#mh character playlists coming soon
bix-bom · 9 months
brian thomas listens to superheaven in my heart of hearts.
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minhamaniac · 4 years
thoughts on Min Ha x Suk Hyung... and Suk Hyung’s depression?
I’m still not sure what to think about episode 12... I’ve rewatched a few scenes a few times and espceially two scenes again just a few minutes ago ... and I’m so f*cking depressed right now lol
Ik Jun (IJ) noticed Min Ha’s (MH) feelings for Suk Hyung (SH) and confronts him about it in the last episode. SH tells him that MH confessed her feelings but he turned her down. Considering that MH confessed in October / episode 10, I’m suspecting that SH talked to her not long after her confession, as he tells IJ that he hates feeling awkward or uncomfortable while working and so he met her outside the hospital and talked to her. SH even feels the need to tell IJ that he really means it, that he’s not interested in dating anyone right now and that “obviously” he’s not interested in MH either. He likes being alone. When IJ tells him to not just rely on his friends but to get comfort from his family and the loved ones around him, SH replies with: “I don't want her to get hurt. She might get hurt because of me and my situation. After seeing how hard it was for Sin Hye (his ex-wife), I promised myself not to forge any relationships in the future.” (We never really got to know why it was hard for his ex-wife, though...)
When I first watched that scene, my shipper heart was in shock so I didn’t pay too much attention to the dialogue. After rewatching it the first time, I couldn’t help but start thinking that he might actually feel a bit more for MH than what one would feel for his junior but he didn’t want to start dating her because he’s worried and doesn’t want MH to get hurt...
They didn’t show us the scene when SH turned her down, so I don’t know how MH reacted and how she felt. At least we know she’s still around SH and she didn’t seem uncomfortable nor unhappy in episode 12. Maybe the scene in episode 11 (when she’s standing in front of his office and wants to ask him out for dinner) already happened after he turned her down?
Regardless of that, she still seems to seek his company and especially wants to eat with him at work. I’m pretty sure her feelings are the same but as she said herself she just wanted to be honest and tell him that she likes him and that she won’t make it obvious at the hospital.
She even texted and asked him out for dinner on Christmas. And as we all know her wish was to get her first kiss of the year on Christmas while wearing matching rings. MH messaged SH that she doesn’t want to pressure him and he doesn’t have to eat with her. With a sad (?) look on his face, he turns her invitation down. He wants to text her “Merry Christmas” but deletes that part before sending. Again, we don’t see how Min Ha reacts. Which makes me really sad. I want to know how she feels. She is a high spirit and that’s one of the reasons why I fell in love with her character. Despite that, she’s a very emotional person and I think that him turning down not only her feelings but also her invitation to have dinner on Christmas crushed her spirits. She seemed to look forward to have dinner with him even if there’s little hope she will get her kiss (because she also texted him that she really hopes the he can come). I just really hope that she was able to spend the evening with her friend and that that wasn’t a lie just not to pressure him...
...and then after that texting scene, we see SH’s ex-wife calling him.
You know, after SH told IJ that he turned MH down, I was bawling. But I was getting my hopes up again becaus of two later scenes in episode 12:
Song Hwa and Jung Won talk about SH and how he supposedly is a person who enjoys food the most when he’s eating alone. CUE scene of him eating alone. BUT suddenly MH turns up, wants to eat with him together and, after being a bit hesitant, he agrees. He even smiles when she’s pulling out the drinks and snacks from her pockets. ... SO, yes, we saw a lot of scenes of him enjoying his alone time BUT we saw a shift towards him feeling more comfortable eating with others (than just his best friends). And mostly, we saw him eating with MH. On top of that, two times just in episode 12. Yes, maybe it’s just because MH is kind of intrusive ...but SH didn’t shy away from running away from eating with others (episode 3, when several female colleagues want to join him at the cafe). And whenever he’s with MH, he seems less uncomfortable eating with someone else and he even smiles... (So why would he, as a person who likes to eat alone, eat with MH several times??? He seems to feel different towards her, in a positive way, than compared to other people, right???!!!)
After all the friends eat together one day before Christmas, they talk about what they will do the next evening. And SH doesn’t reply and stays quiet... as if he has plans for Christmas evening. (Maybe a date with MH?????!!!) SH tells them that he doesn’t want to waste time and wants to live doing the things he likes. (Did he change his mind and wants to start dating her????)
...but my hopes were crushed yet again when he turns down her invitation. WHat were his plans for that evening (if he had any)? Did he meet his ex-wife on Christmas evening? And that’s why she was calling him? And if so, why did they meet.....? We don’t get to know :///
And then, when I rewatched his scenes in episode 12, especially his scene with IJ and the ending scene, a baaaaaaad, really baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad thought hit me. What if SH is sick......? Terminally ill? It’s such a trope, I know. At first, I thought, maybe he’s kind of depressed because he turned MH down despite having feelings for her... but watching all the scenes back to back idk that didn’t really add up...? OMFG he looks so depressed when he tells IJ that he likes to be alone and that he doesn’t want to hurt MH because of his situation. He lookes so f*cking depressed when he tells his friends that he doesn’t want to waste time and wants to live doing the things he likes. Then again, he has this sad puppy look when he gets MH’s message and when he turns her down, but also when his ex-wife calls him.
Why would they end Hospital Playlist with that scene? Remember, Hospital Playlist even starts with a SH scene, together with Song Hwa, they enter the place where they are going to practice with their band. Who was the one who started talking about this whole band thing? It was SH. And in episode 12 he tells his friends with a depressed look: “I want to live doing the things I like and the things that I want to do right now. That's why I wanted to start a band. I... used you guys.“
It would even make more sense that in case he has some kind of feelings for MH, that he still turns her down because he might die soon and doesn’t want to hurt her and instead wants her to be happy with someone else...
I hope I’m wrong. I hope that SH is fine and that he has some feelings for MH and everything will work out in season 2? Whatever it is that troubles SH (yo please no terminal illness) gets resolved, and maybe he starts dating MH?? With a little help of IJ’s matchmaking powers??? ...or maybe SH isn’t ill but MH will not be a thing in season 2 which will make me increadibly sad but I just want MH and SH to be happy. If I get a scene in season 2 with MH being happy, it would be easier for me to cope when they both go their seperate ways.
Part of what made me feel so crushed about my sunken ship after watching episode 12 was not seeing MH’s reaction (to his rejections, especially her behaviour outside of work or when she isn’t with SH) or some kind of closure for her after being turned down... A sad sigh when she gets SH’s message but a smile afterwards that show she knows she’ll get over it? Or at least a scene that she isn’t by herself but eats dinner with her friend? ... but they didn’t show any of that at all... :((((
Which, regardless of my bad hunch, leaves me with a obviously -for whatever reason- sad looking SH, a most probably heart broken MH (because it isn’t shown otherwise) ...and because of all that, a sad me :((((
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Tumblr media
About: A famous blogger and her friend. Genre: Contemporary. TW: Mentions of suicide. 
Go the distance - Robert Bart Immortal - Elley Duhé Don’t Kill My Vibe - Sigrid
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Keep reading to read the story directly on the blog. Feedback is always appreciated. 
August 10 11.47 p.m Jinn / nostromojinn.tumblr.com Blog
Anonymous said: Where are you?
Anonymous said: Where have you been?  
I took a break, but I’m back now.
Anonymous said: Kinda though you had been kidnapped my aliens.
I wish.
Anonymous said: Are you okay?
Yeah. I’ll start posting again tomorrow or something.
Anonymous said: We were worried. Remember to drink water.
What the fuck have you guys been smoking? I’m fine. And relaxx, you’ll get your regular dose of conspiracy theories tomorrow. Promise. Peace out.
August 10 11.49 p.m Jinn / nostromojinn.tumblr.com Innbox
Private message from anonymous: Have you finally killed yourself? I fucking hope so. I’m so sick of seeing your ugly blog. Do everybody a big ass favor and NEVER COME BACK.
Private message from anonymous: Really, you just can’t disappear from a famous blog like this. Fucking ungrateful shit. I’m unfollowing, just so you know.
Private message from anonymous: Whore.
Private message from anonymous: I’m going to start following sunnyalienn instead of you. At least she can keep us updated.
August 11 9.15 a.m Jinn / nostromojinn.tumblr.com Blog
Conspiracy theory #107
Theory: According to a transcript and a documentary, Marilyn Monroe was killed because she intended to leak the existence of aliens. Marilyn, according to some people, had an affair with JFK and his brother. The threat is a result of her being ignored by both of them. She probably didn’t know how dangerous the american government was and what kind of resources they used to protect the secret about the existence of alien life on earth.
My opinion: Not one of the most interesting conspiracy theories, but just think for a second what would happen if this was true, and Marilyn hadn’t been killed? Could we have known the truth about life on other planets as early as 1960?? And how scary is it to think about this happening to other celebrities. What the fuck did Elvis, MH and Robin Williams know??
What do you think?
August 11 11.05 a.m Jinn / nostromojinn.tumblr.com Inbox
Theodyssey51: Hey girl, have you seen Alien: Covenant yet? I won’t spoil it, but damn, it’s worth seeing. Are you up to an Alien marathon soon? My boyfriend seriously wants to see all the Lord of the Rings movies. How in the hell did I end up with this idiot? SAVE ME.
nostromojinn: I seriously think you have to break up. Lord of the Rings? LORD OF THE RINGS?? That’s strike one, by the way. Also, wasn’t he the one that made you listen to One Direction?
Theodyssey51: Are you going to kill me if I tell you that Harry Styles’ music isn’t THAT bad? He’s gone solo now if you haven’t heard. All the members have, but Harry Styles is the only one worth listening too.  Listen to Sign of the Times. Okay, did I just write a whole paragraph about a pop artist?
Nostromojinn: Yes, sir, you did. Strike two.
August 12 1.05 a.m Jinn / nostromojinn.tumblr.com Blog
Far away
Does anybody feel like they belong somewhere else? That they where meant to be born on a different planet, but then some cosmic disaster happened and you were born here on earth? Maybe that’s why I like everything connected to space and aliens. Because I am one. Too weird? I’ll go to bed now.
August 13 2.13 p.m Jinn / nostromojinn.tumblr.com Inbox
Theodyssey51: Have you seen that new blog everyone’s talking about?
nostromojinn: Yeah, what the hell is that? Fan-fiction about us?
Theodyssey51: Looks like it. Someone asked her about it and she didn’t deny it.
nostromojinn: Sick.
Theodyssey51: No it’s cute.
nostromojinn: Is that Vinn person suppose to be me? «It’s seemed like it dripped experience from Vinn’s eyes, like they were too eager to share all the beauty they’d seen.» Don’t think she wants to know what’s really dripping from my eyes.
Theodyssey51: Bile? She mentioned you in her first posts, so it’s probably you she’s writing about.
nostromojinn: Isn’t that kinda weird?
Theodyssey51: Can’t you just take a compliment like a regular person? Now be a cool celebrity and comment on her blog.
nostromojinn: Funny.
Theodyssey51: My character seems fun though. You think Tana is the girl who writes these stories? Maybe she needs friends.
nostromojinn: Maybe she needs a life.
Theodyssey51: You’ve reached you sarcasm limit today. Please try again with a different response.
nostromojinn: (~˘▾˘)~
August 13 5.46 p.m Jinn / nostromojinn.tumblr.com Blog
Conspiracy theory #108
Theory: God was created by aliens that landed on earth for many, many years ago. According to this website: ufointernationalproject.com, it was aliens who created all religions that exists today. The humans are apparently not smart enough to invent religions, and that’s why it’s more likely that aliens created them. And also, they’re headed towards earth right now to take those religions back, and put all humans in quarantine to prevent a cosmic disaster.
My opinion: This is BS. It has to be. Humans have figured out that the universe are made up off quarks, I think we’re smart enough to make up a man in a white dress yelling «LET THERE BE LIGHT!» And I’ve met enough stoned people to know where that «the world is a turtle» - theory stems from. Sorry guys. It was a fun one though.
What do you think?
August 15 11.30 p.m Jinn / nostromojinn.tumblr.com Inbox
Theodyssey51: HEY, guess who just got fucked.
nostromojinn: What? That’s nasty.
Theodyssey51: Ha ha. It’s not me. A friend stopped by with her cat, and we might’ve made kittens! Or our cats have. All i did was put them in a cage and wait until they got so bored and didn’t have any other choice than to mate.
nostromojinn: That’s still nasty. What if we did that to humans?
Theodyssey51: We already do. It’s called SCHOOL!
nostromojinn: I’m so happy we went to different schools.
Theodyssey51: OMG. Have you seen this?
nostromojinn: What?
Theodyssey51: https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nostromojinn
August 15 10.31 p.m Wikipedia / Nostromojinn
Nostromojinn From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nostromojinn is a famous blogger who runs nostromojinn.tumblr.com. She frequently blogs about aliens, but also about songs, feelings and every day life.  
Origin and name.  Nostromojinn has been blogging for three years and have several thousand followers. The name nostromojinn stems from the ship Nostromo from the movie Alien. The blog’s tagline (In space no one can hear you scream) is from Alien’s tagline (In space no one can hear you scream). She also calls herself Random chick no. 426. Something that probably refers to the planet where the Xenomorphs are from, LV-426.
Personal life Nobody knows Nostromojinn’s real name or what she looks like.
Links https://nostromojinn.tumblr.com
August 15 10.35 p.m Jinn / nostromojinn.tumblr.com Inbox
nostromojinn: WHAT THE FUCK? Did you do that?  
Theodyssey51: No. I promise! It’s kinda cool, though.
nostromojinn: It’s weird. Like, sooo weird. Who’s interested in reading an article about me??
Theodyssey51: Me. And you.
nostromojinn: Nope. I’m good.
Theodyssey51: Are you going to show your face on your blog soon or what?
nostromojinn: NOOO. How do you figure that’ll go? I can fucking hear all those anonymous bastards. I thought you were prettier. Have you always been this ugly? Now I understand why you didn’t show your face.
Theodyssey51: Fuck those anonymous bastards.  
nostromojinn: Easy for you to say.
Theodyssey51: Yeah, i’m an unpopular and unimportant fart.
nostromojinn: Exchange lives?  
Theodyssey51: Yes plz.
August 16. 5.25 p.m Jinn / nostromojinn.tumblr.com Blog
Conspiracy theory #109
Theory: I’m not sure if this is an conspiracy theory about aliens, but when I fell down this rabbit whole, I couldn’t stop falling. Okay, so the theory is that there’s an elite (celebrities and presidents and kings and the likes) of reptiles. REPTILES? Yep. They’re shape shifters and apparently they can take human form. And they control the world. And yeah, apparently both Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus are reptiles. Just check out this youtube video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C83f40Z9azM
My opinion: Maybe I’m a reptile? Who knows?
What do you think?
August 17 11.17 a.m Jinn / nostromojinn.tumblr.com Inbox
Theodyssey51: Excuse me, but did you change your bio to random chick no. 427 just to be an ass?
nostromojinn: Wikipedia don’t know shit.  
Theodyssey51: And the price for the most petty celebrity is…. You.
nostromojinn:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Theodyssey51: You’re VERY funny.
nostromojinn: ?
Theodyssey51: https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodyssey51
August 17 10.38 p.m Wikipedia / Theodyssey51
Theodyssey51 Fra Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Theodyssey51 is an unpopular and unimportant fart.  
Links https://theodyssey51.tumblr.com
August  17 10.41 p.m Jinn / nostromojinn.tumblr.com Inbox
nostromojinn: There you go, you’re famous too. Now you have nothing to complain about…
Theodyssey51: You’ll regret this.
nostromojinn: I’m so afraid.
Theodyssey51: How do you change wikipedia.
nostromojinn: Just go to edit.  
Theodyssey51: Where?
nostromojinn: Omg, use your eyes.
Theodyssey51: I CAN’T FIND IT!
nostromojinn: No problem, I’ll help you.
nostromojinn: https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodyssey51
August 17 10.45 p.m Wikipedia / Theodyssey51
Theodyssey51 Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopedi
Theodyssey51 is unpopular, an unimportant fart and fucking great with technology.
Eksterne lenker https://theodyssey51.tumblr.com
August 17 10.47 p.m Jinn / nostromojinn.tumblr.com Inbox
Theodyssey51: I hate you.
nostromojinn: I love you.
Theodyssey51: Why are you so CUTE? I can’t stay mad at you.
August 25 9.49 a.m Jinn / nostromojinn.tumblr.com Innbox
Private message from anonymous: Why don’t you answer everyone’s questions?? It’s fucking rude.
Private message from anonymous: Why haven’t you updated your blog in several days?
Private message from anonymous: You’re pathetic.
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