jumazo · 5 years
Most people don’t realize their beliefs determine the rest of their life; what you believe today has real effects on tomorrow. Your income, success, health, and who you ultimately become are based entirely on what you believe will happen.
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jumazo · 5 years
We’ll all face difficult circumstances, many of which are not the results of anything we’ve done. So when it comes to responding to these traumatic times we can either try to change the unchangable or let them be and let go.
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jumazo · 6 years
When you believe in yourself and believe success is possible for you, and take action on that belief, your life will begin to magically change. Opportunities that you would have normally not seen before will start to suddenly appear. That's the real power of beliefs.
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jumazo · 6 years
You don't have to get emotionally riled up when things don’t go how you hoped. Instead, collect your thoughts, do your best to deal with the disappointment and work out your next steps. Just because it didn't work out doesn't mean it won't, You just need to find another way.
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jumazo · 6 years
Looking for the positive in a negative situation may sound sappy, but it can actually show great strength. To find your silver lining, ask yourself: How have you grown from this situation? Have you developed new skills? What are you proud of about yourself now?
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jumazo · 6 years
Create a happiness routine by making a list of things you enjoy. It could be having a cup of tea in your favourite coffee house, going for a walk in the woods, watching motivational videos Whatever it is, make a list and choose three things to do every day that will fuel your life
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jumazo · 6 years
Mistakes are a part of life so give yourself the permission to do so. We don’t always get it right. But with every mistake there is a lesson to be learned. And it's these very lessons that helps and enables us to grow into the person we have become.
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jumazo · 7 years
Be proud of the person you are because only you choose how you see yourself. Do you see yourself as a victim of circumstance, or as someone who is still standing, still fighting, still growing and on a journey to make your life better.
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jumazo · 7 years
When your mind is stuck on "should” and "have to" you can become limited, lossed and disillusioned by what you do. You spend more time doing what you think you have to do rather than what you choose or want to do.
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jumazo · 6 years
You know the feeling you get when something isn’t right or something is off? That’s your call to follow your instincts and listen to your inner voice and act accordingly.
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jumazo · 6 years
It can be easy to feel that someone else is responsible for our happiness, but the reality is that is really our job. Blaming others or the world won't make life better. And although it can feel at times that happiness is out of reach, it is always within our grasp.
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jumazo · 6 years
Turn the page over and direct your attention to the new chapter in your life. The best compass is your internal guidance, It knows your purpose, values and vision for your future. This is a new opportunity to start over – with new wisdom from your past experiences
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jumazo · 6 years
Don't expect to go from wounded to healed and whole overnight. Finding the way forward that's best for you, getting help, takes time, work, and patience. You have to put in the hours and make the effort to care for your own self.
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jumazo · 6 years
There is no right or wrong path because every decision leads you to different opportunities and choices. When you feel like going back or imagining how different it might have been if you made different decisions, think about why you decided to take this path in the first place
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jumazo · 6 years
Give up defining yourself - to yourself or to others. You won't die. You will come to life. And don't be concerned with how others define you. When they define you, they are limiting themselves, so it's their problem. Whenever you interact with people, don't be there primarily as a function or a role, but as the field of conscious Presence. You can only lose something that you have, but you cannot lose something that you are. ~ Eckhart Tolle
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jumazo · 6 years
If you give up on the things that matter most to you, you will likely establish a pattern of giving up on anything when things don’t go the way you hoped. You will not learn the importance of persistence — and anything worthwhile requires persistence.
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