#might edit this with additions...on the fence about a few lol
drawbauchery · 11 months
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thank you so much!!!<3 SHIPS!! here's some ships.......
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theyilinglaozus · 3 years
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My english copies of the MXTX novels arrived this morning! 💖 (The wangxian bunnies and my pile of books are here to help block some background messes in the room since I’ve been gift wrapping for the holidays lately, lol)
They’re even better than I expected them to be, and I truly adore the level of love that has been put into them! You can truly tell the work to bring this over into english is a combined passion project, as everything is just so high quality! I used to be a big manga collector in my teens until the quality of some of the books turned poorer, so to see such effort poured into these makes my little book collector heart happy!
A little bit more under the cut, as I want to talk a bit a bit about these for those that maybe are on the fence of buying / are waiting on their own copies to arrive. 
I’m going to be showing pictures from my copy of Grandmaster of Cultivation, but know that all three of the novels have their own: artworks, translations, and glossary page for chinese cultural context / information on the danmei genre. 
First, the books include beautiful artworks, many of which may seem familiar from other language editions! I was particularly excited to see the Yiling Laozu Wei Wuxian artwork in this, especially since I’d fallen in love with it since I first saw it as a part of the Russian translation project:
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There is also an additional colour spread, as well as a spread of the cover art without the title text on it, so that was a lovely surprise to see!
I also love the glossary that’s been introduced:
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This is such a lovely addition, and a great way for people who want to learn more of Chinese culture in literature to find a starting point! It includes, explanations on what danmei is, as well as useful terminology and customs. There’s also an explanation things like time throughout the - or rather, shichen. This glossary looks as if it’ll also be really helpful for international fans in terms of a point to look to for research, as I know myself from my own writings what it can be like to find the correct terminology for what you want to explain. As well as just this glossary, there’s a character and name guide for each novel, which includes name spelling, characters and also the meaning of the characters name too! There’s also a location guide, which is really nice to see!
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All in all, I’m very pleasantly happy with these, and I love the effort and work put into it. I truly can’t wait to see what the future volumes will be like, as well as what this might mean for future danmei novels coming to the west! I know there’s the potential that we might see a 2ha release next year too, so seeing the finished product for these first volumes is a really exciting and enlightening way for us to look forward to the future. I’m so happy to have seen so much love spread for these novels throughout my twitter feed over the past few days; from seeing fellow fans receiving their own copies, to bookshops like Barnes and Noble, Waterstones as well as many independent sellers sharing the displays they’ve made for the launch of these books and the excitement among customers and booksellers. It’s always so lovely to see a genuine passion for books, and for something that’s embracing and introducing more of this genre as well as the Chinese culture? Well, it feels just a little bit more special to see 💖
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callioope · 4 years
Good Things in 2019
@theputterer and @the-strongest-stars tagged me in the awesome annual end-of-year Good Things meme! I’ve done this in 2018 & 2017 and always think it’s a fun exercise of both reflection and looking forward.
Oh boy, though, my first thought was, what even happened in 2019? (Looking at a calendar helped! It reminded me of a few things I forgot)
It’s been a Rough Year, friends. Between OCD and basically travelling almost every weekend in the latter half of 2019, I am very much ready for a new year and hopefully a new slate.
But this is about the positives!
Played a lot of Dungeons and Dragons! I am now officially in two campaigns. This year, I endeavored to recruit more women to play, including the wonderful @allatariel. I play both my beloved cleric, Maritsa (who I’ve been playing her years now) and my new character, Noara, a ranger elf with a red panda familiar (yeah, my DM let me do that for funsies, so I could get an animal sidekick but also still try out the Horizon Walker subclass). 
Speaking of red pandas, I accomplished my LIFE GOAL of meeting a red panda face-to-face. I got to feed Harriet at the Cincinnati Zoo for 30 minutes. She was adorable. 
Completed all my dental work and had a clean bill of dental health two cleanings in a row! 
Attended DC’s Around the World Embassy Day event, always fun
Attended Star Wars night at a local library, where I got to participate in a short demo/lesson on how to fence with a lightsaber!
Attended 50th Anniversary Celebration of Apollo 11 / landing on the moon (dude they projected the rocket on the Washington Monument and it looked so cool)
Returned to the NY Ren Faire and upgraded my ren faire garb
Celebrated at THREE friends’ weddings and got to catch up with old friends I hadn’t seen in awhile
Ate ice cream at the Ben & Jerry’s Factory in Vermont
Went to NYCC for the third year in a row. Got to wear 2 costumes this year: a 1920s flapper interpretation of an occamy and my Endor!Leia costume (repeat of 2017). Learned the True Pain of sewing. Created feather shawl for my occamy costume. Learned the True Pain of crafting.
Celebrated one year anniversary with hubbie down where we got married: visited the museum we got married in and actually got a chance to enjoy the exhibits, went to our favorite brunch place down there, got to check out Fleet Week and tour an aircraft carrier and uh... I think it was a missile cruiser? 
Went up to PSU for a women’s hockey game for sister’s birthday (made embarrassing HAPPY BIRTHDAY sign for the cameras); also it was an absolutely wonderful fall drive on the way up there
Got to see The Rise of Skywalker in IMAX at the Smithsonian Air & Space Center with the awesome @allatariel! (thank goodness we had each other to get through that movie lol) also got to reuse my Endor!Leia costume. I did my own braids for the first time ever! (usually my talented sister does them) They looked like braids done by a n00b, but I didn’t care because they were passable and I did them myself and that was a Big Thing for Perfectionist Me (to not just... say screw it and undo it and just. give up. but to just let them be as is)
Worked hard at therapy and self care
Got a Sleep Number bed and holy shit let me tell you. i can actually sleep now.
OH! I almost forgot!!! Started playing Assassin’s Creed! I’ve only ever really played the LEGO Star Wars and Harry Potter video games so like. This was big for me. 
Finally finished Learning Curve. TBH I was a bit shocked that this was in fact the only fic I published in 2019. What a travesty.
However! I have been writing
@allatariel & I sat down, overanalyzed You’ve Got Mail, and drafted up the outline for my in-universe AU, something I’ve been dreaming of starting for years. Have about 4300 words so far.
Just under the wire, I did manage to start my NatGeo AU, which I’ve been dreaming of since my honeymoon in Nov 2018
Started editing/revising my original young adult fantasy novel
Poked a little at my epic fantasy pirate travel novel idea
I read exactly one book, Among the Red Stars, which I enjoyed. It’s about women fighter pilots in Russia in WW2. Inspired by real people.
Saw Panic at the Disco! in concert. I went along with my sister. Not like a huge fan, but they put on a pretty fun show!
Saw Waitress on Broadway!! OH MY GOD. And Sara Bareilles was starring in it. Amazing. I freaking love her music (”How does she know / what a heart sounds like?” gahhh). She was so good, and the show was so good. I literally cried all the way through it just because I was so happy to be there, but also because of the content. Man.
Saw Sara Bareilles again, in concert, in Philly. I love her so much.
Finished Critical Role Campaign 1! Oh man, what a ride. Gosh, I love that show. I really need to catch up in C2 now. I’ve started it but I’m only on episode 26 or 27.
I’m not sure whether I finished The Clone Wars in 2018 or 2019. I think it was early 2019. This show was amazing and this was the character development that Anakin Skywalker needed. I love Ahsoka Tano. I cannot wait for the last season.  
Finished Rebels!!! AGAIN, what a ride!!! I still love Ahsoka Tano. I also love Hera Syndulla and Sabine Wren. Sabine’s Darksaber arc was fantastic.
The Mandalorian OMG BABY YODA!!! Yes, I have succumbed to the adorableness of Baby Yoda. Most adorable SW character forever. But also just an enjoyable story in general. This, this is how you craft a story. still NOT over the darksaber omg. 
The Good Place is continuing to be good. Not as crazy about season 4, but I’m so glad they decided to limit the seasons.
Got my sister to watch Rebels!! And then even a few episodes of The Clone Wars!!! Mwahaha >) 
Finally got around to watching The Great British Bake Off, what a sweet show!
OMG I ALMOST FORGOT Anne With an E!!! Gosh what a wonderful wholesome delightful show. No I haven’t watched S3 yet because I am Lawful Good to a fault and just patiently waiting for it to come on Netflix
So, I woefully neglected to mention The Aeronauts in this post about my favorite movies in the 2010s and that was a Mistake. Because I really enjoyed this one
But otherwise probably check out that list. Because I don’t go to the movies that often, actually, and anything I really loved from 2019 is most definitely listed there.
Did I meet my 2019 Goals?
Writing: Fandom
Finish Learning Curve YES
...and How to Lose a Spy in 10 Days Uh, no, not so much
Begin and complete the in-canon universe You’ve Got Mail AU YES, it is begun but no it is not complete
Try to knock out a few other projects on my 30+ SW ideas Umm, I did start / poke at a few things in addition to the YGM and NatGeo AUs, but nothing really “knocked out”
Try my hand at creating more visual fan works (like moodboards/photosets, step 1, learn proper terminology) ahahahah, no. 
Writing: Original
Query more agents for my completed original novel YIKES, No. But I wasn’t anticipating that I’d decide to heavily edit/revise my manuscript.
Actually get around to deciding which idea I want to work on next and work on it Yeah, sure, I decided. How nice of past!Liz to make this goal so reachable as “deciding” lol
Be more supportive in helping my friend run Book Club so that it can actually meet more regularly HA, oops. Book Club died, but kind of in favor of being able to start a second D&D campaign. At least that’s the trade off I’m looking at. I had some OCD-related glasses issues this year that inhibited reading a lot.
Try to read at least one book for myself outside of Book Club lol WELL the one book I read this year was not part of Book Club sooo
Goals for 2020
I’m not going to make this a completion goal, but instead...
...I’d like to just focus on creating a regular writing schedule/habit. Whatever the project, I just want to make sure I carve out significant time each week just to write. I don’t want to set a specific goal like “x hours a week” for now, but I want to make sure that I am writing each week.
To achieve that (because what are goals without maps):
If the words don’t immediately jump onto the page, then I’m going to try outlining or summarizing. I’m going to let go of overthinking how sentences are phrased, and just pretend I’m describing the story idea to a friend.
That blank page is staring at me and I’m just going to fill it with words no matter what I might think of them!
And I’m going to let everything else expand from there. And see how that works.
Edit my original manuscript
Query more agents re: original manuscript
Look into the idea of perhaps forming or joining a writer’s group for original writing oh gosh that is so scary
Get back into reading
Develop a routine for working out
Eat healthier
Continue focusing on therapy goals
Get around to watching: Black Sails, Mad Max: Fury Road, Arrival
Get better at responding to things in general
Tagging: @allatariel, @magalis, @mythologicalmango, @skitzofreak, @threadsketchier, @brynnmclean, @ruby-red-inky-blue, @siachti and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it!
Happy New Year y’all!
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ichliebdich · 6 years
Fandom: Historical Hetalia / Historia Characters: Arthur Elliot Harland (England), Alfred Harland (America, Thirteen Colonies) Rating: General Audience Genre: Drama
Summary: After discovering that his son is lost in the woods, Arthur goes through an immense stage of panic and stress that triggers an unwanted memory. He promised to better himself so it wouldn't be repeated again, but it's proven inevitable. Has he failed as a father? He's made many mistakes in his past, but this is one of the greater ones that he will never forget and forgive himself for.
Note: this is a birthday gift 🎁 for a fragile pearl 👶🏼 @casiks . merry christmas 🎅🏻, happy halloween 🎃, and gesundheit 🙊. i started this about a week ago, but I just finished it yesterday (the stress i went through was unbelievable 😵). this has been done with the help of my sister, who edited and read through this.
please be gentle, this is my very first time writing a fanfiction (after 84 years), so i’m not that well experienced ;( but i’m pretty proud of it, so i hope you enjoy!
Bone App the Teeth, Moan Cherries (happy reading, my dudes) and again, merry birthanukkah day, chastity ♥︎
you can also read this on ao3 (please do)
additional notes:
historia is what i call the historical hetalia fandom cause i wanted it to be short and fancy and cause why not lol
in case anyone was wondering, i changed arthur's surname to harland because i personally don't like kirkland; i didn't find it fitting at all. as for elliot, his middle name, you'll find out in this story.
The booming of Arthur's shout burst through the woods as he runs past the trees in much haste, causing a few birds to flock off and squirrels scurrying off in a startled fright. Out of breath, he stumbles to a halt, leaning his hand on the tree next to him. He looks around his surroundings as he panted for air.
There isn't a situation more nerve-wracking than this. His son had gone missing. He was supposed to be home, waiting for his father, but according to Alfred's nursemaid (who takes care of the boy while Arthur is absent and/or busy), she had made the mistake of giving in to his pleas of playing outside in the morning after she was told specifically to keep him inside the house. Although she kept an eye on him and made sure that he didn't go past the fence that bordered the house and out of her sight, it only took her a moment of distraction until she all of sudden caught the boy running outside the fence, chasing a young hare that ran towards the woods. Ever since then, he hasn't come back, and it is well past noon. She couldn't exactly go after him, or more like, she couldn't bring herself to go after him because she had an irrational fear of the woods, so she regretfully stayed behind. She had no choice but to wait for Arthur to return to tell him what had happened.
As angry as he was with the nursemaid, he's far too worried for his son to deal with her at the moment. All he cared about was finding Alfred and bring him home, so he immediately ran for the woods. In all honesty, he didn't think he'd have to go through this.
And yet here he is, looking for Alfred Harland, his most precious son­­. He's merely a boy of six years—physically, at least.
Yes, his son is a curious child, and adventurous, but that isn't something Arthur, as his parent, could control. It's in a child's nature to be curious and to explore, but having a child like that, anyone is guaranteed to go under all levels of stress and anxiety. It will suck the life out of you, even if you're a thriving empire such as England. He should have known that this could happen—he should have been more strict and more careful.
Continuing his search for the boy in much distress, Arthur travels further into the woods, shouting his name every few minutes in hopes for a response of any sort. No words could describe how painfully worried he is for Alfred. The amount of stress he's in right now is unimaginable. What if his son is in danger right at this moment? The Indians could ambush him, doing God knows what to him, or he could be hunted and mauled by hungry wolves! Anything could happen that would be out of Arthur's control if he were not there to protect him! Why can't his son understand? Why can't he listen for once? Does he want to be in danger? He's been told many times before not to go out into the woods or past the fences at all and he hasn't gone there - until now. The knots in his stomach are growing tighter every second England treads amongst the empty woods helplessly.
He wished he had a troop of men searching along with him, but he doesn't have time to go back and send for them, with all the possibilities on what could happen to Alfred are crawling in his head.
"ALFRED! Damn it all, where are you!" The frustration is growing stronger in Arthur's chest as he looks from left to right, straining his eyes to look as far as he could see. He's so close to being panic-driven. His heart is pounding faster than normal; his ears are throbbing and his breath is short. The anxiety is creeping and growing inside him, ever so slowly. If this takes any longer, then he just might be on the brink of losing it.
Oh, God, please let him be all right. I cannot lose him—not again—not like last time. His voice begged internally. I will not allow it. He's my son; he's all I have.
But this is already taking him to a very bad place in his memory—a memory he thought he had locked away, but it always manages to come back to him somehow. He can't go back to it now—not while he's searching for his son, but being in a situation like this, it's impossible not to think back on it. It's the one thing that grew his fear and made him more protective and possessive of Alfred. He only wished it was a nightmare, but it wasn't. It was one of the worst times of his life.
A hoarse and panicked shout came from Arthur as he paced around the seemingly abandoned settlement in the Roanoke Island. Three years, he has been kept from visiting his first colony, his only son, in the Americas—no thanks to Spain from the Spanish Armada and the Anglo-Spanish war. But that didn't stop him and his fellow men (John White, Walter Raleigh, and few others) from reaching their destination after they raided the Spanish in the Caribbean.
However, when they had arrived at the fort where the colonists had lived, they didn't exactly expect it to be empty. Everyone was gone. One hundred and seventeen colonists, including the children and Arthur's son, were nowhere to be found.
There were no signs of a struggle or violence at all. Everything is practically in order—almost, at least.  
This unsettled Arthur to no end. What happened? It's no mistake that this must have occurred when they were being held back by the Spanish, but how could this have happened is the big question. Were they threatened by anyone that resulted in them evacuating the fort and traveled somewhere else? But where would they have gone?  
So many questions (many of which John had asked aloud in confusion) were building up in his head the more he thought about it. But there's one thing he's mostly concerned about aside from the Colonists.
He's a fragile boy, barely even a child at two years old, physically—since he's still a young colony of only five years. He would get sick quite often from all the struggles the colonists had gone through the five years in the Island (as a personified nation/colony's state are mostly determined by their people, land, economy, and such). And now he's gone missing with the others. There is a chance that he's out there with the colonists. Arthur refuses to believe that he's gone for good—he won't allow such a thing to happen.
"Sirs," called out Walter in an uncertain tone, "come, have a look. There is a carving on the palisade."
When everyone (including the Privateers) gathered around to look in curiosity, Arthur hastily approached in hopes of seeing some clue that might lead to answers, or maybe they had carved the Maltese cross as instructed by White if they had been forced to evacuate... But a clue is what they got.
On the wooden post of the fence was a word etched on it: CROATOAN.
This only led to more questions than answers. Everyone stared at each other in confusion while muttering baffled questions, mostly to themselves or to few others. Arthur, his lips pursed, stared at White questioningly.
"Well? What do you suppose this means?" He asked urgently, "Croatoan. Is that not one of the islands near here?"
"Well, yes—" White started, but he was soon cut off by the English nation. "Then the natives who live there must have something to do with this, correct? There may have been no sign of any resistance or any of the sort, but something happened, and it's most likely the cause of them." Arthur was getting quite aggravated over this, the anger building up in his chest. He may be acting irrational, but rightfully so, from having lost his only child. However, Arthur's not the only one to have "lost" a family member of his—White's daughter and granddaughter are missing with the colonists as well and one can only imagine how terribly worried he is for them, just as much as Arthur is for his son.
Carefully inspecting the carving, John White looks back at the English nation in the eyes—he had an idea of what it means. "This could be a message. Perhaps they moved to Croatoan Island, for whatever the reason may be." Otherwise, what else could it mean?
Arthur frowned unsurely. "There is only one way of confirming that. We must go to the Island, see if they are settled there, or if it means anything at all."
And so, they had made to travel to the adjacent islands by ship, in great hopes of finding what they were looking for.
However, as time passed, many of the Privateers have noticed something growing. Large looming clouds were gathering together quickly—darkening to a deep grey that almost appeared black. It was coming rather fast, almost as if an invasion were coming upon them. The rumbling of the thunder could be heard from a far distance; the atmosphere becomes gloomy from the upcoming storm as the ship swayed back and forth in the sea.
This worried White immensely. A part of him was convinced that they might not be able to make it through this, but another is persisting to continue the search, no matter what happens.
Arthur had no sense of worry in his mind whatsoever, though. He cared only for the Lost Colony, his son, and nothing else, nothing more. He won't stop until he has his answers—if it meant the ship would go down in the process, then so be it, he doesn't care. It means nothing to him.
But, as the weather grew fouler and fouler by the hour, it has proven to be a greater challenge than any would have ever believed it to be.
The Captain of the ship stumbled as he approached both White and Harland in little to no hesitation and shouted over the roaring seas. "I am afraid we can't go on any longer with the search! The storm is growing stronger by the minute!"
White pursed his lips, staring at the Captain disappointingly. He thought long and hard about this and when he had finally given in to his internal arguments, he opened his mouth to speak, but Arthur took over.
"No! We will continue the search!" He exclaimed indignantly. The rain was pouring harder than ever; everyone was getting drenched from it and cold as the wind howled against the sails, but Arthur ignored it—he almost felt nothing, not a shiver was coming from him. "We can make it through just a little longer!"
This boosted White's stubborn side, so he took part with Arthur. "Yes! If anything, we will go to the nearest land, take shelter, and wait until the storm clears!"
"We cannot," bellowed the captain, still shouting over the storm, "We have already lost three anchors, we cannot and will not risk the loss of another!" He stops his shouting and proceeds to talk in a somewhat apologetic tone in consideration of what he's going to say next, though he still makes an attempt to sound clear. "I am afraid we will have to return to England. I give you my condolences."
"What?" Arthur said in bewilderment. "Go back? Are you mad? There are women and children out there, possibly in danger—my son is out there! For God's sake, I will not lose the colony, I will not allow it!" He argued furiously. "As your nation, I command you take us to the blasted Croatoan Island, or rest assured, I will have your head!"
The Captain gawked at Arthur incredulously. White himself was also taken aback by the English nation's behavior. All the men on the ship were watching from where they were standing in silence, while some walked by to hear more clearly, though they didn't get any closer to them.
Only the wind, waves, and the rain drowned the silence between the three men who stared at each other. After some consideration and hesitation, John White broke the voiceless silence, speaking in a loud tone, yet he did not shout.
"Very well. We will abandon the search and go back to England."
Arthur's head snapped towards White in disbelief. "What?" The cold he nearly felt went away. It was replaced by the rage growing in his chest, his ears pulsating and hot as he glared at the man. "What about your family, then!" He spat spitefully, "You are willing to leave them behind when they could be out there, possibly in danger?" He looked at White in a very cynical way. He's honestly disappointed that he has to go through this nonsense—all he wanted to do was find his son. That was all. After glancing at the two, he tried his best to look and behave more coolly this time. "Look, we are nearly there—we must go, and we WILL go!”
White winced at the remarks on his family, deep remorse pouring over his features. If he could defend himself at that moment, he would have said that he didn't really have a choice in the matter, and no one could search for the colony dead, but he couldn't bring himself to say anything as the image of his daughter and granddaughter were creeping in his head. The Captain could only stare at the English nation for a moment of silence before he tries to reason with him. “I truly apolo-"
Arthur's voice bellowed across the ship for everyone to hear, even in the thundering storm and the splashing of the waves. His face was scrunched up in anger. The Captain sighs as he stared into angry forest green eyes. Then he turns around and raises his voice to a shout, directing it at the crew. "Turnabout! We're headed for England!"
A huge sensation of fury has taken over the English nation; it was even stronger than before. He dangerously glared at the back of the Captain's head and growled a curse under his breath. All sense of rationality has left his being when he reached for the hilt of his sword and drew it out his scabbard, ignoring the scraping sound it made. If they're going to defy against him and ignore his orders, then he will make him pay.
But it was two of the Privateers who managed to stop Arthur from his crude intentions. They immediately took hold of him before he could reach the Captain; few more men came over to help hold the English nation down more securely when he started thrashing and struggling against them as he shouted in frustration (he had dropped his sword from the few men stopping him before he had gone berserk). His eyes flashed darkly at the Captain who now looked at him cautiously.
It wasn't until a few moments when Arthur had released himself from their hold after yelling at them to let him go from the top of his lungs. He fell on his hands and knees after stumbling away from them. He remained there in shame, letting the heavy rain pour on his back. He lowered his head to hide his pitiful face. His shoulders quivered visibly as a shaky sob left his trembling lips. Tears rolled down his nose and plopped to the wooden floor along with the raindrops.
This is the lowest he's been in his life. He wanted to disappear. More tears came, but it was hidden from the rain. He let out another sob as the image of his son crept into his head. He'll never see him again. The Roanoke Colony is long gone, and he is mourning his Lost Colony.
Arthur was pulled back into reality with a gasp when a loud snapping sound emitted from out of nowhere. He quickly looked up, his eyes glinting in anticipation, and around to see if Alfred had returned to him or was nearby. But when he looked down, he saw a branch split in half and a hare running long past it. He let out a long, shuddered sigh, after having held his breath in high hopes; he leaned his forehead over his hand that was planted on the tree next to him for a moment.
His face was a mess from the tears he had shed, and he's still fresh of it. So many things are running in his head, though he couldn't comprehend most of it —he felt disoriented and hollow.
Back when he returned to his homeland after abandoning the search of the Roanoke Colony, he had decided to make an addition to his name. Arthur Elliot Harland. He bore Elliot as his middle name in memorial of him and he wanted it to be a reminder to him. He's been haunted by his past for so long and he's been trying to cope with it as best he could. He spent a majority of the years sulking and being miserable from how poor a father he was to his first son.
Even so, he's still convinced that he isn't any better of a father. When he first had Alfred, the Thirteen Colonies, he had been so hesitant in raising him because he feared he would lose him like he lost Elliot; he thought he wasn't worthy of a person to raise a child anymore, but he did so anyway because he wanted to. He wanted to better himself as a father and provide for the boy as much as he can.
And he will. He will not give up until he finds his boy, no matter what. No one can stop him now.
So, what is he doing still standing here?
Arthur's head snapped up when he heard something from a distance. He didn't know if he was hearing things, but he could have sworn he heard a familiar voice crying for him. Could it really be?
Another faint shout and it made Arthur's stomach leap. It has to be!
He immediately wipes away his tears and wastes no more time standing there, gawking like a fool and moping about any longer. He starts powerwalking through the woods.
His voice was croaky from crying, but he made sure to sound loud and clear for his son to hear. He continues in the direction of where he heard Alfred's cry. He only hoped to find him unharmed. He would never forgive himself if he was. Arthur waited to hear his cry again so that he could have a better understanding of how far away his son is from him.
He was getting close, but he's still quite a ways away. This time he goes to a sprint as he shouted his son's name again, hoping he would follow his voice as well. The boy must be so scared. He can't wait to hold him in his arms.
He ran for what seemed like an eternity. The breeze hit his face as he ran past trees, bushes, and twigs. He ran until his lungs and legs burned, but he didn't care. Not even a thousand men could stop him—he needed to get to his son.
His voice seemed closer. It was as if he was within arm's reach. He kept running and scanned the area for any sign of him. He could hear his heart pounding in his ears when he finally caught sight of him standing a few yards away after he looking to his right. He skidded to a stop—almost tripping in the process—and stood there, catching his breath. His chest was heaving, his lungs begging for air. A few moments later, he blinked and stared at the boy to make sure that his eyes weren't deceiving him—that his son is actually standing before him
And there he really was. He was covered in dirt, for the most part, but it's still him. A huge sense of relief washed over him.
"B-Baba...!" Alfred blubbered incoherently as tears started pouring down his face, blinding him of his vision. He stumbled while he ran towards him, his arms reaching out for his father.
Arthur felt his legs moving as he muttered his son's name, running towards his son until he dropped to his knees and collided against him in a tight embrace. No words could describe how overjoyed he was to have found him and to finally have him in his arms where he is most safe. He lifted his son off the ground and held him close, keeping his arms locked around him in a loving hold, one hand over Alfred's head and the other holding him securely. The boy leaned into Arthur's shoulder, his wailing partially muffled and his tears soaking his father's shirt. Arthur didn't care though. He was too busy silently crying into his son's shoulder as well.
"P-Papa, I'm... S-so sor-ry!" Alfred sniveled through hitched breaths. He knew he was wrong to have run off into the woods, chasing the bunny rabbit that he wanted to play with. Moments after he lost sight of it, he tried to find the way back, but he realized didn't know the way. He was lost. He had gone too far into the unfamiliar woods and he didn't know what to do. Alfred had cried a lot then. He cried as he called for his papa, hoping he would find him, but he also cried over the thought that he might not find him and he'll be lost forever. He cried because he was hungry and because his hands and knees hurt after he tripped over a tree's root. But now he's crying because he's happy that his papa found him.
In an attempt to calm the boy of his crying, Arthur caressed Alfred's hair in a soothing manner as he softly hushed in his ear. "There, there," he whispered, "No more tears, poppet, I am here; you do not have to worry any longer." From here on forth, he's going to make sure never to let this happen again. When he was searching for his boy, he had planned to give him a strict lecture, but he had forgotten the moment he first saw him—he’ll make sure to do that once they get home.
A few moments have passed as Arthur stood silently in the midst of the woods, holding his precious son, who leaned his head against his father’s shoulder. He was just about to start walking the way back home until all of a sudden, a growl rumbled from the deep pits of Alfred’s stomach, breaking the silence between the two, aside from the boy’s sniffling and the chirping of the birds.
Pulling himself up and looking sheepishly up at his father, the young colony sniffled before saying, “Papa… ‘m hungry…”
Arthur smiled at the boy. “Are you now? Well, don’t you worry, we are headed home, poppet. As soon as we get there, you will have your favorite meal.” Alfred’s eyes light up in delight at the sound of that; his lips curved to a big smile. “Cake!”
“No, no, that will be for desert,” the English nation chuckled at the slight disappointment his son was giving off, “For dinner, we will have meat pie. Is that not your favorite?” He asked, tilting his head curiously. Alfred puffed his lips as he nodded, which made his father hum appreciatively.  It was his favorite, but he really wanted cake; it was his most favorite food to eat.
And so, Arthur walks forward in fast pace towards direction of his home, with Alfred still in his arms. Although there are many times where he is required to travel back and forth from the Thirteen Colonies to his homeland, no place ever feels like home without his son.
🎊👏🏻👏🏻BONUS SCENE👏🏻👏🏻🎊
“Papa, papa, no! Please don’t take Merry away!” Alfred cried, pulling at his father’s sleeve desperately.
Arthur had promised himself that he would let Alfred’s nursemaid go after everything that happened. If she hadn’t been so reckless as to let her guards down and not pay attention to his son when she was expected to as his nursemaid—or if she hadn’t been so incompetent and went after him before he could go any farther—then Alfred would not have been lost in the woods after chasing a blasted hare.
Meredith, the nursemaid, clasped her hands together with her head hung low. She felt greatly ashamed of failing her master. She knew better than to stay behind in the mansion and wait for Arthur to tell him about Alfred’s escape, rather than going after him regardless of her fears of the woods. She wouldn’t dare blame him for letting her go because of the poor actions she made regrettably. If only she had been braver, maybe then she wouldn’t have put herself in this terrible situation.
Alfred continued to pull on Arthur’s sleeve, trying to get his attention. “Please, it was my fault! I chased the bunny rabbit!” He whined, dragging his feet on the floor; tears were already threatening to spill. He really didn’t want his nursemaid to go.
Arthur closed his eyes and sighed through his nostrils impatiently. “Alfred. Stop.” He had already given Alfred his lecture after dinner, though he didn’t sound as strict as he does now, because of how worried he had been for his son. He even made an exception not to give him a proper spanking after the trouble he’s caused.
The nursemaid’s lips trembled as he listened and watched Alfred begging his father not to let her go. It pained her to see him like this because she didn’t want to go either. So, she built up the courage to finally speak. “M-Master Arthur, um…” Meredith started with her hand raising in an attempt to grab his attention, though her calling was enough.
When he looked at her expectantly with a frown, she slightly held her breath. A part of her regretted grabbing his attention, but she has to do this. “Ah… F-Forgive me for intruding, sir, but...” she lowered her hands nervously and looked down at the end of her dress, “I... would very much like If you would give me one… one more chance…” Meredith bit the inside of her lower lip, her heart beating faster than she’d like. After one moment of silence, she realized that she had forgotten to include to her plea, so on impulse, she looked up at him and sputtered; “I-If you please, sir… I-I promise not to be so careless anymore. I care for the boy—I truly do, with all my heart.”
Forest green eyes stare at the nursemaid in uncertainty. Looking down at Alfred’s pleading eyes and back at the girl—who again, lowered her head in shame—Arthur pursed his lips. A lot of things were going in his head. Part of him was considering her and Alfred’s plea, but then another part of him is trying to convince him to send her way, that she has proven herself to be useless to the household.
Alfred squeezed his father’s hand in persistence; he would do anything to have Meredith stay.
A sigh left Arthur’s nostrils, his impatience going lower and lower by the minute, but he ignored Alfred’s distracting behavior for a moment. It took him a while for his thoughts to finally come to a conclusion and making a decision. So, as Meredith bashfully looked up, Arthur looked her in the eye in a stern manner, with only a hint of a pompous look to him.
“… Very well.” The nursemaid let in a sharp intake of breath and immediately let out a shuddered sigh of disbelief and relief, covering her face with both her shaking hands as tears started trickling down her cheeks and a gentle sob left her lips; her shoulders quivered with every sob. “I will give you one more chance, nothing more. So, I suggest you see to it that you do your best in not making any more reckless mishaps, whatsoever. Do you understand?” Meredith immediately nodded her head and eagerly mumbling “yes, sir, thank you, sir, you have my word,” as she wiped her tears with the tips of her fingers, another sob slipping out.
Alfred let out a cheer and leapt delightedly in the air. He was so happy that his favorite nursemaid was given another chance; he got on his tippy toes and wrapped his arms around Arthur’s waist. “Thank you, Papa, thank you!” He nuzzled his head on his father’s stomach and then looked up at him. “I love you, Papa!”
Arthur couldn’t help but smile back at his son. He stroked the back of his head and lowered himself to give him a peck on his little forehead after holding the strands of his hair back. “I love you too, poppet,” he said lovingly, “now go, run along. You will be having your bath soon, so you best prepare, yes?” Alfred nodded and hummed, but before he would go, he immediately went to Meredith and hugged her as well. She happily returned the embrace with a gentle laugh; she bent over and rubbed his back softly. It lasted for a few seconds until the nursemaid parted herself from the hug and kindly instructed him to do as he was told by his father.
And with the pitter-patter of his feet, Alfred went upstairs, but little did Arthur know that he will soon be dealing with a hyper little boy running around the house in a rebellious act against taking a bath.
and there you have it! i hope you enjoyed, more so the birth girl (if u dont, then too bad, ur taking it and thanking me anyways cause u dont know the amount of stress i went through making this, so you better love it)
ok now, let me break some stuff down for those that may be wondering about the whole concept with the roanoke/lost colony and such: cas pretty much came up with the headcanon that the roanoke colony was england's first son and i thought it was pretty interesting, so i went with it. in a way, it sort of explains why england would be so protective and pretty possessive of america (apart from the fact that england becomes way more obsessive and controlling by the time america grew up to be in his teenage years with him and the colonists getting more defiant and all) and the thought of england losing his first son brings out the drama in me lmao (and i don't even like drama)
also i think there's some foreshadowing when england promised himself again that he wouldn't let alfred get himself in trouble again because that little boy will go off into the woods again at some point lmfao
i tried to be as historically accurate as i could, so if there are any errors regarding the history of the Roanoke Colony or anything in this story in general that probably doesn't make sense, then it's my bad (cause i feel like there are). i tried my best and i did my research for the most part, but honestly, i'm not gonna worry too much about it since this is more for entertainment than education.
anyways, catch ya later. hit me up if you got any questions or leave your thoughts (again, BE GENTLE, im a virgin)
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sassysimmuffins · 4 years
Sims 4 Survivor Challenge - The Hunger Games Edition
I have modified and added some additional rules to the Living Off The Land Challenge by kiwi84 to add some more gameplay aspects that I felt would work with this challenge and to make it a little more interesting and a LOT more chaotic, so I came up with the Survivor Challenge - The Hunger Games Edition.  There are so many good challenge ideas that I wanted to pull inspiration from a few of them and come up with something that hopefully everyone can do with the packs they have in their game. Feedback and other ideas are always welcome. 
You must pick one world for your Sim to live in except for a destination world.  
Your founding Sim can never move, because you are stranded on an island.  
You can not use any cheats including Debug objects.  The only cheat you can use is MOO. (move objects on)
Your founding Sim can never work or do small jobs, they are in the middle of nowhere.
You are not allowed to have any computers, tablets or TVs in your home.  If you have the lot trait Off The Grid, you may use that to add some more difficulty and to make your Sims' overall comfortability end up in the crapper.
If for some reason your sim ends up preggers, your kids can NOT go to school. Also children can not compete in the Survival Challenges, what do you take me for a monster? lol  But of course when they are young adults..let the “hunger” games begin..*Que villainous laugh*
You can change and add holidays as you like, but you MUST have one event each week in which your Sims will compete to see who gets to go to the survival Island. HOORAY!
You can have a pet starting out, if you do choose to have a pet you can NOT take them to the vet if they get sick.  We are on an island, it’s survival of the fittest here people.  If you do get a pet you can train them up to hunt for you.
Each Wednesday a new Sim must wash up on your island and be added to your family.  You can NOT control the other Sims, only your original Sim.  If for some reason your original Sim dies in a challenge, you can pick another Sim to play, but the same rules will apply you can only control your new Sim.
Your founding Sim can be a male or female, but they must start out with the Freelance Botanist aspiration or the Angling Ace aspiration.  You can pick whatever traits you like, but they will be stranded on an island and their clothes may not be in the best of shape.
Once your sim completes the botanist aspiration, you can pick another one from the following choices:
Angling Ace
Outdoor Enthusiast
Lord/Lady of the knits
Soulmate (this might be a hard one since you can never leave your world lol)
You can choose any world for your Sim to live in except for a destination world.  (I love Sulani for this if you have the option, for a castaway theme) When you pick your world you must delete all the other builds on the other lots and remove all the other Sims.  You must then choose a lot in that world and your current Sim can never move.  You can travel within your world.  I used Sulani so I made a rule where my Sim had to have a high enough fitness level to “Scuba” to the other islands.  But this part is up to you.  
You start out with ZERO money.  Since you can do a tiny lot trait you can use a single 4 tile platform, I did that and made it look like a washed up wooden pallet.  Your first “shack” must be made out of that original piece and can never be larger than 32 tiles because you are stranded and won’t have access to much building materials.
You can only have objects that your sim could have “made” to use, like a cooking pit for food, a place to “store” food, if you get your logic level up to 5 you can buy a generator to use to power things and if you get your handiness level to 5 you can buy appliances. But you can’t have appliances until you unlock and purchase a generator.  If you don’t have eco living you can just buy the appliances once you have both your handiness and logic level to 5 but you can not buy fancy stuff, it has to be the old stuff that breaks all the time.
You may fish and forage for food, and you can plant what you forage, but you can not purchase any seeds, you can only plant what you find.  If you choose to do the athletics feature of this challenge, once you max your athletic skill you can then travel to other worlds but any world you travel to HAS to be empty, you are just in another part of your current world so it will be deserted as well.  Remember this is a place where you are stranded.  Other sims can be walking around, but they can be the native tribe to that island, so if you want to, you can change the clothes for all the sims to reflect that if you like.  I took out some Sims in my game and limited the amount of people that can populate.  I also changed their clothes so they looked the part for a little added realism.
Well that pretty much just sums up the idea behind this whole Let’s Play, your Sims are competing for their very lives.  Each Sim must compete in a weekly Survivor Event.  Each even lasts for 24 hours.  The idea is to see if your Sim is smart enough to make it out alive.  This step will require a little imagination on your part because we are going to come up with clever challenges for your Sims to endure for 24 hours.  Survivor Events can be set up on the lot itself or you can dedicate one lot in your world to the toruture … err, that is the Survival FESTIVAL.. Yeah we’ll go with that.  Festival sounds so much nicer.  You can free build or use money cheats to make your “festival” area but your Sims are not allowed to access it other than when a “festival” is taking place.  I suggest enclosing it behind a fence and locking the gate if you decide to keep it on the lot your sim is living on, or you can just put in on another lot and not worry about the mental anguish your Sims will no doubtedly go through having to stare at their tortur.. err festival grounds while not in use.  Be creative with your builds and the crazier the better!  If you want to see how I set mine up or what my thoughts were for the events, you can check out the first episode of this challenge on my YouTube channel <3   Below are some ideas I thought of, but you can have whatever challenges you like, but they must be done every Friday, and you can only start your challenges when you have two or more Sims.  Also you will need regular players, so every Wednesday you will have a new Sim wash ashore.  There are a lot of good castaway sims on the gallery, or you can create your own.  The only cheat allowed here is to add them to your family.  If they have money you can’t keep it.  Sims that lose must leave the island, but since it is in the middle of nowhere the only way to leave is by death.  Since I used Sulani we will be sacrificing them to the Volcano Gods of the island to appease them… lol don’t judge me.  Or you can sacrifice them to the Cow Plant Gods.. really it’s only limited to your own imagination on this. 
Sleep, Swim or Eat: In this room it should be one bench, one plate of food, and only 4 tiles in which the Sim can freely move around.  The rest has to be a pool.  You can place the pool in the middle and then put the various objects around the pool so the Sims have to swim to use the bench to sleep or get the plate of food to eat.  The food will probably go bad before your Sims eat it… but hey no one told them to swim while their food rots now did they?  I’m looking at you Bob Pancakes..
Cow Plant, It’s What’s For Dinner:  This room will obviously have a Cow Plant, if you need one I have a maxed out garden on my Origin Gallery SassySimMuffins You will not need any other objects in this room, but it must be large enough for the Cow Plant and for your Sim to interact with it.  You will have to play around with the MOO cheat (move objects on - pun intended) for this one. The idea is to leave your Sim alone with the Cow Plants and see which one if any get eaten. This challenge is best done when your Cow Plants and Sims are a little on the hungry side.  The winner is the one that didn’t eat the cake. In the event of a tie, you can make them race to a destination and the first one that gets there wins.
BEES..WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE BEES:  You probably guessed it already, but yeah this room has beehives in it.  You will need 3 boxes full of the little angry balls of death in each room, nothing more, just that.  If you want to make your bees not suffer you can give them a flower plant.  I mean we love bees right? #SaveTheMurderBalls.  The idea is that your Sim has to interact with each beehive 3 times every Sim hour.  There is no room for sleep here.  The winner will have the highest positive alignment with the bees.  Oh and you can totally send bees to attack the others if your sim wants a little edge up on the competition. This room is best built using a fence so the bees can interact with other Sims if you want so you should try and do this outside if you can.
Love to see what you guys do with this challenge, and if you do decide to try it, please tag me so I can go watch your video, or you can post your photos on my Twitter, I love to see what crazy ideas you guys come up with!  Remember to be good to each other and to love yourself, ✌️💜🧁
My Socials: 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MuffinsSim
YouTube: Sassy Sim Muffins
Origin ID: SassySimMuffins
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