#migraine meds make me miserable sob !! it is awful !
saetoshis · 2 years
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sigh i need a hug
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sickficsforthesoul · 3 years
could i get NoyaYaku (Yaku and Nishinoya) where one of them is v sick and the other has to take them home and take care of them? Thank you!
This isn't exactly a "sick"fic, but I think it still counts. I hope you enjoy it! Despite the title, there is a distinctive lack of Lev in this (lol).
Lev v. Liberos
Word count: 813 words
Yaku Morisuke is an idiot. That is one fact Yuu is certain of at the moment as he places a cold compress on the other libero’s forehead. Yaku is half-conscious at best, delirious with pain and exhaustion. Yaku groans when the compress makes contact with his bruised forehead and shut eyes. Yuu sighs and rubs Yaku’s nape soothingly. Yaku hums in appreciation, and Yuu gives him a weary smile.
“I can’t believe you,” Yuu huffs lightly. “Playing volleyball with a migraine and getting smacked in the face by Lev’s spike? Just how reckless are you?”
“S’not my fault,” Yaku slurs tiredly. “Lev’s ‘n idiot, an’ I‘m just unlucky, I guess.”
“Did Lev make you play today?” Yuu grins cheekily.
“No…” Yaku moans, “but it’s the third day of trainin’ camp. What else was I s’posed to do?”
“Go home? Sit out? Tell your coaches you weren’t feeling well? I can keep going if you want,” Yuu smirks.
“You’re so mean, Yuu…” Yaku groans, wincing as the compress slips and allows light to reach his eyes. “You would’ve done the same thing, so it s’not like you can talk.”
“But I can talk, Morisuke, because I’m not the one with a migraine and moderate concussion, am I?” Yuu lectures as he readjusts the compress over Yaku’s eyes and forehead.
“Don’ remind me,” Yaku moans miserably. “I feel awful.”
“I know, Morisuke,” Yuu soothes softly. “The ambulance will be here soon, and then you can get all the pain meds you need at the hospital.”
“Sounds nice,” Yaku says, shivering at a sudden bout of chills.
Yuu unzips his tracksuit jacket and drapes it over the older libero wordlessly. Yaku snuggles into the new source of warmth, silently wishing to be wearing his own tracksuit right now. He is still in his practice clothes and hasn’t gotten the chance to change since getting hit by Lev’s spike.
(The spike hit Yaku hard, and he was pulled off the court by Kai and Kuroo after failing to get up after a few seconds. The other third years interrogated Yaku until they were confident that they knew everything about Yaku’s current health situation as Coach Nekomata called an ambulance. Then came the difficult part. Someone had to stay with Yaku and go with him into the ambulance. Ordinarily, this role would have fallen to a Nekoma coach, but Yaku adamantly refused this option. He wanted the practice match to continue without him, and that couldn’t happen if a coach was missing.
Instead, Yuu volunteered without a second thought. He liked the older libero and enjoyed his company, but his primary interest was leveling the playing field for both teams. If Yuu waited with Morisuke, neither team would have their regular libero playing, so no one would have an advantage. Additionally, it would serve as good practice for both teams’ reserve liberos. And that was how Yaku and Yuu came to be sitting outside the gym doors, sheltering from the sun under the walkway cover. Yaku was resting on a bed of Kai and Kuroo’s tracksuit jackets with Yuu keeping dutiful watch beside him until the ambulance arrived.)
Yaku rolls onto his side, face a pale shade of green. “Yuu…” A breathy moan escapes Yaku’s mouth. “I’m gonna…”
Yuu grabs Yaku’s shoulders roughly, forcing the boy into an upright position before leaning him away from the jacket pile. The compress slips off Yaku’s forehead in the commotion, but Yuu is too focused on Yaku’s present dilemma to care. As soon as Yuu finishes positioning Yaku, the Nekoma libero lets out a fierce wretch, vomit spilling from his lips onto the walkway. Yaku sobs as he vomits harshly onto the ground.
“Shhh,” Yuu whispers, rubbing Yaku’s back. “Just let it out, Morisuke. It’ll be over soon.”
Yaku cries each time he throws up, and by the time his wretches subside, Yaku’s face is blotchy and red with tears. Yuu settles the older boy back onto the jacket pile, lying him down and covering his face with the cold compress again. Yaku’s sniffles die down into uneasy silence. Yuu ruffles Yaku’s hair softly, mindful of the boy’s excruciating headache.
“Thanks, Yuu…” Yaku sighs, drained both mentally and physically.
“Any time, Morisuke,” Yuu smiles brightly. “Get some rest, but try not to sleep. You’re not supposed to do that with a concussion, you know.”
“I know,” Yaku has just enough energy to huff lightly before nestling back into the jackets beneath him. “You’re coming to the hospital with me, right?”
“Yeah, so don’t worry. I’ll be with you the entire time,” Yuu ruffles Yaku’s hair again.
“I’m glad,” Yaku smiles.
Yaku relaxes into the jackets, and his breathing evens out. Yuu knows he’s not sleeping, but he’s just glad Yaku’s resting for once. Then Yuu hears the wail of an ambulance in the distance, and he knows everything will be alright.
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