#might do a post about how licht represents charity later
katzkinder · 3 years
You know, the more I think about it the more I realize that Greed pair is a case where the person who made the first move wasn’t actually the one who made the First Move
Like. Lawless is a bonafide romantic, grand gestures and grander proclamations, and he’d want the moment he asks Licht out to be perfect. He’d spend weeks brainstorming, prepping, and agonizing as his attempts are consistently thwarted by his own chickening out, but there’s still drive and conviction and intent to carry through every time.
Licht realizes his feelings much later than Lawless, but literally as soon as he does, he gets up, seeks out his Servamp, literally corners him via a foot beside his head and firmly commands, “Hey. Go out with me.”
And that’s how they’d start dating!!
See also: Licht not realizing a single one of the dates Lawless took him on were dates
Lawless has his head in heads, complaining about what kind of moron doesn’t pick up in the fact a date is a date (yes hi hello me, I have done that) and Kuro just sort of... Gestures. To Licht.
Which sets Lawless off because he’s not in the mood for the eldest Servamp being a smartass. (smol blurb under the cut!)
“SO?! HE’S NOT THE NORMAL ONE HERE! And I’m even dumber for thinking he understood what I was doing!”
“Hah? Why would I think those were dates? Obviously they were signs of my angelic influence taking root in that black heart of yours.”
“Oh they were alright! Because you think I’d do those things for no reason?? Hell no! I did them because I’m in love with you!”
"It only makes sense for a demon to have an ulterior motive!"
“Excuse me? Licht. I want you to think long and hard about why anyone does anything. Here’s a hint: There is no such thing as altruism!”
"It's the sign of heavenly beings."
“Uh-huh... Isn’t doing something because it’s the right thing to do an ulterior motive in and of itself? Wanting something at all automatically makes any action you take void of altruism. And if wanting to do things that make you happy because I care about your stupid violent angel wannabe self is ‘demonic’ then I’m more than happy to stay down here in hell!”
[End Scene]
... Jeez Lawless. But, well, it’s an interesting perspective he has, and one befitting of Greed. Cynical as it sounds to others, he doesn’t believe true altruism exists. There’s always a self-serving motive. ...He doesn’t necessarily think that’s a bad thing, either. A selfish motive doesn’t erase the good done by a kind act, even if the act itself was only done out of a sense of superiority or self satisfaction. At least, that’s his opinion.
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