#michael cheung/sahra guleed
laiqualaurelote · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
1. World Enough And Time (MFMM/Doctor Who, Phrack, 51k)
This will always be my favourite of my fics. It's the Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries/Doctor Who crossover where Phryne is a Time Lady, Dot is from the past, Mac is from the future and Jack is just trying to work out what is happening. It's an AU that contains eight other AUs (including a Regency AU, a Mad Max Fury Road AU and a fake-marriage-with-aliens AU) and it represented an enormous milestone for me in my writing.
2. all the men and women merely players (Ted Lasso, Ted/Trent, Roy/Keeley/Jamie, 50k)
The Ted Lasso Station Eleven post-apocalyptic AU in which, in the wake of a devastating global pandemic, American comedy actor Ted Lasso leads a Shakespearean theatre troupe across the ruins of England. It combines my love of Ted Lasso, Station Eleven, Shakespeare and theatre, and it's probably the fic I've worked hardest on.
3. I Live And Lie For You (Good Omens/James Bond, Bond/Q, Aziraphale/Crowley, Adam/Eve, 13k)
The fic in which Wensleydale grows up to be Q. Features avocados, cats named after mathematicians, car chases in the Bentley, questionable ice-cream flavours, far too many spies at St James' Park, the Antichrist in his fuckboi era and tardigrades. I don't even like James Bond but I loved writing this.
4. The Legend Continues (Rivers of London, Michael Cheung/Sahra Guleed, 8.5k)
A closer, canon-compliant look at how a hijabi cop might have inadvertently apprenticed herself to the legendary swordsman of London's Chinatown and then started dating him. I always wanted to write an wuxia in English! Features my holy trinity of subtle Asian traits: bubble tea, passive-aggressive aunties and an original character clearly based on Michelle Yeoh. Fun fact: this fic was named after an actual Chinatown restaurant called Leong's Legend Continues, a spinoff of Leong's Legend (ironically Leong's Legend is still around but the Legend Continues has since, well, failed to continue).
5. Best Revenge Is Your Paper (Daredevil/The Punisher, Frank Castle/Karen Page, 15.5k)
In which Karen Page gets a bunch of bylines, pisses off a lot of people, tries not to fall in love with her newsmaker and fails. Kastle was the ship that brought me back to fandom after a five-year hiatus, and Karen remains one of my favourite fictional reporters of all time (the others are Trent Crimm, of course, and Hildy Johnson from His Girl Friday). It's been another five years since this fic and oh, I've had such a time.
Thank you for this ask!
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eruvadhril · 1 year
A collection of signare and vestigia as described in the Rivers of London RPG character stat blocks
Peter: " This is where things get complicated. Nightingale’s tick-tock precision is there, but after that, it’s all over the place—music, laughter, the smell of chocolate, images of London—and, blimey, is it loud! So loud, in fact, that it hides what spell he’s cueing up, meaning an adversary can’t make a Magic skill roll to determine what spell he’s about to fling at them. “
Nightingale: “ A clockwork tick, the smell of willow, and a whispering clash like the sound of cymbals—as heavy as a mallet and as sharp and controlled as the point of a needle. “
Guleed: “ The sound of ripping silk whenever she wields her sword. “
Abigail: “ Hasn’t yet solidified, but you definitely get a little bit of Nightingale’s clockwork orrery mixed with whatever has caught Abigail’s interest in the last few months; plus: fox fur, a blast of cold, and something that might be the opening bars of a popular British talent show’s theme tune.”
Michael Cheung: “ Unsurprisingly, seeing as he’s the one teaching Sahra, the sound of ripping silk when he strikes. “
Varvara: “ The bite of cold metal, something yeasty like bread, and the smell of wet dog. “
Asterid Bivalacqua: “ The burning taste of Scotch bonnet peppers and the fragrance of expensive rum on a warm summer’s evening. “
Beverley: “ A sensation like rain, the sound of boys playing football in the distance, the smell of suburban roses and newly washed cars, evening television flickering through net curtains. “
Father Thames: “ The promise of beer and skittles, walking home on a moonlit night, a warm fireside, amorous company. “
Foxglove: “ Nothing anyone’s been able to put their finger on just yet. “
High Fae: “ Sun-dappled leaves, the smell of damp wool, a flash of arrogance and condescension. “
Tyburn: “ The rope, the crowd, and the final drop into oblivion; the smell of cigars, horses, furniture polish, Stilton, and Belgian chocolate. “
Mama Thames: “ Salt water, coffee, diesel, bananas, chocolate, fish guts. “
Molly: “ Nothing that Peter could remember. “
Quiet People: “ A momentary blast of heat, the smell of the pigsty. “
Vampires: “ Not as such, but tactus disvitae—the smell of antilife, a deep bone-numbing cold. “
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buffintruder · 5 years
The ending of Lies Sleeping!!
Fuck, I did NOT expect Martin Chorley to die, especially not by Lesley, but I guess the whole ‘how do we imprison practitioners’ issue will get to wait a while. And it looks like Lesley and Punch are still around, causing trouble, I’m sure
On happier news, we finally (briefly) meet Stephanopoulos’s wife!! She has a name now! And a job!
“I might even consider teaching full time when I retire,” said Nightingale, nearly causing me to cry. After all this time, and he finally sees a future where he doesn’t have to be there any more. The whole weight of policing Britain for magic crimes was on his shoulders alone for so long, and now it isn’t. I don’t think he’s going to retire soon (and I hope he doesn’t), but I think he knows that whether he ages forward again or not, the future is in safe hands because of the structure that Peter and all the others are building. And I’m just so proud and happy for all of them
The image of Sahra and Michael running around on rooftops is absolutely delightful, and as soon as I’m done with this, I am absolutely going to go see if anyone’s done art for it 
Nightingale telling Peter to get some therapy! And Peter actually getting some!! Thank god it’s about time
And Beverley!! She’s pregnant, which, wow
Basically, in conclusion, I can’t wait for the next book
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sixth-light · 7 years
accidental love confesison during a fight
I would totally write this for Guleed, because she is exactly the kind of person who would do this and then CHANGE THE SUBJECT in a really aggravating way and it would be great. 
Hypothetically, since we haven’t met him properly yet, with Michael Cheung because now I’m wilfully misinterpreting “in a fight” and imagining him and Guleed getting in a fight with something/body else (because who doesn’t want to see Muslim Ninja Guleed and a guy whose job description is “Legendary Swordsman” tag-team a fight? nobody. nobody doesn’t want that) and he asked her on a date and the kind of date where they have to fight stuff and then Guleed accidentally confesses she loves him sounds PERFECT. 
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laiqualaurelote · 2 years
ship ask game
thanks @darntootinvladimirputin​ for tagging me in this! funtimes
1. First ship: Mulan/Shang from Disney’s Mulan (1998). I think I wrote post-canon fic for this in crayon on coloured paper. IDK I was like seven
2. First OTP: Éowyn/Faramir from The Lord Of The Rings. The scene on the walls! “It reminds me of Númenor” set the gold standard for pick-up lines for the rest of my life. 
3. Current favourite ship: Ted Lasso/Trent Crimm! One and a half fics deep, baby
4. Your ship since the first minute: Aziraphale/Crowley from Good Omens. I don’t think I even had a concept of what slash was when I first read this book but I was like “something is going on with this and I am here for more of whatever it is”
5. Ships you wish had been endgame: Frank Castle/Karen Page from Daredevil/The Punisher. The OTP that brought me back to fanfiction after a five-year hiatus! I near wept when Daredevil got cancelled without this ship ever having come in. I guess my weakness is good onscreen depictions of journalists, with a side of their strange relationships with their newsmakers. 
6. Ship you wish was canon: Arthur/Eames from Inception. I guess we can only dream a little bigger, darling.
7. Ship that most of the fandom hates but you love: I don’t think I have a ship like this, though I do have a number of rarepairs that most of the fandom just never thinks about, e.g. Sahra Guleed/Michael Cheung in Rivers Of London (I think I was and still am the author of the only fic with this ship in existence). 
8. You don’t even watch the show, but you ship it: James Bond/Q. I hadn’t seen a Bond film since 2006 and was converted solely on the strength of this fic, it’s that powerful.
9. Ship you wish had a different storyline: Grace Burgess/Tommy Shelby from Peaky Blinders. I loved them in S1 and I’m still not over what they did to her character in S2, let alone the travesty that was S3. 
10. Favourite ship that’s endgame: Phryne Fisher/Jack Robinson from Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries. I spent most of the year here and wrote six fics for this ship. If it hadn’t been endgame I think it would really have put the ‘murder’ in ‘Murder Mysteries’.  
11. Ship you initially didn’t think you would get into: Ted/Trent. I truly never expected to be here - I was just waffling along, appreciating Ted Lasso as a nice thing to watch on weekends, aware of Trent Crimm, The Independent’s existence but taking no particular note of him beyond observing that as on-screen journalists went, he was an above-average specimen - and then came the Midnight Train To Royston reveal and I got more exercised about this than a gym membership and ranted about journalistic ethics to anyone who would listen (not a whole lot of people), and THEN one week later that idiot’s got himself fired just so he can have significant moments in the parking lot with the man he tanked his career for, I was in tatters, I had never felt so seen by an ongoing TV show. I’m still in shock about the whole thing.
12. Ship you lost interest in: Kylo Ren/Rey from the Star Wars sequels. I think after writing my Sherlock Holmes crossover I had exorcised all my feelings for this ship, and it didn’t help that The Rise Of Skywalker was so unrelentingly dreadful. I mostly don’t keep tabs on that fandom any more, with the exception of this Civil War AU of nearly 110k words and counting that I’m oddly invested in seeing to the end.
I tag: anyone who would like to give this a go! 
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