge (including November's, which is currently only 48 words long), 7 were AUs (2 soul mate, 1 dancing TV show, 2 modern day, 1 jewel thieves, and 1 groundhog day). Out of the 4 that remain, 2 took place before the events of the show, 1 after the end of season 3, and only 1 could have potentially fit in with canon.
I understand that AUs aren't everyone's cup of tea, but apparently they are mine. I love being able to play with the characters, and the challenge of keeping them them whilst changing everything about their scenario and roles. I've loved reading other people's AUs too, and you can bet you'll see more from me in 2018!
4. You don't have to be 100% satisfied with a story before you post it.
I'll freely admit I can be quite hard on myself and my writing, and often my striving for perfection has prevented me from posting my stories. The time limit of the Tropes Challenge, however, meant I couldn't afford to nitpick, and sometimes ended up posting works I wasn't entirely happy with. Strangely, the fic I was least happy with ended up being one of my most well received submissions.
I'll always be a bit of a perfectionist, but this year has given me so much more confidence in posting my fics.
And finally...
5. Fandom can be an amazing place.
I've never been good at making friends or getting involved with things online. A combination of anxiety and excessive introverted-ness means I've never really been involved in fandom before. I joined this challenge with expectations of nothing but maybe the occasional comment on a particularly good fic. And yet.
From the very moment I expressed interest in the Trope Challenge, I was welcomed with open arms. My first fic received a plethora of comments, the majority of which welcomed me to the fandom and expressed hope that I'd continue to write for them. Over the course of the year I've received so many amazing comments, comments that I go back and re-read whenever I feel down. I've been welcomed into group chats, had people respond to tumblr posts and express interest in my life, and had the chance to take part in not only the Trope Challenge but also the ficathon and secret santa. I've learnt the value of leaving comments, and been made comfortable enough to not have panic attacks leaving comments of my own.
I had heard people talk of fandom as a community, but never truly experienced it until this year. Every single person within the MFMM fandom is an actually star, and I feel so privileged to be a part of it. This year has been amazing, and I eagerly await the next!
(My Trope fics are collated under the cut.)
January - Such Stuff As Dreams Are Made On (Soulmate AU)
February - Mistake (Communication Chaos)
March - There Was A Star Danc’d (Bottle Episode)
April - What’s In A Name? (Body Swap)
May - Last Words (Hurt/Comfort)
June - Love At First Swipe (Undercover Detectives)
July - The Telegram (Through Time and Space)
August - The Prince Who Said No (The Dulcinea Effect)
September - Birds Of A Feather (Gossip and Rumours)
October - Watch This Space! (Breaking the Fourth Wall)
November - The Unexpected Bride - TBC (An Unexpected Marriage)
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Miss Fisher’s Year of Quotes 2018
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It came down to a roll of the dice, but it looks like the challenge for 2018 will be QUOTE prompts. The first step of which is soliciting quotes to use. This will work the same as last year:
You have from TODAY until DECEMBER1ST to send me quotes you would like people to use as prompts. These can be anything--a famous quote, a line of dialogue, a snippet of poetry or song lyrics. I will gently encourage you to look towards ones that can be interpreted different ways, but it’s ultimately up to you. You can submit via DM (here or on Slack), replying to this post, or reblogging this post with your quotes. PLEASE try to tag @missfisherchallenges so I don’t miss any!
Once all the quotes are submitted, twelve will be drawn at random. Then, at the start of each month in 2018, a new quote will be posted as a prompt and an ao3 collection opened up; you will have that month to create your fan work and share it. Remember, for 2018 we are encouraging any form of participation, not just fanfic! Maybe you’re an artist, or a vid-maker, or someone who enjoys writing meta thoughts on the topic. There are no rules for participating, except to have fun!
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scruggzi · 7 years
OMG I actually completed the trope challenge! Here’s some pensioner phrack for you all! Many thanks to @firesign23 for putting this fic adventure together and @zannadubs23 for betaing my final contribution...
It's 1969 and Maggie Collins, youngest of the Collins grandchildren, has come to Wardlow for a very special occasion...
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Phryne Fisher doesn't believe in soulmates. A bartender in Mykonos thinks she's wrong. A very late breaking entry for the January "soul mates" trope challenge. (Thank you amnesty month. Now I've collected the whole set ;-) ). 
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Fanfic Recs!
In honor of Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day I thought I would celebrate by reccing a couple of fics from each of the fandoms I read/write in, because I know I am always looking for recs myself, and this lets me shine a light on some that I adore. Of course, this proved a tremendously difficult task, because there are literally so many amazing fics to choose from, but in the interest of time and space I am limiting myself to two.
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
One Night In Berlin by @firesign23 I love me a good trope subversion and Fire_Sign is the master. This one is short but packs a punch and even has two follow-up fics to continue the story!
Revolution of the Times by @arlome Without giving too much away, this fic manages to combine so many of my favorite things - Jack's family, Phryne's past, Phrack at their finest - and the writing is just gorgeous.
Agent Carter
Renegades by @ink-dust This could genuinely be the the season 3 we were all denied. The writing, story and characterizations are just top notch. 😚 👌 
The Song Remains the Same by @sholiofic​ An OT3 with Peggy/Daniel/Jack that takes a really interesting path to explore Peggy's growth from the beginning of S1 to post S2. Lovely.
HTTYD/Race to the Edge
Cold North Wind by sunflowerb A beautiful exploration of Valka's return and the consequences of her absence from her perspective. Love, love, love.
Simple Gifts by @listentoyourdragon / Ecoutez A sweet and authentic deep dive into the years between adolescence and adulthood where everything is sort of in flux and you're just starting to figure yourself out. Read it and then do yourself a favor and read the sequel which is just as amazing.
So there you go, two of each even though I could easily rec dozens and dozens and dozens more (and ultimately kinda did after the cut 😂). But hey, that’s what future August 21st-s are for, right? 😊 
Thank you so much to all the fanfic writers out there - you're amazing and I appreciate the hell out of each and every one of you. ❤️ 
Ok, so shorter and under the cut because I'm still not totally comfortable reccing my own stuff, I've decided to add one of mine from each from these fandoms because I was ordered encouraged to. And also if I'm going to rec what I like, I write what I like so that does feel a bit like low hanging fruit anyway. ;-)
MFMM: An Instrument of Grace Case fic, Phrack conflict, and female friendships, oh my!
Agent Carter: Peony and Thisbe An undercover AU with Peggy out on her own and a familiar voice as her only agency contact.
HTTYD: Pieces Four years post-canon, Hiccup meets someone from his past who has the potential to change his future.
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omgimsarahtoo · 7 years
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Phryne's mother hears a troubling rumor while attending a party, and she calls Phryne - who has gone home to Melbourne - to find out whether it's true.
My September trope fic (shhhh, it’s only a tiny bit late) for the Don’t Believe the Rumors collection! This was prompted (although unknowingly) by @rositalg - I hope you like it, lady!
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glamorouspixels · 3 years
Miss Fisher’s Whumptober Challenge 2021 ✿
Calling all MFMM fan creators (writing, drawing, vidding, meta, etc.)!
This year, I am honored to take over this very important task previously carried out by @whopooh, @aurora-australis-tumbles (whose post from last year was the basis of this updated one), and @firesign23 to bring you a brand-new ✨MFMM Whumptober challenge✨!
What is whump, you ask? Well... Basically, it is a work in which our beloved characters are put into physically and/or mentally painful situations—it’s hurt, and more often than not, comfort. Every year, there is a new list of prompts created by the official Whumptober blog, and we’re asking you to claim a prompt and create some new work!*
Our rules are simple:
1) Go to this spreadsheet and claim a prompt (as soon as you’ve used it, you’re welcome to claim a second, etc.)**
2) Write/create from it.
3) Post it (whenever you want within the month of October, or the first week of November) and tag it “MFMMwhumptober”. If you post on AO3, add it to this collection. Please tag clearly if there is no comfort in the fic—to help your readers, especially right now.
Done! 🌸
Every prompt has three variations specified under the heading, and you’re free to use either one of them—or more than one. 
This challenge is open to everyone and anyone—the more the merrier. We warmly welcome newcomers who haven’t created for MFMM before—this is a good time to start! And we love a good trope and a good trope subversion equally, so feel free to take the prompts in whatever direction speaks to you. 
Basically, come join us on the whump side!
* You can find all entries from 2018 here, 2019 here, and 2020 here, if you want to have a look at previous examples.
** Here is the full post of the official Whumptober prompts and rules for 2021. It’s these prompts we have put into the spreadsheet.
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firesign23 · 7 years
MFMM Year of Tropes: December Challenge
Come in and get comfortable, take your hat off!
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It’s hard to believe that it is already December! Nearly a whole year of tropey fantasticness. 179 stories are already in the collection. Rather than create a new trope for December, since the holiday season is often busy, I am pleased to announce…
That’s right! I have reopened all previous collections. So if you have a fic idea that you didn’t quite get around to, December is your month
A reminder of our eleven lucky tropes:
January: Soulmates (The (Soul) Mating Game) February: Miscommunication Chaos (Let’s Misunderstand) March: Bottle Episode (Close Quarters ) April: Body Swap (Phreaky Phrackday) May: Hurt/Comfort (Everybody Hurts ) June: Undercover Detectives (Of All the Gin Joints ) July: Across Space and Time (Out of Space and Time) August: The Dulcinea Effect (How Sweet It Is) September: Rumours and Gossip (Don’t Believe the Rumours) October: Breaking the Fourth Wall (Have You Read This?) November: Unexpected Marriage (Did I Say I Do?)
You have until JANUARY FIRST to add your stories! At which point the collections will close for the final time, and 2018’s Year of Quotes will begin! For more information, please follow the Miss Fisher’s Challenges tumblr.
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whopooh · 8 years
Miss Fisher and the plight of miscommunication – February’s trope challenge
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Does this whisky glass imply drinks, or something else, Miss Fisher?
You remember I couldn’t help but write a post about the soulmate trope of January, because it was so much fun and gave food for so much thought. The same really proved to be true for the miscommunication trope, so I decided to write about that one too. I remember that when the trope was announced, @quiltingmom was not the happiest in the fandom, fearing all the angst that would come up with this trope. She even taught me that “smh” means “shaking my head”. So, I decided to do the organisation of this post in a @quiltingmom proof way, by ordering them after their amount of angst, starting with the lightest and going to @ladyroxie. (I’d love some feedback from you about where you draw the line between nicely angsty and too angsty in this line!)
This is actually a very reasonable way to structure the stories. The nice thing with miscommunication -- apart from it fitting Phryne and Jack and their way of behaving rather well -- is that it can take turns in very different directions. The plot itself is usually one of comedy – in that classic sense of the word, which means the ending is happy – since miscommunication really needs to be cleared up for the story to feel completed. But that gives ample opportunity for different roads to be taken -- and very different length of fic -- between the start and the happy ending; I have made a division into humour; humour with an angsty part; angst light; and angst. (Here is the full collection.)
I am delighted that the February fic covered all of these possibilities, and in so many different ways. The wonderful humour part saw @olderbynow’s “Across Frayed Wires,” where Jack gets a message from Hugh over a very bad line. We are given the internal view of a delightfully overthinking Jack that tries very hard to not think about a certain lady detective, but when the message says “alarm” and “Fisher” he cannot help but associate this to Phryne. The message 
made no damn sense at all, but still had Jack’s heart climbing into his throat as his mind helpfully supplied filler words that essentially translated the sentence into “Miss Fisher has done something reckless again and is in danger.” It was the sort of phone call he spent half his days expecting, of course. 
Unfortunately for Jack, when he stumbles into Wardlow he instead disturbs Phryne in the middle of a tryst with a lover, and the mortification of Jack and all his awkwardness and thought-processes are adorable.
More humour and teasing with regard to their sexual relationship is present in @loopyhoopyfrood’s “Mistaken”. This is an original take, set before the timeline of the episodes, and gives us a sweet and fun and mistakenly heated encounter that is completely packed with misunderstandings, and poor Jack gets pushed into doors no less than two times by a very insistent Miss Fisher. A third teasing with the sexual theme is sassasam/@phrynesboudoir's “Miss Communication” that is set after the last episode. Phryne writes from England a rather juicy letter to Jack, that also quotes some of his own not completely innocent phrases from an earlier letter, but puts it in the wrong envelope. The exact look on Aunt P’s face when she reads that scandolous letter we are left to imagine from the line “with eyes almost bulging from their sockets.” Jack, poor duck, on the other hand, receives a letter that talks about embroidery.
A final predominantly humourous fic is @ollyjayonline’s “Nine times out of ten”. It is a delightful story of Phryne deciding to play match-maker and implicating Jack in that, while on the boat back home to Australia. It is rather emma-esque in the way her plan goes rather wrong, the girl Jack was meant to pay attention to suddenly interested in him and not in the original beau she was aiming to make jealous. Suddenly they find themselves in a situation where Jack has to play the role of not wanting Phryne, and Phryne the role of trying to get him – all while they secretly have an established relationship, that is still a bit shaken by the roles they play. It’s a wonderful way of contrasting their true relationship with the fake one and with what the people around them are believing about them. Above all there is a delicious tension – her decision forcing Jack to play a part, and then she herself not being sure when he is playing and when he’s sincere. Phryne faces emotional turmoil and realisations, while the humourous aspect is still the main one.
From this, the step is not far to @flashofthefuse’s “Mistaken relations”, that I decided to label as the first humour with an angsty part. The fic introduces an embarrassing moment when Phryne thinks Jack has asked her to come over, and while she has decided to surprise him with hardly any clothes on, he comes home with another woman. Awkwardness ensues and Phryne is thrown off-kilter a little bit, feeling unsure and a little bit jealous, but at the same time knowing she has no right to be jealous. And incredibly sweetly, what really annoys her is that “he was laughing, Mac. Before he opened the door, I could hear him laughing.” Phryne and Jack are so acutely aware of not pressuring the other that they completely fail in communicating what they want. Jack’s sister – because that’s the mysterious woman – asks him:
“So, you’re not worried about her?” “Because of this? No. I worry about her getting herself arrested, or possibly shot, but this kind of thing? No.
Of course, the readers just want to tackle Jack at this point, but he perseveres, and it’s probably lucky he has a clever sister. She has the same no-nonsense take on things as her brother, at least: “I hope I get another chance to meet her while I’m here, preferably fully clothed.”
In @firesign23’s “As stimulating as black coffee”, Jack has followed Phryne to England just for them to realise that they aren’t working, sexually: 
It’s fine,” he said. “You just surprised me.”  “I’m aiming higher than fine, Jack.”  The man actually pouted. “Well, I certainly wasn’t achieving it.” 
They have a wonderfully ridiculous argument and part ways, which is a very fun turn of the reunion in England -- of course that’s not the end of it though. 
@promisesarepiecrust “Maybe more?” is a lovely short take on the question of Phryne and marriage, as she wakes to a note left by Jack that seems to say “marry me?” Phryne is rattled: “When she’d first read it, she couldn’t help the words that left her mouth: first a curse, followed by “Oh, Jack, no— why would you do that?!”” As the trope is what it is, maybe he didn’t exactly – and it plays out in a lovely way.
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Phryne is Very Angry.
The final humourous fic is @jeneenp/collingwoodgirl’s “Licence to Thrill” and its theme of overhearing. Without him noticing, Phryne overhears Jack talking with colleagues, and is appalled as she realises he is talking rather demeaningly about her. Everything she ever thought about him crashes down completely, the betrayal is enormous, and she walks into his office and hits him hard in the face. Jack’s reaction is wonderful – without taking his eyes off her, he asks the other policemen to leave them alone:                                        
For nearly a full minute, there was nothing but silence. All three men appeared to have been turned to stone by the furious goddess that stood before them. It was only when Jack reached up and, unbelievingly, dabbed at his cheek that she was reminded he was still flesh and blood. “Collins—” Jack growled, his eyes never leaving hers. When Hugh didn’t move, Jack barked again. “Both of you! Out. Now.”
And Phryne “found it largely reminiscent of a hostage negotiation. It was immensely satisfying.” What follows is a delicious conversation where he tries to understand her fury, she slowly realises that they had actually been talking about something completely different from what she’d gathered, and an equally delicious making up.
In the category angst light I place three fics. @suigeneris221b‘s “Someone is waiting” gives us Jack finding out through the newspaper’s gossip column that Phryne has married in London. He decides to immediately repress all his feelings until he can go home and have a breakdown in peace. It’s both humorous and angsty, and Mac’s telegrams to Phryne asking what the heck she is doing are great. As the trope is miscommunication, we probably shouldn’t take the newspaper’s story at face value, and we get truly wonderful interactions between the triad of Phryne, Jack and Mac while trying to make it all right again. Something similar can be said about @whopooh’s “I’d know you anywhere,” where the slightly angsty misunderstanding instead stems from Jack being feverish after a knife wound, mistaking people for each other. Again, Mac is a solid rock for her BFF Phryne. In @missingmissfisher’s “A thousand times over”, the misunderstanding evolves from Phryne having received a faulty message, which makes her walk in on Jack having dinner with and comforting Rosie, and this then leads to several disastrous attempts at contact between the two. Finally, in a lovely turn, Jack manages to communicate through the flower language, but it wouldn’t have worked out without the translation help from her solid friend Mac, educated in the natural sciences.
Finally, the end of the spectre: the angst proper of miscommunication, which obviously can be rather heavy. In @rositalg’s “Old Habits Die Hard Holding On” Phryne and Jack have just about started a relationship, and in a clever twist the fic in one single scene explores three things: Jack’s fear of Phryne wanting other men, the fear belonging to the threat of a serial killer in a case, and Phryne’s fear that goes back to her backstory with René. There is a flinch in the fic that is really devastating. Two fics deal with mistaken news of death: comeaftermejackrobinson’s “The tell-tale heart” explores a possible parallel to “Blood at the Wheel” – if it was instead Phryne who at that moment in time would receive a message that Jack had died, and also discovering that he had put her down as ‘next of kin’: “He had listed her as his next of kin and had never said a word about it. She could have killed him for putting her through this, really, had he not been already dead”. @omgimsarahtoo’s “In the Next Breath” explores the Phryne receiving mistaken news of Jack’s death when they are already in an established relationship -- the feeling of loss is acute:
Her head swam, and when she dropped her hand from her eyes, she could see Dot’s concerned face, black spots swimming through her field of vision. Ha, dots on Dot. The thought made her huff out a laugh, and she clapped a hand over her mouth, horrified.
Only minutes after the news, Jack comes home to a devastated household, and acutely heightened from the thought of the loss are Phryne's emotions and the feeling of making love to him.
The last fic is the most angsty one, @ladyroxie’s “Between the Shadow and the Soul”. In this multi-chapter case fic, Jack disappears on his way to England without a trace, and as Phryne doesn’t even know he decided to follow her, it takes time before anyone starts to miss him -- a nightmare in itself. Jack has been badly injured by a person who steals his identity to travel, and when Phryne finally realises he’s gone missing, she investigates, takes help from an old friend in England, and goes to Egypt to try and find him. It is very suspenseful and the question is if she’ll manage to find him, and in time. Jack’s injuries here were so brutal that @221aubrina in “The Library” – which here can serve as a sweet appendix to the trope – wrote a wonderful meta story about the librarians that take care of all the ‘Jacks’ that have been out in circulation among the fanfic writers and have been damaged. After @ladyroxie’s fic, the librarians check the injuries and note:
“Yeah... he'll need a good deal of extra time and care in The Restoration Lab." Norton shook his head. "Huh. Pretty bad then, eh?" Harris nodded to his colleague. "We might have to bring a couple of the other copies out before this edition's fit to be checked out again, if it ever is." "Think he might have to go to the Special Collections Wing?" Norton queried.
Thus we can, even in this journey towards more and more angst, end on a humorous note.
This was the February trope, and I look very much forward to reading stories of March’s trope, “Bottle episode”. 
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loopyhoopyfrood · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Phryne Fisher & Elizabeth MacMillan Characters: Phryne Fisher, Elizabeth MacMillan Additional Tags: An Unexpected marriage, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Phryne and Mac are BFFs Summary:
Phryne and Mac are preparing for a wedding, and the bride can't quite believe it's happening.
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MFMM Year of Challenges 2018 UPDATE
There is currently a TIE for first place in the vote for the 2018 Prompt Challenge. Voting will be open for 24 more hours. If it is still tied at that point, the prompt type will be chosen by a coin flip.  Go forth and voice if you haven’t already, and maybe even if you have.
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scruggzi · 7 years
My contribution to February’s trope challenge - miscommunication
Jack's gone fishing, Phryne is not about to let him sulk.
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