#nsr martha
erigold13261 · 10 months
For the requests! Angst! Either Miguel and Gabriella, Martha and Neon J or Tatiana’s parents!
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How about all three? :D
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hamilton-one-shots · 6 years
Hamilton High School AU 63
He tried to break away, but the arms were too strong around his waist. "Who the fuck are you?"
"You'd think you know. Last time you heard me talking, it was in court, where you got off free for breaking my leg defending my stupid ex."
James Reynolds. John kept fighting his grip and he'd usually be out of it without a fight, but he felt so weak. And that dizziness never went away. What was happening to him?..
His answer came out of the bathroom as Reynolds dragged him towards the back entrance. John Jay came by with a sly grin.
"What did you do?.."
He held up a packet of pills. "You really should watch what you drink. Turns out, James was after you and I hate you, so I helped him out. In return, he hurts you in the worst way I know how to."
"All that time in prison because of you and Maria. I know what I'm doing."
In John's mind, he was screaming and thrashing, but whatever Jay had put in his drink simply sucked the life out of him and he was hardly moving, hardly making any noise. He was completely at their mercy.
Thomas went into the bathroom only a minute later, furrowing his eyebrows as he saw that John was gone. Maybe he already went back into the- Woah! He almost slipped on some lipstick tube. He tutted and picked it up, furrowing his eyes. The color seemed a bit too familiar. He walked out and kept looking down, finding a phone.
He felt his heart drop.
He ran out into the main hall and looked around. Think... Think... He knew this building better than anyone there. Whoever was there would find a back entrance without a fire alarm. And the closest one was... This way! He began running and went straight out of the door, fire filling his eyes at what he saw.
He ran forward and tackled the other guy off of John, beating him down into the concrete until he heard the weakest voice coming from John, calling for him. He jumped off of the half conscious stranger and gave him one last strong kick before going to John. "I'm here for you.. I'm going to see how hurt you are, okay?"
He made sure to wait for a weak nod from John before he checked under his skirt. John didn't seem to be too badly hurt, but it was clear that Thomas had only gotten there seconds too soon. He heard a camera click from behind him and turned around, growling as he saw John Jay with a phone.
“I tried to be your friend, Thomas. Have fun getting your reputation back up after this.”
Thomas jumped to his feet and grabbed the stupid thing from Jay’s hands, smashing it too pieces against the ground, about to do the same to Jay himself.
John moved around a bit and tried to sit up. "Tho... Thomas... Home..." he whimpered.
Thomas paused, giving Jay just enough time to run, and let his expression soften before he turned to John. "We have to get you some help, sunshine..”
John whimpered and shook his head.
“I’ll be with you the whole time. We have to make sure you’re okay.”
After another few seconds, John replied. “Okay...”
“Can I pick you up?.."
He nodded.
Thomas scooped him up and carried him to his car, reclining the front seat as much as he could. "Are you hurt anywhere?.. He didn't hurt you anywhere else?"
John shook his head. "He touched me..." he whimpered. "Jay.. bad stuff in my drink..."
"He drugged you?.." He sighed. "I'm calling the police. I'm not letting that monster get away with this and I'm not letting Jay run free, okay?"
John cried softly and nodded, curling up as Thomas stepped outside and did just that.
When the police and ambulance arrived, Thomas sat with John in the back of the ambulance, holding his hand as the paramedics took his vital signs.
Jay was dragged out of the building kicking and screaming and an officer behind him had the pills that he'd kept in his pocket in an evidence bag. James Reynolds was in an ambulance too, but with more officers than anyone else.
Thomas sighed. "Do you want me to get Alex?.."
He shook his head and held Thomas's hand tighter.
He nodded and kissed his hand. "Can I tell him what happened? I'll tell him you don't want anyone else around."
He nodded and Thomas did just that, seeing that Alexander had been spamming his phone.
[tomas, wers jon? I cant find him] [serisly, im worying] [if ur doin da do jus tel me, but im woryd] [tomas, thers cops and ambulans her, wer r u nd jon?] [tomas, pls! jon wont nsr me eder!]
[I'm here and John's with me. I'm going to tell you what happened, but John doesn't really want me to let you come along. xx]
[ud betr not b fucin lyng]
[I'm serious, Alexander. I told you I'd never do anything to hurt John. xx]
Alexander frowned. He just wanted to know that John was okay. [fin]
[John got drugged by John Jay and sexually assaulted by this James Reynolds guy or something. xx]
Alexander felt his heart stop. He completely shut down, unable to respond, unable to talk, unable to think. What was he supposed to think? Supposed to do? Go to sleep and act like his boyfriend hadn't just almost gotten raped? Like he didn't want him to be there right now?
"Alexander, are you alright?.. Where's John?.."
"I... I..." He began clamming up and just gave his phone to Lafayette, who went pale at the texts before frantically responding. [It's Lafayette, can I com and make sure hes okay?]
Thomas frowned and asked John. "Do you want to see Lafayette?.."
He thought for a few seconds before shaking his head. "Just you..."
"Alright.." He figured that John would change his mind later, but for now, it was best to just listen. [I'm sorry, I really am, but John says he doesn't want to see anyone else. xx]
[Thomas, if you are lying to me, I will castrate you with my bare hands.]
[I'm taking you serious, Laf. I need you to trust me for John's sake, please. xx]
He sighed. [Fine.] He gave Alexander back his phone. "Maybe he just needs his space right now... He doesn't want to see me either. He's not mad because of the pamphlet." Of course he knew that Alexander thought it was because of that.
And Lafayette was right. Alexander visibly relaxed at hearing that it wasn't only him, but only by the slightest amount. He was still worried about John.
"Let's go home, okay?.. We can talk to him later, I promise. He's going to be just fine."
Alexander nodded and let Lafayette lead him out of the hall, joining the rest of everyone in a flood towards their cars.
Lafayette sat with him in his car for a few minutes, letting everyone get to their own and letting the crowd clear up as he called Hercules. "I'm going to be with Alexander. I have to make sure he's okay."
"What about you, Laf?.. I want to make sure that you're okay too... John is like a brother to us both.."
"I'll be fine.."
Alexander reached up and grabbed his wrist. "Let him over.. He can sleep with us as long as you two aren't all gross.."
Lafayette smiled softly and nodded. "Why don't we all stay together? You, me, and Alexander?"
"Alright. I'll pick up Rosie and some clothes, then I'll be at yours. I'll see you then, baby."
"I'll see you then." Lafayette hung up and began driving, taking Alexander home.
Luckily, George and Martha were already asleep, so they got upstairs without a problem, changing in their own rooms before laying down in Lafayette's.
When Hercules got there, Lafayette let him in and he joined them upstairs with little Rosie, laying down with Lafayette and Alexander. He kissed his datemate's cheek and they all fell asleep.
Thomas paced around the waiting room as he was forced to stay there, John getting checked out somewhere in another room. He only stopped when a nurse came in, calling his name. "How is he?"
"He's going to be okay. We want to keep him just until the drugs leave his system, then do another quick evaluation, but, from the details we got from him, we highly doubt that he could have contracted any diseases, though we did make sure to test him. He should be getting those results in a few days or a week. Over all, John is going to be just fine."
Thomas sighed and relaxed. "Thank you so much.."
"It's my job. You can come see him and I think you can make a case for staying the night. You're his boyfriend?"
Thomas nodded.
"Then having you here should be nothing but beneficial for him." She smiled and led him up to John's room.
The freckled boy was laying in his bed, watching the tv in the corner and wearing a hospital gown underneath the blankets. He smiled as he saw Thomas and opened his arms for him, hugging him as he sat on the edge of the bed. "Thank you.."
"No need to thank me.. Even if I wasn't your boyfriend, I would've kicked that guy's ass without a second thought."
The nurse smiled. "He's going away for a long time. He may not have done any permanent damage, but it was damage all the same and he does have a record."
John nodded. "Thanks.."
She nodded and walked out.
Thomas laid down beside John and put an arm around him. "How are you feeling?.."
"High as hell... But I've been worse."
"Poor baby.." He kissed his forehead. "Do you need anything?"
He shook his head.
"You still don't want anyone else here?"
He shook his head again. "Just you.."
"That's fine." He smiled a bit.
"What is it, baby?"
"Is the dress okay?"
He chuckled. "It's not in too bad shape. I'm sure Sarah would understand and help you."
John just nodded.
"Go to sleep, sunshine."
He nodded again and fell asleep, Thomas sleeping beside him.
In the morning, John woke up to a gently nudge from one of the nurses, Thomas still fast asleep beside him.
"Sorry to wake you.. I just need to ask a few questions about your condition."
He nodded. "Okay.."
"How are you feeling this morning?"
"I'm kind of sore everywhere.. And my head kind of hurts, but I'm not too bad. Like, if I had the flu."
She nodded and wrote that down. "Is there anything else?"
"No. I'm alright otherwise."
"Great." She smiled and gave him a brochure for a therapist. "I recommend seeing this doctor when you're ready. It's not necessary in the healing process, but I highly recommend it."
John nodded, pretending to consider it. "Thank you.."
"Of course. We just need to run a few quick tests, then you'll be ready to leave."
He nodded again and let her test his reflexes. He couldn't even let them test his pupil dilation the night before because he cried and thrashed as soon as it started thanks to how blown out his pupils already were. And Thomas had to hold him as they took his temperature and hold his hand as they got his dress off and checked him for physical damage. He was a mess made a whimpering child by drugs.
"All done."
John blinked a few times. Already? He only vaguely remembered a few followed instructions, but it seemed that he'd spent his attention on his own internal turmoil.
Thomas began to stir. "What time is it?.."
"It's just about to be 8 in the morning. Mr Laurens is ready to go home once you're ready. You can run and bring him a change of clothes, if you want."
Thomas nodded, then sat up and stretched once the nurse left. "I'm going to get you some clothes."
He nodded and gave him his key, checking his phone as he waited. He sighed as he saw all of the missed calls and messages mainly from Alexander. He called him, knowing that would put him more at ease than just a text.
Alexander had been half asleep, but answered in record time. "Hello?"
"Hey... It's me.. I'm okay.."
"John... Thomas told me what happened last night. I'm so sorry.."
"I'm going to be okay, I promise. I hope you know I'm not mad at your or anything... I just don't really want to see anybody.." He didn't want to be coddled, made to feel like what happened broke him. It hurt, but John had easily been through worse. Thomas knew how he wanted to be treated, not in any way special, but like he had someone there if he changed his mind. Lafayette was too soft as to try not to treat him any differently and Alexander saw John as fragile, as he'd already made clear. And Hercules would no doubt treat him differently, too, seeing John as a younger sibling. Thomas was probably the only person who wouldn't since he understood what it was like not wanting to be treated differently, most people did just that when they learned just how rich his family was, and he understood that he wasn't the only one who felt that way.
When he came back, John changed into the outfit that he'd brought him, just a simple shirt and some sweatpants, then went with him back to his apartment. John immediately took a nap with Thomas, then got up and ordered some pizza a few hours later, neither of them feeling much like cooking. John ate most of it, though he made sure to leave enough for Thomas, then got up and pulled his shoes on, looking at Thomas.
“Want to come with me?”
He got up and grabbed his shoes before asking, "Where are we going?"
"I kind of just want to go to the gym.. Blow off some steam, work out a bit or something."
"That sounds good." While he’d gone out to get John some clothes, he'd also gone home and quickly changed into a tee shirt and shorts, ready to just relax for the whole day, so he was ready. He got up and went to the door with him, walking out behind him. "Where are you going?" he asked as he walked right past the car.
"I prefer to walk."
Thomas nodded and followed him down the street. John seemed independent on the outside, but they both knew that he needed Thomas following him and keeping an eye on him for a while. "So.. what did you say to the nurse about therapy?.." He knew it was a sensitive topic, but he wanted to see what John would see.
"I said I'd think about it, but I threw the brochure she gave me into the trash.."
"I get it.. Nobody's forcing you to do anything."
John nodded and flinched as he leaned against a light pole at a crosswalk, feeling the sharp sting of static. It normally didn't bother him, but he couldn't help it, not while he was thinking of that time only moments before.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah.. I'm alright." And this time, he was telling the truth. Of course, the memories still made him jump sometimes but it was nothing serious anymore. Not like the time when he burst into tears after someone offered him a stick of gum, only for it to shock him. That was so embarrassing...
"Alright." He kept following John until they got to the gym. As usual for the weekends, it was fairly empty, so the pair played some music as they sat in the weight room, not talking much because, frankly, they didn't have to. The few shared glances or song lyrics that they sang out loud was more than enough to know that they were both okay. Things weren't great, but it was a good start.
Once they were warmed up, they headed into the boxing ring at John's request and after his promise of not hurting Thomas. It was an interesting match up. Thomas wasn't too largely built to be fast nor was he too thin to be strong while John was thin and shorter, but strong for his size and with speed to match it.
But Thomas wasn't a boxer. John saw his moves from a mile away and it was only a few minutes before John won the match.
"Alright, you got me. As the runner up, I get to give your your prize."
John smiled and leaned up, letting Thomas give him a quick kiss. "And as the winner, I declare this day to be over. I'm ready to go home."
"So am I." Thomas smiled and followed him out, then walked back with him, getting a call from his mom as they walked. He tutted and answered. “Hello?”
"Thomas, where are you and Lucy?"
"Lucy's at a sleepover with her friends this weekend and I'm with my friends."
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
He rolled his eyes, knowing just what to say to get out of this. "I did."
"You did?"
"Oh. Well, have fun then."
He sighed as she hung up and put his phone back in his pocket. It'd been that way for years, probably ever since Lucy was born. No, even before that. Always, maybe. It was so easy for Thomas to get away with anything when no one paid attention. It was one of the reasons he'd fallen for John so fast. He did.
When they got to the apartment, they laid on John's couch with pizza that they'd picked up on the way and put on a movie, spending the day quietly.
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NSRS...Once Upon A Time... (1992) Martha Wash - Give It To You [David Morales Momo's Dub RMX]
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erigold13261 · 2 years
One thing we can give Martha credit for is that she, a cis straight woman, was okay with marrying a trans man.
Yeah! She still identifies as straight no matter what Neon has for parts since he identifies as a man and is a man to her. Though she would have preferred the male parts to be honest.
They were both from times where you married early and pretty quickly, along with not having sex until after marriage a lot of the time. She fell in love with him before finding out he was trans, and even though that didn't dissuade her love when she did find out, it did cause some problems later in the relationship.
Also by the time she found out he was trans, he had already met all her friends and family (which they all thought he was cis) and they all expected them to get married and have a bunch of kids. Once they found out that neon was trans though, a lot of people tried to break them up, hurt Neon, or just straight up abandoned Martha.
But none of that stopped her love for Neon and the two just moved away from the haters and assholes (which was easy thanks to Neon's job in the Navy), and got married. It was only later in the marriage with Neon neglecting her that her love started to waver and she ended up cheating. But hey, they now had a kid everyone thought was Neon's (except those who knew he was trans).
She may be a cheater and robophobe, but at least she's not transphobic!
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erigold13261 · 1 year
I just realized everyone who works for NSR expect Mama is not heterosexual. (Are you sure she is straight?/j)
I like to think she is poly to some degree. Maybe a bit bisexual but she identifies as straight as her main preference/likes are men and is willing to settle down in a monogamous relationship happily.
So while yes, she isn't technically fully straight, that is how she identifies herself.
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erigold13261 · 1 month
🌻, 🌈 and 🌌 for the OC ask game 👀? (i dunno if some were already asnwered btw)
"🌻 Do any of them hide dark secrets under a cheerful veneer?"
Hmm... I don't actually think so!
Pretty much all of my OCs that have potentially dark secrets either don't keep them a secret (or are very casual about it) or aren't hiding them behind cheerfulness and instead of gloomy.
I would say the closest thing to that would be Synthia, but he doesn't hide the neglect and abuse he gets from his mom. He's very casual about it because he dissociates her hate for him which is why he's always very happy.
Oh! I think technically Carna tries to hide faer kleptomania through cheerful attitudes, but that is more like playful lying from being raised in a rich and spoiled environment (the second time being raised since the first time was in a dysfunctional house with an abusive mother and neglectful father). Though that isn't really a dark secret, so doesn't really count.
I guess technically Ilia hides his past by being happy, but it's not like he is actively hiding it. He's more of a lying through omission kind of person. So if you don't ask the right questions, you aren't getting the full story from him (which is why the curses think he's a human when they first meet him).
The only other OC I can think of would be a much older OC named Emi that I haven't drawn in a while. She wears a mask with a permanent smile on it and has a pretty cheerful attitude as she hunts down humans to collect their teeth and eat their faces.
I haven't thought of her much in a while, but she isn't really hiding her past/dark secrets. Though, since I am thinking of her again, I can make her into an entity and she definitely would be a character who hides her actions behind friendliness! Very much looking like she is a perfectly friendly entity on the outside but a human hunter in reality.
"🌈 Which ones are The LGBTQ+?"
I mean... I better question would be which one is NOT queer lol!
Pretty much all of my OCs are some flavor of queer. Mainly asexual, aromantic, or aroace. I also tend to have a lot of lesbians or wlw as well as trans or nonbinary OCs.
The ones who are cishet are Sharon, Matvey, Martha, Aria probably, Nuru, Sarabi, Joust experimented a bit but is cishet. Quida is cishet, so is Noa and Asa. Honestly Asa might be something, but for now he is cishet. I think that's all but I'm sure I'm forgetting someone.
A lot more cishet OCs than I remember lol! But otherwise, pretty much all my other OCs are somewhere on the LGBTQ+ spectrum!
"🌌 Do your OCs inhabit a shared universe?"
Yes and no!
I compartmentalize my OCs depending on where they are from. So a JJK OC would be in JJK while an NSR OC is only in NSR.
However, because I made the Eriverse, technically all my OCs can now live in a single universe! Even single fandom universes like JJK can be connected to the Eriverse through Ilia now! Meaning that event though they aren't in a shared universe, they share a multiverse through Ilia's powers.
And speaking of multiverses, I have a LOT of NSR AUs that I basically turned into OCs in my head as they are so far removed from the base NSR premise. Though these are in a different multiverse compared to the one connected to the Eriverse. If that makes sense lol.
So yea, yes and no. It depends really. For the most part, if I want them to be connected then they can be in the same universe. If not then they aren't. Really depends on what I want to do in the moment.
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erigold13261 · 1 year
Who at Nsr like coffee? Who likes tea? And most importantly who likes hot chocolate?
Usual big list of names and likes. Putting it under a cut
Mayday: She prefers teas, but will sometimes drink hot chocolate made with water and not milk.
Zuke: Tries to stick with either tea or black coffee. He stays away from added sugars so his blood sugar doesn't rise.
DJSS: Hot chocolate, hands down. He hates tea and only coffee he consumes is coffee flavored sweets (you can't stop this guy from eating coffee macarons).
Sayu: Any really work. Sweet teas, very sweet coffee, hot chocolate. It's all nice to mer, as long as it isn't bitter, which is why ze will pass on trying coffee if ze doesn't know how it was made.
Aoi: Probably a black coffee drinker. Maybe some like almond or soy milk in it because he likes the taste better than cow milk.
Haru: Probably cold hot chocolate (which sea says is different from chocolate milk).
Yua: Iced coffee or bubble tea.
Renho: Tea.
Remi: Tea, but will drink cocoa made with water if Mayday makes some for him.
Tila: Tea with honey.
Dodo: Doesn't really like any of those, would rather lemonade. Maybe would like sweet tea if introduced to it.
Sofa: Coffee, any kind of way but will not drink it with a milk substitute. Soy milk is gross to them and almond milk or any other kind of tree nut milk can kill them.
Yinu: Hot cocoa with either hazelnut milk or vanilla almond milk. She's not allowed to drink coffee and even if she was she probably wouldn't like it. Will drink tea occasionally.
Mama: Prefers tea but will drink coffee to help stay up.
Papa: Coffee and hot chocolate. Used to drink a lot of Champurrado until Yinu came into his life and couldn't drink milk. He never realized there were vegan/lactose-free versions of the drink otherwise he'd have made it for Yinu a lot.
Neon: Before being a cyborg, his go to would be coffee. He actually would make a soju infused coffee for him and Martha a lot of the time. Though after the divorce he stopped with the coffee and just drank the soju alone (or whatever kinds of alcohol he'd have on hand). After the cyborgification he doesn't drink any of those. He just drinks/eats nutritious smoothies or shakes. Even if they taste awful, it doesn't matter because he can't taste anymore.
Rin: Probably would like a salted caramel coffee over anything else. Though it probably doesn't care for any of those to have on a regular basis. Water is just fine for it.
Purl-hew: Coffee. Absolutely, hands down, Purl is in it for coffee. Literally one of the easiest ways to start getting close to Purl is to get them coffee. And if you make it an alcoholic coffee? Even better.
Zimelu: She probably doesn't care, as long as it tastes good. So like, a good coffee will be picked over a bad cocoa, and vice versa. I would say out of the three, tea would be the least drank, but if offered or she goes to a place with good teas then she'll definitely drink it.
Haym: He likes MAKING the drinks more than drinking them. He does not like tea at all because a lot of the time it isn't as strong as he would want it to be. Cocoa is something he'll drink, but overall coffee would be his go to choice. Though let me tell you, once he figures out about spicy hot cocoa, he'll be making that all the time for at least a month until he gets sick of it.
Eloni: No preference. As long as it's warm, so no iced coffee or sweet teas for them.
Dew: Probably an iced coffee kind of person. Or cold drinks in general. For some reason, even though he was hurt by the cold, he prefers his food and drinks to be very cold.
Maragold: Fruity teas!
Carna: Fae is stealing sips of coffee from everyone and then complaining because it sucks, only to go and take more sips. Otherwise, faes drinking lemonades.
Eve: Coffee and tea depending on the time of day and what she wants to accomplish. Will try the water cocoa Mayday makes but doesn't really like it. Will go out for coffee art or try to make her own.
Tatiana: She tends to just drink water or maybe an energy drink like gatorade (not an energy drink for the energy, idk what gatorades are classified as), but she is known to indulge in hot cocoa from time to time. Also maybe some tea if it's offered, but she doesn't go out of her way to drink it.
Kliff: I definitely see him as a coffee enjoyer. He gets some cheap ass coffee beans and makes his own shitty coffee that he seems to really enjoy a lot.
DK West: He mainly drinks tea but will also drink coffee. Hasn't had cocoa in years, but would be willing to have it again.
Cyril: Oh this bitch is living off of coffee. The only time he drinks tea is when he is sick or he thinks he has to rest his voice, then it's just some soothing tea with honey that he chokes down unhappily.
Noa: The cook of Ex-Jay, he's the one who is making the good coffee or tea for everyone, otherwise these idiots would be buying the worst beans or shitty leaves and making horrible tasting drinks they would pour down the drain. But, Noa is making himself some coconut-infused hot cocoa and eating it with some potato crisps
Asa: Will steal some hot cocoa from Noa if available, otherwise buys black coffee to drink.
Rei: Tea drinker. Usually sticking to black tea. Him and Bunny kinda do the Chinese tea ceremony where they dump their tea on tea pets.
Bunny: Tea and coffee drinker. Likes doing the tea ceremony where she dumps tea on tea pets (of course she has a bunny pet) and she got Rei to start joining her. She tries all kinds of teas and loves trying new leaves to steep.
Elivy: Drinks mainly tea now, but was a heavy coffee drinker when he was younger.
Quida: Similar to Elivy, she used to drink a lot of coffee when younger. She still drinks coffee regularly, but has actually started drinking more hot cocoa, especially with her grand kid.
Joust: Black coffee. He used to add milk or cream but now he just drinks it straight. Sometimes he adds a bit of alcohol, but mainly it's just him drinking really crappy coffee.
Martha: Coffee. Cream and sugar in hers.
Aria: She doesn't drink any of those drinks. Sometimes she will try to drink tea for the health benefits but just doesn't like it that much. Though she hasn't tried all kinds of teas and I think she would like fruity teas or milk teas.
Esther: Coffee, though she will never turn down some good cocoa.
Braam: Coffee, and he will turn down cocoa. Well okay, he'll take it but just so he can give it to Esther so she had more cocoa. Though once Catherine came around he started giving it to her which made Esther pout and leading him to buy her more cocoa.
Alyona: Coffee mainly, but she used to make this really nice hot cocoa with a kind of toffee sauce that Matvey and Tatiana loved.
Matvey: Coffee with some coffee liqueur is what he goes for. He doesn't drink tea at all and hasn't had hot cocoa since Alyona passed.
Sarabi: She's a tea drinker, but will also have coffee with some neighbors, especially the beans are from one of the local businesses that she loves.
Nuru: Drinks coffee but also drinks soup broth. Like, he will have a thermos around him just holding some of the most delicious and rich soup broth ever and will drink that a lot of the time. Much to Nova's horror whenever he thinks he is about to take a sip of some water or something.
Celine: Probably a split between tea and coffee. Like Eve, it depends on what she is trying to do or the time.
Barbara: A mix of all three. Whatever she is in the mood for. If she had to choose one then a sweet or fruity tea is what she's picking.
Joey: Coffee. Black coffee probably. But it would be some high quality coffee that he says doesn't need any kind of milk or sugar.
Yiruk: I feel like it drinks way too much coffee then it should be. It will also drink a lot of hot cocoa, especially at a really good cafe.
Kayane: Tea drinker, all kinds of teas, hot or cold. But will also drink an iced coffee.
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erigold13261 · 9 months
Wait what are Purl and Eloni during after the 10 year timeskip if they aren't in 1010?
Purl was the first of the Megastars to just outright quit. It was for their mental health as being an idol really fucked with their mind over the years and now they are on their healing journey.
They probably bunked with Ex-Jay for a bit and then moved in with West as Ex-Jay left NSR to be a more roaming band instead of being stuck in Vinyl City with just occasional outside concerts (the Megastars are basically tourist attractions so they can't really go on world tours or things like that, at least not more than one Megastar at a time).
Purl still makes music, but posts it online and under a pseudonym. Otherwise they are just hanging out and doing hobbies, helping West with his land, and waiting for Cyril to come back from tour to hang out together.
As for Eloni, she was the second to leave. She really just wanted to find herself and figure out who she was outside of 1010. I can see her traveling around or going to Korea to get in touch with that part of her culture (possibly staying at her grandparents house if they are still alive because over the time skip Neon would have reunited with them thanks to Martha and Aria).
She still comes back every so often and will stay at Barraca Mansion when doing so. Maybe visit Purl who barely comes into the city anymore or might spend a night or two with Zuke and Rin or May and Eve depending on the circumstances.
I also realized I forgot to mention Carna, Maragold, and Dew. So since I'm talking about 1010 might as well talk about them too.
Maragold is most likely at college by now, being around 19 at this point in their life. They live in their dorm while the semester is going on and then go back home when school's out.
Carna is living in an apartment either alone or possibly with Synthia (who got kicked out when he became of age). I can see Carna helping out Synthia mentally and emotionally after what his mother put him through all his life.
And Dew is living with either Yiruk, or Yiruk and Kayane. I think he and Haru would be dating at this point but he doesn't really get involved with the music side of things all that much. He instead plays on a few elemental teams for sports like football and rugby.
It's more of a hobby than a job but he doesn't really have to worry about getting a job thanks to his family (none of 1010 actually have to worry about money problems whether they are still in 1010 or not, and even if their own personal savings starts to dip, they have their family to help bail them out until they can get an actual job if they need to).
So yea! Purl is doing an indie solo career, Eloni is finding himself, Maragold is furthering their education, and Dew and Carna are kinda being bums and doing whatever they want with friends for the time.
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erigold13261 · 2 years
Among the NSR cast, who had the best/worst childhood?
Best childhood probably goes to Zuke and West. They ended up losing their dad pretty early but they still had each other and their mom.
DJSS, Mama, Papa, and Mayday also had pretty good childhoods. May lost both her parents but was too young to remember but her grandmother was there to love and protect her. Mama and DJ had good childhoods with supportive parents but them being half human (half being an estimate, they might be more or less but not entirely human) made them victims of bullying and ostracization. And Papa's life was also good except for asshole bullies attacking him for being different at times.
People with okay-ish childhoods would be Yinu, Kliff, Remi, and Tila. Yinu having her dad die but also having to basically work as a child (even if she is happy to play piano, it's still a lot to ask for a kid). Remi having Eve with him really helped keep his childhood normal and nice. He had support and help when he needed it. Tila had a decent childhood with not much going on before she came out as a lesbian. She was able to leave her family before anything turned bad. I don't have anything for Kliff's childhood, but I know it was at least decent.
Less okay childhoods would include Dodo, Sofa, and Eve. Dodo having a pretty ableist family that tried to force him to speak but at least they did let him learn sign language, though they made him feel like shit for it. Sofa's family kept making them feel like shit for their weight and trying to force diets and overall just made Sofa have a very unhealthy relationship with food and low self esteem. Eve just hated herself for a long time. Thinking she's the reason her parents divorced along with the bullying she got for her skin really messed her up.
Bad childhoods would be the extended 1010 (sorta) and Tatiana. Depending on which 1010 you ask you will get a different answer. Rin believes it had a perfectly fine childhood, as does Carna and Maragold. Eloni, Zimelu, and Haym would say their childhoods sucked but weren't the worst. Dew and Purl-hew would say their childhoods were horrible. They were all victims of Martha's abuse to a certain degree, but they react and remember things differently.
Tatiana on the other hand was forced to act like a boy and ridiculed anytime she tried to present femininely. She and her father got into many fights, a lot of them being physical, and she lost her mother when she was a teen. Not to mention the fighting and bullying at school that she had to deal with. But she was able to find friends that later became the Goolings. She would personally say her childhood was fine but if she talked about what went down in her house the listener would tell her it was not fine.
And finally, the worst childhood probably has to go to Neon J. He found his brother's dead body and ended up accidentally killing his best friends. He was full of self hatred and anger, with a verbally and emotionally abusive home life while school was so bad he had to drop out from the kids' harassment and bigotry. Not to mention his mind was very messed up from substance abuse that would later turn into full blown addiction. He tries his best to not talk about his childhood and has cut all contact with his family. The end parts of his childhood (so late teens/early adulthood) were very lonely and isolating.
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erigold13261 · 2 years
Fantasy Beast AU where the NSR cast are all different kinds of fantasy creature hybrid things with their own magic related to what they are.
Tatiana is a phoenix
Cyril is a vampire
1010 are all half siblings with different fathers making them different creatures while Martha is a creature that gets power from love/affection which is why she ended up having so many kids (that she abandoned to the fathers)
Neon is a kind of shapeshifter before turning into a necromancer (the label of necromancer overcomes any label if you end up doing necromancy). He also adopts 1010 as kids obviously lol
Um, Tila, Sofa, and Dodo are some kind of sea creatures. Not all the same at all.
Remi is half a sea creature and half whatever Eve is. Still figuring that part out.
Yinu and Mama stay plant creatures but look more plantlike than human like. probably even have some serpent in their bloodline/design.
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erigold13261 · 2 years
Hey Ultimate Parents Squad Ship Anon here! Or Heartbeats Ship.
Some HCs for them bc these people have been living in my brain rent free since last summer.
1. Space Date? Space Date! How it happened, idk. The mental imagery of Zero G cuddles while Neon J is humming gives me so much life.
2. DJ getting referred as “Father” and Neon J as “Dad” by Yinu. Accidentally for the first time, and more bc they cried happy tears.
3. Neon J having trauma induced nightmares. Papa always comforts him with a piano song. No matter when.
4. Mama loves hearing the monitor sound from Neon J. She made a whole song using it.
5. DJ is not allowed in the kitchen, bc they manage to burn it down once they try helping. Everyone else can cook though.
6. Neon J sucks with plants. Same with Papa and Mama with computers.
7. Neon J getting piano lessons from papa. Or DJ getting harp lessons from mama.
8. Papa loves playing with DJ and Mama’s noodle arms while they rest. Neon J, with their consent, records them on his phone.
9. Papa hears about Nonbinary people, and asks for his family to use they/them for him for a while. It doesn’t stick but papa no longer thinks he’s fully cis. (Demiboy or no labels)
10. Some songs that remind me of them. Solar System Disco by Nayutanalien, Comet Honeymoon also by Nayutanalien, Heart by John (this is more of a Neon J song), Shiwaawase by Vaundy and Odoriko also by Vaundy! Sorry for shoving down my music taste down your throats, haha.
Sorry for the long ass ask! I’m hungry for content
1) Well obviously space date happens because both Neon and Nova have connections to people in NASA (or whatever equivalent there is to NSR/Vinyl City).
I can definitely see Neon not having the best time because of his radar not being all that well, so he just clings to whoever. Probably Papa while Mama and DJ dance a little bit as I see Mama having the most fun in Zero-G.
2) Honestly, I love the idea that Yinu plans this accordingly so that she "accidentally" calls them Father/Dad when she is in trouble to help her get out of trouble. Which is a tactic that Purl told her about as they were the last to call Neon "dad" and it helped them get out of a major lecture lol.
Also, the fact that 1010 would all have different things to call Mama, Papa, and DJSS would also be funny! Eloni making special sign names for them (oh you better believe Eloni and Papa have some sign jokes/puns) along with Haym and Zimelu trying to make up funny title/names to see what they can get away with. Then Purl being again the last one to call them anything other than their names.
Also, just, Neon crying at hearing Yinu call him "Dad" and reminding him of his daughter with Martha, but in a good way. Yinu would probably think she did something wrong only for Neon to pick her up and cry happily telling her he loved her so much.
3) Papa playing just the softest tunes for Neon, maybe even holding Neon close and humming softly as a comfort as Neon holds onto him tightly. DJSS also there rubbing Neon's back quietly as him and Papa are more night owls anyway and was there to help.
4) Oh totally. DJSS, Papa, Mama, Yinu, and 1010 all just make a song/multiple songs out of the different kinds of beeps that Neon produces to show how much they love him and how he shouldn't be concerned about his radar which sometimes comes up for Neon, rarely but it is still something he struggles with.
5) See, I think DJ is a great cook! However, he is a pretty big guy and if there are other people in the kitchen it becomes too crowded and things get knocked over. So it's either only DJ or anyone else can go in and cook lol.
But going off of your "DJ can't cook" it would be funny if he knew how to cook only ONE dish. So like once a month he is allowed in the kitchen to cook, otherwise they are not the one cooking. It would most likely be Mama and Haym cooking the most, then maybe Neon and Papa, followed by Yinu Eloni and Purl. (omg their kitchen probably smells amazing!)
DJ and Zimelu are banned from the kitchen though. Purl sometimes too, but that's because they like setting fires, which is a problem even if they are controlled fired lol.
6) Neon's trying his best okay! He goes to water a plant only for Haym and Yinu to shout at him to stop drowning a cactus!
Mama and Papa accidentally downloading a virus and going to DJ for help so they don't disappoint Neon (only for DJ to bring it to Neon because he made the device/virus even worse so now Neon lectures all of them to not click on random ass links)
7) I actually see Neon as knowing the most instruments out of all of them, but being taught more professional piano skills from Papa or harp from Mama (he doesn't know that one) would be something he is willing to do. He would also be willing to play violin with them.
The three have to pressure (in a good way) DJSS to learn an instrument. He ends up choosing a brass instrument, something that none of the 3 can play (Neon could but not anymore). So Purl gets stuck on teaching DJ, Yinu, and Papa how to play that instrument because they are curious.
8) Yaaas! Questioning Papa is awesome! I like the idea that he goes back to being cis so ends up as like cis+, but honestly demiboy or unlabelled (especially unlabelled) is something I REALLY like and will put in my notes for AUs where Papa lives long enough to actually try other genders out.
9) Oh those are all really pretty! I wish I could experience them like you do, but I don't know the language so just reading the lyrics/listen to words I don't understand doesn't get the same message unfortunately. But the ones I could listen and read at the same time were very nice! (Also the animation of "Heart" was very nice to look at, made me think of Panty and Stocking but the main character kinda looked like Soul from Soul Eater lol)
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erigold13261 · 2 years
It would be funny if the only cis straight man in the NSR cast was papa./j /j /j (and he is dead.) (please don’t take this seriously)
You've heard of bury your gays, well get ready for bury your straights! *gets knocked out by an angry Mama*
No, but actually Papa is definitely cis and he is either straight or bisexual. I never came to a conclusion on that lol.
Also, looking at my little list, the only person who has cis and straight in the identity column is Mama, but she also has poly in there since she is not fully monogamous.
Wait no, I scrolled down and saw Martha. She is the only one who has ONLY cis and straight in her identity slot (though I guess cheater should also be in there haha)
Technically Joust (bassist of the Goolings) could be straight, but I haven't decided yet. So he could also be one of the few other cishet guys lol. If he is straight then he's a guy who would experiment with anyone who looks feminine enough for him that he could boink.
Everyone else is some flavor of queer or I haven't thought of what they identify as (which are mainly the kids since I haven't had much thought of them as older and don't see them as having any crushes right now, but a few others like Mystery Man, Dew, and Elivy are full mysteries to me.)
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erigold13261 · 2 years
… are 1010 sentient in your FRAU? And I am guessing people treat them as if they weren’t…. Just when this AU couldn’t get worse/j (keep up with the wonderful work and drink lots of water)
(In canon, how does everyone realize that 1010 are aware?) (just curious)
Yes they are sentient. They, like with OG 1010, gained the basics of sentience before joining NSR, but didn't fully grow into themselves until after joining NSR. Though FRAU 1010 keeps to themselves a lot of the time so many people think they are not as sentient as they are.
Which does go into your next question. Yes. People treat 1010 and other robots like tools/objects since Neon isn't promoting the idea that robots with AI can be just as sentient as humans.
OG Neon from the start of 1010's career was always explaining the intricacies of robotic AI and sentience, but FRAU Neon stayed more in the back. So a lot more people have the same thought process as Martha, thinking that robots are just program and code, and not an ever evolving AI (which technically not EVERY robot has an AI, but quite a few of them do).
And by canon do you mean OG or FRAU canon? In both universes 1010 try to keep up the act of not being sentient because they are afraid of what might happen if people around them found out.
However, OG 1010 ended up letting slip their sentience when they are separated and show interest in things outside of music. Dropping the mask that they are a unit and are actually individuals (Purl being the last to let the mask fall since they were trying their best to keep things the same since they hate change).
For the FRAU, 1010 kept the mask on a lot longer because their environment was not as welcoming and warm. There have been times where their masks slipped (like Red finding a fascination in space and asking DJ questions or Green talking with Yinu about plants) but for the most part people saw 1010 as non-sentient robots.
At least the public sees 1010 as completely non-sentient. Which is where much of the fear of AI comes from, because there is plenty misinformation going around of what AI means. People think it just means faster processing power or a more powerful robot that will follow orders without question and people are afraid of what a powerful robot with no mind/morals and a bunch of weapons/fighting experience will do if pushed.
The Megastars also have a lot of misinformation to go through, but Neon has explained to them some stuff (more in an annoyed way because even when he does explain it feels like no one believes him) so the Megastars do know a bit more of 1010's sentience status.
Tatiana doesn't see them as actually sentient, and just sees them as tools with good responses built into them/some problem solving code.
Eve sees them as sentient but in a way that is not as good as human sentience (which is why she is actually willing to hurt 1010 since they can understand what she is doing, if they couldn't then it would be like yelling at a toaster which would give her no relief).
Neon sees 1010 as fully sentient. Though he has no idea what their true personalities are because they keep it from him. He only sees sides of them that they show. The only ones he really knows are Red and Blue because those two spend the most time with him.
Sayu's crew probably sees them like Sayu, a husk that Neon uses to create music. I can see Remi thinking they have some sentience, but only because he sees Blue and Yellow as annoying for always trying to look over his shoulder when drawing and Neon telling him they are just curios and trying to learn.
DJ and Yinu have seen more of these sparks of sentience from 1010 (even if Yinu doesn't understand what that means). So they do think 1010 have minds of their own (DJ later actually seeing some of 1010's real personalities when helping Neon out with something as an act of goodwill for some reason).
And Mama just straight up refuses to see 1010 as anything more than military grade weapons that can and will hurt people, especially Yinu.
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erigold13261 · 1 year
Haiii Eri!! I don't know much about your ocs but I'd love to hear about them!! Do you have any little fun facts for us? 🫶 any of them at all I adore each and every one
Oooh! Yeah sure! I can ramble a little bit! Don't know if characters like Ex-Jay or Doki Doki Mermaid Club count as OCs since at their premise I didn't create them, but I know some people count their version of Ex-Jay or DDMC as OCs.
So for this I'll stick with just OCs I actually made without a design from in game. (Also just gonna stick with NSR OCs as I don't even do anything with my other OCs I basically abandoned lol). Will also put pictures of each I talk about under a cut so I don't make this too long.
1). First up are my actual first NSR OCs known as Timbre Ocra and Hydrar Gyrum. They are one of the lower NSRtists that help power each district when Megastars aren't playing. Their band is called "Amarus Amares" and they play in the Metro Division district.
Timbre is a natural object head (she's like one of those LED photography lights but can change her colors) while Hydrar is fully human except for cybernetics she got when she was young from being in a car accident. Both of them heavily look up to NSR, especially Neon J which is why they are so happy to be playing in Metro Division and hope to one day play along side 1010.
I should have more for them but I honestly don't since I've been thinking about redesigning them for a while now. Keeping the same story they have but just updating their looks/colors.
2). I think next would be Egeg. She is one I use even less than Timbre and Hydrar, as I made her based off of another person's species. I am definitely going to redesign her as I have made more rules and stuff to how species work in NSR, but she is going to stay an object head as a space orb similar to DJ.
I had her as having a crush on Eloni and she was supposed to be my first ever OC x Canon character, but I sorta scrapped that. She is the manager of Amarus Amares and helps them create songs and manage shit otherwise the two would be missing deadlines every other week.
She had a rough breakup from an abusive relationship. That is when she met Timbre and Hydrar who took her in and she became their manager as a way to pay them back for helping her in her time of need.
Oooh! Yeah sure! I can do that! I have quite a few NSR OCs that I can talk about! (since I have basically abandoned any OCs I have that aren't NSR related lol).
I need to make more of my OC content at some point, so I'm just gonna list all my OCs off and then give some fun facts about the more relevant ones! (and so if anyone wants more fun facts about specific characters I can give them).
-Hydrar Gyrum, Timbre Ocra, and Egeg (Amarus Amares) -Dew, Carna, and Maragold (younger siblings to 1010) -Martha and Aria (Neon's ex-wife and not bio-child) -Esther and Braam (Mama's parents) -Nova's parents (still working on their names) -Alyona and Matvey (Tatiana's Parents) -Ilma (Tatiana's 1st cousin once removed) -Bunny (Rei's girlfriend)
I'm sure there are more but these are the main ones I can think of. Now for the facts! :D
1). Hydrar and Timbre (with Egeg as a manager) are lower NSRtists that help power each district when Megastars aren't playing. They play in Metro Division most of the time, which works for them because Timbre and Hydrar greatly look up to Neon J. Hydrar because his cybernetic program is what allowed her to get cybernetics at an affordable price when she was a child in a car accident, and Timbr because he is a screen object head like her (though she doesn't realize he wasn't born like that).
2). Unlike the rest of 1010 and Dew, Carna and Maragold have no war bot code in either of them. The two basically "died" as kids so when they were brought back as MK-Kid Units there was no war bot code to combine them with. Which is different from 1010 and Dew who were all combined with a warbot's code when becoming MK-1 units.
3). Speaking of warbots, Dew used to be a robotic diver that would repair the hull of ships. The bot he was, wasn't the greatest but it was one of the sturdiest, so it was allowed to continue working during fights while the better ones that were more fragile only worked during times when the ships were in ally waters.
4). Dew is also really good friends with Yiruk and Kayane (actually thanks to you talking about Yiruk lol!). Him and Kayane were crushing on each other hard at first, but they quickly found out they would be much better as just friends. Yiruk is always dragging them into trouble or trying to get the two to join their band but they always decline. However, they do share and listen to its music whenever a new song comes out! Dew has been thinking about asking Neon if there is a way to get Yiruk and their band a good stage to play on one day as like a surprise.
5). Ilma does competitive sword fighting as a hobby and side job. She is pretty good, especially when she goes into higher skilled competitions that allow for natural powers to be used.
6). And speaking of sword fighting. That is how Alyona and Matvey met! The two were in a sword fighting competition and Alyona kicked Matvey's ass because it was a no-power competition and she is more skilled technically with a sword than Matvey is. He fell in love with her that day as she held her sword to his chest with him on his back.
7). Alyona also wanted to have a lot of children while Matvey did not. It was lucky Alyona was even able to have Tatiana, which was a surprise pregnancy. Unfortunately Alyona's health went downhill and soon she died leaving Matvey with a child he did not want.
8). Bunny has been doing her own piercings well before she ever got an actual job as a piercer. She is also the main piercer for Ex-Jay and any other friends they have (obviously they pay her, though Rei gets free piercings). As long as someone pays and is of age, she's okay piercing them wherever they want. She has done genital piercings before (Cyril lol).
9). Bunny is also thinking about either getting elf ears or permanent sharp canines one day as body modifications. She has her tongue split and wants to do more stuff like that.
10). Some more Bunny thoughts are the fact that she makes fun of Cyril's arm tattoo that is literally just a blank sleeve of ink. She finds it silly he just got a blank sleeve. He intended on putting white tattoo ink over it, but over time decided to keep it blank and just put white henna over it since he could never think of a permanent design to have. After seeing him with white henna over the tattoo sleeve she stopped making fun of him (especially if it was some of DK West's designs which she fell in love with).
11). Not so much a FUN fact, but Martha has been married 3 times. First to Neon, then to an abusive asshole who she divorced, and then to a third guy who ended up dying (probably in an accident). She regrets ever cheating on and divorcing Neon because he was the nicest guy that was ever in her life, but she stands by her decision because she could never truly love him like he did her after what was years of feeling neglected by him.
12). Nova's dad's head is actually a small black ball of like dark matter or something. The nebula around his head is just something that happens in everyday life which shows emotions. There are very few times where the nebula is gone and that is in extreme depressive episodes that sometimes occur. Otherwise, he always has some kind of nebula around his head!
13). And Nova's mom's head always has a scarf or something else at the bottom of her droplet tail. It's less for safety and more for comfort. Unlike a real Prince Rupert's drop, he tail is not fragile and won't explode her head if it gets hit. She can actually move it a bit and have it be fluid, but it is sharp at the end so to avoid poking people or herself she uses a scarf to hide the end.
13). Braam and Esther did their best to send Catherine to a good school. Once she showed talent and skill in music, she asked to go to a music school that was close by. It was more expensive but they were willing to do whatever it took to keep their little girl happy. Esther picked up an extra job or two outside of the farm and Braam did more side jobs for friends and townsfolk so that Catherine could go to the music school and hopefully play harp professionally.
15). And I guess as a final little fun fact. Neon's brother has stars for pupils! Kinda like Mayday's flower-like pupils, Neon's brother has stars. I still have to draw him, but both him and Neon had something going on with their eyes that had no connection to their parents which their parents hated. They wanted their kids to be perfect and conform to societal expectations, but couldn't really do anything about their kids' eyes.
That's all I got so far! Hope it's what you were looking for! I really need to make more content for my OCs. Actually I need to redesign a few of them, like Hydrar, Timbre, and Egeg since it's been a bit since I drew them and they could go for a retouch-up.
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erigold13261 · 2 years
Wait… if Neon J keeps his head… is he still married to Martha? (Failed Revolution AU ask)
No, unfortunately he is not. Even OG Neon still had his head when he got divorced by Martha. In both versions of their relationship Martha cheats on Neon and have a kid out of the affair. The difference is how they deal with the aftermath. [Trigger warning for child death, implied child abuse, and talks of alcohol abuse]
The OG versions of them have Neon spending more time with the navy and inadvertently neglecting Martha, Aria (their daughter), and the 1010 dolls. This is just a trauma response to bad things happening where he tries to work a lot and keep his mind away from the bad things. Trying to push bad thoughts away and pretending to be happy.
This just causes Martha to keep seeking out other men for comfort and love, and taking her anger and frustration out on the 1010 dolls whenever Neon is not home. Eventually leading her to divorce him, taking full custody of Aria, and asking for a pretty high child support price from him.
It is this fact that Neon is giving child support that causes him to get the radar head. It helped him get his life together enough to make more money and keep paying child support, and even other things Martha requests (they are still in contact but not face to face, and Neon has barely ever seen Aria other than the occasional picture Martha will send in a letter or something).
With the Failed Revolution, Neon reacts differently to the affair. He still stays with Martha, but realizes that he needs to be there for her more (this is because he has a different relationship with his parents). He takes more time off from the Navy whenever he can to spend time with his family. Martha does not continue to cheat, she is actually quite loyal now to Neon, and does not hurt or abuse the 1010 dolls. She doesn't fully love them as she still sees them as machines, but she is not bad to them.
The difference here is, BECAUSE their relationship is good, instead of sleeping on the couch like the OG Neon was, Failed Revolution Neon was asleep in his bed with Martha. So when a fire started because Martha left the stove on, Failed Revolution Neon was not close enough to stop it before it got out of hand.
Martha and Neon were able to get out fine enough, but Aria breathed in a lot of smoke, while the dolls were trapped in the basement. The dolls were fully destroyed and Aria ended up dying later on from smoke inhalation. This is what lead to Neon and Martha's divorce, why Neon is trying his best to not get attached to 1010, and why 1010 do not have any memories of Martha or a childhood.
Understandably, this Neon is not as happy as OG Neon, and without the pressure of supporting a daughter and ex-wife, Failed Revolution Neon had no pressure to get the full cyborgification surgery. He did get upgraded limbs and internal organs, but was adamant about keeping his head.
And unlike OG Neon, who used to drink a lot as a teen and in the navy then later become a full addict after the divorce but forced to go sober because of his cybernetics, Failed Revolution Neon was the type to never drink, only started drinking after the death of his kids and the divorce, and he still drinks up to the present day with no real sign of slowing down (at least not while working with NSR).
This is actually why he and Mama don't get along. Mama just sees him as a bad influence, and later on doesn't trust him because of the cybernetics/1010. And Neon can't form a real bond with Yinu like OG Neon can because whenever he sees bits of Aria in Yinu, he is hit by a wave of grief, regret, and sadness, causing him to try and keep his distance from Yinu and Mama (and later on that day probably drink more than he can handle, causing 1010 to deal with the burden of caring for their shitfaced captain).
I will say this, I don't think there is a single AU I have that has Neon and Martha work out. Depending on the AU, whether it be Martha as the biological mother of that AUs version of 1010 or Neon as the creator of 1010, they almost all have Martha as a bad mother (either from abuse, neglect, or straight up abandonment). Martha is just not the type of person who should be having kids. She is decent to Aria, but not as good of a mother as she should have been (and the men she does date after Neon are not very good, again, this applies to almost all AUs of Martha).
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erigold13261 · 1 year
If you can trans one of your cis NSR characters right now, who would you choose?
I like how you worded this as if i CAN, as if I haven't transed more than half of the NSR cast lol!
So the options are: Mayday, Tila, Yinu (as of now), Mama, Papa, Carna (kinda), Eve, DK West, Cyril, Noa, Asa, Daray, Adder, Neil (kinda), Elivy (maybe), Quida, Joust, Martha, Aria (maybe), Esther, Braam, Alyona, Matvey, Sarabi (kinda), Nuru (kinda), Celine, and Joey.
Those are all the cis characters on my list (doesn't include all NSR characters, just those I deem as important to me/I am interested in). Now I realize that you are probably asking about my OCs, but I'm gonna account for all of these characters.
I can tell you right off the bat who I would NOT trans because it is important to their story that they are cisgender. That is Quida, Joust, Martha, and Matvey. Those 4 are important to stay cis, and technically by extension I guess Alyona also needs to stay cisgender.
I would say, for canon characters, I would like to trans both Mama and Papa and make them a T4T couple. But if I had to choose one, then it's honestly a toss up between the two! I like the idea that Papa could be a transman or Mama is a transwoman, but I think I am leaning more towards Papa being a transwoman in this regard. Also gives me ideas of a universe where Yinu is adopted instead of biologically related to either parent.
Also like... Trans Eve is a good headcanon that I love. Trans either way works for me! :D
For OC's though, I kinda like the idea of Nuru being trans or.... hmmm. Maybe Daray since someone said he gives off transmasc energy lol. I don't know really. Carna identifies as "cis" as much as fae can (pronouns do not equal gender), but I can see faer turning out identifying as trans later on in some way or another (I probably gave faer a label before, but it is not in my list so if I did then I forgot).
So yeah. If I had to choose it is between Mama, Papa, Eve, Nuru, Daray, and Carna. To choose one from that I would pick Carna, though I guess that is a tossup kinda as fae doesn't strongly identify as cisgender. In that case, I am picking Daray!
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