makoto-nihil · 2 years
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Happy Father’s Day for Rahab.
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poupon · 1 year
Number one use of jumping skills:
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Aquire apeple
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timaeustumbls · 1 year
My favorite cutscene in A Realm Reborn is the one where Gaius narrates the fall of the Agrius. Because there's just so much disparity between what he's saying and what's happening onscreen. He's out here really acting like he would have definitely conquered Eorzea, if it wasn't for a teeny tiny unforeseeable problem, meanwhile Midgardsormr fully just opens his mouth and one-shots the flagship. Incredible. Fifteen years later and Gaius's salt level is still off the charts. Midgardsormr genuinely left this man with his chakras closed and his ass uneaten. Iconic work.
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otherworldseekers · 4 months
A Brief Tour of Severia and Nero's House
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^The ground floor has the kitchen and living room. It's designed to Severia's preference for wide open spaces.
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^The basement workroom. Severia's alchemy and botany tables are right next to Nero's desk so they can work side by side. There are also spaces for relaxation. Severia often falls asleep on the floor sofas while Nero is working.
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^The upper floor with the bath and dressing room and where Nero consents to sleep in a flower bed because it makes Severia happy.
Address is Aether, Midgardsormer, Lavender Beds, Ward 26, Plot 60.
I don't have an guest book but anyone is welcome to stop by!
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anneapocalypse · 1 year
Hi, I'm Anne!
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This is a multifandom blog heavy on whatever I am deeply into at the moment, with side orders of other stuff. Right now there's a lot of Final Fantasy XIV and Dragon Age, but you will also probably see some Mass Effect, Fallout, The Locked Tomb, The Penumbra Podcast, and even some Red vs. Blue and RWBY that I still reblog when I pretend no one's looking.
About | FAQ | AO3 | Fic Tag | Fic Recs | DW | twitter
FFXIV: I play Ariane Clairière, a Wildwood Elezen and sage main, on Midgardsormer. I do my best to tag spoilers by expansion for any newer players who follow. Dawntrail posts will be tagged #dawntrail spoilers.
Meta tags:
Dragon Age
Red vs. Blue
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codysknife · 22 days
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Whatever happened to the hero who saved Metro City? (two female students of the City University) Girl 1: “My ideal boyfriend. Strong, handsome, he’s simply perfect.” Girl 2: “I love that dangerous aura he oozes, you know...”
Nowadays, you don’t hear those girls’ voices anymore; back then, they were praising Cody, the heroic man who saved Metro City from the criminal organization “Mad Gear” - in whose clutches the city infamously came to be called with the unpleasant expression “The Capital of Crime.” The reason is, his behavior during the past few months could only be described as “violent”: he attacked people for no reason, even leaving a few of them half-dead; so much so that it could be said he’s no better than Mad Gear itself was.  
Even his most famous “friend,” Metro City’s mayor Mike Haggar, is frowning at Cody’s transformation. Under Haggar’s strong municipal government, the “smell of crime” that enveloped the city was disappearing; it’s ironic how one of his “friends” was starting to give the mayor a new headache, shaking his political career. Until the decisive moment arrived...
The police had caught wind of an incoming drug dealing due to be at a corner of the 26th Avenue, a remnant headquarter of Mad Gear; so they carried out a compulsory investigation. When they arrived, Cody was at the scene.
Cody: “They had just picked a fight with me. It’s self-defense,” was Cody’s lame excuse.
A bit too childish.
The well-informed knew it wasn’t the first time Cody had resorted to acts of violence. He was often spotted fighting with bad-looking thugs. A widely circulating rumor insists that even Cody’s relationship with the mayor’s beloved daughter Jessica was becoming chilled. At any rate, she’s been far from home since this spring studying in Europe, so the couple is at least estranged. A long-distance relationship is unlikely.
Mike Haggar: “That’s a problem between them. I didn’t meddle in any way.”
Despite his feigned composure, the mayor can’t hide his embarrassment. After this event, the police arrested Cody. They haven’t announced what they intend to do with him yet, but even leaving aside suspects of genuine involvement in the drug trade, the incident that resulted in real injuries wasn’t all smoke and mirror [the page interrupts here]
—from Secret File 21, translated by Midgardsorm on Shoryuken.com
—Secret File 21 fullpage art by Daigo Ikeno
—Street Fighter vs. Final Fight UDON comic art by Edwin Huang
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brineffxiv · 2 years
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As thanks for all we have done we are invited back to Radz-at-Han to meet again with Vrtra.
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Vrtra and his people have worked together to create warding scales for us to take to our allies in thanks.
All of the scales have been donated by Vrtra himself, but he sees the pain as a minor thing compared to the suffering we have delivered his people and his land from. I am humbled by his generosity and the love he has for those whom he looks over.
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Alphinaud is a bit rude in bringing up the Dragonsong War, but I cannot deny I was also curious to learn what Vrtra's thoughts on it were.
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I do not think mere words can express the love Vrtra holds for his people.
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Vrtra, unfortunately, does not possess any knowledge that might help us with the Final Days, as our world was long since sundered when Midgardsormr came to it.
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Thank goodness, Y'shtola. I though I was the only one who wasn't completely star-struck by Hydaelyn.
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Vrtra tries to give us some assurances, and relates a story of asking his father why this star was the one he chose to settle on. That Midgardsormer believed in Hydaelyn, and that so long as She endured, so too would dragonkind.
We make to leave, but Vrtra calls me back: he would speak with me alone.
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He would offer some advice to the only child of man to have earned his sire's trust. My existence is a ceaseless storm, an endless confluence of forces; I shall know no rest. Worse than that, are the terrible effects on those caught up in all that happens around me; my companions.
I see them: Ysayle, Moenbryda, Papalymo, Minfilia, and Haurchefant. All dear friends I have lost.
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Vrtra urges me to spare no effort to keep my loved ones safe, for he knows the suffering of the powerful, having watched his siblings driven mad by loss.
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Alisaie and Alphinaud come back to find me, as they noticed I had fallen behind. And with those somber thoughts I rejoin my friends at the High Crucible, where they are picking up the warding scales.
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Are we going to Garlemald? FINALLY! I have been waiting for this since I found out Garlemald was a location that FATEs happened in (via Party Finder) all the way back in ARR!
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Nidhana is awake! Alisaie went and treated her! She is very happy to see that she caught us before we left, as she wanted to thank us for everything we've done.
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Though, as Urianger reminds her, it was due to her ingenuity and courage that we were now poised to bring the fight to the Telophoroi directly.
Nidhana hadn't even known, she came here right after waking up and hadn't thought to ask.
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Her joy at finding out what her work had done and is going to do appears to have changed the flower's color!
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Nidhana suggests that the flower's change of color could be a reaction to "akasa"; and unseen energy defined by Hannish alchemical theory. It can neither be created or destroyed and is only affected by what she calls "spiritual emotion". And invisible essence harnessed by the heart, mind, and spirit.
This is the first time any of my friends have heard of such a thing... And as this is the first explanation anyone has offered about how this mysterious flower works, I am inclined to believe she's on to something. How exactly this will be important, only time will tell.
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Back in Sharlayan, it seems I must be stressed, as the flower has returned to its original ashen grey. I am thinking about what Vrtra said, to protect my friends.
Suddenly there comes a knock at the door.
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It is G'raha, Alisaie, Alphinaud, and Krile! They have brought a veritable feast courtesy of the Last Stand!
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G'raha enjoying his burger is a delight.
Man, I want a burger now.
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I cannot put into words how wonderful this entire sequence was. It was all just. Ah! So happy. So many little character moments. My friends!
And it seems the mood in the room was just as joyful, as the brilliant green of the flower attests.
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...Speaking of friends.
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Hehe... there's just so much personality in these two. I enjoy the dark hilarity of their interactions.
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Aha! I knew you had to be siphoning that aether back to the main tower in Garlemald.
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Zenos knows we're coming for him. And he's probably looking forward to it.
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...I enjoy this insight into Zenos' mind. He's a deeply disturbed man. But, he also comes across as deeply depressed. He found the one thing in life that held any mote of positive emotion for him, and having known that, finally, he could not bear to return to what he'd known before. So he ended it.
But he found that death could not hold him. And so, returned to life, he would set the world on fire to have that feeling once more.
Suddenly, I find Zenos very relatable.
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I would hazard, Fandaniel, that Zenos sees in death the one option of escape from his own head available to him. You see the emptiness as a loss, where he sees death as gaining an escape from a life of constant mental torment. In his own words, Zenos experiences life as choking on mud. Literal nothingness is preferable to that.
But preferable to nothingness... Would be to experience something good again. And the only thing he knows that fits the bill, is fighting to the death with me.
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What, uh, what did you dream about, Fandaniel?
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Fandaniel, what was the dream about?
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Oh no.
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enig-og-tro · 1 year
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Anyways got midgardsormer tattooed on my forearm now 💪
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minti-tales · 11 months
Double whammy ask for WoLMinti:
3. Does their Echo function like it does in the MSQ? Or is there a twist to it? 
4. Do they have a canon mount or minion? What's its name(s)? 
I'll go ahead and post what I have so far for Minti's Echo. Part of this is cleaned up from the original, which was an ask I got from @elizatronicwarfare. Eliza, thank you for shaking my brain like an apple tree - I have plenty of apples now :)
Minti's Echo functions differently from what we see in the MSQ (Blackouts, headaches, and memory recollection). Here's what I have so far.
In game, we see that Meteor has very different interactions/experiences with job crystals, ranging from unleashing his Inner Beast to the saga that is the Dark Knight storyline. Depending on how many jobs he runs, IC'ly he's a slow cooker full of spirits, emotions, a voidsent he's made a contract with, and whatever is going on with Sage, I haven't done that yet. Our hero is experiencing a lot.
Something similar can be said for Minti, although I organize her job crystal interactions into a choir analogy. Think Riva, the alien negotiator from Star Trek: Next Generation, in "Loud as a Whisper." I promise this is leading towards the answer, I just need to provide some background and explanations.
Minti's "Choir" is made up of:
Lead Soprano: The Artist [Samurai]/ The Firebird [Dancer]
Sopranos: The Frost Queen, She Made of Ice [Dragoon/Paladin], The Steel Queen, She Made of Machina [Machinist]
Lead Alto: Altoprima, The Signora [Reaper, Voidsent] (filled position left by former lead alto, The Knightly Mother [Dark Knight]).
Alto: The Knightly Mother [Dark Knight] (stepped down from position as lead alto).
Lead Tenor: The Royal Volunteer [Gunbreaker]
Background singers: Other jobs as the story calls for, although Sage or White Mage might be making an appearance once I get crafting to a point I'm good with.
I try to distinguish when these voices are "speaking" by using Tumblr's fonts and colors.
Are the Choir people? No. They are constructs made from the Echo inside Minti, similar to other beings created by Hydaelyn. They're intended to be echoes of the Chorus that followed Azem [Dionysos].
Canon mounts for Minti: Her chocobo, Riptide and her not-Midgardsormer dragon buddy. She loves both of them very, very much!
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smallest-turtle · 2 years
Thinking about the typical arranged marriage post stormblood au. Deidre kicks Zenos' ass so hard he can't do what he does at the end of the fight so he's just taken prisoner and Varis makes a deal that if they get married to secure peace, the freed provinces will not be recaptured, prisoners returned, and anyone within the empire from those locations has the choice to return home.
Because Deidre doesn't want to live in a snowy hellscape that's any worse than Ishgard. But the empire isn't going to really want the person who single handedly bolstered two rebellions into winning forces anywhere near the OTHER provinces and Eorzea isn't going to want their bargaining chip too far away.
So with an agreement that has to take Deidre AND Zenos out of the pro/vs Empire conflicts they probably spend half the year in garlemald and half the year somewhere in eorzea, if not living between thavnair and hingashi simply because Neither Place has any involvement in Either issue.
Also this puts Ishgard in a very interesting place I think because she's adopted legally and fully into one of THEIR royal houses, so if Ishgard ever left the Eorzean Alliance the marriage thing would only extend to Them and the Scions. So the other city states better start doing more than just use their military lmao. Of course Kan-E-Senna tries to bring gridania into it bc Deidre "was born there" but deidres like 'my town isn't even mapped y'all didn't even know it existed, if Midgardsormer hadn't defeated that airship we would have been slaughtered and the city wouldn't have helped us' so that doesn't fly. She can protect the shroud itself as a white mage but like. :/
I'm not great at fantasy politics this is mostly a 'this would make so many problems for people lol' idea. DEIDRE AND ZENOS AREN'T EVEN FRIENDS YET. SHE JUST PITIES HIM.
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makoto-nihil · 2 years
The twelfth thing at Christmas that we Ocean Hunters got
12 evil subbosses
11 lost quarters
10 high scores to beat
9 distracting treasure chests
8 sharks biting
7 bounties posted
6 hunters & divers in distress (West Ocean diver: I'm fine tho!)
Rahab: 5...annoying...kids (Midgardsorm: haha)
4 broken Shock Guns
3 arcade cabinet types
2 old friends (Morfa & Clyde: Hi hiii!)
and 1 misplaced mistl escaping chibi sea god~
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steppe-candyfruit · 1 year
I will say
Going through Ishgard with Midgardsormer out is very funny
There’s some mention of something horrific the Dravanian horde has done and he’s just pertched on my shoulder all
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karoiseka · 2 years
ship ask game: karo and minfilia?
Going to meander a bit and make this a bit notes/list:
-Initial meeting, in either verse, Karo is comforted by someone understanding her visions--and instead of it feeling more friend/sisterish, the bond seems to be a bit deeper between them.
-Minfilia is always someone to come home to--more so in this verse. Karo gets to actually *bond* with someone early on, opening up in a way she didn't thinks she would, talking about her memory loss and her confusion and frustrations. Karo's quiet exuberance while still learning her place in the world meshes well with Minfilia's confidence, and the two become holy terrors to the other Scions with pranks,
-Move to Rising Stones/meeting F'lhaminn brings a weird sensation to Karo, knowing she's missing something with the family vibe. F'lhaminn takes her in like another daughter immediately, and it leaves a different ache in Karo's heart. Minfilia quietly starts looking for Karo's relatives, not knowing her Da and Pa have been watching quietly and are doing their best *not* to be found.
-Mor Dhona days are idyllic and wonderful and the two enjoy growing the scions and the crystal braves with Alphinaud, oblivious to the dangers growing around them.
-Nabriales kidnapping makes Karo snap into ultra protective mode, very very frustrated at her recent separation from her blessing. In this verse, Moen doesn't die--Karo's rage feeling the aether beam to destroy the Ascien even without a death--her bond with Kar'a unknown to her actually cementing into place and the shade of memory feeding her aether and a different sort of blessing.
-Banquet destroys Karo even more than normal. Blames Hydaelyn and Midgardsormer and starts HW even more isolated/numb to the world than ever. Goes through most of HW MSQ as if the puppet that others say she is--goes through the motions, doesn't let anyone get close, and doesn't understand why Haurchefant saves her.
-Post HW, getting Thancred and Y'shtola back helps a little, going to Antitower does *not* help. Think Thancred on the First but worse at this point. Almost let's Ardbert take her out on purpose--he stops instead, confused before Urianger pulls them all to the sea.
Aka, lots of angst, lots of drama, but I think while they're both there, in ARR they'd be quite good for each other. I ran outta steam to write about the First/what she finds there, but, I think you can kinda see where it's going. Takes Karo a very long time, and meeting Venat in person, to finally forgive her for taking Minfilia from her. Karo ends up a bit more dark, a bit more cold, and not quite as silly overall because of the early love lost.
Okay, rambling is over for now.
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calowlmitygoddess · 2 years
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atdutiesend · 2 years
{ 6.3 Euphrosyne spoilers, including post-raid quests }
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Welp Dove is now Legally Obligated to haul around a meerkat until I obtain Smol Husband. Who I am VERY HYPE about. I'm gonna have to go server crawl through to find a cheap assassin fry for Grim, too. (Midgardsormer prices are nuts, as per usual.)
Menphina is adorable and I love her, and I will scream HATSUNE MIKU REAL every time I get that raid. I continue to aggressively flip off the people saying she looks like a child because she has the same body type as Dove. Maybe examine your biases against non-hypersexual femininity. Seriously. We have 3 big-titty mommy goddess girlfriends, let the small tiddy crowd have their food too. Unrelatedly, I personally am delighted that The Lover represents platonic/non-romantic love just as much as romantic. [Nymeia also looks cool as fuck, Grim is Here for his patron tbh]
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Also, Deryk x Krile, anyone? And can we appreciate Krile clocking him without calling him out?
Also also, your FACE when you get the tomestone. I've gotten all kinds of reports - Dove looked utterly disgusted where other people said they looked delighted. Might be related to if you were enthusiastic about "Open Mun-Tuy" or not? Or maybe I'm misinterpreting a 'delighted' expression as an 'are you FUCKING KIDDING ME?' expression idk.
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anneapocalypse · 2 years
So I've been on a bit of a break.
Honestly, this year just got off to a super rocky start and I've been off-kilter ever since and after struggling with getting back to writing all through February and into March I just decided I needed some time not just not writing but doing something else fun and creative. So I have been doing that! (Mostly sewing.) And this led me into kind of an impromptu tumblr break, which I think was probably good for me as well. (I have been playing a lot of FFXIV. Ariane Clairiere, Midgardsormer, mutuals feel free to send me a friend request if you play!)
I'm good, and I'll be back, and the queue will keep running in the meantime! Just wanted to drop in and say hello.
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