#might draw some f/naf characters with them too
erigold13261 · 2 years
So I found your headcanons for Neon's ex wife and I hate her but I'm still kind of curious about her. What happened to the daughter? Does she know anything about Neon or 1010? Would Martha have taken some of the dolls to spite Neon since her daughter liked some of them? Did she ever regret any of the things she did?
Okay, I REALLY REALLY wanted to draw a comic for this, but I just had no motivation at all, so I will just explain it instead.
First off, Martha's daughter is named Aria, and although she is not Neon's biological kid, if he was still in her life he would have treated her as his no matter what! She knows of him in the sense that she remembers him before he became a full cyborg. Martha and her left when Aria was about 9 years old (this is actually why Neon and Yinu get along really well, Neon sorta sees Yinu like Aria and wants her to be happy, though I'm not saying that Neon is trying to be her dad, he would never want to replace her dad because he knows how shitty it can be to have a kid think their dad is being replaced.)
Aria doesn't know that Neon J, the cyborg manager of 1010, is the same person that raised her as a kid. Martha knows though, because even though Aria is now an adult and Neon doesn't have to pay child support anymore, he still willingly pays a good heft of money to Martha for her and Aria to have a comfortable life. Neon still very much loves them, especially Martha, and wants them to live good lives even without him in them.
And no, Martha had no interest in the dolls. She, like many people of that time, didn't see robots as having any kind of sentience or autonomy. Especially not something that, in her opinion, was suppose to be toys. She didn't want to hurt Neon, she just wanted more attention and love. The war took Neon away from her, turned him into someone different and she fell out of love. She saw the love she wanted being given to these toys, hunks of metal and plastic in her eyes, and she got upset enough to hurt them. Honestly she thought that would snap Neon out of it and focus on her again, but it only caused more arguments.
Same with her cheating. She thought that if she could show Neon he was losing her, then he would love her again. And it did work for a time, where he was giving her all the love and attention, even though he KNEW that kid couldn't be his. But then once Aria was born, all that love went to Aria. To her and to the dolls again. Martha felt so broken and alone, taken care of a kid basically by herself when Neon was gone, and then also being expected to take care of 8 dolls. It was all too much for her and she took Aria and left after one of their fights.
She doesn't regret what she did because she felt like she was doing what was right for her and her kid. Aria needed a father who was present, and to be around "real" kids her age. And even though robots/androids have gotten much more respect and autonomy over the years, she still doesn't feel like she did anything wrong to the dolls in the past. She would never do something like that NOW, but she believes she is justified in her past actions and would do it again if she had to redo that part of her life again.
I'm sure if she was to personally meet 1010 now, and realize the actual damage she did to them, especially Purl, then she would reconsider her actions. But as of right now, she doesn't know that the dolls and 1010 are one in the same.
(And this is just for my personal NSR canon, there's actually a completely different story if you count my NSR Human AU that I should probably post more about lol.)
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