#michael clifford transparents
jerriescuddles · 4 years
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clearing out my camera roll 358/?
22 notes · View notes
ashtonsunshine · 5 years
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Easier / Behind the scenes
48 notes · View notes
ohitstransparent · 6 years
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5 Seconds Of Summer
Asked by @adriannagonzales1026
8 notes · View notes
calmsweetcreature · 4 years
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A/N: Here’s my first Mikey Fic!! Lemme know the kinds of fics you want to see for the boys and I’ll make a start, I’m thinking a Luke Fic next so lemme know!
Warnings: Angst/Smut/Fluff
Word count: 5.4K
The party was heaving with bodies everywhere and as I squeezed my way through to the kitchen a hand came down hard on my shoulder.
“It’s the little mouse, what are you doing here?” Johnny Macintosh was a real piece of work, he was one of the most well known frat guys on campus - namely for how he treated women and how much beer he could put away at parties. “Always thought you were too square for parties like this, did you get lost on the way to the library?” His words were a wet whisper against my ear that made me shiver with how uncomfortable I felt. I shrugged his hand off my shoulder and walked through the gyrating bodies towards the kitchen, until again a hand came down onto my shoulder and I spun around to give Johnny a piece of my mind only to be met with my roommate and best friend Julia.
“Hey Y/N I found you! You having fun?” her words were slurred, and as she raised a red plastic cup to her lips a body crashed into her from behind sending a cherry red drink all down my white top.
“Oh s-shit, Y/N I’m sorry!” Julia reaches for my top and I push her hand away. Her heart was always in the right place but Julia always took the phrase ‘let loose on the weekend’ a bit too seriously. She dragged me out most weekends but it was never long before she left with some guy, not to be seen again until the next day.
“It’s fine, just go and sit for a bit okay? I’ll come find you soon, I’ve got to try and clean this off before it dries!” I pushed my way through and into the kitchen, grabbing some paper towels and wetting them under the faucet, patting the red liquid stains off of my top.
“I bet you regret wearing white to a frat, don’t you?” A lazy drawl came from behind me and I clamped my eyes shut in frustration. Michael-fucking-Clifford.
Me and Michael had been butting heads ever since I had started college, he liked to tease me in everyway possible and I fucking hated him for it.
“You could say that, although I think I regret coming here at all now.” Your words came out more viciously then you had intended and a hand dropped on my shoulder to turn me around.
“Now now Kitten, don’t be like that.” His lips were pouting but there was a twinkle in his eyes that led on to just how mischievous he was being. My eyes narrowed as a growl left my throat at the term of endearment he had so graciously given to me. After hearing Johnny call me mouse for the longest time and listening to me verbally bite Johnny’s ear off every time, Michael had decided that this was no mouse but a Kitten with claws, which is the only thing he had called me since.
“What do you want Michael? I’m not in the mood today.” I keep scrubbing at my top, the cloth not removing the red drink stain but instead adding a large wet patch, making the top see through and revealing the pale pink lace bra underneath. Michael scowls, reaching behind me to grab a towel, patting the top dry.
“You do not want to walk around this house like that Y/N, not with the likes of Johnny here.” His eyes were dark, the dabbing motion of his hand getting slower until his hand is slowly dragging the towel over my chest, the side of his fingers trailing over the swell of my breasts.
“Mouse!” Johnny’s voice is carried from the other side of the room and Michael’s hand moves away so fast it’s like I burnt him.
“We’re starting truth or dare in the other room and I reserved you a seat!” He pushed his way through the kitchen, pushing freshman out of the way until he is stood directly in front of me.
“I’m not interested Johnny.” His eyes go to my top and a dark grin spreads over his face.
“Shame little mouse, I think everyone would like to see more of you.” His eyes linger on my chest for a moment before he saunters off into the crowd. The intensity of his gaze makes me almost fold into myself, and I stare at the ground, wishing it could swallow me up.
“Ignore that guy kitten, he’s a prick,” Michael’s words are hushed but I can hear the anger in them which makes my eyes meet his in the crowded room. It’s like the music and the chatter stops, the only hint of the pounding music is the floor vibrating under my feet. I blink, shaking my head.
“Like you, you mean?” He lets out a snarl at my words and throws the towel he’d been grasping at my chest.
“Go fuck yourself then Little Mouse” He sneers, walking away from me.
“Michael wait!” I call, following after him. I walk into the lounge to see a huge circle of people, Michael going and sitting across the room.
“Changed your mind then mouse? I saved you a spot next to me!” Johnny pats the floor next to him and I can’t help but sigh knowing that I didn’t really have a choice. I timidly sit myself next to Johnny and I can feel Michael’s eyes on me from across the circle.
I keep my eyes low on the floor, my arms across my chest to hide the still slight transparent patch on my top. The game begins and I soon realise this isn’t the same game that I remember from high school. The rules are that all truths must be answered or you must streak across campus but the forfeit for not completing dares were that you must do a double shot of vodka or a line of coke.I was not prepared to do any of those things so I knew I would have to be extra careful.
“Mikey, truth or dare?” One of the girls in the group asked him with a twinkle in her eye as she twirled a piece of hair around her finger. You didn’t want to judge another woman and label her a bimbo but you weren’t totally sure how she got into college - it definitely wasn’t through academic means, you knew that.
“Dare.” His eyes met the girls and she giggled, her eyes blazing from either alcohol or drugs - I couldn’t tell which.
“I dare you to take a body shot off of me.” Michael rolls his eyes but nods, clearly having had enough of this dumb game already. I couldn’t help but frown at the unsteady feeling in my stomach at the thought of watching Michael do something intimate with a random girl. The feeling intensifies when the girl strips off her top leaving her in a bra and skirt - causing all of the boys and a few of the girls in the circle to whoop and holler.
I stare as another girl wets a line leading between the valley between the breasts of the girl (you now knew to be called Lucy) and sprinkle salt across it before pouring a shots worth of tequila in her bellybutton, finishing with a wedge of lemon between Lucy’s teeth.Michael manoeuvres himself until he is leaning over the blonde, his eyes catching mine as his tongue slides across her skin, the eye contact not stopping as he sucks the tequila from her belly button and not even as his mouth hovers over hers to suck up the lemon. There was a darkness in his eyes that I couldn’t ignore and as much as I didn’t always like the man, a shiver was running through my body that was setting me alight.
He sits up throwing the leftover lemon across the room. “I fucking hate tequila.”
Lucy leans up, looking after Michael longingly, “Hey Mich-”
He cuts her off, sitting back in his spot in the circle. “Put your fucking shirt on Lucy.”
A hurt look crosses the girls face and she grabs her clothes, leaving the room.
“Fucking savage bro, you going after her? She’d probably follow you to bed easy” Johnny asks Michael, who shakes his head before taking a long swig of his beer.
A slew of truths and dares go around the group, from being asked to pretend butt-dial parents and fake sex noises to chugging a bottle of ketchup. I was about ready to stand up and leave the game when Johnny pointedly stares at me, pointing in my direction.
“Mouse, truth or dare?” His grin is sickening and I close my eyes, dreading what was to come. Before I can open my mouth to answer he interrupts me. “You’re taking too long, you get a dare.”
“Johnny that’s not fair, I-” He cuts me off again.
“New rule little mouse, dare it is.” Chuckles go around the room and I cringe a little, suddenly realising how much of the group is made up of Johnny’s minions. From the corner of my eye I see Michael roll his eyes and that makes me sit up straighter, thinking that he’s judging me for being a whimp.
“Fine, bring it.” I falsify confidence, hoping no one can recognise the nerves on my face. I’m not supposed to be here, I’m the quiet girl who doesn’t spend time in frats - this game being one of the reasons why.
Johnny strokes his face as if thinking before he smirks, leaning back against the couch he is sat in front of.
“You have to sit on my lap. And kiss me.” All of the guys in the circle crack up apart from Michael who pinches the bridge of his nose and shakes his head. The girls glare at me jealousy and I stare at Johnny incredulously.
“Johnny what the fuck?” I stare at him in shock and he grins, a sly laugh leaving his lips.
“I could always cut you a line princess. Your choice.” I stare at the ground, sighing before moving, sitting on Johnny’s lap as close to his knees as I can get without falling off him.
“You didn’t say how long for so thirty seconds is your limit.” I keep my words pointed and he rolls his eyes but nods nonetheless.
The group cheers as he puts his hand on the back of my head, pulling me in and kissing me. Now - as much as I didn’t like the guy, I had to admit he could kiss. His tongue slides across my bottom lip and I don’t let him in, that is until he pinches the skin of my thigh and I gasp, his tongue entering my mouth and wrestling with my own.I count to thirty in my head before I move my head back, but his hand clasps my head and keeps me in place as his other hand goes to the bottom of my back, pushing me further into his lap. I put my hands on his chest and push but to no avail, I breathe deeply through my nose pushing against him as hard as I can.
While most of his friends start laughing I can hear some of his friends calling his name.
“Johnny man, it’s time.”
“Uh dude you should probably stop now.”
“Get your hands the fuck off her Coleman.” I can hear Michael’s voice over the rest and I push with both hands at Johnny’s chest. His hands move to my shirt as he pulls away breathing heavy. I hear a ripping noise before I feel myself getting pulled off of his lap as I’m pushed behind a tall body. I look down at my ripped shirt, my lace bra out in the open, I push my front against the tall boy in front of me that I now realise is Michael as I catch my breath.
“Awh Mouse I was enjoying that.” Johnny wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. “Why’d you ruin my fun Clifford, want a taste?”
Michael tenses in front of me and I put a hand on his back, stroking my thumb until I feel his body relax slightly. I couldn’t even tell what the dynamic was between us in this moment but all I knew was I felt safe behind him.
“No man, I'm good.” Johnny smirks at his words but the smile drops from his lips when Michael utters “I like my women when they’re willing.”
Johnny stands up, his chest puffing out. “Fuck you man. Hey mouse, don’t panic - you’re a shit kisser anyway, thought your tits would make up for it but they’re shit too.”
Michael takes a step forward and I put an arm around his waist, “Michael leave it, please.”
He stills, his arm resting on top of mine before he growls under his breath, turning to leave the room with me trailing behind him.
“Michael it’s fine, I’ll just go back to my room.” He leads me up the stairs, his hand holding mine as we walk through the house.
“Y/N there is no way in hell you’re walking back through campus with that rip in your shirt. I’m getting you another shirt and then I’ll walk you back.” He pulls you through a door with a ‘KEEP OUT’ sign across the front, you bite your lip as you take in the decor. Black bedding adorns the bed, a grey rug on the floor with a wall of guitars and band posters everywhere.
“Nice room.” You murmur, picking up a photo from a cabinet and observing the picture where Michael has his arms around three other guys.
“That’s my best friends - Ash, Cal and Luke. We’re in a band together.” He turns and rummages through a drawer by his bed, looking for a shirt. I run a finger over the photo, tracing over Michael’s grin.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile like that,” I whisper, thinking about how most of mine and Michael’s conversations had been little bickers.I smile at the photo of the grinning man, laughing with his friends. The darkly dressed, scowling man you’d come to know looked so different.
“Why would you, it’s hard to give you a smile when you’re irritating me all of the damn time.” I turn to look at him when a black ball of fabric hits me in the face. I stumble back, hitting my head on the door and sliding until I’m sat on the floor. A yelp leaves my throat at the sudden fall, but the sound is muffled by the tee.
“Shit!” I pull the shirt from my face to see Michael kneeling in front of me, a concerned look on his face. “Y/N, I didn’t mean for that to happen, are you okay?” His hand goes to the back of my head, and while the touch makes me flinch, I know there’s no lasting damage.
“I’ll probably have a sore head tomorrow but yeah I’m fine.” I laugh softly at the worry on his face and he rolls his eyes, his hand not moving from the back of my head.
I look at the tee and back to Michael. “Liberty’s? You work there?” The dive bar just off of campus was not a place you frequented often, but most of your friends did - if not for the live music then for the rowdy atmosphere that was sure to get your blood pumping.
“Yeah, it’s where my band plays most of the time - I DJ sometimes and Luke and Cal who are in that photo you were drooling over work the bar most night and Ash works the door.” I blush at his words as he stands up, walking over to a mini fridge in the corner and grabbing two beers.
“I was not drooling, don’t be a jackass.” I change into the tee, it swallows me and becomes kind of like a dress on my figure. I grab one of the beers and sit on the edge of his bed awkwardly. “Thanks for the beer?” My words trail off into a question as I look at him, trying to figure out what is going on in this boy’s mind.
“One for the road. That fucking dick downstairs made my buzz disappear.” My fingers play with the hem of the t-shirt, trying to muster up the courage to say what I needed to.
“T-thank you. For what you did downstairs.” I keep my eyes low, not sure whether to say anything more.
“Don’t mention it, you shouldn’t have fucking joined that game, Johnny is a messed up dude who sees you as fruit ripe for the picking.” Michael’s words get angry and I can’t help but watch as he clenches his hand into a fist on his leg before taking a long drink.
“And what do you see me as?” Embarrassment floods through me as I hear a twinge of hope in my words. It’s only now that I’m sitting so close to him that I realise how bright his eyes are, how the stubble on his chin makes him look older then he is and I can’t help but internally shiver as I imagine that stubble grazing my neck.
“I did see you as an annoying spoiled brat who always wanted her own way. I saw you as rude, bitchy and irritating.” His words hurt and it must have been the drink making me that little bit more sensitive because I could feel tears filling my eyes at his words.
I nod softly, setting my beer on the floor. “Don’t worry about walking me back, I’ll be okay.”
I stand from the bed, walking towards the door. I knew that we had always bickered but there was a part of that felt like it was just part of the way we spoke to each other, it was never that I genuinely didn’t like him, but he obviously didn’t feel the same.
“Y/N wait.” I could hear him call after me but I didn’t want to hear more reasons why he didn’t like me. I flew open the door and stepped back out into the booming noise of the party. There were bodies everywhere and the beer was making me feel hazy as a hand clasp my wrist.
“Michael, I-” The room starts spinning when I see Johnny looking down at me, sneering.
“Where’ve you been Mouse? You left me high and dry in front of my boys.” He shakes his head, pushing me against the nearest wall, his arm resting above my head as he towers over my small frame. “You can make it up to me though,”
“No Johnny I was just going home, it was part of the game.” I fake confidence but my voice cracks slightly.
He presses against me, one hand trailing up of Michael’s tshirt, pushing it up slightly. “Awh c’mon Y/N, don’t be so frigid.” His mouth starts lowering towards mine and I turn my head away.
“Johnny, no.” I push against his chest and he tenses, pushing further into me as his mouth connects with my neck. I let out a small cry and push against him more, when suddenly his body is pulled off me and lands with a thud on the floor, another person led over him as punches are thrown at his face.
“She said no. Take no for a fucking answer you fucking creep.” I stand pressed against the wall, my chest heaving as I watch Michael pummel Johnny into the ground.
“Michael get off of him! Mate stop!” Two of the frat boys shout before they come and pull Michael away, leaving Johnny groaning on the floor holding his nose.
I unfreeze as Johnny stands unsteadily, pointing towards me.
“You’ve got fucking problems with this chick man, last week you fucking hated her and now what? You’re defending her honour?” Johnny spits out his words, blood flying from his split lip as he walks towards Michael. “You can fucking have her, she’s a frigid bitch anyway.” He pushes past Michael towards his room, some of his minions following after him.
Michael walks over to you slowly, your eyes on the bloodied knuckles of his hands. He reaches for my hand and I flinch slightly. His eyes get a hurt look in them and goes to move his hand away when I clasp it in mine, gripping it tightly but being careful not to hurt his hand. We look at each other for a moment, silent words passing through our eyes.
“Come back to my room for a minute, please? I just want to talk.” His words are low but pleading and I nod softly. It’s only when he turns that we notice all of the eyes on us. I blush, following after Michael as he drags me softly towards his room, locking the door behind him.
“That’s not to keep you in by the way, you can leave whenever. I just want to keep those assholes out.” I nod softly, holding myself as Michael moves to sit on his bed. “Y/N, kitten, please sit down.” Michael had always used that name to tease me but there was a softness in his words that warmed my heart.
“Firstly you need to know that Johnny won’t bother you again. He’s pretty coked up now but I’ll let him know tomorrow that if he even looks at you that a broken nose, split lip and black eye are the least of his worries.” His fingers move to my chin making me look in his eyes. The intense gaze he was giving me was sending butterflies to my stomach.
“Secondly what I said to you before was a dick move but you need to know that I said those things in the past tense, because I don’t see you that way anymore and I don’t think I ever really did. Fuck Y/N I don’t know.” He lifts his cap, running a hand through his messy hair before putting the cap back on and rubbing his eyes, groaning.
“And what that fucker said was a lie because I’ve never fucking hated you.” He stares into my eyes and I know he’s telling the truth.
One of his hands cups my cheek, and I hold my breath in fear of scaring him off. His forehead presses against mine and I can feel his breath against my lips.
“Have you ever hated me?” His words are hushed and I blush at how close our mouths are.
“Oh there’s been times where I’ve definitely hated you.” Michael smirks, a dark laugh leaving his lips before they’re pushed against mine and suddenly everything disappears. Just his kiss was sending a thousand volts through my body and it was suddenly like I couldn’t get close enough to him. Our faces moved against each other as our tongues wrestled. His hands gripped my face as mine clenched his shirt. We pull away for air and a small whimper leaves my throat. We both sit in silence, breathing in unison.
“Michael… could I stay here? I don’t want to be alone.” His eyes widen at my words and his mouth drops open playfully.
“Y/N how forward of you!” I blush and slap him on the chest.
“Not like that! I just want to talk to you, we’ve never just talked.” For the first real time since I’ve known him, Michael smiles - really smiles and puts his arm around my shoulders and pulls me into his chest. He feels warm and in his arms I feel safe, almost like I don’t want to leave.
“I’d like that, Kitten.”
We both climb into the bed in our clothes, talking about anything and everything from Michael’s favourite music and where I grew up. I wasn’t sure when I fell asleep but all I knew was that just before I did I felt Michael kiss my forehead.
The light shone through the window, casting over the dark room and highlighting the arm around my waist. Somewhere through the night we had pressed up against each other and our legs were tangled as Michael spooned me. The T-shirt I was in had ridden up to my waist, Michael’s arm hot against my skin. I blinked slowly, letting myself wake up peacefully and my eyes adjust to the small amount of light in the room. I take time to remember everything that had happened at the party, left with the knowledge that Michael really does care about me and had saved me from Johnny’s ways.
I shift slightly in the bed, becoming aware of one of Michael’s hands resting on the skin of my thigh and I stretch out my back only to accidentally press my backside against his hips. His arm wraps tighter around me and his fingers spread out across my stomach. Somewhere during the night I had shed my skirt and was dressed only in his long t-shirt. I bite my lip trying not to laugh out loud and wiggle against him again. His fingers dig into my hips and I feel his face nuzzle into the back of my head.
“Kitten. Quit it.” But something bold awakens in me and I continue the movement, circling my hips back and revelling in how tight he holds me close in reaction.
“Y/N.” His voice is a growl of warning but there’s something electric about our bodies being so close. I know I’m pushing my luck but feeling his body react to me gives me all kinds of confidence.
His fingers trace the edge of my underwear and I shiver, fully rocking my ass back against his hardening dick.
“You feeling needy this morning? What happened to just talking?” His words blow hot breaths against my ear and I let out a breathy moan as his hand searches lazily over the lace of my panties, searching for my clit. He knows he’s found it when I let out a short gasp, and chuckles darkly.
“You need something?” His hand leaves my body and travels up towards my jaw, tilting my face up so that his lips are pressed against my ear. His grip is forceful but not painful and the dominance in his movements makes me whimper quietly.
“I just want to feel good Mikey.”
He groans in my ear and leans back from me, his hand on my hip.
“Turn around, please?” I shift my body until I’m facing him and he pulls me even closer, hooking my thigh over his hip until he is pressed up against me, grinding directly against my heat. I rock against him slowly, his half awake eyes and lazy grin making him look so fucking hot that I can’t help the whine that leaves my lips. I lean forward, brushing my lips softly against his.
He leans his head closer to mine to fully press his lips against my own but I pull back. He smirks and waits for me to lean forward before trying again but I pull my head away again, teasing him.
His hand goes to my ass and smacks down, pulling me into him and kissing me forcefully. I giggle against his lips and wrap my free arm around his neck, kissing him with everything I have. Michael rolls onto his back, pulling me on top of him, kiss hands pushing down on my backside and grinding up so I can feel every inch of his hardness.
“Kitten you’re going to make me nut right here if you’re not careful, looking so fucking beautiful in my clothes.” I sit up until I’m straddling him, blushing at his words.
“Are you going to go back to not liking me after this?” I take each of his hands in mine, entwining our fingers as I rock my hips forward at a steady pace. “Because i’m not that kind of girl, Clifford.” My tone is teasing and he pulls me down until I’m laying flat on his chest and kisses me deeply, murmuring against my lips.
“I have a funny feeling things aren’t going to be the same again Kitten.” He pulls away, resting his forehead against mine. “Look I’m DJing tonight and my band might play a set. Come and watch us? We can grab food after and see what happens?”
I rest my arms on either side of his head, “I’d like that.” Our lips meet again and I feel myself falling sideways as he rolls us over so that he’s on top of me.
“I want to make you feel good.” His words are whispered against my neck and he kisses down to where my neck and shoulder meets, biting down. I arch against his chest, pulling him closer. Our hips move against each other again, rocking to create as much friction as possible. I could feel how thick he was against my lace covered core and it made me want skin to skin contact - as much as I can get.
I wrap my legs around his waist and push my hips up but I feel his teeth graze my neck before biting down and I yelp out quietly.
“Don’t think for a second that you’re in control here Y/N.” One of his fingers slide under the lace of my underwear and starts tracing figure eights around my clit. I gasp out, my eyes sliding shut as his bulge continues to grind against me, sensations flowing through my body.
“You want to know something Kitten? Eyes on me.” I meet his intense stare, his free hand gripping my hip to steady my movements. His fingers speed up their movements and my eyes start to glaze over as little pants leave my mouth.
“Everytime we used to have our little spats I’d imagine putting my hand on the back of your head and shutting you up with my mouth, sucking on your tongue and swallowing up your words. I imagined what that bratty mouth would feel like, what you’d taste like. Whether you’d kiss like a princess or a dirty girl.”
His words caused my whole body to shiver, heat rising through my body and making my head spin.
“You going to find out or keep it to your imagination?” My words come out whinier then intended but I get the exact reaction I wanted as Michael growls under his breath and forces his lips against mine roughly, his tongue sliding across my bottom lip before sucking my tongue and biting down.
His hand pushes the rest of our clothes out of his way before hiking one of my thighs high against the bed and slowly pushing into me. I arch my back against him, panting softly as I start to feel oh so full.
“Fucking beautiful.” His words are whispered between us and our eyes connect as he pulls out softly before pushing all the way in. It’s delicious and hot and we both groan and the feeling. Every negative word passed between us melts away and all that is left is two people connecting in the closest of ways.
Our hips rock together, both of us searching for our highs, the small grunts and gasps filling the space between us our eyes staying locked on each other.
Michael’s forehead presses against mine as he grips my hand and pushes it against the mattress.
“Mikey.. I… I” my words are gasped out and Michael presses his lips against mine. “You close baby?” He presses his lips against my neck and sucks harshly, pressing deep inside and grinding his hips and my head spins. Something bursts deep inside me and I throw my head back, a silent scream leaving my mouth.
“Oh fuck, so tight…” A groan leaves Mikey’s lips and he pulls out, releasing over my stomach. A giggle leaves my lips as he flops down next to me with a sheepish grin. He reaches for his shirt, cleaning me up softly.
“You going to let me call you Kitten from now on?” His hand strokes the side of my face and I muzzle into it.
“Only if I can call you my puppy dog?” His face scrunches up and he frowns and me playfully.
“Fuck right off.” His words are harsh but the glint in his eyes is warmer then it’s ever been.
“Woof woof,” I tease before a screaming laugh leaves my lips as he rolls back on top of me, his lips travelling to my stomach as he blows raspberries and tickles me.
I don’t know how long we led there but all I knew was I could spend forever lost between these sheets.
Let me know what you think!❤️
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Okay, I wasn’t online all day because of school/work but I couldn’t just let this day pass without saying anything.
To my boys:
Luke: My baby, thank you for showing me that, even when I am at my worst, I am deserving of love. That even when life gets me down, I can still bring light like you do. Thank you for showing me how to apologize, how to stand my ground and be empathic with others. Thank you for loving the way that you do. Thank you for your smile and your amazing fashion sense. Thank you for your bravery of breaking gender norms. Thank you for that video of you in cocktail chats singing more (I still sing it that way) You are a light in everyone’s life and we miss you so much, but I’m glad you’re taking a break and enjoying yourself and the people around you. I hope you are alright and we see each other soon ❤️ ps: drop more pics of Petunia and videos of you singing in the car whenever you can.
Calum: babe, you are my favorite asshole cause you know just how to mess up with fans in a way that will make us cry happy tears and roll our eyes at the same time. Thank you for your loyalty, it’s amazing how transparent the connection you have with the guys is. Thank you for taking care of Duke, we love our little guy. Thank you for Babylon (it’s still one of my favorite songs) Thank you for leaving football for this. Thank you for your cheeky smile, I swoon everytime. Thank you for showing me that family can be found. Thank you for bringing a smile to my face everytime I see a picture of you. Thank you for your curls. We still miss you, I hope you’re doing alright and that you’re happy giving Duke a lot of snuggles cause he deserves that. I love you, darling. More than I can say ❤️
Michael: my favorite, oh how to beging to thank you... but first of all I want to say sorry. Sorry that you have to deal with so much shit just for being who you are. Sorry that you had to run away from socials bc people can’t seem to understand that you are a person too. I’m so sorry Michael, you deserve so much more and I don’t know how we can prove that. But now, I want to say thank you. Thank you for showing me how strong I can be. Thank you for teaching me about growth. Thank you for being so resilient and loving and funny despite everything. Thank you for standing up for the little guy. Thank you for your immense heart and your beautiful soul. Thank you for making me believe in soulmates. Thank you for Wrapped around your finger. Thank you for that guitar riff in castaway live and for that line in Valentine. Thank you for creating the band and being the glue that holds everything together. Thank you for your laugh. Thank you for your twitch streams (please bring them back whenever you can) Thank you for the pics of Moose and South. Thank you for beign who you are, always. You don’t understand how brave you are and how much I want to hug you. You deserve the world, just say a word and it’s yours. Wish we could protect you more.
And finally,
Ashton: my light, I don’t even know how to say that if it weren’t for you I wouldn’t be here today. You are my greatest example and role model. You helped me get through the toughest times of the year, always making me want to hold on because I knew that there is no way that the universe could put someone as good as you in this world without a purpose. Thank you for making me want to stay. Thank you for making me laugh for the first time after months of incredible darkness. Thank you for staying. Thank you for showing me that it’s worth it, staying is worth it. Thank you for your drum solo in red desert. Thank you for your voice in the stay and the no roots covers. Thank you for Superbloom, it’s my favorite album. Thank you for telling the stories I’m too afraid to tell. Thank you for showing me how brave I could be. Thank you for showing me one can change, that I can survive even my dark times. Thank you for always supporting your brothers, for being so Unafraid of showing them the love they deserve and always defending them when needed. Thank you for smoking weed in your live, that shit was funny and iconic af. Thank you for your hair and your beard. Thank you for giving me hope when I felt the most hopeless. Thank you for showing me that there is more to life than what meets the eye. I love you, I love you, I love you. I love you because you show me that I can love myself and I never felt that before. You made me a better person. You made me stay. I can’t thank you enough and I don’t know if I could even try. You are more important than you know. Thank you for making me believe again and for making me a fan of this band (officially, that is) Thank you for being my muse, my inspiration to write again (even if they are not that good) From the moment I first saw you in the Amnesia video I knew you’d be special in my life, I’m so glad I was right. Thank you, Ashton. Thank you for everything.
5SOS and 5SOSfam: I wouldn’t have survived the year without you and without this community. Yes, it was a hard year to become a fan. But I’m so glad I did and that I went through all of that, it just showed me how powerful the power of music is and how strong as a community we can be. We survived the year despite all of it and we’ll keep on doing that for years to come. Thank you for the music that guided me through it all. Thank you for showing me who I want to be. Thank you for giving us the world. Thank you for everything you’ve done. Thank you for each album. For each video and bts. For each silly moment. For each keek. Thank you for each prank. For each interview and each concert. Thank you for getting out of Australia to do what you love most. Thank you for loving us. Thank you for being there for me when I felt the most alone. Thank you to all the friends I made and the people I met here. Thank you for everything and thank you for what’s to come. I love you. I love all of you. Happy 9 years ❤️
And to end this I’d like to quote the great Michael Clifford: “real band save fans, real fans save bands”
And last but not least, thank you to the people that made this year so special. You made me feel welcome and appreciated. I can’t thank you enough: @devilatmydoor @kindahoping4forever @myloverboyash @littledrummeraussie @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @cal-puddies @talkfastromance4 @calpalirwin @irwinkitten and to the ones I forgot but you know who you are ❤️
All my love - 🌻🦋 (Sunflower)
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I made a png pic i think wow lol how
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clumsyclifford · 4 years
i’ll be your eyes (you be my face)
‘cause darling i get scared for you, and i’m not busy anyway.
It’s unspoken, but Luke is pretty sure they’re trading off on who gets to have a breakdown every week. (Or, Luke and Ashton help each other. Heal each other. Same thing.)
TWs: depression, suicide ideation, general angst. you guys asked for it. title from the song anyway by noah kahan.
read it on ao3 here
It’s unspoken, but Luke is pretty sure they’re trading off on who gets to have a breakdown every week.
Last week it had been Ashton, and Luke thinks he did a decent job talking him down from it. He has some practice. Ashton’s always been — well, they’ve all been fragile, from the very start, but Ashton has always been the most obvious about it. Michael lashes out. Calum pulls himself inward. Luke keeps it quiet. But Ashton bleeds. Ashton leaves himself open and vulnerable, cries tear stains into the carpets and tour bus floors and hotel pillows. This is just the way things are. Ashton bleeds. He’s the only one who does.
This week, though, it’s Luke. Luke knows that because it’s a terrible day, and they’re sitting at dinner and Luke is staring at his plate, and Ashton’s just cracked a joke about something, and now Luke’s heart — his chest — everything’s wrong, and he wants to cry where he didn’t just a moment ago. He’s not hungry. Has he ever been hungry? 
“Luke,” Ashton repeats, but Luke buries his face in his hands instead, elbows digging into the table. This is how it is. They do this over and over. It’s his turn to fucking lose it, isn’t it? He’s earned the right. “Luke. Are you — what can I do?”
Luke shakes his head. “Not hungry,” he says, and then without ceremony pushes his seat back and retreats to his room, shutting the door behind him.
He feels desperate and stretched thin and achy, feels like he’s been in panic mode for weeks and it’s starting to wear him out. Ashton let him move in to help, but Luke hasn’t really gotten better, has he? Still the same piece of shit he was before, rock-bottom with a pickaxe. He flops face-first into his pillow and hugs it tight. Maybe he’ll be able to hold his breath longer this time than the last. Maybe he’ll be able to hold his breath until he passes out. Maybe — 
“Can I come in?”
Luke grunts, which means yes, in Luke-and-Ashton-living-together-speak. The door creaks.
“Can I sit?”
Another grunt. Luke hasn’t taken his face out of his pillow. He’s just beginning to feel lightheaded from it. Maybe this is the time it kills him.
It’s not what he wants, though. It’s not. Sometimes Luke thinks he’s just faking it until he makes it — over and over, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die. One day it will be true again. A hand settles delicately over the dip of his spine.
“Pick your head up, Luke.”
Luke doesn’t. His heart is beating faster now; he still hasn’t caught his breath, and now his chest is starting to squeeze, and maybe this really will be it.
“Luke. Stop it.” The hand moves to his shoulder, grips him tightly, forces Luke to turn onto his side, and Luke glares as he exhales.
“We said no more of that shit,” Ashton tells him. “Come on. Tell me what’s going on.”
“You already know what’s going on,” Luke mutters. “My brain is fucked up. That’s what.”
“How do you feel?” Ashton presses. “Did something happen that made you react like this?”
Of course nothing happened. That’s a stupid question. Ashton should know better. “Oh,” Luke says, “you mean other than the fact that there’s something wrong with my fucking brain? No, nothing.”
Ashton doesn’t say, there’s something wrong with mine, too. He doesn’t say, that’s why I’m here. Or even that’s why you’re here. He doesn’t remind Luke that the whole reason they moved in together was to help each other out. That wouldn’t really be true anyway, even though Ashton likes to say it is; the truth is that Luke is imposing on Ashton, and if Ashton weren’t so fucking lonely and broken, if Ashton weren’t just as bad as Luke if not worse, then he’d have never let Luke in. Because Luke is fucked up. There’s no doubt about it. And now Ashton is signed up to deal with it.
“Are you mad at me?” Ashton asks him. Luke stares.
“Of course I’m not fucking mad at you,” he says.
“Then stop taking it out on me,” Ashton says. “Talk to me. Tell me how you’re feeling. We can get through this, you know. We have, and we’ll keep doing it. I know you can. Do you trust me?”
And Luke wants to tell him of course I trust you but that’s not the point, say trusting you isn’t going to fix me, say it’s not about trust. But Ashton’s expression is open, earnest, so deadly sincere. 
“I trust you,” Luke says, like he’s said a hundred times before. “I feel like shit. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t take it out on you.”
“Yeah,” Ashton says. “But it’s okay. I know you don’t mean it.” Luke wonders if Ashton really believes that, or if he’s just saying it. And if he means it, what would it take to convince him that Luke hates him? Maybe Ashton trusts Luke too much. Maybe he should say something about that, do something about it.
He remembers a soothing hand to Ashton’s face, a gentle kiss to his forehead while he’d cried about missing his siblings, stroking his hair until he’d fallen limp in Luke’s arms, mumbled words like it’s going to be okay and you’ll see them soon and I’m here, I’ve got you. 
It’s symbiotic in a dangerous way, this precipice they’re balancing on. Just two batteries killing themselves to charge each other. But as long as they stay in this bubble, alone together, they’re effectively immortal. Like Prometheus, cursed to heal every morning only to be torn apart again every night. And around and around they go.
By all rights, it’s a good day. A fun day, actually. Luke teaches Ashton to play “She’s Kinda Hot,” and then Ashton goes and does the shopping and Luke cleans the kitchen before he comes back, because he’s just that nice. Ashton makes dinner. They eat. It’s fine. It’s good.
Ashton goes to bed earlier than Luke, always. He’s got a better grasp on what he needs to feel better. Physical health is the first step towards mental health. Ashton has it down to a science, literally, almost. He tries to push Luke, but Luke’s got far too many thoughts to shut up before one in the morning at the earliest, so he’s still awake at midnight after Ashton’s supposedly gone to bed.
He’s still up when he hears footsteps, and that means Ashton’s awake, possibly getting water or something. It’s not a concern. It shouldn’t be.
Then, “Yeah. I miss you, too.” And Luke feels a secondhand pang of hurt, this melancholy that surrounds Ashton whenever anyone mentions his family. It’s a sensitive topic for him more than most; to go from practically raising your siblings to never seeing them must feel like losing a limb, not that Luke would know. He stalls, listening for the sound of Ashton crying or even choking up. He knows his cues. “No, we’re fine,” Ashton carries on, the sound growing distant as Ashton moves further towards the kitchen. “It’s just weird, you know?”
Luke creeps towards his door, listening. “Mike, don’t,” Ashton finally says; Luke does a double-take. Michael? Clifford? Their bandmate and best friend? Okay. That makes sense. It can make sense. If Ashton’s going to be on the phone with anyone at midnight, anyway, it’ll be Michael. “Seriously, it’s so far away.” Pause. “Obviously I — Michael, it’s not worth it. You should spend time with your family. Plus you’d be leaving Cal all by himself and you know he doesn’t do well.” He laughs. “Look, I should sleep. Talk to you later, okay? No, we’ll talk about it later. Okay. Yeah, yeah. Love you. Bye.”
Luke counts under his breath. When he reaches ten he pushes the door open and slowly pads into the kitchen, where Ashton is nowhere to be found.
“Yeah,” comes Ashton’s voice. Luke comes around the island, and Ashton has his back pressed against it, feet propped up and digging into the bottom drawer across from him. His elbows are resting on his knees, head hung low, fingers tightly woven into his hair. The picture of distress, of silent suffering.
“All right?” Luke asks, even though he’s obviously not. Then, in the interest of transparency, he adds, “I heard you talking to Mikey.”
“He wants to come visit,” Ashton says quietly.
“That sounds nice.”
“I know. It does. I want him to."
Ashton blows out a puff of air, like he's smoking but without the cigarette. "I don’t know. I don’t want him to see me like this.”
“I don’t think he’ll care,” Luke says candidly. “He’s seen us both at our worst.”
“I know,” Ashton says despairingly. He’s still talking into his thighs, and hasn’t looked up to see Luke. “It’s just, I don’t know. I’ll be apathetic. I’ll be an asshole, and I’m trying so hard not to be. I don’t want him to think I don’t still like him. Just because I don’t know how to, like, work properly.”
“Ash, Mike’s known us for, like. Six years? Give or take?”
“And I love him, and I don’t want to be like this,” Ashton says frustratedly. “I hate — I don’t want to see anyone. Don’t you feel like this? Ever? That if you have to talk to another person you’ll just —” He tugs at his own hair. “It’s not fair to him. I told him not to come.”
Luke gets it, but he’s surprised to hear it from Ashton. Sometimes it feels like the fame is a forced half of Luke’s social life, contractually obliged to talk to everyone all the time about everything, and in response he has to shut himself away whenever he can or else he’ll commit murder. But Ashton’s friendly, personable; Ashton seems to enjoy creating conversation out of thin air.
“It’s just Michael,” Luke says gently. “He’s been like that more times than any of us can count. Hell, he probably invented the feeling. It doesn’t matter if you want time to yourself when he’s here. It’ll be nice to have him anyway.”
“I miss him,” Ashton says, and picks his head up to look at Luke. “Isn’t that fucked up, that I miss him? I miss Calum. I miss you.”
“I’m right here.”
“I know that. I know. I feel like I'm missing something and I don’t know what it is.”
“It’s not fucked up to miss your best friends,” Luke says. “And it’s also not fucked up not to.”
“We spend every fucking second together and it drives me crazy,” Ashton says weakly, “and then we’re separated and I miss everyone so much it hurts. Luke, if you hadn’t moved in I think I would have, like. I don’t know.” 
Luke knows, but neither of them are going to say it.
“Hey,” he says. “I’m the one who’s lucky to have you, not the other way around.”
Ashton shuts his eyes and holds out an arm, which is an invitation, and Luke accepts, sitting down next to Ashton and leaning heavily against his side. Ashton drops his hand to Luke’s shoulder and his fingers brush up against Luke’s bicep, curling under the sleeve of his t-shirt, stalling there.
“Every second you’re not here, I miss you,” Ashton murmurs. Their heads are tipped together; Ashton’s staring straight ahead, and Luke’s looking sort of sideways at the fraying threads at the hem of Ashton’s t-shirt. “Maybe that’s crazy.”
“It’s not crazy,” Luke says quickly. He exhales. “I’m not, like...going anywhere, you know? I need you too.”
“Not as much as I need you,” Ashton says. He’s just like this sometimes. Blunt to a degree that makes you wonder if he’s being genuine. But Ashton’s always genuine. There’s not a truly dishonest bone in his body. 
Luke doesn’t answer that. There’s no way to know whether or not it’s true.
“Wanna sleep with me tonight?” he asks. 
Ashton nods. “I love you, you know?” he says, and Luke does know, but it doesn’t hurt to hear it.
“I love you too.”
“Yeah, but it’s not the same,” Ashton says, shaking his head. “Never mind.”
“Of course it’s the same,” Luke argues. “How can it not be the same? What, you think I wouldn’t drown without you?”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“What did you mean?”
“Not now,” Ashton says, sighing. “It’s — sorry. I know I brought it up but not tonight, Luke. I’m tired.”
Luke rests a hand on Ashton’s knee and rubs circles against the fabric of his joggers. “Okay. That’s okay. Bedtime, then?”
“Think so,” Ashton mumbles.
They stand, brush themselves off, return to Luke’s room with arms loosely linked. Ashton crawls under the covers and Luke is close behind. This is a practiced enough routine that Luke knows his choreography. He drapes his arm over Ashton’s waist and the other under his head, and Ashton sinks back into Luke’s chest until it’s hard to tell if they’re still autonomous individuals or just one big super-person. One mega band member full of sadness and pain and despair and a lot of broken music. Minor key people.
“I swear we don’t have to talk about it,” Luke whispers, “but I love you, too. However you meant it, that’s how I mean it.”
“You can’t say that if you don’t know,” Ashton whispers back.
“Well, I love you,” Luke responds. “Full stop, no qualifiers. Even if you didn’t love me I still would.”
Ashton sighs. “Can we talk about this in the morning?”
“Sure, or whenever. Or never, if that’s what you want. I’m just telling you.” He flattens his palm against Ashton’s heart. Ashton covers it with his own hand.
“Okay,” he says softly. “Goodnight.”
Luke falls asleep to Ashton's steady breathing, and he thinks, terrifyingly, that he could get used to this.
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adrischrv · 4 years
REGNUM [L.H] -Chapter 8
Summary: In a dystopian future, a tragedy leads Prince Luke to become King of Gardenstone. From her neighboring kingdom Maredale, our protagonist Amberly must choose between King Luke and King Ashton of Lauxwell to close the alliance that the three kingdoms are destined to make. In the process and after, Amberly will encounter mysteries, a love triangle, and betrayals that will define her future. (Basically, enemies to lovers)
Word Count:  4,246
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The next day I arrived at the stable on time, not wanting to argue with Luke anymore. Fortunately, years before I had had the whim of raising my mare back in Maredale, a whim my mother fulfilled on the condition that I take care of her. Although limousines and cars are quite common, all three kingdoms have moderate amounts of them and therefore it was easier to acquire a horse. I took care of the mare I called Mer, there were nights I spent finishing a book in the stable with her company and mornings I left the palace early to ride on the beach before the people woke up. I hoped they were taking care of her at home. All the knowledge I gained with Mer had been used to wonderfully caring for the five horses in the stable. 
Michael arrived in the middle of the hayride. He explained that he had heard the workers say that my work in the greenhouse had been splendid and how happy that made him already. He also told me that he now lived one floor below me, which explained why I´d seen Lidia come up and down more times than usual that morning. 
I told him about the gloves, Luke, and accidentally Ashton. Something clicked in his head that he didn't bother to share, he simply asked me not to worry. He immediately left under the excuse that he had some very important business to discuss with the King. 
The days went by quite quickly. My routine was the same for a week: waking up, getting directions from Michael, going down to the greenhouse, pausing for food, and going upstairs at night. I was working desperately to fix the greenhouse and was increasing the speed and time I spent listening to Calum speak for his Jhin about movements on the border. 
The girls in the kitchen gave me the lost information they were hearing and I slowly connected the narrative. There were going to be three major events in the next few weeks: a campout in the town of Mudtry, the Birch Celebration that was typical of Gardenstone, and another unnamed event for the time being. The information on the last one was very little but it existed; it would have guests from all three kingdoms so it earned its place on the list.
Ashton and I went out every weekend. We traveled around the palace exchanging thoughts, ideas, and the occasional kiss. We weren't a couple, but something that didn't know the difference between naivety and love told me we weren't far off. His company... just felt good, fair, and free. 
I was going down to the kitchen to start today's work. I knocked a couple of times on Michael's door and no one answered so I walked around hoping to find him on my way. Said and done, as I entered the kitchen I saw him leaning against a counter enjoying an apple. He was wearing a suit, it wasn't common for him. 
“Why so formal, boss?” I asked, taking an apple from a basket next to him.
I understood the reason for his location in the kitchen when the servants rushed past him. 
“Thank you for noticing. I must say that your comfortable attire is much better than the dresses you wore at first, it made me nervous," he joked and pointed at the servants with the apple he kept eating. “I dress like this for the same reason they do; Luke woke up wanting to travel to Lauxwell for a few days; they're preparing his trip and I will be in charge of the not-so-important stuff while he is away.”
“What about Calum?”
I poured two glasses of orange juice, he took one and thanked me with a nod. 
“He'll stay here and take care of the more important stuff, which I won't do. Luke asked that no one should accompany him but a few guards.”
“Why is he going to Lauxwell? I thought he hated the place as much as its residents.”
I looked through the conversations with the girls in the kitchen; they didn't mention this trip once. It had been sudden for everyone, even for Luke himself. 
“To spend time with Lauren," he replied casually. 
I quietly drank the rest of my juice. Spending time with Lauren? She had been here as long as Ashton, I didn't see them talking once and suddenly he wanted to spend time with her. Not just any time, time alone. That's why he didn't bring company. 
“Wow, are you okay?” Michael interrupted my thoughts, thanks to the sea. I nodded. “I lost you for a moment, is it because of Luke?”
I took the glass to the sink and started to wash it. 
“In a way, not having him around for a while sounds like a vacation. I will count and appreciate every second.”
I wanted to keep digging, to find out what Luke would be doing at Lauxwell and why he had decided to go "spend time with Lauren" all of a sudden. There was something that Michael wasn't telling me, he wasn't telling me anything. I stopped my tongue from asking, interest in the subject would only boost Luke's ego if that was possible. 
“I think you're doing a lousy job of hiding whatever it is you're feeling. That brings me to what you will do today.”
Michael pulled at my waist, dodging the servants who were going back and forth on their way to the west wing of the palace. We climbed a few stairs, this wing was noticeably emptier than the rest of the palace, it seemed like it was night plus the few windows were open. I recognized the beginning of the corridor we were heading down, we passed Luke's office. 
“You and I will take advantage of His Majesty's absence these days and do what you should have done from the beginning, your real work.”
We kept walking until we hit a wall, it had paintings of different trees and flowers on it. Michael ran his hands over the wall until he found what looked like a brick that had come out, pushed it and the gears started working, leaving the spiral stairs insight with the sides illuminated. 
“Come on, ladies first.”
I advanced and we began to go down the stairs. Judging by the look of the structure I could tell that they were using it constantly and it didn't seem so secret. 
“What will I do, exactly?” I asked, not encouragingly. 
“Maredans who crossed the border are here to formally present their needs, concerns, and so on. I had Calum bring them over before Luke was awake, now I owe that bastard a bottle of the finest wine in Greenbush.”
We got to the top of the stairs and I noticed we were underground. Michael opened a door that led out into a very wide hallway, on the other side he opened the door again to a room with people sitting inside, families, elders, Maredans waiting for answers. At the end of the rows of people, there was a desk and next to it a guard guarded the place. 
“This is a secret between you and me, understand?”
I smiled broadly and held back the urge to embrace him. I noticed tears forming in my eyes. 
“Wait, you said that we will both take advantage of the situation, what will you do?”
He smiled. 
“Bring more people, of course. I trust you will take enough time with each person in this room, however, we will see as many citizens as possible so that once Luke returns you can spend another week in the greenhouse without worrying about them... your people.”
I nodded repeatedly. 
He took one last look at the room and opened the door. 
“Michael," I called, making him stop. “Thank you.” 
“It's nothing," he smiled. 
I never believed that what people tell you about time passes more quickly when you do what you like is true, but attending to the Maredans and listening to them proved me wrong. 
Most didn't come for lack of work in Maredale but to discover the magic and potential of Gardenstone. It was very rare for people to leave their kingdom with what they had become accustomed to in their own homes, what a nice irony. I didn't blame them, sometimes even your own house is too small if you fill it with dreams and hope. 
Michael kept his word to bring people. We provided housing and work for those who needed it in Greenbush where Michael would have them all under his care and helping out in his vineyard as his employees. One family or another asked for the possibility of having businesses in the capital of Gardenstone and we had to put them on hold because it was very risky for Maredan businesses to rise out of nowhere near the palace but we promised to help them when we could.
No one-not even Ashton, who was constantly being asked to postpone appointments-knew what we were doing. For the first two days, we went unnoticed by everyone around the palace, our main concern was that Luke would arrive in less than expected. The "expected" was getting more and more confusing for me. I avoided thinking about the whole situation between Lauren and Luke, right now I had to take the employment contracts I had collected today to Michael... even though the matter was hidden and always bothering to be attended to behind my back. 
“...You know you can't do that. You can't tell him, it's not your place.”
It was Calum coming out of a door followed by Michael with whom he had a heated conversation. The Duke gave Calum a knock when he saw me in front of them.
“Princess, what a surprise!” he exclaimed. 
The man shivered, throwing a transparent bag on the floor. I reflexively squatted to return the bag to his hands. I looked at its contents for a few seconds; a gold ring was inside it, this one had a hole right in the middle with diamonds embedded around it; it was missing a stone. 
The bag was taken from my hands before I could say anything about it. Calum looked at Michael angrily and even a little terror crept into his brown eyes. 
“We'll discuss this later, Clifford. In the meantime, don't do anything stupid," Calum looked at me sideways, not a trace of joy or his characteristic sympathy. “Your Highness, Duke, excuse me.”
He apologized and went on his way in a hurry. Michael stood still, looked at me once when Calum was out of sight, and snorted cynically. 
“Come on, start your interrogation," he said as if he had known me all my life. He pointed to the door through which he had left moments earlier and we entered a strangely empty office. Nothing but the basics in it. Then he closed the door behind him. “I'll spare you the first question, we are in King Robert's old office.”
“Why? I was looking for you... “
He took the papers. We stood in the middle of the room, I thought it was disrespectful just to be here, but judging from the look of the chairs he hadn't sat here either. We shouldn't be here. 
“Calum called me, what you saw in that bag is evidence the investigators collected from the great hall. It was analyzed all this time and they can't find the DNA of the bearer..." He came over to the desk, stretched out two photographs of a rope cut in a part of the palace I didn't recognize. “It was right under this rope, I'll let that clever head of yours guess what it cut off.”
I blinked a couple of times, puzzled. 
“The chandelier.”
The same chandelier that ended the lives of Queen Susan, King Robert, and Prince Jake. What all this time seemed like an accident had been orchestrated. 
A chill ran through my body. The person who had wiped out most of the royal family was still outside, could be anywhere... could be anyone. 
“That's right, it wasn't an accident. And not only that," Michael walked slowly through the office, "I'm sure and I could swear by the Forest that I've seen the ring somewhere before. Perhaps the person who committed this tremendous atrocity decided to rob the Royal Jewelry store moments earlier. We came here to find a jewelry box that my mother gave to my aunt - to Queen Susan on her last birthday but it's not here.”
“Of course not, this is an office. You must look in her room.”
He snapped her tongue and crossed his arms a few steps away from me. 
“We did, it's empty. Calum had to bribe a couple of guards to get us into the royal room. What did we get? Nothing. We lost three weeks of beer.”
“No, I mean the Queen's other room. The one that's only hers, not the one she shared with the King," I replied, running my hands over my elbows, trying to relieve the tension. “It will probably cost you a year's worth of beer, but you can always tell Luke.”
The Duke burst out laughing as if he had told a pretty bad joke that ended up being good. 
“Discarded at all. He must not know, not now…”
Luke knew nothing about this. I realized late, very late, that I was hearing about the royal family before the King himself.
My impression must have been noticeable on my face, Michael realized, he came over to reassure me. 
“Don't be afraid. The King doesn't know... What's wrong with that, right?” he laughed nervously. 
I sighed, I was seconds away from hyperventilating. “Why doesn't he know?”
If I thought the punishment for slapping Luke was going to be bad, then keeping secrets from the kingdom was going to be much worse. 
“Hey... hey... “ Michael whispered, I felt my heartbeat increasing its volume second after second. “You needed to know, at least this I had to tell you…”
“There's more?!” I exclaimed, covering my mouth. “Michael, I'm sure there are at least thirty reasons why this is wrong... “
The shaking of my arms was muffled at the touch of his hands. They felt rough but helped to calm me down for a second. 
“I can't tell Luke. I prefer to keep my reasons to myself. But you can…” his closeness was comforting to the extent that he spoke. “You will tell the King.”
I opened my mouth to deny it when the slamming of the door hit Michael. The figure who came in knew we were talking about him the moment he did. 
“Your Majesty," Michael said, "What did you think of Lauxwell?”
I couldn't tell if the cold that flooded the office was coming from a window in the hallway or coming from Luke's presence. His jaw tightened, his cold, sharp gaze fixed on the closeness between Michael and me. I gently slid away from the Duke, leaving a considerable distance. 
“What are you two doing here?” he asked, his attention focused on Michael.
“Your Majesty, you haven't answered my question.”
“Bad, horrible. Lauxwell doesn't... need Gardenstone” Luke responded by interrupting Michael. His words were like knives. “Now respond.”
I saw Michael out of the corner of my eye. I forgot my panic at the sight of him in his eyes. I was hoping - we were hoping for a clever and quick excuse to get out of his mouth so that we could avoid all possible topics. If Luke found out what we had done with the Maredans - or that he hadn't been working in the greenhouse, or that his parents had been killed... Nothing good could come of this. 
I held the photographs tightly in my crossed hands behind my back, made mere balls of paper into my fists. I didn't know why Michael didn't want to tell Luke what he´d discovered seemed the least logical thing to do, but I was going to keep it a secret and trust his words. I had nothing else to do anyway. 
“We wanted to be alone for a while.”
Michael responded. The silence lasted for millennia. 
“It is a crime to lie to the crown, cousin.”
Luke still didn't look at me, my presence had never bothered him so much.
“It's true," I said. “We needed to talk alone about the job and the place was lonely.”
I didn't lie, it was true. My hands began to sweat between the photographs. 
A more unsure, choppy sigh came from Luke. He heaved aside, leaving the path clear. 
“Out, then.”
I left the office first, Michael walked behind me. Luke held him at the door with one hand.
“Thank me for not telling Ashton about this... it's not wise for you to get into trouble with two kingdoms, cousin.”
Michael swallowed his saliva at the... Warning?
Luke let him go, following him at every step like a prey. 
“Oh, another thing," we turned to Luke's voice, he was speaking to his cousin but loud enough for his words to reach my ears. “Send a woman... the prettiest one you can find. Lauxwell stressed me out a lot. I'll wait in my quarters.”
I wasn't surprised at all.
Lidia was across the room holding my sleeping clothes when I came in, throwing the crumpled pictures on my bed as I closed the door. 
“Amberly...what happened? The girls in the kitchen say a lot of things.”
I fell in the middle of the bed carelessly crushing the pictures. The stress and tension of moments before were just a few moments away from flooding me. 
“Ask, do it,” I muttered covering my face with both hands. 
I felt a weight next to me. Lidia was sitting on the bed, her facial expression full of doubt.
“They said that His Majesty King Luke found you and the Duke in King Robert's office, may he rest in peace.”
I rested my elbows on the bed, raising my head a little to look Lidia in the eyes. 
“It is true, but we didn't do anything wrong," I said quickly, feeling her relief. “I would never do such a thing to you, Lidia.”
She nodded with a sideways smile. 
“I wouldn't blame you, I'd be crazy not to prefer a princess to a maid," she raised a hand in silence when I wanted to protest. “Wait, there's more. One of the girls is dating one of the guards who accompanied Her Majesty on her trip to Lauxwell. She said nothing happened between him and Her Majesty Lauren. Pure business.”
"Lauxwell doesn't... need Gardenstone," Luke had said. Maybe it was true, it was nothing but business. 
“How nice," I replied, rejoining the bed. “I... it's…” 
Lidia gave me the clothes to sleep with a chuckle. 
“You don't have to answer everything, not now. Take a breath, Amberly, you need a distraction…”
Someone knocked on the door. I forgot the situation I was in for a moment. 
“There it is, just in time." Lidia laughed as she walked to the door. “I promise to entertain your lover as much as I can. Use what I gave you.”
I looked at the garment in my hands, it wasn't my sleeping clothes. A mint silk dress with a "V" neckline was what was in place. I whispered a "Thank you" to Lidia in an act of complicity. 
Ashton's fingers cautiously untangled from my hair as we parted for air. I brought my right hand to the cheek of the black hair who sank into the caress, putting a genuine smile on my face, I barely could see his.
The moonlight above us added certain intimacy. The flowers and trees around the blanket we placed on the lawn covered more than we expected. 
I was straddling him. My dress and his dark green suit without so many wrinkles- worth mentioning. I ran my index finger across the bridge of his nose, Ashton closed his hazel eyes.
“I like your nose..." my finger stopped over his mouth gently. “And those naughty lips of yours…”
He laughed, even with his eyes closed. One of his hands caressed my partially uncovered back, an electric sensation ran through my whole body. 
“It would be a pity if my features were unpleasant for my future queen…”
I returned my hand to my lap, my hunched posture changed to the right, and my smile... My whole face was unemotional because of the impact of his words. 
Ashton noticed the tension that slipped through my body, opened his eyes, and straightened his posture, both hands embracing my waist. 
“Wouldn't you like it, Amberly? To be the queen of Lauxwell?” he whispered in my ear, a warm and sensual tone. “I´m dying to see you on a throne beside me.”
I burst out laughing nervously. The closeness of our faces barely allowed me to hide the surprise.
I´d thought about it, I knew that the talk would come eventually, especially with so many unserious political conversations on previous dates.
Did I want to be the queen of Lauxwell, to leave my place in Maredale and Gardenstone to reign alongside Ashton? 
“I... there are so many things I want to do…”
“To be an ambassador for Maredale here, for example?” he asked amusingly. “Please, we both know the position is too small for you.”
“But it's mine.”
His face - his beautiful face - was stiffened by my words. He blinked twice trying to process what I had said and spoken before giving me a chance. 
“Yes, and so did your title of Princess. You can move up in that case, to be Queen.”
“I'm a princess because my mother has a kingdom, Ash," I interrupted, he didn't like it. “Being an ambassador I got it, I did, and you encouraged me.”
“I did, but I didn't expect you to be in an office your whole life," he said. “Or do you expect Luke to promote you to 'something else'? Is that it?”
The abrupt change in attitude caused me to get up without warning, Ashton imitated me. I looked for warmth in his eyes, a sign that he didn't mean all this. 
“Answer me, Amberly," he spoke loudly, "Do it.”
I took his face in both hands, it was beginning to boil with anger. 
“What's wrong with you?” My concern went unchecked. “Of course I don't want Luke to do that, if it were up to him I'd go down from my post to... pick up dirt from his horses.”
“This is no time for jokes. You don't want to be the queen of Lauxwell but Gardenstone sounds more appealing?”
I put my hands on his chest. I convinced myself and hoped that decreasing our distance would stop whatever we were doing. 
“What does Gardenstone have to do with this? It's not even an option.”
He walked away from me, there was no warmth in him anymore. His eyes were glowing with a challenge. 
“What's an option for you, then? Luke?” he continued, speaking quickly, angry in all his glory. “It seems so. He almost slit his beloved cousin's throat for finding you together in the office.”
The air got stuck in my chest, Luke had said he wouldn't tell Ashton. Unless he had regretted it.
“I heard, Amberly. Everyone in the palace knew about your impromptu meeting.”
I felt pain in my chest, I had never seen him like this before... at least not with me. I had to fix it. Something in all this was wrong, I just didn't know-how. 
“It wasn't what you think, nothing happened…” I stepped forward, he didn't flinch. “I can't explain to you what was happening because even I don't understand it.”
“And that's not suspicious? You expect me to believe that they were talking innocently?” He laughed mockingly. “Over the mountains! No one in a million years would settle for that.”
I let go of the air I was holding back. Something in me... no- my cowardice wanted to explain everything and cry. But inside, deep inside me, there was fear, and there was also something in me that was asking me to make things right for once. 
That "something" fired the fear, or put it to sleep for a second, and left me with that princess who couldn't put a zipper on her mouth. 
“You'll have to. Listen, I don't plan to be an ambassador all my life... crown or not, caring for and protecting my kingdom comes first and I will do it at all costs. You told me to take a chance and I did. These are the consequences.”
He was silent, watching like an emerald owl from the darkness. 
“I have to go, I won't leave Lidia up late," I bowed. “See you, your majesty.”
I turned around, holding back the desire to go back in time and stay in the caresses of a while ago. 
“Amberly," he called, I turned around again. He kept that dominant air. “Answer my question.”
I sighed, I wanted to move but my feet were stuck in my position. 
“Although I am flattered by your proposal, I cannot give you an answer. Not today. Not after... this.”
I waited for him to say something, to forgive me- that he would run quickly behind me and turn us in circles as he kissed my face. 
It didn't happen. 
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thesportssoundoff · 5 years
DWCS Season 3, Week 2 Preview Primer
Contract totals thus far:
1 HW
1 MW
Victor Reyna (10-3, 32 years old, Pro since 2012) vs Miguel Baeza (6-0, 26 years old, Pro since 2015) Welterweights
Victor Reyna Where He Fight At? Like a lot of dudes from Texas, Reyna has pretty much stuck to that region of the United States. He fought a few times in Legacy Fighting Championship and has been primarily fighting for Combates Americas as they've undergone a bit of a growth spurt since 2017. Who’d He Ever Beat? Evan Cutts has some MMA name panache I suppose. Cutts was a part of Bellator's attempt to make a TUF and he's also known as the dude who ended Reagan Penn's brief pro MMA career. He also has a win over Daniel Rodriguez; a then undefeated fighter who has an 8-1 record and a few Bellator appearances. He's even got a key loss on his resume vs Kevin Holland. Record Of Opposition At The Time Of Their Fight? Reyna's fought A LOT of guys who fight quite a bit and so his record of opposition is 80-40. That's pretty damn solid! TUF veteran Marc Stevens was 20-10 when they fought (also Reyna's last loss) as well as 4-0 Kevin Holland, 6-2 Evan Cutts and 6-1 Andrew Parker. Reyna's last fight was against 16-10 Heyward Charles. Why Is He Here? Well he's the beneficiary of an injury!  Fortis MMA's Ramiz Brahimaj got hurt and on 10 days notice, Victor Reyna gets the call up. Reyna has bounced between 170 and 185 lbs a lot in his career so I'm a touch concerned about the chances he makes weight on short notice (although on some of these fights, he weighed as low as 174 lbs). Reyna is here because they needed a Contenders Series main event and he was available. About it. This doesn't mean he CAN'T  get a deal! It just feels more like a case of needing a guy on short notice and having the right number to the right matchmaker or so on so so forth. Reyna's interesting in that he kind of embodies the prototypical MMA prospect tester on the regional scene.
Miguel Baeza Where He Fight At? Florida and only Florida. Places like Fight Time and Titan FC adorn the short resume of Mr. Baeza. Who’d He Ever Beat? Nobody of note! At 6-0 and fighting primarily out of Florida, Miguel's pretty limited in his opposition. The most interesting/insightful factoid is that he holds wins over a pair of brothers in Florida (Gus and Mike D'Angelo). Record Of Opposition At The Time Of Their Fight? 14-10 is the record of Baeza's six opponents at the time of their fights. Gus D'Angelo was 2-2 and Mike D'Angelo was 3-2 when they fought. 5-2 Leo Valdivia is probably his best record opponent who he beat by split decision. Why Is He Here? Baeza was originally supposed to face Fortis MMA's Ramiz Brahimaj in what feels like one of those DWCS fights that's name prospect from region A vs name prospect from region B and whomever wins gets a contract a la Austin Tweedy vs Te Edwards. Baeza has limited footage out there on the interwebs but from what I've seen; he fits the Contender Series model. He's an athlete young guy who seems to hit really hard or at least hard enough to overcome his sometimes apparent flaws. He also fights with an air of composure about him and being composed and knocking people out gets Dana White excited.
Alton Cunningham (7-1, 26 years old, Pro since 2017) vs Tony Johnson (7-2, 32 years old, Pro since 2007) Light Heavyweights
Alton Cunningham Where He Fight At? Alton Cunningham is a former DWCS guy! He fought last season vs Bevon Lewis. Beyond that? Cunningham has a few LFA cameos and a Pure FC spot or two (a developing little regional promotion in Wisconsin). Who’d He Ever Beat? Nobody of note. Cunningham's toughest opponent was the aforementioned Bevon Lewis who he was finished by in the first round. He's beaten a few fighters with winning records but nobody you've heard of beyond that. The most interesting bit of Cunningham's record is that his last four fights have been at LHW, MW and HW. Dude's been all over the damn map so far. Record Of Opposition At The Time Of Their Fight? 54-39-3. Is that good? Bad? I'm kind of not even entirely sure. The undefeated Bevon Lewis at 5-0, 16-27 BJ Lacy and 4-1 Eric Murray Jr in his last fight at LFA are pretty much his best opposition. Why Is He Here? Well there are a few things I suppose. For starters, he's an under 30 guy at 205 lbs. That on its own gives him a secondary chance at the Contenders Series. Most of the guys who get second shots on the Contenders Series are fellas who fight at the bigger weight classes because need trumps value sometimes. Cunningham's also a pretty solid regional prospect at LHW which adds to his value. He's also, when he's on, a really good action fighter. Alton Cunningham struggled with the power of Bevon Lewis which is horrifying since Lewis is a natural 185-er and Cunningham is a big dude 205 lber but all sins can be forgiven I suppose. They literally found a dude who fought twice since 2015 to fight him in hopes he'd get a win. Cunningham is here because there just aren't a bunch of dudes like him here.
Tony Johnson Where He Fight At? Tony Johnson has been boxing and doing BKB stuff more than he has been doing any sort of MMA. Case in point, Johnson has STRIKEFORCE (and not the version of it most of us are familiar with) on it. The headliner for the Stikeforce card he fought on? Babalu Sobral vs Bobby Southworth. He did fight on a Bellator card in 2018. Who’d He Ever Beat? Justin Baseman in 2013 (!!!) is a pretty quality win from a regional perspective. Johnson also fought Clifford Starks and lost back in 2011. Record Of Opposition At The Time Of Their Fight? 31-25. His two losses are a combined 12-2 which means his victories are 19-23. Not a very pretty record. Why Is He Here? I'm not entirely sure? I hate to be negative when it comes to stuff like this but Tony Johnson is 36 years old, has fought infrequently since 2007 and has more highlights of his exploits in boxing than he does in MMA. I cannot believe anything other than "Tony Johnson is just here to get finished by Alton Cunningham so Alton gets a deal." Fine if so but this still feels awfully transparent. Maybe I'm wrong though and Tony Johnson is here to pull off an upset. He's a guy who has fought for over 10 years in various sports and Cunningham was rocked and hurt by a MW.
Zach Zane (12-7, 29 years old, Pro since 2015) vs Justin Gonzales (9-1, 28 years old, Pro since 2016) Featherweights
Zach Zane Where He Fight At? ALASKA FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIP, BABY. I'll never not be amused when somebody from AFC winds up on a UFC platform. Zane's fought primarily in Hawaii, California and other Northwestern states but has reinvented himself fighting dudes down in Alaska. Who’d He Ever Beat? Decky Dalton is probably the best win to report; an Irish dude who fought primarily out of BAMMA. Zane's got some reputable losses though! Former DWCS fighter Joey Gomez (lost a split decision to Kevin Aguilar), former UFC fighter Chris Avila (the Diaz Bros training partner dude) and undefeated AFC fighter Nick Novelli are some of his seven losses. Record Of Opposition At The Time Of Their Fight? 56-36 would be the record of opposition at the time Zach Zane's opponents fought him. Zane is currently riding an eight fight winning streak and of those wins, his opponents were a combined 16-10. So if you want to get even MORE math-y, you remove the eight fight winning streak with the opponents at 16-10 and focus just on his 4-7 record prior to the winning streak and his strength of competition THEN was 40-26. Why Is He Here? On paper a dude with a 12-7 record who is about to hit 30 isn't exactly DWCS worthy. Dig deeper though and you're talking about a guy who has an 8 fight winning streak with all 8 fights coming by way of some form of stoppage. Kane has also been fighting across four different weight classes across 145, 150 at a catchweight, 155 and a short notice call up for 170 lbs. If the big goal of the Contenders Series is to collect raw athletic dudes with upside then I'd argue it's secondary hits should be experienced dudes fighting out of nowhere who are lost in the cracks. He also has sort of fixed his career while spending more time at Blackhouse MMA. He also just sort of looks like the kind of guy who the Contenders Series would look; a reckless striker who attacks subs consistently in grappling situations. Also of note is One FC signed him and was going to use him but he fell out on them at the last minute and I guess they just axed that deal right away.
Justin Gonzales Where He Fight At? Justin Gonzales has fought out of one place every single time. He's fought at SCL; a promotion that's held over 70 events in Colorado. Big fan of the name Sparta Combat League. Who’d He Ever Beat? The resume is actually pretty damn good for regional MMA. Gonzales has wins over then undefeated Derek Brenon (who was making some noise with CFFC and LFA), 8-1 Bruno Ferreia and Combates veteran and then undefeated Enrique Gonazles. Throw in regional veteran Drew Brookenshire at 18-8 and there's damn good competition here. Record Of Opposition At The Time Of Their Fight? 54-15 is what Justin Gonzales has faced in his undefeated career. Again among those were 18-8 Drew Brookenshire, 6-0 Derek Brennon and 3-0 Enrique Gonazales. His last fight out with a win over 8-1 Bruno Ferreira. Why Is He Here? He's the kind of guy who should be here. Justin Gonzales is an undefeated high level wrestler who has finishing chops on the feet and on the ground. He fights at a weight class of power where the top talent really does shine through. He's here because if you made a show LIKE this, you'd want a guy LIKE this on it. Gonzales IMO is the one dude who is a near lock to get signed if he wins.
Michael Lombardo (8-1, 29 years old, pro since 2016) vs Kyle Daukaus (6-0, 26 years old, pro since 2017) Middleweights
Michael Lombardo Where He Fight At? An ATT guy and a Florida native, I suppose it's no surprise Lombardo fights primarily in Florida and Louisiana. He made a few appearances in Titan FC and also pinch hit at a Bellator card too. Not the world's worst places to ply your craft. Who’d He Ever Beat? A whole lot of fluff. There's nobody here you'd know of but who he could've fought (Punahele Soriano) is the most interesting bit of the resume. Record Of Opposition At The Time Of Their Fight? 25-25-1. Lombardo's strength of schedule is not exactly his strong suit and that kind of record speaks to it. His best opponent is 6-3 David Mundell who he lost to decision against. Why Is He Here? Gym, record and weight class! Lombardo is an under 30 middleweight as the division is undergoing a bit of a renaissance in the UFC. He trains with ATT and so you know the good word has probably been put in a time or two. He's 8-1 and comes into this fight with five straight wins and four of those before the final bell. Lombardo's got some fights out there on youtube and he doesn't really strike me as anything but a middleweight-y type fighter. He's big on takedowns, he clinches a lot, he's a brawler in space and he tends to fight in spurts. He's not a bad fighter and we've seen middleweights find homes  in the UFC before and stick around with that kind of style. Just not sure if THAT gets him signed.
Kyle Daukaus Where He Fight At? CFFC and ROC! Those are really good regional promotions on the East Coast. Who’d He Ever Beat? Daukaus enters the UFC with pretty much much the best win of any Contenders Series guy so far; Jonavin Webb. Webb is a former UFC flame out but a pretty high level East Coast fighter well worthy of starring off on a resume. Record Of Opposition At The Time Of Their Fight? 27-12 is the record of opposition for Kyle Daukaus. The fact that Webb was 12-2 when they fought means that his opposition outside of the toughest fight of his career is a not too pretty 15-10. Still not entirely awful. Why Is He Here? Beating a UFC veteran can/should always make you somebody of note to promoters and matchmakers. Jonavin Webb is a super reputable high level win worthy of flexing about. The fact that he's a fight finisher who hasn't seen the judges in his career and fights at 185 lbs makes him all the more intriguing.
Richie Santiago (7-1, 26 years old, Pro since 2016) vs Miles Johns (8-0, 25 years old, Pro since 2014) Bantamweights
Richie Santiago Where He Fight At? CES MMA. The former home of BATISTA has become a pretty reputable East Coast regional organization that's churned out Contenders Series guys and  quality fighters. Who’d He Ever Beat? NOBODY! I guess his best win is Billy Giovanella who had a few Bellator appearances in 2015. Record Of Opposition At The Time Of Their Fight? 31-32-2. His record of opposition is not exactly going to get mounted on anybody's wall. It's somewhat skewered by a very rough opening to his career (his first four opponents were a combined 8-17). His pro loss was to a 3-2 fighter. It also was last year so it's like it happened in the deep past. Why Is He Here? Well for starters, watching Santiago suggests that he's not a bad fighter and the sort of dude the UFC SHOULD have an eye on. Maybe it's the face and the bald-ish head but dude reminds me a lot of Eddie Alvarez from an offensive standpoint. I've seen him hurt, rocked and then rally back with some surprisingly crisp striking. His big performance is an LFA fight where he got hurt a bunch, wobbled a few times, landed a big knee and then scored a RNC sub almost within the blink of an eye. He also is a part time flyweight as well which sort of gives him a leg up if that division is going to stick around.
Miles Johns
Where He Fight At? LFA mostly. He's the current LFA bantamweight champion to be exact. Who’d He Ever Beat? A lot of really great fighters on the regional circuit. Wins over Levi Mowles, Adrian Yanez and Caio Machado may not be super big wins or the kind of stuff that gets you shuttled up to the UFC but they're impressive enough that his DWCS spot almost feels a little unncessary. Win an LFA belt and you get into the UFC; thems the rules. Record Of Opposition At The Time Of Their Fight? 40-12 would be the record of opposition for Miles Johns. Wins over 11-3 Caio Machado, 7-2 Adrian Yanez and 6-2 Levi Mowles stand out big time.   Why Is He Here? I mean the Contenders Series really should be based around THESE sorts of fights. Two guys with pretty records on paper, both big deals of their respective universes, fighting for a contract. Johns is clearly ahead of the curve though vs Santiago. Primarily or namely speaking, Johns trains with an elite gym (Fortis MMA is DWCS royalty at this point), he fights with the bigger org and he's fought the better competition. He also has the sort of style I can see Dana liking a lot. He's here because he belongs here.
"Who Might Get A Contract?" Rankings
1- Alton Cunningham 2- Kyle Daukaus 3- Michael Lombardo 4- Miles Johns 5- Justin Gonzales 6- Miguel Baeza 7- Zach Zane 8- Richie Santiago 9- Tony Johnson 10- Victor Reyna
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gloss-glass-ash · 6 years
Super Shifty: The Origin Story
Request: no 
Summary: the origin story of Super Shifty 
Warnings: smidge of angst
From the moment Michael was born, his parents knew something was different. It was painfully obvious when he turned blue. Not "can't breathe" blue but sports team blue, royal blue, ocean blue. He screamed and wriggled with life, healthy as could be. But blue. Then, as quick as he did turned greened, and then a normal infant pink.
His father fainted, his mother cried, and the nurse almost screamed. No one could believe it, no one could explain it. Karen tried calling the obgyn, but he  had moved to the big city. Daryl tried calling a lawyer, but no one wanted the case and no one believed them.
So Mikey grew up different. He was taught to be like Rudolph, not Rudolph who saved the day but the one with the covered nose. At first, it was a struggle to cover his abilities. Every emotion remained transparent on his skin. The temptation for mischief was hard to resist, copying everyone for a laugh.
By high school, he was allowed to change his hair color which gave him a fair amount of attention. Not friends necessarily, he didn't really have those. But positive attention nonetheless. It was in high school when he met Calum, who he learned was a little different too.
Calum Hood was the cool guy, definitely not the type of a person to hang out with Michael. He was athletic, charming, but strong and silent. It was during gym class when he walked in the showers and saw Michael's body lose the soft edges and harden into muscle. Cal didn't think Michael should give a fuck about these losers seeing him naked, but that would have to take a backseat to the pressing matter of another mutant.
Michael ate lunch alone in the library his senior year. He should get used to eating alone. Needless to say, Calum Hood walking in and plopping down beside him shocked the fuck out of him. "Hey."
"Hi." Michael grunted between bites of his sandwich.
"I'm just going to cut to the chase. I saw you in the showers last week." Calum's cheeks were a soft pink with embarrassment.
"That's impossible, I shower when no one else does." Michael tried not to imagine Calum-I'm basically a model- Hood in the showers, hands on his tan skin, and oh my god Mikey needed a relationship.  
"I also know you have a Pokemon ice pack in your lunch box, a note from your mom, an orange, and some form of drink bottle."
Michael and Calum held a long gaze, a deep understanding passing between them. Shuffling his stuff around to make room, Michael nodded toward the chair. "Wanna share by orange?"
So they got through school and moved to the city for work. They found an apartment, quickly realizing rent would be better split between four roommates. In the way that things can only happen in comics, the other two flat mates who joined them were different too.
Ashton's power  was obvious, his muscles bulging out of his sleeves as he single handedly carried all his boxes up the stairs without breaking a sweat. He was a gentle giant, a nice roommate, and even better friend. Luke's was harder to place, but eventually revealed itself when he would cross a room in a fraction of a second.
The four knew that something more than coincidence was at play. They learned rather quickly they had come from the same small town, been born at the same hospital, and-as life in small town happens- their mothers all had the same Doctor.
Doctor Feel Good became his name. At least that's what the boys called him. None of their parents seemed able to remember, almost as if that part of their lives was erased away. Revenge settled in, consuming the boys free time. They explored the city, set up computer programming, did everything they could to find this doctor and make him pay.
But vengeance didn't pay the bills. Vengeance could only happen after shifts and undercover of the night. Eventually vengeance became something more, something heroic. Doctor Feel Good was still going to pay for changing them, for swindling their families, but at least they could help people.
Mikey often fantasied about helping people during his shift at a coffee shop on the corner of Fifth and Vine . Work wasn't fun and the boys decided that if Doctor Feel Good was one for coffee and should ever arrive, he needed to be in disguise. That was fun though, being someone else.
Overall, he liked the coffee shop just fine, the same business people always stopped in. He liked the pattern, especially once he noticed the same girl rushing in every morning. Mikey always served you, well, Mick always served you. Mick was his undercover, named and created to look like the God of rock himself. You liked it, he could tell, especially when he smiled.
"Mick" learned a lot about you. You were up and coming at a publishing company, you lived in his apartment building, and your boyfriend was a tool. Michael never learned his name-it was probably a tool name too, like Brad- because you paid every time a date occurred there.
You started coming in on the weekends, Michael started working extra shifts. You'd pick a booth by the counter, he'd linger just a little longer. There was desire there, desire that he'd never thought someone would have for him (and he knew you didn't like him, you liked Mick, but he was fine living a lie for the rest of his life).
Eventually you and Tool Brad broke up. You weren't devastated, a little bitter, but the heart ache that used to clench you after break ups was gone. Fascination and adoration tool its place. You dried your tears, put on a smile, and went to get a cup of tea.
Only Mick wasn't working. The barista on shift spelled your name wrong and most certainly did not doodle little hearts or song lyrics like Mick. He was just gone. But Michael Clifford was at a table, waving at you. At least he still was around. His companionship was welcomed, warm, and as easy as Mick's was. They were a lot a like now that you thought about.
Every day certainly wasn't that great. Especially the one where your boss was a dick and your rent was due. Your day had sucked and it certainly wasn't over yet. Because you still had to walk home, and little did you know what would happen then.
Cut to now, as you trembled in shock on a couch in their apartment. The questions tumbling out before the boys could answer. "So, you're not human?"
Ashton shrugged. "I think we're just highly evolved." He cracked a dimply smile.
"How does Michael do that? He was him and now he's me."
"We don't know, the doctor does." Calum brought you a drink, sitting on the coffee table in front of you.
You're not sure when you fell asleep, but you woke up when Michael's gruff voice eased you up. "Sorry princess, really I am, but I want to talk."
With a whine, you rubbed your eyes and eased up on the couch. "You got a lot of talking to do before you take me out, Mick."
His eyes widened, his smile turned sheepish. He started his story, holding you closer to him. Maybe his adrenalin pumped a little strong when he blurted his proposal for a date, or maybe he felt it was just right. You didn't seem to mind and that's all that matters.
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moonwalkertrance · 6 years
Trump Discloses Cohen Payment, Raising Questions About Previous Omission
President Trump’s financial disclosure, released on Wednesday, included for the first time repayment of more than $100,000 to his personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, in 2017, raising questions about whether Mr. Trump’s sworn filing from a year ago improperly omitted the debt.
In a highly unusual letter, the Office of Government Ethics alerted the Justice Department on Wednesday to the omission, telling Rod J. Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, that the ethics office had determined “the payment made by Mr. Cohen is required to be reported as a liability.”
Mr. Trump’s financial disclosure, released by the Office of Government Ethics, did not specify the purpose of the payment. However, Mr. Cohen has paid $130,000 to a pornographic film actress, Stephanie Clifford, who has said she had an affair with Mr. Trump. Mr. Cohen has said he made the payment shortly before the 2016 election as hush money for Ms. Clifford, who goes by the stage name Stormy Daniels.
Mr. Trump repaid Mr. Cohen $100,001 to $250,000 in 2017, according to a footnote in the filing.
David J. Apol, the acting director of the Office of Government Ethics, sent Mr. Rosenstein a copy of Mr. Trump’s current and previous financial form, noting in his letter that “you may find the disclosure relevant to any inquiry you may be pursuing regarding the president’s prior report that was signed on June 14, 2017.”
The letter is not an official referral and does not constitute a finding of wrongdoing, according to lawyers.
The hush payment has been a source of controversy for Mr. Trump, who initially said on Air Force One that he was unaware of the payment to Ms. Clifford before acknowledging its existence in a series of Twitter posts this month. Mr. Trump said that he repaid a $130,000 payment that Mr. Cohen made to Ms. Clifford just days before the presidential election in 2016 and suggested that the payment by Mr. Cohen to the actress could not be considered a campaign contribution.
Mr. Trump’s lawyers, who prepared the document that was released on Wednesday, said that Mr. Trump was reporting the repaid debt “in the interest of transparency” but declared in the footnote that the transaction was “not required to be disclosed as reportable liabilities.”
Critics of Mr. Trump seized on the repaid debt as proof that the president should have included it in last year’s statement, which was filed voluntarily in June and signed by Mr. Trump under a line that said, “I certify that the statements I have made in this report are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.”
Noah Bookbinder, the executive director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, said in a statement that the inclusion of the payment on this year’s form “raises serious questions as to why it was not disclosed in last year’s filing.” The group, known as CREW, had filed a complaint with the Justice Department and the ethics office asking for an investigation into whether the payment constituted a loan.
Under federal law, an official who “knowingly and willfully falsifies information” on a financial disclosure could face criminal charges.
Marilyn L. Glynn, who served as the general counsel at the Office of Government Ethics from 1997 to 2008, said that the letter to the Justice Department was significant and unusual and that if Mr. Trump intentionally filed an inaccurate disclosure last year, he may have violated the law.
But she added that the matter was now unclear — as the letter from the ethics office did not explicitly state that the agency itself had concluded there was a violation and it was hard to know exactly when Mr. Trump learned about the debt.
“What did he know and when did he know it,” she said. “At time he filed it last year, he may not have known this payment was made or that a payment was made at all.”
Mr. Trump’s disclosure of the repaid debt to Mr. Cohen did little to clear up confusion about the total size of the reimbursements. Rudolph W. Giuliani, Mr. Trump’s lawyer, said this month that Mr. Cohen was paid $460,000 or $470,000 from Mr. Trump, which also included money for “incidental expenses” that he had incurred on Mr. Trump’s behalf.
Mr. Giuliani said that Mr. Trump started paying Mr. Cohen back through a series of monthly installments of about $35,000 and that those payments began last year and may have carried into this year. The filing released on Wednesday capped the amount Mr. Trump paid back to Mr. Cohen in 2017 at $250,000, leaving more than $200,000 of the amount Mr. Giuliani mentioned unaccounted for.
The disclosure did not preclude the possibility that federal investigators could determine the payment to Ms. Clifford violated campaign finance laws. If they conclude it was made with the intention of influencing the presidential campaign — making it an effective political contribution — it would violate election law, which caps individual donations to federal candidates at $5,400 an election cycle.
Candidates are allowed to spend as much as they want on their own campaigns. And, according to the filing, Mr. Trump paid Mr. Cohen back, making Mr. Cohen’s initial payment a loan. But campaign finance law treats personal loans as contributions and the $5,400 limit would have applied. Public campaign filings are also supposed to account for all loans, contributions and payments; Mr. Trump’s made no mention of the Cohen arrangement.
Mr. Giuliani has argued that Mr. Cohen made the payment to Ms. Clifford on Mr. Trump’s behalf for personal reasons unrelated to the campaign and should not, therefore, be counted as a campaign expense subject to election law restrictions. This new disclosure could help bolster that argument by Mr. Trump.
Beyond the repaid debt to Mr. Cohen, the 92-page form provides the most detailed window into how Mr. Trump’s finances have fared during his presidency.
The document, which covers the 2017 calendar year, showed total income from Mr. Trump’s business operations and investments of at least $453 million and assets valued at a minimum of $1.4 billion. The disclosure from the previous year showed total income of at least $597 million and a similar level of assets, but that report spanned nearly 16 months so is not directly comparable.
It provides the first extended look at the performance of Mr. Trump’s Washington hotel, which opened in September 2016 and has become a magnet for lobbyists and Republican aides. The hotel is one of his best performing properties, and the disclosure listed revenue of $40.4 million.
Mr. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, which the president frequents in the winter months, had revenue of $25.1 million. Last year’s filing listed revenue of $37.3 million at Mar-a-Lago over a 16-month period.
Other properties have not fared as well, including Trump National Doral, a golf resort near Miami, which is Mr. Trump’s biggest cash flow generator. It reported revenue of $74.8 million. Revenue there had tumbled in the filing a year ago, even after a major renovation.
The filing also offers a lens into the Trump Organization’s debts, beyond the money he owed, and then repaid, to Mr. Cohen. A large share of that debt stems from Deutsche Bank loans to Trump National Doral.
Mr. Trump earned at least $1.1 million from his operations in India, the most active location overseas for the Trump Organization, with at least four current real estate projects, in Mumbai, Pune, Kolkata and Gurgaon, which is outside New Delhi.
At least an additional $1.1 million came from operations in the Philippines and Istanbul and at least $558,000 from Panama, where the Trump family had a branded condominiums and hotel complex, which was renamed this year after a dispute with condo owners.
The form also shows that Melania Trump earned $100,001 to $1,000,000 from Getty Images, the photo licensing company.
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Individual performance aside, there are broader signs that the business is retreating somewhat during the first part of Mr. Trump’s presidency.
Since he took office, Mr. Trump’s name has been erased from three of his family company’s prized properties. His company has watched its pipeline of deals ebb and flow. And one new line of business it has pursued is limited to quietly managing other companies’ hotels that are unattached to its once-flashy brand.
The owners of struggling hotels in Toronto and New York have paid the Trumps millions of dollars to remove their name from the properties after the election. In Panama, a nasty feud engulfed the Trump hotel there when the majority owner wanted the Trumps out — leading to the Trump name being pried off with a crowbar.
The president’s company has also been stymied by some of the new ethics restrictions it voluntarily adopted after the election.
As part of a voluntary ethics plan, the Trump Organization has not pursued new deals in foreign countries, cutting off an important stream of business that was projected to provide much of its future revenue. The Trump Organization is also subjecting all new domestic projects to vetting from an outside ethics adviser, which appears to have had a chilling effect on certain potential deals: The company has yet to open a new hotel in the United States since Mr. Trump took office.
The Trumps also had a wave of cancellations at the Mar-a-Lago club amid a backlash over the president’s comments about the violence over the summer in Charlottesville, Va.
Faced with these challenges, the company has decided to focus primarily on its existing properties, which consist of 16 golf courses, a winery, seven stand-alone hotels, Mar-a-Lago and a portfolio of commercial and residential real estate properties. While the Trump Organization owns many of those properties, it shifted in recent years to branding and managing properties, rather than owning them outright.
In at least one case, the Trumps began quietly managing a hotel propertyin Livingston, N.J., which is owned by the family of Jared Kushner, Mr. Trump’s son-in-law and adviser. Mr. Trump reported $20,000 in fees on that deal.
And despite rolling out two new and more affordable hotel lines — Scion, a four-star-chain, and American Idea, a budget-friendly brand — the Trump Organization has only announced one such endeavor, a deal in the Mississippi Delta
The filing showed that Mr. Trump has received $26,667 in management fees related to the project.
The head of the company’s hotel division, Eric Danziger, said in March that the pipeline of current deals was “still very active,” and that he was continuing to line up new Scion and American Idea hotels.
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ohitstransparent · 7 years
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5 Seconds Of Summer
Asked by @ashton-is-a-unicorn
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opedguy · 6 years
House Democrats Look to Impeach Trump
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), March 4, 2019.--Promising to go full steam ahead to investigate 72-year-old President Donald Trump, House Judiciary Committee Jerold Nadler (D-N.Y.) opened a new investigation into obstruction of justice.  Nadler knows that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has spent the better part of two years investigating Trump for the same thing, reaching no conclusions about obstruction of justice or alleged Russian collusion.  Faced with the prospects that Mueller’s final report to Atty. Gen. Bill Barr may not show much in the way of high-crimes-and-misdemeanors, Nadler under coordinated direction from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and the Democratic National Committee, has committed himself to unending investigation before the 2020 presidential election.   With Trump’s approval ratings rising, Democrats have only one way to give themselves a chance in 2020: Attack Trump.
            Mueller’s Special Counsel probe should be the last word on possible criminal charges against Trump or his 2016 campaign that Democrats charge with colluding with the Russian government to beat former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.  Democrats don’t want to face the very real possibility of a conspiracy against Trump inside the Justice Department and FBI for the purpose of getting Hillary elected in 2016.  Taking their fury out on Trump, Nadler, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and House Government Reform and Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-Ga.) have all promised to keep investigating Trump’s alleged misdeeds in the headlines before the 2020 presidential election.  “It’s very clear the president obstructed justice,” Nadler said.  Nadler’s rush-to-judgment in the absence of Mueller’s report or any facts raises eyebrows.
           Worried the Mueller investigation might be exonerate Trump, the Democrat-controlled House has an over-arching strategy heading into the 2020 election:  Keep attacking Trump in the media.  Ending investigations would give Trump a head of steam going into the 2020 campaign, especially if the U.S. economy continues to out perform expectations. Trump’s economic performance hast been undeniable with the Dow Jones Industrial average some 5,000 points higher than when he took office.  Democrats lost a key talking point about 2019 IRS refunds, showing that average taxpayers are receiving about 10% more than in 2018.  Nadler’s insistence that Trump obstructed justice isn’t supported by Mueller or any other facts.  “Before you impeach somebody, you have to persuade the American public that it ought to happen,” Nadler said, giving some insight into his motives.
            Democrats have their strategy heading into the 2020 presidential campaign, continue to insist Trump has committed high-crimes-and-misdemeanors, whether he did or not.  Nadler was transparent talking March 2 to ABC’s “This Week” with George Stepahnopoulos, making his case for obstruction of justice and eventual impeachment.  Stephanopoulos didn’t question any of Nadler’s facts, including why he’s not waiting for the Muller report. Nadler cites as proof of obstruction Trump’s firing May 9, 2017 of former FBI Director James Comey.  Nadler read Comey’s May 10, 2017 letter stating that he served at the pleasure of the president, giving Trump every right to fire him.  At the same time, Nadler’s also read Deputy Atty. Gen. Rod Rosenstein’s two-page letter explaining in great detail the reasons for Comey’s termination, including breaching DOJ and FBI protocol.
            Knowing all this, Nadler still plows ahead with numerous subpoenas of Trump campaign officials, including Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr. and son-in-law, senior White House adviser Jared Kushner.  Nadler claims there’s plenty of evidence of obstruction, just not from the Special Counsel or any other credible source. Nadler has zero interest in getting to the bottom of the conspiracy in the Justice Department and FBI to sabotage the campaign of President Donald Trump. Several FBI agents, including Comey, were terminated for their inappropriate attempts to sabotage Trump’s 2016 campaign.  Nadler takes as gospel Hillary’s paid opposition research AKA “the dossier,” used by the DOJ and FBI to obtain warrants from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Act [FISA] to wiretap Trump campaign officials, claiming falsely their ties to the Russian government.
            Nadler and other key House Democrats like Schiff and Cummings believe the testimony of Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen.  Cohen told members of the Government Report and Oversight, Intelligence and Judiciary Committees that Trump committed many crimes on the campaign and in office.  Cohen insisted that a $35,000 check from the Trump Organization was reimbursement for payment to Stormy Daniels [Stephan Clifford] for her silence about a 2006 one-night-stand with Trump.  Nadler, Schiff and Cummings look to shift away from Mueller inquiry on Russian meddling and alleged Trump collusion to investigating every aspects of Trump’s real estate empire.  “All of a sudden they are trying to take you out with bullshit,” Trump told the Conservative Political Action Committee [CPAC] March 1 in National Harbor, Maryland, referring to Democrats expanding their investigation.
About the Author  
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.
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Strings Attached (m.c)
Pairing: Michael Clifford X Reader
Summary: It’s been four months since your break up with Michael, but you still have to give him one last birthday gift. ~ A small piece for @devilatmydoor and @blackbutterfliescal Michael’s birthday celebration ❤️🦋
Warnings: Soft Angst, language, overthinking, some bad grammar probably (English is not my first language, I’m sorry)
Word Count: 1.9 k
Author’s note: Well hello there 👀 I have been struggling to find a promt for this Michael fic but I think I got it right this time ✌🏼 This is a genderless fic and I hope you can all enjoy it ✨ Reblogs, likes and comments/feedbacks are always welcome and encouraged! I love to hear about you guys ❤️ Hope you like it and Happy reading 🦋
My materialist and other Michael fics if you wanna be tag in future pieces please let me know!
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Picture from Pinterest
You have to stop staring. It’s been half an hour already, probably even more. It’s almost pathetic, but you had to make a choice and it’s a matter of now or never. Though, you had to admit that the “never” option sounds really good at the moment.
You groan as you run your hand through your hair and turn around, away from the object that had you in this horrible dilema.
You have to give it to him, you have to. It’s his, after all. You bought it for him but how the hell could you know what would have happened just a few days later?
The fight started like any other, the usual ones you used to have whenever he came late from the studio or forgot an important date. Although this time you can’t really seem to remember the reason you both lit the match that ended up burning your little world. All you can remember is walking away and slamming the door on your way out. And just like that, it was over.
Almost three years of relationship thrown away by some harsh words and invalidated feelings. At least you could say it was mutual, you needed to get away and he didn’t stop you. Would you have stayed if he did? You knew the answer was yes.
The first few days after the break up were filled with angry emotions and bad coping mechanisms, yet once it all became real you realized the mistake that you both made. You were burned out, stressed and too tired and angry to have a normal conversation, and, suddenly without realizing, the spark became a fire and it was too late to salvage anything. The damage was done and you regret every single word as you saw the ashes fall once it was over.
You can’t deny the disappointment of him not calling, but, to be fair, you haven’t called either. You two can be very stubborn, you are alike that way. The thought of “maybe this was for the best” came as it went. How can this be for the best when you are still in love with him?
You miss him, with every beat of your heart you miss him and long for him and his touch. Not even when he went away for months on ends you missed him this much. Of course, whenever he had to leave you were reassured of his love for you. You were his and he was yours. No doubts, no walking away. And yet, you did.
The guilt of it all consumed you. And maybe, just maybe, this object could be the chance you needed to fix everything you once had.
“Oh, fuck it” You said in a sigh.
You grabbed the heavy object and walked up to your car, placing it carefully on the back seat, stopping only to take a look at yourself on the reflection of the window. You were set on what you were going to do, yet you still failed to hide the fear in your eyes.
What if he started over? What if you don’t have a place in his heart anymore? Maybe he doesn't even miss you as much as you do. Maybe he doesn’t miss you at all and you will just ruin everything for him today. Could he still love you still?
Shaking those thoughts away, you open the driver’s door and start your way towards the house you once (and still hope to) call home. There was no time to back up now. You had to do this, if not to fix it then to find some closure to all of this mess.
The music on the radio served as background noise to the thousand scenarios you created in your head, not all of them with a happy ending; but you still stayed hopeful, you had to be.
Your heart skipped a beat as you pulled on the too familiar driveway, the feeling of being so close and yet so far made your stomach rumble with anxiety. But you felt an odd sense of calm as you stepped out of your car, almost like coming back home after so long of being lost by your own mistakes and missteps.
You rehearsed the words you wanted to say to him in your head without realizing that your hand acted on its own and already knocked on the door, so once you saw him open the door and stand in front of you, you were a loss of words.
“Michael…” You breathed, the shock of seeing him became too much.
He was standing there, his hair was longer and a bit unkempt. His scruffy beard framed his face and made him look more mature, you always loved his beard and how it tickled every time he kissed your cheek. You almost smiled at that thought before you remember why you were there “Hi”
“Hi,” Michael said softly, almost like a whisper. The surprise was evident in his eyes as he looked you up and down. Suddenly feeling self-conscious, you lowered your gaze and noticed that he was still wearing the hoodie you gifted him a few years back “Wh- what are you doing here?”
You winced at the sound of his voice, it did not sound like him at all. The Michael you knew was always loud when in public, his bubbly laugh filling any silence there was and, when in private, his voice would always be soft, loving and calming. That was the Michael you knew, not this timid and broken man that was standing in front of you.
“I-” You started, but soon had to clear your throat as your voice sounded as weak and scared as you felt “Happy Birthday, Mikey” You offered instead.
Michael’s green eyes soften at the words. He hasn’t heard from you in months, yet he somehow knew, hoped even, that you wouldn’t forget him today “Thank you” He murmured, gaze gracing the floor.
You wanted nothing more than to hug him and hold him tight, you had to physically fight every urge in you to do so.
“I have something for you” You said with a more uplifting tone, trying to comfort him this way.
“Babe-” He said before realizing “Sorry. You didn’t have to…”
“I wanted to” You rushed before you dwell on the way he called you, feeling your heart grow with love “I mean, I already had it and I’m not really sure what to do with it since it’s yours and well, I can’t really use it and I really want you to have it so you-” You sighed. You were rambling and it didn’t make any sense right now “Just… It’s in the car. Michael, please?” You pleaded.
He sighed as he nodded his head. Seeing you has taken a toll on him since you were the last person he expected to see today, or ever if he was being honest. It gave him too many memories, too much hope.
Keeping his distance, he walked with you towards your car. He could tell you were nervous, he guessed it was because you didn’t want to be here in the first place but you wanted to get rid of whatever was in the backseat. One last piece of him for you to forget.
Funny how all those thoughts disappeared when you opened the door and his eyes fell into the object that was meant for him, making him almost forget to take a breath and keep breathing.
The guitar was perfect. That was all he could think off. The body seemed made out of marble, shining against the bridge and buttons that were colored silver and black. The strap was embroidered with his initials in a soft glittery grey, claiming itself as his. Yet none of that caught his attention like the stings and how 5 of them were clear, almost transparent as they clashed with the color of the neck, and perfectly in tune. But the sixth string that was placed in the middle of it all stood up with its ruby color, balancing everything just perfectly.
You watched expectantly as his eyes scanned the guitar up and down, wanting nothing more than to touch it but feeling reluctant to do it.
“I had it customized a few months ago… after we visited that shop you like?” You ventured, trying to fill the uncomfortable silence “I- I know it’s not that impressive given that you have thousands of other guitars and probably have one now that might be similar to this one. But you seemed to like one like this and-“
“It’s perfect” You heard him say. No shaking in his voice, no whispered tone or rushed words. Only sincerity and gratitude “It’s perfect, magnificent, even. I-I.. thank you”
When your eyes met his you could barely hold your emotions at bay. Oh, how you missed those green eyes. Especially now that they were looking at you with such gratitude and love that you almost forget you are not together anymore.
You cleared your throat, shaking the thoughts away “I’m glad you like it”
The two of you stayed silent for a moment, too much to say yet no words being exchanged between both of you. That’s until Michael noticed “The string… the middle one, why is it red?”
He knew you were a sucker for symbolisms; Easter eggs; hidden meanings; and surprises, this could not be a random thing.
“Remember when you went to Japan last year?” You asked, not daring to look at him just yet “You told me about that legend you heard about the red string of fate, that no matter how long or tangled it's become, the two people that are connected by it will find their way to each other. No matter time, place or circumstances, what’s meant to be it’s meant to be” You felt tears rolling down your face, but you couldn’t do anything to stop them as your eyes met his one more time “You’re my red string, Michael. Always has and always will be. And I’m such a fool for letting it tangled this much and letting you go”
Michael stared at you with glossy eyes, not wasting any other second without having you in his arms as he pulled you closer into a hug, wrapping his arms around you as you molded into him.
“These past few months without you have been turture” He said with his face hidden in your neck “I- I don’t know what went wrong but I was so afraid of fucking it up further that I just thought it was for the best. That you would be better off without me”
You chuckled through the tears “I was scared, too. I thought you were the one who would be better off without me and that you moved on” You held him tighter “I’m so sorry, Michael”
“I’m sorry, too, love. So fucking sorry”
“Can we please start over?”
Michael let go of you for just a moment before cupping your cheeks and crashing your lips into his in a slow, sweet, loving and awaited kiss “We were never over, love. I love you, now and forever. We are meant to be” He said as he placed his forehead on yours.
You smiled and brought him down to kiss him once again. “Meant to be” And you knew that from that moment on, everything would be alright.
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smartwebhostingblog · 6 years
The 10 Most Googled People of 2018 (Who'd You Look Up?)
New Post has been published on http://duanyuju.com/the-10-most-googled-people-of-2018-whod-you-look-up/
The 10 Most Googled People of 2018 (Who'd You Look Up?)
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There’s perhaps no better log of what’s on your mind than your browser search history. (Who hasn’t deleted their search history on a shared computer?)
It stands to reason, then, that getting a window into our collective psyche is as simple as perusing Google’s list of most-searched terms of the year. Google recently released The Year In Search–a comprehensive breakdown of everything we searched for this year, organized by category.
So what was on our minds in 2018? When it comes to people, these individuals were. Don’t worry–if you don’t know one … I Googled it for you:
10. Cardi B
American rapper whose standout hits include Bodak Yellow and this year’s breakout, I Like It, which currently has 674M streams on Spotify and counting. 
9. Stormy Daniels
Her legal name is Stephanie Clifford, and she is an American stripper, porn star, and director who got into a legal battle with Trump and his lawyer Michael Cohen this year. Trump and company paid Daniels $130,000 to stay quiet about an affair she says had with Trump in 2006.
8. Hailey Baldwin
Daughter of Stephen Baldwin, she’s a model and TV personality who married Justin Bieber this year. While legally married, the couple has yet to stage a large-scale wedding with family and friends.
7. Brett Kavanaugh
A polarizing figure, Kavanaugh was appointed to the Supreme Court this year following what some described as an excruciating and exhausting battle for confirmation. Multiple allegations of sexual misconduct were levied against him. 
6. Jair Bolsonaro
Bolsonaro was elected president of Brazil in October, 2018. A very right-wing figure, many have compared him to Trump.
5. Khloé Kardashian
Younger sister of Kim Kardashian, Khloe nearly broke the internet this year when she had her baby girl, True Thompson, in April 2018.
4. Logan Paul
On December 31, 2017, controversial vlogger Paul uploaded a YouTube video showing the corpse of a suicide victim. The video gained 6.3M views within 24 hours, sparked outrage on many fronts, and almost cost Paul his YouTube channel. Paul has since been reinstated on the platform and contributed $1M to suicide prevention agencies.
3. Sylvester Stallone
Stallone did not die this past year, but a lot of people feared otherwise. In February, popular searches included “Sylvester Stallone dead 2018” and “Did sylvester stallone die.” The countries where the hoax was passed around the most? South Africa, Ghana, and Bolivia (the U.S. came in 22nd on the list of Stallone searches).
2. Demi Lovato
A Grammy-nominated musical artist, Lovato was hospitalized this year for a suspected overdose. “I have always been transparent about my journey with addiction,” Lovato said on social media. “What I’ve learned is that this illness is not something that disappears or fades with time. It is something I must continue to overcome and have not done yet. I will keep fighting.”
1. Meghan Markle
Markle married Prince Harry in a royal wedding this year, the guest list of which included Serena Williams, George Clooney, Oprah, Elton John, and the Spice Girls.
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The 10 Most Googled People of 2018 (Who'd You Look Up?)
New Post has been published on http://duanyuju.com/the-10-most-googled-people-of-2018-whod-you-look-up/
The 10 Most Googled People of 2018 (Who'd You Look Up?)
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There’s perhaps no better log of what’s on your mind than your browser search history. (Who hasn’t deleted their search history on a shared computer?)
It stands to reason, then, that getting a window into our collective psyche is as simple as perusing Google’s list of most-searched terms of the year. Google recently released The Year In Search–a comprehensive breakdown of everything we searched for this year, organized by category.
So what was on our minds in 2018? When it comes to people, these individuals were. Don’t worry–if you don’t know one … I Googled it for you:
10. Cardi B
American rapper whose standout hits include Bodak Yellow and this year’s breakout, I Like It, which currently has 674M streams on Spotify and counting. 
9. Stormy Daniels
Her legal name is Stephanie Clifford, and she is an American stripper, porn star, and director who got into a legal battle with Trump and his lawyer Michael Cohen this year. Trump and company paid Daniels $130,000 to stay quiet about an affair she says had with Trump in 2006.
8. Hailey Baldwin
Daughter of Stephen Baldwin, she’s a model and TV personality who married Justin Bieber this year. While legally married, the couple has yet to stage a large-scale wedding with family and friends.
7. Brett Kavanaugh
A polarizing figure, Kavanaugh was appointed to the Supreme Court this year following what some described as an excruciating and exhausting battle for confirmation. Multiple allegations of sexual misconduct were levied against him. 
6. Jair Bolsonaro
Bolsonaro was elected president of Brazil in October, 2018. A very right-wing figure, many have compared him to Trump.
5. Khloé Kardashian
Younger sister of Kim Kardashian, Khloe nearly broke the internet this year when she had her baby girl, True Thompson, in April 2018.
4. Logan Paul
On December 31, 2017, controversial vlogger Paul uploaded a YouTube video showing the corpse of a suicide victim. The video gained 6.3M views within 24 hours, sparked outrage on many fronts, and almost cost Paul his YouTube channel. Paul has since been reinstated on the platform and contributed $1M to suicide prevention agencies.
3. Sylvester Stallone
Stallone did not die this past year, but a lot of people feared otherwise. In February, popular searches included “Sylvester Stallone dead 2018” and “Did sylvester stallone die.” The countries where the hoax was passed around the most? South Africa, Ghana, and Bolivia (the U.S. came in 22nd on the list of Stallone searches).
2. Demi Lovato
A Grammy-nominated musical artist, Lovato was hospitalized this year for a suspected overdose. “I have always been transparent about my journey with addiction,” Lovato said on social media. “What I’ve learned is that this illness is not something that disappears or fades with time. It is something I must continue to overcome and have not done yet. I will keep fighting.”
1. Meghan Markle
Markle married Prince Harry in a royal wedding this year, the guest list of which included Serena Williams, George Clooney, Oprah, Elton John, and the Spice Girls.
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