#miaus ask
miauuau · 2 years
I saw your queen bee au izuku and adore him,I recently started wanting to do a beezuku au, been trying to come up with different ways he could bee himself while still having a quirk or how he could be quirkless and become a bee boy,got any ideas? Also,there are green bees and green wasps, so izuku could technically keep his costume 💚 green 💚 in my version of a bee au,lol
Thaks a lot! I went the route where Izuku is attacked and kinda possessed by Queen Bee, a bee/wasp with a quirk if i remember right.(it's from vigilantes manga)
You could go the same route, or a similar one, you know with AFO making all those nomus and ah hem reviving some people , he could have made a nomu/clone of the original QB and it attached to Izuku somehow. So Izuku kind of has a quirk by because QB has it and QB in now part of him but is still technically quirkless.
Another route would be a wasp/bee quirk that comes in late, so he has that expirience with quirkless treatment. It could be treated as a villan quirk for whatever reason to still get that underdog vibe.
Last route that i can think of would be just nomu. There are plenty of them out there but i don't remember seeing a bee one out there.
Extra crack route: izuku is a smoll green bee witha quirk to become human
I saw the pun, love it <3
Thanks for the ask!
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our-exetale-oficial · 1 month
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Masterpost about the God au's 4 siblings!
From Eldest to youngest!
Starting with Amon, the first son! The God of war and keeper of the eternal flame!
His sword, Annihilation, is a cursed weapon with an insatiable thirst for blood! Very few can lift her!
Amon is canonically Autistic and loves running in his dragon form.
The second son, God of freedom and keeper of the north wind Anemo!
He and Amon are actually twins, but Amon's egg hatched a month earlier while Anemo's hatched a month later than it should.
Anemo struggles with emotions and can be pretty monotone. He floats 100% of the time
The middle son! Autumn! God of love, inspiration and Harvest!
He tends to be a bit more reserved and only allows children into his temple and hopes to have children of his own someday.
He loves tending to his garden and is extremely responsible and reliable.
Amore, the youngest! God of love, music and Patron of pleasure!
His followers often hold orgies in his name and I'm not even kidding.
He isn't related to the other 3 by blood, their mother adopted Amore as he was a stillborn and his mother begged the goddess to save his life.
Some fun facts about the siblings!
Amon's body is covered in scars from head to toe, as well for the draconic runes that seal the eternal flame on his soul.
Anemo NEVER touches the ground ever since he learned how to float, touching grass is beneath him (XD)
Autumn can be extremely conservative when it comes to sex, believing you must choose one mate for life and often looking down on people who have multiple (Specially Amore)
Amore has a hunger for knowledge like no other, even going as far as dwelling with chaos magic, which is forbidden
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soctherapy · 27 days
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meatb awll
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tetrafelino · 3 months
the nature of my mental health is such that I'll be writing my little fics and having a lot of fun and then I'll think "okay but what if gabriel garcia marquez read this. he wouldn't like it." and I'll sit there alone in my room fully embarrassed because of this even though IN WHAT WORLD is that reasonable standard for fanfiction
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the-acid-pear · 2 months
Actually now that i think of it fuck was wrong w Callum father for Mingus to 1) outright not give a fuck about him (like I get the movie was God awful but usually death is worse than a shit go to the cinema) and 2) look for a father figure in her senile ass peepaw instead of in her father. Unless her father's death was part of what pushed her to obsessing over the old man so hard. No matter how you look at it it's always really sad for the michifus. I'd fix her y'know.
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grapefaygodude69 · 3 months
TC: KITTY! wHaT'rE yOu DoInG hErE??? .. dId I nOt SeE yOu BeFoRe..? *meow*.... Oh YoU'rE sO PoRtUgEeS :o)
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day 59
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yami-yomiel · 9 months
TMC.. and grieving
I’m rewatching volume 4 and here’s my awesome TMC hot take:
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Sarah and Thatcher are on the opposite spectrums - The Latter is mourning and probably is also fighting depression which makes him spiral. He’s basically stopped taking care of himself Not to mention that he and Ruth were probably really close- not just work companions but actual friends too. He notes how there’s a lot of music she’s missed and other things, which may be simple to a stranger but , showing your friends things that mean a lot to you.. really means something, it’s love language (platonic edition). Sarah is angry, she’s lost her brother, whose been there ever since she was born. Someone she probably looked up to for protection and love. And to have that torn away from him when he was a growing boy, not yet a teenager but also not a kid. i think part of her died along side him, ya know?
The difference is that .. if they’re using those feelings for something - Sarah is productive, she’s doing whatever she’s doing to get closure on her brother (from what i understand at least.) , and Thatcher is .. wallowing. He’s in a sea of his own thoughts, probably with no one to talk to since his only friend just , died. You know, maybe him and Mark are way similar than we think.
TL;dr: I’m coping so hard right now actually..
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askblacktears · 2 months
Tá todo mundo fazendo, então fiz também.
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Tradutor do Gatonês: "Socorro."
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meownotgood · 1 year
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I'm okay, I'm very sweaty, it's hot as hell where I live right now
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chonnysinferno · 2 months
nyway i send people asks if i think they will enjoy the ask i don’t like torturing people with mild discomfort when they read my writing so like if you don’t like it i’ll just make a post about it instead it’s completely fine
let’s see if i remember your music taste at all
first :) gelb :) because gelb is gelb :) https://youtu.be/j9BYV4M-jdI?si=2MUd26b5v3uDjwZU
maretu covers! of hitorie! https://youtu.be/NLc1hR2yNlQ?si=sy5DHEN02_T_bNfI an album of them!
i feel like i’ve already sent frums vignette before but like anyway https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_mu9g_dVsgBz6d8vuWCsyPai59U8XeD8BM&si=XdU5w8bW21GhwlQk
have this cover of abject by subeteanatanoseidesu (idk who covered it) https://youtu.be/kb507jxc04E?si=r-honArSJ78FUcYh
over x dosage! by ponkansoup! https://youtu.be/QGnWK3Y9-88?si=kKrXpct8fHHm7XR3
synthesis by tn-shi !! https://youtu.be/dOP7G5J755s?si=oWmgbXQzMLTMt7gE
ok done for now i will stop haunting your askbox mi tawa
p sorry oi was sleeping. in. you know how it is i was saving this post so i couild listen to this all but yueag uhmmmmm i recognize frums vignette cause i think u did send that but ill listen 2 it again cause i dont rmemeebr what it sounds like also its okay it doesnt really bolther me i like. it. its great ur writing is awesome /genuine (idk if that sounds like. not genuine / sarcastic but i relaly do enjoy it even if i have nothing 2 say about it) i will listen 2 all of these i am listening 2 the full album of gelb rn soz :3 it is very good i enjoy how loud and spiky ???? it gives off a peculiar texture which is ennjoyable come back send me more asks /silly
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rose022 · 2 months
Here… take this attention
*hands you my attention*
thank you oughh very appreciated anon
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karineverse · 3 months
[ * words ] [ * meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow ]
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our-exetale-oficial · 1 month
Is Autumn homophobic?
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That was a no XD
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soctherapy · 26 days
meoww prrm meeow mrow eeeoww prrow
miaaauuuuuuuuuu prrrrwwwwmiaauuu
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tetrafelino · 5 months
god dammit why did my mum have to be right about the one thing I was absolutely certain was never gonna happen (I regret getting rid of my catholic stuff)
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incrediblemagicfamily · 11 months
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We cant take a photo of just us both withouth this zilly rascal climbing to be in the picture
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