#mickey loves ian
godllagher · 9 months
gallavich and their little physical touches ☹️
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ryantryinx · 1 year
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This moment. 
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rayrayor · 11 months
New chapter up, double the fun as Karma nudges both Lip and Kash . And as always thank you Alice @darthvaders-wife for bringing pieces of my writings to life💕💕💕😁
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ohkate · 11 months
On their 2nd anniversary
Happy Galladrabbles anniversary! As someone who just started you all have been so welcoming and kind. I'm so glad I signed up. Thank you all and especially to the mods for giving a big ole' bear hug to us newbies! ---------
It wasn’t 2 years.
They had known each other since they were kids and have loved each other for almost as long.
He couldn’t imagine then what they have now. He couldn’t see it yet. He hadn’t met this version of himself yet.  
What would it look like in 20 years? 50? It was weird to think of each other getting old and falling apart together. Wondering what their kids would look like. Imagining the house they grow old in.
These moments he knew would be but he just hadn’t met them yet.  
Taking care of one another. And all that shit.  
It wasn’t 2 years. It was a whole lifetime.
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gallavichismyjam · 2 years
The noise is deafening as they enter the Gallagher house on Christmas morning, Ian immediately depositing himself on the couch and handing gifts out to his siblings, Freddie, Franny and Tami. Mickey bypassed the whole scene and headed straight to the kitchen where there was a hot pot of coffee with his name on it. This was way too fucking early for him. Ian had woken him excitedly at 7am, insisting that they open their presents so they could get ready to come over here. As much as he grumbled at the early start, he loved seeing his husband happy, so sue him. Mickey walked back into the living room with 2 mugs of coffee and handed one to Ian. You could hardly see the carpet for wrapping paper everywhere, and the 2 youngest members of the family were playing happily with a musical instrument set Santa had brought. From the look on Lip’s face as he yawned and rubbed his eyes, Mickey had a feeling that the mini drum set and tambourine might find themselves in the garbage before too long. Liam was excitedly opening a new Star Wars game that he and Ian had got him and it made Mickey smile to see him acting like a real kid for a change, he had way too much to worry about for an 11 year old. “Woah this is awesome, thanks guys!” Liam jumped up and gave his big brother a huge hug, followed by hugging Mickey round the waist before running to the tv to put the game on. “Been waiting so long to play this! Who’s gonna play with me, it’s 2 player?” Lip slapped both his knees before standing up and giving Liam a tired smile. “Sorry bud, gotta get a start made on lunch, that veg won’t peel itself!” he replied as he wandered into the kitchen, ruffling his little brother’s head on the way. Liam looked a bit downcast but immediately turned to face Ian and Carl, however Ian had been roped into colouring with Franny and gave Liam an apologetic smile . “Maybe a bit later Liam?” “Yeah, sure” he mumbled back. Liam glanced at Carl however decided not to bother trying to interrupt him; he was clearly engrossed in messaging whichever girl he was in love with this week. Liam turned back to the tv ready to play alone when he heard Mickey pipe up. “Ay Liam, sling me one of those controllers will ya? Anything to drown out the noise of that fuckin’ tambourine” as he threw himself down on the couch next to his husband, who was beaming at him whilst being hit on the arm by Franny for colouring over the lines. Liam grinned at Mickey as he passed him a controller, then sat on the floor next to him. ********************* They all sat round the extended table in the living room, having shoved one of the couches to the side. Someone had got a Christmas playlist up and Mariah was currently telling everyone how all she wants for Christmas is you; people were talking loudly across the table at each other and Liam was pretty sure Debbie and her girlfriend were arguing at the other end. “Hey Lip, can you pass me the carrots?” Liam tried, however Lip clearly couldn’t hear him over Freddie wailing in Tami’s arms next to him. “Hey Carl, can you just pass the carrots down?” he tried again, but Carl was busy cutting Franny’s food up for her whilst she regaled him with the story of how she got in trouble at school for punching a bully. Liam decided he didn’t really want carrots anyway as his brother-in-law appeared at his side, spooning the veg onto his plate. “Yo man, this enough? Don’t know how you can eat this nasty shit anyway. Want some more stuffing? Know you inhale that like a motherfucker” Liam nodded and smiled up at Mickey, who threw him a wink and a grin before he sat back down next to Ian. Ian, who was gazing at his husband like he hung the stars and moon. He saw Ian give Mickey a kiss on the cheek and whisper something into his ear, causing his cheeks to redden. Ian looked up and caught Liam’s eye, smiling at his little brother as he dug into his carrots.
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gallabitch73 · 1 year
I wrote a little piece of a story. I will probably add more to it. I love these guys and miss them so much.
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Two teens from the Southside share a burning hunger, but will it ever be satisfied? This is my smutty take on all the things that went on between Ian and Mickey that we didn't get to see in the early days. I love Gallavich and they will live forever in my heart.
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thirstyvampyr · 4 months
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michellemisfit · 2 months
Mickey Milkovich not getting to finish his sentence, because Ian Gallagher’s mouth is in the way, is my favourite genre of television…
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deedala · 10 months
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ian-galagher · 6 months
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Art by the amazing Stephi @steorie 🥰🧡 a commission for Africa
Details for the artist: Instagram / Twitter / Redbubble
This is available on Redbubble here!
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pluvio-lj · 6 months
I think a lot about how Kev was there when Mickey came out, and was there to reassure him that it was okay and that no one cared about him being gay, and was also the Gallavich wedding bodyguard...
We love Kev, we stan Kev <3
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rayrayor · 11 months
I hated the way the writers had Mickey pop off so casually about Ian’s mental illness in the Hall of Shame episode . Mickey not perfect, Ian either but wow that below the belt comment always bugged me . I wondered if it had an effect on Ian after .
So I rewrote it, angst with Gallavich doing what they do best , finding their way back to each other .
No idea where this came from except last night had an epic oops and lost a final chapter ( it was sooo good) poof no more chapter 🤬
So I pouted , read other great writers and about 11 pm this cropped up .
For all of you so damn good at angst , tipping my hat cause this is mildly angsty and I was just a snot fest typing it out🥹
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ohkate · 19 days
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The moments that built our life.
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iandarling · 1 month
Ian Gallaghers comprehensive and detailed guide to Milkovich speak
“whatever, not like I care” [Phrase: emotional] I actually care very deeply and if you say the wrong thing I will cry
“whatever, not like I care” [Phrase: general] I actually don’t care at all and you can genuinely do whatever you want i’m good with it
“ok” [Noun: general] it’s totally ok, no worries
“ok” [Noun: hurt] absolutely not ok ( this is a tricky one to understand and it will depend on the tone of voice, eyebrow movements, and facial expression)
“oh yeah?” [Phrase:flirty/affectionate] he’s horny and you’re probably about to have the dirtiest sex imaginable
“oh yeah?” [Phrase: dangerous/scary] beware, he’s pissed off and will probably need some time alone to cool down (a handjob might fix this)
“fuckin’ dork” [noun: emotional] You make me feel things and I struggle articulating how much I love you
“fuckin’ dork” [noun: silly] you’re so dumb man, can’t believe I married you
“handsome” [adjective: flirty] you’re so gorgeous and I can’t believe you’re mine
“husband” [noun: affectionate] you’re my absolute everything
“this is gay” [phrase: deflecting] Im experiencing emotions and it’s too much
“I love you” [Phrase: lovingly] Good morning, good night, and everything in between
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mickeygifs · 8 months
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thirstyvampyr · 4 months
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You gonna marry me? We gonna go down to the courthouse in some tuxes like a couple old queens?
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