onlyerearu · 3 years
I'm happy you discovered the treasure trove that is Deathbyunicornashes. Seeing you reblog their art brought back lots of memories for me. I asked for plenty of wolfxbunny pictures on anon back then lol
Aaah I’ve been friends with Uni a long long time, and I love their work and their AUs so much. I asked a lot of mereren, mermen eremin, and the one where Armin was a ghost that lived in the water asks, and I’ve commissioned a few pieces. Hades!Armin and Persephone!Eren being my favorite of that bunch. Uni’s been gone from tumblr because of a dead laptop, sadly. Hopefully one day we can look forward to more again.
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deetvar-moved · 7 years
Genealogy Of A Holy Self Insert S Support Confessions.
Thank you @songbirdo @priestessoftheemblem @airlock @the-banished-one @jugdraldefender @random-crap-fandom-crap for pitching for some of these. I would also like to thank @randomnameless for giving me the blessings to light up this wonderful cursed project.
This is for Genealogy Of A Holy Self Insert. If you want the Thracia 776 DLC S Support Confessions look here. 
Genealogy Gen I Characters Sigurd: “We've been together for so long... Now nothing else matters. My obligations, my knighthood... wherever you go, I'll follow.” Alec: “Oh my love, to think I could charm you to my side. Okay okay I’ll stop, I love you too.” Noish: “We will be together from here on out and work together to secure peace throughout all of Granbell”. Quan: “With you as my Queen we will finally unite Thracia under mutual understanding..and love..” Ethlyn: “I’ve been stuck taking care of my brother, I don’t mind doing the same for you...” Arden: “You.... You aren't kidding? You chose me? Oh happy day! Wait until I tell everyone!” Midir: “For all my life I have pined for another... now I realize that love for one's liege is second only to this love... our love.” Finn: “Through all of the hurdles life has thrown at me, through the countless challenges, I've finally found my true calling. Not Leonster, but at your side, my love.” Azel: “I never thought I'd find that s-special someone, for real... but you've lit a fire inside my heart. Please stay with me... o-okay?” Lex: “Let me take you by the river, there I can show something truly amazing.” Ayra: “With you I feel calm... Knowing that no man will be able to stand between me and what I value most of all... “ Dew: “I never thought you'd have the key to my heart... I wanna stay by your side for the rest of our lives!” Aideen: "It took me years to find my dear sister after we were parted. I couldn't bear to lose you the same way." Deirdre: “I was told that should I ever fall in love, something bad will happen. But with you...I feel no shame in choosing you...” Lachesis: “You're five times the man that my brother was. I've been blind all this time... So foolish to think that I'd never find a man better than him.” Levin: “I can't hide from my duty any longer. Our love will be long lasting and fruitful, and I shall always be there for you.” Sylvia: “This lone flower isn't alone anymore! Let's dance forever together, darlin'!” Fury: “I’ve struggled with my feelings but with you I finally feel at ease. Please stay with me forever.” Tiltyu: “To think I would finally find someone who could see me beyond what I show. You make me feel safe....I love you..”. Claude: “Lord Blaggi has blessed my with the powers of foresight. It was destiny that we would come together in love. Briggid: “Most of my life has been a blur... But not for the firs time, I can finally see clearly.” Alvis: “Ambition has blinded me to the truth, but no more! I will not be any man's pawn! Instead, I shall share my rule with you...my love.” Mahnya: “My whole life I fought for Silesse. But starting today, I will fight for you as well.” Travant: “Together we shall bring nothing but glory to Thracia!” Genealogy Gen II Characters Seliph: “You give me a strength much greater than ties to any country or bloodline. My love for you shines as brightly as the light that leads us into the future.”
Oifey: “After the loss of my lord, I knew not where to go.... but I have never been more sure of myself than I am at this moment." Larcei: "Tch, to think I'd ever go for someone like you... Never thought I'd see the day..." Ulster: “WE'VE GOT ROMANCE!!!” Delmud: “Come with me to Agustria...we can build a future there...together.” Lester: “It seems I’ve been shot by your arrow...of love.” Lana: “With you at my side, I will prove to everyone that nuns can mix with warfare.” Julia: "I want to make new memories with you. Promise you'll stay with me?" Johan: “How your eyes sparkle like stars in the sky, how your voice soothes my soul. I will fight for you and you alone no matter what bounds of sanity!” Johalva: “I may not have a horse, but that means we can just take things slow!” Arthur: “I’ve ventured out into the world to find my sister, but I didn’t expect to find love...” Fee: “I left Silesse to find my brother and a cutie. Looks like I got both!” Shanan: “Our love shall be the symbol of the future. A future for us, for Issach, and all of Jugdral.” Patty: “Nothing will ever us apart...except money! No not really you dork.” Ares: “My whole life has been nothing but a consuming passion to avenge my father. But starting today my passion is my love for you!” Nanna: “Throughout my life I have run to so many places without anywhere feeling safe. But finally...I do feel safe...with you”
Leif: “It's all thanks to you I have come this far. I don't know where I'd be without your guidance.” Tinny: “I’ve always look toward my mother for strength, but with you at my side I have all the strength I’ll ever need.” Faval: “Perhaps this is the Ichaival’s true power...  My luck has led me straight to you.... “ Sety: "You..... You really blow me away."
Altenna: “What are these feelings I feel.... My heart points me towards the one I truly love....my only home is with you.” Hannibal: I am know throughout the land as the Shield of Thracia. Now I live as your Shield! Ishtar: "My skill with magic strikes fear into the hearts of our enemies, but I hope to bring as much love as I feel towards you into yours." Manfroy: "I did all of this to resurrect my Lord. I would do so much more for you." Julius: "I have always been weak, but with you I know I can hold back Loptyr and be the man I was always supposed to be"
Genealogy Gen II Substitute Characters They don’t exist because Shipping is all that matters now. 
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