#might go into more depth later
echosong971 · 1 year
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my girl is not ok
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they have a bit of catching up to do
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ghostorbz · 12 hours
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I can't with this game bro
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ameliafuckinjones · 16 days
The Astrology of ENGLAND (Arthur Kirkland)
There are many charts for England based on the many transformative eras within the country's history (such as the unification with Scotland), but for this exercise, I will be using the chart that is used by seasoned mundane astrologers, which is the one predicated on the ascension of William the Conqueror on December 25th, 1066 at approximately noon ( 12:00 pm) in London. The chart associated with this date is believed to have set the overall tone for England’s personality and identity. 
People usually start their readings off with the SUN sign, but I will begin with the Rising ( or Ascendant) sign in England’s chart, which like for all birth charts, sits in the First House. 
THE FIRST HOUSE determines your self-identity, or at the very least, the identity you project to the outer world as your outer persona. It is what people see at first glance when they meet you as a stranger. Your first house and the sign that falls in this house is the first impression, so to speak. It is the outer shell that encases the core of everything else in your birth chart and helps set the tone of your overall demeanor (including mannerisms and behavior). It also heavily influences your physical appearance from your face to your body. Whatever planet rules the sign within your first house, and thus the associated body part of that sign, will determine the most significant feature that stands out in your outward personality and appearance. One must also consider what I like to call the invading planet, which does not rule the sign; it simply sits in the house with the sign and can temper or amplify the extreme personality traits of that sign. The invading planet can also influence the features of the significant body part ruled by the sign by, for example, amplifying the body part's presence, subduing it, or adding additional features. Where the planet that rules your rising sign falls within your chart along with planetary aspects (such as trine, conjunction, or opposition to your ascendant or planet, etc.), is also of great importance. 
The Anglo-Saxons arrived on Britannia’s shores after the fall of Rome, invited by Briton leaders who sought to use the mercenaries as a defense against other hostile tribes (such as the Picts). Abandoned and quickly succumbing to darkness without the fiery beacon of Rome to guide them, the island was ripe for the taking, and they soon found their mercenary friends to be hostile guests with ulterior motives. The Anglo-Saxons styled themselves as kings and established the Heptarchy (which consisted of seven kingdoms known as Northumbria, Mercia, East Anglia, Essex, Kent, Sussex, and Wessex). It took centuries before the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms united as one in the face of yet another invasion of the island, this time by Vikings. King Alfred the Great laid the groundwork, but England didn't coagulate into a single kingdom until 927 CE under King Aethelstan. And yet, this event did not give birth to England as we know it (or him) today. The England of today that exists in the continuity of England from the past came to be when, in 1066 (and on Christmas day), William the Conqueror ascended the English throne (which had formerly been held by the Anglo-Saxons whom he cast down) and began a new and long chapter of Norman conquest. Coronations were usually held sometime between the late morning and early noon, so astrologers use the time 1200 noon as the exact moment Norman-ruled England came to be.
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This time puts Aries in England’s first house, which the planet Neptune influences. In plain terms, Neptune in Taurus is semi-sextile Aries in the First House, and Aries is ruled by Mars, which is in Aquarius:
Rising sign: Aries ( The symbolic Golden Ram, Fire sign, Cardinal sign )
Primary Ruler of Aries: Mars (the god of war, agriculture, and father of Rome, the planet of action, sexual ardor, assertion, and aggression )
Mars location in the birth chart: Mars in Aquarius stationed in the 11th house (Aquarius is the symbolic Waterbearer, an air sign, and a fixed sign)
11th house: House of Friendships or the House of Hopes and Wishes
Influencing Planet: Neptune in Taurus (Neptune is the god of the sea, water, and horses. Neptune is the planet of dreams, illusions, intuition, spirituality, and the subconscious. Taurus is the symbolic Bull, an earth sign, and a fixed sign.)
In Greek mythology, the Aries is represented by the Golden Ram, who was sent by the gods to rescue two children from being sacrificed, a plot devised by their stepmother. Though one child did not survive this rescue (having fallen into the sea as the golden-fleeced ram flew over the raging waters to the land of Colchis), the child who did survive sacrificed the Golden Ram to give thanks to Zeus. The sign Aries is ruled by Mars, the god of war, defender of Rome, and the father of Remus and Romulus, the founders of Rome. In astrology, Mars is the Warrior Planet, which governs aggression, passion, and desire, attributes that are heavily associated with Aries, one of the three fire signs and one of the four cardinal signs (cardinal signs are naturally driven and ambitious). 
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What does this mean for England? It means that his physical appearance, first impressions, and initial reactions to people and situations embody Aries/Martian characteristics. Again, it is what people see when they meet him and what he shows when he meets them. A snapshot, so to speak. What are Aries's physical characteristics? The Aries rules the head, so in terms of appearance, someone with Aries in the First House has strong and angular features such as a prominent chin, nose, or mouth. They can often appear younger than they are, with a baby face and youthful eyes. They tend to take on a reddish tint in their hair or skin. With red being one of the colors associated with Mars, the god of war,  people with Aries rising/ascendant often favor the color and incorporate it into their style or personality. Think of the Red Cross on St George. The Tudor rose, or the infamous red coat of the British military. Aries risings usually have an athletic physique, broad shoulders, and slim hips.  The Aquarian influence provided by the position of the ruling planet, Mars, makes the already angular features sharper than normal. 
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To summarize, England would physically appear to the world as a baby-faced (possibly red-cheeked) man with a strong, angular jaw, a sharp Aqualine nose, and hard-set, narrow lips. His hair, though blonde, would have reddish undertones, and he’d favor the color red, at the very least, in his military uniforms, if not his everyday wardrobe. He’d stand rugged and mighty (as Aries risings do) with broad shoulders and narrow hips in his favored form-fitted iconic scarlet tunic that has become known the world over.
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In terms of Aries personality traits, England would first appear to strangers and define/introduce himself to the world at large as a direct and hot-tempered man with a pioneering and industrious spirit who moves swiftly through life with a quick walk, head leaning forward ever so slightly as though he’s racing against time itself. Much like the ruler of his sign (Mars), he lives for action, which can frequently translate to conflict (such as war and enthusiastic conquest in lands abroad, you know the whole Rule, Brittania! and the sun will never set on the British Empire thing) or other risk-taking pursuits (privateering against the Spanish Armada, treasure hunting on cursed ancient grounds in Egypt, trekking through the wilderness of Australia). He often struggles with headaches and sinuses and perhaps struggled with acne on his face and shoulders in his youth. 
The planet Neptune in Taurus is positioned in the Aries-dominated First House, while Mars (the natural ruler of Aries) is posited in Aquarius in the 11th House. 
Neptune represents dreams, hopes, and idealism. It can also represent delusion and illusions, what people want to see or want others to see, and their expectations in conflict with reality. Neptune is the disappointment one may feel when finally confronted with reality. Neptune is the spiritual longing for a reality that does not exist. Neptune is also the god of the sea and waters, and has many a tale of causing shipwrecks and earthquakes. 
Taurus is a bull-headed creature who charges forward with stubborn persistence. It is associated with Zeus, who transformed into a beautiful white bull in a plot to abduct Europa, a Phoenician princess. 
It is also sometimes associated with the Cretan Bull and the frightful Minator who roamed the infamous Labyrinth. Coincidently, the Minator resulted from Poseidon (Neptune’s Greek counterpart), who cursed the Queen of Crete to fall in love with the bull after her husband refused to sacrifice the bull to the god of the sea. However,  in astrology, Taurus (an earth and fixed sign) takes on a comparatively gentler tone. Still bullish, stubborn, and persistent, but also practical, loyal, and patient. Naturally ruled by Venus, Taurus is a sign of love and beauty. 
Neptune in Taurus, especially when positioned in the first house, can make one naturally inclined to aesthetics and romanticism. They are not effortless so much as they are simply natural in all that they do and have a strong tendency to take on responsibilities that others won't. 
Neptune in Taurus aspecting the Aries rising in the First House makes England intuitively assertive. It gives him a dreamy warrior quality, like an Arthurian Knight from legend. It makes him a heroic, fiery crusader. It can also make him an overly aggressive, impulsive loner. Yet England has within him the ability to become the leader of any great cause. Like with the Allies during WWII or the Napoleonic Wars.  Perhaps he even joined Lord Byron -one of the most famous figures of the Romantic era- to support the Greek War of Independence against the Ottoman Empire, a cause that both men would have been deeply moved by. England feels lost without a moralizing, idealistic crusade by which he can leap head first and devote himself completely to and thus define himself. He’ll burn himself out in pursuit of any cause that stirs his heart, the murky waters of Neptune eventually turning his Aries fire into steam. Failing to live up to the expectation of the heroic and honorable knight (by perhaps losing a war or a battle under the banner of whatever cause he was championing) can leave him with everlasting disappointment and disillusionment with the cause. Though before reality wakes him up from his blissful war-waging slumber, he is all rose-tinted glasses and shiny armored knights with magical swords on beautiful white warhorses. The Neptune aspect influencing his Aries (ruled by the god of war) also plays a part in his penchant for naval warfare and the once mighty Royal Navy that spanned the globe, given that Neptune is the god of the sea. Neptune + Aries Rising = Britannia Rules the Waves!
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Mars in the birth chart naturally represents your drive, energy, and approach to asserting yourself, and with Aries as the rising sign, this energy is emphasized in the First House. 
We’ve already discussed Mars but have yet to discuss Aquarius, where Mars sits in England’s birth chart. Aquarius is the symbolic water-bearer, Ganymede, a beautiful prince who Zeus fell in love with and abducted to be made a cup carrier to the gods. Aquarius as a sign is fixed, meaning it is inclined to stability and resistant to change, acting as a sort of anchor. Aquarius placements are independent, innovative, humanitarian, and idealistic. This means England's passion, drive, sexual ardor, and aggression are all geared toward independence, innovation, and idealism. 
Mars in Aquarius in the 11th house -the house of friendships- enhances England’s ability to unite people around a common, humanitarian cause ( ex. the Coalition Wars against Napoleon, the Concert of Europe, formation of Allied Powers in WWI and WWII). It’s also an indicator that he is fiercely independent (Rebellions against the Norman Conquest, the break from Rome by establishing the Church of England) and isn't shy about going against the grain if the norm conflicts with his principles. This brings to mind the creation of the Magna Carta, the English Civil War, and the following Glorious Revolution, which all saw radical political reforms within a traditionalist system (the transition from absolute monarchy to constitutional monarchy).  This placement also highlights his tech-savvy capabilities and innovation in technology, which makes sense considering that a significant amount of modern technology was either created by inventors in England or, at the very least, took inspiration from English inventions, especially in regard to computers/computing. As for sexual ardor? England is sexually attracted to the unconventional, the unique, the strange. He himself tries to appear unconventional, unique, and strange to attract like-minded individuals. Eccentric personalities are a novelty to him. He loves the unpredictable; he doesn't mind dabbling in the taboo out of curiosity and the spirit of experimentation.  More importantly, he is sexually attracted to the intellectually stimulating and intellectually stimulates others to spark attraction. A true sapiosexual. 
If one were to crack open the hard exterior of the rising sign, they would reveal the sun hidden within. 
The sun represents life and one's purpose in it. It represents destiny and the style in which you pursue it. The sun and the qualities of the sign it embodies are the core tenet of your being. It is the personal constitution that you live, breathe, and die by. It is the ego, the heart, the vitality. The house it falls in also helps shape the core identity and influences how the energy will manifest in reality. 
The sun is in Capricorn for England, situated in his 10th house. 
Sun sign: Capricorn (Earth sign, Cardinal sign, the symbolic Sea Goat)
Ruled by Saturn, the god of time and harvest, the planet of discipline and structure
10th House: House of Career and Public Reputation 
Capricorns are represented by the Sea Goat (an incarnation of the Greek god Pan, who turned the lower half of his body into a fishtail) and ruled by Saturn, the god of time who consumed his children in fear of being overthrown (much like his Greek counterpart Cronus). Capricornians can usually appear to be thin and tall, with an air of gravitas and a face that reveals nothing. However, while the sun can influence the physical appearance, the rising sign has a greater impact. 
Capricorns are earth signs: grounded, rooted, and sturdy. Like all earth signs, Capricorns value and uphold prudence, stability, realism, and pragmatism in their day-to-day life. They are more financially literate than most people and good at capitalizing on resources and managing people. This brings to mind the Industrial Revolution, the part England played in creating it, and the use of resources and people to generate capital in his colonialist pursuits in North America, Asia, and West Africa. Think mercantilism between colonial America and Britain, an economic policy aimed to benefit the mother country by ensuring a favorable balance of trade and accumulation of wealth through a controlled economy. A perfect example of England as a Capricorn using resources and managing people to produce positive financial gains in his favor. He was even willing to abandon his morals by bringing slaves to North America to achieve this as well (and later on, using Indians and Irish as indentured servants in the Caribbean long after the abolishment of slavery and the slave trade). Capricorns MIGHT become bad people and do awful things when they really want money. This, of course, isn't unique to Capricorns, nor is it unique to England. The difference, however, is the level of efficiency at which he executes his plans to obtain money (or any goal/desire, really), no matter how morally wrong those plans are. Especially if he abandons idealism in favor of his instinctual pragmatism. (Though his idealistic Neptune in his first house eventually came into play by way of England using the British Royal Navy to abolish and prohibit the Atlantic Slave Trade.)
Capricorns are also cardinal signs: naturally ambitious, industrious, and goal-oriented. Cardinal signs like the Capricorn are hellbent on achieving their objectives, and not much can steer them from whichever path they’re set upon. They are also born leaders, willing and eager to call the shots. 
Capricorns stand apart from their fellow earthly and cardinal signs in that they are the builders of society, with the natural gift to plan, organize, and strategize their way into worldly accomplishments with dangerous efficiency. They are cool and self-contained, calm and reserved to a fault (to the point that it unnerves people who are the opposite), but beneath that hard shell, their feelings run deep, and their affections are best shown through loyalty to those that they love, a loyalty which they treat with the utmost importance and care. 
What does this mean for England? As stated before, the sun represents the core of your identity, and the core of his identity is Capricornian. In essence, England is unwavering, like a firmly planted tree with roots a million years deep into the earth. Immovable, like a great mountain, he cannot be swayed. It is his sense of stability and order or, at the very least, his pursuit of stability and order that makes him so impossibly formidable. Even when faced with a crisis, he’s dauntless and stoic. He carries on with a stiff upper lip. There are few things in this life that truly make his spirit quiver in fear. He is a solid man with a solid heart, and this disposition comes with negatives and positives alike. This is not at all to say that he is completely made of stone. He is still capable of feeling. When he deigns to (and sometimes even against his will), he can feel that affectionate loyalty and camaraderie toward his peers while in the heart of strife. Capricorns are all about structure and the importance of maintaining it, and what structure is more important than the one that makes up the concrete foundations of a family? It is another thing that England values. In his mind, it is integral to stability and order, and he will do just about anything in his power to maintain stability and order in his family with a stern hand. How the family might feel about it is of no importance, and he believes that in time, they, too, will come to see that it was all for the greater good. His love can be a bit callous, but it is love all the same. A disciplined sort of love. He also values society because it offers that benefitted structure he prioritizes. His forte is organizing and building governments, kingdoms, businesses, and empires from the ground up. He is a worldly man who finds pleasure in being part of society and finds even greater pride in being the reason why society works. Status is another value that, like all Capricorns, England holds dear. Sometimes, he’ll linger about in each block of the societal pyramid, staring in wonder at the neat way people fall into the right category from top to bottom. He loves them all and finds that his spirit resonates with each one, from the working class to the aristocrat. In his eyes, there is beauty to be found in each facet, like the different cuts in a glittering jewel, yet his heart will always belong to the crown, which gave birth to the values that make up the cornerstone of his being. He is married to it, and this is a pragmatic marriage, to be sure. After all, the wooden skeleton of it came into being when William the Conqueror usurped the throne from the Anglo-Saxon kings (whose conquest of Roman Britain conceived him, and thus he sprung forth from his conquered mother's metaphorical womb), and the monarchy exists in continuity of that single defining moment. But England found love and intimacy in this marriage, and they breathe as one. England is the crown, and the crown is England. 
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He is not humorless, either. Though his humor, like most Capricorns, is dry and witty. 
England’s Capricorn sun sits in the 10th house, which is quite remarkable because Capricorn is the natural sign ruler of the 10th house. The 10th house represents ambition, success, and authority, amplifying the Capricorn's instinctual ambition, drive, and desire for authority and respect. The 10th house makes the Capricorn even more materialistic and instills within him the need to prove himself to the world, to elevate himself to the highest social status attainable. To him, there is nothing more important than his image and the respect that image can garner. As a result, he becomes authoritative and competitive in pursuit of his desires, yet he is the embodiment of professionalism. 
This spirit drove England to challenge the Spanish Armada to establish himself as a dominant force to be reckoned with. This spirit drove him to North America’s shores, eager to get a solid foothold in the new world before the rest of the European powers. It is this spirit that made him build the largest empire the world has ever known. 
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The moon itself cannot emit its own light. Without the sun, it is covered in complete darkness, but when gifted a few rays of light, it illuminates what was once hidden. In a sense, the moon is a mere reflection of the sun, held up against it like a mirror so that the sun may see itself from within. All the aspects about oneself that cannot be gleaned when blinded by the sun's pure light are revealed on the moon's reflecting surface. This is essentially what a moon sign is: a portal into the inner self that exists in tandem with the sunny core. The moon sign represents how you go about dealing with the emotions you might or might not allow to the surface. While the sun sign can be you at your most resilient, the moon sign is you at your most vulnerable. The moon sign is the subconscious, the intuition, the dreams, and the memories. 
England is a Pisces moon situated in the 12th house. 
Moon Sign: Pisces (the symbolic Fish, water sign, mutable sign)
Ruled by Neptune, god of the sea, the planet of dreams and illusions
12th house: House of the Unconscious or House of Secrets
Pisces is the symbolic Fish, a set of two fish who represent Aphrodite and Eros, who transformed themselves to escape the monster Typhoon. It is ruled by Neptune, the god of the sea, who represents dreams and illusions in astrology. Pisces is also a mutable sign, meaning it is adaptable just as much as it is restless. 
Pisces are the dreamers of the zodiac. People with the moon in Pisces fall completely in love with a fantasy world of their own creation. They view life through rose-colored glasses and are often given to flights of fancy. Yet individuals with the moon in Pisces are perhaps some of the most compassionate and empathetic human beings. If they find it within themselves to truly care about you, then your joy becomes their joy, and your pain becomes their pain. It sometimes becomes hard for them to differentiate between their own feelings and the feelings of others. If they’re truly connected to someone, they’ll drown beneath the waves of their partner's emotions. Yet their astute perception allows them to understand human nature in all its nuances and subtleties. 
The 12th house is by far the most spiritually intuitive and mysterious area of the birth chart. It is the ruler of the subconscious, vivid, surrealistic dreams, psychic abilities, and dark secrets kept hidden. With the moon already in Pisces, the empathetic nature of the Pisces moon only becomes more emphasised in this house. 
What does this mean for England? It means that he is a highly intuitive person. It means that he is dreamy and imaginative. After all, he loves nothing more than his fairies and his unicorns. It means that he is spiritual and mystical, dabbling in the dark arts and other forms of magic. It means that he is prone to self-sacrifice, willing to place himself in the line of fire to help those more vulnerable and weak. It means that he’s an escapist who finds solace and true peace in his own imagination than he does in the real world. Yet he understands the world better than most, all of its sharp and uncomfortable edges, and he understands people, how easily wounded they are by those hostile edges. He’s empathetic toward their pain, even if sometimes he is the cause of it, and will go out of his way to alleviate it or, at the very least, show remorse. To put it simply, in his heart of hearts, beneath the fiery aura of his Aries rising and the hard exterior of his Capricorn sun, he truly is a compassionate man, oftentimes silly and odd but capable of genuine kindness. He is a natural-born philosopher and artist as well and uses his ethereal nature to craft dreamy melodies and poems that sweep people into a misty daze (in a practical and mundane astrological sense outside of fictional England, think the real England’s production of Shakespeare, Lord Byron, Tolkien and the Beatles). 
He is poetic, mystical, and loves the arcane. He loves the magical.
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England, on the outside, is a fiery-tempered man, driven by intellectual ardor and romantic idealism, in a never-ending pursuit of philosophical beauty wherever it can be unearthed. At his core he is a man who stands tall and sturdy in the face of adversity, who finds comfort in building places and people alike, and who values nothing more than his reputation. Emotionally, he is capable of profound empathy and understanding, sometimes to his own detriment and perhaps even the detriment of others. He is pragmatic yet given to delusions. He is hot-headed and bullish yet as cool as a winter's breeze. A man of multitudes, a tapestry of contradictions, a creature of both the mind and the soul. 
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energysynergymatrix · 4 months
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Ok I bit the bullet and made an Ososan OC and his full name is Len Kanemaru.
He's the so-called perfect guy, pretty boy barista type turned up to 11, who might as well have manifested from thin air, who has genuine fanboys and fangirls, and most of the Matsunos want him fucking dead. He's oblivious to both of these aspects of the public opinion and seems kind of empty headed for the most part. He is also struggling just as badly as them but literally no one would believe him if he told them.
He also wants to kiss the oldest DESPITE the fact that his brothers are so jealous of him for being so perfect. Shenanigans ensue.
If you want a more detailed write up about him read the cut.
OK SO . Len is a guy trying his best to pretend to be an adult despite wanting to be anything but it. Unlike the Matsunos who dont pretend to be an adult and are anything but it, Len is trying to push through adult life while wanting to return to childhood when things were easier.
Sure he has a job as barista, but he's poor with money, spending it like he's still a teenager, struggles to maintain contact with people he’s befriended outside of work, DESPITE thinking people hating him is the end of the world, and surprisingly, still lives with his parents.
The thing is that he's REALLY good at pretending to have it all together. He has quite a few fanboys and fangirls and is often described as a prince. (It’s because of his charmingly good customer service skills that is his only real social experience post highschool.) But, despite being in his mid twenties, hes kind of poorly equipped socially and is unable to pick this up, despite it being clear to literally everyone.
(Like he thinks he’s being bad at pretending to be a well put together adult, and then turns around and can handle rush pretty well understaffed, not make any mistakes, and still keep a pleasant demeanor that his admirers swoon over. Anytime someone does act like a fan trying to get his love it’s met with confusion and just. “Huh.” more than anything. He doesn’t even reject them because he doesn’t realize so many people are in love with him)
This includes quite a few Matsunos who are jealous of him for being so popular (and admittedly kind of cool), find his princely yet oblivious attitude almost annoying, and somewhat creepy because of how much he knows about them from highschool. And those who aren't irritated by him are relatively apathetic towards him.
The only reason theyre so aware of him is the fact that he and Todomatsu worked at the same cafe before the latter quit. It was after he quit that Len properly met the sextuplets, having a chance encounter with the boys sometime after. Todomatsu was already irritated by him, by again, seeing above, but also because he already seemed intimately familiar with Totty during his highschool years.
It's like they had a whole classmate just manifest into being while skipping the "actually go to class together" part.
(They did actually go to school together but literally no one knew he existed during then. Not to their fault though, Len was basically that one vine that's like "I can't I have so much to do tomorrow" *fucks around on the keyboard. Because of that Len ended up being bad with people by the time he graduated and was ushered into the work force by his parents. As a result he can't really keep friends, often times contact dying off on accident. A lot of the time spent working is him TRYING his best to maintain relationships as an adult but it never really works out. Deep down Len wishes he could redo highschool, so he could not only get this skills but also find some memories that he so clearly missed out on. Because he willingly opted out of making those therefore other people don’t remember him. As far as he knows he hasn’t really had a friend since middle school.)
But like after the two and Totty's brothers encountered each other in public a whole bomb got dropped and nothing was the same.
Despite generally not liking him the Matsunos keep him around, mostly due to Totty's insistence saying they can use him (so they cant kill him yet!) but because Len is kind of bad with people in general outside of having a fandom (that, again, came with his customer service skills), and the Matsunos are the Matsunos, this never ever goes well.
Despite this and how much shenanigans the Matsunos end up dragging him into, he considers them friends since its the closest relationship he's maintained outside of his house. On top of that, he almost admires them for being NEETs. He's kind of ashamed of it, because he knows they have to be an adult, but because he's struggling so much as an adult, he wants nothing more than to be like them. He wants to stop being an adult and return to highschool.
It's why he takes to Osomatsu so much, since he seems most open about how shitty he is and how much he doesnt want to grow up. Like weirdly enough, his man-child behavior is what makes Len likes him so much. Sure he also has a big heart and loves his family, and Len can acknowledge Oso’s best aspects, but it’s the worst parts of him that loves.
And that admiration for having his character laid out flat and embracing his childishness despite his age and situation, how he practically will just grow up when he wants to rather than when he has to (unlike Len), makes the perfect man fall for the loser guy.
The more he hangs around the Matsunos the more they encourage him to tap into his evil side, and may end up making him worse, but for now he's Mr Perfect and most of them hate him for that. He doesn't get the message though so he's just kind of hanging around them for now.
Anyways he and Osomatsu are literally I'm Glad You're Evil Too to me . And also look at these sketches of him .
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#txt#ososan#osomatsu-san#osomatsu san oc#Len Kanemaru (OC)#my ocs#my art#lenoso#oc x canon#when i think more in depth into his individual relationships with the sextuplets i will probably do a better write up on that#i think the sextuplets are ultimately conflicted on him but because of that conflict#especially given their opinions before they learned more about him#it comes out in hostility and jealousy#mainly from Todomatsu#and maybe choromatsu i think#ichimatsu and len actually relate to each other a lot#especially since len is kind of struggling with what ichimatsu was going through in highschool (except as an adult)#but because they dont really communicate well either they cant really have their :handshake: moment until much later#i think osomatsu is the one who bridges their gaps though and helps clear the air on both sides mutual jealousy#with len and oso having a heart to heart over some drinks (that the former paid for by blowing an entire pay check)#(Len being horrible with money moment)#but again thats much later . and i think since ososan is a bit focused show anyways#the inherent bit of Len pining for Oso while he has better suitors trying to get his attention.#all while the brothers are wishing the worst upon him#is very funny#its like nyaachan and just dont except for the part where everyone liked nyaachan because none of them like him#(osomatsu might be a bit more conflicted on him though . something something oso might have actually remembered him then. again ill think)#but theyre all kind of oblivious to everyones exact feelings going on so they just kind of hang out and hope#len will hook them up with someone (he will not)#if u want to hear more about him or have questions send me asks... i would love to share and think more about him.
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kissmefriendly · 1 year
It’s really kinda sad painful and interesting that the Captain’s death is one of the few where we don’t see him become a ghost. We almost expect it but the final shot of that scene is just him laying lifeless on the floor (and I suppose there there’s some mirroring between his and Kitty’s death, especially through the cinematography). How horrific must that have been when he did become a ghost? To be able to see Havers and trying to reach out to him, trying to get through to him only for Havers to never know he was still there, alone. Having to listen to all the nasty comments made by the other officers. To watch Havers leave the house for a second time, unable to get his attention or say goodbye.
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sebbyisland · 1 year
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the-last-quest · 7 months
I see all these posts about how Mangey’s fur would be the dirtiest and while that’s probably true I don’t see anyone talking about how Sails’ and Nine’s fur would be messed up as well
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suddencolds · 2 months
#very random (not snz) haha but#does anyone else feel like their social battery fluctuates like. 0 to 100 with no middle ground or is this perhaps something wrong with me#i will go for weeks without having the social energy to talk to people i love and treasure 😭#maybe it's a lack of dopamine in general idk... would not be thrilled to add another mental illness to the list#but then i'll have a night where i am super talkative and happily reply to half the people i've been talking to#or times when i send off all my responses and sit at my laptop like when are my friends going to reply 🙂 i can't wait to talk to them 🙂#i apologize if you have personally been on the receiving end of my extreme inconsistency 😭#i have been thinking about it recently and i think that's in part the reason why i also gravitate towards long form conversations;#it feels mentally easier for me to deliver a meaningful response once in a blue moon than like sustain that level of#conversational depth on a more consistent basis? because i am inconsistent#but sometimes in the long wait between responses (which i have arguably played a large role in establishing) i feel unexpectedly social and#then feel strangely lonely 😭 (🤡)... truly i feel like i am lowkey a badly adjusted adult#this is not a catastrophizing post (though i did catastrophize slightly more over it in past weeks); just passive musings atp#i go through similar flows with artistic motivation but the highs and lows are not synced with my social energy at all#i think i am someone who likes to analyze my habits just as a whole because i really enjoy optimizing for things 😭 so this tendency in#particular really perplexes me#delete later perhaps because i know this is truly a yap post. (i apologize)#i met with a friend earlier irl and this might be the remnants of the social energy from seeing her or it might be a function of#the drink i had (strawberry matcha 🥰) if you have read this far i apologize personally
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daesungindistress · 1 year
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yume-fanfare · 1 year
Okay I don't care about the netflix please tell me about the importance of all-girls schools in Yuri it sounds fascinating
ok so first of all i recommend reading the wikipedia page for yuri because it really is fascinating and talks abt stuff i won't, cause then this would get Too long
but let's start this saying that in its origins, yuri wasn't necessarily a Romance genre as we know them, nor were the girls in it necessarily lesbians. it follows a literature genre called Class S (from around 1900-1930 i believe) which depicts intense relationships between girls that sort of blur platonic and romantic lines. in fact, i'd say a lot of yuri manga are a rather good example of queerplatonic relationships
the appeal is that, despite homosexual relationships being very much forbidden then, in an all-girls school setting, it Is seen as normal to be in a relationship with a girl. schools are written as if they're havens, separated from the outside world, and where usual society rules don't apply. like some world where gay is the norm and straight is a minority
but because these rules are school-only, same-sex relationships were also seen as a (at times childish) phase that one grows out of, and once they graduate they're expected to go and find a husband anyways. which is often a source of conflict in more modern yuri manga, finding a way to maintain that school-only relationship in the outside world, or find if it's something that can survive post-graduation. because while not all characters are lesbians, some of them are indeed "that kind of girl"
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henriiiii-1001 · 8 months
omg speaking of lesbian ruth:
ive also made that canon to unholy gift/my main au, and i would think it would be so funny that puppet is like "you want me soooo bad" and ruth just pulls out the lesbian flag
"reason no. 1: you're an alternate, im not interested in that. reason no. 2: you're a guy, im not interested in that."
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yuffie has many interesting elements to her but people refuse to move past "i find energetic kids annoying" and it makes me sad
#first of all...... treat kids with the grace + patience you wish you had been given when you were one. just. in general#second.....#god forbid a 16 year old have flaws...! especially when part of the boisterous energy is because she is masking#she has a very strong love for her home to the point she's gone into unknown territory#entirely in over her head! but she refuses to give up#it's an interesting way to look at how patriotism can affect a person when you look at the differing views of protecting wutai that her and#godo have. i'm so interested to see how 'a miserable daughter's homecoming' is gonna go in remake pt 3#given that we know they want to expand on wutai more than they could in the OG#remake intermission as well has been rolling around in my head bc i think its interesting that sonon still wants godo to be respected but#yuffie very much is like. nah fuck that old drunkard idgaf. at least thats how it comes across#i've always felt like the kleptomania was allowed to bloom because she didn't receive enough care or support on top of the patriotism from#young age... so the intermission dialogue makes me wonder if we'll delve into that potentially being the truth in part 3#anyway... rebirth gave such good yuffie + party sibling moments im excited to get more in part 3#especially with vincent because they're one of the funniest not-quite uncle and niece combos#yuffie ringing vincent post-AC and then he goes to cloud like 'tell her that's illegal' instead of just replying to her normally 💀funny af#pettiness off the charts. i adore their 'i do care about you greatly but i'd also sell you to satan for one (1) corn chip' dynamic#ultimately you like and dislike whatever characters#but its always worth looking past the surface level. you may discover that the layers have a unique charm to them#and if the charms don't appeal after that? well at least you now have a better understanding of the character. win/win#god knows i've tried to like characters and came out of diving into their facets -still- not liking them. but more often than not it#gives me some new appreciation of the character. because the depth is there you just have to put the effort in to connect the dots#(this was spurred on by brainless takes i saw in general chat of a public discord. yes i know. my own fault for looking in a godless place)#these tags are 2 short to add proper nuance to my thoughts but you get the idea. this has been my once in a blue moon ramble post o7#might delete later i just wanted the thoughts expelled teehee <3
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dirt-str1der · 2 years
What ive learned about the yakuza community is that you guys are way too hung up over that scene in y4 where he pinned haruka to the ground then started panting really heavily , that didnt happen for me , that scene wasnt real to me i forgot about it.
#Yakuza loveblog#it literally didnt happen for me like the game could have been perfect without it so i took it out#like how could you not like saejima he... he would be the perfect man if not for that scene#but it WOULD be funny to make haruka have beef with both majima (kidnapped her) and saejima (lowkey assaulted her)#saejima wouldnt do that .. he loves kids ...#i adore saejima i think hes super cool and extremely hardcore. more hardcore than kiryu even and kiryu is extremely hardcore#saejima was the first to almost die in the snow but unlike kiryu he didnt even get frostbite#well he did a bit but it wasnt that bad ... kiryus fingers were one hard press from having the flesh slough right off#anyway HOW CAN ANYONE NOT LIKE SAEJIMA HES SO COOOOOOL#Hes so charismatic and you can tell the depths of his empathy are unfathomable ... he looks at someone with sorrow and you know his heart#is breaking. he always gets so serious and sombre when hes trying to convince someone not to go down a dark path#my stomach HURTS. see saejima could have given me medicine because he is so kind#you have got to forgive him for pinning haruka to the ground with his knee between her legs like you need to forgive him#that was a slipup he was never planning on doing anything and he was very sorry for it ... i swear to you he just froze up he wasnt planning#on touching her or anything ... you know whos truly to blame ? kiryu. for standing there once again like a stone starue and letting it happe#hey ‘suzuki’ (lol thats a good one i might steal it later) i know youre an escaped convict because of the animalistic look in yout eye when#you pinned my twelve year old daughter to the ground and slobbered on her. and not the other telltale signs like you wearing a prisoners#outfit when you washed up on shore (lol) no there were no other clues. that was what tipped me off#hated kiryu in y4 he is useless. i will never forgive him. see saejima was panicking because haruka was going to call an ambulance. kiryu#had a cool head and he still decided to do some stupid shit. too bad i badly want men who make bad decisions and want to fuck kiryu so much
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i-like-your-nolaces · 5 months
just on anon for safety, is this about the
i assume you're referring to the recent Queer Media Poll, where Homestuck beat Dykes To Watch Out For and narrowly lost to Paris Is Burning?
anyway, it's not not about that. i do have some thoughts about that Poll, but they aren't 100% relevant to what i was commenting on.
the actual situation i'm referring to is an incident where a fan of Homestuck (who i will not name, since i'm sure they've been harassed enough already over this) defended its place in the Queer Media Poll. this led to some people claiming they were ignoring the racism in Homestuck, to which they explained that they weren't ignoring it, and was in fact part of a discussion about Homestuck's racism in a reading group
this, of course, got a lot of people who for some reason still view the Homestuck Fandom to be overall Cringe and Stupid laughing and mocking this fan. as if critical discussion of racism in media is laughable, and what they actually should have done is Not Be A Fan Of Homestuck.
and this led to the post which i was vagueposting, where someone on the periphery of this whole discourse, aware only of the broad strokes, assumed that what was actually happened was that people had called Homestuck racist, and then those Stupid Homestuck Fans (and you know what they're like) got upset and angry over this
which, like. if they had paid any attention at all to this whole debacle, or were at all aware of the state of the Homestuck Fandom as a whole, then they would have known that this idea is absolutely ludicrous.
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narugen · 3 months
ashiro mina as a character is so interesting to me because she’s such a Big Thing in the kn8 universe and everyone respects her and she’s well known for having this niche skill/speciality nobody else can replicate but she’s also sooooo distant. and even when it comes to official merch/art sometimes she doesn’t appear (no volume cover, not included in that game collab, etc) and it’s just like.. when you compare her to hoshina for example who is rightfully a very popular character because of how much we see of him in the manga it’s just. IDK WHAT I WANNA SAY i’m not bitter (yes i am) that she doesn’t get as Much as she could’ve because i know it’s purposefully done (dragging her story out, showing her pov only 100 chapters later) but ARGHHHH ashiro mina i want to know more about you so bad.
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gazspookiebear · 3 months
Not from the prompt thingy, but I have another question! What is a song that you associate with Anchor? Or what are some lyrics that remind you of them? You don't need to respond to this if you don't want to or if you don't know, I was just curious :>
Wrecking Ball by Mother Mother, Baby Hotline by Jack Stauber, and A Match Into Water by Peirce The Veil are all songs I'd associate with them.
The first one matches their feelings about themself, the second one represents their their poor relationships (with themself, the people around them, and life in general), and the last one is purely vibes
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