#mie shigahara
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To commemorate the first three OCs on the blog I thought I’d draw Hitomi, Kasumi, and Mie all together doing cute photobooth pics!
Hitomi belongs to @birbliophile (that’s me)
Kasumi belongs to @carrie-tate
Mie belongs to @bigenderteruki
Want to submit your own mp100 OCs to the blog? Check out the FAQ!
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bigenderteruki · 7 months
Witches brew with matsuo?Also winter time with one of your mp100 ocs if you want!!!
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ID: fanart of Matsuo from mob psycho 100 with the pallette "witches' brew", which is made of two shades of navy, two shades of lime green and two shades of purple. The pallette is in the top right corner. Matsuo is looking into the camera and smiling, holding one of his spirit containers. Gum-chan is standing on his opposite arm. /END ID
Ty for the request!! Im really proud of this one
I also did do something for my mp100 ocs, but tbh i couldnt figure out how to make the pallette work so ill just post the sketch. (under the cut)
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ID: a sketch of two mp100 ocs, Mie and Nemu making a snowman. Mie, a young girl with curly hair and round glasses, is putting earmuffs on the snowman. Nemu, an older girl with bobbed hair, is putting a scarf on the snowman, facing mie and smiling. /END ID
I decided to draw nemu and mie together cuz i barely ever do that. They do quite like spending time together they just dont do it that often
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Hey everyone~ @bigenderteruki here!! I wanted to dive in and submit at least one oc of mine to this blog👍 i dont have a ref sheet, but hopefully the two fullbodies are enough?
So, here she is~ Seasoning city's very own ghost-busting magical girl Kitty Meow Meow!! (aka Mie Shigahara, an otherwise average 4th grader)
Main Info:
Name: Mie Shigahara
Alias: Kitty Meow Meow
Age: 10 y/o
Height: 137cm
Esper Ability: Psychic Empathy (always) Exorcism (only as a magical girl) Telekinesis (only as a magical girl)
Likes: Milk candy, magical girls (duh), playing the melodica
Dislikes: Green peppers, reigen
Backstory (warning for brief mention of injury and hospitalization!! ... And s3 spoilers lol):
Mie was born in Seasoning City, and has lived there her whole life. Prior to the events of the ???% arc, she was lethargic and lonely. During the ???% arc, Mie was injured. She caught a glimpse of ???%, believing him to be an evil spirit. While hospitalized, Mie has a dream that she meant to be a great hero.
After being discharged, Mie meets Whisker. Mie continues to think about her dream, and Whisker suggests she becomes a magical girl after the two of them watch Precure together. Mie dismisses this, as she believes she does not have what it takes to be a magical girl.
Some time later, Mie finds herself in a haunted underpass. An evil spirit appears, and Mie becomes frightened, remembering the events that had previously hospitalized her. Before she can come to any harm, however, Mob appears and exorcises the spirit. Mie is amazed by this feat, but Mob did not even notice she was there until he finished the exorcism. He walks her home and tells her to be more careful.
Mie is inspired by Mob, and decides to become a magical girl after all. She buys a toy wand with her pocket money, and chooses the name "Kitty Meow Meow", as whisker resembles a cat. She begins to exorcise spirits with her newfound power, but runs into Reigen while he's in the middle of an "exorcism". Mie realizes there is no spirit and tells the client this, causing them to leave irritated. Reigen is annoyed with this, and Mie is equally annoyed by Reigen charging for exorcisms in the first place.
After her first week as a magical girl, Mie declares her ultimate goal: To exorcise ???%, unaware that he and Mob are one and the same.
Interaction with OCs:
You can draw or write mie doing whatever with your ocs ^^ All platonic interactions are welcome. Just be sure to tag me, hehe!!
Just one final note: Mie has a toyhouse page with a lot more info than what ive given here!! Please give it a read if you have the time, the backstory was copy and pasted from it, heh.
Three of my other ocs also have pages up on there, ill probably submit them later in one post. Just thought Id do Mie separately first just to get the hang of things.👍
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bigenderteruki · 8 months
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Before halloween ends im gonna post these obligatory mp100 oc demon outfit redraw (now featuring Mie!)
Different from how i usually draw Kind of a hybrid style of mine and the official art 👍
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bigenderteruki · 8 months
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ID: Art of an MP100 OC called Mie based off the song Positive Parade by Deco27. Mie is a young girl with brown skin and short curly brown hair. She has big round glasses and her eyes are big black dots that have little star shaped. She has two star shaped hair clips, a yellow cardigan, a white shirt with a yellow ribbon tie, a grey pinafore, and stars in her hair. Mie is looking at the camera, smiling and offering her hand, while sheding a small tear. The background is a blue gradient with star shaped lights. /END ID
"You'll turn out okay! You'll find that your smile fits you perfectly!"
Positive parade is a really good song
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bigenderteruki · 4 years
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Mukai and Mie checking out a cool snail!!
If you like my art, reblog it!
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bigenderteruki · 4 years
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baby go sleepytime
(if you like my art, reblog it!!)
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bigenderteruki · 2 years
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MP100 oc art dump
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bigenderteruki · 3 years
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Mahou no Hime ⭐ Koneko Nya Nya
[ID: A drawing of a character called Mie Shigahara dressed as her Magical Girl alter ego Kitty Meow Meow. She has brown skin and short curly brown hair. She has glasses and a dark purple mask. She is wearing a pink poncho with cat ears, a frilly drss and shorts underneath, dark purple footless tights that go over light pink pumps, and fingerless gloves. She has one leg up and she hold a star shaped wand decorated with a ribbon. She is is standing in front of a yellow backround, on a dark yellow circle with a lace texture, and in front of a dark yellow swiggle and dots. There is a sparkle on each side of her /END ID]
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