#might take a while to finish the other requests u_u
twinkskeletons · 9 months
travie and patrick! maybe in the 16 candles verse (or whatever you want!)
new vampire /\^.w.^/\
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indiavolojones · 4 years
Diavolo eats a pomegranate while Lucifer works. Lucifer doesn’t realize that the plate of pomegranate seeds that’s just been steadily growing is, in fact, for him. 
alternate summary: serving/sharing fruit with another is one of the most tender shows of love in the world and i am a soft, gentle soul that just wants canon-compliant-ish domesticity somewhere in the 1800s?? idk, they’ve known each other a damn long time. u_u 
2.2kish words, G, dia/luci, #no warnings apply except for like, idk, a sizzle of diavolo thirst on lu’s part. we can angst later, y’all
Special thanks 2 @canonlucidia for being 1) my rock and 2) my resident lucifer expert that wrote the report line and lastly 3) just being so, so good with lore and patient with me when cv brain go wuh??? 
A memory, a snapshot in their thousands of years spent at each other’s sides, the scene burned into his mind. 
Not all their moments are stretched to the extremes, interactions eternally caught in fire and brimstone. Some of them rest here, in a gentle domesticity that Lucifer is hesitant – and rightly so – to acknowledge. 
Here, with the two of them alone in Lucifer’s office, is a tentative, trembling contentment that Lucifer has yet to fully take apart in his mind. 
Lucifer sits at the desk with almost painfully perfect posture, as lamented by Diavolo, several sheets of parchment paper drying in front of him. A small white plate with intricate gold designs burned into the glaze rests nearby. Diavolo pulls out a blade from thin air, cutting it into a ripe pomegranate with the practiced efficiency of someone who grew up with the trees keeping him company.
“I will not be re-writing these reports if you make a mess,” Lucifer says apropos of anything Diavolo might do, on purpose or otherwise. 
The admonishment in his voice half-hearted at best, even as he warily eyes Diavolo slicing the fruit open. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Diavolo quips, returning a cheeky grin, slouched over the empty side of Lucifer’s spacious desk as he cracks open the pomegranate into fours. 
Diavolo opted for his human form today, which is a laughable concept to Lucifer in itself. Diavolo’s aura can barely be contained by him in his demon form, but to see his essence stifled into a mortal’s appearance… Diavolo’s human teeth are always a little too sharp at first glance or in one’s peripherals. His gold eyes are too molten to match any human shade. 
Pair it with Diavolo’s inability to sit on anything without it becoming a throne – sprawling with languid, regal grace as natural as breathing, much to Lucifer’s annoyance – and discretion is a difficult request. 
Lucifer has called him out on his slipping control of the glamours before, especially in the instances where they find themselves working in the Human Realm, the risk of detection a very real threat. Not that many princes are discrete, but Lucifer supposes that if he expected someone to spill out past the seams, it would be Diavolo, who has always been larger than life in both personality and power. 
Despite a grandiose description, Diavolo’s attire does not reflect his status. His outfit is more fitting for a common human rather than the next ruler of Hell. 
The other is dressed in indecently tight trousers and a loose, finely-woven off-white tunic that dips low on his sculpted chest. Cording at the hem of the shirt drapes over his exposed skin, and Lucifer offhandedly wonders why they even bother getting Diavolo fitted for garments if he’s just going to wear things too loose, too tight, or forego most clothes altogether. 
In the past, Lucifer might have asked why are you here? or don’t you have your own work to do? All such inquiries have been shut down with a colorful multitude of responses, displaying the future king’s creativity. 
Some honorable mentions being:
Diavolo’s wild claim that Barbatos was staging a coup, and clearly, Lucifer was the only one who can fight off someone with control over time. Lucifer had asked when Barbatos was hosting the next recruitment session, which led to a troublesome, if not amusing, outburst from Diavolo.
A somehow unionized group of suitors threatened to storm down the palace gates for his hand in marriage. Diavolo was merely hiding in the safest place, for once they believed he was not home, they would give up and leave! 
"A curse, Lucifer. It was a curse!" If more than two pairs of eyes were to witness Diavolo, he would surely burst into flames. That's why he tried to hide behind the door when Barbatos came to collect him!
Nowadays, when Lucifer can’t kick Diavolo out of his study/Barbatos is off running the household and can’t drag him away, he allows himself to lean into giving Diavolo a hard time – nothing unbecoming of their stations, nothing disrespectful – but enough to give Lucifer quiet vindication. 
It serves him right, for all the grievances he causes Lucifer on a daily basis. 
(Levi calls it teasing, but Levi has not left his quarters since the last major war killed one of his favorite authors before a series was finished, so what does Levi know of social interaction?) 
“If you’re in need of something to do, Barbatos and I found a few errors in your last few missives…” Lucifer begins. 
Diavolo, surprisingly, doesn’t jump to the bait.  
There are no witty remarks that come from the future king’s lips, only the lazy upward curl of a smile and a contented hum in return. 
Unused to the lack of a response from the other, Lucifer glances down at the small plate, Diavolo's cultivated pile of seeds gathered in the shallow puddle of juice.
Another pomegranate seed plinks onto the plate, and Lucifer watches through his peripherals as it topples the delicate balance of the seeds already there. 
He narrows his eyes at it briefly, as if it holds the answers to his obvious questions, but says nothing. Diavolo works at a steady pace, humming quietly under his breath as his nimble fingers pluck seeds from the fruit. 
For a while, they go on like that. 
Diavolo alternates between quietly munching on seeds and adding to his growing plate. Lucifer scribbles away at the parchment, his clean script much more legible than Diavolo’s own. 
Diavolo deserves an award, Lucifer thinks, for the longest amount of time spent not getting into trouble in Lucifer’s recent memory. Perhaps he should be more suspicious of the other’s uncharacteristically quiet nature, but Diavolo looks at ease with his menial task.
Diavolo’s tune continues, a soothing, low cadence to his voice offsetting the relative quiet of Lucifer’s quill scratching at the parchment. It’s a waltz, syrupy sweet and with a dreamlike quality as Diavolo’s humming carries the notes into creation. 
It casts a spell with charisma alone, and Lucifer doesn’t notice when his hand stills, quill hovering over the page as he tries to recognize the tune. A smile twists the prince’s lips, his lips stained darker with the sweet purple nectar.
Diavolo doesn’t hesitate in his motions, only glancing up at Lucifer through his lashes. Lucifer’s breath involuntarily catches in his throat.
Lucifer does not think about how Diavolo’s fingertips are stained as well, stained deeper than the curve of his lush lower lip. Does not think about the juice dripping down his tanned skin, drying sticky on his wrists. It is in the middle of these not-thoughts, their gazes catching in passing, that Diavolo speaks.
“What?” Lucifer startles, despite himself, brows cinching with narrowed eyes. Diavolo reaches down with one long, purple-dyed finger to point at the line where Lucifer’s quill has stopped. The smile only grows, Diavolo tilting his head to the side as he reads the line off of Lucifer’s report.
“‘The sixth circle has under reported their amaranth yield again this quarter, their numbers being off by roughly,” He pauses for dramatic effect, which Lucifer finds wholly unnecessary considering this is a report, not a performance, ”20%.’”
Diavolo purses his lips, before it turns into a huffed laugh, “It’s probably because they pay tithe to Beelzebub. You should talk to him about that.” 
His eyes and hands go back to the fruit in front of him. Lucifer does not admit that the next part of his report was about to mention that it is likely due to his hungriest brother.
Saved from having to formulate a response, there’s a knock at the door, and Barbatos’ muffled voice on the other side calls, “Lucifer? Have you seen Prince Diavolo?” 
Diavolo’s posture immediately jerks up, and then his shoulders curl in on himself, like a child that knows he’s been caught. Barbatos is, most definitely, here for Diavolo. 
Lucifer is absolutely not relieved at the distraction. He levels Diavolo with a singular stare that somehow says I’m not covering for you, and nearly rolls his eyes when Diavolo returns a pained look that begs please?
A strange, out of place idea has Lucifer wanting to concede to Diavolo’s whims, to pretend that no one is there. Ridiculous. As they sit in the silence, there’s a moment where Diavolo’s eyes light up, as if thinking that Lucifer might actually help him out –
“He’s in here,” Lucifer says, because of course he is. All three of them know there’s no way that he wouldn’t be, and Diavolo deflates. 
It’s clear from the slight, upwards quirk of Barbatos’ lips that he knows Lucifer’s hesitation. Lucifer bristles at the thought, at Barbatos’ ability to always see more than is shown. 
Barbatos does not startle easily – in fact, Lucifer believes he can recall maybe a handful of times that the other has reacted with little more than resigned acceptance or rueful amusement. 
It wounds his pride, in a sense, to have Barbatos walk in on a scene like this (like what? Diavolo slowly working at Lucifer’s carefully constructed walls, trying to carve a contented little spot in Lucifer’s life? Yes. Lucifer is aware.) and have his reaction be anything less than shocked. Appalled? 
Perhaps aghast, that Lucifer too has fallen to the whims of his lord. 
Unless Barbatos thought that Lucifer would cave from the beginning, Lucifer realizes, and it sours his expression in the slightest. 
“Barbatos!” Diavolo grins, still slouched over the edge of the desk like it pains him to have good posture. 
“I have been looking for you, my lord,” Barbatos says, his voice as even and polite as ever. 
“I’ve been taking a break!” 
“It’s been four hours since you said you would be right back, sir. I thought I would help you find your way, since you seem to be having some trouble.”  
Diavolo, a devil of almost immeasurable power and status, has the gall to look sheepish in front of his butler and aide. He glances big, pleading eyes at Lucifer as if asking for help again, and Lucifer cocks one brow, saying nothing. 
A beat of silence passes, before Diavolo suddenly exhales loudly, tossing his hands (one of which is holding a knife, and the other a pomegranate, and juice splashes on the desk alarmingly close to his nearly-finished report) into the air. 
“Okay, okay! I’m coming,” Diavolo concedes, still brimming with amusement as he easily disposes of the empty pomegranate husk with his magic. Pulling a handkerchief from his pocket, he wipes the remnants of sticky juice off the blade and his fingers, staining the pristine white purple. 
“Let’s stop by the kitchens on the way there, Barbatos. Fruit has only made me realize how famished I truly am!” Diavolo says, placing the handkerchief down and stretching his arms up as he stands. 
“I can bring something to your office, my lord.” Barbatos shoots down the attempt at escape, and Diavolo tsks under his breath. 
“You’re too smart, Barbatos,” Diavolo says, walking towards his butler and patting one hand on the other’s shoulders, “You know all my tricks by now.” He nods sagely as they walk to the exit of the room. Barbatos gives a soft sigh. 
“We both know that’s not true, my lord.” 
Lucifer watches, unafraid to admit to himself that he finds some amusement in Diavolo’s plight, before he realizes the mess that Diavolo has left behind. 
“Your – ” Mess? Pile of fruit seeds? Penchant for completely derailing Lucifer’s productivity? Whatever Lucifer had intended to say is cut off by a dismissive wave of Diavolo’s hand and a cheerful slant of a smile on the other’s face. 
“Those are for you!” Diavolo laughs, and Lucifer doesn’t have the opportunity to get a response in before Diavolo whirls into the hallway, Barbatos shutting the door after him with a soft click. 
Lucifer sits in silence, listening to the muffled, familiar chatter between the two, fading as they travel further from the door. He tells himself that this is to make sure that Diavolo has truly left, not for any other frivolous, flowery reasons that his brothers might claim, were they to know of his lingering gaze on the plate, the stained handkerchief Diavolo left behind. 
The plate of pomegranate seeds rests in the corner of his desk, still untouched.
Lucifer ignores it until the candles in the room burn dangerously low, the only indication of time passing thanks to the endless twilight of the Devildom. When he finally decides to stop, he rolls his neck to alleviate the stiffness, eyes fluttering shut at the tension. 
When they open again, his gaze lands once more on the plate. 
This time, it stays. 
Alone in the privacy of his office, Lucifer props an elbow unceremoniously on the table. He brings his hand to his chin, gloved fingers tapping at his lips. More silence passes, a decision is made. Lucifer tugs off the glove of his right hand.
For him, Diavolo had said. 
Lucifer isn’t particularly fond of pomegranates. 
The flavor isn’t anything amazing to him, and they’re much too messy, but there’s a strange, perverse pleasure beginning to blossom inside him at the fresh memory of Diavolo devoting his time to a task solely for Lucifer, understanding coloring where there was once muted shades of gray.  
Kings are servants to their kingdoms, but there’s an undeniable intimacy in the act of servitude for one. 
It makes the initial burst of flavor on his tongue all the more sweet. 
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Hi! Could I request male matchups with HQ, fire emblem awakening and fates characters? I'm 5 ft 7 w/ brown shoulder length hair, blue eyes and pale skin w/ freckles. I love writing, reading, video games and animals (esp. cats). I'm super reserved before getting to know someone then I'll talk nonstop. Also quite clumsy, forgetful and super indecisive. I'm told I keep calm in stressful situations but really I'm just good at concealing emotions and I'm actually horribly worried on the inside. (1/3)
I often overthink situations which increases my worries but I’m told I give good advice thanks to this. I hate new situations and being unfamiliar with what I’m supposed to do but I’m okay as long as I’m with someone who knows what they’re doing. I also have a major fear of heights and a minor one of forgetting past experiences due to my poor memory so despite the fact I don’t really like being in photos I treasure them as a memory keepsake. (2/3)
I like people who will listen to me go off on tangents about things I love and are open to trying to engage in my interests like I would with theirs. I become really awkward, shy and a blushing mess when attention is directed at me (like public speaking) or when receiving compliments. I’m super picky with food and it’s one thing I hate a lot about myself. I’m also secretly quite a bit of a hopeless romantic. Thank you so much! Hope it’s okay that it was stretched out over a three asks. (3/3)
Sorry for the delay!! u_u Thanks for being patient and I hope you’ll like your matches!
Your matches are…:
Sawamura Daichi (Haikyuu!!): You really haven’t had the chance to talk to Daichi personally before but when the two of you are paired up for a project, it allows you to get to know him better. From afar, he’s one of those typical nice guys and his niceness definitely shows in the preliminary stages of the project. He does most of the talking, you do most of the writing and nodding, You don’t start opening up a bit more until the next meeting - that’s when Daichi takes the first step in learning more about you.
Since this is Daichi we’re talking about, he’ll introduce you to the volleyball team eventually. You’re 100% not on board with this but he manages to persuade you and insist meeting them will help with the project in some way. (You doubt it). He brings you along after school and pretty much leaves you in Kiyoko’s care to handle the kids but Kiyoko is great at being your shield and making you feel comfortable. Of course, once Noya realizes you’re there, the rest of the team does too. Daichi and Suga do their best to divert their attention but Noya sneaks looks at you whenever possible.
It takes time but you warm up to the team. You head to the gym with Daichi every day after school to say hi before heading off, sometimes remaining to wait for them to finish so you can talk with them some more. Although you share a similar interest with each of them, you’re most compatible with Daichi and you find yourself talking to him more and more during class. The project is finished quickly but he’s always close to you even when it isn’t required. The team loves you and he loves being with you so there’s no point in going separate ways now.
Whenever he doesn’t have practice, he always invite you over or vice versa. When you’re at his house, he loves cooking for you and finds your pickiness a challenge to overcome. Some days, the two of you sit together and read or write or do your own thing. Some days, when either of you mention a heated topic, you go off on a tangent and Daichi simply listens to you, enjoying the sound of your voice.
The day of the presentation for your project arrives. The moment you and Daichi go to the front of the class, you’re tongue-tied, unable to muster anything. You feel something wrapping around your hand - Daichi’s hand fits perfectly in yours. He squeezes it lightly, prompting you on. With him by your side, you can accomplish anything.
Stahl (FE: Awakening): Stahl is the average man who doesn’t stand out in any way so you don’t seem to notice him at the beginning. He talks to you like every other comrade and you notice a few things about him to differentiate him from the rest - he eats a lot, his armor is green, and he’s the last person anyone would want to pair up with when heading into the fray. Somehow, though, you end up gravitating toward him more often than you think you should.
He is similar to you in a way - clumsy, scatterbrained, and polite. The tone he uses with you isn’t different from when he’s talking with the others so when it changes, neither of you notice. His calm demeanor makes it easy for you to feel comfortable around him and you easily slip into a talkative mood when interacting with him. He enjoys listening to you talk and so long he’s able to share a laugh with you, he doesn’t mind what kind of topic you share with him.
Eating is something the two of you are usually doing - mostly because Stahl’s the biggest glutton in the world and because he finds your pickiness for food a fun challenge to overcome. He gently encourages you to eat the food you hate and takes note of what makes you a picky eater. He’ll gladly eat all the crumbs from your plate, so long you eat your share.
In your down time (and whenever you aren’t eating), you and Stahl engage in the arts. He has a surprising taste in books so the two of you are always exchanging recommendations. He loves reading anything you write and while he isn’t the smartest person around, he’s capable of giving good advice on how to advance through rough areas. It probably comes from his role as a cavalier.
Eventually, Stahl will be able to tell what you need or want simply by reading you. He knows you’re never as calm as you think you say you are and how to deflect attention away from you when you become overwhelmed. The distance between the two of you close gradually until there isn’t a moment when you aren’t at each other’s sides. It’s a strange sight when that happens because Stahl has sworn to protect you no matter what and he’ll do whatever it takes to uphold his vow.
Kaze(Fire Emblem: Fates): A polite and calm person through andthrough, it wouldn’t be too difficult for Kaze and you to get along, even withyour more reserved nature. With him being a ninja, it’s only natural for Kazeto be observant, not only of his surroundings but also of people too, and thisextends to you during the few times the two of you converse. He’ll notice ifyou’re fidgeting about uncomfortably or have no desire to say anything more andwill excuse himself accordingly to give you your space and not press onfurther, respecting your privacy. Kaze won’t hesitate to greet you whenever hecrosses paths with you, seeing it as the polite thing to do, and when neitherof you have important duties to tend to, he’ll try to talk with you more to getto know you. Improving relationships amongst comrades is also pretty importantafter all. Kaze can’t help but smile and enjoy himself each time the two of youexchange words, especially since it seems like you’re opening up to him andaren’t as reserved. He’ll certainly find you cute when you’re happily chatting withhim and such a thought might accidentally leave his lips but he won’t try totake it back or fix his statement, especially when he notices you turning intoa blushing mess and you start stuttering. Kaze will lightly tease you for surebut this just cements the fact that you’re adorable in his mind.
After becoming friends with you, Kaze will find himselfkeeping an eye on you whenever he can in the midst of battle. Battles arerather stressful situations after all, and even if you appear calm andcollected to other people, Kaze will know better. Even seasoned soldiers getstressed in battle sometimes, so if it looks like you’re getting overwhelmed,he’ll try to reach your side to help you out. His cool-headedness willcertainly be useful in such situations, along with his experience as a ninja. Ifit looks like you’re struggling, Kaze will certainly stick by your side to makesure you don’t get hurt too badly and then after the battle, offer to teach youwhatever tricks and tips he knows, along with asking you to train with him fromtime to time just so he’ll know for sure that you’ll be at least okay the nexttime there’s a battle to take part in. Spending so much time with you allowsKaze to see sides of you he never would’ve known about simply by conversingwith you. It’s rather adorable how clumsy you can get a times and Kaze can’thelp but sometimes find your forgetfulness to be amusing. He’ll remind you if youforget something important though, such as checking the weapons storage or thatit’s your turn on cooking duty and he’ll always ask you if you’re okay if hecatches you tripping or stumbling. Kaze is also quite a patient person when thesituation calls for it so he won’t mind your indecisiveness (much) and will useit to tease you from time to time.
Kaze will have no qualms with engaging in some of yourinterests, thinking it a nice break from training whenever there’s free time tobe had. There are plenty of animals in the forests and he’ll often ask you togo there for walks with him to enjoy the change of scenery and the sereneatmosphere. It’d make for a nice place to sit and read and write too, which he’llencourage you to do after discovering your love for creativity. If you want tochat instead, Kaze will happily comply with that too. As long as he is able tospend time with you, it doesn’t matter what the two of you are doing. Thetopics of your discussions can range from anything to nothing; Kaze simplyenjoys listening to you talk. Seeing your eyes sparkle when you talk aboutthings you love is always a welcoming sight and how relaxed you seem at thatmoment is something Kaze wants to see more often. He won’t hesitate to tell youso, perhaps while chuckling, and he’ll let you know how cute he finds you atthat moment. Your flustered appearance won’t help you at all since that justmakes you seem even more adorable in Kaze’s eyes. This will lead to moreteasing though he’ll stop when you ask him too, but do prepare yourself for himto bring it up again in the future and for him to compliment you when anappropriate situation arises. When Kaze finds out that you’re a hopelessromantic (if only a bit), he’ll certainly enjoy having that piece ofinformation and won’t hesitate to surprise you every now and then. Sometimes it’llbe flowers and others it’ll be food he’s prepared himself. Your pickiness withfood is well known to him so he’ll try his best to make something you’ll enjoy.
It becomes clear to Kaze that you’re important to him andno matter what, above all else, he wants to see you smile and hear you laugh.Your worries are something he wants to ease. Until battles are infrequent andeverything is peaceful, Kaze will do everything he can to be by your side.
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