#mh the 13th year characters
mh-the13thyear-au · 2 years
MH: The 13th Year: Werecat Twins
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NOTE: red text = Purrsephone; orange text = Meowlody
The Werecat Twin sisters, Purrsephone and Meowlody, are a tight knit duo and pair that are rarely seen apart. The twins like to cause chaos and trouble wherever they go, often finding their own fun in the smallest of things. Like the sisters they are, Meowlody and Purrsephone both get along and sometimes get on each other's nerves, showing their true, individual personalities.
Click on "keep reading" for more information. Leave any questions you may have on my ask!
Name: Purrsephone Catswell (the older twin); Meowlody Catswell (the younger twin)
Age: 15 (at start of AU; 19 at the end of AU's main story)
Gender: Female (both use she/her pronouns)
Hair color: Black with a white striped streak; white with a black striped streak
Eye color: Yellow
Notable traits: soft gray fur with white markings/stripes (on left arm and right leg; on right arm and left leg), black cat nose, cat ears and tail, sharp claws, black/white striped hair streak
Height: 5'3"
Birthday: February 9th
Freaky flaw: One is a bit more mischievous and crafty, while the other is more playful, but both can cause trouble
English voice: Jamie Marchi and Chermai Leigh
School Subject: Mad Science, Physical Deaducation, Drama
Activities: Napping, gymnastics
Color: Orange, red and red-orange
Food: Ice cream (vanilla; chocolate)
Family: Each other
Pet: Chuntaro (formerly, but was given up sometime later because one twin had allergies)
BFFs and Friends: Toralei Stripe, Clawdeen Wolf, Howleen Wolf
Romance: None
social media usernames are "werecatsis_meow" and "werecatsis_purr"
relationship dynamic inspired by Liz and Patty Thompson from Soul Eater
Purrsephone is allergic to feathers
Meowlody is considered a bit of an airhead
both sisters sleep on a bunk bed
0 notes
open-hearth-rpg · 1 month
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Great Character Gear
Relationship Status: Complicated
There’s been a conversation about certain high tier rpgs and their pride in having rules-dense books and yet ignoring a metric f-ton of them. Encumbrance, movement rates, exhaustion, morale, etc. Like loving the idea of detail but not wanting to actually deal with it in play. 
That’s kind of how I feel about gear in rpgs. I grew up in an era of play with massive equipment and gear sections and lists, with each weapon lovingly detailed in reach, recoil, speed, and hydrostatic shock modifier. The Tri-Tac games had details for each different kind of bullet. Wounds tracked moving through a person’s body, with a chance of clipping bone or cutting arteries. 
I loved reading that but no way I’m resolving that at the table. It was an era where Palladium could sell– and sell a lot– of books just with guns or other weapons in them. We ate it up. It wore me out. I think by the 1990’s I’d already started to kind of hate granular equipment lists. Blades in the Dark, with its gear-marking and load system turned that around for me a little. It’s varied, easy-to-use, and has a clear mechanical impact. Mind you it flattens a lot of detail. 
A digression: I love the Monster Hunter video game franchise. VG rpgs have the advantage of computer tracking of gear but even that can get onerous when you’re trying to upgrade and manage a big party roster (see Suikoden). But in MH you have a single protagonist who never changes. They don’t grow and evolve. Instead everything comes from equipment– you get better gear and it does a lot beyond just providing armor and damage. And eventually you get decorations to tweak effects. There’s part of my old-school gear-list infected brain that wants something like that. 
Then I wake up.  
But I love books of weird magic items– not necessarily powerful, but odd and interesting. Too often tomes of relics & loot fall into one of two traps. The first is a lore dump without payoff– not unlike the “old family story” you get at the start of online recipes. You make your way through that to find the 1000 year old ancestral item forged in the heart of a star is +2 and lets you project your voice at a distance. The second is highly class specific and/or rules dense details for an item. Like I love both 13th Age Books of Loot, but a chunk of the items there require a couple of index cards worth of notes for the player and GM.
I like tight, quick lists of weird fucking stuff. That’s why I adore all of the old Rolemaster Creatures & Treasures Books (volumes I to III). Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot of dross in there. Items just giving +X to a skill or +Y to defense. But buried in there are about 10% gems. And given that most entries are short, you get a lot of them. Things I remember from our campaigns
...A nail that when hammered into wood created a bubble of silence
...An awkward bathysphere helmet
...A rope with a hook which could attach to sunlight beams
...A blade which could make change anything to a flavor chosen by the bearer (aka The Pudding Sword)
I may be getting some of those misremembered from something else, but who cares. There’s a lot of inspiration in the old C&T books. When people talk about the positives of the streamlining of OSR, it’s this kind of stuff I think about. An item which does a truly odd thing and you have to figure out an actual use for it.
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A totally self indulgent compilation of my favorite works on this blog of the year June 13, 2019 - June 13, 2020
I wanted to do this for the blog's first anniversary but then completely forgot about it lol.
The following lists are all in chronological order according to the date each post was first published.
Top 10 panel edits:
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#1: Don and Gilda - Chapter 138: Demon serch (1)
Date: Jun 14th, 2019
Time: ~ 1:30 h
My very first redraw from my very first edit posted here, so it deserves an honorable mention. Back then I was young and inexperienced, I didn't even apply a gray filter (lmao I was so unskilled I even unintentionally scratched the picture, I hadn't realized until today). I'm actually very happy my first redraw was of Don, boy deserves all the love.
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#2: Emma and Ray - Chapter 140: I’m Here!
Date: Jun 28th, 2019
Time: ~ 1 h
Back then this looked like so much work to me!!! And to this day, I think it turned out pretty well. I'm particularly proud of how the bow turned out. This is one I was really proud of right after having finished it; it gave me the confidence to try redrawing bigger areas. Also, the edit were I first applied the opacity of layer / opacity of brush for the gray filter that would have stuck with me.
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#3: Krone's birthday edit
Date: Jul 15th, 2019
Time: 15 mins
I don't know I just really like how Krone's hair vanish to a more sketch-like style here– and consequently, how I managed to replicate such effect. I think Krone's beautiful.
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#4: Emma, Norman and Ray - Chapter 153: Coward
Date: Oct 4th, 2019
Time: 4:07 h (and 67 layers lmao)
Probably the single panel redraw I'm the most proud of. That Norman panel was beautiful and very poignant at the end of a chapter I adored, so I believe it deserved all the time I've spent working on it. It's far from being perfect - the back of his head is too plain, and the difference between my brushes and the original brushes is pretty visible - but I still like it very much and am extremely attached to it. The horn looks kinda big but I honestly believe it to be more of an issue with the original than with what I had redrawn lol. Funny enough, the whole picture didn't make it to the final edit and had to be trimmed.
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#5: Full Score Trio - Chapter 154: A Breakthrough
Date: Oct 11th, 2019
Time: 29 mins
I don't have a particular reason for this I just think Emma's hair turned out amazing. It took just half an hour and I didn't even use references like. Wow. @Redrawing skills where did you go please come back
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#6: Mujika and Queen Legravalima - Chapter 158: The Reason I Was Born
Date: Nov 17th, 2019
Time: 2:09 h
Sis I love this so freaking much. The shift from redrawing almost exclusively people and clothes to redrawing this mess was so fun and refreshing. Even though it's a mess I think it turned out very clean and overall it looks beautiful? I remember after finishing this I felt so powerful, like now that I had redrawn this thing I would have been able to redraw anything I set my mind on lol.
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#7: Emma - Chapter 161: Never Be Alone
Date: Dec 13th, 2019
Time: 57 mins
Again no particular reason except this is a very cute Emma and I think the redraw turned out pretty well. There's this big lock on the left that doesn't make a lot of sense but overall I really like it. Cute Emma is cute, and I love her determination.
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#8: Emma - Chapter 166: Going Back Home
Date: Mar 9th, 2020
Time: 3:45 h
I'M SO FREAKING PROUD OF THAT RIFFLE I have not the slightlest idea why this took so damn long BUT I'M SO PROUD OF IT
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#9: Norman's birthday edit
Date: Mar 21st, 2020
Time: 1:04 h
This is cool! I didn't know I could manage to draw this, but I did it! The feathers were particularly hard to clean but I think they turned out fine.
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#10: Full Score Trio - Chapter 174: A New World (part 1)
Date: Apr 6th, 2020
Time: 2:11 h
I just think they're very pretty? I can't understand if I like Ray's face a lot, or not at all, but I think overall there was a lot to redraw and it turned out pretty cute! Sorry Gillian.
(Also insert pretty much every panel from the chapter 177 Isabella edit– I've spent so many hours on basically every panel there's no way I could choose only one).
Top 5 edits as whole:
#1: Emma and Ray - Chapter 140: I’m Here!
Date: Jun 29th, 2019
Complessive time: 2:57+ h
The very first edit I'm actually proud of; I'm really attached to it. It's the first edit I had put all of my effort into, and I remember feeling anxious people would have left it without notes. It kinda feels weird to think about it now, because I really don't care about notes anymore; yet, it somehow makes me happy to think that past-me wasn't let down. Thank you @neverlandstrio for your support, you may not remember but it really meant a lot to me back then! And it still makes me smile. You're the best!!!!!!
#2: Mujika and Queen Legravalima - Chapter 158: The Reason I Was Born
Date: Nov 20th, 2019
Complessive time: 7:12+ hours
This whole edit was an hella wild ride. It's midnight before a school day, when I think: "Mh, it's been a while since I last made an edit, why not make one about Musica and the queen from the last chapter?" And seven hours after this was born. I'm particularly proud of the queen's redraws on the 3rd, 7th and 9th picture (ofc), the areas which have been redrawn are pretty huge yet I think the difference with the original is almost impossible to notice?? @Redrawing skills where did you go please come back (part 2)
#3: Emma - Chapter 174: A New World (part 1)
Date: Apr 12th, 2020
Complessive time: 6:53+ h
I think the panels that were selected work very well together, especially considering the close-up / full body alternation. I love Emma, and I've always been kinda sad noticing that edits that focus one her take the less notes... She deserves all the love. Also, fun fact: for the last but one panel, I had redrawn Emma's whole left ear before remembering she doesn't have one, so I had to redraw the panel from the start. Besides from the error with the ear, the reason why this (and all the others after) took so long is because official panel take way longer to clean.
#4: Isabella and her children - Chapter 177: Mother
Date: May 22nd, 2020
Complessive time: 13:41+ h (ahah.)
Lmao tbh I can't understand how this has so few notes it's like. Technically speaking, probably the best edit I've ever done. I don't even like Isabella that much, I haven't got the slightlest idea why I decided to spend so many hours on this. Anyway, I find the composition (full body on the left / headshots on the right) really good looking in this as well! And I think the redraws turned out fine, especially Isabella's.
#5: The Promised Neverland manga ending countdown→ 1/7 chapters: chapter 1 - Grace Field House
Date: Jun 9th, 2020
Complessive time: 1:59+ h
I don't know how I came up with that idea for the composition but I find it really beautiful??? I think it does a pretty good job conveying the sudden, terrific shift of atmosphere from the first chapter, and I think that sharp bridge is very nice. I'm very, very proud of this.
Honorable mention #1: Full Score Trio - Chapter 154: A Breakthrough
Date: Oct 13th, 2019
Complessive time: 3:44+ h (+ 1:13 h of working on a panel that ultimately didn't make it to the final edit)
A very good chapter, and the edit turned out surprisingly amazing??? All the redraws look great and make it almost impossible to distinguish them from the original; honestly I feel like I'll never be able to redraw so neatly again lol.
Honorable mention #2: Don and Gilda (+ Norman) - Chapter 160: Shackles
Date: Dec 11th, 2019
Complessive time: 3:14+ h
That one is really one of my favorite scenes; I'm telling you peoples, Gilda and Don are a blessing to the earth. I think I've never mentioned it, but Gilda's hair is a nightmare to redraw??? More specifically, it takes me h o u r s to fill the texture without making it look too weird, it's the worst.
Honorable mention #3: Norman and Ray - Chapter 179: Compensation
Date: Jun 6th, 2020
Complessive time: 4:16+ h
I was so glad to finally be able to make a Norman / Ray edit, and it turned out it was just in time before the series' finale. I like how it turned out and I'm pretty satisfied with the redraws (even though my sister helped me with the lineart of some panels - it was exams time and I really couldn't afford to spend more time on it), too bad we didn't have more chapters that focused on the boys. Ray sweetie one day I'll fix your ear it's just today's not that day.
Btw, I justed realized I have never done an Emma / Norman centered edit? I'll have to make one eventually. I remember considering focusing on them alone for the chapter 154 one, but then I thought "even if the manga is gonna ignore Ray, I will chose to do not" lol.
Top 5 long posts:
#1: Reconstruction of how the Grace Field children were settled in the three bedrooms
Date: Aug 28th, 2019
I just had really a lot of fun doing it. I love putting all the little things to their own place, it's so calming to do and that's why I love making this kind of things. Also, loved how @temporoom contributed to the post! It was so nice of them to add what they had noticed to come up with more exact conclusions, that's one of the things I love the most about the internet.
#2: A study of how many times the characters of The Promised Neverland call each other through the first season of the anime
Date: Sep 10th, 2019
I REALLY LOVE IT! I mean it *was* kinda stressing to note everything, but it was very also very satisfying to see everything methodically divided and organized! And it's not just that– it's also the fact that it looks good. That's one post I have fun rereading because it's actually pretty! Also, even though it can be very stressing to learn to use new programs and sites, it's always very satisfying to look at the final result. Again, I really adore compiling these tiny little details! I would love to make more posts of that kind if i had the time.
#3: The Promised Neverland musicals headcanons
Date: Oct 27th, 2019
I mean it's literally. Putting my two favorite fandoms together how could I not love it. This is another one I really enjoy rereading, I find all the musical / character associations so fitting! I really want to make a second part, I hope to find some time to do it.
#4: Considerations on the reward / eventual series' finales (and Emma's sacrifice)
Date: May 7th, 2020
It's always nice to put down all your thoughts regarding a particular matter. It can take a lot of time (at least for me it does because... I need time to think about things), but it's so satisfying to see all of them there once you're done. Bonus points when, like in this case, it was something asked by someone else because “Wow! Somebody wants to hear my opinion on this subject! I'm flattered (◍•ᴗ•◍)”
#5: Some other considerations on the series' finale and Emma sacrificing herself
Date: Jun 13th, 2020
Pretty much the same as above. It's like some kind of clarity when the post is done and signed. Another fun fact, I had to censore the post a lot; the first version was extremely sharp and harsh, but I believe it's right to express your opinions calmly and politely.
Bonus: A thread of what the tpn characters would wear at the Oscars
Date: Feb 9th, 2020
Imagining all the children in those pretty dresses makes me so incredibly happy (╥﹏╥) I go back to look at that post a lot. I really love red carpets, I love looking at pretty dresses!!!!!
Lmao it's so funny how the post of mine I like the most are also the ones with the less notes
Anyway this was just a personal report! You don't have to read it all (or any of it actually). But it was indeed fun making it! Here's to many more months in the fandom!!!
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kittymaverick · 5 years
It’s that time again. MCF: Black Crown commentary
 I’m actually watching AdventureGameFan8 this time instead of Pazu first. (I intend to watch Pazu later for his commentary.) Anyhow, spoilers under the cut...
1. Skulls... skulls everywhere... HELP. Note: Kitty has a chronic fear of skulls since childhood. It’s bad enough that she still can’t finish 13th Skull even after all these years. 2. Her Majesty: You remember what happened last time... MD: ...A ghost drowned some people that were holding me hostage, and then I drowned that ghost again with the help of his crew? By the way, are you sending me on this case again just so I can come back with a good story? Her Majesty: Now why would I ever do that? *plays innocent*
3. Chapter 0. XD I like how it straight up acknowledges it’s a chapter 0. And we’re collecting... CRABS this time. (Better than skulls!)
4. Huh, interesting, for once this is a puzzle I would have needed to solve with a piece of paper nearby. I don’t think we’ve had that either forever, or for ages.
5. MD: Huh, so the asylum’s benefactor is Crown Estate Holdings... ...Is there such a thing as pissing off the descendants of a ghost you came across??? MD: I guess I’m about to find out...
6. I still don’t trust this Dr. Norton, and I SWEAR we’ve heard the name Nathaniel somewhere... MD: I should have kept a notebook of names just in case...
7. This patient file is giving me so many warning bells. MD: shiny round object-- MUST BE THE CRYSTAL BALL. *Paranoia max*
8. That’s a lot of lollipops you’re carrying doctor. I expect them to show up later. MD: Also, this pocket watch, if you so much as put them in yourself... Dr: ...I see you are still incredibly paranoid, much like you were on your last visit. MD: Can you honestly blame me given my line of work?
9. WAIT A MOMENT THE MD SIGNED THEIR NAME LEMME SEE IT I CAN READ CURSIVE-- MD: NEXT. If that actually says Phineas Crown I’m going to scream because WHERE IS THE REAL MD THEN.
10. Dr.: The last thing we need right now is the whole wing getting agitated. Me and MD: And then the whole wing got agitated... *sighs*
11. MD: Speaking of, I swear I did some property destruction while I was here last time. Has that been fixed? I’m starting to see why the Crown Estate might have a beef with you.
12. Dr.: I’ll be right back! MD: Really? You’re really going to just leave me here in the dark?... Good thing I swiped a torch from the table earlier. I was wondering why you just took that...
13. MD:...Okay seriously, if the WHOLE WING OF PATIENTS is in on the puzzle I seriously thing we’re doomed. You don’t know that. It might just be a game they like to play together. :P
14. MD: I just got chills. Something isn’t right, all of a sudden. Wow, understatement of the year. Glad to see that paranoia finally kicking in. MD: ...I did always have a late spider sense...
15. How convenient it is that there’s a museum to visit-- Um, MD?! MD: WHO TOUCHED MY BUGGY AND TAMPERED WITH THE BRAKES??? I TOLD YOU THE MUSEUM STAFF WERE BAD NEWS!!!! MD: And they even left a postcard telling me about it. Okay, they’re just taunting me now.
16. Um, MD, is your buggy technically the company’s? MD:................. They’re going to dock your pay for this, right? MD: That thought ALMOST made me just want to just stay in the car and go with it. 17. Ah, getting keys from other people’s incompetence. MD: If only all doors and puzzles were like that... To be fair, the last time the main antagonist was somewhat incompetent, we nearly broke space-time, and also almost got stuck in their hallucination. MD: ...Yeah, on second thought, never mind.
18. MD: Wow there, boy! Calm down. I’ve just notice that you’re not very good with animals. MD: You would think I would have learnt to keep a bag of treats handy by now, but alas. ...Wait, is this why you were never allowed a pet? MD: ...*changes subject* Hey look this map over here’s very interesting!
19. Another fact about the MD learned: They can rock-climbing. Somewhat. MD: I almost joined my car... People usually take their gloves OFF and put CHALK on  for a reason, you know. Like, the chalk you just used 5 seconds ago. MD: If I grounded up the whole thing, then it’ll be obvious someone has been here. No duh! As if the open lock and dog in cage didn’t clue them in! /8D
20. This whole “let’s follow the most-definitely not evil artifact” is REALLY doing wonders on your chance of survival. MD: ...Look, it’s an occupational hazard... Mh-hmm. MD: ...And okay I do get a bit too into the mystery. So more like an occupational addiction.
21. Oh no, a person! Gotta stay hidden! MD: Uh, I think I’ve failed that already, with the fountain now 2 stories high and what not.
22. OH NO THE DOCTOR AND NURSE ARE HERE. RED ALERT! RED ALERT! MD: I’m armed with my fists and a sharp badge, don’t come closer. Doctor: Actually, we’re here because the patients all broke out during the black out... Nurse: And they took the girl with them here, using a stolen ambulance. MD: ...As much as it was the reason I managed to get out myself, your asylum REALLY needs better security. Also, how did you get in with the front door locked? 23. Doctor: By the way, they were screaming about a crown. Can you keep an eye out? MD: And I just all of a sudden remember a story about some villains who tricked me into finding something for them while I was on a case. Would you like to know what happened to them in the end? 8D (Spoiler alert: they drowned.) Doctor: Anyway, let’s split up. MD: That sounds like a “Let’s get the MD to do a the work while we just sit back and relax”... but sure, I’m in. Also doc, can you just give us one of those lollipops already? Like, it’s so obvious we’re going to need it later...
23. MD: Man, this watch sure is handy-- Um, did you already forgot what all of your supernatural/mechanical fancy gizmos have done in the past few games??? MD: ...Look, we detectives need our companion cubes, okay, especially the ones who can’t handle animals. Who happen to also VANDALIZE historical paintings. My GODS. MD: There was a THING, okay?!
24. SHADOW FIGURE DETECTED. ALERT, STRANGE PRESENCE DETECTED. MD: Yeah, it’s probably the doctor. They all end up weird sooner or later. You are REALLY to calm about this.
25. MD: Haha, funny note. Curses aren’t real! ... MD: ...Okay that was out of character. Yeah... let’s open it anyway though. 8D
26. ???: The last time we met, you killed my parents! MD: ...Oh, it’s you. Should have guessed, though I thought you were dead too. Phineas Crown: WELCOME TO MY HOUSE. MD: And YOU, are most definitely dead. Seriously, didn’t you get dragged back under water?! You REALLY have a lot of crime families coming after you, don’t you? Also, CAN WE NOPE OUT OF HERE?! MD: Yeah, prime time to be stuck in a corridor right now. So, um, HELP? Dr.: I got this! This way! MD: Wait, YOU?! Nah, ah, I’m not falling for-- okay, fine, you better not get possessed later thought!
27. Doctor: We better find the nurse and get out of here, so... I’ll hold the door, and you... figure a way out for us. MD: It’s so strange having an ally so early in the game. I’m so suspicious... *Finds a way out* Doctor: Is that... you car in the distance? MD: *sob* yes... Doctor: I’m sorry, it was a nice car. Oh for once someone compliments the car! Doctor: At least you didn’t go over with it. ...MD, I think you have competition in the sarcasm department now.
28. Nurse: HELP! Dr. and MD: ...welp, better find her quick. *Dog shows up* MD: AAAAHHH! *Dog whines* MD: ...good doggy, nice doggy... please remember me giving you treats and not me locking you up... Hey, maybe you WILL get a pet after all!
29. So, we probably should avoid the patients and that women-- *MD walks right back into the building* REALLY?! Doctor: ...I do believe that our detective hasn’t been the most self-preserving after all those traumatic events in their life. MD: Look, if I don’t take some risks, I’m not going to earn enough money to eat, okay? Doctor: True enough, that said, let’s go into this maze and look for the nurse. MD: Now hold on, that’s way too dangerous! ...You two are perfect for each other, in the worst of ways. 30. MD: Well, thank god for that dog. Aaaand the Doctor’s lost. Bet you he’s the one going to be in distress next. MD: ...On account of him calling my car nice, I’ll highly consider rescuing him in a moment. 31. Skull patient: ... MD: ...Um, hi? *Skull patient attacks!* *MD uses block! It’s super effective* *MD uses punch! It’s also super effective!* MD: I personally prefer not to use violence, but oh well... ...Since WHEN have you been able to knock a guy out with one punch?! MD: Violence is a last resort, okay? Says the person who would have probably gotten out of MANY MANY situations if you’d had thrown more punches in the past! 32. Another unconscious patient?! MD: Not me! Nurse: ...That was me, sorry. Also, they said something about what was up here before you knocked them out. Might help before the police get here. MD: You guys keep on saying police like they will actually show up in time to be helpful, when usually, that’s not the case... 33. MD: Aaaand got the starchart-- WAH! Doctor: Hi, I’ve rescued myself from the maze! I also know the way back now though. MD: ...This is SO new to me. Tell me about it. People actually saving themselves now? What is this?! Nurse: Well, there’s still the girl, if you want to rescue someone. Doctor: Yes, I agree wholeheartedly with that. The two of us would only get in the way, but you should rescue the girl, detective. We’ll wait outside! Bye! ...Wait, so we’re rescuing the villain now??? MD: ...again, this is SO new to me. [Part 2 coming soon.]
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Supersonic; Valentine Special - Shadyqueenie
A/N: Valentine’s special for you, honeys! This was supposed to be posted on the 13th but at the beginning of the month I got ill, and then exams came up and I ended up being late [also, thank you G for being so supportive!] Hope you’ll still like it! Kisses! Your Duh, Shady ✨ ☆*ヾ(-∀・*)*+☆
What were the Supersonic Universe’s couples doing on Valentine’s day? Supersonic – Valentine Special is a collection of four drabbles featuring the couples that appeared in the previous chapters. It’s a sort of recap while I’m looking for new inspirations (: [I had to change some FW’s dates because I had some ideas and I needed some characters to be as far away from the City as possible… Hope you won’t mind ;)]
▶ Pearlet – Stars Are Falling and So Are You ( read the story here )
Milan, 6.47p.m. Bar Luce was the place Violet enjoyed the most while she was in Milan. Maybe it was the atmosphere, the colors – or anything in between… All that Wes Anderson allure that made her believe she was the main character in his next movie. It let her mind wander as she watched people in old fashioned clothes chatting, enjoying their drinks or simply writing their thoughts in black Moleskines. She was sat properly and played with the straw in her drink with annoyance when someone recalled her attention. “Sorry, I’m late” Matt started, sitting right in front of her “Did I make you wait for long?” he must have been running, since he was slightly painting. Violet shrugged and raised a hand to call a waiter “Almost no one makes me wait, it was awkward” Matt smirked as he was looking for a proper answer, but he was stopped by the waiter that asked with a very strong Italian accent “What can I get you?” The man didn’t even had time to think about it “Whatever she has” he replied shortly. He didn’t want to waste a single moment of that date by choosing a drink he would barely remember in the future. As the waiter went back to the bar, they both started “So…” and the next few moments where filled with side smiles and embarrassment. “You first” offered Matt. “So…” Violet repeated, her gaze was fixed on her drink while she spoke “Long time no see, mh?”
Matt remembered well the last time the saw each other. It was during New York Fashion Week in September, when Violet fall during Michelle Visage’s runway show. Since that day something clicked on Violet’s mind. It was like she realized how bitchy she must have sounded, how bad she behaved towards Matt. She thought that her fall was a sort of a karma’s payback. Violet knew she had to make up with him and it started with her writing a long message to Matt the next day, thanking him for being by her side the when she needed the most. Matt’s reply came sooner than expected and without any trace of resentments – which made Violet more willing to write him again. That day the conversation was everything they both needed, and it ended at late in the night with a “I really enjoyed talking to you. Let’s do it again, ok?” from Matt. Violet sucked her breath and threw her phone away from her – what the fucking was that feeling?!
Then it was a message every three or four day – “how are you?”, “how’s your day?” –, just low profile messages to keep in touch. Being friend with Violet wasn’t easy for Matt, it involved a series of hiding feelings and thoughts he didn’t think he could handle. They avoided on purpose some topics – like Violet’s work and, of course, Miss Fame. Violet never mentioned her and Matt wasn’t really dying for knowing what she was doing. It was a strange situation. The previous months, Matt was sure that he had to stay away from Violet as possible – but after the first message he had to rethought about it. But it was like he needed those messages. He needed to keep in touch with her and being her friend was better than nothing.
They kept on texting each other until not so long ago, when Matt mentioned the fact that he was going to Milan with Michelle for the Fashion Week, and Violet happened to be there too. “We can go out and have a drink together” wrote Violet out of the blue “Please, Matt. I’m in Milan all alone and none of the other models want to be befriend me” In all honestly, Matt couldn’t blame the other models – Violet’s attitude was well known among their world – but she proved him she was trying to change. He had to give her a shot. He didn’t hear anything else from her for days. Until their second week in Milan, when she proposed the following Tuesday and he realized it was the 14th. Panic caught him. Was it a date?
“Long time no see” agreed Matt trying to follow the conversation. It was a bad habit of him, recalculating each other moves and he knew he had to stop – Violet was far more plotter than him. The waiter came back with the same cocktail Violet was drinking and then placed the bill in a silver plate next to Violet’s one. He noticed that Violet hadn’t paid hers – and since his mother raised him as a gentleman – he took a banknote out of his wallet and said “I’m paying for both, keep the charge”. The waiter left with a small bow that made Violet smirk. “Thank you” she whispered against the straw. Matt chuckled. Violet knew he would have paid for her too, and he didn’t like the play of the innocent girl at her first date. So, he gave voice to his thoughts “Violet. Why did you wanted to see me on Valentine’s night? And don’t tell me ‘it’s a night just any others’ – because we’re both here since January and you didn’t even try to see me once”. He must have sounded harsh, but Violet had to show her hand. Violet played for a few seconds with the napkin under her cocktail before looking at him and Matt could almost hear her thoughts “Did you remember when you told me ‘Stars are falling and so are you’? In that moment, I realized you were right. I’m not the same person I used to be. I’m happy Matt, I really am. But Fame is in Paris since New Year’s Eve and I started thinking that, yes, I am happy – but not as I used to. It shouldn’t be like that” Matt nodded as if he understood everything “Am I… a sort of replacement for Fame?” “Oh God, Matt. No, no, no” Violet rushed “I just wanted to see you and tell you that I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything. I saw you in September and I could barely recognize you. You were sad – well, we kinda both were. And I know that part of that sadness was because of me. I didn’t want to end up alone this evening… And you are the only person who understands me” Matt rested his elbows on the chair back as he listened to Violet. Never in his life he thought he had the chance of hearing those words spilled from Violet’s mouth. In her unique way, she was trying to apologize. Their relationship, the break-up and his anger… They seemed so distant now “Don’t worry about it, Violet. It’s over. I’ve already forgave you” Violet let out a deep breath and for the first time since Matt arrived there a sincere smile was painted on her face. They stayed silent until Violet spoke again as she finished her drink “I think I still need you in my life, in a way or another” she whispered, trying not to sound so pathetic. “And you will” Matt replied shortly. He rested his hand on hers and they were cold because of the glass she was holding. He squeezed them in sympathy “How about another of those sugary drinks?” he proposed. “You’re paying?” she asked with her usual, coquettish tone giving him a menu. “I’m paying”
Three hours and five cocktails later, Violet was walking wobbly towards the taxi. “Are you sure you don’t want to split the taxi?” she asked once she entered “Where are you staying?” “Not away from there. No worries, I’ll walk” “Are you sure?” she asked again. “I am sure” he repeated firmly. He wasn’t used to Violet being so caring, but he liked it – he missed that lively sparkle in her eyes. “Ok, so… See you soon?” tipsy Violet was far more insecure than sober Violet. It was almost comical. He kept note he had to remember it to her – maybe the next time he’ll write her. Matt smiled in agreement and closed the taxi door for her. The night in Milan wasn’t as freezing as it was in New York. Maybe it was the alcohol. Violet’s taxi was a blurred point in the distance. Maybe it was because of her.
▶Biadore – Everyone But You ( read chapter I, II & III )
New York, 1p.m. and Milan, 7 p.m. Adore said multiple times she really (really, really) loved Valentine’s day, and during the entire month of January she gave Bianca tons of hints about it. So, when Bianca told her that she was going to spend that day (and the entire month of February) between Paris and Milan with Trinity for the Fashion Week she whined and complained like a baby girl. And, of course, tweeted about it for days. Eventually, she gave up because no one can stop Bianca from putting her work first (and Bianca couldn’t care about Twitter less). She gets it, and she couldn’t even stay mad at her for long because Bianca proposed something so cute Adore couldn’t believe it was really coming out from her mouth. A Skype date on Valentine’s day. Lunch for Adore at 1p.m. and dinner for Bianca at 7p.m. Adore almost spent the first week of February just thinking of what she should have being wearing. She wanted to make it memorable, like a real date. She didn’t expect to be so nervous when 1p.m. of February the 14th came “Adore, make her regret going at the other side of the world, or the ocean – or whatever” she repeated as she adjusted her red curls and pressed the incoming call button, the pizza box next to her was still hot and emitted smokes “You can do it”. But in the end, Adore was as nervous as their first date, and for the first time she sat properly on the chair.
“What the fuck are you wearing” stated Bianca as Adore’s webcam started working. Well, that wasn’t the reaction she was expecting from her girlfriend. On the other hand, you couldn’t have blame Bianca – Adore showed up wearing nothing but an ivory lace lingerie ensemble and her usual red lipstick. It wasn’t like Bianca wasn’t delighted by that vision, but a flute of champagne instead of a cheap beer in Adore’s hands would have had another effect. “Duh, your Valentine’s presents! Which is me, if you didn’t get it” she moved closely to the screen and inspected Bianca “What the fuck are you wearing?!” Adore pointed out as Bianca seemed to wear a black jacket with nothing underneath it “Bitch, are you even wearing a bra?!” “It’s from Moschino’s new collection, I have a party to attend later” “This is not an answer” “The answer is no. But “Bianca added and raised a finger to shush her girlfriend as she saw Adore’s mouth opening read to speak “I didn’t choose it. Trinity made me wear it” Adore jumped on her seat annoyed by the fact that Bianca has never looked so sexy and there was an ocean (literally) between them “Why do you have to look so sexy when I can’t even touch you?! Can you wear it again when you’ll be back?” Bianca’s checks slightly turned red at the request “I’ll try my best” she said after an embarrassed cough.
“So, what did you order?” Adore tried to change the subject of their conversation – she needed something to distract her from keep on staring at Bianca’s neckline. “Salmon. I’m not even going to ask you since I can see the pizza box” Adore stuck her tongue out playfully and raised her beer towards the camera in a sort of toast “I think that’s one of the best date we’ve ever had. Like, we don’t have to argue where going to eat and you can have your super pretentious white wine while…” “Well, if you call pizza and beer a date…” Bianca whispered loud enough for Adore to hear her and then raised her glass too. “But in underwear! Expensive underwear!” Bianca’s snort set Adore’s mood off “You never like my presents” Adore whined and crossed her arms. “The last time you bought me something was a bonsai because – and I quote textually – ‘it’s tiny as you!’” Bianca’s voice cracked as it reached the highest tone she could, parroting the words that Adore told her when she bought that fucking bonsai. “First – that was true. Secondly, I thought it was cute! You laughed at it too!” Adore has never been the kind of person who can guess the perfect gift. But once she saw that little tree on a window shopping, she quickly made a connection with Bianca being shorter than her and her love for plants. It didn’t sound like a bad idea, and Bianca’s face when Adore gave her the bonsai was speechless. “Yeah, you’re right” “I’m goddammit right” and by saying that Adore bite a slice of her pizza. Unfortunately, a (very large) drop of tomato sauce felt right on her bra. It was like one of those slow-motion scenes, and Adore’s face lowered to see the damage she has done. Fuck, her 200 dollars’ bra was already ruined “Bea. You don’t mind, do you?” Bianca dropped her fork and laughed “Did you just spoiled my present?!” “Well, at least I bought you something! Where is my present?!” Bianca raised an eyebrow and directed her laptop behind her “Right there, asshole” replied, showing a black bag with a pink ribbon. “Wait. You actually bought me a present? What is it?” Adore’s frame stuck out towards the screen as if that was giving her a better view. “No way. You’re seeing it when I’ll be back” “Then tell me again when you’re coming back” the red haired asked opening the second can of beer. She felt a cold drop of beer crashing against her chest but – whatever – her bra was already ruined. She knew she sounded bothered and she couldn’t help it. She missed Bianca so much it was almost surreal. Adore has never really been in a monogamous relationship before Bianca. To be precise, she has never been in a relationship before Bianca. That means that whenever she needed (or wanted, or both) she has always slept with someone. She blamed it on being young and carefree, and she enjoyed those time as much as being with Bianca in a commitment relationship. So, Bianca being away for that long – let’s face it – sucked. “March the 3rd” “You can’t be real!” Adore said out loud. “I’ve already told you like ten times” Bianca shook her head at her girlfriend’s exaggerated reactions. She loved them (most of the time) – they made Adore look like a needy girl and Bianca loved taking care of her. But in that moment, they weren’t together and a hint of vexation appeared on Bianca’s face – she has never wanted to come back home so badly before. “I always hope you’ve changed your mind. You know, seeing me like this” Adore let her hands wandering along her chest but Bianca didn’t change her expressions “You better spend the 4th with me alone. In bed, hopefully” she added bitterly. “Sleeping because of the jet lag? Probably” Bianca snapped back and left Adore dumbfounded. She enjoyed way too much making fun of Adore. Her girlfriend may hadn’t realized it yet, but she always ended up having her way with Bianca. “Don’t joke with me!” Bianca’s sarcastic laugh echoed through the laptop’s speakers until the sound of an incoming message came. Suddenly her face became serious as she looked Adore “I have to go” she emptied the glass in one swallow and stood up. “But you just touch your food” Adore mused. “Yeah but Trinity just texted me that our car has arrived. Didn’t expect it so sooner” Bianca stopped herself and moved her gaze towards Adore. It didn’t go as they planned – not at all. “That woman need to be fucked by someone. She’s stressful. When I’m going to see you again?” Adore didn’t really want to sound like a brat, but her lunch date didn’t come out as she expected and she couldn’t hide it from Bianca. She wondered for how long they’d managed to see each other for a short period before giving up. “I don’t know. But text me, ok? I’ll reply as soon as I can” Bianca softened her voice “It’s not like going to a Moschino party with Trinity is my dream date for Valentine’s day. Well, going to a Moschino party is, not the company though” she knew that Adore loved hearing those kinds of sappy and stupid things and after all that was the truth. Her smile proved Bianca she was right. “Bea?” “Yes?” Adore hold her breath as she wanted to tell her a lot of things – most of all something that usually are said on Valentine’s day like “I love you”. But even though she was sure about her feelings, she didn’t know if Bianca was feeling the same. That situation didn’t help and she didn’t want to scare the hell out of Bianca “You’ve been staying at the other side of the ocean for a month. Don’t you dare coming back with just the Valentine present ok?” Bianca chuckled “What do you want? A pair of shoes, a new clean bra…?” “A real Italian pizza!” Adore laughed seeing Bianca rolling her eyes. “Ok, let’s say I’ll try to surprise you. I really have to go now” Adore pouted her lips “Happy Valentine’s day” “Happy Valentine’s day to you too, baby girl”
▶ Shalaska – Work of Art ( read the story here )
New York, 3.15p.m. “You are so beautiful and sweet” said Sharon in a very sweet and caring tone as Alaska entered in the room. “Ooow, thank you!” she replied, feeling her cheeks getting redder at the unexpected compliment. Sharon turned towards Alaska with eyes wide open “I wasn’t talking to you” and in that moment Alaska saw her girlfriend holding Hairspray. “Do I have to be jealous of my cat too now?” she asked playing with the kimono tie that wrapped her figure. “You should. Because you’re a pretty pretty kitten, aren’t you?” Sharon raised the cat up so she could face him. On the other hand, Hairspray started feeling restless and tried to scratch the woman “Oh, ok lion, calm down” Sharon put the cat down and asked Alaska “Are you ready?” Alaska nodded and walked towards her “Tell me again why have I proposed this” “Because you love my works and you’re the supportive-girlfriend kind” Sharon replied with a grin on her face, before peaking Alaska’s lips and uniting the bow of her vest. “This is such a Titanic scene” she whispered against her lips before laying on her couch naked. “We can fuck in the car later, if you want” “Shut up and start, please”
Few days before, back in the same living room, Sharon mentioned the fact that she missed painting – with the vernissage, the art gallery and the time she spent at Alaska’s she hadn’t had a single moment for working on something new “Maybe I should just… I don’t know, hire some models and give my clients new contents. I feel like I have so much else to express” Alaska stopped working on the computer as she heard the word ‘models’ and removed her glasses in a very dramatically way “You mean… naked models?” she already knew the answer, having seen all Sharon’s works, but it was worth a shot. Sharon stayed silent and lit a cigarette instead, blowing a puff of smoke in her direction. “How many times do I have to ask not to smoke inside my house?!” Alaska sighed. “Of course I’ll be using naked models, honey… There is another way to paint people?” Sharon threw the cigarette in the can of beer she was holding as sat next to her girlfriend “They’re just bodies” she whispered in her ear “You know that I have eyes only for you” “Then use me as your model” Alaska didn’t let herself thinking properly that her mouth had already said those words. Maybe it was Sharon’s tight grip on her thigh’s fault. “I’ll think about it” Sharon replied before placing kisses in Alaska’s neck “But now, I have a better idea on how I could ‘use’ your body”
Sharon smirked at the thought as she watered the brush she was holding “Chin up, kitten” She stopped herself from preparing her tools to stare at Alaska. She thought she was so beautiful, so spontaneous, and it made her always craving from some sort of physical touch from her. Sharon loved Alaska’s body – everything about Alaska, to be honest – so why not let her being her new muse? After all, one of her deepest wish was having a moment like this one – her loved one and a blank canvas ready to capture that moment forever. Actually, Sharon was pretty impressed by her own poetic strain. The artist saw her girlfriend pushing her blonde platinum locks behind her shoulders with trembling hands – was she nervous? “Are you nervous?” Sharon asked speaking her mind. “It’s kind of I’ve just realized that I’m naked and someone else is going to see the painting. Someone who’s not you” Alaska murmured. Sometimes Sharon didn’t remember that Alaska wasn’t really into her world – one in which a naked body is just a form of art, not something that needs to be sexualized. She lifted from her position and walked towards the couch. Once she reached it, she bent over and stroke the locks that Alaska had just moved “Well, I’m the luckiest woman alive” she whispered against her ear “because I’m the only one in the world that can see you like this. At least give everyone else the chance to see a portrait of all this beauty” Over the past months Sharon learned Alaska how to loosen up a bit, and that moment wasn’t different – she suddenly saw Alaska’s shoulders relaxing and a small smile appeared in her face.
Alaska couldn’t stare at Sharon because the latter was hidden behind the large canvas. She actually couldn’t believe that such a huge object could fit in her small living room, but has always Sharon turned out to shake her little personal world and she really didn’t mind, except for one little thing “How long will it took?” “Well, it depends” replied Sharon, brushing the tool gently against the canvas “sometimes few hours, sometimes days” she smirked as she reappeared from behind her work station. “What the fuck?! My arms already hurt!” Alaska whined having her arms pins and needles. When she proposed as Sharon’s new model she didn’t know that little (yet important) detail. Like, in Titanic that scene lasted no more than five minutes – she should have done some research beforehand, not just re-watching one of her favorite movies and fantasize about it for days. “Then, next time let me use a real model. You know, one who doesn’t move every two minutes. Stay. Fucking. Still.” Sharon ordered more amused than irritated. “No way you’re gonna see another woman naked besides me” Alaska readjusted herself on her elbows. She meant it. She has found herself really jealous of everyone who was around her girlfriend and she didn’t have the slightest intention of changing it. Besides, Sharon never complained when she acted like an overly attached girlfriend “Ehy,” Alaska called Sharon’s again “can we get Chinese food for dinner?” “And then I’ll have to paint a spring rolls inflated tummy? No thanks” “I thought that after dinner we were supposed to fuck in my car” Sharon lowered the brush she was using and sighed heavily “Why don’t we have a break?”
Alaska’s kitchen was enlightened by small cinnamon scented candles, but their smell couldn’t overcome the Chinese food one’s. “Modeling is harder than I’ve ever imagined” said Alaska with her mouth full of a spring roll. She was starving and she felt tired only because she had to stay still in the same position for hours “I’m reevaluating all the work the bitches at Vanguard do during the photo shootings” “Wow, finally and after only a year you’ve found something positive about your work!” Sharon joked as her hand reached Alaska’s chin and cleaned it from a drop of soy sauce. Alaska smiled softly at Sharon’s gesture. During those past four months Sharon, has been nothing but supportive to Alaska, cheering her up after long days of work and being always ready to listen to her freak-outs. Those last weeks – with Trinity stuck between Italy and France – has been more like a honeymoon. They spent two weeks between their homes and Sharon’s gallery, and Alaska was pretty sure she could get used to it. With Sharon by her side she felt loved, and not only because she stared at her naked body all afternoon with her mouth wide open. And then something clicked on her mind between the fourth and fifth spring roll she was eating – something that was wandering in her head for weeks, and those past days (especially this day) was just the cherry on top “You know what, Sharon? I love you” she said out of the blue. Sharon turned to stone for a few seconds and accidentally let the sticks she was holding drop. She wanted to be the one who said that first. She has always been the one who said it first in the couple. But Alaska was unpredictable – from her double life at Vanguard, to her cat that was eating something that looked like soy noodles leftovers – everything about her completed the picture of a modern hero in a romance novel. And by seeing her with a spring roll half eaten in her hand and the torn mouth she usually did when she was nervous, Sharon knew that was the perfect moment “I love you too, kitten” “Just to be sure, you’re not telling it to Hairspray again, are you?” Sharon laughed and moved her seat next to Alaska’s “No, stupid. I really love you” she said before kissing her.
▶ Rajilia – Kintsugi ( read the story here )
New York, 23.49p.m. Moving back to her old apartment when she was into an almost forced vacation hasn’t been the best option. As if she had the chance to choose. That evening at the end of January she told everything to Raven – from that hideous feeling hidden in her chest to her affair with Manila. Raven was listening to her as she has always done – silent and with a cup of expensive tea in her hands. And when she told Raja that she understood her and she forgave her, that was the moment in which Raja realized she had to come back to her own home – if they kept on doing as if nothing happened (or if Raja kept on flying to another country) they would have never write the final chapter of that story. As Raja stayed silent at Raven’s forgiveness, the latter breathed “It’s over, isn’t it?” Raja lowered her glance as if she were a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar “Yeah, I think that… Yeah” That night she slept in a hotel room (the most expensive suite she could afford). She couldn’t stand the idea of coming back to her own house. The morning after she came back and packed all her stuff. She was sure that Raven was at work that time. She couldn’t face her, not now. In two hours, she packed two years of life and relationship. Two weeks later she still had her belongs in large cartons spread all over her house (that now, after years in Raven’s townhouse, it looked more like a shoe box), and Raja laid haphazardly in her sofa with her legs on her coffee table full of old magazines (mostly Vanguards’) and takeaway boxes – how she missed those comfortable armchairs in Raven’s home –, watching without too much interest a romance movie on TV. “You’ll all going to break-up, a day or another” said Raja to no one in particular as the end credits scrolled down. She placed the bottle of red wine now empty on the coffee table – how did she ever come to that? All alone and half-drank. She would have never guessed. Maybe that break-up hit her more than she wanted to admit. And she also put whatever she had with Manila on hold. Raja just gave up answering her calls and messages. The blogger was insistent at first, but after the first week of hearing nothing about Raja she eventually gave up. She gave up on her – but not on giving Raja cold glances during their working hours.
She heard a knock on her door. Who could be? She didn’t really want answer. It was 10p.m. and maybe it was just that creepy neighbor, Sam, asking the most random things in the most unusual hours of the day. She couldn’t handle him too that night – she would just curl up in her sofa pretending not to be at home. But the knock on her door became persistent and started hurting her tipsy head. “Sam, how can I help you this time…?” But that person wasn’t Sam.
It was a very drunk Manila, she must have been crying really hard since her make-up run all over her cheeks and the smell of cheap alcohol replaced her usual vanilla scent. Raja rested her body against the door frame, dumbfounded. It took her two whole minutes to realize the entire situation and before she could let out a single word Manila spoke first “Look, I know I shouldn’t be there but… Fuck, I still care. I just wanted you to know that I still care. About you – about us. And I know it’s stupid because we’ve been knowing each other for a month but… That’s what I feel” It was late and Manila’s tone of voice wasn’t appropriate for that time, Raja’s thoughts were blurred by the fair amount of wine she has been drinking. As far as she could see, that Manila in front of her could just be a project of her most secret dream. Raja didn’t know what to answer, and for Manila that seemed like a reply “Ok. I’m sorry. That’s all I wanted to tell you. Sorry for ruining your night I’ll – I’ll just go” In the exact moment in which Manila turned away, Raja grabbed her wrist tightly “I might be drunk” she admitted in a whisper “I don’t even know if you’re really here or not” “I’m here” Manila reassured her, freeing the grip on her wrist and instead taking her hands and placing them on her face “See? I’m here” “And my home is full of trash and boxes” Raja said as if Manila asked her to enter. “Boxes?” “I’ve never unpacked since… Well” she didn’t want to continue her phrase – seeing where it would have ended. She let the last words unspoken and Manila nodded. “How about that. You let me in, and we’ll start unpacking. And we’ll throw away things you’ve never used in a year” Manila answered back. She had hard time replying since Raja started caressing her face enchanted by the sparkles in the woman’s eyes. “We-we can do that” Raja agreed and moved herself from the door to let Manila enter. Seeing her in her living room and wandering towards all the boxes that where inside made Raja realize that this was the start of a new era – no more denied feelings, secrets or second lives. And, of course, no more damasked armchairs.
“What?” Manila asked as she caught Raja staring at her. She couldn’t stand still and seemed to lose balance every now and then. They stared at each other for a long minute and Raja realized that those sparkles she saw in Manila’s eyes moments before were that gold she was looking back in India – that gold that could fix her. “Nothing” Raja shook her head “I’m just sad it’s after midnight and I can’t welcome you in this pigsty with a sappy ‘Happy Valentine’s Day’” Manila smiled and moved closer to her. Not all the wine in the world could warm Raja enough as that soft smile. Manila lifted her arm and looked at her refined Cartier watch and changed the time “Well” she said showing her the watch “as far as I can see Valentine’s day isn’t over” Raja smiled at the foolishness of the gesture “Just to be sure, how much drunk you are?” Manila crossed her arms around Raja’s neck and laughed loudly “To be honest, I’m more happy than drunk”
32 notes · View notes
Bionn Halthcharon’s School’s Out Journal
This. This is best journal so far. This is when i finally nailed down his character. yes he is a rude boy but there’s way more to him than most people think. and he writes like he talks, natch for MH doll logs. Also the lil journal taglines gonna be above the read more
Readin' this without my permission just shorts my circuits!
September 16th
My motherboard's gonna kill me. I'm serious. How am I gonna explain to her that the slip I'm bringin' home is because I panicked and weaponed up 'cause someone tapped me on the shoulder. I didn't know who it was at first and honestly it's a reflex. Ya see, back when I lived and protected Motor City, you didn't know who was gonna ambush ya. And yeah, I apologized and we're totally cool now, I guess, but Momboard's not gonna care about that. She's just gonna dwell on the fact that I came home with a warnin' slip and no matter how many times I tell her that it's under the rug now, she won't listen. She'll just yell at me until I storm off or if she gets tired of shoutin' at me (which I doubt she will. Momboard's scary.).
I can just imagine it now. I don't wanna put up with that today. Maybe I'll just throw the slip away during lunch or hide it. But then again, it needs to be brought back with her signature. This is a problem.
September 23rd 
Man, I can't wait until the last day of school gets here. It means I'll (hopefully) be seeing less of Heath Burns. Don't get me wrong, he's okay I guess... but he's just not the type of manster I'd normally hang out with. He's just got somethin' about him that always seems to irritate me. Seriously. He doesn't even have to speak to do it. All he has to do is walk next to me and suddenly I get this look on my face. Like somethin' smells bad. And he's always trying to invite me to go with him and his friends for some "bro time", whatever that is. I haven't exactly grasped slang yet. Well slang that normal teens use. 
Sure his friends are nice and all even if I've only talked to 'em a couple times but it's Heath I can't stand. I don't know why. And I bet on the walk to the lockers after Home Ick he's gonna ask me to hang out with him. This is gonna be a long day.
September 25th
Dad wasn't home when I woke up. I guess he went to the die-ner. He's been goin' to that die-ner every Saturday morning since we've moved here. And I had to know what kind of secrets that place was holdin' because why would my dad go there every Saturday? So I left a note on the table and went down to the die-ner. It was pretty early in the morning, so there weren't a lot of monsters out. I made my way down to the die-ner and I was feeling pretty tense. I'm not sure why. But instead of findin' some weird secret, I found Dad and a bunch of mad scientists talkin' and eatin'...pancakes?
I know my Dad's kind of well.... kind of a nerd but I really wasn't expectin' this. So I turned to leave before one of his friends (I think) said "Hey Grave, isn't that your kid?". Boy, did that make me stop in my tracks. I never felt so mortalfied. I was pretty sure I was rustin' where I stood. And Dad noticed it. Ooh boy did I wanna go offline so badly. But he invited me over and had me sit with him and his friends. Dad's friends are actually pretty nice and super funny.But it's still super weird since I didn't even know Dad could act like a regular monster. And I say that because well... he's Dad. Normal ain't somethin' that runs in the family.
And we ate somethin' called "banana scary pancakes". That's the first time I've had them and I've gotta say, they ain't half bad. And someone from school was there. What was her name again? Frankie? Anyways, she must've been with her dad too. I didn't talk to her much but she seems like a decent ghoul. Dad seems to respect her dad. And they were talkin' about the plans they drew up when it came to buildin' us, which was super embarrassin'. But ya know...
It's strangely comfortin' to know that I'm not the only person that was built in a lab.
October 1st 
Jeez, I'm starting to come down with a bad rustin' problem. You forget to oil your joints and it comes back and kicks you in the behind. I really hope no one notices... Shelley's been trailin' behind me in between classes. I know it's her anxiety and that's fine, but I know she's concerned about me. It's a really bad problem right now since I'm movin' soooo sloowly... no offense to zombies, they're nice monsters, and now I know how they feel when they go from place to place. I can't count how many times I got shoved around in the hallway on the way to Biteology. Oh wait, yes I can. 22. 22 times! I mean, it took a while to get get there but at least Heath kept a seat warm for me. Oh great... his fire puns are startin' to rub off on me...
He spent pretty much all of class talkin' to me and I just muttered responses. I wasn't in the best mood and I'm pretty sure he caught onto that. I mean I don't mean to be a jerk to the guy, it's just that you'd be in a bad mood too if you were rustin' over. And after a very long time (or it felt like that) Biteology always drains my battery and havin' to slowly walk to my locker wasn't helpin' things. I would have teleported there but that module rusted over. Shelley was still in class and I was just gonna hafta grin and bear it. But then I just heard someone say "Need help?". So I turned around as fast as I could (which wasn't very fast, again rust. Ugh.) and there's the ghoul from the die-ner.
Normally I'd turn that down because I'm super prideful but in this case, I needed the help. "Hey I saw you at the die-ner the other day! Your dad's friends with mine?". I would've shrugged. "Yeah I guess.". "You're Bionn right?", she asked. I nodded. "And you're Frankie? ...Uhhh... did I get that right?", I asked. She nodded. Things were quiet for a while before she spoke up. "Uh so, how do you like Monster High? Since it's your first year here and all.". "Oh uh... it's great here! Yeah." I ain't the best at talkin' to other monsters. It kinda sucks, pun unintended. She smiled and said it was good. We continued to walk until I saw Heath, putting his book away.. "Hey, there's my locker!". We stopped. Frankie waved. "Hey Heath!". He turned around and well, he flamed up. I rolled my eyes. Honestly, it's kinda sad. I can't tell ya how many times he's done that whenever a ghoul walked past us. And all the times he's set my books and homework on fire.
So while he was chattin' up a storm with her, I just grabbed what I needed to grab out of my locker and go. Though I did let him know he was gettin' out of hand on the way out. Good thing my elbow joints hadn't rusted yet. Can't really claim I elbowed him gently though.
October 7th 
There's been this talk goin' around school about a huge fight between a couple of monsters named Clawd and Spectra. From what I can figure out there was somethin' about a rumor about this Cleo ghoul breakin' up with her boyfriend and Clawd gettin' together with her. I dunno, it sounds kinda stupid, ya know? Maybe it's because I don't get it. Shelley thinks it's dumb too. And people have been talkin' about it all day, not to mention it got super bad during lunch. Like I couldn't eat anything because that's all they could talk about and it was hard-drivin' me up the wall. I wish I could turn my hearin' off at times like this. Don't ruin lunch like that y'all. Just don't.
And ‘sides, why would you believe somethin’ ya read on the Internet?! It's called a rumor for a reason! It ain't that hard to analyze the story! Oh riiiigghhttt, I forgot, the whole teenager thing. Heh heh... whoops. But ya know, he more I think about, the more I can't help but be I dunno the word here... curious? Yeah. Oh, what am I sayin'?! I shouldn’t be focusin’ on this! But at the same time, I just wanna know what's goin' on, ya know?
October 13th 
Eeugh, there's nothin' I hate more than bumpin' into Circutroy. Well, that's ain’t true. I hate a lot of other things but runnin' into my cousin is really high up there. It's pretty much the same thing with him. "You're outdated.", "Did you stop to recharge on the way here? You know how faulty batteries get get when they start to age.". “Blah blah perfect blah blah.” I swear, with how much of a jerk he is, he could give that Tora-somethin' ghoul a run for her money. Or milk I guess 'cause she a werecat 'n all. Though I ain’t much better myself. But at least I don't go around insultin' other monsters for not some stupid standard tripe.
I don't wanna talk to that lousy battery muncher ever again. 
October 16th 
Oh man, I can't tell if this is one of the best days I've had or the worst. Okay so lemme start off by sayin' Mad Science was cancelled today. All thanks to Heath. Basically we got some lab tech that was gift of a former student who's now a famous mad scientist. It was huge and kinda box-shaped and painted black except for a really shiny metal button about half way up on one of its sides. And just when the showcase was gonna start, ol' Hackington got called to the office. Why? Dunno, wish I could tell ya. Anyways before he left, he said “All right me little Pandoras – nobody touch the box while I’m gone.” And of course, the second he was gone, you-know-who had already blazed a trail to the box thing. At the time I just facepalmed because Heath + ANYTHING = disaster. I was waitin' for that snake-headed guy to turn him to stone or somethin'. (I think his name's Deuce. Or was it Domino? I don't know.) Or for someone to stop Heath before he made a fool outta himself.
Yeah, turns out no one wanted to do anything. We were just gonna let him fool around with a fancy box thing. What- what even is unlife? "Uh hey, you shouldn't be messin' with that.", I said, even though it wasn't gonna stop him at all. "Relax! I'm just checking it out!", he responded. And I facepalmed. Again. Anyways, the hothead was insistin' nothin' was gonna happen and he pushed the button. The box thing made like this whistle noise. It was high-pitched and annoyin'. Still, it caught him off guard and he stopped fiddlin' with the thing. I'm pretty sure everyone stopped holdin' their breath too. Er, anyone who could breathe anyway. Heath thought it must've been funny or somethin'. 'Course he'd find that funny. And then, HE WALKED BACK OVER TO THE BOX AND LEANED AGAINST IT. I just- I just... I'm pretty sure my processor stopped functionin' at that point in time. I'm also pretty sure I went through like, 5 stages of disbelief even though only one stage exists. That's how bad it was.
"See? I told you nothing was going to hap-" and that's all he could say before the box thing sprouted tentacles and ate him. At least, I think it ate him. I wasn't payin' that much attention. And there were like, the sounds of splashin' and somethin' bangin' against the box and Heath was yellin' for help. A second after, Hackington had come back and figured out what went down when he was outta the room. Thank goth that thing came with a remote because the second that thing was pointed at the box, Heath came flyin' outta it covered in gunk. I'm not gonna lie, I was havin' a really hard time tryin' not to laugh the entire time. Yeah I know, it's mean. But my family kinda spreads chaos and probably like it. It's not like I can help it, it's kinda in my codin'. Anyways we had to leave after that. Headless Honcho Bloodgood let us know that, yeah, he's fine. He's just gonna need a few days off. I mean, I kinda feel bad for him, but not that much.
I'm just glad me and my locker can get some goth-danged peace for once!
October 23rd 
Man this day started off bad and ended up worse. Like this day was just bad. And not normal bad, Friday the 13th bad.
It all started earlier this morning when Pat-ick was havin' a fit over somethin', erggh. And thanks to his wailin' fit, he ended up turnin' one of Dad's projects into a fish creature.... thing... A fish creature that ended up eatin' my brand new gamin' console. So I now I gotta scrape up the money for it again. And the fish thing ended up latched onto my head somehow. I was so angry this mornin' I didn't even notice I had it on my head until I got to school, where a few monsters pointed it out. And laughed at me. And made fun of me for the entire day even when I got the thing off my head. Ugh...
Just to get away from the mockin' I hid out in the Gym. Should I have done that? No. No I shouldn't've. But I was gettin' really annoyed and I didn't wanna come home with another paper from the Headless Honcho cause I got into a fight. And I guess I must've zoned out or somethin' because the next thing I knew, the casketball team was in the Gym practicin' for somethin' comin' up. I dunno what for nor do I care all that much. Anyways, I go to leave the Gym and it turns out I was stressed out enough to get the bleachers on the ceilin'. Thank goth I teleported 'em back to the right spot before they hit the ground. I start to leave again and somethin' hits my foot. It's the casketball thing. I grab it and turn around to see the team's just starin' at me, waitin'.
"Hey dude, could you pass me that?", the werewolf asks. I think his name's Clawd. I've never really talked to him and the only times I've seen him is around lunch in the halls. Still, my heart component jumps for joy when he calls me dude. It feels like I'm bein' recognized as a manster and not just some weird ghoul. I nodded and threw it back to him. A little too hard. Whoops. Still he catches it without tumblin' over (must be that werewolf strength I’ve heard ‘bout) and tells me I've got one heck of a pass. Whatever that means. I think it's a sports thing. Anyways, the werewolf tells me that I should try out for the casketball team and that tryouts are gonna happen soon. Sports ain't really my thing. I've never played any but watchin' 'em just bores me, ya know? But I decide to be nice to him and tell him I might tryout sometime that before turnin' to leave. "Hey, you should grab lunch with us sometime! We can show you the ropes and stuff.", he suggests. "You know, just hanging with the guys?" I smile and tell him I might just take him up on that. The werewolf guy smiles back and says "Alright man, catch you later!" before they start practicin' again.
The day wasn't too bad after all, I guess. How could it be one I'm startin' to become one of the mansters?
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kinokashi · 8 years
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After many years I’ve finally updated my main page over on Facebook ~ https://www.facebook.com/kinowanwan/ ~ ※ Kino's List <3 The 2017 ※ ~ 
Welcome everyone to my page, fellow fans and Monster Hunters! I hope you all enjoy my art and cosplays, here is my list for 2017! >> Convention Season 2017 (Southern California) << ~ Wondercon 2017 (Anaheim) ~ April 1st (Saturday) ~ E3 2017 (Los Angeles) ~ June 13th-15th (Tues-Thurs) ~ Anime Expo 2017 (Los Angeles) ~ July 1st-4th (Sat-Tues) NOTE: I will be hosting the annual Monster Hunter Gathering during Anime Expo 2017, please RSVP at the event page here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1851273681820717/ >> Commission Rate 2017 << I have increased my rate by a smige but please don't let that discourage you! I can make any design for you, original characters you have, or existing characters from any series. Each with their own uniquness to fit your looks. Please inbox me for information or email me at [email protected]. I have limited commissions only to making designs rather than sketching and illustrating characters as my calling is Graphic Designing. But! I am also open to making chibi stuff (as price will vary, please inquire)>> SHOP UPDATE!!! << I have updated my shop and I am currently migrating certain design to Teepublic. Though all my designs (besides the popular ones as issues arose and is currently being fixed) are all on my Redbubble! Please check it out: http://www.redbubble.com/people/kinokashi?asc=u >> Art Trade you say?! << I am open to art trades with fellow artists, to help each other grow and support. Feel free to hit me up :) >> Have you spotted a theft!? << My designs are no stranger to being stolen and re-distributed without permission/reuploaded for resale without permission. With the help of my fellow followers please notify me if you spot one of my designs being re-uploaded without permission.Always LF friendos, I really love chocolate chip cookies, pizza, and garlic bread. > Some information on me you say? nahhh but here it is anyways < I love cosplaying and attending conventions, the feeling of creating with my own bare hands is wonderful. Most of my cosplays are all from the Monster Hunter Series (almost about 15+ MH cosplays in total and growing!) As an artist I used to illustrate quite a lot but I've found my own calling and love making logos, sigils, emblems, you name it, anything graphical. I enjoy playing video games, from GW2, World of Warcraft, Monster Hunter, Overwatch and more. If you wanna play, feel free to hit me up! I have a lovely talking budgie named Snowcone, and a derpy snake named Gravy. I take a lot of time outside to hike different trails and often do pullups on my downtime, and I love to taste every color of food ~! Simplicity at it's finest.
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mh-the13thyear-au · 2 years
MH: The 13th Year: Operetta
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Operetta is known as Monster High's resident diva and rebel. She is not afraid to speak her mind and tells monsters like it is, which tends to rub them the wrong way. Operetta is also a hardcore perfectionist and prefers to do things solo, but she is willing to open up when others stand up for what she believes is right. She is also a very talented musician, open to collaborate with others who share that talent. Operetta also understands that there are consequences to her actions if any of her friends and classmates get hurt by what she may have done.
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Name: Operetta Phantom
Age: 15 (at start of AU; 19 at the end of AU's main story)
Gender: Female (uses she/her pronouns)
Hair color: Red with black streaks
Eye color: Greyish purple
Notable traits: Light purple skin, musical scar on left side of face, beauty mark below left lip, musical notes sleeve tattoo, slightly curvy body
Height: 5'5"
Birthday: June 12th
Freaky flaw: Her singing voice has an effect on monsters if they listen closely, causing them to go "kinda crazy for a few days", her diva/perfectionist personality clashes with other monsters
English voice: Cindy Robinson
School Subject: Music
Activities: Writing and performing music, roller skating, singing (preferably alone)
Color: Red
Food: Peanut butter and banana sand-witches
Family: Erik Phantom (father)
Pet: Memphis "Daddy-O" Longlegs
BFFs and Friends: Deuce Gorgon, Holt Hyde, Spectra Vondergeist, Frankie Stein, Catty Noir, Ari Hauntington, Casta Fierce, Honey Swamp, Cleo de Nile, Luna Mothews, Astranova
Romance: Johnny Spirit (boyfriend), Holt Hyde (ex-boyfriend)
social media username is "thatrebel_operetta"
Helped form "Monstar Rock" with the boys (and helps record their music)
prefers to play instruments (mainly the guitar and the piano/organ) rather than sing (despite being a good singer herself and knowing how it has an effect on people)
Enjoys older music from the 70s-2000s, but also likes music from the late 2000s and 2010s.
Got her sleeve tattoo while on a date with Holt (who also got the tattoo around the left side of his face)
She does not know who her birth mother is.
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mh-the13thyear-au · 2 years
MH: The 13th Year: Ghoulia
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Ghoulia Yelps, a zombie with very few words, is the smartest ghoul in Monster High. Calculated, creative, and always willing to help out, she is a ghoul any monster can rely on. Ghoulia, on top of being an undead genius, is also a big nerd-, I mean, comic book lover. She's a fan of the fictional hero DeadFast and is inspired by him
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Name: Ghoulia Yelps
Age: 15 in zombie years (at start of AU; 19 in zombie years at the end of AU's main story)
Gender: Female (uses she/her pronouns)
Hair color: Light blue with blue highlights
Eye color: Light blue
Notable traits: "Dead" left eye, torn left ear, decomposed/decayed spots on left cheek, right shoulder, left side of torso, and upper right leg
Height: 5'2"
Birthday: July 25th
Freaky flaw: like many other zombies, she moves at a much slower pace and often speaks in groans and moans, which makes it hard for some monsters to understand her
English voice: Audu Paden (when speaking zombie), Brina Palencia (when speaking English)
School Subject: All
Activities: Studying, reading, inventing/repairing machines, playing video games, helping other monsters, collecting DeadFast merchandise
Color: Cherry red
Food: Fast food (cheeseburger and frights)
Family: Adoom Yelps (father), Scarbara Yelps (mother)
Pet: Sir Hoots-a-Lot
BFFs and Friends: Frankie Stein, Draculaura Vampyr, Clawdeen Wolf, Lagoona Blue, Cleo de Nile, Jackson Jekyll, Abbey Bominable, Venus McFlytrap, Robecca Steam, Wydowna Spider, Iris Clops, Scarah Screams, Jane Boolittle, Kjersti Trollsønn, Gigi Grant, Twyla Boogey, Bonita Femur, Avea Trotter, Sirena van Boo, Betty L. Geuse, Millie, Marcus, Hedna Bloodgood, Skelly Femur, Quill Talyntino, Harper Talyntino, Jackie Skellington
Romance: Sloman Mortavitch (crush/friend and later boyfriend)
overall zombie-like appearance inspired by Tim Burton's Corpse Bride
social media username is "ms.deadfastyelps"
somewhat tolerated Cleo's original bossiness
very rarely speaks English and often has a translator handy
with collaborative help from Wydowna, she created a superhero comic series inspired by her friends titled "Power Ghouls"
has a secret laboratory in the catacombs (refurbished from Hexicah Steam's old lab)
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mh-the13thyear-au · 2 years
MH: The 13th Year: Toralei
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Toralei is considered the resident "prankster" at Monster High (though she fancies herself as a "bad ghoul"). She is playful, sarcastic, mischievous, and has a tendency to get under a lot of her schoolmates' nerves. Toralei often clashes with some of the ghouls, including Cleo de Nile and Clawdeen Wolf, who are not fans of her cat-like attitude and troublesome behavior. Despite all this, she has a secret soft side (that sometimes, she's not willing to admit it) to those in need and is often willing to work with them.
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Name: Toralei Stripe
Age: 15 (at start of AU; 19 at the end of AU's main story)
Gender: Female (uses she/her pronouns)
Hair color: Orange with black stripes
Eye color: Green
Notable traits: soft orange fur (with dark orange patch on left side of face), brown cat nose, brown stripes on cheeks, arms and legs, sharp claws (that convert/retract), pointed cat ears, cat tail
Height: 5'6"
Birthday: August 20th
Freaky flaw: Has a sensitivity to large amount of water being poured on her (which she's also afraid of), tends to stir up trouble due to cat-like instincts
English voice: America Young
School Subject: Drama
Activities: Playing pranks, practicing gymnastics, napping, dancing, playing soccorpse
Color: Orange
Food: Milkshakes, anchovies, sushi
Family: Tabbitha Stripe (adoptive mother), Purrcy Stripe (adoptive father)
Pet: Sweet Fangs
BFFs and Friends: Meowlody and Purrsephone Catswell, Lagoona Blue, Lunette Wolf, Catrine DeMew, Frankie Stein, Draculaura Vampyr, Clawdeen Wolf (frenemy), Jackson Jekyll, Catty Noir, Spectra Vondergeist, Lucille DeVille, Catalina Purrterson, Azure Cougar
Romance: Clawd Wolf (crush, later friend, and later boyfriend)
social media username is "bad_werekit_toralei"
quit the MH Fear Squad and later joined the school's gymnastics and soccorpse teams
likes to get scratches/rubs behind her ears
Although not a good singer, Toralei enjoys dancing (especially to Catty Noir's music)
Is on cooperative terms with Cleo (who sometimes tries to be nice to her, but out of all the monsters in school, Toralei rubs her the wrong way... sometimes on purpose)
is a closest theater kid
does not like it when other monsters/people play harmful pranks on her peers
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mh-the13thyear-au · 2 years
MH: The 13th Year: Nefera
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Nefera de Nile is the oldest de Nile sister and a massive queen bee. Unlike Cleo, her ego is a bit more inflated than her sister and also sharing ideas like her bitter father. Nefera claims to be perfect, not afraid to show off her outer beauty, but some are quick to point out her not-so glamorous interior. However, she struggles to maintain a perfect image that she bottles up any insecurities she has, including her jealousy of Cleo's popularity status and admiration from others. Despite the jealousy, Nefera has a bit of a soft spot for Cleo, viewing her younger sister's best interests and eventually, grows to attempt to make amends.
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Name: Nefera de Nile
Age: Age: 5,845 (at start of AU; 5,849 years at the end of AU's main story)
Gender: Female (uses she/her pronouns)
Hair color: Turquoise with black streaks and gold highlights
Eye color: Lavender
Notable traits: Curvy body, scar on left upper arm (often covered up and from the family royal cat)
Height: 6'2"
Birthday: October 13th
Freaky flaw: Claims to have no flaws, but in reality, she struggles to have a perfect image to gain the respect and conceals any insecurities in an unhealthy matter (she would eventually learn to open up about these feelings)
English voice: Wendee Lee
School Subject: Dragonology
Activities: Dictating leading, fearleading, modeling, shopping, makeovers
Color: Nile blue
Food: Almas caviar, white truffles, grapes
Family: Dedyet de Nile (mother), Ramses de Nile (father), Cleo de Nile (younger sister), Re-Ah de Nile (baby sister)
Pet: Azura
BFFs and Friends: Most of the friends she's made have completely cut ties due to her diva behavior, but after she starts opening up, fellow classmate Clawdia Wolf is considered a friend; Amanita Nightshade
Romance: None
social media username is "the.real.nefera.denile"
was a popular ghoul at Monster High but was outshined by Cleo
in addition, she was previously the fearleading captain of the school's Fear Squad.
sometimes tries to do small things to make amends with Cleo
failed to attend the last of her classes and skipped graduation (she would eventually make up for it by completing courses alongside Cleo before her graduation)
wants to pursue modelling but her diva attitude makes it difficult for her to land an industry to model
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mh-the13thyear-au · 2 years
MH: The 13th Year: Clawd
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Clawd is the oldest son of the Wolf family. Not only is he kind and willing to lend a helping hand, he is a loyal friend and natural born leader, always standing up for his friends. Clawd is considered popular for his attractive looks and the fact he plays in several sports, also making him the most athletic monster in school. Out of most of the boys (ex: Heath, Holt, Manny), he is very level-headed and wants to ensure things go right when he's around.
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Name: Clawd Wolf
Age: 16 (at start of AU; 20 at the end of AU's main story)
Gender: Male (uses he/him pronouns)
Hair color: Dark brown
Eye color: Golden yellow
Notable traits: Brown fur (extra fur in ears, chest, and around wrists and ankles), slightly curvy body, sharp claws (that retract), sharp and large canine teeth
Height: 6'4"
Birthday: January 2nd
Freaky flaw: Sheds a lot (more so than his siblings)
English voice: Zeno Robinson (loved Ogie, but I think Zeno is a better fit)
School Subject: Biteology, Physical Deaducation
Activities: Playing sports (and fetch), eating, practicing the drums,
Color: Teal
Food: Meat (mostly steak and other red meats)
Family: Harriet Wolf (mother), Clawrk Wolf (father), Clawdia Wolf (older sister), Clawdeen Wolf (younger sister), Howleen Wolf (younger sister), Howlbert Wolf (younger brother), Lunette Wolf (younger sister) Apollo Wolf (younger brother), Barker Wolf (baby brother), Pawla Wolf (baby sister)
Pet: Rockseena
BFFs and Friends: Draculaura Vampyr, Deuce Gorgon, Holt Hyde, Frankie Stein, Jackson Jekyll, Manny Taur, Heath Burns, Gil Webber, Neighthan Rot, Abbey Bominable, Romulus Timberwolf, Silvi Timberwolf, Robecca Steam, Finnegan Wake, Raythe Hankins, Sandra S. Quatch, Pawline Graywolf, Azure Cougar, Stoneley Pumice, Arterius Bloodswell
Romance: Toralei Stripe (frenemy, later friend, and later girlfriend), Cleo de Nile (ex-girlfriend)
social media username is "clawd_thealpha_wolf"
is the captain of both the football and SKRM teams
actively plays most of the sports in Monster High (football, casketball, SKRM, track)
Is one school year ahead of Clawdeen
due to his close friendship with Draculaura, they often are mistaken as a couple
Is a part of Monstar Rock (plays the drums)
often tries to act as the alpha of his siblings, much to their annoyance
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mh-the13thyear-au · 2 years
MH: The 13th Year: Abbey
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Abbey Bominable is quite literally one of the coolest ghouls in Monster High. Sure, she has an intimidating appearance with a first impression that matches, but despite her looking cold, she has a rather kind and warm heart. Because she grew up in the snowy mountains, Abbey is not familiar with the social life outside of her home. This makes her come off as rather dense and socially awkward, but she means well... most of the time.
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Name: Abbey Bominable
Age: 15 (at start of AU; 19 at the end of AU's main story)
Gender: Female (uses she/her pronouns)
Hair color: Snow white with blue, pink, and purple streaks
Eye color: Icy purple
Notable traits: Icy blue skin, snow white body fur/hair (mostly seen on armpits, forearms, and lower legs), pointed ears
Height: 6'0"
Birthday: December 14th
Freaky flaw: Tends to come off as rude due to lack of proper social skills which often makes other monsters (and herself) upset, is physically cold to the touch and has ice powers that are emotion sensitive (typically unstable when angry, but she keeps it under control),
English voice: Erin Fitzgerald
School Subject: Math (Algae-bra, Geometry, Clawculus)
Activities: Snowboarding, building structures from ice and snow, other snow activities (skiing, sledding, snowball fighting), hanging out with friends, making frozen treats
Color: Ice blue
Food: Yak cheese and pancakes with real maple syrup, crushed/shaved ice, frozen lemoanade
Family: Frostia Bominable (mother), Snowlaf Bominable (father), Marisol Coxi (second cousin), Sandra S. Quatch (second cousin), Frostovitch (great-uncle), Blitnichik (cousin), Snowella (grandmother)
Pet: Shiver
BFFs and Friends: Frankie Stein, Lagoona Blue, Draculaura Vampyr, Clawdeen Wolf, Cleo de Nile, Ghoulia Yelps, Lunette Wolf, Clawd Wolf, Deuce Gorgon, Jackson Jekyll, Holt Hyde, Robecca Steam, Venus McFlytrap, Andy Beast, Jinafire Long, Gigi Grant, Twyla Boogey, Avea Trotter, Kjersti Trollsønn, Phineas Den, Hedna Bloodgood, Iceline Frost, Lucielle DeVille, Em Westeros
Romance: Heath Burns (on-and-off boyfriend)
wears special ice crystals from home to keep cool/cold during warmer seasons (often wears them as jewelry); also enhances her ice powers
social media username is "i_am_abbey"
is one of the most physically strongest students at Monster High
part of yeti appearance (and general monster lore) inspired by the Yetis from Missing Link
Some social awkwardness/density inspired by Shoto Todoroki (from My Hero Academia)
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mh-the13thyear-au · 2 years
MH: The 13th Year: Spectra
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Spectra Vondergeist, the face behind The Ghostly Gossip blog, is a very curious ghost. With a love of mystery and writing, she came to Monster High to share her passion with the school. Spectra is considered a "social butterfly", always keeping up with the latest trends and is all about being (and letting monsters) in on the known. However, she is against harmful and toxic gossip, realizing it could very much hurt the friends she has. Spectra is also a rather creative spirit and also enjoys sharing what she has to offer to other monsters.
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Name: Spectra Vondergeist
Age: 16 in ghost years (at start of AU; 19 in ghost years at the end of AU's main story)
Gender: Female (uses she/her pronouns)
Hair color: Purple with light purple streaks
Eye color: Light blue (with dark blue pupils and lilac sclera)
Notable traits: Ghostly pale white skin, transparent hands and feet (fade starts past her elbows/knees), cheekbones
Height: 5'8" (when not floating)
Birthday: October 30th technically date of death, but it's when she became a ghost
Freaky flaw: Can easily phase through large solid objects so she floats a lot, has a bad habit of not getting the full story on real things and would fabricate them (got out of this habit following her brief return to Haunted High/learning how it can get hurtful)
English voice: Lindsey Seidel (I wasn't a big fan of Spectra's whispy voice for the most part, and the fact all the other ghost characters talk normally was off-putting)
School Subject: Journalism, Creative Writing
Activities: Writing stories (whether real events or fictional), hanging out with friends, sharing fun facts and (oftentimes true) information, posting and going through social media, reading mystery stories
Color: Violet
Food: Angel food cake with mixed scaryberry compote
Family: Ari Hauntington (cousin), Amelia Vondergeist (mother), Timoanthy Vondergeist (father)
Pet: Rhuen
BFFs and Friends: Frankie Stein, Draculaura Vampyr, Clawdeen Wolf, Lagoona Blue, Cleo de Nile, Ghoulia Yelps, Abbey Bominable, Operetta Phantom, Scarah Screams, Kiyomi Haunterly, Vandala Doubloons, Sirena van Boo, River Styxx, Twyla Boogey, Catrine DeMew, Rochelle Goyle, Hauntah van Boo, Johnny Spirit, Betty L. Geuse, Jackie Skellington, Demion Phantomhive, Hedna Bloodgood, Millie, Marcus, Phineas Den
Romance: Porter Geiss (friend and later boyfriend)
social media usernames are "officialghostlygossip" (for her blog) and "spectra_vgeist" (for personal use)
died during the 1970s but does not recall her actual death (although she enjoys making theories and stories about her past life)
transferred from Haunted High to Monster High to explore more of the Solid Monster world.
likes to do secret investigating work (like a school detective)
wants to be a mystery novelist, social media influencer, and news reporter after finishing high school
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mh-the13thyear-au · 2 years
MH: The 13th Year: Jackson
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Jackson Jekyll is the first human, or "Normie", to attend Monster High, something that had first confused him. Sure, he had a thing for monsters and horror movies, but he wasn't aware that he was the son of the infamous Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde until much later. Jackson is very kind, smart, and also gentle despite a somewhat edgy appearance. Even if he's a human, Jackson is known by his friends to be the nicest guy in Monster High. But the odd thing is that he never seems to hang out with friends after sundown... Fortunately for him, that would soon change.
Click on "keep reading" for more information. Leave any questions you may have on my ask!
Name: Jackson Jekyll
Age: 15 (at start of AU; 19 years at the end of AU's main story)
Gender: Male (uses he/him pronouns)
Hair color: Black with a blond streak
Eye color: Gray
Notable traits: Eyebrow piercing (first got it as Holt)
Height: 5'7"
Birthday: May 30th
Freaky flaw: A human in an environment full of monsters, so he's at a bit of a disadvantage with those with natural monster abilities
English voice: Aaron Dismuke (I did like Jackson's original VA, but it doesn't quite fit this AU version of Jackson's personality which is different from his timid, quiet, and geeky OG self)
School Subject: Mad Science
Activities: Playing basketball casketball, playing videogames, studying, watching movies
Color: Yellow
Food: Macaroni and cheese
Family: Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde (father), Agatha Jekyll (mother)
Pet: Victor, Crossfade (first pet)
BFFs and Friends: Draculaura Vampyr, Clawdeen Wolf, Lagoona Blue, Cleo de Nile, Deuce Gorgon, Ghoulia Yelps, Holt Hyde, Clawd Wolf, Gil Webber, Neighthan Rot, Wydowna Spider, Kjestri Trollsønn, Invisi Billy Phadin, Twyla Boogey, Hoodude Voodoo, Toralei Stripe, Sloman Mortavitch, Jackie Skellington, Demion Phantomhive, Stoneley Pumice
Romance: Frankie Stein (crush/friend and later girlfriend)
social media username is "jacks0n.j530"
was active during the day
before he split with Holt, Jackson never had the chance to spend time with his friends after school
wanted to split with Holt to hang out with his friends in the nighttime (and even go on an evening outing with Frankie)
made Monster history by being the first human to attend an all-monster school
founded the gaming club at Monster High
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mh-the13thyear-au · 2 years
MH: The 13th Year: Holt
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Holt Hyde is a young, loud, and fun-loving monster who likes to party all night. He enjoys entertaining monsters with his love of music and views himself as the un-life of any party. Holt is also a flirt to any of the cute ghouls he sees, but oddly enough, many monsters are only able to see him at nighttime. But after a life-changing decision, Holt soon walks down the halls of Monster High.
Click on "keep reading" for more information. Leave any questions you may have on my ask!
Name: Holt Hyde
Age: 15 (at start of AU; 19 years at the end of AU's main story)
Gender: Male (uses he/him pronouns)
Hair color: Light blue with blue highlights
Eye color: Orange
Notable traits: Eyebrow piercing, tattoo around left side of face
Height: 5'7"
Birthday: June 21st (first fronted when Jackson was only 4, so that's the date when Holt came to be)
Freaky flaw: Has a fierce temper, much like his father
English voice: Ricco Fajardo (I know MANY fans weren't fond of Holt's original voice in the webisodes/movies, so this is pretty much a remedy for it)
School Subject: Music
Activities: Mixing music/DJing, skateboarding
Color: Orange
Food: Hot Buffalo Wings
Family: Edward Hyde (father)
Pet: Crossfade (adopted from Jackson)
BFFs and Friends: Frankie Stein, Deuce Gorgon, Jackson Jekyll, Abbey Bominable, Clawd Wolf, Operetta Phantom, Heath Burns, Stoneley Pumice, Elle Eedee, Raythe Hankins, Rider Wake, Invisi Billy Phadin, Catty Noir, Casta Fierce, Spelldon Cauldronello, Marcus, Azure Cougar
Romance: Draculaura Vampyr (crush and later girlfriend), Operetta Phantom (ex-girlfriend)
social media username is "djholthyde"
was active during the night
before he split with Jackson, Holt never attended a class at Monster High (despite being listed as a student)
wanted to split with Jackson to experience school life and hang out with his friends more often (especially Draculaura)
is a part of "Monstar Rock" (plays electric guitar and/or keytar and helps Operetta record the music)
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