#might have to throw out the pillow bc i sweated a lot and it has no pillow case
Been a few days but i finally ate a lot which is good. Bc i havent really been eating much but occasionally eat snacks if starving. Also feeling better didnt have to go to the ER in the end.
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sneezefiction · 4 years
soft shiratorizawa sleepover
Shiratorizawa x Reader - Sleepover Headcanons
request: “Hi can I request having a sleepover with Shiratorizawa?”
a/n: classic Gracie move, here. ultra fluffed up, on a Friday evening. please enjoy some soft, sleepover moments with our faves, Ushijima, Tendou, Semi, Goshiki, Shirabu, Reon, and Yamagata. 
warnings: none!
wc: 930
soft sleepovers - karasuno edition
you’ve been unofficially managing/supervising the Shiratorizawa team over the past couple months
but with their strict schedule and the fact that you joined them a bit late into their volleyball season, it’s been hard to actually get to know them
luckily, you and Tendou hit it off instantly, his curiosity gravitating toward the novelty of having a team manager
after expressing your wish to get to know the team better, the idea for a sleepover popped up in a playful convo between you and Tendou
i mean, you were definitely joking about it, but apparently Tendou had already presented the idea to Ushijima
and Ushi was totally chill with it??
he felt like you would manage the team better if you could see how everyone functioned outside of a high-pressure game
also i’m almost entirely positive that half of this team has never had a real sleepover
like, sure, they’ve spent the night together while away for practices games and tournaments, but they’ve never had one for the purpose of “hanging out” with each other
the team is surprised to hear that you’ll be joining them, but they’re genuinely excited to learn about you
lmao they might even be sort of intimidated esp since most of them are fr socially awkward
so be ready to actually get to know these boys, bc they’re all weird af
ps everyone will be invading Goshiki’s home for this wild, overnight endeavor
you arrive slightly late, but you’re welcomed with sounds of howling laughter and vibrant discussions that seem to be spiraling into loud arguments
Semi has Shirabu in some kind of headlock, wrestling him to the floor for being too pretentious
Tendou is already in his sleeping bag, but he’s not actually lying down... he’s hopping around in it
and Ushijima looks like he’s supervising the entire team, while still holding a glint of humor behind his gaze, enjoying the goofiness of his teammates outside of a gym for once
when they spot you at the doorway, your pillows and items in hand, everyone goes silent
and then Tendou rushes toward you, crashing headfirst into your body after losing balance in his absurdly heavy sleeping bag
you’re pretty much stuck under him, so Reon and Ushi have to lift Tendou off of you before Semi can give you a hand up
you thank Semi and turn to Tendou with a playful scowl on your face, his own cat-like grin is spreading the width of his cheeks
before he can react, you’ve smashed a pillow right into his head, leaving him slightly dizzy as he throws his pillow toward you… but it misses
...landing straight into Ushijima’s gorgeously sculpted face
everyone is too shocked by this to realize that Ushi has already picked up a pillow and aimed it at poor Goshiki
the power in Ushi’s pillow throw literally knocks him off his feet
don’t get me wrong, Ushijima doesn’t really get the concept of a “pillow fight,” but he’s willing to try anything at least once to understand it
this starts a full-send pillow war:
It’s you, Semi, Goshiki, and Yamagata VS Tendou, Ushijima, Shirabu, and Reon
and lemme tell you, IT IS BRUTAL.
you learn quickly about their inner team rivalries and the team’s extensively colorful language
this ends with lots of sweat, several bruises, and countless bursts of excited laughter
but when the game and adrenaline highs wear off, you’re all left lying on the floor
they all recover pretty quickly, but most of the 3rd years realize just how worn out you are from the amount of effort you just exerted
Semi flicks you in the side of your head and asks you some personal questions, but really the whole group is listening in, 
“Y/n, why’d you choose to help our team out? I’m sure you have a lot going on outside of all of this.”
you’re taken aback, having to process your answer… because truthfully friends weren’t easy to come by these days
you’d been searching for an opportunity to find community and be apart of something… and this management position seemed to be an open door to it
“You’d be surprised by my social life, Semi.” you say through a laugh, but it doesn’t sound funny
you’re amazed by the understanding faces surrounding you, some nodding, other just staring without judgment
because they could all relate
LITERALLY this short convo turns into a really sweet discussion about fears and problems, with some venting mixed in
It’s mostly you, Goshiki, Tendou, and Semi speaking, but in the end, everyone shares a little piece of their life with the group
which is all so weird for everyone on the team, but somehow your presence was the perfect set up for a Group Therapy Sleepover Session™ 
by the end of the night, you’re the one advising and listening to them, which is such a cozy turn of events
like, your heart is full & they’re actively being invested in by your sweet self
several of them (Ushijima, Semi, and Goshiki) fall asleep to the soothing sound of your voice
you just make them so comfortable
and as much as they should be the ones protecting you, you’re the one making them feel safe and put together
honestly, while i’d like to think that Shiratorizawa is always so cool and calm, i think they need hugs and softness too
sure, they’re tough and they get all of that intensity and energy out on the court 
but now that the team knows they have an outlet to get things off their chest and out into the airspace, they don’t want to lose it
and that’s when the bi-monthly, non-volleyball related Shiratorizawa sleepovers become mandatory
it’s pretty much the ultimate mental health booster and it gets wilder every time
so, you indeed get to know the boys well <3
soft team sleepover series
soft karasuno sleepover
soft seijoh sleepover
soft nekoma sleepover
soft fukurodani sleepover (in progress)
tags: @yams046, @cherryonigiri
(comment or send an ask to be added to my general tag list) 
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jpegjade · 4 years
Confessions - Spencer Reid
frens and ferns, IM OUT OF SCHOOL FOR A MONTH. so here’s a new fic about something i’ve been struggling with lately...
summary: With emily gone, Spencer is having a hard time coping with her death. After a little prodding, he finds comfort in y/n, who is struggling with their own demons.
gender: neutral (i think. i tried not to point to any gender terms so hopefully i did okay at it bc i dont feel like proofreading.)
Warnings: talk of addiction but nothing more
Getting home from a case was always, hard on you. There were days when it was harder to get up in the morning because of the physical and emotional toll the job put on your body. Ever since that un-sub broke your ankle, everything has been even harder.
“Y/L/N, nice to see you back." Morgan said as you exited the elevator.
“You too, D." You said, plastering a fake smile on your face. In truth, you wished that you were off for one more week but the world wasn't that kind to you.
The doors to the elevator were slowly closing when you heard Spencer shuffling quickly toward your direction.
Before you had the chance to throw your arm in the way of the elevator sensors, Spencer's slender body slipped through.
You were a newer member to the team. Well... You were the only new member to the team. Being a replacement for agent Emily Prentiss, the team getting to know you was a process. Derek trained you so he already knew what you were like in action but this was the first case the rest of the team saw you on.
The silence in the elevator was loud and thick with anticipation. Spencer was looking over at you in quick glances when he wasn't staring at his converse.
“You didn't press a number." Spencer said, barely loud enough for you to hear.
"Oh... I guess that explains why if felt like I was going nowhere." You chuckled at your joke and winced when you met Dr. Reid's blank gaze.
"Do you..." He paused.
Spencer shook his head, clearing the thought from his mind. You continued staring but he dropped his gaze back to his shoes as if he hadn't started and dropped a question.
The elevator doors opened, showing an empty garage. The two of you gestured for the other to exit first but you ended up going first.
“Did you want to ask me something. Dr. Reid?" You said, watching him hesitate.
"Spencer." He said, ignoring the question. "My friends call me Spencer."
"I didn't think we were friends yet." You blankly. It wasn't meant to be funny but you couldn't help but smile.
“My team consists of my friends. As you are on my team, we're friends." Spencer's face never changed.
"Okay, Spencer." You looked at him. If you weren't so worried about getting home, you would've indulged in the moment. But all you wanted to do right now was be alone with some pizza and take the edge off from today.
"If that's all..." You tried to close the interaction with him by taking a few steps back but Spencer took just as many slow steps forward.
"Actually," Spencer began, "how do you do it?"
You faked a chuckle. "Do what?"
“Hide your addiction so well." Spencer was so pointblank sometimes.
"What are you talking about?" You tried to control the beads of sweat that threatened to pool.
"Everybody knows.” It's your ankle that started the painkillers and you couldn't stop. It took you away from the pain, the humiliation.
“How could you be so stupid as to get caught? You're even dumber for finding solice in the feeling when you've got all of this support around you? You've got a family who..." Spencer trailed off.
Your head was still reeling from the beginning of his statement. Everyone knew... But how could that be? It wasn't obvious but something was off about the distant look in Spencer's eyes. It was like he wasn't looking or talking to you. The anger laced in his tone wasn't for you...
“Spencer," you took a step towards him, "Are you talking about you?" Spencer stopped talking. You weren't used to seeing him so quiet.
"It's been a while." Spencer looked down at his converse. "Emily was there. When it got bad, I would cuddle up with her cat on her couch and try to forget the thoughts. She wouldn't make me feel like a burden at 2 a.m., when I was screaming myself awake. She always told me to stay as long as I needed, even when I was positive she was fed up with me. I wish I believed her. I wish I stayed." Spencer tapered off into silence, sniffling.
A pipe dripping. Footsteps in the stairwell. A car alarm chirping. All of those things sounded louder than they normally would. This wasn't Spencer cornering you. This was a confused and hurting boy that was begging for help. He just didn't know how to say what he needed right now.
“Do you..." You started but stopped because it didn't feel right.
Where do you start with someone who is just like you: broken, hurting, and alone.
How do you comfort someone without enabling them to do something destructive that might make everything worse?
How do you avoid hurting someone when all you wanted to do was hurt yourself, in a way.
"Do you like pancakes?" You asked, startling him out of his thoughts. "Pancakes? Sure." Spencer slowly lifted his head and shrugged.
You started walking to your car, motioning for Spencer to follow.
The car ride with Spencer was filled with silence. The whole time, you were thinking about ways to explain the situation to Spencer without making it worse. Spencer was trying to decide if talking to you was a good idea after all, considering you were taking him somewhere pancake related.
Pulling up to the run-down diner, you looked over at Spencer, who was staring out the window.
"I promise the pancakes are better than the place looks." You chuckled, getting Spencer's attention.
"I wasn't really worried about the taste of the pancakes..." Spencer trailed off.
"Good, I guess." You said, a little bit defeated.
You and Spencer walked into the diner, where you were greeted by a friendly older woman named Janice. She knew your name by heart, since you were a regular, and she seated you at your normal booth.
"Actually, would you mind seating us at 12? This is Spencer, the guy I've told you about..." You blushed, hoping you said everything low enough for Spencer not to notice. His mind was elsewhere so he wasn't listening as he normally would. A part of you was grateful for that.
Janice did a once-over at Spencer, softly grinning, and brought you to table 12.
Despite the outside looking dingy, the inside of the diner was cleaner than Spencer thought it would be. He wasn't really fond of booths but these weren't the pillow seat booths where children could hide things between the bottom seat and the backrest. This was the plastic seats that hurt your butt after a little while. But what he noticed that was different about the seating at the table was that one half was a booth and the other half consisted of two four-legged chairs.
"I know you don't like the germs in booth seats so I figured this would be a better option." You said, unable to meet his eyes.
Spencer was shocked as you slid into the booth seat, avoiding his eyes. Spencer pulled out his chair, temporarily distracted by the fact that he never mentioned how much he hates booth seats. You paid attention and noticed that about him. What else had you noticed?
"So..." Spencer folded his hands in his lap nervously.
"Let's order and then we'll talk." You said, trying to focus on the task at hand.
Placing your orders, you went with your usual breakfast at midnight and he just ordered the same thing you ordered.
"It'll be good, I promise." You said, giving him a small smile.
"You never answered my question." Spencer said, looking up at you.
"I know." You were getting nervous again. The nerves hadn't stopped since Spencer asked that question in the parking lot but you were trying really hard to find an answer to it.
"How do you do it?" Spencer asked again.
"Spencer, it's not that simple. I can't give you an answer like that over something so complex. Why do you want to know?" You asked, trying to focus on meeting his eyes.
Spencer's gaze was intense when he wanted it to be so you settled for staring at the tip of his nose.
"I'm struggling, y/n. Emily was... She was family to me. If Hotch is the dad, Rossi is the cool uncle, JJ is the mom, Derek is the older brother, and Emily is..." Spencer's voice caught in his throat. "Was the big sister. I lost a sister the day she died and I'm lost without her."
"Spencer, I'm so sorry..." You said, wanting to hug him.
A tear slipped down Spencer's face as you watched him frustratedly wipe it away.
"It's not fair, you know?" Spencer continued. "I survived the worst days of my life. I got to live after experiencing torture and she didn't do anything but fall in love with someone who wasn't..."
There was a moment of silence as you let Spencer get his feelings out. While the two of you said nothing, Janice brought your food and drinks to your table. She must have sensed the tension between you and Spencer because once you thanked her, she didn't hover or make additional conversation.
"It just hurts and I don't... I don't want to feel it. I just want to escape the constant pain and be happy again, just for a little while. It doesn't have to stay forever but I don't want this pain to hurt like this for now." Spencer cut into his pancakes, taking a bite. His face changed into something of contentment.
"I come here when I have a... I guess you could say craving." You started, "Carbs and sugar are good for the itching feeling you get when you really need a fix."
A moment passed as the two of you enjoyed the food in front of you. After downing half of your food, you decided to speak again.
"What's your drug of choice, if you don't mind me asking?" You quietly said, your eyes staying trained on the way your butterknife slowly cut into your pancakes.
"Dilaudid." Spencer was so upfront about it. You thought you would have to pull it out of him but he made your job easier.
"Ah... Opioids are a bitch to kick. Controlled substance so I won't ask how you got it but I understand it's not easy. There was this study we had to do in training. This one agent got captured and tortured and the BAU had to watch as he was drugged, tortured, and almost died... I guess you would know them, right?" You asked, trying to figure out which team member it was.
"That was me." Again, Spencer being upfront.
"Oh...Spencer, I'm so sorry... I didn't know." You were remorseful, you shouldn't have brought it up.
"That's where it began. I begged for him not to do it the first time, not wanting the drugs. But after that? After the torture and pain and... Everything? I craved that release. And even after he died, I just wanted to get away from all of the stress in life. Feel warmth in my veins, mentally zoning out for just long enough to reset my mind and be reminded that there was something good in the world..." Spencer looked over your shoulder but his eyes weren't fixed on a particular spot.
That's the thing about being an addict... You don't realize how much it hurts to be alive until the high sends you crashing back down. And, especially in our line of work, all you want is to stay up for as long as possible because the horrors of reality will tear you apart..." You finished.
Spencer's attention came back to you as you spoke, making you a little uncomfortable. You couldn't meet his eyes.
"I went to a couple meetings in the past." Spencer said, thinking about his experiences there. "I didn't feel like I belonged. I have a good life. Stable job. I'm fortunate enough to have a roof over my head. My mom is taken care of by capable people. I don't have to worry about anything. And the guys there? They're struggling in many cases. They're fighting for the things I take for granted and I didn't know how I could stand to be in the same room with my privileges and pretend like my problem was important..." Spencer trailed off.
"Spencer, your addiction is valid." You were finally able to look him in the eyes and emphasize your point.
"Is it, though?" Spencer stared back at you, a challenging tone laced his voice.
"It's not fun..." You started, unable to look at Spencer any longer. "I don't do it for fun or because I want to stay high. I don't do it for the feeling it gives me. I do it because I feel like I have to."
"What do you mean?" Spencer tilted his head like a puppy who was trying to understand a new word.
"After I broke my ankle, I was prescribed these... Off brand pills. They didn't really help unless I snorted them. And even then, they didn't help my ankle or me. So I found something stronger. A friend of mine is a doctor and when I go to see him, I'm able to... I guess manipulate him into giving me the good stuff, the stuff that makes my thoughts slow down, calms the voice, gives me a sense of peace and not this constant anxiety." You said, hands tapping the table.
"Oh..." Spencer said, taking in what you were saying.
"I'm an addict not for pleasure but for pain. And my struggle is no greater or lesser than yours." You said, fingers still tapping away. "I struggle, like you, except the difference is I'm newer to the team so they don't know what it's like to see me in my chaotic neutral state. What did you do when you had cravings before? You must have been clean for a couple years now, right?"
"I went to Emily... I always went to Emily. I play back these moments when I snapped at her for wanting to help and I wish I just..." Once again, Spencer's voice was caught in his throat.
"She was your safe space when you felt like you couldn't turn to anyone else." You said, understanding. "You don't have to be romantically inclined to have a safe space with someone. It's whomever you find solace in, for any reason under and over the sun."
"I wouldn't feel this way if she were here..." Spencer said, more to himself as if he were trying to be convincing.
"Spencer, you have to be honest with yourself. If it wasn't this, it would be something else. And that something else might not have landed you with someone who was willing to assist you in your recovery to stay clean." You said, finishing your pancakes.
"What?" Spencer did a double take. No one had ever offered to help him. He always had to be the first to make the move but even then, everyone was reluctant to take on the responsibility of Spencer.
"Isn't there an unspoken rule about addicts not being with each other?" Spencer asked, genuinely concerned.
He hoped not because he would love to have someone he could finally confide in, someone who wouldn't make him feel like a burden.
"No, that's about addicts not dating each other. But I think that as friends, we can understand each other in ways others cant. We can fight together. Have you notiiced the craving is gone, for the most part?" You asked, sure that Spencers single slice would be gone in a moment.
"Okay. Deal. We can confide in one another and maybe it'll help us get a grip on reality when we feel ourselves slipping.”
taglist: @goldentournesol @averyhotchner @mggsprettygirl
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cattles-bians · 3 years
exes au part 12
post directory
obsetress: don’t ask why i had this thought because i couldn’t tell you but
obsetress: jamie wakes up in the middle of the night one night and is like “i... had a dream. about vi”
obsetress: and dani’s like “ok baby” and just nuzzles deeper into her pillow and jamie’s like
obsetress: “no, dani, a... a dream”
obsetress: and dani’s like “oh. oh” and is immediately wide awake and bright eyed
obsetress: and is like “was it any good?” and jamie is just. already flushed so red and flushed deeper and dani just hums
em: sighs wistfully
em: i also love that something compels jamie to tell dani Immediately
em: oh the perils of begrudgingly being friends w ur gfs ex
em: jamies like um. no see i can see all these different things my brain mashed together and WHY i had this dream and danis like ok but that wasn’t my question....
obsetress: jamie finally throws up her hands “of course it was”
em: jamie: And You Can’t Tell Vi She’ll Be Insufferable
obsetress: dani, very plainly, at brunch the next morning: so vi
obsetress: jamie looks like she’s going to have a heart attack and dani lets her sweat and then just smiles sweetly “i like those sunglasses. are they new?”
em: jamie what’s the problem (nothin. indigestion)
obsetress: dani very smug n thinks she’s very funny
obsetress: (she is a little funny)
em: one of jamies many ‘oh that’s why they dated’ moments
obsetress: “fookin sick, the both of ya”
em: idk why you had this thought but i’m GREATLY amused
obsetress: skskksksks right
obsetress: jamie explaining her dream to dani in great detail afterwards
obsetress: dani sitting there nodding and hmming “oh that sounds like her. no, she wouldn’t do that. now THAT she would be very good at, you’d like it”
em: i need a moment
em: jamie thinks the dark hides her massive fucken blush but it Doesn’t
em: dani can feel her heating up
obsetress: jamie “i don’t ask you to do this” dani “you’re not stopping me”
em: dani critiquing jamies sex dream is such a fucken funny concept sjdhdkhdkdhdkc
obsetress: RIGHT
obsetress: i’m dying
em: dani: oh no that’s OOC
obsetress: she wouldn’t have a riding crop jamie, it’s 2021, not 16—
em: jamie: it’s a wet dream do u really think it’s gonna have beta readers and a three act structure
em: dani hums
obsetress: dani: well did you enjoy it
obsetress: jamie: i— dani: did you?
obsetress: jamie mumbling yeah
em: jamies like i’m gonna interrogate dani next time, see how she feels- but she forgets dani is incapable of feeling shame
obsetress: like dani wouldn’t just launch into a ramble
em: viola
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obsetress: fuck
obsetress: yeah
obsetress: to jamie, specifically,
em: to jamie specifically andhdjhdjd
em: once again ironic jamvi has turned, in my brain, into ‘yes and....’ jamvi
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obsetress: jamie sending this to viola n vi's like
obsetress: she doesn't get it because she's convinced her taste is immaculate
em: anyway this is ooc even for exes au but i keep thinking abt like. jamie tryna crack how old viola is (she cant be 34 im 30 it doesnt make sense) and going through her fb timeline like. 'aha! motivational quotes. gotta be late 30s' and danis either like
em: danis either like 'you have a notebook where you write down all the quotes you like baby' OR shes like haha ok thats fair (posts another motivational quote on her fb)
obsetress: god i love that so much
obsetress: both of those dani responses are
obsetress: honestly porque no los dos if we're already going ooc
obsetress: i do think the first bit "gotta crack it she can't be 34 i'm 30 it doesn't make sense" is in character fwiw
em: obviously i was inspired by ur post in the milf channel abt viola always saying shes 35
em: big brain
obsetress: this is literally just. exes au rebecca
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obsetress: down to the caption
obsetress: vi and rebecca patiently staging like full photoshoots for each other every time one of them wants a pic otp: i'm not high maintenance, you're just low effort
em: bold 2 say that we don’t think about jamie and vi tho
em: gotta keep some sorta. presentation of respectability
em: they absolutely couldn’t date tho
obsetress: lmao ikr
obsetress: yeah no they'd kill each other
obsetress: now just thinking of silly circumstances and um
obsetress: rebecca's out of town and dani's flying back from some iowa thing jamie couldn't get away for to go with
obsetress: and viola's like "oh, just stay at ours, it's closer and i'll get you a car"
obsetress: and just like
obsetress: imagining the two of them cohabitating at vi's for a night
em: jamie sneaking around at night tryna find the bathroom and runs straight into vi in a face mask and a dangerously low dressing gown Again
obsetress: the parallels to canon
obsetress: im giggling
obsetress: walks straight into her path
em: opens a door. sees something she doesn’t want to see. immediately turns and walks away
em: god the face mask would make her look like the lady in the lake
obsetress: yeah
obsetress: vi wants to go out to dinner, jamie's just like "i'm already getting up early to go to the airport, can't we just have an easy night in"
em: what did i say before. that thing abt if ur friends w damie you will inevitably walk in on them
obsetress: god yeah
em: flip of that.
obsetress: oh GOD
em: god they would argue about dinner
em: bicker about EVERYTHING
em: dani and rebecca both make the married couple joke
em: jamie goes pale
obsetress: wait sorry i just went back to tahirahs insta post and like
obsetress: katie parker commented and was like "i love these shots of you" and she was like "thanks luv " and i'm like
obsetress: why does this....... still track........... with exes au...............
em: perdy is always a little too flirty w vis paramours
obsetress: always! except dani for whatever reason
obsetress: she's just scared of dani
em: Please
obsetress: rebecca's like "i don't see what the problem is. she can do what she wants, but you trust me, don't you?" "of course i trust you" rebecca shrugs "that's it then, isn't it?"
obsetress: anyway vi huffs n crosses her arms n pouts a little bit and is like "well i don't want her to"
obsetress: rebecca is endeared and uses the opportunity to her advantage like the top leaning switch she is
em: dani rebecca parallels: always dtf
obsetress: perdi and vi fighting and vi's like "are you even gay? or do you just want what i have?" and perdi is like "does it matter?"
em: are you even gay perdi nahdkdhdkdhd
em: perdi is like you KNOW about jamie and viola crinkles her nose bc she forgot about that and she’s starting to respect jamie as a person
obsetress: djflakdkfjldkadjLDJFLSKDFJLSDKFJx
obsetress: i screeched
em: viola: you only MET jamie because i hired her for landscaping you fucking-
obsetress: just thinking about perdita watching jamie working on some property sweating in a tank top and Deciding
em: bringing out some lemonade etc
em: haha you look parched
obsetress: smiling widely, turning on the charm
obsetress: jamie is very attractive and very swoonworthy, but perdita 100% only goes for it because she refuses to let viola have one (1) thing
obsetress: and that extends to lesbianism
em: viola's like no this is normal right. siblings competing. rivalries etc and danis like uh i’m an only child and jamies like uh i raised my brother
em: they don’t know how to tell her sure it happens but it’s also extremely fucken weird vi
obsetress: jamie: you have to tell her dani: why do i have to tell her jamie: you tell her everything dani: i don't tell her–– ok, i tell her most things. i'm not sure i want to tell her this though jamie: why not dani: she's not... she's not gonna like it jamie: So You Might Be A People Pleaser,
em: jamie: i can’t tell her. she’s only just forgotten the perdi thing. what if she remembers i’ve
em: in depth character study of viola and perdi’s fucked up rivalry
em: violas like goddamn it do i have to fuck jamie to get even
obsetress: i––
em: she decides against it
em: jamie is none the wiser
obsetress: she Considers it tho
em: jamie would die on the spot if she knew
obsetress: weighs the pros and cons
obsetress: the best part is like
obsetress: this is all post-danvi and pre-damie right so when dani n jamie see rebecca and vi at that video store
obsetress: viola's like wait.
obsetress: wait
obsetress: dani ending up with the hot gardener her sister fucked because she has bizarre jealousy and possession issues is really just the cherry on top of a shit sundae
em: the funniest part of all our very tangled lore is like
em: none of it contradicts bc it’s even funnier when it’s Extremely Ugly And Messy
em: because lesbians are just... like that
obsetress: exes au au where viola did fuck jamie, the video rental shop scene is 100 times more awkward
em: don’t think about it don’t think about it dont
em: i am thinking about it
em: jamie has to deal with having been railed by all three of them instead of just the two
em: it feels very uneven to her bc rebeccas a doll, dani, u don’t understand, and ur only running into one ex,
obsetress: talk about the mortifying ordeal of being known
obsetress: "wait, that's your ex?" "yeah" "dani" "what" "dani" "what" jamie's voice is hushed but a lil pitchy and a lot panicky "i think i fucked your ex" "you think?" "i fucked your ex" "you fucked her or she fucked you? because i'm sorry, baby, but i really don't think––"
em: sorry, baby, but i really don’t think-
obsetress: that might be my fave lil bit i've ever written adlfkjasdklf
em: dani being a little too interested in jamie getting railed is like. everything to me
obsetress: jamie's already big blushing
em: a little secret between hannah obsetress and em cowlesbian but i am So thinking abt it
em: patreon exclusive exes au au
[em edit: you can imagine how long this lasted]
obsetress: no one is happy about this situation except dani, who is delighted
em: after, jamie's like. what did u mean by u don’t think that...
em: puffs out her chest
em: i could have-
em: danis like yeah but i know u didn’t did u
obsetress: dani clayton ilu
em: danis like um
em: completely unprompted bc dani ‘finishes a conversation 5 hours later’ is really funny to me
em: danis like i did tho
em: jamies like can you DROP IT
em: she’s SMUG
em: she’s so pleased w herself
obsetress: in bed with the lights off jamie's pulling the sheets up and closing her eyes afterthought
obsetress: just a happy lil hum and an "i did, though"
obsetress: and jamie knows IMMEDIATELY what she's talking about
em: dani never lets jamie live it down
obsetress: never!
obsetress: they'll be washing dishes one day "hey baby?" "hmm" "you slept with a landlord"
em: oh um. flipping the whole ‘experienced jamie virginal dani’ trope everyone loves but
em: i love the idea of dani being like hey jamie did u ever- and jamies like (grumbles) does it matter
em: dani is mentally applying a gold star to her chart
obsetress: ksdljfskdfjlsdjflksdjaf
obsetress: the gold star
em: at this point dani is absolute just tryna tease jamie so she’s like oh well when- and jamies like ok i get it
em: jamie Pretends not to be a little interested
obsetress: meanwhile vi and rebecca very matter of factly swapped stories the first day they Realized
obsetress: vibecca swapping stories and their stories complimenting each other so well that they're like well. hmm
obsetress: glad those two found each other
em: two praise kinks u say
em: ok sorry one more thought i’m thinking abt like
em: jamie staying over (idk if this is before or during damie) and viola and perdi are having yet another spat on the phone and violas like
em: no you ALWAYS do this, whatever you think you’re doing with rebecca-‘ and she barely hears some muffled sorta ‘oh, sorry, remember jamie-
em: and jamies doing the maths. hmm
em: jamies like actually i refuse to examine this further. self care
em: brings it up with dani later and dani LOSES her shit laughing
em: haha jamie you got willoughby’ed
obsetress: SCREAMS
obsetress: you got willoughby'd
obsetress: how does one get willoughbyd asking for a friend
em: yeah same asking for a friend
obsetress: dani, gigglesnorting: wait, you hooked up with... with perdi?
obsetress: (dani hates perdita because viola hates perdita and it is a deep seated hatred she refuses to unlearn)
obsetress: a loyalty strange and enduring, despite it all
em: to be fair perdi is the Worst
em: all of these characters i love to make sympathetic and then perdi is where i draw the line akdhdkhd
em: it’s funnier if she’s awful
em: like a viola that never gets therapy
obsetress: lldjfkaskldfj god same
obsetress: it's too good
em: danis like wait hold on. lemme get a pen
em: makes a silly little chart
em: if the fandom tries to make jamie into a shane the l word character i will simply take that and make jamie mortified abt her uh. well! a pretty girl is nice to her and she forgets how to behave
em: jamie's like oh sure like u don’t have embarrassing flings- and danis like yeah but i don’t interact w them on a daily basis jamie
em: also i didn’t fuck perdi
obsetress: skskskflsdflks
obsetress: "you did fuck perdi though, right? because that just be embarrassing, jamie, if she had been the one who..."
em: skgsdjhdkdhdk
em: jamie grumbles something abt pillow princesses and dani like
em: CLAPS her hands in glee
obsetress: jlsdjflkJSDFKJSDFJ
obsetress: GOD
obsetress: she's immediately pulling out her phone to text vi
em: jamies like why would u message her sister that u freak n danis like oh no theyre very open with each other it’s uh. hmm. anyway
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druddigoon · 4 years
so i’m supposed to be working on scholarship applications but instead of writing 500 words on why i should receive money (bc i’m poor) i typed out 1.4k words of bederia smh
anyways cheeky au where bede feels feelings
> Nervousness, worry; something heavy building up in the heart, weighed down like a lagging tail; the bearer of bad news. Guilt. 
Bede lifts his arm up the second Gloria makes a move to get up from the couch. 
“Leaving?” he says. 
“Yeah.” It’s little more than an act nowadays, less for his benefit than Gloria’s. “It’s going to take at least a week to travel to and back from the dynamax sightings they want me to investigate, and I’d rather arrive back in time to catch the tail end of that fair you’re helping set up.” 
She’s wading her way around the coffee table when he grabs her hand. 
> Guilt, stronger now. Concern, rolling off in waves; can’t take deep breaths when the water line’s over your head. Resolve, don’t look back. No fear. 
No fear? Fear and concern usually go hand in hand. If she’s worried about running into a dangerous situation, why isn’t she scared about it? 
It takes him a while to realize she’s worried over him. 
“I’m not mad at you,” he blurts out, “This is your job, you’re the only one qualified enough to handle dens over five stars, and you’re doing it so Galar can be safe. I’d be an idiot to get mad at that.” 
“I know, I just wish it doesn’t have to be--” Gloria cuts herself off in the middle of her sentence. 
Doesn’t have to be like this. There were a lot of things that didn't have to be: Bede’s disqualification, the Eternatus incident, Gloria’s stepping down a year into her championship. Wistful ideations did not rewrite the stars. Both knew it very well. 
> Melancholy. Guilt loses its edge, dips down into resignation. 
She’s staring at the cluster of mushrooms starting to grow from the ceiling, glowing gentle hues of pink, blue, and green. For the umpteenth time, Bede wishes he could read thoughts instead of emotions. Doesn’t have to be like this. 
He sighs, lets go of her hand. “Come on. I’ll come to see you off at Hammerlocke.” 
Rule Number One: Never talk about your ability. 
Rule Number Two: Avoid touching anyone unless absolutely necessary.
Those were the two fundamental laws Bede set for himself during his time in the orphanage. Stories too grotesque to be put into words, stark terror and raw emotion. They blurred together to the point where he stopped caring--stopped reaching out, beat or intimidated anyone who tried to him. He withdrew. 
Compassion fatigue, he’d heard the social workers discuss, after his main caretaker quit. Emotional exhaustion leading to a decreased ability to feel empathy for others. The cost of care. He often wondered if he had that too, how others’ emotions were often so strong it had washed away his own, the dull ringing in his ears after he lost contact. Or maybe he’d always been like this. 
The first rule was broken when he accused his foster father of cheating, when he gave him a slap on the back after coming home from “work”. A day later he was picked up by Oleana, and told he’d shake hands with Macro Cosmos’s pawns during meetings. 
The second rule spiralled downwards when he accidentally bumped into a challenger, back in Galar Mine No 1. 
It’s such a hassle. So much easier to hate someone when he doesn’t know them. Rose is a man brimming with hope for the future, too bright to hold in a handshake for long. Oleana, once her obsessiveness and exhaustion and contempt for Bede has been whittled away from the manicured fingernails digging into his shoulder, is a woman who adores her saviour ever since the day he took her off the streets. He remembers the pity officers doled against his skin when they had to restrain him to be brought back to the orphanage, the desperation of a slipping boy when Hop’s knuckles bit into his lip. 
So much easier to hate when they weren’t all so human. 
In Ballonlea, where the sun fails to filter through the thick canopy of trees, time loses its grip. There is no such thing as a day and night cycle when all light comes from bioluminescent mushrooms, shining here before you were born and after you leave. 
Hammerlocke, in contrast, seems to be bathed in the light of the sun. Dying rays outline castle walls against a wash of red and gold, and shadows stretch over corners, gothic. The air is warm; he’d read somewhere that the obsidian masonry was designed to absorb heat during the day and release it at night, which saves them from temperature fluctuations as a mainland city near the wild area. Save for a few stragglers, the streets are empty. 
Bede is the first to arrive at the pokemon centre, teleported by his hatterene. 
Gloria wouldn’t arrive in a few minutes--she always liked taking the corvitaxi, watching the region pass by beneath her. Bede would accompany her if he didn’t have motion sickness. The last time they rode together had been...messy. 
He’s flipping through a curry catalogue in the lobby when she bursts in, windblown hair and old leather bag and all. 
“Sorry, I had to take a detour to get my stuff. Completely forgot about that, or I’d have brought them to your house.”  Golisopod lumbers in after, bags comically hanging on its upturned scutes. “Hope you didn’t wait long?” 
Bede checks his rotom-phone. Half an hour, but she doesn’t need to know that. “Yes, a whole fucking two minutes. I thought you were fine spending a month in the woods wearing the same clothes, eating berries and roots like a neanderthal.” 
“Oh, I hope Sylveon pukes on your pillow tonight.” The jab didn’t have much force to it, and he doesn’t need to touch her to see her stress; they’ve been around each other long enough for him to notice the incessant tic of her right foot, how she keeps running one hand over another as a soothing gesture, in the absence of his. 
(It’s endearing. He usually looks down at people who fail to disguise their fears, sees them as weak of will, but this is Gloria. She’s the girl who’d faced and captured gods, the girl known to take on the most unstable regions of the wild area and come out alive; she’s also the girl who released them after making sure they wouldn’t cause harm, the girl fretting not because she might be risking her life, but because Bede will miss her. It’s cute.) 
He sees her off at the Hammerlocke gates. Gloria has her back to him, checking maps, while her golisopod is already making its way down the stairs. The gap between them seems to be growing wider, and he wants nothing more than to reach for her shoulder. 
That would be crossing a boundary. They’d talked extensively about his ability, and she’d said yes, it’s okay to touch her, she had nothing to hide from him. But just because he has her consent doesn’t mean he’s privy to her feelings at the moment. 
Gloria closes her map, taking one step down the stairs.
Another step. Stops. 
She looks back. 
Whatever she sees on Bede’s face makes her turn around and run towards him. He doesn’t get a single word in before she throws her arms around him, almost barreling him over. 
> Courage, the strength to keep walking even though each step is a battle; confidence, the rain that washes away all doubt; hope, the fiercest of them all, a steady mantra of We’ll be okay.
He grips her tight, wishes for once he could speak his emotions like she’s speaking hers. Settles for balling all his conviction into a whisper. “You’re going to do phenomenal, you’re going to pummel whatever that dynamax pokemon is without breaking a sweat, and I’ll wake up a week from now with a million messages of how you kicked their ass. Don’t worry about me.” 
He can feel her smile from the shift of her cheek. “And I’m going to come back to Ballonlea’s first town fair sensationalised on the headlines of every media site, and finally get to ride on a ferris wheel that isn’t always ‘out of order’ like Wyndon’s is, because you did a great job bossing people and pokemon around. Don’t worry about me.” 
They let go. 
Gloria heads down the stairs to her golisopod. His skin burns warm as he watches them meet up, as they round the corner, until they are gone. 
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seijch · 4 years
just binge read ur previous asks for the sleepover and i was very much entertained😌 how would ur top 3 ACTUALLY dress? like we always see those “outfits the hq boys would wear” but they seem so... unrealistic😭🤚
whack me w a pillow or smth (sleepover event)
ok im typing this after finishing the post but i rlly like the way this came out so everyone please read it if you want to see me brainrot over konoha kenji n kuroo ...
KONOHA is definitely a man who Knows his essentials ... knows the beauty of sweatpants and joggers and knows that he looks Good in a solid colored tee (but doesnt shy away from print ... its just that if you open his closet its literally black white n the occasional pop of color) i would LOVE to say he accessorizes but no he doesnt 💔💔 its his fatal flaw too ..... dont be shy aki let me buy you one of those chain bracelets!!!!! those are sexy as fuck and i PROMISE they would make him look even better!!!!!!! in general he gives me big silver or white gold vibes even if i cant see him wearing jewelry on his own :/ its ok if he were to date me id make him come around to the idea ...
he gives white air max 90 or air force 1 vibes does that make sense . if anything has color in his fit its maybe some print on his shirt but if not its DEFINITELY his shoes ... i was thinking abt this but i think hed look good in the bel air jordan 5s but maybe thats just bc i wanted to get a pair NJFKDSFS if we want to get a little less realistic (i mean not rlly bc i know ppl who do this) he probably keeps up w supreme drops n its less to resell and more to get the clothes at retail price which is MUCH more reasonable than resell (i think its 40 for a shirt? idk my friend keeps up w it n i love to hear him brainrot but that doesnt mean i retain ALL the information 🤕)
:: go-to outfit? say it with me ... white shirt/crewneck sweater if it’s cold with sweats. if he needs to dress it up, hell throw on some plaid or switch it up w some nice jeans. unlike the other two he has a good idea of how to dress throughout his life which makes looking Back a much . easier experience compared to the other two LMAO
FUTAKUCHI swears by the denim gods when he needs to actually Care abt his outfits and im MAD abt it bc how dare he look good .... im going to fucking kill him 🪓🪓🪓🪓 the image of kenji in a denim jacket w a hoodie underneath n some ripped jeans haunts my every waking moment you dont understand......... hes ALSO a plaid man which pisses me off even more .... but im going to be honest he uses outerwear to hide the fact that theres definitely a hole in the armpit of his favorite shirts ... hes had them since high school kenji PLEASE buy some new shirts!!!! probably suffers in summer bc he cant wear jackets n stuff without looking weird (has definitely said hes wearing plaid For The Fit when in reality its bc theres a stain on the back of his shirt from when he sat in bird shit. its Artistic baby speak your truth!!!)
at least you can convince konoha to wear jewelry if you keep at it ... while i think kenji gives silver vibes over gold i dont think you would be able to convince him to wear it unless youve already bought it and basically ambush him with it JKSDFDS if anything i think hed settle for those leather bracelets ... its ok his ego is fragile ❤ shoe wise idk he gives me vans vibes (so does konoha but he also looks like a nike stan so i said that instead). if he lives somewhere cold he probably owns a pair of those classic wheat colored timbs (You Know The Ones)
i can tell you RIGHT NOW that in elem and junior high he was one of those kids w the neon athletic fits that took pe too serious when he got in the groove 😐 shut the fuck up n pass me the ball kenji were in fourth grade i shouldnt be failing PARTICIPATION in PE 🗣🗣🗣
:: go-to outfit? a rlly comfy denim jacket (hell let you borrow it if you bitch enough n hell be like Sigh . The Things I Do For You but when you slip it on hes abt to combust) w a shirt that probably has a chili stain at the hem of it n ripped jeans. the white slip on vans. i hate that he looks good.
KUROO is . idk i feel like hes a lot harder to pin down but he probably shopped at hot topic in middle school 💔 is this projection? maybe. am i WRONG abt it tho ... ANYWAY like everyone who grows out of that phase, he has Taste ... post college or just at the club i KNOW he understands the effect a slightly unbuttoned black shirt has 👁 prob rode the eboy wave bc he thought the fashion was nice so he might have a few of those clunky rings ... rarely wears them but bitch he SHOULD!!!! otherwise, i think he keeps it pretty simple! lots of hoodies and sweaters bc if he has no one to rlly impress hes big on comfort. owns a good amt of athleleisure (is that how you spell that hjkdfds) bc he does work out regularly but if you were to come across him during an 8am lecture i can guarantee all he did before coming to class is brush his teeth ... 
unfortunately not a chain man but while his rings may be black (yk like black titanium) or silver, if he were to wear a chain i think hed be fine with either silver or gold! i personally think hed look good in either 🙈 shoe wise i rlly cannot pin him down ... for running im seeing him leaning towards nike shoes but i like . cannot tell what hed wear regularly SHJFKDS 
what i CAN say is that when he was younger (and i mean until his second year of high school) he was one of Those Kids that wore the Quirky printed button ups but like . this time its not a compliment . in junior high he definitely thought those ... and it PAINS ME PHYSICALLY to say this ...... fingerless gloves were the coolest things around ..... i hate that i had to google that now im going to get ads for hot topic
:: go-to outfit? black hoodie w maybe some design or print on it w sweats or jeans (like konoha hell dress it up or down depending on where youre going). if you make him wear them hell even bust out the eboy rings he bought forever ago <33 i think later in life when hes more sure of himself (and i mean like after hs ... hes good in his 3rd year but i feel like hell still deflect compliments in the form of teasing and not believe it in 3rd year) he Knows he looks good so he doesnt rlly have to try unless you want to be That Couple that takes over the world one fit at the time ... in the end the only one he wants to impress is you 🙈
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youngkbf · 5 years
Taeil | Johnny | Taeyong | Yuta | Kun | Doyoung | Ten | Jaehyun | Winwin | Jungwoo | Lucas | Mark | Xiaojun | Hendery | Renjun | Jeno | Haechan | Jaemin | Yangyang | Chenle | Jisung
there's a big range on what the two of you consider a date
going out for food, grocery shopping, laser tag, couples yoga
like just imagine this
you moved the furniture in your living room a lil so that you get more space and you put the yoga mat on the floor
Sicheng is wearing shorts and a tank top and his hair is secured by a headband
he's not sure how you convinced him to do this but he's here so might as well do it. So you show him the picture on your phone that you got from some random website and he looks it at for a second
it seems easy when the people on the picture are doing it, but you're sweating and your arms are shaking and your grip on Sicheng's hands is a bit too strong
"i can't do this"
"yes, you can. C'mon just a few more seconds"
big uwu
doesn't really like pda unless it's with you but he's kinda shy about it
puts your intertwined hands in his pocket hoping that it'll be a bit more lowkey and no one notices it
but if for some reason you don't hold his hand he's gonna be all like :(((
tried to cook on your anniversary but whatever it was that he was trying to make got stuck to the pot so you just threw it away and went out to eat
pretends to cook you breakfast every weekend but the truth is, he gets up earlier, goes out to buy it, puts it on a plate and brings you breakfast in bed
it's been months and you haven't caught up to it
the only person that knows about it it's Yuta bc they ran into each other one time
Sicheng asks you to open the door when he knows it's Yuta on the other side so that you can tell him that he's not home
"so those pancakes last weeken-"
"Yuta hyung, how have you been?"
calls you either by your name or love
likes to hum under his breath when you're cleaning
really bad at board games so he tries to cheat
definitely has a picture of you in his wallet
leans his head on his palm while looking at you with literal heart eyes when you speak
his mom is always asking for you when she calls
soft for you and for you only
likes to just cup your face and kiss you all over
giggles when you kiss his nose
doesn't have a preference about being the lil spoon or the big spoon
unless he's sad, then he's the lil spoon
teases you when you wear his clothes but his ears are pink
"do you want me to go and change?"
Sicheng can't keep his hands off you when you're wearing his clothes
and he'll hide his face in your shoulder, in your hair, behind his hands, behind a pillow anywhere so that you stop teasing him about his red cheeks
texts you random things
"do you think we'd be good dragon owners?"
"probably, I mean...our hamster hasn't died right?"
"yeah, about that..."
also like random heart emojis whenever he thinks about you
a bit shy to physically say that he loves you but he'll say it through text or leave a note on the fridge if he has to leave the house before you
Sicheng is very good at reading emotions, so he'll know when you're not okay
probably knows what you need before you even know you need it
that's just how it is with the two of you
you take care of each other better than you take care of yourselves
Sicheng doesn't get jealous often but when he does it's obvious
he goes very very very very quiet and he's sulking and grumpy like a child
denies it
but you can make it up to him with lots and lots of kisses and maybe taking him out for dinner
fights are also rare and most times it's just the two of you throwing sarcastic comments at each other
then you go to bed angry and you're on opposite sides of the bed with your backs turned
none of you is asleep although you pretend to be bc you know the other is awake
"hey, are you awake?"
"i'm sorry about earlier"
"i'm sorry too"
you turn around so that you can cuddle and in the morning you'll talk things through
but until then you can sleep in peace, knowing that you're not mad at each other
omg he's so cute I wanna die
feedback is appreciated :)
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juleswolverton-hyde · 5 years
Hold the door (BC x Reader)
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Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Bangchan x Reader
Warning: Spoilers for GoT S4 & S6 E5
Summary: Fantasy can be brutal yet be addicting after a long day of work. Fortunately, a dearly loved kangaroo knows how to lessen the pain of the politics of Westeros.
Author’s Note: Top o’ the morning!
This is my first piece for Stray Kids since they are slowly taking over my life and especially Chris (Bangchan). Hopefully, despite this being not BTS-related for once, it is still an enjoyable read.
For any Stays reading this and who are not acquainted with my works as of yet: I hope I do not disappoint.
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A good story evokes emotions with its imagery and plot line, even more so when actors play out the scenes which are craftily adapted to a visual new format despite being written first in ink. The series ‘’Game of Thrones’’ is a splendid example of what might happen in a scenario in which the story hits harder than expected, beloved characters dying left and right while the audience can merely look on in horror.
Or cheer in delight in Joffrey’s case.
The day at work at the café in the centre of town had been hazardous, the arrival of spring break ensuring lots of tourists to come in to taste and photograph the seasonal specials while enjoying the gradually becoming warmer sunny weather. The entire shift literally consisted of creating soft sweet sakura custard buns and sweet lush green mochis decorated with a rice dough cherry blossom and petals, slicing up the slightly floral cheesecake with a pink inside that had to be remade perhaps four to five times due to the high demand. Not to speak of the effort to deliver with making the time-consuming coffees and hot or cold cocoas befitting the abundant fall of sakura around the village. However, such are the duties of being part of the already small team: each person has to be able to work all-round when this time of the year comes despite there not being too much patronage otherwise since the city is not that big nor well-known.
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But every exhausting shift makes a mini-marathon in the evening of the new season of ‘’Game of Thrones’’ all the more deserved, simply sitting back on the comfortable creme-coloured love seat with a cup of freshly prepared ice coffee and either a tub of cookies and cream ice cream or a protein bar in the same flavour. Fortunately, it is not minded by the boyfriend of one and a half years since the blonde athletic boy can mostly be found at the gym in the evenings when not hanging out with friends.
Nonetheless, Chris’s absence is more of a curse since the first episode of the night has a grander impact on the psyche than expected, making a firm hug that is mostly tried to be escaped from under normal circumstances now dearly desired. Too many impactful emotional events follow each other up at the end of the sixth season’s fifth episode, triggering the rare reaction of tears in eyes that can merely watch and a palm wrapped over a speechless mouth.
The response is even powerful enough to miss the click of the front door of the shared apartment and the dull thump of the ashen buffalo bag filled with sports gear in the tiny entryway leading to the studio, much less so the giggle following the habitual greeting of “I’m home, babygirl”, which is still awkward despite the many times it has been uttered.
‘Hey, Y/N, are you, wait, are you crying?’ As soon as the credits roll over the screen and the DVD is paused, fingers unclasp from paralyzed lips to wipe away the watery traces of the damage done by mere yet gripping fantasy which stirs the youth to rush over to the couch and rapidly take place on the empty spot formerly occupied by bare feet, making a sorrowful being bounce slightly with the impact of the sudden additional weight. Firm veiny arms are immediately clung onto when they initiate an unbreakable embrace, one slender hand placed protectively on the top of the head, cradling it against the shoulder. ‘What happened?’
No answer comes per direct, first throwing out every bit of frustration thanks to fantastical explicit cruelty while holding on to an oversized sweat-soaked onyx shirt but not minding the hint of sourness to the characteristic scent of minty soap. The golden-haired lad resembling a kangaroo when fired up with energy has taken on the tranquil appearance of a koala, its counterpart, and simply waits patiently until the incoherent blabbering attempts at voicing a reason for the silly behaviour gain a sense of logic. Simultaneously, the left upper arm is being rubbed in uncomprehending close solace, chin resting on the crown of the head when not giving soft caring forehead kisses and whispering soothing nothings.
At last, after a good while of crying, it is dared to look Chris in the eye to tell what forms the reason for the curious distress. Nevertheless, it is an obvious fact the thumb caressing the cheek while explaining forms one of the support pillars which keeps speech steadier than it would be without. ‘Geo- George R.R. Martin is a bastard. He- He let Bran’s wolf be killed by Whitewalkers and- and... Hodor...’ A heavy sob. ‘M- mea- means “ho- hold the door”...’
The very vivid thought about the death of the kind giant at the door arises, initiating a continuation of the lament created by a splendid bastard of an author’s writing. The hug tightens, a rumble in the trained chest beneath the slick flowy fabric resulting in an adorable chuckle as tears stream down a pale neck. ‘You take it way too seriously, Y/N. It’s just a story. Nobody’s actually dead, everything is fine.’
‘Shut up, Chris, you do- don’t know what power George has.’ It is incredible how ‘’Game of Thrones’’ has escaped the attention of the Australian platinum youth, but at the same time places him in a disposition of ignorance about how sensitive talk about the show can be. Certainly for long-time viewers who have likely seen their favourites be brutally murdered in favour of plot progression.
‘No, I don’t, but how about you show me and I’ll try to protect you from it?’ Hazel irises light up at the prospect at one of the most loved things aside from the steady relationship with a girl who gets carried away into fantasy too often and, judging by the broad smirk that begins to form, the continuation of the proposal is nothing surprising yet deliciously loving. ‘With food?’
‘Tha- That’s your solution to ev- everything, isn’t it?’ A careful curl of the corners of the mouth forms out of the sorrowful expression at seeing the genuine giddiness at a second dinner or, rather, late night snack together. Although, it also arises out of the vivid images quickly flashing by of the personified koala’s silly movements whenever something tastes incredible, the funny habit always a cause for affectionate laughter and a source of confidence in the at times doubtful personal cooking skill.
‘It always makes you smile,’ a stray strand is tucked behind the ear, plush roseate lips placing a sweet kiss on the forehead, ‘I’ll first take a shower and then prepare some tteokbokki. How about that?’
Unconsciously, a consenting eager nod is already given before the reaction can be even thought about, the stomach having overtaken demeanour out of anticipation of the small rice cakes. ‘Extra spicy?’
A slight nervousness slips into attitude, eyes holding a silent plead for toning down on the spice levels because the last time they were too high for most to handle, Cris’s friends who came over for the monthly movie night all frantically reaching for cucumber and milk to nullify the impact while trying to save the fellow Australian of the group at the same time. Withal, howbeit while clearly contemplating to adjust the amount of gochujang regardless of the request, the proposal is agreed to. ‘Sure, extra spicy it is. Now, don’t you dare continue in the meanwhile or I won’t cuddle you for the rest of the week.’
A sceptic roll of the eyes, finding no credibility in the statement considering the personality of the speaker. ‘Oh, come on, we both know that’s an empty threat.’
The slightly loosened embrace tightens to a literally breathtaking degree once more, but now it is tried to be escaped as is normally the case when the blonde youth tends to get cheesily clinging. ‘Or I hug you to death, your choice.’
‘Let me go!’ Any type of resistance results in the opposite, becoming more and more the prisoner of secure loving arms instead of a free woman. Notwithstanding, it cannot be said it is minded, though the rumbling in the stomach betrays the recently realized craving for food that can only be had when giving in.
‘Not before you answer.’ The heavy weight suddenly tipping the scales cannot be prevented from being the oppressor of the strength that is unable to lift it, head hitting the soft pillows of the sofa on the other end as the sporty lad with dewy skin maintains the firm hug. A delighted playful chuckle sounds at the realization of having the held figure exactly where she is apparently wanted, unable to be freed before having made a decision. ‘Well, what’s it gonna be?’
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‘Either way, you’ll suffer. Option one leaves me alive but you’ll get cuddle withdrawal symptoms. Option two leaves you without your favourite squishy.’ An eyebrow rises in challenging mockery which will only worsen the circumstances though the sarcasm cannot be helped. Just as in the brutal series, if you play smart, you shall survive. And this preferred victim of affection, this most beloved fighter of clinging hugs, has plans to survive the night.
‘Aren’t you clever, turning my own words against me?’ A lopsided smirk forms on the koala boy’s face, eyes illuminated by playful lights.
‘In the Game of Thrones, you live or you die and I intend to do the former.’ Henceforth, a cute sweetness slips into speech as lips irresistibly pout, manipulating Chris even further into hurrying up in fulfilling the promise of tteokbokki and stop stalling the rest of the well-deserved marathon. ‘I’m hungry.’
Blonde locks bow in amused defeat, shaking briefly with acknowledged surrender before gazes lock again. ‘I have no idea what that reference means, but you win this time, Y/N. Can’t let my babygirl starve.’
The characteristic awkward laughter accompanying the nickname by default ends the topic of debate, the kangaroo boyfriend lifting himself off a half-crushed no longer entirely torn by fantasy figure to finally shower. In the absence filled with the lingering traces of songs sung with an angelic voice, more pillows and a thin ornately decorated blanket are gathered for properly snuggling up with delicious food and an amazing but heartbreaking brutal show.
Sweater paws clad in a soapy mint oversized sweater wrap around the platinum youth’s waist to give him a taste of his own medicine, trying to show how inconvenient it can be when a person is basically glued to you during household tasks, which lets them become increasingly more complicated due to the loving gesture. Withal, it does not have the intended effect as the young man manages to get along with making the rice cakes coated in a fierce red sauce just fine although it does pose a bit of a risk when a small hand reaches out for the gochujang tub to add more to the sauce and the chef obviously not consenting to this idea, the dispute resulting in play fighting that almost turns the fire pit open too far without further notice.
The tickling almost results in burns and burned clothing, the just as touchy retribution barely short of ending in a trail of sauce stains leading from the kitchen floor to the fake black leather loveseat thanks to fingertips poking sides. Regardless, it is managed to be reached without further ado, the cruelly incredible series resuming with one strong arm wrapped around the shoulders, a warm meal split in two put into two laps sitting side by side. Occasionally, a chewy tteok is fed with a content smile from the bigger portion of the athlete eating like a starved man, who is evidently as happy with the result of the obstructed cooking as the appreciating look in the eyes of the accepting mouth, going by the happy wiggles accompanied by tuneful hums.
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And thus the imaginary intriguing political game synonymous to crimson onslaught continues, because the questioning, at times shocked, comments made out of ignorance brighten the mood due to their silent request for an explanation, delighting the nerdy fangirl within to no end.
Keeping the worst of silly emotions at bay.
Holding the door.
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bambamrk · 6 years
supernova hc; march
( small updates might be made week to week but this for the overall month of march! will post for the next month! ) 
his bags of sewing goodies, stuffing for his stuffed animals, outlines of different prints and etc! he probs also make throw pillows or small things! as well as his knitting projects.
clothes, clothes, clothes! bambam has a v good taste in fashion + expensive taste. he normally v fined dressed for nova building and this isn’t any different. of, he does have some sweats, tanks and sleeping clothes. one pair of house shoes, three pairs of tennis shoes ( one pair for practice, the other for fashion ), two pairs of dress shoes ( once again, one for fashion, one for practice. ) see here, here, here & here ( and to him this is normal ) & aside from his tennis shoes, his shoes had a slight heel to them bc he short.
skin care items bcs, items! he takes this serious at least. always need lip balm as well! cracked lips? * clc voice * no 
tablet! yeah, no internet connection ( that he will show. ) but he has a few apps and games and etc that he wants. things relating to his beat boxing and saving his sewing projects. 
candles! freshly made candles by him just for this project. probs will burn it late at night as he does things ( mainly in the living room ) 
his black leather duffel bag which he will use to carry things from the temp dorm to the practice rooms 
the lunch boxes that kaeun made him, so pls don’t touch 
camera! + laptop to work on video editing. he promises it’s just the program on it! 
portable keyboard! 
when he does sleep, he’s a very light sleeper. 
goes to sleep very late and wakes up even earlier 
doesn’t take him much time to wake up so he’ll be good to go 
light to none when it comes to snoring 
has wireless earphones so he might leave on in while he sleeps. yes, we have fear of alarms going off so he sets it on the tablet 
friendly and out going when he does interact with people 
tho he’s always had this sadness with him + he won’t really be able to spend the free time with his buddies ( which means he can’t just roll up to the girls dorms and hang out with people ) + he has a little ‘some’ possibly so he’s also kind of despondent 
still thinks nova is keeping them to make them fight hunger games style so he’s slightly suspicious of everything they have them do 
is trying to grow used to the camera’s, he’ll probably watch himself a lot..which doesn’t always make for great content 
most likely will be knitting or sewing in his free time ( he can mend someones fav shirt that got ripped ) 
will spend A LOT of time in the practice rooms just because
he’s a dancer so maybe he’ll bust out a random few moves 
he likes to cook, he’ll probs try and slip them some extra money to get him a few more items! so cooking bambam is a go! ( he will always prefer a home cooked meal and is the most extra when even making snacks ) 
most of his phone calls be in public view but some, he’ll escape to the bathroom and talk. moments with certain friends + his family, he wants to try and keep it as private as possible 
beatboxes a lot, even just by habit. it doesn’t mean to do it but he does oops! 
if he can stream movies, will watch and cry bc he’s emotional 
expect him to be up early and ready to go! 
doesn’t really seem to tire himself out...at least he doesn’t show iit 
mainly focused on dance / rap but i guess some singing will be thrown in meep 
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jaeminlore · 7 years
Thief Pt 4 // Park Jimin
Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3
- Part Four: Pain
summary: in which prince jimin doesn’t know that his future wife is not only trying to steal from him, but is also trying to kill him.
words: 3,505
warnings: physical abuse, verbal abuse
category: prince au, angst
author note: oops this is late bc i had a busy day but it’s still Wednesday so it’s technically on schedule. also things are getting serious so tell me your thoughts! also I write these in third person first for my wattpad so there may be some mistakes where I missed the pronouns sorry
- destinee
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- A harsh knock sounded on your door, surprising you out of the deep slumber you were in.
“Y/n! Wake up!” Jeongguk’ lovely shouting practically reverberated off of the bedroom walls.
You found yourself longing for Minah’s soothing voice as your morning alarm clock, rather than the prince’s loud guard. You groaned at the sound of your door opening.
“C'mon, Princess, rise and shine.” Jeongguk pulled open the heavy drapes that covered your window, resulting in the bright morning sun infiltrating your vision.
“It’s Saturday,” you argued, hugging your pillow to your chest as you sat on your sheets. “Wedding preparations don’t start for a whole week.”
“Jimin said you might like to try sword-fighting,” Jeongguk said nonchalantly.
This peaked your interest. You had owned a small dagger back at the inn, but fighting with the knife-like weapon was probably nothing compared to a real sword.
“It took me forever to convince Minah to let you come with me,” Jeongguk continued. “She said your hands would callous before the wedding, but I told her Jimin could care less about that.”
You couldn’t let the smile fade from your face. “I get to learn how to fight?”
That skill would be great to have when the entire kingdom was against you for aiding in the assassination of their monarchs.
“You should be able to protect yourself,” Jeongguk answered. “Minah is the greatest sword fighter I know, although she would never admit it. I’ll have her help you while I attend to the prince.”
“Wow,” you felt your adrenaline pumping as you thought of actually fighting. It was a thrilling to think of. “Do I get my own sword?”
Jeongguk hummed, “We’ll figure out which weight and model you want, and then we’ll talk to the smith.”
“En Garde!” You laughed, struggling to hold the double-handed sword Jeongguk had handed to you.
“Honestly,” Minah sighed. She grabbed a smaller sword off the shelf of the armory and handed it to you. “You’ll break your arm swinging a broadsword like that.”
“But she looks cool,” Jeongguk interjected with a smirk, his own broadsword swung over his shoulder.
Minah rolled her eyes at the younger boy, “Looking cool doesn’t help if you can’t defend yourself.”
Jeongguk rolled his eyes, “Are you going to teach her your father’s stupid defense before offense rule?”
“It’s better than your attack now think later rule,” Minah retorted, earning a smirk from Jeongguk.
As much as you loved watching the couple bicker, you were anxious to learn how to fight with the blade in your hands. “Can we get on with the lesson, already?”
Minah’s eyes averted from Jeongguk’s challenging gaze. “Right. First thing is first: have you had any previous experience with weapons?”
“Daggers,” you said. “I used it when people wouldn’t pay for their mead.”
The couple looked at you strangely. Your eyes widened and you held her hands out once you realized what they might’ve been thinking, “I didn’t kill them! I just threatened them, is all. It’s normal for innkeepers.”
“Maybe in Krull,” Jeongguk muttered under his breath. “Here, I’ll teach you the proper stance.”
He and Minah helped you plant you feet properly and hold the sword up so that a blow wouldn’t send you flying.
“Okay,” you said. “Now let’s do this.”
“Don’t be too eager,” Minah warned, although Jeongguk was egging on your excitement by feigning blows left and right. “We still have to go through the rules of defense. The most important of which is never harm an opponent unless you are out of every other option…”
You suppressed an annoyed sigh as she continued talking. Luckily, Jeongguk stood behind her, making faces at you, so it wasn’t too bad.
By the next Saturday, you were able to block Jeongguk’s harsh swings. He had praised you often by complimenting how much of a natural you were with the blade.
“It’s all angles and strategy,” you had told him.
“Tell that to the prince,” Jeongguk snorted as he blocked your overhead swing. You frowned at your somewhat sloppy movements and repositioned yourself.
“What?” You asked. Jeongguk swung a blow to your left side, and you impeded back, only barely dodging the steel blade. “Does Jimin not fight well?”
“He fights with his emotions,” Jeongguk answered simply. As he spoke, he swung his sword down in one swift motion.
Luckily, your reaction was quick and you were able to block it with your own weapon. Beads of sweat appeared on your brow as you struggled to keep his sword from literally slicing you in half.
“What’s going on out here?” You felt queasy at the sudden sound of an all-too-familiar voice. Your mind went back to thoughts of the day at the fountain and you faltered.
Jeongguk immediately stood up and turned, bowing ninety degrees. “Good day, Your Majesty.”
You felt yourself shrink back. In all your life living in Krull, you had met many men. You met scary men who wanted money and wanted it now. You met nasty men who wanted to pay with their body instead of their wallets. You met dangerous men who beat you when you didn’t meet the deadline they had set on their own accord.
But never in your life had you met someone as intimidating as King Park. His eyebrows were dark and always furrowed, lips pursed as if he had just smelt something horrible. His cheeks were always dark, but it seemed to be in anger rather than embarrassment.
The sword you had once held up proudly was now limp at your side. The king was glaring at you, and it finally occurred to you that you hadn’t bowed.
When you did, as gracefully as you could, the King scoffed. He walked up to you, his face dangerously close to yours as he spoke in a threatening tone, “Who told you that you could learn how to fight?”
You dared to stepped back, afraid. For some reason, your mind was telling you not to throw Jimin under the bus. You’ve faced scary men before, you told yourself, Just because this one had a crown on his head didn’t mean he was any different.
“I did. I wanted to learn so I made Jeongguk teach me,” you spoke boldly.
“Don’t lie to me,” the king hissed. “I know this was my son’s doing. That boy has been treading thin waters lately.”
The venom in his voice made you feel somewhat protective over the prince. Honestly, what had he done to make the king so angry at him all of the time.
“Jeongguk,” King Park barked, finally looking away from the future princess. “Bring Jimin to my study.”
Jeongguk looked like steel, his face set in a glare that would scare anyone. He didn’t like the king any more than you did, apparently. Still, he firmly nodded and walked back towards the castle in angry strides.
“If I see you so much as touch a weapon again,” King Park turned back to you threateningly, “I swear Jimin won’t have a wench to marry.”
You choked back your fear.
Minah eventually convinced you to take a bath and rest. “You’ll be preparing for the wedding starting tomorrow and there’s no need for you to be stressed.”
You sank under the warm water, ignoring Minah’s annoyed sigh and as you held your breath as long as you could.
Underwater, you felt cocooned and safe. You couldn’t shake the threat of the king out of your mind.
Had he meant it? Did he just have anger issues? Why didn’t he want you to learn how to fight?
You finally came up above the surface, gasping for air. You pushed your hair out of your face and sighed, looking over at Minah’s tired form. “Go rest, Minah.”
Realizing you had noticed her slouch, Minah straightened up and smiled brightly. “I don’t rest until you do, Your Highness.”
“Well then I order you to go rest,” you said, a smirk appearing on your lips.
“Will you be okay?” Minah asked. “I’m sure that his comment shook you up.”
“I’ve dealt with worse,” you assured her. It was very kind of Minah to serve you without complaint, but you didn’t really like the ranking system in the castle. It felt like no one could defy the king that everyone was obviously afraid of.
You felt nearly at ease, thinking of the moment the king would finally be killed and the land might be whole again.
Jimin walked into his father’s study, feeling scared. With the look of distaste on Jeongguk’s face and the simple he found out gaze he gave the prince, Jimin knew he was in for.
Jimin ducked his head as soon as he saw his father’s gaze. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have suggested it.”
His father slammed both his palms against the desk, causing Jimin to jump at the noise. “Did you think I would be okay with it? Did you think teaching her to fight would help anyone?”
Jimin opened his mouth to speak, his lips feeling dry, “I-I thought it would be good for her to protect herself if someone came for her…like they came for Mother.“
He felt a hand come down on his cheek, and his mind barely registered the physical pain compared to the quick and fearful beating of his heart against his chest.
”Don’t speak of her.“
Jimin nodded quickly. His tongue darted out to wet his lips, but quickly retreated when all Jimin could taste was the copper tinge of his own blood.
“Yes, Father,” he said softly.
He felt guilty and shameful. It was all his fault really. His father wouldn’t have to punish him if he would just obey and stop pushing the limits. If he would just listen and stop acting out.
Jimin could take the pain, really. He had been through a lot in his life. Pain was something he had become accustomed to since his mother died. At first, the young boy thought it was his father’s grief coming out in an extreme way. However, as he grew up, he realized that his dad had just been like that. He was just an angry man who had a lot of emotional mood swings. It was just Jimin’s luck to always be with his father when he had them.
Jimin’s gaze felt foggy as he left his father’s study. Shame found its way into his heart and settled there. He felt wrong, like he should’ve known better than to ask Jeongguk to teach you how to fight.
He just wanted to protect you, in case anything happened.
A horrible thought crossed the prince’s mind as he passed the corridor leading to your room. Had his father hurt you? We’re you okay?
He strode down the corridor before he could second guess himself. With a swift knock upon your door, he sighed in relief at your soft “Just a minute!”
When you opened the door, Jimin felt his face heat up. You were wearing a silk nightgown, with your hair was still wet from your bath, and the look seemed somewhat…appealing to the prince. Before he could embarrass himself by staring, Jimin smiled widely at you. “Hello.”
Your eyes trailed down the prince’s face, frowning as you looked at his lips. “Why are you bleeding?”
My father forgot to take his rings off. “I tripped and bit my lip when I fell.”
“Oh,” your voice was still quiet.
Jimin stuffed his hands into his pockets and exhaled, his eyes on the ground. “Listen, I hope my father didn’t scare you earlier. He’s a really good guy, just sometimes the stress of everything gets to be too much. I’m sorry if you were frightened.”
You shook your head, a soft smile painted across your lips, “I’ve dealt with worse. I’ll be okay.”
Jimin didn’t like your answer, but it was the only one he was given.
Jimin had never felt more boredom than he had sitting in his father’s council room, listening to a bunch of men fight about a wedding.
One of the young lords, a man named Alvin, addressed Jimin. “If it’s going to be a public wedding, we should invite the people of Krull to come watch. After all, it’s a ceremony to bring the two parts of the country together again.”
Jimin agreed wholeheartedly. He wanted nothing more than to show the people of Krull that he was willing to compromise with them. That he wanted to change the land he would rule for better, so that everyone would have a bed to sleep in and food to eat. Unfortunately, Jimin knew his father wouldn’t be fond of the idea. His father had always told him that it was good to keep Krull from the benefits Eden reaped. It told them who was in charge. Although, Jimin didn’t agree with this philosophy, he didn’t dare argue with his father.
The king had stated many times that a public wedding would only be held if the guests were of high ranking.
So, Jimin spoke against the lord reluctantly, “I don’t know if I like the idea.”
“Right,” another lord spoke up. “Krull is full of nothing but thieves and murderers.”
“I suppose you’re not calling your future queen a thief and a murderer?” Alvin shot back.
Jimin pinched the bridge of his nose. “I don’t think anyone is insinuating that my fiancé is a thief or a murderer.”
You locked yourself in your bedroom.
You were given one day to yourself before the wedding preparations officially started, and you chose to spend it in Krull. You were desperate to see Hoseok after so long, but even more desperate to get some rum from the inn. Three bottles should be enough to get the prince drunk.
He was emotional, and from experience of working in an inn, you knew that most emotional people were easiest to get information from. They would spill their darkest secrets to anyone who would listen.
You only needed a hint. Better yet, he could slip you the key to the King’s personal office. Then all you would have to do is transfer the key to your employer and your job would be over.
Finally, you would play the innocent victim: the sad fiancée and daughter-in-law when the king and prince were found dead.
Happy with your plan, you got dressed and walked outside, where Jeongguk was waiting to take you back to Krull for the day.
“We’ll pick you up before nightfall,” Jeongguk stated with a clear nod to you. “Be safe.”
“I will, thank you.” You waved until the carriage was out of your sight, and then you ran into the inn. “Hobi, I’m home!”
Before you could run behind the bar and look for your friend (who seemed nowhere to be found), you was grabbed by the waist and pulled backward.
A gruff voice spoke in your ear, causing you to cringe as drops of wet saliva fell onto your cheek. “Have you got what we need?”
“Not quite,” you answered, a forced smile upon your face. “My plan of action will go out tonight, if all goes as planned, so you’ll have the key to the king’s office in no time. From there, your assassins can deal with him.”
“And the prince? How will we get him alone?”
“Leave that to me,” you said. “I’ll make sure the prince is in the king’s study when your men come in. Just say the word.”
“Good,” he grumbled. “Krull isn’t getting any better, and your customers are angry that you’ve been chosen. Requests are backed up for days and you need to be back here as soon as you can.”
“I’m doing this so I don’t have to steal for people anymore. You pushed him away from you. "I’m doing this so Krull will be a better place. I’m doing this so children won’t sleep on the streets because their parents died of starvation. This is bigger than stealing, and I know that.”
“Good.” The man nodded in satisfaction. “Once Lord Chanyeol becomes our prince, we’ll get the treatment we deserve. I’m glad you’ve recognized the greater good.”
“I have,” you said.
It was bigger than just paying off Hoseok’s debt and living a care free life. This was for those in Krull who needed help. This was for schools and homes and farms to come back from the dead. This was for a working land to become prosperous again.
“Y/n!” Hoseok’s voice broke out into a cheer as he descended down the steps of the inn. “Why are you back so soon?”
“Wedding preparations start tomorrow,” you informed him, slipping into your usual seat behind the counter. “Jimin let me come home for a day.”
“Oh? First-name basis already?” Hoseok asked, smirking when you only protested.
“Shut up. I’m actually here on business. Have you got any rum left? I need at least three bottles.”
“Three?” Hoseok scoffed. “Are you planning to kill the prince yourself?”
“Okay, two.” You rolled your eyes. “Whatever will get him drunk enough to divulge in a few secrets.”
“Two bottles of rum, coming right up.” Hoseok grabbed the bottles from behind the counter before turning around with a solemn expression. “How are you holding up? Mentally, I mean. This job is sure to take a toll on you.”
“I don’t know,” you answered honestly. “Truthfully, each time I meet the king it gets easier to help kill him. But Jimin is still a bit different.”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know if he’s going to follow in his father’s footsteps. He’s nothing like that horrible man, and I’m wondering if we’ve got it all wrong.”
“He could be an excellent liar,” Hoseok said.
“Yes,” you agreed. “Although, he could just be misunderstood.”
You spent the rest of the day working at the inn and visiting your usual customers like the old days.
Even though it had only been a few weeks, you felt as if you hadn’t seen Krull in ages. If anything, being brought back to the horrible conditions, knowing the king had enough money to save it, raised a few questions in her mind.
What was the kings ultimate motive? Why was the raffle anything, if the queen was never allowed to bring peace back to her community?
You sipped the water Hoseok had given you as you thought about it. The innkeeper had already turned in for the night, tired from the lack of sleep he had been getting. He was also stressed because he hadn’t earned enough money to pay his rent. He was afraid of getting his inn taken away, so you comforted him before sending him to bed.
Now it was just you and your thoughts.
“I knew I’d find you here,” Jimin’s voice made you turn around.
“Shouldn’t you be at the castle? Where’s Jeongguk?” You inquired, peeking behind Jimin.
“Jeongguk’s in the carriage,” Jimin said, although his eyes were downcast.
You grabbed your bag, careful not to let the bottles clank together, and followed Jimin outside, into the carriage. “Thanks for letting me spend the day here.”
“No problem,” Jimin said, opening the carriage door for you to step through.
He paused and looked across the street, where three children were lying on the ground to sleep. They stared at the carriage with fearful eyes, opposite of the amazement Jimin thought they would have for the carriage.
His heart felt cold and sick at the knowledge that they would spend the night outside. He wanted nothing more than to bring them with him, but he knew he would be reprimanded by his father so he held back.
You rescued him, however, for you stopped when you noticed what he had been looking at. “What’re you three doing our here? Hoseok always has a room open for you guys, don’t you know that?”
“You’re not there to protect us,” one of the children said, his bottom lip quivering. “The drunk man might kick us out again.”
“There’s no drunk men in the inn,” you assured them softly. “If you want, I can go in and make sure you are all tucked in safely, with the door locked so no one can get in.”
The children perked up at this and ran across the street, hugging your waist with their thin, little arms.
“Do you mind?” You asked the prince formally.
“Of course not,” Jimin answered, feeling relief flood his insides. “Take your time.”
Jeongguk tapped his foot on the ground. “Your Highness, your father wants you home in thirty minutes. We need to leave now or you’ll be punished.”
Jimin watched as you pulled the shivering children into the wamth of the inn. He couldn’t believe he had lived his entire life blinded when it came to Krull and their problems. How many children had died of starvation because of his ignorance? “Maybe this time, Jeongguk, I truly deserve it.”
- to be continued -
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