#mihwak x reader
hazzyking · 1 year
Take two. I'm getting writers block so I wanna try something fresh. Enjoy a Mihwak x Reader
Either anime or LA is perfect ((like my Buggy~)) but this fic is based off LA Mihwak
If you like this and want a smutty part 2 let me know, and I promise. I will write a part 2.
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Just a Guy in a Bar
The sun sunk below the horizon giving the Barite a nice orange glow and that same firey glow to the water. You walked in and took your seat at the bar that wrapped around the mouth of the fish ship. The Barite was a perfect venue to you, a nice bar with plenty of space for dancing and a live band, and it was neutral ground for you and your crew to wind down after a long seven months on the grand line.
Once the sun had been replaced by the moon, the Barite was lit with candle light inside and outside, giving the ship a golden aura to shine off the navy blue water. You sat at the bar twirling your drink in your hand, you felt a slight tickle on your cheek of a feather, confused you turned and realized the back of someone's hat was completely invading your space "uh- scuse me" you said tapping the strangers thick leather jacket. The stranger turned around, revealing his piercing yellow eyes that were focused like a hawk - or, like a really wine-drunk hawk from the looks of it. "Mihwak?" You said surprised."What are you doing here?"
"A warlord isn't allowed to go out for a drink?" He said sitting next to you. "I should be asking you, what are you doing here" Mihwak chuckled holding a wine glass in his hand as he leaned against the bar.
"Okay your clearly drunk and super out of character right now" you chuckled putting your hand up as if to catch him if he toppled over.
"I am not drunk" Mihwak said like a white girl who had too many tequila shots.
"Alright" you said in defeat.
"(Y/N) right? How is your life of pillaging and plundering?" Mihwak said smirking darkly.
"You gave up that life remember Mihwak" you chuckled looking the warlord up and down. "You payed a visit to Shanks didn't you?" You smirked and then realized the warlord become defensive.
"A child has a 30 million bounty" Mihwak said "a child Shanks knows well"
"Yeah. I know that child" you chuckled. "Why are you here getting Wine-Drunk, because Luffy is worth a whopping 30 mil?" You asked curiously.
"Were getting old" Mihwak admitted, which caused your face to soften. "It's only a matter of time till the Luffy's and the Zoro's of the world become better than us old dogs and faze us out. Some day everyone will be a warlord and everyone will be an emperor and none of these silly titles will matter" Mihwak simply put- slurring his words a little. This was a surprise considering he was normally, such a well spoken man.
"I don't think warlords will matter in the future Mihwak- the world government-"
"I know, is the enemy. Shanks told me all about how I betrayed the pirates by giving up my bounty to serve a greater purpose" Mihwak said almost falling into you, you put your hand out to catch him, touching his fair, hot skin.
"Mihwak, let's go somewhere more quite, maybe you could sober up a bit" you chuckled taking his arm and leading him to the back dock of the Barite. The area was quiet but you could still hear the band faintly. You looked over at the water, how the moon made the navy blue ocean twinkle, it was almost magic to you. The magic was slowly interrupted when Mihwak attempted a graceful seat next to you which ended up with him stumbling and spilling wine on himself.
"Fuck" he muttered. You laughed, realizing you've never herd him swear before. "What's so funny Dove?" He said in his proper voice again.
"Shockingly- you" you giggled. "A great and powerful warlord is sitting next to me, soaked in wine... and wine drunk like a middle aged house wife" you laughed looking at his serious face which slowly erupted into laughter as well, you watched as his eyes crinkled and his yellow orbs were just barley visible his laugh was beautiful, and it almost took your breath away.
"I told you- I'm getting old" Mihwak sighed. "Sometimes I wish I was just- some guy in a bar. And not- rewnoned swords man" he sighed looking out at the ocean, your features softened as you leaned back to be on the same level as him, your hand was placed on his leather jacket. Your fingers tapping on his chest.
"Your not old." You simply said. "Your still the same old Charming Mihwak. The only difference is- your not trying to overthrow the government" you giggled watching his lips curl up into a beautiful smile.
"You think I'm charming?" He said his eyes darting between your eyes and lips as he began to lean forward a bit.
"Mihwak-" you put your hand up to his lips "as much as I really want to kiss you right now- I can't take advantage of you" you said, regretting the fact that deep down you cared for the swordsman.
"I'm not drunk" Mihwak said smiling. "It was an act" he chuckled looking at you. You looked at him too stunned for words. "I just wanted to get close to you" Mihwak admitted. You felt heat creep up your neck and onto your face, you knew you were bright red by now. "(Y/N)? You really wanna kiss me?" Mihwak said with a smile.
"Well, when I thought you were drunk and you weren't gonna remember what I said. Uh yeah" you laughed awkwardly.
"Hey- I'm just a guy in a bar" Mihwak said as he gently brushed your hair back with his fingers and cupped your face, his gentle touches sent shivers down your spine as he pulled you into a delicate, passionate kiss.
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nekassvariigs · 2 years
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Love doesn't go unnoticed
Mihawk x reader
Romantic fluff
For a long time you stood by his side as a friend an ally as he called it, due to his nature he wasn't one to proclaim having friends esspecially those who resided in his castle.
With every step you took overlooking the dark gothic palace you left a trace of yourself behind. The roses that you left on bookshelfs, their petals falling with just a simple touch if he ever attempted to move them, he sighed knowing the fragility these plants held and yet he set them down adding fresh water and nurtrients to make them last longer, to see them bloom, their crimson buds to produce a sweet floral scent all over his hallway.
What for did he take after these little things, he liked them yes, but there was no need for them. He often found himself contradicting his own ideals as he looked over your work, the many times he asked you to leave his place to stop decorating it like it was your own, and yet there he was staring at the ink stamped pages of his book unable to read anything, the words blurred no matter how much he tried focusing, rereading the same sentence that kept making zero sense to him.
You smiled tilting the edge of your hat, dirt smearing your brow.
He didn't expect for you to look back, he drowned the though with some wine having been starlted lightly with the way you looked back, the always expectant gaze that never asked for anything, the hard work you put in maintaining his lifestyle as he did nothing but flip through pages and drink his fermented wines.
He cleared his thoat, walking over to the guests room he prepared everything for a bath, setting up a candle on the large wooden holder, some soap on the handrails of the bath, conditioner scrubs.. he arranged it neatley. He walked back down to his cellar grabbing a fine choise of wine, he thought you could appriciate the fruity flavour of this particular choise. He screwed open the cork making sure to clean up the little crumbles that fell beside, he poured a glass setting it beside the candle leaving the water to run, steam scolding through the air it was about time until you came back.
He began chopping some vegetables, potatoes, carrots, you named it he sliced it. He put them to boil along the meat he had steamed before allowing it to soften the roots in the rich broth. Minutes later the air was filled with the scent of pleasant stock, the light linger of pepper and vegetable made its way through the hall.
He tasted it, it surely was one of the dishes he payed close attention to in a while.
He cleaned off his cooking utensils leaving the hot stew as he walked back to his seat trying to resume his pages. He was greeted with a creak in the door your body slipping inside the room slowly.
His eyes were on you already his mouth moving before you could adress your presence. "I want you to join me for dinner." he stated surprising even himself, such words would never come out of him.
Your eyes shot a little wider upon the request, you examined the state of yourself. The unruly clothing along mud stained boots and hands was no way to eat dinner with.
"I would love to, but give me time to clean up first." You spoke up watching the way he looked you up and down.
"I ran you a bath." The silence was heavy, the abashed look on his face the longer you looked back at him with surprise left him a bit uneasy.
Your heart swell up a little at the though of his kindness, he had a knack for keeping guests but felt different. He held no complaints at you, even though he was biting his own tongue the more you looked at him.
Your soft chuckle radiated though the room the tension in the air lessening the moment you saw his shoulders wind down. He was acting like a scared cat.
"Thank you, i'll be back as soon as possible." You slipped back out heading for your room. Mihwak took a drink of his wine, leaving a little red pool at the bottom of the glass he no longer felt like finishing.
He caught himself with frustration lacing his brows , he smoothed them out quickly wondering what's going on with himself.
Why was he so startled, biting his tongue and trying to hide the very way his words affected you. Surely he no longer felt calm his mind preocupied with setting the table lighting a few candles he could hear his own hammering heartbeat.
Just then you were washing yourself clean from the hard work, your entire body smelled of roses all too familiar. Had he taken the petals to create a soap with them you'll never know. Between lazy drags of the sponge over your skin you were throughroughly red in the face upon having walked into this setting.
He had done this only when you were sick and unable to move your aching body, however the more you toyed with the leg of the rather large wine glass the more you smiled to yourself. He was thinking about you.
You finished up, looking pleasantly radiant as you walked forward into the room, the silent warlord seemed to greet you with a small crinkle in his eyes.
You both sat down enjoying the food, the atmospehere colliding between the two of you in a mix of held back emotions and unspoken feelings seemed to crash into itself everytime you looked at eachother.
"The bath was really nice, thank you for thinking of me." you warmly spoke up breaking the man's thoughts.
He had entirely forgotten about that, a light red ghosted his face as he swallowed his food, taking a drink to mask it afterwards.
"Don't be so presumptious." His eyes slowly rose to took at you, the striking dress you wore seemed to match the accents of his current shirt. You continued to shock him.
He could never be honest could he? You sighed a little, your eyes closed as you smiled through with it.
With the meal finished you helped him clean up watching him rise up his sleeves as he began to wash the dishes. You stayed to help offereing to dry them off your mind wandered to an idea.
"Would you care for a dance later?" he was solemn continuing his work as he kept offering you plates and glasses, i guess not, you throught aloud drying the last of them and hoping to leave a bit sooner than expected.
He caught you in your haste feeling a little guilty for making you wait like this, truth be told words couldn't form in his mouth as he took in the idea.
You were about to leave the bitter feeling in your mouth growing he stopped you with a soft answer.
"I didn't mean to make you wait."
You turned around slowly the bitterness had left you the moment you saw him waiting in the middle of the enlightned space before his desk.
He looked stoic as ever hand outreached he waited for you to come up to him and take it.
You walked closer, your hand lightly brushing past his, you could feel how hot he was to the touch despite his cold nature, you felt your entire body respond to him a warm wave washing over you the moment he connected your hand to his slowly putting it over his shoulder.
You could feel the lean muscles covered by his shirt underneath the palm of your hand , his hands slowly moved around your waist gently he held onto you.
You could feel his eyes watching you, as per etiqutte for a dance you should be doing the same and yet it was so hard.
Knowing youd be holding his undivided attention for minutes that seemed to have stopped time itself you mustered up the courage to connect your gaze with his.
It was so intense, the gentle ruffle of your dress swaying, his boots placing light clicks on the floor, his hands moving to invite you for a spin to showcase the dress you had put on.
"You look good." The softness of his voice could never be matched with anyone elses. Your face reddened at the compliment as it was rare for him to ever speak up about your looks. His hands gently moved you closer causing your body to lean closer against his.
You didn't just look good, you looked stunning and he portrayed it in the ways of small stolen glances all over you, the redness in your cheeks the smile you kept biting back, he was begining to see why he kept letting you do what you please.
You finally broke, your smile gazing softly at him your hand leaned experimantally closer on his shoulder a gesture he seemed to not mind as you swayed with him.
The intimacy of this moment could never be written in words, his golden eyes were the only thing you could focus on. The way they softened as you leaned into his touch to finish off the dance in a longing fashion. Your face fell slowly, arms retracting from his shoulders he had feeling this would happen.
He lifted your chin upwards the alarming beat of his heart couldnt even stop him from what hes about to do. The silent longing on your face was enough to give him a push.
His lips connected briefly with yours the fall of your eyes lasted for only a second before he pulled away, the warmth of his touch never seemed to leave your lips as you sighed with a stuttered breath. You reconnected your lips with his kissing lightly over his bottom lip which only left him to stagger back a bit before he caught you in his arms.
His whole body felt static having reassured his feelings for you to be mutual, he waited for you to break the kiss watching as you swiped a finger across your lips.
For the first time you could see a genuine reaction from him, his high cheekbones had turned a little scarlet his eyes a little dreamier his posture a bit more relaxed as you smiled against him.
"You're not so bad yourself." you returned the late compliment brushing your hand softly over the side of his face, his eyes deepened a little as he stole a kiss to your knuckles.
He brought his hand up to yours cupping it against his palm, he guided you towards his desk sitting down by the red chair he gestured for you to share a seat atop him.
The following night was spent in alot of slow, deep and compassionate kisses without as much of a need for anything else.
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erina-leah · 2 years
Back at it again your work makes my heart melt could i ask for the domestic lifestyle master Mihwak basking in the readers presence through their help around his castle, garden work ,cooking, greeting him in the morning etc! I wanna see the silent longing this man can get up to for the readers presence no matter how much he denys it, please and thank you!
Title: Words Are Very Unnecessary
It’s this asker right here, I love them🤲
A/N: WOW THIS ENDED UP REALLY LONG BUT I’M REALLY PROUD OF IT! I went wild with this one. I hope you enjoy it!!
CW: fluff, malewife alert, Mihawk x GN!reader
You stretched your tired muscles, bathing in the morning sun on a balcony of the castle on Kuraigana Island. Mihawk was generous enough to give you a room with a balcony overlooking the shore, and it was a view that you took in every morning to wake yourself up. You smiled to yourself as you gazed at the shore where the man first found you, out cold and washed up from a violent shipwreck at sea. He allowed you to stay on the island until you were better, but neither of you discussed the idea of you leaving since that day.
Taking one last breath of fresh sea-breeze air, you stepped inside, put on a robe, and made your way to the kitchen where Mihawk was already waiting for you, as he did every morning. The scent of fresh coffee and homemade breakfast filled your nostrils, and you sighed happily.
“Breakfast smells great this morning,” you say as you grab a mug and pour yourself some coffee.
Mihawk offered a small smile as he stood in front of the stove flipping pancakes. “And good morning to you too, Y/N.”
You laugh and bid him good morning, gathering what you need to set the table where you two were to share breakfast. You navigated the kitchen around him effortlessly, the two of you moving like clockwork. You had been here so long that you both got used to each other’s mannerisms and habits, and you two eventually fell into routine together. You set the table when he cooked, you washed the dishes while he saved them. It was pretty blissful, at least to you.
Today was no exception to your daily routine, and once breakfast was ready you both sat down and began to eat after you thanked him for the food. It was comfortably silent for a while before Mihawk asked:
“Do you know what today is, Y/N?”
You looked up from your food and shook your head. “I don’t think so.. is it something special?” You started to feel a little guilty if there was something you forgot.
He shrugged. “Depends on how you see it. Today marks eight months that you’ve been here.”
Your fork clattered as you set it down on your plate. You couldn’t believe it had been so long already. “Wow, time sure flies!” you remarked with a slightly awkward laugh.
Mihawk cleared nodded, and cleared his throat in order to continue. “I just wanted to thank you for all of your help since you’ve been here. I really appreciate it.”
“Of course!” you said with a smile. “It’s the least I can do. You saved me.”
It was true. If he hadn’t found you, you maybe be at the bottom of the ocean after your shipwreck. After a few days, you started to feel restless and offered to help him with chores or anything he needed in exchange for your stay, to which he reluctantly agreed. He insisted that you didn’t need to, but it made you feel better about things. It made you really happy to know that he appreciated it.
“You know I don’t mind, Mihawk, I’ll help you anytime.”
The swordsman smiled as he nodded and took another sip of his coffee. He was smiling more lately, you noticed, and you could definitely get used to seeing it. The way his expression softened now and then sent your heart aflutter, and you couldn’t deny your feelings for him any longer. You would never tell him that, though. You were certain he didn’t see you that way. Instead, you settled for this comfortable platonic life with him.
“Well, I just thought I would thank you today of all days,” he said as he’s stood from his chair and began to clear off the table, which you helped him with. Your heart jumper as your hands brushed when he went to grab your mug, and you took the risk of meeting his eyes. He eyes were widened slightly in surprise, but showed no other sign of emotion.
You decided to thank him while you held his gaze. “I appreciate you just as much, you know.”
He didn’t reply, but his small smile was all you needed in order to know that he heard you.
And so the two of you settled into another comfortable silence as you cleaned the table and washed the dishes you two had used. You washed as he dried, as always. Because of your teamwork, the chore was done in no time and you were ready to go your separate ways to tend to your daily routines.
Before you parted, Mihawk faced you. “I’ll be outside if you need me,” he stated, to which you nodded. He would likely be exercising in order to keep up his physique. You expected nothing less from the greatest swordsman.
“Sure thing! I’ll probably do a little dusting before grabbing a book.”
Offering you a quick nod, Mihawk was about to walk away when you stopped him, noticing a crumb on his goatee and brushing it away for him. You then walked off when a kind smile, attending to your own business.
If you had turned around, you would have noticed that the stoic swordsman was a blushing less, because your sweet touch had sent his heart leaping to the moon.
The man mostly avoided you for the rest of the morning since his feelings scared him more than anything. It wasn’t until around noon when you saw him again. You had finished dusting up most of the castle and decided to take a break for lunch. You made a couple of sandwiches and some tea and sat under your favorite willow tree in the garden.
As you were quietly eating, you noticed that Mihawk had come outside and started tending to the garden, pulling weeds and watering the various plants. He always looked so at ease when working in his garden; you could tell it was something he was proud of. You drank your tea as you watched him for a moment, barely able to mask the pure adoration on your face.
Unfortunately, you were caught red handed as you stared. You nearly jumped out of your skin when you suddenly met Mihawk’s eyes from across the garden.
“Would you care to help instead of watch? Or did I interrupt your picnic?” He asked with raised eyebrows and a teasing tone. Flustered, you assured him that he didn’t interrupt anything and skipped over to help him once you finished off your cup of tea. Once he handed you a watering can and directed you where to water, you got to work and fell into a comfortable rhythm.
A silence passed over you, as it usually did when you two worked together, but this one felt more strained than comfortable. It remained for a few moments until Mihawk asked you out of the blue:
“Have you ever thought of leaving, Y/N?”
You blinked in shock as your heart dropped to your feet.
“You can be honest with me,” he said, looking at you with an unreadable expression, a weed half-pulled from the soil in his gloved hand.
“No… I haven’t. Do you want me to?”
The question hung in the air for a moment. Even though you were originally supposed to be here temporarily, neither of you had discussed the idea of you leaving since you arrived. You had honestly avoided the subject, not willing to leave Mihawk’s company that you loved so dearly. What did you have to go back to, anyway? You were just a chore girl on a navy ship, and you didn’t enjoy the job much anyway. You hadn’t had a home in ages, and you felt that this was the closest you would ever have to a real home. You always feared that the day would come where he would no longer need you.
The warlord shook his head as he moved to stand in front of you, taking your hands in his. “No, please don’t misunderstand me. I don’t wish for you to leave. I just don’t want you to think that I am keeping you here against your will. I only want to ensure that you are happy here.”
A wave of relief hit you when you realized you weren’t being kicked out, but you were still rather confused (and not to mention flustered now that he was so close to you, looking at you so seriously as he held your hands in his calloused ones).
“Mihawk, why would you think I’m unhappy? I love my life here, more than I’ve loved anything else. I would trade this life for anything. Please, don’t worry about that!”
He let out a sigh, closing his eyes for a moment. “You’ve no idea how relieved that makes me feel. I…” His words got stuck in his throat as he met your eyes again. It would take him ages to admit it, but your sweet and innocent face could bring him to his knees. He may as well be melting into a puddle in your hands. Just looking at you made him so antsy, it was indescribable. Gaining his composure, he finally continued, “I would miss you dearly if you left.”
You could have sworn your heart stopped when his words hit your ears. He was never so open with you in all of your months of chatting and teasing. His voice never felt so genuine, his eyes were never so soft. You suddenly came to a realization that your heart had avoided for months in fear of it breaking, and you found yourself crashing into his arms on the brink of tears.
“Can.. can I tell you something?” you stuttered, feeling that it was now or never.
Mihawk pulled away from you and cupped your cheeks, his face red but painted with an expression so soft you weren’t sure he was the same pirate you knew. “Don’t bother,” he answered. “I don’t think words are necessary.”
His lips met yours for the first time as he snaked an arm around your waist. It was slow at first, and he was so gentle it was as if he was afraid you would break. But you followed the flow, and put every word you ever wanted to tell him into that kiss.
He was right, no words were necessary at all. As always, you would settle into a comfortable silence, telling each other how much the other meant without saying a word.
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Hiiii, I don't know if you're still taking requests or not, but if you are, I love your Mihwak x Reader weather it's fluff or smutt it's absolutely perfect and I love it! I had a thought about sneaking around with Mihwak, maybe another letter in the ABC'S of kink or just a montage of the reader and him sneaking around. Maybe because he's afraid if word gets out that he's in a relationship, it'll ruin his reputation, and sneaking around can either be smutty or fluffy whatever you please 🙏🏻 thank you!!!!
First tysm, if anyone enjoys reading my bs half as much as I enjoy writing it I'm so happy to hear it 🥹❤️❤️
I absolutely am still taking requests, perhaps not the best idea since I know I still have a lot to get done and I know I'm kinda working at a snail's pace right now, but I LOVE this, and instantly have an idea for it, and I've got the perfect slot in ABCs of Kink to drop it into, and it's already outlining itself in my head and and and and internalscreaming
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Having severe issues with Mihawk brainrot rn please forgive me 😵😭
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sashi-ya · 2 years
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♡ 𝐇𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑 ♡ - ᴋɪɴᴋᴛᴏʙᴇʀ 𝟐𝟐 ♡ ʜᴇɴᴛᴀɪ ɪɴsᴘɪʀᴇᴅ ᴇᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴ -
welcome to my first kinktober ever! I will be accepting requests in advance until each spot is full! (1 per day). The fics will be ofc posted during October! It's inspired on Hentai, so expect graphics & fics to have those elements
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⦋𝗥𝗨𝗟𝗘𝗦⦌ ➡ Please, read them before requesting ‣ characters from One Piece & Bleach. ‣ chose 1 day. Include in your message gender of reader, character, any other kink you want me to include, extra info. You can include a specific AU. Please state if you want the characters to be in a previous relationship/ or if you want romantic interaction. ‣ please be polite. minors are not allowed.
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⦋𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 & 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐒⦌ ➡ 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧 ‣day 1: cum dump   Zoro x f! reader ‣day 2: step-cest   adult! ichigo x f! reader ‣day 3: lactation   Katakuri x f! reader ‣day 4: humiliation   Xdrake x gn! reader ‣day 5: threesome Law x Kid x f! reader ‣day 6: sex with stranger(s)   Law x -! reader ‣day 7: impregnation   Marco x f! reader ‣day 8: barebacking / unprotected sex   Ichiji x f! reader ‣day 9: feminization   Adult! Ichigo x .! reader ‣day 10: watersports   Urahara x f! reader ‣day 11: anal   Doffy x f! reader ‣day 12: car/bus/plane sex Ace x f!reader ‣day 13: toys   Shanks x f! reader ‣day 14: creampie  Mihwak x f! reader ‣day 15: size kink   Katakuri x f! reader ‣day 16: food play  Sanji x f! reader ‣day 17: face sitting Killer x -!reader ‣day 18: biting   King x afab! reader ‣day 19: slave / master  Kid x f! reader ‣day 20: hard sex   Renji x f! reader ‣day 21: double penetration (vag or vag/anal or anal/anal) Killer & Kid x f! reader ‣day 22: sleep play (pre consented) Byakuya x f! reader ‣day 23: rimming   Corazon x gn! reader ‣day 24: daddy/mommy kink  Law or Sanji x f! reader ‣day 25: thigh riding   Sir Crocodile x gn! reader ‣day 26: shower/onsen/pool/sea sex   Shunsui x f! reader ‣day 27: bondage / shibari Luffy x afab! reader ‣day 28: pegging  Sanji x f! reader ‣day 29: spanking   Izou x f! reader ‣day 30: public sex   Shanks x f! reader ‣day 31: forced orgasm (pre consented)   Kid x f! reader
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hazzyking · 1 year
Yay!!! A lot of people enjoyed part one, so here's part 2! Just a warning, it's smutty
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Just a Guy in a Bar Part 2
You gasped when you felt your body hitting hard wood while Mihwak pressed you into the wall of your quarters, his hand snaked behind your knee and he held your leg up so he could rest between your legs, you moaned as he attacked your neck with kisses and bites, your hands pushing his jacket off. He let out a frustrated grunt when he stopped his actions to throw the heavy leather across the room. His yellow eyes studied you like a bird watching its prey, you shivered as his fingers lightly brushed against your cheek. "You are such a beautiful little Dove" Mihwak spoke, the elegance in his voice hitting your ears and making you melt for him like butter, you had no words left in you, between the flirting at the bar and him stealing your breath everytime his lips landed on yours, your tongue was tied in knots and you had nothing left to say. Mihwak smirked, noticing the power he has over you, he lifted you up and carried you over to your bed that hung from the ceiling. You landed on the bed with a soft thud and you eagerly kicked your boots off while Mihwak undid his belt and pants. "Such a needy little Dove~" he muttered, kissing down your breasts as he took off the knife he keeps around his neck and slid it under your shirt ripping the fabric down the middle. "Hope you didn't like that shirt" he says smirking as his lips begin to suck on your nipples. You squirm under him feeling your heart skip several beats, or has it stopped all together? You gasped at his touches as he pushed your pants down just low enough for his fingers to dip into your dripping cunt. He lets out a small grunt when he brings his middle finger back to his lips and sucks your juices off his finger. You can feel more cum rushing to your entrance just watching him taste test you. "You're awfully quiet (Y/N) are you Okay?" He asked, looking down at you. You swallowed hard, staring at the massive lump in his pants trying to figure out how all that is gonna fit.
"Y-yeah. I'm fine." You stutter, Mihwak looks to where your eyes are and chuckles darkly.
"No need to worry darling, I'll make sure your good and ready before I fuck you" Mihwak spoke in a tantalizing tone as he lowered himself down to your lips again, you watched as your body crumbled under him and he was seemingly unaffected by you. Deciding to put a stop to him having all the control your hand snaked down to palm at his crotch, you felt his thighs shake and his cock throb at your touches as he groaned deeply in your ear.
"I can't wait to feel you inside me" you muttered in his ear as he groaned under your touches.
"If I was cruel I'd fuck you right now," he simply said kissing the tops of your breasts again and swirling his tounge around your nipples.
"It's cruel that your not fucking me right now" you spoke breathlessly between moans. Mihawk smirked as he trailed kisses all down your stomach and kissed your inner thighs. The brush of his facial hair sends electricity throughout your body. "Oh god~" you moaned, arching your back as you felt his lips softly press against your clit.
"So sensitive, and here I thought you were tough" Mihwak tuts as he lightly sucks your clit leaving you unable to respond. "How many rounds can we go? Do I want to make you cum more than once?" Mihawk asked. You laughed a bit at the fact he was asking you about your schedule.
"I-i have all night" you blushed seeing his face curl up into a mischievous grin.
"Good" he said as he continued to eat you out, his lips sucking your bud and his tounge swiping your entrance tasting your sweet juices as they oozed out of you. Your eyes screwed shut as you grew overwhelmed with pleasure, arching your back against the bed and moaning loudly as your fingers tangled themselves in Mihwak's soft, dark locks. You were thanking God for the gift in between your legs every single time his expert tongue dives in and out of you.
"Awe fuck Mihwak~" you moaned as he keps sucking your swollen clit, between his lips and his tounge you were so quick yo feel that familiar pressure build in your stomach. "God- please don't stop" you begged as your moans got increasingly louder and your juices started spilling out as Mihawk licker them up. He pulled away running his hand over his beard to get some of the access cum off, he stared at you with a smirk as you panted loudly recovering from your orgasm.
"Now little Dove~" Mihwak smirks as he places loving kisses on your cheek "now may I fuck you?" He asked, nibbling your neck. "Or do you need a minute?" He smirks as he pulls you close helping you calm from your orgasm, your ass pressed against his massive bulge you blush. "It's okay Darling. Take all the time you need" Mihawk signs, breathing in the scent of your hair.
"I-I'm ready" you mumble, turning over to see him. His eyes look down at you, a bit surprised.
"Good girl" Mihwak smirks. And starts to position himself so he could fuck you. But you stop him from moving with your hand on his chest.
"I want to thank you first" you smirk trailing kisses down his chest and Happy trail. You feel his skin prickle at your touches as you lower his pants watching his cock spring free. "Fuck your so big" you moan just imagining how it will feel when he finally fucks you. "I can't wait" you smirk looking up at him, his eyes are curious as he watches you wiggle your ass up in the air and your mouth swirls around the tip of his cock, Mihwak lets out a throaty groan and grips the sheets next to him. Your eyes look up at him smiling with your beautiful orbs, and you prepare to take him deeper in your mouth. You slow your breathing and slowly take him all the way down to the base of his cock, he watches you absolutely shocked you can fit him in your throat. He smirks looking down at you.
"Well done" he praises as his fingers pet your head "such a good little Dove" he smiles. "Will you gag for me now?" He asks as you slowly begin to Bob your head. He lets out low grunts and groans and pulses inside your mouth, his hands go down to grip your hair and he slowly starts thrusting into your mouth. "Fuck (Y/N)" he grunts as he continues to throat fuck you. As he quickened his pace you can feel tears forming on your lashline you're definitely going to have a sore throat tomorrow. Mihwak's thrusts become more jagged and out of rhythm. It takes all of his willpower to lift you off of his cock so he doesn't cum before he gets a chance to sink into your dripping pussy. "I almost- fuck" Mihwak mutters. "Stay in that position, Dove" he smirks as he gets up off the bed and pulls your hips to the edge of the bed. You feel his cock resting on your ass as he licks his fingers and pumps them in and out of your pussy. "You're so wet for me, My little Dove" he purrs in your ear as he continues to prepare you for his massive size. "Such a good girl~" he praises before taking his fingers out. You moan at the vacancy and can feel the tip of his cock slowly sliding in. You moan softly as he goes deeper, bottoming out at your ass. "Ugh~ fuck your so tight" Mihwak hisses as he slowly begins to thrust into you, you can feel his balls lightly tapping your skin as he creates a steady rhythm. "Oh my God (Y/N)" Mihwak moans this time, which is a bit surprising. But you're too distracted by your own pleasure to tell.
"M-Mihawk" you moan into the bed as his pace quickens.
"Yes Little Dove, say my name while you milk my cock" he growls lowly as he feels you tightening around him, your legs quivering, as you're still getting over your first orgasm.
"Mihawk" you moan again hearing the sound of skin slapping skin.
"Almost there Dove~" he whispers as sweat begins to bead off his chest.
"Oh god Mihawk" you almost scream into the bed as you can feel him release inside you. The sensation of his hot cum pouring into your pussy and his slow thrusts as he emptied himself inside you makes you moan and cum with him. You can feel the mixture of juices already dripping onto your thighs. He grunts while pulling himself out and laying next to you.
"Are you alright? My little Dove?" Mihawk asks, as he pulls you close to him.
"I'm perfect," you mutter, kissing his chest.
"How was your time with the great and powerful warlord Mihwak?" He asks, smirking.
"Mihawk?" You act confused. "I thought I was just fucking some guy in a bar" you smile while he hums admiring your witty comeback.
"Yes. I am just some guy in a bar" he says, placing a soft kiss on your head while holding you close to his body.
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hazzyking · 1 year
Sanji, Buggy, and Mihwak are making me crazy cause they all love in very different ways and it makes my heart full!!! The people who are writing these three dudes are doing amazing and I love all the creators who write these guys ❤️❤️💯
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hazzyking · 1 year
I promise I'm working on part 2 of "just a guy in a bar" and then I'm gonna get my act in order and make a part 2 of "when your not around"
The Mihwak one is honestly easier cause it's a direct continuation. And the Buggy one was so amazing I'm trying to top it or at least make it just as good. And that's the struggle. Sorry 😭😭😭
Also I have these moments where I tell myself I'm a dog shit writer and everything I put out is shit. So I'm battling alot of stuff in my mind palace please be patient 🙏🏻
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